scenesters là gì - Nghĩa của từ scenesters

scenesters có nghĩa là

a person who tries very hard to fit the stereotype of a certain scene. often having to do with a specific genre of music emo.indie.punk.rock. dresses and acts in a prescribed fashion. image focused. vain.


they got all dressed up to hang out with their scenester friends.

all the scenesters love that band.

scenesters có nghĩa là

Person who models the abstract and later specific behavior of individuals
trying to make a claim on certain media,i.e. literature, art, books, poetry, movies. A trend will then arise of "packaging", at which point, genres will mix into socially acceptable grab bags of media and somehow spawn a fashion, normally causing these disillusioned individuals to start resembling the traits of characters, band members, and each other because he or she likes this " underground" lifestyle and wants to be accepted by a discriminating crowd. In short, the sucker thinks these people have all the answers and conforms to some " be- yourself-but-be-us-subculture". Scenesters can range from genres of music such as Indie, emo, hardcore, nerd rock,(math rock), metal heads, ska kids( skankers,Moonstompers), ravers, club kids, goth kids, mod kids,space rock,concept artists,retro throwbacks, punk, pop punk, to Donnie Darko fans and other cult movies such as Heathers or Velvet Goldmine,poetry by Bukowski or Frost, cartoons such as Sponge Bob or shows like Nip/Tuck and The Simpsons, books such as Catcher in the Rye, The Virgin Suicides, Valley of the Dolls, Ask the Dust, and occasionally, The Communist Manifesto,as most scenesters are anti-war and unless straight edge, (refraining from sex or drugs of any kind) are heavily into drugs and alcohol,nomadic,anti-religious,poor with rich parents, and slumming.Essentially, they are their friends, although some people will like what they like and be accused of being scenesters by mistake. The smart scenester will say that is the case, because he or she knows it can't really be disproven except by baby pictures, second grade stories, and by God Himself.


" Jennifer is a true disgusting little scenester now that she dyed her hair burgundy when she saw me doing it. I did it, because some girl on the Joan of Arc album had it that way, but that's because she copied the girl from Rainer Maria, and I told her after one of their shows that she should color it, so she did,and I thought'what the fuck? That was my idea.' So I'm boycotting them."

" If you don't like Spoon, you should die."

" If I had shaggy hair and wore eyeliner like your last boyfriend, you would love me more."

" The way these people look is the way I feel inside. They understand. I want to be part of their scene."

scenesters có nghĩa là

Phony kids claiming to be apart of a scene. They lack the sincereity and will change when the trend is gone.


Why do those SCENESTERS have X's on his hands? I saw them drinking last week...

scenesters có nghĩa là

Kids that follow fashions to the raw detail.
Past fashions that have been followed are:
the letter x
being bisexual while stating not to be following a trend
admitting to being straight, therefore not following a trend
pretending to be gay to impress members of the opposite sex
thrashing one's self around at shows, putting other show-goers in danger of being hit in the face by flailing arms and legs and calling it hardcore dancing
dying hair completely black
bleaching random parts of hair
making unflattering "rawr" faces

Scenesters will say things such as "rad", "guns go bang", "sex" and "the sex".

They will pretend to be completely original even though most of their friends will look the same.


"That oddly placed blonde patch on the side of your head is just pure sex!"
"Sonny Moore is just so rad"
"Rawr! I'm a rad wannabe DiNoSaUr scenester with an eye patch and robotic limbs!"

scenesters có nghĩa là

Person between the ages of 14 and 21 who decides that they will be incredibly original and cute and popular by making a Myspace account, adding fellow scene kids, and generally making oneself out to be cool and superior.

How to spot:
-MUST have a Myspace account
-Mentions guns, babies, dinosaurs, robots, indie bands, techno bands, any obscure band they can find, being "gangsta", getting drunk, skulls, chucks, vans, the letter X, the ampersand, internet hearts <3, etc. -Talks condescendingly -Often partakes in music elitism -Takes photos of self mirror, car, sunglasses, from above, boobs, hips, feet, drinking alcohol, making kissy face, looking like a hyperactive toddler, doing illegal things, passed out, and friends joined at the head making faces -Uses small fonts, overlapping pink, white black -Has take themselves holding signs which say "I <3 NAME!!1 OMGZ. KTHXBAI" chatspeak sarcastically -Parties often talks about it on Myspace -Hates world while desperately seeking its attention MS Paint to draw little hearts corner everything Scene kids can be catty obnoxious, so it's best avoid them. They become wrapped up internet popularity begin trendy persona they've created their website. are fake through through, therefore untrustworthy.< div>


