The __________ topology, where nodes connect to a hub, is the most common type used today.

Network topology is defined as the physical arrangement through which various endpoints and links in an enterprise network communicate with each other. This article covers an in-depth explanation of network topology, its different types, and the best practices for selecting the ideal topology for your organization.

What Is Network Topology?

Network topology is a physical arrangement through which various endpoints and links in an enterprise network communicate with each other.

Organizations use network topology to define how their network nodes are linked to each other. The two major categories of topology are physical and logical. Physical network topology refers to the structure of the physical medium for data transmission. On the other hand, logical network topology refers to how the network transmits data between devices, regardless of how these devices are connected physically.

The structure of a network can directly impact its functioning. Therefore, companies must select the most suitable topology for their network to bolster performance and enhance data efficiency. The right topology also optimizes resource allocation and minimizes operational costs.

Additionally, network topology diagrams allow IT teams to diagnose problems related to connectivity, investigate high latency, and troubleshoot other network issues. Finally, the network topology is useful when determining how different telecommunication networks should be configured, allowing tech personnel to set up computer networks, industrial field buses, and command and control radio networks correctly.

Different types of network topologies exist, and businesses can choose the one that best suits their requirements by considering the size, budget, and goals of their organization.

Before finalizing the network topology design, a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of the network is crucial. Once that is accomplished, a network topology mapping software can generate topology diagrams that provide a visual overview of the network environment. Such software would also be useful for visualizing the way devices connect, which can help IT teams identify the most efficient topology.

Once a network arrangement is chosen, the next steps would be to implement the selected network topology, automate it, continuously monitor its performance, and troubleshoot any problems that may arise. Here, configuration management tools, topology design software, and network management solutions can be beneficial.

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Types of Network Topology

Some common physical network topologies used by organizations include point to point, bus, ring, star, tree, mesh, and hybrid topology networks. Each type consists of different node and link configurations and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Point to point topology

Point to point is a simple topology that directly links two nodes and reserves the entire bandwidth of the connection for them to communicate with one another. Physically, point-to-point connections rely on a cable or wire that connects the two endpoints. However, logical topological connections using satellite links and microwaves are more common nowadays.

Point to Point Topology

A basic example of a point-to-point connection is changing the temperature of an air conditioning unit using a remote control. 

Benefits of Point to Point Topology Challenges of Point to Point Topology
  • Superior bandwidth, as only two nodes use the link
  • High speed when compared to other types of network topologies
  • Simple to implement
  • Easy to maintain and handle
  • Low instances of latency
  • Only applicable for small areas with nodes physically close to each other
  • High dependence on the common link; if the link fails, the network goes down
  • Only useful if the network has two nodes; thus, not applicable for many modern use cases

2. Bus topology

In a bus topology, all the nodes are linked using a single cable with a terminator on both ends. This configuration sees one main cable acting as the backbone for the whole network.

Bus Topology

In such an arrangement, the server node transmits data from one end of the cable and in a single direction to the client node. As the data travels to each node, its destination address [MAC/IP] is checked to see if it is received and processed. If there is a mismatch in the address, the node does not do anything with the data. 

This way, only the node that recognizes its address uses the data that travels on the single cable, while the other nodes are unaffected. Once the data reaches the end of the cable, the terminator removes it to prevent signal bouncing.

Benefits of Bus Topology Challenges of Bus Topology
  • Easy to add new devices and replace or remove existing devices without affecting other devices connected to the network
  • Failure in a few devices does not affect other devices, or the network
  • Less cable is required when compared to other network topologies such as mesh and star; the cable can be extended easily whenever required
  • Device failure and other network faults are difficult to locate in the network
  • Damage to the backbone cable can bring the entire network to a halt
  • Increase in the bandwidth consumption of a few devices can affect the performance of the whole network
  • Slower operations, as only one node transmits data at a time
  • Low privacy, as all nodes receive the signal sent by the server
  • Data loss over long distances

3. Ring topology

In a ring topology, each node is linked with its neighbor to form a closed network. This configuration sees the data move from one node to another, either unidirectionally or bidirectionally. Such network topology is used in smaller networks, like those in schools.

Ring Topology

Many ring networks use token passing to regulate data flow. In such an arrangement, a token is transferred from one device to the next, and only the node with the token can transmit data. The device that receives the data from the token sends it back to the server along with an acknowledgment. Only an endpoint with access to an ’empty’ token can transmit data at a given time, while the other computers have to wait for their turn.

Benefits of Ring Topology Challenges of Ring Topology
  • Circular flow of data minimizes packet collision
  • Unidirectional ring topologies feature high-speed data transmission
  • Robust system–can handle a high number of nodes and heavy traffic
  • Lower chances of data loss over long distances
  • Faults are located more easily, making troubleshooting efficient
  • A single failure in the cable can disrupt overall network operations
  • Unidirectional ring networks see data packets pass through numerous nodes before reaching their destination
  • Adding, modifying, or removing nodes is difficult and can disrupt network activity

4. Star topology

In a star topology, all nodes are connected to a central hub using a communication link. Each node needs a separate wire to establish a point-to-point connection with the hub, which functions as a server to control and manage the entire network.

