Nhảy đọc tiếng anh là gì

It is based on a one-year qualitative research project, which seeks to explore the experiences of social dance for older dancers.

The masker had amply padded his derriere and bust, and when he performed he periodically punctuated his slow dance movements with exaggerated hip thrusts.

Behind them others are changing the set, and when they are finished they come and take their places in the dance.

Then, to thunderous drumming of the big drum and clashing of the large cymbals, they dance past each other and exit in separate directions.

Why do we bother with frivolous debates over the numbers of angels dancing on pins?

The song was recorded and very popular at dances.

The most popular activity was playing a musical instrument [17%], followed by dancing [12%].

Here the latest trends in music and dance could be enjoyed, and the latest fashions flaunted.

In it, twelve dancers, dressed as twelve princes, danced in imitation of the deities, accompanied by songs in their praise.

During the piece the dancers, enclosed within a golden structure like a palace, had to open this structure, emerge and dance freely.

A single performer controlled interface for electronic dance/music theatre.

It encompasses a variety of artistic expressions : instrumental music, songs, dancing and theatre.

I am momentarily caught off guard as my body attempts to adjust to the temperature of a room filled with thousands of dancing bodies.

This serves as something of a curtain-raiser for an animated section in which the quartet provide dance-like material in rhythmic unison.

The activities were ranked in the following order: playing instruments, movement/dance, singing, listening to music, composing and talking about music.

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Các cụm từ với dance

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với dance.

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ceremonial dance

Instrumental forms included the "basse danse", or "bassadanza", which was a ceremonial dance of a rather dignified character, and relatively slow tempo.



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choreographed dance

Further scenes see the singer draped on the bonnet of a classic car and performing a choreographed dance sequence with a handful of businessmen.



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classical dance

Classical dance has always denied the relationship between dance gesture and musical gesture: the dance was always inserted into the musical event.

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