"xx____&&bangbangslut<\3 RAWR_IMA_DINOSAUR;;_INNIT is in your extended network." -Myspace Scenester Alert< div>

scenesters có nghĩa là

Scenesters encapsulate the sub-culture of a particular musical genre. One heavily relies on aesthetics and sartorial image to signify adherence to a particular scene. Scenesters of the post-modern era heavily rely on pastiche, imitation and revival. For scenesters, fashion is the most obvious sign of adherence to a sub-culture or musical genre. The history of the scenester image is rather rich. Perhaps more strongly for some and less for others, the scenester image encompasses not only the evolution of 20th century music, but also the deeper, underlying sociological change in culture and humanity by the inevitable force of globalisation and technological change. Scenesters are not only those who enjoy certain genres of music with the company of their common peers. The decadent scenester image is also attributed by the hedonistic lifestyles embraced by disillusioned individuals in response to political and cultural conflict and change, circa 60-80s. Scenesters are often labelled today as pretentious and self righteous. Central to the scenester image is the culture of elitism. This has caused the subjugation of various scenesters to mockery, critique and hatred. Different scenes follow by their often beliefs and principles, which conflict with other scenes or mainstream culture. Scenes gives individuals a sense of belonging to a clique. In western society today, the scenester image has been quickly adopted and marketed by corporations to sell and accumulate monetary profit. Some see this as the disintregration of the scenester image, as much of it is too brutally contrived by the consuming masses, absent of understanding or meaning.


indie, scene, alternative, pretentious, culture, scenesters

scenesters có nghĩa là

stupid kids (generally indy types or emo children) who hang around in what they percieve to be cool hang outs, normally underage, and who claim to have been into the music and the whole actual life forever when really they got it from the NME last week.


I fucking hate scenesters
Look at those scenesters arent they too young to be here?
Why do scenesters have to pretend to be so cool?

Kid: Ive been into indy way longer than you!

Possibly me: Whats your faviourite band atm?

Kid: Kooks.

Me: Enough said.

scenesters có nghĩa là

All of you are hypocrtical dumbasses.Stop making fun of other people.Scenesters are scene kids who have unique hair and dress with the laest trends.Yes somewhat of followers.Get over it everyone follows something. It's just different things.Scenesters are sometimes sraightedge not always.

Scenester boii:
-tight skinny jeans
-band tee's,buuton up shirts,sweaters ect.ect.
-some sort of slide on shoes
-long hair usually spiked in the back longer in the front(over the face),black or multi-colored
-very unconfident or very confident usually romantic

Scenester girlie:
-skinny jeans,skirts(usually stripes,poka dots,&& hearts ect.ect.)
-band tee's,thermals,sweaters,ect.ect.
-flats or other slide on shoes
-medium or shortish hair, layered,over the face,multi-colored or black
-very unconfident or very confident


Scenester girlie= sexxxhiarrr
Scenester boii= iamthesexxx

iamthesexxx:bb ily

sexxxhair:awh bb boi ily2

iamthesexxx:gilie you're my worlddd

sexxxhairrr:awh bb you're so sweet


sexxxhairrr:we should go shoping soon bb

iamthesexxx:yeah we haven't been in like a whole week!

sexxxhairrr:i know!

iamthesexxx:what are you doing bb

sexxxhairrr:listening to music && myspaceing && taking
pictures! :

iamthesexxx:me too!



Scenesters are the sexxx.

scenesters có nghĩa là

An excuse that the lady in a video on the internet, entitled "EMO IS DEAD" gave for kids who consider themselves emo to use instead. For example you are basically someone who follows a trend or scene, like no offense in some cases a poser.

If you consider yourself emo and listen to Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy, All-American rejects, or Hawthorne Heights then your probably a scenesters for you follow a so-called trend or in this case scene.


Emo is dead, those kids who all have thick-rimmed broken glasses who buy their clothes at the thrift store and cry a lot and hate life and cut themselves either like stereotypes, have serious mental problems, or are called scenesters.

scenesters có nghĩa là

To quote another definition:

If you consider yourself emo and listen to Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy, All-American rejects, or Hawthorne Heights then your probably a scenesters for you follow a so-called trend or in this case scene.

Now here's something to chew on kiddies:

Much as I hate labels let's say I am a prep and I listen to the Sex Pistols. Does that make me punk? I think not.

Now let's say I am emo and happen to listen to one of the bands named above. Does that make me a poser?

Especially if I never claimed that the band was emo, I simply enjoy the music.

It's kind of sad that our characters should be judged by what kind of music we listen to. Maybe we should get to know people before we judge them.


Girl thinks of me and my friends as scenesters because we wear lots of black clothes, make up, and nail polish, and like metal, and punk rock.

Girl is stupid enough to voice her opinion.

I punch her in her face and tell her to learn a little bit more about me before she goes judging me because I SEEM to fit into a certain stereotype.