Sách Mềm vn lớp 5 Tập 2 - Unit 15

4. Listen and tick.

  • Tell the class that they are going to listen and tick the correct pictures.
  • Have them look at the pictures to identify the jobs [1a. A dentist/doctor. 1b. A writer. 1c. A teacher. 2a. An architect. 2b. A farmer. 2c. A teacher. 3a. A taxi driver. 3b. A footballer. 3c. a pilot.]
  • Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen. Play it again for them to do the task.
  • Get them to swap and compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class.

         Key:     1 b     2 a     3 c

        Audio script

        1. Tony:      Hi, Mai. What are you doing?

            Mai:        I’m writing a short story.

           Tony:      Oh. What would you like to be in the future?

           Mai:        I’d like to be a writer. I’d like to write stories for children.

         2. Tony:      Would you like to be a teacher in the future, Linda?

              Linda:     No. I’d like to be an architect.

              Tony:      I see. You like drawing, don’t you?

              Linda:     Yes, I do.

           3.  Linda:          What would you like to be in the future, Phong?

                Phong:        I’d like to be a pilot. I would like to fly a plane.

                Linda:         So you have to study hard, right?

                Phong:        Yes, that’s right.

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