Lỗi there is not enough space on the disk 112 năm 2024

SOLVED [09.08.19]: I was trying to save to hard drives with Fat32 file system, which has wont save files >4Gb. Reformatted the hard drive, and the files downloaded. Thank you for everyone' help!

Having a hard time finding any results on this error, Symantecs knowledge base doesnt return anything at all and if i narrow it down all it shows is irrelevent 156 errors. I have a Win2K client that is configured with VSP, Netbackup 6.5.5 and there are no custom settings [I checked the client properties and nothing restrictive there] Everytime the backup runs it hangs on a different file with something like this: ERR - failure reading file: C:\Documents and Settings\SOMEUSER\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat [WIN32 112: There is not enough space on the disk. ] The file name is not relevant, because it changes with each backup. I also see this in the client BPBKAR log: [1072.5368] VVSPCheckForError: VSPOpen error for \?\Volume{207dbc99-3b5d-4103-80ed-8d93dcca2ed6} [999] Usually snapshot errors are 156 but this one is generating a status 1 each time it fails. Which is everytime it runs. It keeps complaining about not enough disk space, but how do I know how much it needs? Any ideas what to look for here?

That's a pretty good stumper. Personally I would turn on compression, aside from saving space it will frequently also save time as it compresses the data after the read but before the write to backup, so the write time is saved. And you're backing up A LOT of databases. But I don't think that's your problem. Also, I'd consider Ola Hallengren's backup script, perhaps there's some tuning that you could do through it rather than relying on a maintenance plan. Myself and many others here are not fans of maintenance plans for a variety of reasons, one being the inability to fine-tune what it's doing.

One thing to check is the version of SQL Server: are you fully patched? It looks like we're basically grasping at straws since the common/obvious things do not seem to be the problem. Since you're backing up to a local drive, have you checked OS system logs to make sure it's not reporting I/O errors? Could the drive be having problems?

- [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

I ran out of space on an external hard drive when trying to create a mesh. The job was processing for 9 hours. Looking at the log file, alot of zip files for the depth maps have been created. Is there any way I can use these files created instead of starting again?

The mesh was the first thing I tried to process after the tie points. There is no dense cloud, DEM etc in the project.

Log File extract - 2023-01-17 16:27:29 Depth reconstruction devices performance: 2023-01-17 16:27:29 - 8% done by [GPU 1] Intel[R] UHD Graphics = [propagation 359.887 s [46%] + refinement 368.775 s [47%] + filtering 34.03 s [4%] + data preps 9.645 s [1%] + gpu data transfer 5.666 s [1%] + others 3.383 s [0%]] 2023-01-17 16:27:29 - 8% done by [GPU 2] Intel[R] UHD Graphics = [propagation 373.283 s [47%] + refinement 362.232 s [46%] + filtering 28.491 s [4%] + data preps 11.756 s [1%] + gpu data transfer 7.147 s [1%] + others 2.986 s [0%]] 2023-01-17 16:27:29 - 42% done by [GPU 3] NVIDIA T1200 Laptop GPU = [propagation 235.843 s [36%] + refinement 237.015 s [36%] + filtering 40.564 s [6%] + data preps 64.209 s [10%] + gpu data transfer 56.393 s [9%] + others 16.216 s [2%]] 2023-01-17 16:27:29 - 42% done by [GPU 4] NVIDIA T1200 Laptop GPU = [propagation 230.424 s [35%] + refinement 241.931 s [37%] + filtering 42.263 s [6%] + data preps 67.02 s [10%] + gpu data transfer 58.55 s [9%] + others 17.47 s [3%]] 2023-01-17 16:27:29 Peak VRAM usage: Camera 2219 [16 neihbs]: 790 MB = 530 MB gpu_neighbImages [67%] + 64 MB gpu_tmp_hypo_ni_cost [8%] + 49 MB gpu_neighbMasks [6%] + 48 MB gpu_mipmapNeighbImage [6%] + 12 MB gpu_tmp_normal [2%] + 11 MB gpu_refImage [1%] + 11 MB gpu_depth_map [1%] + 11 MB gpu_cost_map [1%] + 11 MB gpu_coarse_depth_map_radius [1%] + 11 MB gpu_coarse_depth_map [1%] 2023-01-17 16:27:29 Summary time: images preps 49.681 s [6%], depth estimation 798.696 s [94%] 2023-01-17 16:27:29 47 depth maps generated in 848.668 sec 2023-01-17 16:27:32 saved depth maps block in 3.202 sec 2023-01-17 16:27:35 saved project in 0.019 sec 2023-01-17 16:27:35 Finished processing in 23393.2 sec [exit code 0] 2023-01-17 16:27:35 W:/S210676d UAV Lot 1/Metashape/Metashape 3d all photos/Metashape 3d All photos.psx: Can't write file: There is not enough space on the disk [112]: W:/S210676d UAV Lot 1/Metashape/Metashape 3d all photos/Metashape 3d All photos.files/3/0/depth_maps.4/inliers25.zip

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