Star Topology

In such a configuration, if one endpoint wants to transmit data to another endpoint, it must send the request to the central hub, forwarding the message to the intended recipient.

Benefits of Star Topology Challenges of Star Topology
  • Easy network maintenance and management since each node has its own cable
  • Failures affect only one device and problem areas are located swiftly
  • Adding new devices is simple and straightforward
  • Rapid data transfer
  • Choosing the right central hub is vital, as this device needs to be compatible with all nodes and links in the network
  • Higher requirement of cables and connectors
  • Failure of the central hub brings down the entire network

5. Tree topology

In a tree topology, nodes are arranged in a configuration that resembles a tree’s leaves, branches, and trunk. Endpoints, or ‘leaves,’ are connected to mid-level nodes or ‘branches’ linked to the tree’s ‘trunk.’ The trunk is the backbone connection that links multiple mid-level nodes.

Tree Topology

Tree topologies are suitable for large networks such as offices, university campuses, and hospitals.

Benefits of Tree Topology Challenges of Tree Topology
  • Ideal for nodes that are grouped together
  • Superior scalability; more nodes and hierarchies can be added without disrupting the existing network
  • In case of damage to one part of the network, other nodes and hierarchies remain unaffected
  • Swift and easy fault identification and maintenance
  • High-speed data transfer among nodes in one hierarchy
  • Large volume of cabling and numerous hubs are required
  • Difficult to configure and maintain
  • Failure of the central backbone [trunk] brings the entire network down

6. Mesh topology

In a mesh topology, all the nodes are interconnected and can send and receive their data and relay data from other nodes. 

Mesh Topology

Full mesh networks, wherein each node is connected to every other node, are usually reserved for critical networks as they are extremely costly to implement and challenging to maintain. IT teams also have the option of implementing partial mesh networks, wherein all the nodes are not connected. This is less cost-intensive and easier to implement; however, it does not have all the advantages of a full mesh network.

Benefits of Mesh topology Challenges of Mesh Topology
  • Extremely robust and redundant, as any node or link failure, affects a minimum number of endpoints
  • Highly efficient data transfer due to dedicated point-to-point links for all devices
  • Robust security and privacy
  • Swift fault identification
  • Requires many cables and input/output [I/O] ports
  • Time-consuming installation and maintenance
  • Cost-intensive

7. Hybrid topology

A hybrid network topology, as the name suggests, features characteristics of multiple other topologies. The creation of such a configuration depends on the requirement of the network.

Hybrid Topology

Two most commonly used hybrid topologies are star-ring and star-bus. In the former, the central hubs of multiple star topologies are linked using a ring topology. In the latter, the hubs of numerous star topologies are connected using a bus topology.

Benefits of Hybrid Topology Challenges of Hybrid Topology
  • Combines the advantages of multiple topologies
  • Can be tailor-made to suit specific network requirements
  • Highly flexible and scalable if implemented correctly
  • Depending on the configuration, such a network can be resource-intensive to create and maintain
  • Potentially complicated design that could make troubleshooting difficult
  • Requires compatible cabling and other hardware for inter-topology links

8. Daisy chain topology

Finally, the daisy chain topology links nodes in a sequence. Data is transferred from one node to the next until it reaches its destination. The two types of a daisy chain network topology are linear daisy chain and ring daisy chain.

Linear Daisy Chain Network Topology

In the former, devices are linked in a straight line with two ‘ends,’ similar to a bus topology. In the latter, a ‘ring’ of devices is formed. Ring daisy chain topologies are usually more favorable than linear daisy chain topologies as the data travels in a loop, thereby halving the number of senders and receivers. Further, in case of a single node or link getting damaged, the network does not grind to a halt as the data can just switch directions to reach its destination.

Benefits of Daisy Chain Topology Challenges of Daisy Chain Topology
  • Simple to create and maintain
  • Minimal cable usage
  • Cost-savings
  • Slow data transmission, especially in networks with numerous nodes
  • Easy failure, particularly in linear daisy chain topologies
  • All nodes require two transmitters and two receivers for successful data transmission

See More: What Is Local Area Network [LAN]? Definition, Types, Architecture and Best Practices

How To Choose a Topology for Your Network: Best Practices for 2022

When it comes to network topology, no one size fits all. A topology that is ideal for one company may be ineffective for another. Follow the best practices listed here when choosing a network topology in 2022.

Best Practices for Choosing a Network Topology

1. Understand your network requirements

Before you choose a network topology, it is essential to consider the end goal of your network. Different network applications require different hardware and choosing the right hardware before you build a network helps avoid a lot of unnecessary operational pains down the line.

