Playlist description Spotify

Many artists & music labels spend a lot of time cultivating their playlist, and once you start to gain hundreds of followers, wouldn't it be nice to include URLs & hyperlinks in the description of your playlist, to help drive traffic to your other pages? Here's how!


  • Including clickable URLs & hyperlinks in your playlists requires your artist profile or user account to be VERIFIED. Without an unverified account, you cannot include clickable links in your playlist description.

  • Artists can easily verify their artist profile via Spotify for Artists. If you're an artist that has released music on Proton's labels, you can get verified instantly with our help.

  • Music Labels can get their user account verified via their distributor. If you're a music label distributed by Proton, read this to get help with verification.


Once you're verified, adding links to your playlist descriptions is easy. There's one catch, though: you need to use the desktop app, not the mobile app.

  1. Make sure you're using Spotify Desktop, not mobile.

  2. Click your playlist image.

  3. In the Edit Playlist Details view, enter a playlist description.

  4. Highlight the words you want to hyperlink.

  5. Click the link/chain icon.

  6. Enter the URL you want to link to within the quotation marks of the HTML code in your description.
    For example: Spotify for Artists would look like this: Spotify for Artists.