InfoPath cannot submit the form the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

I recently took over a SharePoint site that had a migration from 2010 to 2013.  I am having some issues opening forms and I believe it stems from the fact that the Form Template files are not opening/available.  These are the files with the xsn extension and found in the
//domainsite/FormServerTemplates location.  I can see the full list of form templates from the following url //domainsite/FormServerTemplates/Forms/All Forms.aspx url.

The issue is no matter how I try and open them or download them, I get an error.  Some examples are:

1]Via the web browser directly clicking the link: I click the link, InfoPath opens and prompts for password then I receive a
THE FILE OR FOLDER NAME 'url/formservertemplates/file.xsn' contains characters that are not permitted. Enter a different name

2] If I try to download a copy from the browser:
Sorry, something went wrong
Cannot open file "FormServerTemplates/file.xsn".

3]  Via the Library->Open with Explorer option:  I see the full list -> Right click copy and paste with TeraCopy
Open Error: the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
[Source file shows \\\DAVWWWRoot\FormServerTemplates\file.xsn

4]: Same as above except using windows built in copy:
The filename you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different name

5] Double clicking the xsn file from explorer directly:
tries to open from davwwwrooot as #3
the file or folder name 'file.xsn' contains characters that are not permitted. enter a different name.

Clicked more error details shows:
Form template: \\\DavWWWRoot\FormServerTemplates\file.xsn
To open the file, access to the following form template is required:

I have tried a new blank InfoPath form template, uploaded it to the same location and that downloads/opens fine.  Anyone ever come across a similar issue?

Thank You,

How can I update existing SharePoint list items with Infopath?

December 29, 2015, 12:00 pm

I have and order form created in Infopath. The choices for the order form come from a SharePoint list. I want theAvailable Quantity in the SharePoint list to be updated whenever a new order form is submitted. Users need to be able to order more than one item at a time. How can I accomplish this?

Sharepoint 2013 Forms Templates XSN files not opening

December 29, 2015, 6:16 am

I recently took over a SharePoint site that had a migration from 2010 to 2013.  I am having some issues opening forms and I believe it stems from the fact that the Form Template files are not opening/available.  These are the files with the xsn extension and found in the
//domainsite/FormServerTemplates location.  I can see the full list of form templates from the following url//domainsite/FormServerTemplates/Forms/All Forms.aspx url.

The issue is no matter how I try and open them or download them, I get an error.  I have tried a new blank InfoPath form template, uploaded it to the same location and that downloads/opens fine.  Its the migrated ones that do not open.  I have tried every way I can think of to open, view, copy the files but nothing seems to work.  Anyone ever come across a similar issue?

Some examples of my attempts to open are:

1]Via the web browser directly clicking the link: I click the link, InfoPath opens and prompts for password then I receive a
THE FILE OR FOLDER NAME 'url/formservertemplates/file.xsn' contains characters that are not permitted. Enter a different name

2] If I try to download a copy from the browser:
Sorry, something went wrong
Cannot open file "FormServerTemplates/file.xsn".

3]  Via the Library->Open with Explorer option:  I see the full list -> Right click copy and paste with TeraCopy
Open Error: the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
[Source file shows \\\DAVWWWRoot\FormServerTemplates\file.xsn

4]: Same as above except using windows built in copy:
The filename you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different name

5] Double clicking the xsn file from explorer directly:
tries to open from davwwwrooot as #3
the file or folder name 'file.xsn' contains characters that are not permitted. enter a different name.

Clicked more error details shows:
Form template: \\\DavWWWRoot\FormServerTemplates\file.xsn
To open the file, access to the following form template is required:

6] Exporting via Sharepoint PowerShell Console: I tried exporting as items via the shell.  The newly created template file exports fine which is how i know the script is fine and its an issue on the files.  The migrated non working ones show the following exception:

Exception calling "OpenBinary" with "0" argument[s]: "Cannot open file file.xsn

At C:\temp\export.ps1:23 char:17
+                 $_binary = $_item.File.OpenBinary[];
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: [:] [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SPException

Thank You, 

Infopath 2013 Web Form connection to MS Access Web APP in SP office 365

December 29, 2015, 6:57 am

I am trying to establish a receive data connection to a table that is in a Microsoft Access Web App within a SharePoint site hosted within Office 365.

I have made sure that the settings within the site allow for InfoPath connections. I have made sure that data connections within the Access App are "enabled from any location" and I have made sure the InfoPath form itself functions correctly within the SP environment.

