Which of the following tasks can be delegated to an unlicensed assistive personnel UAP )?

1.     A nurse is delegating tasks to the unlicensed assistive personnel

[UAP]. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to the UAP?
Checking NG tube patency Feeding
a client with dysphagia Collecting specimens Suctioning

2.     What questions should the nurse ask when effectively managing care according to client needs and priorities?

3.     What are the steps of disciplinary action for the first infraction when an employee exhibits unacceptable behaviors?

4.     List three [3] skills or tasks that can be delegated to practical nurse [PN].

5.     A client has been referred to hospice for end of life care. What would the nurse include when teaching the client and their family about hospice care?

Answer & Explanation

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ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lec

Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet

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Step-by-step explanation

  1. ongue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesqu

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A patient four days post-appendectomy who complains of sudden warmth and pain at the incision site.

Sudden warmth and pain at an incision site past the 48 hour post op period may indicate infection.

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The UAP should walk hand in hand with the patient with Meniere’s disease. The main characteristic of the disorder is attacks of dizziness that could cause a fall and injury. It is safest to ambulate with them.

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The earliest time is best because eye pressure [which tonometry measures] is highest in the morning. A later time may give a false negative reading.

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Enable an open discussion during a prescheduled meeting.

Do not directly confront the nurse or ask anyone to accommodate her. Instead, use a meeting to bring up the issue and allow her peers to speak positively about the change. Peer pressure can be an effective tool.

The nurse changes a dressing on a client with an abdominal wound with a Penrose drain in place. What priority information should the nurse chart about this procedure?

The time the dressing was changed, a general description of the wound, and the amount of drainage overall.

This includes the best overall picture of drainage and how the wound appears. Time is a factor that allows the next nurse to assess correctly.

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A client two days post op a vaginal hysterectomy who needs to use the bathroom.

A client who has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder needs teaching and assessment by the RN, and the RN should also answer follow-up questions. The LPN can care for the electrolyte imbalance patient who is recovering. The nursing assistant helps with ADLs and therefore can assist the patient to the bathroom.

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Nonmaleficence, as the nurse did not cause harm to the patient.

Nonmaleficence is the principle in which the healthcare worker/nurse does no harm to the patient.

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A client diagnosed with a myocardial infarction complaining of burning on urination.

The reassigned nurse can care for the patient with the UTI. Remember, reassigned nurses need stable patients.

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The UAP tells the patient where each food item is located on the plate by referring to the image of a clock face.

Use a clock-face image for legally blind patients to tell them where things are on a plate or in the room.

What tasks can be delegated to a UAP?

In general, simple, routine tasks such as making unoccupied beds, supervising patient ambulation, assisting with hygiene, and feeding meals can be delegated. But if the patient is morbidly obese, recovering from surgery, or frail, work closely with the UAP or perform the care yourself.

Which task may be safely delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel UAP ]?

Documenting intake/output, assisting with activities of daily living, and performing other routine client care tasks can be safely delegated to the UAP.

What tasks can a UAP perform?

Typical UAP Tasks Common ADLs include bathing and grooming, feeding, dressing, toileting, ambulating, and continence.

Which tasks would the nurse assign to unlicensed assistive personnel UAP ]?

UAP are trained to perform range-of-motion exercises, measure vital signs, and collect a urine specimen. Priority Nursing Tip: The safety of the client is always the nurse's primary concern when delegating nursing tasks. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on the subject, client needs that cannot be met by the UAP.

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