kasper là gì - Nghĩa của từ kasper

kasper có nghĩa là

Pulling a Kasper refers to a sort of dance, mid dance floor. You make this dance by sticking out your pelvis and by putting both hands on your hips you try and look as drunk as you can, sometimes even making this manuever with a full cockatil in your one of your hands. Thus trying to attrack members of the opposite sex for a "one night stand". This dance has a high rate of success.

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If it gets late enough I might have to just sack up and make a kasper on the dancefloor.

kasper có nghĩa là

It means to be 'Awesome','Cool', or a 'Legend'.

Ví dụ

If it gets late enough I might have to just sack up and make a kasper on the dancefloor. It means to be 'Awesome','Cool', or a 'Legend'. " Matey, i scored so badly yesterday, it was amazing !! "

kasper có nghĩa là

kasper is kasper

Ví dụ

If it gets late enough I might have to just sack up and make a kasper on the dancefloor. It means to be 'Awesome','Cool', or a 'Legend'.

kasper có nghĩa là

" Matey, i scored so badly yesterday, it was amazing !! " "Dude! Your so Kasper!" kasper is kasper Kasper: i am kasper

Ví dụ

If it gets late enough I might have to just sack up and make a kasper on the dancefloor. It means to be 'Awesome','Cool', or a 'Legend'. " Matey, i scored so badly yesterday, it was amazing !! "

kasper có nghĩa là

"Dude! Your so Kasper!"

Ví dụ

kasper is kasper Kasper: i am kasper
other person: wow you're kasper Kasper, or Casper, is a personal name derived from Chaldean that means "Treasurer". It's very irrelevant for the people of 2020s possessing the name, but Kaspers are usually very kind and comfortable to be around and befriend.

kasper có nghĩa là

The best part about Kaspers are how handsome they are! Which is very fortunate as that as occasionally their only redeeming asset. Kasper's tend to be very selfish and uncomfortable in a sexual context. They're very emotional and sentimental beings, but most often times quite selfish. Usually Kaspers have had a very tough upbringing, which is resulting in them having one or multiple personality disorders. Kaspers are outgoing when with friends and at parties, but they also really enjoy solitude and being alone. Kaspers are very opinionated, but they are often good at only airing their opinions in the right company. Dating a Kasper can be a double-edged sword. They're not noble and honest, and with time they might not be as affectionate as they once were. Sometimes their light will shine, and you'll remember why you started dating them in the first place. Kaspers are magical creatures like that. Whether they had a happy childhood has a huge say in whether they are good people today.

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Girl 1: My meatcurtains hurt after a shitty one nighter yesterday...
Girl 2: What was his name?
Girl 1: No clue, don't care. He was friendly and fun.
Girl 2: Sounds like you got skeebadaddled by a Kasper! A tall person who is smart, sexy, nice, and has the moves. He also is a good musician in guitar and when he plays guitar he has awesome music. He also is the is one of the top 4 best dabbers in the world. When he turns into an adult, he would have 8 girlfriends in his life so far. He would want to be a software engineer. Person #1: You guys hear that music and see that person dabbing its awesome!

kasper có nghĩa là

Kasper is a very special boy. He really likes butterflies, but at the same time he wants to kill them. His friends describes him as a kind but creepy boy. He is also a psychopath.

Ví dụ

Person #2: I know whos playing that music and hitting the dab, its Kasper from school.

kasper có nghĩa là

Person #3: I wish I was a Kasper. Consecutively double faulting three or more times during a game of tennis. May also refer to a number of variants all involving failure during a game of doubles specifically - repeatedly slamming easy balls into the net, awkwardly jumping in the way of a team mates ball and instigating an uncoordinated unforced error, missing the ball entirely, or performing a poor man's version of the Van Damme splits while sliding and then holding the general lower back region. This is accompanied by profuse swearing [usually in the form of an f-bomb], complaining, and/or blaming inanimate objects and non-existant environmental factors such as 'the wind'. These factors [and others such as breaking things and wiring things up wrong] inherently exist regardless of whether there is a tennis game going on, yet they are an essential component to truly Kaspering something.

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[After someone unnecessarily jumps in, and rather poorly, does something that you had covered and were all over]: "Wow, you sure Kaspered that one!"

kasper có nghĩa là

Person 1: "Dude, the server's not working."
Person 2: "Yeah, it's been Kaspered".

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Kasper why are you so salty

kasper có nghĩa là

[After someone excessively complains about something, for example, complaining the whole way while running 10km]: "You sir, are the Kasper of running".

Ví dụ

Kasper is a very special boy. He really likes butterflies, but at the same time he wants to kill them. His friends describes him as a kind but creepy boy. He is also a psychopath.

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