teenyboppers là gì - Nghĩa của từ teenyboppers

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

a retard, usually a 11-14 year old girl who wears shirts that say things like "angel" "princess" "diva" "goddess," etc. they wear sparkly pink/blue jewelry. and the true mark is crisp, clean new-looking low-top converse OR navy blue skechers. also pretend they have boobs but they dont. their bras are more like a piece of elastic with eggshells connected. and they enjoy wearing denim bell bottoms or "flares" with pre-worn out butts and/or a little flowery design somewhere.


hey, check out the fruity teenybopper... yeah the one with cheap butterfly clips in her hair and the justin timberlake lunchbox

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

Idiots who don't know what music is.


The world is coming to an end when teenyboppers think that Eminem is greater than Elvis.

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

Flat-chested 11 and 12 year olds that worship non-flat-chested rappers wives, wear make-up thicker than their IQs, and post self-taken pictures of 8 different angles of their face on MySpace.


"zOmg, liek, i ttly went ^ anofer traina bra syz dis yr!!!!!!1!" Said the Teenyboppers in unison.

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

The 2nd worst kind of 'human beings' on earth, 2nd only to posers.


Even God hates teenyboppers

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

n. Usually a young girl, almost a teenager, who follows fads without thinking for themselves. Very mindless and superficial. Seen wearing either "cute" shirts with "Angel," "Diva," "Hottie," etc. or anything else that is currently in fashion, such as the long-tunic with tights style going around now, which I think looks completely horrendous. [It also causes girls who are not "thin" enough to become anorexic since this season's style is extremely thin, as if there aren't enough anorexic people in the US and other places.] They are usually "popular" in school, unfortunately, and they do not convey what true beauty is. Teenyboppers are proof that Western civilization is failing, since they don't really amount to anything when they get older, either.


Teenybopper: lyK oMG i lyike lovooooovveeeee [insert any rich, snobby, does-not-contribute-anything-of-worth celebrity's name here] and i lyk want to have sex w himand lyyykk havve his babieszzzzzz !!!! lolLOLlolLOL ;P !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: That is very disgusting. How old are you again?

Teenybopper: 9.

Me: *dies*

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

orlando bloom's Fanbase


"orli is liek, totally da hottest sexiest hunk of hotty in da hole world liek to da max ya know???????i liek soooooo i nkow im gonna marry him sooo, liek bac of fellow bitch teenyboppers hes mine!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!DIE KATE BITCHWORTH, DIE!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

A tween [10-13 yrs old] or teenager [13-19 yrs old] who is obsessed with being young and vivacious. This classification of the human specie is often synonymous with fangirls as they are most often female. This does not mean that males are left out.

Generally speaking, the male teenybopper can be classified into the "skater" or "punk" group; "goth" is far too hardcore for their prepubescent bodies.

-freakish grinding at school dances
-shaving not because they need to, but so that the hair will appear darker and thicher; therefore more "adultish"
-underdeveloped genetalia
-stuffed pant crotches
-an excess of makeup/glittery substances
-fangirl t-shirts
-extremely tight pants ... on males
-keeping a diary sealed with a chain and padlock which is kept under mattress

`unfortunately there is no remedy, this spell must be waited out until the aflicted pereson discovers that this illness is annoying/obnoxoius.


Any young person bouncing around consuming pixie stix and bragging about being allowed to go to the mall without parental supervision for the first time.

Any young person with a skateboard and a surfer-bowl haircut saying "hella" or "bitchin" and then then glancing around to be certain that no authoritative adult heard them.

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

A teenybopper is a girl from the age 11-16 yrs. old. She says something like OMG I hate her she fucking muc stole my my boifriend.. Yeah who cares I means that a sad thing but they act like they are going to die. They only care about Twilight and think that a celebrity will one day marry them[so sad]. They also think that they are grown up and only care about makeup and hot boys. If they are watching a sad movie all they care about it their mascara running. What the HELL!!!


Watch out for those evil teenyboppers they might kill your ears with the voice of Justin Bieber!!

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

stupid kids, ussually ages 13 to 19, who like to piss off everyone by going to the movies just for the hell of it, and not really the movies. after the movies, they usually hangout outside of the theatre arguing about wether they should go to starbucks or jamba juice. popular kids are usually found in the "teenybopper" crowd.


"shouldnt you fucking teenyboppers be at the fucking mall? i mean, it is friday."

teenyboppers có nghĩa là

1.A girl from the age of 12-15 who does not know any good music, and is really fake.
2. The Jonas Brothers fan club.


girl 1: OMG did you hear the new Jonas Brothers song??
girl 2: Yes! It was soooo good.
girl 1: And they are sooo Hot!
me: Please shut up you teenyboppers!

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