I get through "most of the" data connection wizard in InfoPath, all the way up to testing the connection which is always successful.  But then I get "stuck" in  a sort of feedback loop that ends with a message about SQL login failed for user .  Any suggestions would be helpful.

No design view in SharePoint Designer 2013

June 17, 2014, 9:29 pm

Who made the bright decision not to include the design view in SPD 2013?

That just wipes out most of the Power Users out there. 

Does someone have another option?

I can't believe that Microsoft would neglect so many SPD users who do not have a programming background.


Getting Append Comments in Workflow tasks to show in email.

December 30, 2015, 6:22 pm


I'm stuck on how to add the append comments into an email. So if the first line approver rejects the request he/she has to add a comment into why they rejected the request. How do I get it to include into the email to the initiator that their form got rejected?

Reif, Christopher

how to make dropdown[choice filed] in SharePoint using SQL fileds

December 30, 2015, 4:33 am

hi i have some ECT, in that there is choice filed i need to get this as a drop-down in SharePoint

eg country will be an SQL filed i want this as a drop-down in SharePoint how to do this with Designer.

Alen Austin

What would be the outcome of below formula?

December 30, 2015, 10:37 pm

This formula was created by my colleague an year back and he is not working with us anymore. I have difficulty in understanding this. Can someone help me out?

[ChangeRatePercentS | ChangeRatePercentM][[CurrViewIndex = 1] + 1]

ChangeRatePercentS & ChangeRatePercentM are some fields.

We Also set CurrViewIndex value in form load between 1 to 5.

Note: This is in SP 2010. Not 2013.

Nintex worklfow help

December 30, 2015, 2:44 am


I have a todo task in nintex workflow, set the reminder after 2 days. But after 2 days every day a  reminder mail should trigger.

How can I achieve this ?

Working with sharepoint 2013



Mahesh Sinha

How to Create a Reusable Approval Workflow in Designer 2013

December 11, 2015, 5:08 pm

I'm trying to create a reusable approval WF via SP Designer 2013 [don't ask why]. Long story short I'm trying to replicate the OOTB 2010 approval WF with Designer 2013. Below are my steps:

  • I create a reusable WF and Start a task process

  • I then create an initiation form to add the Approvers 

  • Once done, I then assign the task to the newly created Approvers variable 

Here's the problem. Usually on top of assigning a task to a person and/or group you then can associate the process to a content type, the current list, etc. Basically so that the workflow will know what it is associated to. In this case since it is a reusable 2013 WF it is associated with all Content Type. The problem here is I don't know what the task outcome should be as I do not have any other selections aside from Outcome 3 and so on. I can create a variable but only of type Intiger but that doesn't make sense. Is this even possible to do? As I'm going through the process it is getting more and more complicated and running into all sorts of road blocks and too man questions to go on here. If you try and create a reusable approval WF you'd know what I'm talking about. On the other hand, if it is doable can someone please put me in the right direction? Please advise.

How to Display "Append changes to existing text"[multiple lines of text field] in SharePoint designer workflow email.

December 31, 2015, 9:57 am

Hi, i have a SharePoint List, one of the column name "x" is multiple lines of text, as the user needs Time stamp, i have enabled versions and checked 'Yes" to append changes to existing text. I created a workflow to send an email to item created by [[%Current Item:x%]], along with other columns, in the email i won't see "x" value, it is empty. I went to list and i am seeing the column as "view entries", when i click on that it is displaying within the multiple of text field with time stamp,but when i directly edit list item, it is displaying under the multiple lines of text[that is why it is showing empty in the workflow email sent for column 'x'].

How can i show in the workflow email body?

Project Online Workflow - how to change project owner in workflow

December 31, 2015, 2:07 pm

How do I change the project owner from within a workflow?

This property can be read using the OOTB controls, but I don't see how it can be set - perhaps you have to use the web service controls - if so, how?

Calendar list DispForm is showing HTML tags in value for Lookup and multiselect columns

January 1, 2016, 12:41 am

We have migrated calendar list from MOSS 2007 to SP2010 to SP2013 using content DB attach method.

After the migartion calendar list is showing HTML tags in value for Lookup and multiselect columns as shown here however the text fields are showing values fine. Creating new DispForm.aspx or creating new lookup columns and mapping to correct list in 2013 did not work. And one more similar issue post is for view and not for single item here.

Also tried remapping the lookup columns using PowerShell from //

Please suggest if I'm missing something. Thanks

Ulhas Morbale //

Sharepoint 2013 workflow to change document library group permission

December 21, 2015, 2:58 am


Can someone kindly guide me how to create a 2013 workflow that does the following...