Think of the applications you will run, the distance of data transmission, and the expected performance levels. Different hardware is suited for different network topologies and vice versa. Begin by assessing existing hardware and accounting for new hardware that you plan to procure. Sometimes, the hardware you already have can be repurposed for a new network topology without any significant downsides, thus allowing you to reduce expenditure and procurement time.

Physical space is another factor you need to consider. If all the systems that need to be linked are in close proximity to each other, consider going for a setup that minimizes cable usage, such as bus or star. You should also consider cabling from a time perspective, as more cable means more implementation time. For instance, mesh networks are highly cable-intensive [and therefore labor-intensive].

Also evaluate the type of cable you should use. Both twisted-pair and coaxial cables use insulated copper-based wiring, while fiber-optic cabling is made using thin and flexible glass or plastic tubes. If you have low bandwidth requirements, opt for cost-effective twisted-pair cables. Conversely, coaxial cables are useful when bandwidth requirements are higher. Fiber-optic cabling is even more efficient in transmitting data; however, it is more expensive and requires supplementary components such as optical receivers.

Finally, consider the level of experience that your IT team has. Network implementation and maintenance, being left to personnel without extensive training, should call for an easy topology, such as bus or star topologies. Consider getting an expert to help you set up your network if you are opting for a mesh, tree, or hybrid topology.

2. Set the budget wisely

Cabling and other hardware are not the only costs you would need to budget for. You would also need to set aside money for installation and, if required, a consultant to help you choose the perfect topology for your computer network as well as oversee its implementation. Cost can also be compounded in more complex topologies that combine different network components.

Set a budget that balances your installation and operating costs with the expected performance of your network. While it is understandable that more advanced topologies might be costly in the short run, you also need to consider the long-term implications of choosing a cheaper setup. However, you do not need to opt for unnecessarily advanced components and topologies if you do not have the use case for them. For instance, a full mesh topology using fiber-optic cabling is probably something that only companies with advanced uptime requirements would need.

While pricing, ring, bus, and daisy chain topologies are more cost-effective, mesh, star, and tree topologies are more expensive to implement.

3. Don’t compromise on reliability

Not all topologies are equally reliable. You could probably get away with a daisy chain topology when setting up a network for a middle school computer lab. However, you should probably opt for a robust mesh topology if you set up a network for a huge hospital or a bank. Remember, the network configuration plays a key role in the downtime and latency that you will face on a day-to-day basis.

Bus and daisy chain topologies are good for non-critical setups. Ring topologies can easily process heavy loads but might easily succumb to a single point of failure. Star topologies do not rely on any node but collapse in a central hub failure. Hybrid and mesh topologies are robust and reliable but can be resource-intensive when setting up and maintaining.

4. Account for scalability

It is important to remember that you are building a network, not only for today but also for the future. If you need your network to expand in the future [and it probably will], opt for an easily adaptable topology. Star topologies are popular for disruption-free addition, removal, and alteration of nodes. Conversely, in case of ring topologies, you may have to take the entire network down before you can modify it in any way.

Consider the present number of devices and acknowledge the fact that it’s probably going to increase manifold as you see growth. Account for the geographical dispersion of your devices, and remember, a topology that is perfect for linking 20 endpoints may fail completely when the number of devices exceeds 1,000. 

Also, even if your current topology scales up perfectly, there might still be a cheaper way to do it once you cross a certain number of devices. For instance, tree topologies are ideal for larger networks, while bus topologies cater effectively to the network needs of small enterprises.

5. Ensure effective implementation

Finally, consider how easy it would be to implement the chosen topology. You should probably commission a vendor to install your network, even if you choose to maintain it internally down the line. Choosing an experienced vendor removes concerns around the complexity of the network topology, as the vendor’s networking personnel would have the qualifications and experience required to set up the network correctly. Conversely, setting up your chosen network topology internally may reduce costs in the short term. However, it might lead to network glitches if the correct configuration is not implemented.


A network topology visualizes how different devices in a network communicate with each other. This helps familiarize all stakeholders with the operation and requirements of the network. No single topology is the best — each one has its pros and cons. Choosing the right network topology for your organization depends on numerous factors, including the network environment, budget, reliability, and scalability.

Which network topology does your enterprise use? Join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook! 


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What topology where nodes connect to a hub is the most common type used today?

Star topology has become the dominant physical topology for LANs. The star was first popularized by ARCNET, and later adopted by Ethernet. Each node is connected directly to a central device such as a hub or a switch, as shown in Figure 5.17.

In which topology do all the computers connect with the help of a hub?

Star topology is a network topology where each individual piece of a network is attached to a central node [often called a hub or switch].

Where is star topology used?

Star topologies tend to be found in large organisations, such as educational establishments and businesses, where high performance is a must. They are also found in home networks, especially those that are wireless. In this case, a router with a wireless access point [WAP] provides the central connection for all nodes.

What is the most common network topology today quizlet?

The star topology is the most common topology in local area networks. A ring topology features a closed loop. Data packets travel in a single direction around the ring from one network device to the next.

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