Scoping review protocol example

A protocol is a document that serves as a work plan for your knowledge synthesis. It is important to write one to help guide you through the process, even if things change along the way. If your methods do change, it is important to document those changes in your final manuscript as well. For example, Cochrane reviews have a section called ‘Differences between protocol and review’ in their completed reviews.

The PRISMA guidelines for the transparent reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses define a protocol as a document that  "describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review. It should be prepared before a review is started and used as a guide to carry out the review."

For systematic reviews, the PRISMA website provides several sources of guidance on writing a protocol

For scoping reviews, the Joanna Briggs Institute provides guidance for writing a protocol in section 11.2 of their chapter on scoping reviews.

In general, your protocol should have the following elements:

  • Background literature review
  • Review question
  • Criteria for inclusion/exclusion of studies
  • Types of studies, populations, interventions/exposures, outcome measures
  • Search strategy for identification of studies
  • Study selection methods
  • Assessment of methodological quality (if applicable)
  • Data extraction and synthesis
  • Timeframe for conducting the review

(Adapted from: Booth, A., Sutton, A. and Papaioannou, D. (2016). Defining the scope. Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review, 2nd edition.)

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Page 2

Data extraction framework

Main categorySubcategoryDescription
1. Authors
2. Title
3. Journal
4. Year of publication
5. Objective(s) of the reviewDescribe the stated objectives of the review
6. Type of reviewSpecify eg, if systematic review, meta-analysis, scoping review, narrative review or other
7. Number of studies included in the reviewIndicate the number of primary studies included in the review
8. Years of publication of the studies included in the reviewSpecify the range of the years of publications of the studies included in the review
9. Countries where the studies included in the review were conductedSpecify the geographical areas covered by the studies included in the review
10. Type of studies included in the reviewSpecify if the review includes specific types of studies (eg, RCTs, cost-effectiveness analyses, qualitative studies, modelling studies)
11. Description of the intervention(s)Type of interventionSpecify the type(s) of the interventions on which the review focuses (eg, lifestyle interventions, weight management programmes and sugar taxes)
Delivery of the interventionDescribe how and by whom the intervention is delivered
Length and intensity of the interventionDescribe for how long the intervention is delivered and its intensity
12. Definition of overweight/obesitySpecify the definition of overweight/obesity used in the review
13. Description of the study populationTarget populationSpecify if the intervention (i) targets individuals within subpopulation groups or (ii) the broad population (eg, in case of interventions on the built environment, national policies and regulation)
By BMI (preintervention)Specify the distribution of the study population by BMI preintervention
By ageSpecify the age groups covered by the review
By sexSpecify if the review focuses on interventions targeting specifically boys or girls, or indicate the distribution of study participants by sex
By ethnic backgroundSpecify if the review focuses on interventions targeting specific ethnic groups (eg, South Asians), or indicate the distribution of study participants by ethnic groups
By socioeconomic backgroundSpecify if the review focuses on interventions targeting children living in deprived areas, or indicate the distribution of study participants by socioeconomic background
By other characteristics of the study population (eg, disability, comorbidity)Specify if the review focuses on specific populations (eg, children with disabilities)
14. Setting of the intervention(s)Specify if the review focuses on interventions delivered in school-based, family-based or community-based settings
15. Reported outcomesDescribe the intervention outcomes reported in the review (eg, weight, BMI, self-efficacy)
16. EffectivenessDescribe the results reported in the review (eg, change in BMI)
17. ImpactDescribe the distribution of the study population by BMI (or other relevant outcomes) postintervention
18. FacilitatorsDescribe the factors that support or enable the implementation of the intervention reported in the review
19. BarriersDescribe the factors that inhibit the implementation of the intervention reported in the review