casbah là gì - Nghĩa của từ casbah

casbah có nghĩa là

Disobeying and doing something you belive is right even though it isn't legal. Comes from the Clash song of the same name, which was about playing rock music even though it was banned by the Ayatollah

Also, this was the first rock song played in Iran in ten years after the Shah was removed from his trone. It was played by on the American Army radio and became an anthem for the army during the first Gulf War.

Ví dụ

"The shareef dont like it
Rockin the casbah
Rock the casbah"

casbah có nghĩa là

Casbah or Kasbah - Hebrew. Kasbah: Old market-place roofed by arches in an Arab town. The song is refering to political terms of two cultures fighting against each other - the casbah is the place that was rocked by these cultures and their 'clash' with each other along with their bombs. Read the actual lyrics and you will see the political nature of it.

Ví dụ

"The shareef dont like it
Rockin the casbah
Rock the casbah"

casbah có nghĩa là

Casbah or Kasbah - Hebrew. Kasbah: Old market-place roofed by arches in an Arab town. The song is refering to political terms of two cultures fighting against each other - the casbah is the place that was rocked by these cultures and their 'clash' with each other along with their bombs. Read the actual lyrics and you will see the political nature of it.

Ví dụ

"The shareef dont like it

casbah có nghĩa là

Rockin the casbah

Ví dụ

"The shareef dont like it
Rockin the casbah
Rock the casbah"

casbah có nghĩa là

Casbah or Kasbah - Hebrew. Kasbah: Old market-place roofed by arches in an Arab town. The song is refering to political terms of two cultures fighting against each other - the casbah is the place that was rocked by these cultures and their 'clash' with each other along with their bombs. Read the actual lyrics and you will see the political nature of it.

Ví dụ

The shareef don't like it,

casbah có nghĩa là

Rocking the casbah
Rock the casbah. It's the place rocked by The Clash.

Ví dụ

The sharif don't like it, Rock the Casbah N. Kaz-baaah. That which needs rocking.

casbah có nghĩa là

"Rock the Casbah"

Ví dụ

Rocking the casbah!!!!!-the clash

casbah có nghĩa là

-Cuộc đụng độ

Ví dụ

in most recent usage: a house or venue of love-making

casbah có nghĩa là

to "rock the casbah" [the clash] is a humorous pun meaning to make love.

Ví dụ

kaz-buh, -bah, kahz- citadel; a walled central area of a town or city in North Africa, especially Algiers. Also, the older quarter of such a town or city.

casbah có nghĩa là

a fun place to reside

Ví dụ

The word was popularized in Western cultures in the early 1980s thanks to the song "Rock the Casbah" by British punk band The Clash. The song's lyrics have undergone multiple convoluted interpretations since it was released in 1982. The lyrics of the song are better understood if one knows how the song came to be written. In short, they describe an Arab king's [called a "sharif," a noble who is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad] efforts to stop his subjects from listening to Western music, such as ordering his military's jet fighters to bomb any people in violation of the ban. The pilots ignore the order, and instead play rock music on their cockpit radios. The population then proceed to "rock the casbah" by dancing to the music. This scenario was inspired by the ban on Western music in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

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