faggoth là gì - Nghĩa của từ faggoth

faggoth có nghĩa là

A poser, NOT to be mistaken for a real Goth. One who adheres to certain generic hard rock music/style such as Mudvayne or Slipknot and black clothing, while pretending to be a hardcore badass for the sake of getting attention from guys/girls. A faggoth spends all of his/her time conforming to the Hot Topic ideology, dressing mainly in black, while denouncing conformity of all kinds, foolishly mistaking their OWN GENERIC CONFORMITY for individualism. Of course, most deny and dismiss their love for Hot Topic, however the majority just say this to further boost their own "individualism" however this is just an act, a fake plastic attempt to be different, much like their personality. Some faggoths listen to underground music, in hopes of authenticating their own “uniqueness”. Faggoths are known to be quite liberal in their beliefs, ardently denouncing government, politics, and the President of the United States, because that is the cool thing to do. They are for gay rights, and the legalization of drugs, more specifically marijuana. However these attempts to become “individuals” fail miserably because faggoths are just as materialistic, shallow, and egocentric as everyone else whom they claim to NOT be. However, due to lack of intelligence in our society, very few people can distinguish a real goth, from a faggoth.


Faggoth Tony: "I'm such a badass, I listen to cool obscure rock bands, I wear makeup, I smoke pot everyday, and I have 20+ peircings on my face alone...this makes me so cool!"

Stupid Girls Who Fall For BULLSHIT: "wow...and black lipstick...you are such a badass!!! You truely are goth!"

Me: *throws up*

faggoth có nghĩa là

Combination of "faggot" & "goth"

Used to describe anyone who shops at Hot Topic, listens to HIM, Slipknot, or any other Numetal. Can be found in their dark rooms writing poetry, doing drugs, or trying to kill themselves. If you ever encounter one, approach with extreme violence.

Also see Dani Filth or Marilyn Manson


Drew: "Ha, look at the group on faggoths, coming out of Hot Topic."

Nate: *picks up a rusty pipe* "Let's go kick their Victorian-styled asses"

faggoth có nghĩa là

Conflation of faggot / goth. Largely redundant, because all goths are fags. No exceptions whatsoever.


Another faggoth gone below, praise that from whom all blessings flow.

faggoth có nghĩa là

faggot + goth

gay goth kid. probably likes reading queer books about conspiracies and vampires and having secks with men. one of the highest degrees of being a skwayer


person one-hey look at edgar over there

person two- no he's part of the "dark" side or whatever. he wants to be called andariel, darkness lord of the almighty, grand panel of the sages of elm street werewolverines.

person one- wow what a faggoth

faggoth có nghĩa là

Usually consists of a band, who’s sound is obviously derives from metal (has metal influences), such as distorted electrical guitars, and bass guitars, rapid drumming, and heavy vocals. However the difference between faggoth metal and REAL metal is the ideology of the band itself. A faggoth metal band usually poses for popular magazines, while signing on to giant labels in hopes of getting more money. Once this happens and faggoth metal band becomes popular and forgets why they wrote music to begin with. Faggoth metal bands are known to become quite bastardized, and begin adding their own catchy melodies, such as synths, pop-influenced playing style and female vocals. Other faggoth metal bands become so melodic and catchy, that eventually mainstream hits become inevitable. Faggoth metal bands are extremely popular in faggoths/mallgoths that have a conviction that they are listening to the heaviest form of music known to man, which is the only real reason they listen to it. Adherents of faggoth metal are either posers who are too intimidated by the real real metal culture, and know it, thus this becomes the next best thing for them. Either that or some douche bag jock who think it makes him/her appear tough. Unfortunately for them, this is untrue, and in fact, faggoth metal bands are generally rejected and ridiculed by true metalheads. Prime examples of a faggoth metal bands are Cradle of Filth (the quintessential example), and Slipknot (they are really a hard rock band, but you get the picture).


Faggoth Metal fan: “Dude, this fucking band is so hardcore! I love it, you should listen to it!”

Me: “I rather not…”

Faggoth Metal fan: “Yea, I bet…it’s because you’re too much of a pussy to listen to this, plus you’ve been affected by the mainstream…”

Me: “Actually, it is YOU that have been affected by the mainstream, which is the primary reason you listen to this sell out band. You think that this makes you an anti-conformist, when in fact, this makes you much more of a tool than the preps…And BTW, this is not death metal, it is FAGGOTH metal. If you want death metal, may I suggest a Morbid Angel album?”

Faggoth Metal fan: “Morbid who?!? That’s not metal…I mean…this…is…scary….AHH!!” *runs like a girl and gets hit by a speeding biker, instantly becoming decapitated in half*

Me: *shakes head* “ahh…kids these days…”

faggoth có nghĩa là

1. N.) An intricate combination of fag and goth personas.

2. N.) One who indulges in acts of faggothry. (i.e. black fingernails, lipstick, top-hats)


"Look at that faggoth."

faggoth có nghĩa là

a supposed black metal/metal band that actaully are media whores, and love to have their picture taken wherever they go.


Cradle Of Filth, dimmu borgir is kinda up there to but not as bad as Cradle Of Filth

faggoth có nghĩa là

Metal posers; almost all faggoths listen to Cradle of Filth and most of them listen to shitty mallcore bands like KoRn and Slipknot. Then they have the audacity to insult real Metal bands like Slayer, Megadeth, Overkill, Candlemass, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Skinless, Amon Amarth, etc. by listening to them and claiming to be Metal. Faggoths are posers and should be taken out and dropped off a cliff.


Josh: Did you see that faggothic kid with the black hair and purple lipstick and Cradle of Shit t-shirt? Bobby: Yeah, let's go kick his ass!

faggoth có nghĩa là

Usually used to describe goth scenesters, largely among metalheads. It is generally only used to describe stereotypical goth things, like depression, dumb clothing and bad music. Can also be used as a term of endearment among metalheads when categorizing their Doom Metal.


"That new "My Dying Bride" album is really faggothic"

"That guy was an incredible faggoth"