Spotify custom playlist order

Sort your Spotify playlists by any of a wide range of musical attributes such as tempo, loudness, valence, energy, danceability, popularity and more. Now with Filters!

Login with your Spotify account to get started

Login with Spotify

With Sort Your Playlists you can easily order the songs in any of your playlists be a wide range of parameters. Just follow these steps:

  1. Login with your Spotify credentials
  2. Pick your playlist
  3. Sort the playlist by clicking on the column headings in the playlist table
  4. Save the sorted playlist to Spotify

Tap into the power of The Echo Nest

Sort Your Music lets you sort your playlist based on a number of Echo Nest song attributes including:

  1. Beats Per Minute (BPM) - The tempo of the song.
  2. Energy - The energy of a song - the higher the value, the more energtic. song
  3. Danceability - The higher the value, the easier it is to dance to this song.
  4. Loudness - The higher the value, the louder the song.
  5. Valence - The higher the value, the more positive mood for the song.
  6. Length - The duration of the song.
  7. Acoustic - The higher the value the more acoustic the song is.
  8. Popularity - The higher the value the more popular the song is.
  9. Rnd - A randon number. Sort by this column to shuffle your playlist.


Here are some answers to questions about Sort Your Music

  1. How was this built? This was created using the Spotify API.
  2. Where can I learn more about the Echo Nest song attributes? See Acoustic Attributes Overview
  3. Can you add more attributes to the app? Yes, but it is a tradeoff between display space, complexity and utility. Let me know which attributes you'd like to see.
  4. Any more features planned? - Yes, I'd like to add a few more features such as:
    • Duplicate track removal
    • Manual reordering, addition, and deletion.
    If you have any ideas for new feature, let me know.
  5. Is the source available - Yes, you can find it on github
  6. Does Sort Your Music overwrite my playlist when I save? - Only if you chose the 'Overwrite playlist option' otherwise it creates a copy of the playlist. The new playlist is called 'Old playlist name sorted by increasing X', where X is what you sorted the playlist on.

Spotify custom playlist order

By: Nick Gambino

Spotify just announced a redesign of their “Your Library” section intended to make it easier to navigate. I feel like this change was intended for me and me alone. I can’t even remember the original design, but I do recall the last change to make it “easier” was definitely a step-down. The separate page columns for “Music” and “Podcasts” works in theory but are clunky in practice.

“Starting today, we are rolling out a new version of Your Library to all Spotify mobile users,” a blog post from the company reads. “Now, you’ll have a more streamlined way to easily explore your collection and find your saved music and podcasts faster. Your Library’s updated design and added features will enable you to spend less time looking for content and organizing your collection, and more time rediscovering the music and podcasts you’ve loved over the years.”

Your Library now includes a new Grid view, the ability to pin playlists, albums, or podcasts, enhanced sorting options, and dynamic filters.

Dynamic filters will allow users to flip between the playlists, albums, artists, and podcasts they’ve saved. Most importantly, they’ve finally made it easy to find your downloaded “offline” content. Before, you’d have to search through all of your saved audio and look for that little green downloaded symbol. Now all you have to do is hit the “Downloaded” filter to isolate that offline content.

Sometimes you just want a little customization. Sorting options now include the ability to view all your audio content by creator name, recently played, or alphabetically. In the current iteration of my app, I noticed an option for “custom order” but I can’t tell what it does. I mean, I know what it’s supposed to do, but when I select it, it doesn’t give me an option to customize the arrangement. Hopefully, this is a functional presence in the updated app.

Pinning your favorite music or podcast inside the Spotify app is an essential but missing feature. This is being rectified with the ability to pin up to four playlists, albums or podcasts allowing “instant access so you can quickly dive back into that work playlist or sleep podcast.” Pinning will be as easy as swiping right.

The redesign rolls out within the week to all iOS and Android Spotify users.

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In the new Spotify update, it seems they've removed the custom order feature that's present on the desktop version. Does anyone know if this is a bug or they plan to add this back? Doesn't make sense why'd they remove it.