malled là gì - Nghĩa của từ malled

malled có nghĩa là

Trung tâm mua sắm
most commonly used
to kill time
and parents money
in suburbia

Ví dụ

"Mooom, Dannie and I are going to the mall. Can I have some cash?"

malled có nghĩa là

A place where tennagers go to waste thir lives away.

Ví dụ

"Mooom, Dannie and I are going to the mall. Can I have some cash?" A place where tennagers go to waste thir lives away. "Dude, you wanna go to the mall?"
"Đúng đó anh bạn!"

malled có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

"Mooom, Dannie and I are going to the mall. Can I have some cash?" A place where tennagers go to waste thir lives away. "Dude, you wanna go to the mall?"
"Đúng đó anh bạn!"

malled có nghĩa là

"Anh bạn!"

Ví dụ

"Mooom, Dannie and I are going to the mall. Can I have some cash?" A place where tennagers go to waste thir lives away. "Dude, you wanna go to the mall?"
"Đúng đó anh bạn!"

malled có nghĩa là

"Anh bạn!"

Ví dụ

A place to chill if you've got money and time. Or if you're broke it's a nice place to peoplewatch. You can buy all sorts of things at the mall from clothes, shoes, music, stuff for the home, random gifts, perfume, to just about anything. There are cafes and little restraunts to eat at if you want a bite. Most malls have other things to do than to just shop. For example my mall has a movie theater, a bowling arena, ice skating rink, an arcade, and a miniture golf area. So if you're not in it for shopping, you can always go to the mall to hang out with your friend at one of these fun places. If you've got absolutely no money, you can always sit down and people watch if you're bored. It's sort of interesting to see what kind of people there are in town, because our town is so boring the mall is the center where everything happens and you can always catch those "oddies" whom you've never seen at school or work. Lily: Heard there's a huge sale at the mall! Let's go now and hit all the stores and fill our closets with new clothes.
Michael: Yuck. Can't we watch a movie in the theater or do you guys wanna chill at the bowling alley or ice rink?
Amy: Ah. Sorry but I'm broke. You guys go..

malled có nghĩa là

Lily: No you can come Amy. You can people watch or windowshop while we shop and we'll pay for your movie ticket.

Ví dụ

Amy: Thanks. I wonder what weirdos we'll catch at the mall today.

malled có nghĩa là

A place whare guys go to scam on honeys Me and my homies: Hey can you give us a ride to the mall?

Ví dụ

My homies dad: The mall? why would you want to go to the mall? only girls go to the mall.

Me and my homies: Exactly! that's the whole point of going to the mall! A chill zone for teenagers and adults with lot's of stores and overpriced items there's also a food court. Kaylee: Did you and Chad have fun at the Mall?
Kiersten : it was amazing we were holding hands kissing and Chad would caress my breasts and rub my pussy in dressing rooms everything was great until he saw his wife and 3 brats in the food court then he ditched me I had to suck some big hairy dude's dick just to get a ride home!
Kaylee : Oh Kiersten why didn't you just call me!
Kiersten : Honey you don't have a dick! The girl of your dreams. who can break your heart, but can still love you. the most beautiful, smart and talented girl you will very meet. and mallely, i love you with all my heart

malled có nghĩa là

mallely is just...WOW!!

Ví dụ

A noun or an adjective used to describe people who are fashion and brand conscious often regarded as insta-famous/attention whores. The term has reference to a shopping center because of the time spent by these people in malls. They will wear/do anything for the “gram.” The mall is Eco-friendly when speaking with peers but DGAF when swiping the card at Hollister/Burberry. They would be considered the opposite of hesh or granola. They care an incredible amount about what others think of them and often are over dressed or wear excessive amounts of make-up.

malled có nghĩa là

A place where teens and preteens go to hang out. It is a great hangout place because the kids will hang out, just like they usually do anywhere else, except here, instead of using electronics the whole time, they will be having genuine fun while walking through the mall, which is also better exercise.

Ví dụ

Activities you would see someone "mall" doing: vlog type snap stories. selfies at a sporting event [not giving AF about the event]. Posts Pics after first date. Goes to pool party but won't get in because of hair or will ruin their look. Wears makeup to slumber party [never not wearing makeup]. Guy: Did you just buy another pair Michael Kors sunglasses?

malled có nghĩa là

Girl: umm... yess... heehee

Ví dụ

Guy: Why I am I dating you, you f***ing mall girl.

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