the universitys là gì - Nghĩa của từ the universitys

the universitys có nghĩa là

Once a mechanism whereby smart people could raise themselves above humble beginnings and obtain a worthwhile qualification indicating a high probability of being employable. Now a complete con to get kids with high hopes into insurmountable amounts of debt before they even think about buying a house.. then they discover that the job they trained for was entirely fictitious, and they'll have to take any job they can get. At this point, they realise they should have gone into benefit fraud and drug dealing like all their "stupid" friends, who now have houses, cars and big screen TVs.


John always did well in his school classes, and did three A-Levels and got good grades. He went to uni for three years which put him about £30,000 in debt. When he finished his course he found that his degree counted for very little, since he had no experience and the other 400 job applicants also had degrees. He took a job as a sales rep with Coca-Cola, but got fired when he went to an interview for a better job. Meanwhile the cost of living rose exponentially, and by the age of 24, John's debts stood at around £45,000. This was before he even got a mortgage. A couple of years afterwards he divorced his wife on the grounds of infidelity, but she got custody of the kids, and now he doesn't even get to see them despite paying atrocious amounts of child support. Welcome to Blair's Britain.

the universitys có nghĩa là

Institution which, with a bit of luck, can just about manage to undo half of a percent of the damage wrought by school.


She's made it to university. There's hope for her yet.

the universitys có nghĩa là

basically very expensive day care for young adults


mum: have fun at university son,and don't forget your lunch
and i don't want you playing with that john kid he's a bad influence on you. son: yes mum, can i go round and play at sam's after my class's finish . mum: yes but be home in time for dinner.

the universitys có nghĩa là

1. A respectable means of gaining knowledge and becoming more employable through hard work, therefore aiding humanity in becoming a smarter, more advanced species.

2. Something most people waste a large portion of their life at solely to save face, being that most people are thoughtless sheep who'll do whatever it takes to be accepted by society and are uninspired in general having absolutely no personal aspirations.


1. "I'm very interested in philosophy and wish to endure a life long career in the field so that I can enjoy the thought provoking concepts that are bound to surface, hence making my existence both a more enjoyable and meaningful experience."

2. "I guess I'll study philosophy... It's taught at university so whatever. My parents want me to go and people consider it prestigious so I'll spend six years of my life and 140k doing it. That'll certainly get people to think I'm smart."

the universitys có nghĩa là

All there is.

This is a flexable term, which once was used for what we now call the solar system. Later, it was used for what we call the Milky Way. Now it is used for the sum total of all the galaxies, of which appears to be about ten billion of them.


The more we learn, the larger our universe seems to get.

the universitys có nghĩa là

possibly the BIGGEST mistake ever made period!


Hitchhiker's Guide: In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

the universitys có nghĩa là

A place u go with the sole purpose of education. Somehow, u get sidetracked and just end up drinking, getting laid, take advantage of unemployment, and writing massive amounts of research papers that have little to do with your ability to perform a job more efficiently.


"Lets go out tonight, i just go to the university tomorrow anyways".

the universitys có nghĩa là

Universism is a religious philosophy which aims to unite freethinkers, whether they use the term Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, Transcendentalist, Pantheist, Scientific Materialist or other to describe their beliefs. Universism posits that religious philosophy should not be conceived in terms of one's views toward God, but rather the method and attitude with which one approaches religious questions. Universists embrace uncertainty and deem it fundamental to human progress.


Universists believe all meaning and purpose should be understood through personal reason and experience, without resort to faith.

the universitys có nghĩa là

is a Discord Server that combines all people and clans from all communitys possible.
The name Universals because it should unite everyone possible. The offical founder is BillalAi.
Admins were and are:


A: "Can you invite to the Universals?"
BillalAi: "Wait gotta j*rk off first."

the universitys có nghĩa là

1: A religion where the adherents don't belong to one single religion, and more than likely pulls their beliefs from many different sources. 2: A religion where the adherents come up with their own personal philosophy. Universal Universalism is an anarchist religion, compared to UUism, a liberal religion. One is not required to be an anarchist to be a Universal Universalist, it's just that the religion doesn't have any political leanings. The short word for Universal Universalism is UnUnism(pronounced Yoon-Yoonism), due to UUism already being taken.


I don't know what that Universal Universalist believes... He professes some religion called Universal Universalism... Weird...