How do I close Remote Desktop Connection?

  • if you go to task manager, open the user tab and right click on the user and select disconnect/logoff

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  • I take it qwinsta/rwinsta [command line] no longer work in 2012?

    EDIT: looks like they still do, check this out:


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  • Terminal services manager should let you do this as well. And Magnus you know how many people actually know how to use qwinsta and rwinsta, far fewer than you imagine I bet.

  • got it . thanks guys

  • magnus is just showing off now

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  • I'm not that old damn it!

    just because these commands were available back when microsoft "bought" the term services from citrix...

    hey... ya know what...

    [content removed by moderator] you guys, I'm going home. :P

  • Aren't you home all ready?

  • just type in a command prompt from any machine on the network:

    query session /server:

    To disconnect the session, type:

    reset session /server:

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  • Alex3031 - Terminal Services Manager has been gone since Server 2003 R2. I think that's why he was asking. What is the tool that replaced it? 

  • ZackA wrote:

    Alex3031 - Terminal Services Manager has been gone since Server 2003 R2. I think that's why he was asking. What is the tool that replaced it? 

    Really correcting me after almost two years, but fair enough you are correct. I don't recall the specific name, but it's probably something with RDS or Remote Desktop Services in the name since that's what Terminal services were re-branded.

  • Microsoft required Citrix to license their MultiWin technology to

    Microsoft in order to be allowed to continue offering their own

    terminal-services product

  • How can they force Citrix to do that? They have no say over whether Citrix designs a product to do that, although according to MS licensing you still need RDS CALs for the number of users using Citrix or any other terminal server type app for Windows server.

  • Here's a version that ignores your currently logged in session, eg. when you're logged in remotely. Findstr filters for an escaped ">" character [escaping makes the batch interpreter ignore the normal usage of ">"], and then outputs only the lines that do not contain the ">" character, by using the -v parameter.


    query session | findstr -v ^> >session.txt for /f "skip=1 tokens=3," %%i in [session.txt] DO logoff %%i del session.txt

Is it possible to exit a Windows Remote Desktop Connection in full-screen mode with a keyboard shortcut?

I'm using Windows 8.

If you have the proper administrative tools set up, there is a tool you can use to manage remote sessions. Hit your start key and type Remote Desktop Services Manager into the search box. It should find an entry of the same name that you can run. If you don't see that entry, try connecting to a Windows Server system and looking there.

When the window opens, there will be an area on the left side that says, "Remote Desktop Services Manager", with a computer [probably your computer] listed underneath. Right click on the Remote Desktop Services Manager option and choose "Connect to Computer". A window will open where you can choose "Another Computer" and enter the computer name that you are unable to reach. Now the name of the locked computer will show in the list. Click on it, the section to the right will show information about that computer, including a tab that will show any open sessions. From here, you can right-click on a session and choose to disconnect, logoff, or reset it. Do that, and you will be able to connect to the computer via remote desktop again.

If you disconnect from a remote desktop without logging off, applications in the remote desktop might remain open. You can also disconnect from a server and leave published applications running.

You can log off from a remote desktop even if you do not have the remote desktop open. This feature has the same result as sending Ctrl+Alt+Del to the remote desktop and then clicking Log Off.

Note: The Windows key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del is not supported in remote desktops. Instead, click the Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete button in the menu bar. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Insert.

  • Disconnect from a remote desktop without logging off. Option Action From the remote desktop window From the desktop and application selector window
    Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click the Close button in the corner of the remote desktop window.
    • Select Options from the menu bar in the remote desktop window and select Disconnect.
    In the upper-left corner of the desktop and application selector window, click the Disconnect from this server icon and click OK in the warning dialog box.

    If you are entitled to multiple remote desktops or published applications on the server, the desktop and application selector window is open.

  • Log off and disconnect from a remote desktop. Option Action From within the remote desktop From the menu bar
    Use the Windows Start menu to log off.

    Select Options and select Logoff Desktop.

    If you use this procedure, files that are open on the remote desktop are closed without being saved first.

  • Disconnect from a published application. Option Action Disconnect from the published application but not the server Disconnect from the published application and the server Close the application selector window, but leave the published application running
    Quit the published application in the usual manner, for example, click the Close button in the corner of the application window.
    In the upper-left corner of the application selector window, click the Disconnect from this server icon and click OK in the warning dialog box.
    Click the Close button. The application selector window closes.
  • Log off when you do not have a remote desktop open.

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