So sánh process explorer và task manager

One day my colleague has told me his laptop has been taking long time to start. So the Process Explorer cross my mind.

The obvious comparison below between the Properties in Task Manager and the Properties in Process Explorer for the same process [PID 7000].

You may not find some of the below Process Explorer features in Task Manager.

· The default tree view shows the hierarchical parent relationship between processes, and displays using colors to easily understand processes at a glance.

· Very accurate CPU usage tracking for processes.

· Can be used to replace Task Manager, which is especially useful on XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

· Can add multiple tray icons to monitor CPU, Disk, GPU, Network, and more.

· Figure out which process has loaded a DLL file.

· Figure out which process is running an open window.

· Figure out which process has a file or folder open and locked.

· View complete data about any process, including threads, memory usage, handles, objects, and pretty much anything else there is to know.

· Can Kill an entire process tree, including any processes started by the one you choose to kill.

· Can Suspend a process, freezing all its threads so they do nothing.

· Can see which thread in a process is actually maxing out the CPU.

· The latest version [v16] integrates VirusTotal into the interface so you can check a process for viruses without leaving Process Explorer.

To download Process Explorer go here: //

More information:


About chanmingman

Since March 2011 Microsoft Live Spaces migrated to Wordpress [//] till now, I have is over 1 million viewers. This blog is about more than 50% telling you how to resolve error messages, especial for Microsoft products. The blog also has a lot of guidance teaching you how to get stated certain Microsoft technologies. The blog also uses as a help to keep my memory. The blog is never meant to give people consulting services or silver bullet solutions. It is a contribution to the community. Thanks for your support over the years. Ming Man is Microsoft MVP since year 2006. He is a software development manager for a multinational company. With 25 years of experience in the IT field, he has developed system using Clipper, COBOL, VB5, VB6, VB.NET, Java and C #. He has been using Visual Studio [.NET] since the Beta back in year 2000. He and the team have developed many projects using .NET platform such as SCM, and HR based applications. He is familiar with the N-Tier design of business application and is also an expert with database experience in MS SQL, Oracle and AS 400.

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