Bài tập tiếng anh unit 12 lớp 3 năm 2024

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 12 Jobs

Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại

Look at the pictures and write

  1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

Choose the odd one out

  1. A. farrner B. worker C. driver D. sister 2. A. pupil B. worker C. teacher D. mother 3. A. family B. mother C. father D. aunt4. A. dentist B. doctor C. family D. policeman5. A. worker B. job C. cook D. doctor

Choose the correct answer

1. ___________ is her job? - She is a cook.A. WhatB. WhereC. When2. She’s ______________.

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

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024 22426188

  1. an office worker B. a tableC. a classroom3. ____________ your brother like his job? - Yes, he does.A. IsB. AreC. Does4. Is your mother a housewife? - ___________ A. Yes, she doesB. Yes, she isC. Yes, she has5. How old _______ your grandmother?A. isB. areC. does6. What is _________ job? - He’s a teacher.A. her B. hisC. your

Read and decide each sentence is True or False

Hello. My name's Nam.This is a photo of my family. My father is a taxi driver. Mymother is a teacher. She works in a Primary School. My sister is a pupil and I’m also a pupil. We are a happy family.1. Nam’s father is a taxi driver.2. Nam’s mother is a teacher in a Secondary School.3. Nam’s sister is a worker.4. Nam’s family is very happy.

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