Thats not to say là gì

Photo byRaychan

"Needless to say" -> nghĩa là quá rõ ràng nên không cần nói tiếp nữa; "khỏi phải nói".

Ví dụ
Needless to say, shes gained a bit of a platform. It was almost like an opportunity for us to kind of shed light on the things were pretty passionate about and believe, Panda said.

Needless to say, my Survival Kit has been getting a heavy workout in 2020. Coronavirus, climate collapse [mất ổn định/biến đổi khí hậu], economic downturn [suy thoái kinh tế], the implosion [sự bùng nổ] of higher education, resurgent fascism [chủ nghĩa phát xít trỗi dậy], celebrity transphobia [chứng sợ nổi tiếng] not mention my own gender transition [biến đổi giới tính]: its a lot.

This most recent dinner, there were nine of us. The bill, before tip, came to $360. Many in the group had a drink, some ordered a second one, including top-shelf brands. Most had dessert. I don't drink much, and I'm not into dessert. I ordered an entree that cost $17. We were each asked to pay $55. Needless to say, when the check is split, those who spend the least get taken advantage of the most [tận dụng, lợi dụng tối đa].

Ka Tina

Bài trước:"I wouldn't say no" nghĩa là gì?

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