newground là gì - Nghĩa của từ newground

newground có nghĩa là

A kick ass web site with flash animations, games, movies, parodies, celeberty deaths, striper sims, stick figure combat, and more.


I spent 8 hours at and didn't finish my english report.

newground có nghĩa là

The epitamy of all flash sites. Originally started in 1996 by Tom Fulp, the site was originally made to showcase his work. These include: FDA, Tellytubbie funland, and Pico, among others. The site later grew, and in it's growth needed more people to help run it. Tom's brother Wade joined, and other programmers and administrators have since come in and gone out. The site has since become a place where anyone can submit flash. Currently, it also includes an audio portal, where musicians can submit music which flash artists can use in their flash for free. Also, it has a bbs, which is a great asset to the site. It now includes such internet phenomenons as All Your Base and badger badger badger. It also includes amazingly fantastic series such as Salad fingers, eskimo bob, xombie, xiao xiao, assasin, miss dynamite, Klaymation, and countless others Some authors that have thier own websites, such as Legendaryfrog or Weebl sumbit much of their flash to Newgrounds, in hopes of attaining more people who will visit their website. Some of my favorite authors are: Knox [for his klaymation], legendaryfrog [for basically everything], jotandjab [retarded animal babies], David Firth [salad fingers series, with a few other outside flashes here and there], iwillpress [foamy], and more than i can fit. If you are looking for entertainment on the internet, Newgrounds comes out on top. Because it is constantly growing with hilarious, amazing, or truly innovative flashes [Interactive boogie anyone?], Newgrounds has years worth of entertainment on one free site.


Tom Fulp, who runs newgrounds, is almost finished with his PS2/gamecube game, alien hominid.

newground có nghĩa là

The mecca of all flash made entertainment.


I logged on to newgrounds to watch stick movies.

newground có nghĩa là

A website that adds a lot of much-needed life to this world.


"I like the Twin Noodles video; it's a Metal Gear Solid rip-off."

newground có nghĩa là

Quite possibly the best site in the world. Tons on flash, games. Porn, for all of you losers out there looking for stick-figure hentai e-zine or whatever the fuck you nerds like. Newgrounds kicks ass!


Usually people check out sections of Newgrounds for stuff, but forget that there is a search engine...

newground có nghĩa là

The best possible thing on the internet and Holy Consumer of my download limit.


One of the few things the internet is good for is Newgrounds. On a completely unrelated note, jizz.

newground có nghĩa là

A nice site with plenty of good flash movies on there [Sprite flashes are my favorite] however, there are tons and tons of freaking porn ads on there that takes away a lot of my respect for the site, not to mention they allow a LOT of dirty flash movies to be on there, which is a minus in my book.


One of my main problems with NG, is that there are too MANY biased immature users, as in I go to review a movie [Foamy comes to mind, I personally think its devoid of anything funny, and one of the worst movies on NG] I leave my review, I keep it honest, and try to be as nice as I can, and I get bombarded with negatives on "Did you find this review helpful"

Geez, its as if people sit there all day and flag review entries with negatives.

Other than those crucial downfalls of the site, I think its a really enjoyable time-waster.

newground có nghĩa là

A large community website that is famous for the variety of flash cartoons and games presented on it by it's users and [sometimes] it's creators. Although famous for it's reputation of being an offensive website in it's early years, recently it has developed into an extremely well-done site for all ages [if you look at the rating system] It plays host to over 250,000 cartoons and games. The famous Numa Numa Dance was first broadcasted on the site. It is also famous for being thieved upon by websites like Ebaum's World and Flashplayer. Creators Tom and Wade Fulp have created 2 console flash games.


Mike: Man did you see that awesome cartoon on Newgrounds that came out last week?
Tom: But ebaums said it was made today.

newground có nghĩa là

A web site that is filled with flash entries, games, and music you can use as long as you credit the user, people who are recognized are normally people who are popular, like Tom Fulp's games and flash entries. When you rate on the 0-5 scale, you can get experience points, usually when you rate five times on different flash/games submissions. By rating, you can blam, or delete, or protect, or save from deleting, a flash/game/audio submission. Sometimes Newgrounds is called The Portal.


Newgrounds is an okay web site, it's just like YouTube, except with epic soundtrack, decent games, and awesome flashes submitted into the Portal.

newground có nghĩa là

The e-home of the general population of teenagers. Teens seeking their daily doses of violence, comedy, sexuality, and fun, flock to Newgrounds in mass numbers to take part in the beautiful chaos that is flash.

But behind Newgrounds is it's dirty little secret of a message board where the devious users of Newgrounds discuss everything from not so dead dead users, beloved jailed stalkers, pervisions, e-marriages, to how someone's girlfriend's breasts got larger.

If Newgrounds were a brand new shiny silver refridgerator with a built in TV..than The Newgrounds BBS would be the mystery meat in the tubberware container from your old fridge which is now in your new fridge. You're not so certain how it got in the new fridge but it gives you that familiar warmth of the good ol days while all along reaking of crap.


"I'm sorry I'm late, I had to deposit my experience on Newgrounds and FBIpolux just had this wicked topic involving Mary and Neph and it was too great not to read till the where are we? Oh ya right! marriage! Yah yah I do"

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