IELTS listening lesson

Rania Kuraa

IELTS Academic Listening Section 2 - B1-B2 level level

IELTS Academic Listening Section 2
B1-B2 level level

This lesson plan is useful in preparing students for the IELTS Listening Section 2. Students will be provided with practice for the sub-skills required to answer these types of tasks.This lesson plan accompanies Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic. It is suitable for students of intermediate level and above.

©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
Youtube clip
Youtube clip
OHT of theatre plan
OHT of theatre plan
HO4 Copies of tapescript
HO4 Copies of tapescript
Teacher-made PPT.
Teacher-made PPT.
Google images
Google images
Listening Track YouTube
Listening Track YouTube
Ho1 Vocabulary Matching
Ho1 Vocabulary Matching
Answer key 1
Answer key 1
Grand Theatre Video Clip
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
Youtube clip
Youtube clip
OHT of theatre plan
OHT of theatre plan
HO4 Copies of tapescript
HO4 Copies of tapescript
Teacher-made PPT.
Teacher-made PPT.
Google images
Google images
Listening Track YouTube
Listening Track YouTube
Ho1 Vocabulary Matching
Ho1 Vocabulary Matching
Answer key 1
Answer key 1
Grand Theatre Video Clip
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
©IELTS 11 Academic Cambridge University CUP Test 2
  • To familiarise students with the multiple choice[list selection] questions and labelling a plan tasks in the IELTS listening section 2 and how to approach them.

  • To provide students with practice in listening for specific information and details in the context of theatres.

  • To raise students' awareness of following directions and understanding spatial relationships in the context of theatres.

Lead-in [5 minutes] To generate interest in the topic of the lesson and engage learners.

Introduce myself .Ensure that the ss name cards are ready. Play the YouTube Clip " a soundtrack from a famous Egyptian Play. Ask Ss to guess the name of the play. -''What do you think is the name of this play?'' -Have you watched it before?

Context-setting [3 minutes] To generate students interest in the topic of theatres, set the lesson context and engage students

Tell the students that they are going to watch a short video about a theatre & thay have to identify the different venues in the the video. Play the video clip once. Ask Ss what different kinds of facilities are there at the theatre.Elicit from students the names of these facilities and write them on the board.

Pre-teaching Vocabulary [5 minutes] To make sure students do not face difficult words that might block their understanding

We are going to listen to a woman who works in a theatre talking to two new staff members on their first day of work. But first there are some words that you need to know. .Hold up HO1[Matching Vocabulary]. Tell Ss they have to match the words in the first column to their definitions. [Give them 5 mins]. ICQs: How many words do we have?10 words. How many minutes do you have? 5 mins. Give Ss HO1. Ss work individually to complete the task. Teacher monitors. Ss check their answers in pairs. Then give them the answer key[ Answer key 1] or put it behind their chairs. Whole class feedback.Check if they need any clarification.

Scaffolding [5 minutes] To help learners identify key words and synonyms or paraphrasing

Give Students HO2 . Ask them to read the questions and read through the answer options. Ask Ss to underline the key words and in the listening task. Demonstrate an example with them.Tell them to work individually and give them 2 minute to complete the task. Students complete the task individually-Teacher monitors. Students check their answers in pairs. Elicit the keywords.Open class feedback.

Listening for specific and detailed information [20 minutes] To help learners listen to the text for key words and their synonyms and paraphrasing To help learners listen intensively

MCQ [List Selection]: Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a woman who works in a theatre talking to two new staff members on their first day of work.Tell Ss that they have to listen to the key words in the questions. Hold up [ HO2:Q11- Q16]. Set the task. Tell Ss they have to choose the correct answers.[ Remind Ss again of the number of options they have to choose.] Explain that all answer options will probably be given in the recording so they need to listen carefully and choose the correct options. ICQ: How many options will you choose? Two. Now play the first part of the conversation once [Q11- Q16]. Ss work individually to complete the task. Check in pairs. Conduct whole class feedback. Plan Labelling: Show the plan of the of the theatre.Ask students where they think a tour of the theatre might start. Review the basic language of directions with the class [turn right, left, go straight on, go through, go past, opposite, etc] using the plan.For example, ask students for the directions from the entrance to the water cooler. Hold up [The theatre plan HO3]. Set the task. Tell students that they have to write the correct letter [A-G] next to questions [17-20]. Explain that the answers will come in order so they have to listen to they keywords in the questions[ Box office- theatre manager's office- lighting box- artistic director's office]and follow the order of information. Hand out the listening task. [HO3] Now play the second part of the conversation once [Q17- Q20] Ss complete the task individually. Students check in pairs before a whole class check. If necessary, play the recording a final time, pausing after each answer. Display the answers on the wall.

Follow-up: [Text-analysis] [7 minutes] To provide with an opportunity to analyse useful language in the text,respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Hold up HO4.[copies of tapescript.].Tell Ss that they will work in pairs to underline the words that helped them find the answers to the questions. Demonstrate an example with Ss. Put students into pairs. Give students HO4. Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Give open class feedback and give them the script with the answers underlined to check why the correct answers were the right ones. Optional Extension: Check that students understand the meaning of distractors. Draw students' attention to the information box in HO5, which clearly defines what they are and what their purpose is. Put students into pairs.Give Ss HO5 [Copies of the tapescript]. Tell Ss that the answers to the questions have been underlined. Ask Ss to circle the words acting as 'distractors'. Encourage them to think of useful ways to avoid them in further listening tests.

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