Get the bus on có trong tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

From the 1930s to the 1950s the incidence of walking to work declined rapidly, but the use of buses and bicycles increased substantially.

In trains and buses the young people are never willing to offer their elders seats.

There is a bus service, but the train's much better really.

However, what differs is the size of the bus operated, not the amount of work demanded. 11.

Since then the buses have become too many and the chance of making money has decreased.

Furthermore, companies face higher standards regarding the vintage of buses.

It is a pre-existing bus with a well-defined payload capacity.

Having comfortable buses with a drop-step, making it easier to get on and off, and a regular and reliable service were also important.

The interview took place in two locations : the airport express bus station [n=422] and the express train platform [n=398].

Supporters of the busses, meanwhile, fashioned a response to the merchant companies and changed venues for their advocacy.

Even with discounted bus fares for retired people, some respondents said they could not afford the expensive fares for short distances.

Can get simple information about travel, use public transport: buses, trains, and taxis, and give directions, and buy tickets.

Those commuters who chose not to use buses had similar reasons to those who disliked trams.

For the project, a city bus was transformed into a fully equipped digital lab and made available to groups of children.

Embedded in the amorphous masses of the project was a bus station with services and worker accommodation.

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Đi xe buýt là di chuyển đến một nơi nào đó bằng phương tiện giao thông là xe buýt.

Taking the bus is quite cheap.


Anh ấy đi xe buýt đến trường mỗi sáng.

He takes the bus to school every morning.

Một số phương tiện giao thông:

- car [ô tô]

- bicycle [xe đạp]

- motorcycle [xe máy]

- scooter [xe tay ga]

- truck [xe tải]

- van [xe tải nhỏ]

- minicab [xe cho thuê]

- tram [xe điện]

- bus [xe buýt]

Nhà sáng lập Nền tảng luyện thi thông minh Prep. Với hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm trong giảng dạy và luyện thi, Thầy Tú đã giúp hàng ngàn học viên đạt điểm cao trong kỳ thi IELTS. Bên cạnh đó, Thầy Tú Phạm cũng là chuyên gia tham vấn trong các chương trình của Hội Đồng Anh và là diễn giả tại nhiều sự kiện, chương trình và hội thảo hàng đầu về giáo dục.

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