Which is an example of an effective self

Is there a correlation between employee retention and self-performance reviews? The fact is that 85% of employees would consider quitting after an unfair self-appraisal. This is why checking out quality self-performance review examples beforehand is essential.

It is not always simple for managers to determine how their employees rate their job performance and productivity. The good news is that addressing this issue is straightforward—include a self-performance review in the company's annual employee evaluation.

Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work. When communication between team members and their employers is a two-way street, business tends to run more smoothly and staff becomes more engaged in the workplace.  

There are certain things you must know to show the best self-performance review examples for employees.

First, we will explain what self-performance reviews are and why they are crucial to a business. Then, we discuss the different types of performance appraisal. Finally, we address self-assessment and its crucial role in the workplace.


  1. What is performance review and why is it important?
  2. What is a self-performance review?
  3. 3 Benefits of self-performance review
  4. Best self-performance review examples
  5. After the self-performance review 
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ: Self-Performance Review Templates

What is performance review and why is it important?

A performance review is a way for managers to assess the work of their employees and highlight areas that can be improved in the future. 

This systematic process objectively measures an employee's achievements over a certain period. Evaluations involve recognizing people’s strengths and weaknesses, supplying them with feedback and helping them set future performance goals. 

The objective is to show employees what they are doing well and align their skills with company expectations. Ultimately, this will create well-rounded employees who live up to their potential. 

With a focus on accurate evaluation and improvement, performance reviews must be structured in a certain way, using a specific process. Companies may rely on a performance review template to follow this process accordingly.

Why conduct performance reviews?

Highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability. The most successful businesses make employee engagement a core business strategy value. Highly engaged employees come to work each day involved, passionate, present and energetic. 

Increasing employee engagement can be achieved with regular check-ins and feedback. Actually, 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback once a week. 

Performance reviews are an important way to promote professional development within a company. They allow employees to be recognized. In fact, 37% of employees say that they feel more encouraged to produce better work if they receive more personal recognition. 

Here are a few principal reasons why these evaluations are vital for creating a symbiotic business environment. 

  1. Allow for suggestions

The first step is to create an environment that promotes open conversation and feedback between all employees and management. During regular reviews, a business gives its employees a platform to voice their opinion and make suggestions regarding their work.

This is important because four out of ten employees receiving little feedback reportedly disengaged from their work. 

Constructive feedback is all about providing useful observations, guidance, or suggestions for the recipient's work. As a result, people may become faster, improve behaviors in the workplace and gain fresh insights. 

  1. Enhance performance

When employees are aware of company expectations, they are more likely to perform according to goals and standards. This is where performance evaluation comes to play. It ensures that everyone is on the same page as they all work toward a similar objective. 

Productivity is enhanced in 12.5% of staff after being reviewed by management. The best performing staff and the staff that may be lacking in some areas need evaluation to live up to their true potential in a workplace. 

  1. Deliver guidance for improvements

Performance reviews often reveal that not all employees are up to par regarding their work. Identifying team members and areas of work that should be improved is only half the battle. 

After recognizing any weak spots in a business, it is essential to deliver guidance on how to refine these weaknesses. Lead staff in the right direction by laying out a clear and precise plan to polish their capabilities. 

  1. Determine training focuses 

Job training is a way to keep up with the constantly changing world of technology and business. Performance reviews help target the areas that need to be trained. Coaching a team with a specific skill set can prepare them for future projects.

Quality development can provide the tools needed to equip a company and its workers for any challenges they may have. 

  1. Set goals 

Goal setting is fundamental for professional growth within a company. Choosing these goals and relaying them to employees is a key aspect of the performance appraisal system. Seeing eye to eye on all company goals—long and short-term—can skyrocket a business's success. 

Image source: iStock

Different types of performance reviews 

Today, there are many ways to perform appraisals based on a team's achievements. Performance evaluations can be used situationally, depending on variables such as company performance, employee relationships, and employee knowledge and experience. 

Choosing the right performance review systems can be challenging, given the number of options available. Performance reviews can often be well-rounded by combining two or more of the available performance review systems.

Here are some of the most common examples:

  • Self-performance reviews

Conducted annually or quarterly. Permit team members to reflect on their own job-related experiences to help shape a better future employee. Engage staff and permit them to contribute.

  • Annual reviews

Happen yearly and focus on the bigger picture keeping in mind the company's achievements as a whole.

  • Mid-year reviews

Completed twice a year and evaluated progress with room for improvement for the second half of the term.

  • Peer reviews

Annual assessments are created for strong and trusted teams who can assess co-workers in a constructive way that enhances a sense of community.

