Where are playlists stored Samsung music?

Recently my Samsung Galaxy S9 upgraded to Android 10, and Google Play Music stopped showing album art [among the other problems like occasionally losing playlists], so I moved to Samsung Music. I've been using MusicBee for several years and several phones, but now when I try to sync the playlists/music, I'm having problems.

I'm trying to sync the music to the SD card, and I don't really care where the playlists go.

- Using the storage path SM-G960U1\Card\ with PLA, and sending the playlist to device, I get the error:
"Copy Failed - A device attached to the system is not functions. [Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007001F]"
for the playlist, and the SD card becomes unreachable until I disconnect/reconnect the phone.

- If I set the playlist type to M3U, I successfully get a playlist on the device. When accessed in MusicBee's device menu, I can play the list, and it shows me the music files in the location SM-G960U1\Card\Music\... The M3U file is in the Playlist directory on the SD card, as intended.

- The problem here is that the Samsung Music app detects the playlist, but not any of the music, so it shows up empty. If I open the playlist file, the music files are listed in \Music, without any reference to the SD card, so I assume it's looking in the phone main memory. Other older M3U files in that same directory [from previous versions of MusicBee?] have some sort of reference to the SD card, but not this one.

Thanks for any ideas. I would think this is a pretty common setup.

John S.

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