Which of the following address belongs Class A?

"Class A" IPv4 addresses are for very large networks. Please note below important points about Class A network IP addresses.

  • First octet of a "Class A" network IP address is used to identify the "Network part" and the remaining three octets are used to identify a host uniquely within that network.
  • The default structure of a Class A IP address is Network.Host.Host.Host
  • The left-most bit (also called as high-order bit or most-significant bit) of the left most octet of a "Class A" network is reserved as "0".

I strongly suggest you to visit and learn below lessons before you continue learning more about Class A networks and Class A IP addresses.

  • IPv4 Addresses
  • What is subnet mask
  • What is network address
  • Binary Decimal and Hexadecimal numbers and conversions
  • Five layered TCP/IP model
  • Network Layer (Layer 3)
  • IPv4 Protocol, IPv4 header and fields of IPv4 header
  • Media Access Control (MAC) addresses
  • Limited broadcast address
  • Directed broadcast address
  • What is Loopback address

Structure of a Class A IP address

The left-most octet of a Class A network IP address belongs to the network part and remaining three octets belongs to the host part. The structure of a Class A IP address is Network.Host.Host.Host. The default subnet mask of a Class A IP address is

Please refer below image.

Which of the following address belongs Class A?

The number of networks and the number of hosts per class can be derived by this formula −

Which of the following address belongs Class A?

When calculating hosts' IP addresses, 2 IP addresses are decreased because they cannot be assigned to hosts, i.e. the first IP of a network is network number and the last IP is reserved for Broadcast IP.

Class A Address

The first bit of the first octet is always set to 0 (zero). Thus the first octet ranges from 1 – 127, i.e.

Which of the following address belongs Class A?

Class A addresses only include IP starting from 1.x.x.x to 126.x.x.x only. The IP range 127.x.x.x is reserved for loopback IP addresses.

The default subnet mask for Class A IP address is which implies that Class A addressing can have 126 networks (27-2) and 16777214 hosts (224-2).

Class A IP address format is thus: 0NNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH

Class B Address

An IP address which belongs to class B has the first two bits in the first octet set to 10, i.e.

Which of the following address belongs Class A?

Class B IP Addresses range from 128.0.x.x to 191.255.x.x. The default subnet mask for Class B is 255.255.x.x.

Class B has 16384 (214) Network addresses and 65534 (216-2) Host addresses.


Class C Address

The first octet of Class C IP address has its first 3 bits set to 110, that is −

Which of the following address belongs Class A?

Class C IP addresses range from 192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x. The default subnet mask for Class C is 255.255.255.x.

Class C gives 2097152 (221) Network addresses and 254 (28-2) Host addresses.


Class D Address

Very first four bits of the first octet in Class D IP addresses are set to 1110, giving a range of −

Which of the following address belongs Class A?

Class D has IP address range from to Class D is reserved for Multicasting. In multicasting data is not destined for a particular host, that is why there is no need to extract host address from the IP address, and Class D does not have any subnet mask.

Class E Address

This IP Class is reserved for experimental purposes only for R&D or Study. IP addresses in this class ranges from to Like Class D, this class too is not equipped with any subnet mask.

Which of the following is Class A address?

Class A networks use a default subnet mask of 255.0. 0.0 and have 0-127 as their first octet. The address 10.52. 36.11 is a class A address.

What is the range of Class A?

Designing Your IP Addressing Scheme.

What are the 4 types of IP address?

An internet protocol (IP) address allows computers to send and receive information. There are four types of IP addresses: public, private, static, and dynamic.

What are classes of IP address?

IP Address Table.