emporer là gì - Nghĩa của từ emporer

emporer có nghĩa là

Used to express when many people believe something that is not true. Used also to express something as untrue. See also the expression "the Emperor's new clothes".

Based on Sufi wisdom, Hans Christian Andersen tells the tale in his "The Emperor's New Clothes", the story this expression derives from. In it. there existed an emperor who loved wearing fine clothes and spent all of his people's money on them. He had a different set for each hour and was, without doubt, the finest dressed man in the land.

One day, two swindlers claiming to be weavers entered the Emporer's city and proclaimed they were capable of making the finest, lightest, most magnificent cloth the world has ever seen. So extraordinary was this cloth, it was invisible to anyone who was incompetent or stupid.

Hearing of the weaver's amazing "talent", the foolish Emporer thought he could use such cloth to weed out undesirables in his city. He paid the swindlers an enormous sum & they set out to "create" the clothes; knowing they would only need go through the motions.

The Emperor sent several advisors to guage their progress and all the advisors reported the cloth magnificent, not wanting to appear unworthy for seeing nothing at all; the cloth didn't exist!

Finally the clothes were "finished", the swindlers already having counted the gold and jewels they had received. A procession was arranged to show off the Emporer's new clothes and the entire city gathered in the center to view them. Having been "dressed" by the swinglers, who remarked how wonderful he looked, and how light the cloth appeared on him, he appeared before his people.

The people, having heard of the weaver's abilities and the cloth's fictious properties, were amazed and offered thunderous applause to the now beaming Emperor. None of them were willing to admit that they hadn't seen a thing; for if anyone did, then he was either stupid or unfit for the job he held. Never before had the emperor's clothes been such a success.

While expressing admiration at their Emporer's new "invisible" clothes, a small boy cried out... "But the Emperor has no clothes!"


"This entire adventure in Iraq has been based on propaganda and manipulation. Eighty-seven billion dollars is too much to pay for the continuation of a war based on falsehoods. The Emperor has no clothes."
- U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd in a Senate Hearing speech October, 2003.

emporer có nghĩa là

To charge head on without thought or reason against seemingly insurmountable odds and horrors no matter how bleak and dire the situation may appear, and to do so completely at ones own peril while receiving absolutely no personal gain from the action. In combat this most likely involves giving up a superior tactical firing position for the chance to get up close and use your chain-sword on a 20 f tall monstrosity with a arsenal of fangs seemingly born from the mating of a rototiller and elephant industrial ground beef machine. Short term unremembered glory for long term pain.


Ex - See dawn of war intro trailer on Youtube (no ones says "For the Emporer" but it is implied by their actions) Jeff - "You hurt your back yesterday trying to lift that fridge didn't you? That was stupid man you could have just waited 1 minute for me to get there." Martin - "For the Emperor" Captain IronFist- sees his platoon of space marines surrounded on all sides by Tyranid forces, His comms tells him that reinforcements will arrive in minutes and he just has to hold out if he wants to survive. Disregarding the chance to survive, He roars to his fellow brothers and draws his chain-sword in the direction of the swarm and shouts "FOR THE EMPEROR!!!" His brothers rise up with him abandoning their well fortified bunkers and heavy weapons in order to engage the largely melee based enemy up close and personal. Soon only the Captain is left facing the mighty Carnifex with slashing blades faster then a nuclear powered lawnmower. The Captain fights with all the power and skill of a space marine but is eviscerated right through the chest. As the beast raises him up to eye level to watch the life drain from his body the Captain shouts ""For the Emperor!!" one last time and shoves a Grenade right down the beast's throat killing both of them. The dust settings the reinforcements arrive and the war continues and no one is the wiser.

emporer có nghĩa là

Godspeed You! Black Emporer (formerly Godspeed You Black Emporer!), is a Montreal-based post rock band. Their first full-length album, 'f# a# (infinity)', has 3 tracks totalling up to 1 hour. The tracklisting for 'f# a# (infinity)' goes as follows:

1) The Dead Flag Blues
2) East Hastings
3) Providence

They have more than just one record, however. GY!BE is well-known, but not in the 'popular music' way. They are on an indefinite hiadus, I believe.


f# a# (infinity) by Godspeed You! Black Emporer <-- Debut Album< div>

emporer có nghĩa là

one that can not type correctly whilst maintaining a steady speed.


sadi, waht, teh, oen

emporer có nghĩa là

to take a bloody shit in ones mouth


ewwww u just red emporered me

emporer có nghĩa là

it's how people from Michigan or Minnesota pronounce important. They really can't help it. Someone from Michigan might come up with the lame excuse of it being a 'Michigander thing' Truth is it sounds funny and makes for good comedic relief. It's often always a good idea to ask someone from Michigan to pronounce Important for you or any word for that matter.


A: what's the latest on the super collider?
Mr. Pinecone: blah blah blah..........for 10 minutes
A: that sounds really empor-ent
D: hahahahahahh
A:what's so funny?

emporer có nghĩa là

A person who enjoys sleeping with very old people


What he slept with her, shes like 89! He's a real emporer of the dust!

emporer có nghĩa là

Someone misspelling the name of post-rock band Godspeed You! Black Emperor, known mainly for their debut album "F#A#∞" (pronounced F Sharp A Sharp Infinity) off of which the track "East Hastings" (named after East Hastings Street in British Columbia, Canada, generally considered to be a skid row) is to date their only single. However their sophomore album "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" is considered by the post-rock community to be their best one. They went on hiatus in 2003 but came back in 2010 releasing 3 albums since then.


Bob: "Hey, have you heard Godspeed You! Black Emporer ?"
Bill: "You mean Godspeed You! Black Emperor ?"
Bob: "Oh."

emporer có nghĩa là

a person who is addicted to a game, Evony. They act like they build a castle, conquer lands and rule people but what they all do is sit on a computer, live in city and attack more 'imaginary' land.


Gosh, I can't go on computer because my brother is such an urban emporer...