Bitter divorce là gì

Trên đây là bài viết từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề family, đã cung cấp cho bạn những từ vựng tiếng Anh về chủ đề gia đình từ cơ bản đến nâng cao. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn có được những kiến thức từ vựng thông dụng và giao tiếp hiệu quả về chủ đề gia đình nhé!

Revolution, which was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.

A. took                         B. gave                       c. had                         D, made

Question 2: A number of the kids in my classroom come from____ homes.

A. broken                     B. damaged               c. hurt                        D. separated

Question 3: After a_____________ divorce from his wife of 20 years, the actor

married a woman young enough to be his daughter.

A. hostile                     B. unhappy               C. bitter                     D. normal

Question 4: An________ family is a family consisting of parents like father,

mother, and their children, aunts, uncles, and cousins, all living nearby or in the same household.

A. nuclear                    B. loving                   C. close-knit             D. extended

Question 5: His parents died in a car accident 3 years ago and he has ______ up by his grandparents since then.

A. grown                      B. brought                 C. taken                      D. made

Question 6: A – mother is the woman who gives birth to a child, regardless of whether she is the genetic mother or subsequently brings up the child.

A. step                        B. adoptive                C. birth                       D. law

Question 7: She decided to quit the job despite its high salary because she was not on good    with her boss.

A. terms                      B. well                         C. relations                D. relationships

Question 8: John had a_________ childhood, growing up with happily married parents and three brothers.

A. carefree                   B. careful                   C. careless                  D. troubled

Question 9: My aunt’s going through a______ divorce; she’s paying a fortune

in legal fees.

A. bitter                                                           B. messy

C. mutual                                                         D. carefree

Question 10: Some women choose to_______ an abortion rather than care for a severely disabled child.

A. have                         B. give                        C. get                           D. A and c

Question 11: A judge might________ sole custody to the mother, and the father has to pay child support.

A. reward                     B. award                    C. receive                   D. accept

Question 12: He is a____________ boy in the family and his parents always give him everything he wants.

A. blue-eyed                B. naked-eyed           C. black sheep           D. spoiled

Question 13: My sister_________ pregnant immediately after she got married.

A. took                         B.gave                        C. had                          D. got

Question 14: ________________ is the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class

A. Cold blood                                                  B. Blue blood

C. Bad blood                                                    D. Fresh blood

Question 15: My son is making a diagram of our family______ for a school project.

A. background            B. tree                        C. root                         D. roof

Question 16: My wife is pregnant with twins. They are______ in February.

A. come                        B. date                       C. due                        D. here

Question 17: If you are unable to meet the legal and moral responsibilities of parenthood, you may give the baby ________________________________ adoption. There are professional

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