surfer là gì - Nghĩa của từ surfer

surfer có nghĩa là

A person who feels like a bad day in the water is ten times better than a good day out of it.


Surfer surfs surf surfericiously.

surfer có nghĩa là

surfers are not stoners. it is incredibly difficult to get high off your ass the night before and paddle out in 50 degree water at 5:30. true surfers cannot be stoners for the sake of being capable to actually surf.

one who surfs. often found in australia, california, hawaii, new zealand, and many other shore-lying regions.

a surfer IS NOT any other person who wears billabong, volcom, roxy etc. and says "dude", "bro", "surfs up", etc. thats just what the media makes us out to be. surfers are also stereotyped as being male, that is very not true. some of the greatest surfers out there are female such as Keala Kennelly, Layne Beachley, Rochelle Ballard, Lisa Anderson, etc.

possibly the most serene, logical, loving, peaceful people out there. and im proud to be one of them.


fakeperson: "dude bro lets go catch some waves man! ive been surfing since forever im practically pro!!!"

surfer: "k meet me at the pier at 4a.m. for a sesh tomorrow morning bring a longsuit itll be about 42 degrees. 12 foot waves, no prob. oh and after we'll go to the jack johnson concert and get some mexican food. is san o ok? i know a spot where its pretty secluded, kindy rocky so bring your booties. Maybe meverick's would be better what do you think? how many boards do you have? i have a good sized quiver, like 4, gettin a new one in october once i get enough money to buy one. oh do you mind getting some stickybumps down the street? what kinds of boards do you have? im taking my ezera out tomorrow havent ridden her in a while. uhh you okay you look confused"

fakeperson: [has no idea what the surfer just said] "uhh ya im cool, bro. uhh ya i dont think i can make it i have uhh a doctors appointment"

surfer: "at 4 a.m.?"

fakeperson: [dsfjhsdkjfhskdjfnhkjsdhfkjsdfkjhsdf IM STUPID]

surfer có nghĩa là

A rare form of the homo sapien. Rarely found, nearly extinct. Supposedly inhabits the coastlines of North America and Hawaii.

Beware of the many impersonators of this rare organism. There are at least 10 impersonating posers for every 1 authentic surfer.


Fuckin' posers ruin this fuckin' sport, wheres Dora when you need him.

surfer có nghĩa là

an idiot that stands on a piece of wood whens hes not busy getting rejected from university, misspelling sentences and sucking dick.


normal person: "Yep"

surfer có nghĩa là

an extremely talented person who has the ability to balance on a piece of fiberglass about 6 feet long and 18 inches wide on a wave. the sport is dominated by males who are too aggressive and need to learn the etiquette of being out on the water, i.e. my cousin john. after that stupid movie blue crush came out, beaches were flooded with stupid girls trying to surf like the girls in the movie. these people yelled things like " surfs up!" and "radical dude!" these things are very degrading to those of us who surf and talk nothing like that. female surfers [like me] are extremely special, they have skill and aptience to sit out in the water for hours with a bunch of animals [ guys] and risk flashing an entire beach while surfing in bikinis.


i surf man, those stupid sluts dont know what the fuck they are doing out here!

surfer có nghĩa là

Me and other people who have the balance to continuosly ride waves. No, we don't say "Surf's up radical dude!" Thats bullshit you steryotypical bitches


Me and Surfchick are surfers. [You speak the truth Surfchick!!]

surfer có nghĩa là

A truely respectful person due to our true respect for the ocean, which is how we are all linked together.


If a girl is crying in the corner of a room the first person to talk to her will be a surfer, or gay.

surfer có nghĩa là

Someone who would never dream of saying

Surf's up!

Someone who may say:

Hey, how are you
Thats awesome!
I think there are some waves coming

We ride boards on waves. Simple as that. Anything outside of that is not directly linked to surfing. That means we do not necessarily say Radical, have long hair [dreadlocks or not], or smoke ganga.


I am a surfer.

surfer có nghĩa là

1. a person who enjoys and engages in the act of surfing

2. a sterotype often seen in movies. Includes: wearing long shorts, an unbuttoned, sleeveless, colorful, flowered shirt of some kind, sunglasses, a tan, long bleached blonde hair, and saying things like "DUDE" and GNARLY" and "WHOA, CHECK THAT OUT DEWD" and other nonsensical, yet somewhat amusing expressions like that. Often stoned as well.


1. a man/women who surfs in Hawaii, or California, and to a lesser extent, Vietnam.

2. Michaelangelo from the Ninja Turtles & Jeff Spicoli of Ridgemont High,

surfer có nghĩa là

A surfer is someone that surfs for the pure enjoyment of the sport / lifestyle.. not to get into a "popular" clique at school or for any reason other than what I said. A surfer IS: - someone who surfs SOLELY because it is fun
- someone that doesn't care about their social image, if surfing affects it for better or for worse.
- someone who is honest about their ability.
- someone that always has plenty of aloha
- doesn't hang out with the other "surfers" - the other "surfers" are posers.
- anyone that can stand up on a board while riding a wave- even if it is just whitewash. it still is riding a wave. A surfer is NOT: - someone who always brags about how good they are, or always talks about it.
- someone who always wears the newest clothes from Quiksilver, Billabong, Volcom, etc..
- someone who calls beginner surfers "kooks".. or just uses the word kook.
- a stoner.
- a punk
- someone who always has "something to do" when you ask them to go surfing. Me: Those surfer posers at that "cool kid" hang out look pathetic.
Friend: Yeah, all the true surfers don't hang there. They just be themselves and hang out with their true friends; like you.
Me: Mhmm.


Friend: All the good surfers hang out there with all the hot girls, why don't you hang out there.
Me: All the good and true surfers don't hang out there. Those surfers are posers; ones that surf or pretend to surf just to be "cool". They're losers.
Friend: OH.. never knew that.

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