Non gradable antonyms là gì

Graded [or gradable] antonyms are word pairs whose meanings are opposite and which lie on a continuous spectrum [hot, cold]. Complementary antonyms are word pairs whose meanings are opposite but whose meanings do not lie on a continuous spectrum [push, pull].

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Also asked, what is non Gradable?

Meaning of non-gradable in English A non-gradable adjective or adverb is one that cannot be used in the comparative or superlative, or that cannot be qualified by words such as 'very' or 'quite'.

One may also ask, what are the three types of antonyms? There are three types of antonyms: Gradable Antonyms, Complementary Antonyms, and Relational Antonyms.

Accordingly, what is non gradable opposition?

n an opposition that has no intermediate grade; either one or the other. Types: complementarity. a relation between two opposite states or principles that together exhaust the possibilities. Type of: oppositeness, opposition. the relation between opposed entities.

What is the opposite word of antonyms?

antonym. A word that has the exact opposite meaning of another word is its antonym. The word antonym itself takes the Greek word anti, meaning "opposite," and adds it to -onym, which comes from the Greek onoma, or "name." So antonym literally means "opposite-name."

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