mass effects là gì - Nghĩa của từ mass effects

mass effects có nghĩa là

An [formally] exclusive xbox 360 title published by Microsoft [or EA for PC version] and developed by Bioware. Its an action RPG in which you play a customizable charactor, Commander Shepard.


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mass effects có nghĩa là

Mass effect was published by bioware and is a great game, rpg


Boy: omg MASS effect IS THE BEST RPG-Roleplaying game EVER!

mass effects có nghĩa là

The sequel to possibly the most epic game ever. It in it's self will be an legendary game.


DudeREuse I can't wait to play Mass effect 2 it looks soooo awsome!!!

mass effects có nghĩa là

"Mass Effect" is a euphamism for "The second best thing ever invented". The first being, of course, Mass Effect itself. If a person loves something very much, they may say it is Mass Effect. If they say this they mean that thing is the best thing ever invented since Mass Effect itself.


Guy: Oh, man, I really love Carrots." Girl: Really? How would you describe your love for carrots? Guy: I'd say Carrots were Mass Effect. Girl: :O

mass effects có nghĩa là

A game created by Bioware

This RPG[role playing game] is one of the best games for you 360

The Main plot line is Your Commander Shepard your past depending how player you could a war hero or a survivor of a mission gone bad. Choosing how you look and what gender gives the player the freedom to choose who they seem fit to be the lead character.

Humanity have many colonies in space and they have been invited by aliens to take a bigger role in shaping the galaxies. But not is all well many humans don't like aliens and vice versa. its up to Commander Shepard to change minds of his fellow humans and new alien allies and stop a ancient evil force killing everyone


Commander Shepard has many options to choose from during a fire fight or even talking with people. He could be your best friend or your worst enemy in Mass effect

mass effects có nghĩa là

One of the best games ever, putting you in controll of the dashing Commander Shepard. It also lets you have hot, blue, alien sex.


Dude, I just got a blue job in Mass Effect!

mass effects có nghĩa là

A role-playing-game originally exclusive to the Xbox 360 [now available for PC gaming as well]. Overall, an entertaining and enrapturing game with an original plot and setting [which is sufficiently rare in any game with a storyline nowadays] Hours can fly by if you aren’t careful. It probably could have been called "Mass-turbation Effect" also, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. The game is chock-full of all manner of women with supermodel bodies. None of them are anywhere approaching "overweight" and all are wearing skintight outfits: Armor [aptly named "hardsuits"], medical uniforms, casual wear and spacesuits are all form-fitting. Even the Alien ladies sport a homosapien figure... Players can even choose to set the main character as a woman which allows them to stare at their perfectly formed arse whilst blasting their way through hordes of enemies on some of the most perfect maps to ever grace an RPG


Horny Hormonal under 17 Gamer: "Dude! I cant buy Mass effect because it's rated 'M'! Can you believe that?" Horny Hormonal 17+ Gamer: "Sucks for you! But anyways, it shoulda been rated 'T' for 'T&A throughout' Bow chicka wow wow!" ESRB Notice: “This game is highly conducive to masturbation. Hand to penis interactions not rated by the ESRB”

mass effects có nghĩa là

The aftermath of a night of playing sci-fi role playing game Mass Effect or Mass Effect 2 for the Xbox or PC. This is usually the result of playing more than 4 hours at a time or playing until the sun rises. Symptoms include falling asleep at work or just being disoriented throughout the day. Can alter sleep patterns and cause slurred speech. If this pattern of late night gaming persists it could lead to altered perceptions of reality where you want to make decisions like Commander Shepherd or make constant references to the game in conversations with people who have no idea what you are talking about.


Example 1
Guy1: Hey man I tried to call you around 2pm why didn't you answer?
Guy2: Oh sorry I was suffering from Mass Effect effect and was still sleeping Example 2
Guy1:Hey where were you last night?
Guy2:Oh sorry I was out with a friend you don't know
Guy1: [grabbing his shirt and slamming guy2 against the wall] Why don't you stop jerking me around and give me some answers
Guy2: Whoa relax "Commander Shepherd" I think you're suffering from the Mass Effect effect Example 3
Guy1:Man my girlfriend thinks about sex more than most guys do, I swear she's part Asari!
Guy2:What the hell is an Asari?
Guy1:Or sorry man, I'm suffering from Mass Effect effect

mass effects có nghĩa là

An evil game that will eat your soul if you try it.

It is for the Xbox360, and it is Evil.


-"Mass effect ate my soul."
-"l0lw00t it are 3vul lawl!"

mass effects có nghĩa là

Being addicted to the video game series Mass effect by Bioware. By reading the books, owning a item of Mass effect, or playing the game more than 6 times.


Jake keeps saying that, "Mass effect will suck you in like a black hole!" He is Mass effected.

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