  • 90-day review

Occurs roughly three months into the start of a new position. 90 day review template addresses any questions or concerns about the job description and onboarding process at a given company.

  • 360 Performance review

Uses 360 degree feedback from all managers and employees to encompass all aspects of performance and generate a well-rounded inquiry about an individual.

What is a self-performance review?

Being one of the most common types of work assessments used within today’s workforce, a self-performance review is a chance for an employee to evaluate their work and overall job performance at a company. 

Self-performance reviews are usually done annually through an employee’s written interpretation of their successes and weak points. A balanced self-assessment includes segments such as strengths, weaknesses, core values, accomplishments, goals and feedback. 

The modern worker is more autonomous than in the past. They often find more value in feedback when it comes from within themselves. As a part of this self-assessment process, auto-performance reviews are incredibly valuable from a business perspective. 

Image source: Depositphotos

3 Benefits of self-performance review

  1. Offer employees a voice
    A key advantage of the self-assessment is the open communication between management and staff. This opportunity gives team members a stage to voice their opinion and allows them to be heard. Opening this line of communication can lead to stronger trust and partnership between supervisors and associates.
  2. Identify gaps in performance
    It's not always simple for a business to identify which aspects of the job are lackluster and need improvement. Permitting staff to gauge their self-evaluation helps identify areas that need further inspection. Without this opportunity, some underlying issues can go unnoticed.
  3. Engage team members
    When team member completes their self-assessment they become engaged as part of the collaborative performance at a company. The sense of being a key aspect of a business can improve an employee's value as an essential component in the workplace and contribute to higher productivity.

A well-structured self-performance review involves each team member being critical and reflective of themselves without dismissing their professional strengths and achievements. Stating facts and specifics can help strengthen their argument and show that they know the ins and outs of the business.

Self-awareness and auto-direction are crucial factors needed to write a self-evaluation. Staff should always mention both positive and negative attributes of their work performance. These strengths and challenges can be grouped into skill sections.

  • Leadership
  • Team Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Productivity
  • Achieving KPIs
  • Initiative & innovation

The most important thing for a business to keep an eye out for during the self-evaluation is that the employee is being reflective and honest about their work. Are they being objective? Have they demonstrated the skills and awareness needed for future improvement? 

Here are some self-performance review examples that can be used as a helpful guideline to what is to be expected from each employee during their self-assessments.


Can they effectively and efficiently run a team while giving direction and guidance? 


  • I count on my actions to really show my effectiveness in the workplace.
  • I guide my team members by example. 
  • This behavior includes helping other team members with challenges they may face to demonstrate that their personal and professional development is important to me.


  • Team spirit and collaboration could be a more prominent ideology that I portray within team meetings. 
  • We tend to have regular collaborative reports, but they could use a greater focus on the company culture and values. 
  • Sometimes, these aspects of the corporate environment tend to fall to the wayside and are masked by other project tasks.

Team collaboration

How are they seen by their co-workers? Do they have a successful collaboration with their team? Are their work relationships strong and professional? Can they manage to work in a partnership? 


  • It is apparent that my ability to work in a team environment has been a valuable asset during this period. 
  • I have collaborated with my team, as well as other team members, to create a symbiotic business relationship. 
  • Adding creative and unique ideas to each meeting has earned me respect with my co-workers. 
  • My professional relationships are respectful and cooperative.
  • I am constantly improving my communication skills to improve my team collaboration.


  • I do have many creative ideas and I occasionally take up a lot of time during team meetings that could otherwise be used by my fellow employees to share their opinions and proposals. 
  • I need to give others sufficient time and space to equally contribute to the conversation and team structure. 
  • I am learning that it is not always necessary to be the loudest voice at each meeting.


Are they able to solve problems constructively in a creative way? What are their problem-solving skills in the workplace?


  • One of my greatest attributes to the company is my ability to solve problems efficiently. 
  • My problem-solving process involves multiple perspectives and points of view that assist me when separating an issue into smaller, more manageable chunks. This helps me analyze the situation with a closer look at each individual part. 
  • I believe it is important to fully understand the problem by listening to expert opinions from my team and fellow field members. 
  • Asking questions is always a crucial part of solving problems.


  • If an important call needs to be made on the spot, I am known to become a little anxious.
  • I often go straight to other people for the answer rather than attempt to problem solve myself. 
  • I need to make more of an effort to prioritize issues that are of higher importance so that I can effectively solve them within the allotted time frame.
  • I lack proper communication skills when encountering stressful and conflicting situations.