When I create a list item with an option Contribute, I want a particular document librarys group permission to change to Contribute. But when I create a list item , with the option Read, I want the same group in the library to change  it's permission to Read.

I understand that impersonation step and item level permissions are not there in 2013 workflow. 

Any idea?

Calculated Numerator field

December 21, 2015, 8:00 am


We have a SharePoint list that handles repairs. i'm looking for a solution to populate a RepairNumber column that by default will be set to 1 but after i create a second repair item [with same SN column for that matter] the RepairNumber for this item should be set  to 2 etc...

Any thoughts?

Thanks a lot in advacne

Deployment of InfoPath Tricky

January 2, 2016, 5:59 am


I am thinking about creating a copy of a site called eServicesTST on the same site collection to allow my SharePoint Designer workflows developers to test and deploy their workflows there and then move it to the eServicesLive site to speed up the deployment process.  The challanhes lie in the process. So Farm Admins will create a list for the developers on eServices TST then provide DEVELOPERS access to this list to Developer A for example. Developer A configures the form and add the rules to it using InfoPath and then add the workflow to it in SP Designer and then publish the infopath form it on the same location eServicesTST. Once tested and all, the farm admin will republish the same infopath form to the eServicesLive site. I am not sure how will I publish the SharePoint Designer Workflow to the Live Site?

Any Advise is appreciated.



SPD 2013 Wait action not getting completed through email received Event

January 3, 2016, 11:19 pm


I have wait action on field value change in SPD 2013.

when Email received Event triggered on email reception [field is with Value which completes wait action] then field on which wait action attached is still in same action of waiting.

there is one solution for it having loop for continuous checking of field change instead of wait action but this is causing slowness in application due to CPU consumption of workflow backend service. 



Output Audit Data from a Workflow to a List

December 15, 2015, 10:14 am

I have came across a problem that I cannot seem to get an answer. I am trying to either create a Reusable Approval Workflow or Copy and Modify the existing 2010 Approval Workflow and make modifications. Below are the problems I come across:

  • If I create a Reusable WF from scratch in Designer 2013 I can't seem to create the logic that makes sense. I have changed the platform to 2010 to use a Content Type but the same problem is the logic [shown below]. I get stuck at Variable:Outcome and the If statement because there are no variables tying this to anything as opposed to a List WF. Can someone assist with Logic to tie everything together?

  • The next issue is when I Copy and Modify the existing 2010 Approval WF. How can I customize the initiation form [shown below] to add a checkbox with a function to output audit data from the WF to a List? This is my main objective.

Not able to edit 2013 workflow in SharePoint Designer 2013

November 27, 2013, 5:23 pm

I have installed SharePoint Designer 2013 and Visio Professional 2013 [both 64] in my machine[windows 7]. Then I connected it to a SharePoint 2013 online site[in O365]. I can open and edit all the contents including pages and 2010 workflow. But I can't view the 2013 workflow. When I try to edit 2013 workflow I get a blank workflow. 

Any help will be highly appreciated !!

2013 Circulations list - getting value from Status/Confirmed column

December 15, 2015, 6:37 am

We use the Circulations List for adhoc workflows and use a custom workflow to do several things, such as email everyone in the participants field when a new item is created. What we would like to do is get a notification to the owner of the item when a participant Confirms but we can't seem to find the value [either Status or Confirmed].

 The StatusConfirmed field is not available for mapping. It isn't in the list of option for a calculation field "[fieldname]". So we can't get the value.

How do I get access to the Confirm data? Up to now I have been forced to use the change option to alert the Owner of the action. While that can be important it is not the same thing as Confirm/Deconfirm.

Thanks in advance.

William Meisheid
The Boeing Company

Office Web Apps Server 2013 - "Edit in Browser" problem

January 4, 2016, 8:10 am

Hi all,

Please, consider this scenario:

  • I open file A.pptx [or A.xlsx] and take it in view mode ----> OK
  • Click on "Edit in browser" button and file opens in edit mode correctly. ----> OK
  • Then, open file B.pptx in view mode. ----> OK
  • For file B.pptx, click on "Edit in browser" button and OWA opens file A.pptx contents in edit mode but using file B.pptx properties.

It's a standalone OWA server. There is no SharePoint instance associated.

I was able to reproduce this behavior using Excel Web App, getting same results.

It seems like it's something related with "SessionID" due to some Event Viewer log entries:


Here's the code fragment I'm using to generate these IDs:

Any help will be appreciated.


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