In which position is a client placed when having a contraction stress test CST )?

Sometimes, we need to test the health of your unborn baby. The Prenatal Diagnosis Center offers the following tests:

Non-stress Test

We use a machine known as a fetal monitor to do a non-stress test. A non-stress test (NST) looks at your baby's heart rate over time (usually 20 to 30 minutes, but sometimes up to an hour). The monitor has two sensors that are placed on your belly with two belts that go around your waist. One sensor detects any contractions you may be having, even those you might not feel. The other sensor tracks your baby's heart rate, which you can hear. The information is displayed on graph on paper or on a computer screen. During the test, you'll be comfortable in a reclining chair.

One of our nurses will watch the heart rate during the test to see how your baby is doing and make sure the heart rate increases when your baby moves.

  • A NST is considered reassuring if the fetal heart rate increases at least 15 beats per minute over the baseline (between 120 and 160 beats per minute), lasting at least 15 seconds, within a 20-minute timeframe. This is called a "reactive NST."
  • If these accelerations do not occur, the test is said to be "nonreactive." Although a reactive NST is a good sign, a nonreactive NST does not mean there is something wrong with your baby. The baby might be sleeping, or a more in-depth NST or a biophysical profile might be needed.

Biophysical Profile and Amniotic Fluid Index

A biophysical profile (BPP) is an ultrasound exam that monitors the movement, body tone and breathing efforts of your baby. Each of these four measurements is given a score of zero or two points, and the scores are added up. If the BPP is used with a NST and the NST was "reactive," another two points is added.

  • A high score of eight to 10 means your baby is in good condition inside the womb.
  • A low score of zero to four usually means that your baby needs to be delivered.
  • A score of six usually requires a repeat test within 24 hours.

The amniotic fluid index (AFI) is an ultrasound exam that measures the amount of amniotic fluid around your baby.

We may need to measure the pockets of amniotic fluid for several reasons. Perhaps you are past your due date or you have a history of water breaking too early in a pregnancy.

The BPP and AFI testing takes approximately one hour and is not uncomfortable.

The contraction stress test (CST) is a test to see how your baby might cope with contractions during labor. If recommended, the test is typically done near the end of pregnancy.

To perform the test, your doctor will induce mild contractions. An external fetal monitor, which is strapped to your abdomen during the test, keeps track of the strength of the contractions and your baby’s heartbeat.

Also Known As

  • Pregnancy stress test
  • Stress test
  • Oxytocin challenge test (OCT)

Reasons for a Contraction Stress Test

Contraction stress tests (CST) are one way to monitor the health of a fetus before labor. A CST may be part of a series of tests you undergo. Other common late-stage pregnancy monitoring includes a non-stress test (NST) and a biophysical profile (BPP). 

The goal of all late-stage pregnancy tests is to assess whether a fetus is at risk for stillbirth. If the results of CSTs are not reassuring, doctors can intervene prior to labor. 

Your doctor might suggest a CST if:

  • You have a high-risk pregnancy
  • You have diabetes
  • You have had complications in a previous pregnancy
  • Your pregnancy has gone past 40 weeks
  • The results of an NST or BPP are abnormal

Since a CST can sometimes jump-start labor, it is not recommended for people who are at risk for preterm labor or for people who have placenta previa. 

What to Expect During the Test

A CST is done near the end of pregnancy, usually at 34 weeks or later. The test is often done in the hospital. 

During the test, your doctor will place two straps over your abdomen—one to measure contractions, the other to measure fetal heart tones. Your doctor will administer Pitocin (artificial oxytocin) to induce contractions. Alternately, you may stimulate your nipples by rubbing them, which can also bring on contractions.

Your doctor will be looking for a frequency of three contractions every 10 minutes. Your doctor might need to increase the Pitocin until your body responds with contractions that are frequent enough. The test itself may last a couple of hours from start to finish. After the nurse discontinues the medication, they will keep an eye on you until your contractions stop.

