What are benefits of being a good listener?

Everyone wants to be heard but not many want to listen. When you are a good listener, you stand to gain a lot.

1. People would trust you more when they know you would listen to them. You stand to gain peoples trust when you are a good listener.

2. When you listen to people, you would learn more about them. You understand better how they reason and you get to learn deeper things about them that they probably didnt tell you.

3. When you are a good listener people would listen to you, not really because they are good listeners but because you listen to them.

4. Everyone likes good listeners. People would like you more and have confidence in you when you listen.

5. You build better relationships with people when you listen. A lot of relationships have issues because one or both partners arent listening.

6. Listening makes communication effective. Communication has to do with talking and listening, and without listening communication is ineffective.

7. Being a good listener teaches you to be patient with people, to tolerate them better and to have meaningful relationship with them.

8. With listening to people, you learn to solve problems; you become open to ideas and opportunities.

Listening makes things easier; it comes with a lot of benefits, but many are unwilling to explore it.



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