trashbags là gì - Nghĩa của từ trashbags

trashbags có nghĩa là

Trash bag is an Australian invented word, but a global concept. A
Trash bag is one who engages in excessive behaviour while partying, and
generally makes a disgrace of themselves - in a good way.

True trash bagging doesn't involve just alcohol. It is a way of life. On
a night out, a Trash bag should participate in at least 5 of the

*Drinking at least a bottle of wine or cheap champagne BEFORE leaving
the house

*Drinking more than 10 jagerbombs

*Eating in at least three of the major fast food outlets in the course
of one evening

*Starting up deep conversations with randoms while waiting in the
toilet queue.

*Dancing on any available table, not discriminating against pool tables
of course.

*Requesting so many songs that the music is like your own play list, and
the dj hates you.

*Screaming I LOVE THIS SONG for every song.

*Having the bouncers, bar staff and dj all know you at your local

*Putting your bags on the floor and dancing around them so you have
more movement.

*Inventing new dance moves, such as the moose, the elephant

*Bringing out old dance moves such as the monkey, the nut bush or the

*Clearing the dance floor and getting strange looks from everyone that's
not you

*Taking a hip flask of vodka in your handbag or jacket

*Writing things on yourself and everyone around you

*Telling random people that they're hot. And more importantly, that you

*Drinking Smirnoff blacks because they have 1.9 standard drinks, or
Coopers Sparkling, cause it is 5.9% alcohol.

*Taking at least 60 photos of yourself

*Taking photos of yourself and your friends on the toilet.

*Sucking face with a random on the dance floor. And then another. And
another. And, well, you get the picture...

*Starting drinking at 3pm

*Continuing till the next afternoon

*Wearing a skirt so short you need to wear shorts [or special undies]

*Staying somewhere till you get kicked out, then catching a cab to
somewhere else that's 5mins down the road.

*Walking out of a club and the sun is up, the birds are chirping, and
noticing that the person you've been suck facing is not as attractive as
you thought.

*Being that person on their way home as people are jogging, and going
to work/school.

*Doing the walk of shame, either home or out of the club, with shoes in

*Choosing a corner to dance in so you can dance like mo fos in your own

*Crying/stacking it/booting/all three

*Sustaining an unidentified party injury

*Making emotional phone calls to friends you haven't spoken to in a
while. Or worse, family.

*Getting into serious conversations with cab drivers that end with you
mocking and insulting them.

*Pre drinks before going out is not an idea, it is a necessity


'did you see that trashbag tap skulling goon in the toilets?'

trashbags có nghĩa là

Generally is used in a derogatory manner to describe a situation or a person's attitude.


That's pretty trashbag.
Why would you hang out with them if they're so trashbag?

trashbags có nghĩa là

A trashy female, who sleeps with a guy to get rides, food, a place to sleep, or alcohol/vices; generally arriving or being picked up with one or more trashbags full all of of her clothing and other random found items. ; one who barters sexual favors for rides or alcohol/vices.


Can someone please tell Eric to quit bringing trashbags home! Ugh. I hope she finds a ride to the casino soon so we can lock her out.

trashbags có nghĩa là

A Trashbag is an individual who drinks too much alcohol which results in them doing many things they regret. Often trashbags are also sluts, this is because they get so drunk that they do not know what they are doing. Often you will find trashbags vomiting or performing sexual acts in the bathroom. You know your friend is a trashbag when the next day they blame their actions on the alcohol, drugs, you, someone else, or if people are pretending not to be their friend. A trashbag will forever remain the butt of all jokes.


X: "OMG Aoife is so drunk, she hooked up with Lukes younger brother and then she got his digits." Y: "OMG Aoife is such a trashbag, Lukes younger brother isn't even legal... she has like no dignity and no self respect... she is not my friend!" X: "I know righttttt? She is verging on becoming a prostitute" Y: "End of friendship"

trashbags có nghĩa là

A word once used to mean "Garbage Bag", which has now changed meanings. Now it is used to represent Ravers after a huge night out. "Cough E`s Cough" are a big part of the picture.


1."Mr Gary sir?, you are a dirty dirty dirty Trashbag."

2."Lets go out for a Trashbag night!"

trashbags có nghĩa là

Someone who is a complete and utter whore. They live in piles of shit, and they like to kick puppies for fun. How cruel.


Blake: Oh mahh gahh, she is SUCH a trashbag.

trashbags có nghĩa là

verb. To have a girl give you oral sex, even though you are not interested in her, finish in her mouth, make sure she swallows and to gently send her away. Can also be used as Trashbagged.


1. I didn't find any attractive girls at the party but I went trashbagging on this girl that was into me. 2. I trashbagged this Ho that was all over me.

trashbags có nghĩa là

A girl that is a dumb, butt-ass ugly, fat, jealous whore who will attempt to choch-block you because she wants your man. She tries to make you miserable but really you know she is just fat, ugly, and jelly of you.


Person A - I can not believe that Barbra chick got you kicked out of the club!
Person B - Yeah I know! She is just a fucking fat TRASHBAG that wants my man.
Person C - "Barbara Streisand....Wooooohoohoohooooo"

trashbags có nghĩa là

An exclamation of disbelieve or disdain for a situation or a moment in time. Analogous to yelling "dang!", "garbage!", or "rats!" when a situation agitates.


"Trashbags! I forgot to hand in my Bio essay"

"Transh bags on a rod, Bill. Learn to clean up your chicken bones when you have KFC!"

trashbags có nghĩa là

An individual, usually a female, who parties excessively, sometimes for days at a time. Generally under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol [possibly even drugs]. Trashbags engage in crazy behaviour that is considered socially unacceptable to boring non-trashbag people but don't give a damn because they always have fun. In order to measure the extent of a true Trashbag you would have to take into consideration:
1. How long they have been 'trashbagging it'.
2. How crazy they are or have been whilst 'trashbagging it'.
3. How devoted they are to the art of Trashbagging. Some Trashbag activities may include passing out in your car, vomiting on police officers shoes, hooking up with various hot footy players, waking up in hospital with no recollection of how you got there or even who you are and engaging in sex pest behaviour. Trashbags always know everyone on the 'scene'. They are always popular and regularly brought up in conversations because of the latest interesting activities they've participated in and they are loads of fun. A true Trashbag will have the word 'TRASHBAG' tattooed somewhere on their body, generally down the side of the index finger.


Girl 1: "Do you know Kimmy?" Girl 2: "Of course, she's a true Trashbag!"

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