CST Results

CST results may be positive or negative. They may also be uncertain. When test results aren’t clear, your doctor may want to repeat the test in a couple of days:

  • Positive: Abnormal findings indicate a fetal heart rate that slows down and stays slow after the contraction for more than half of the contractions.
  • Negative: A normal test shows fetal heart tones that do not decelerate during or after contractions.
  • Equivocal: Results of the test are sometimes unclear.
  • Unsatisfactory: There may not be sufficient contractions to produce a quantifiable result.

The results of the CST last for one week. If your test is negative and your pregnancy continues beyond a week since your previous CST, your doctor may want to repeat the CST in a few days to a week.

Studies have found a positive result to be a valuable predictor of abnormal fetal heart rate patterns during delivery. If the results of the CST are positive, your doctor may suggest options for induction or cesarean birth.

Risks of a Stress Test in Pregnancy

A CST offers valuable information, but it does carry some risks. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of CST with you. 

Risks of CST include:

  • Possibility of jump-starting labor
  • Pitocin may cause fetal distress
  • Discomfort

Hospital staff will closely monitor you during and after the test. If you are at risk for preterm labor or have placenta previa, a CST may not be recommended.

Stress Test Alternatives

If you are unable to have a CST, your doctor may use a combination of other fetal monitoring options to assess your baby’s well-being, including:

  • Non-stress test (NST)
  • Biophysical profile (BPP)
  • Doppler ultrasound exam

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a non-stress test and a contraction stress test?

A non-stress test monitors a fetus without inducing contractions. A contraction stress test, on the other hand, monitors a fetus’ response to contractions. During a CST, mild contractions are induced either through nipple stimulation or medication.

How often is a contraction stress test done?

If results are negative or inconclusive, your doctor may want to repeat the test weekly or twice a week until birth.

A Word From Verywell

If you are facing a CST, you may be feeling anxious. Rest assured that these tests have been used for decades and are considered safe. The test itself usually only produces mild discomfort. 

Talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns that you have about the test. Ask them about what the results could mean and what the next steps are. You may want your partner or doula to accompany you to the test for reassurance and support. 

Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. U.S. Department of Medicine, MedlinePlus. Monitoring your baby before labor.

  2. Michigan Medicine University of Michigan. Contraction stress test.

  3. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Special tests for monitoring fetal well-being.

  4. Różańska-Walędziak A, Czajkowski K, Walędziak M, Teliga-Czajkowska J. The present utility of the oxytocin challenge test-a single-center study. J Clin Med. 2020;9(1). doi:10.3390/jcm9010131

Additional Reading

  • Gabbe, S, Niebyl, J, Simpson, JL. Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 6th Edition.

  • Simkin, P and Ancheta, R. Wiley-Blackwell. The Labor Progress Handbook, 4th Edition.

In which position is a client placed when having a contraction stress test CST )?

By Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH
Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH is a professor, author, childbirth and postpartum educator, certified doula, and lactation counselor.

Thanks for your feedback!

Which position is a client placed when having a contraction stress test?

You'll lie down with two belts around your belly. One measures your baby's heartbeat, and the other measures contractions. (If you're having twins, you'll have two belts to measure heartbeats.) To trigger contractions, your doctor may give you a dose of the drug oxytocin through an IV in your arm.

In which position should the nurse place the laboring client in order to increase the intensity of the contractions and improve oxygenation to the fetus?

"Lying on the side encourages the presenting part to descend." "It enhances blood flow to the uterus and makes contractions easier." In the side-lying position, the gravid uterus does not impede venous return; cardiac output increases, leading to improved uterine perfusion, uterine contractions, and fetal oxygenation.

Who should get a contraction stress test?

Your doctor may schedule a contraction stress test if they're concerned about how your baby will respond to contractions or to see how the fetal heart rate responds to stimulation. However, the test can induce labor.

When preparing a client for a non stress test the nurse should place the client in which position?

During the nonstress test, you'll lie on a reclining chair. You'll have your blood pressure taken at regular intervals during the test. Your health care provider or a member of your health care team will place a sensor around your abdomen that measures the fetal heart rate. Typically, a nonstress test lasts 20 minutes.