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What makes us think that students who study abroad become fluent?

He was able to delay the trial for a year by tendering an affidavit that a crucial witness was abroad.

Economic fluctuations and pressures from abroad were simultaneously recognized by all participants as requiring some sort of response.

When deployed abroad they were merely expensive ; when stationed at home during peacetime - the 'standing army ' - they were a fundamental threat to domestic liberty.

One factor, which will influence this, is the proportion of cases which are acquired abroad during the holiday season, and this probably varies by country.

The problem was that the traditional policy had been endangered by the ideological developments of the 1840s, abroad and at home.

Thereafter, events at home and abroad only added to complexity and contradiction.

Even when they could, most shopped abroad anyway, often for reasons of quality.

However, political parties remain among the weakest components of the democratisation process and the least assisted from abroad.

A substantial number have transnational ties with groups of similar purpose abroad.

Among adults aged 20 -40 years, travelling abroad was associated with illness.

However, concerns about its microbiological safety still exist, with notable milkborne outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease occurring both at home and abroad in recent years.

An investigation and prosecution would clearly implicate members of the regime and undermine its support at home and abroad.

Not only was domestic demand underdeveloped at this point ; promotion abroad also reflected a need for foreign exchange.

However, much of the profits of coffee production were sent abroad.

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Not only were they uncertain of the future evolution of monetary policy overseas, they were ill-informed of developments at home.

This argument led back to the king's initial assessment that overseas trade could not succeed without the protection of a potent navy.

The effect of cutting commitments 'overseas' on the balance of payments was another motivation.

The supply comes from both local and overseas sources with a complexity of water resources, treatment technologies and distribution networks.

For example, the editors are centrally concerned with exploring the ' tensions of empire ', especially the contradiction between practising democracy at home and authoritarianism overseas.

Local and regional organizations have similar overseas links.

Furthermore, the general improvement in levels of imperial trade masked important regional variations between overseas territories and within individual colonies.

They make smaller transactions, deal in fewer and usually lower-value commodities, and have no overseas markets or sources of financing.

And because the frame was facility dependent, the strings, resonators and beaters would be easily disassembled and collapsed for overseas travel.

Cases who had been overseas shortly before becoming unwell were not excluded.

This huge difference directs our attention to the third cluster of motives behind the overseas business expansion, the dubious ones.

It was entirely in keeping with his outlook that he should have approached overseas enterprise in an almost reckless frame of mind.

In particular in times of war, investments in overseas commerce were simply too risky.

Most empirical studies of currency substitution have focused on the preference for foreign currency deposits [whether held domestically or overseas] while excluding notes in circulation.

In its first stage, voyages were closely linked to political demarcation of boundaries overseas.

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