What tasks was the team member assigned and were they finished on time? What setbacks did this person have that could have affected their own performance? Is there anything that can be changed to boost their future productivity? How good are they with time management


  • I intentionally organize my work to cultivate productivity.
  • I create an order for the tasks that I complete and I can prioritize jobs based on time and importance. 
  • Accomplishing my professional tasks is at the top of my daily to-do list.


  • Even though I am thorough when it comes to my job, I often have trouble with time management. This often means that I stay late at the office to finish all the work I was meant to do that day. 
  • To improve this aspect of my productivity, I plan to assign a specific amount of time to each task so that I can complete them more punctually.

Achieving KPIs

How successfully can the personnel reach a set target? Can this individual effectively achieve their goals? How often do they miss the mark when it comes to meeting the company's organizational objectives?


  • I exceeded my target production goal by 13% this past year using innovative methods that align with company objectives and standards.
  •  I attracted clients by having open communication and matched my work to the KPIs set by the company. 
  • I review the set KPIs regularly to ensure that they line up with my job performance. 


  • Although target production was met, I spotted a decrease in sales during the last quarter of the term due to market instability. 
  • In the future, I will adapt my strategy to handle these unpredictable occurrences and have a plan in place if this situation were to recur.

Initiative and innovation

How creative and fresh are the employee's ideas? What new aspects do they bring to the table? Is this person contributing to the company in a way that helps the business be more successful? 


  • I consistently bring new ideas to the table at work. 
  • Sharing my ideas with my team and brainstorming to be prepared for our meetings are of great importance to me. 
  • This company’s advancement is my main priority because it is directly related to my personal advancement and achievements. It’s a win-win situation for all of us.


  • I like to mastermind many ideas and I sometimes believe that the proposals I envision are not up to par with the ideas of other, more experienced employees. 
  • I tend to convince myself that my plans should not always be shared because others have more credibility in a certain job area. 
  • I would like to boost my confidence to help me feel that my ideas can be beneficial to the company.

After the self-performance review 

After a performance review, employees must be given some direction on the next steps they can take to improve their role and their work. This is where the HR department steps in to manage future training and help set clear goals for said member.

What can HRs do to support people and help them grow further?

Having a well-trained HR department is vital to the proper administration of the performance management system within a company. This business sector is responsible for the development and fulfillment of the roles of each employee at their workplace.

If an employee has fallen short of reaching company goals, performance improvement plans—PIP is a great way for HRs to support these individuals to grow and boost their overall performance.

PIP can be implemented for all employees, ranging from newer staff who are unclear of their exact role to those who fail to meet expectations time and time again.

The conclusion of a performance appraisal is a perfect time to discuss new opportunities for advancement—whether it be increasing salaries, implementing new training programs or upgrading an employee's position.

This is a time to check in with each individual and assure that they are satisfied with their own performance review process and its future work implications.

Final thoughts

Professional development goals can be accomplished through the addition of a thorough self-evaluation and self-assessment review of company associates. Self-review can assist team members by giving them an outlet to share their thoughts and opinions about their work directly with managers and hire-ups.

To write their own self-assessment, one must self-reflect on their productivity and ability to meet company goals and standards. By reviewing their job responsibilities, an employee becomes more self-aware and engaged in the company as a whole.

Career progression and company success are directly related to how the staff feels about their role and advancement within their position.

Creating a collaborative environment where individuals can learn and grow through constructive feedback and encouragement should be an objective of all employers. Collaboration of separate company parts as an entity can increase productivity by offering employees a voice, identifying gaps in performance and engaging staff.

FAQ: Self-Performance Review Templates

What should be written in a self-performance review sample?

A self-performance review sample should include your basic information and several statements with your evaluation of the past performance, including both strengths and challenges. Here are a few examples:

  • I guide my team members by example. 
  • I create an order for the tasks that I complete and I can prioritize jobs based on time and importance. 
  • I often go straight to other people for the answer rather than attempt to problem solve myself. 

What should a self-performance review say?

A self-performance review is a chance for you to evaluate your work and overall job performance at a company. A balanced self-assessment includes segments such as strengths, weaknesses, core values, accomplishments, goals and feedback. 

What are the examples of self

38 self-assessment examples for you to use.
Questions on achievements..
Questions on goals..
Questions on advancement and professional growth..
Questions on creativity..
Questions on communication skills..
Questions on time management..
Questions on values and behaviors..
Questions on weaknesses..

What should I write in my appraisal comments?

Positive self appraisal comments.
I have a clear understanding of what I am expected to do as a part of my role..
I understand the value my work is able to contribute to the overall organizational success..
I was able to meet 80% of my OKRs in the last quarter..
I stay updated on the latest trends and insights in my field..

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