Bài tập tiếng anh mai lan hương lớp 6 năm 2024

Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 được soạn theo từng đơn vị bài học [Unit] của sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 6. Mỗi Unit được soạn thành 2 Test, mỗi Test gồm 15 đến 20 câu. Sau 3 đơn vị bài học có bài tự kiểm tra [Test Yourself] gồm 25 câu. Sau Unit 8 là Bài kiểm tra học kỳ I [First Sememster Test] và sau Unit 16 là Bài kiểm tra cuối năm [Final Test], nhằm giúp các em ôn luyện và củng cố kiến thức đã học.

Zenbooks hy vọng Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 sẽ là quyển sách thiết thực, đáp ứng được yêu cầu ôn luyện và kiểm tra kiến thức bằng hình thức trắc nghiệm cho học sinh lớp 6.

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  2. Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2 - Mai Lan Hương

» Mua Sách Tại Những Trang Thương Mại Điện Tử Uy Tín

Cuốn sách "Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2" của tác giả Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên soạn thảo theo chương trình mới của Bộ giáo Dục và Đào tạo, sách giúp các em học sinh nâng cao các kĩ năng đọc [reading], viết [writting], nghe [listening], nói [Speaking], gồm nhiều bài tập vô cùng đa dạng của chương trình Tiếng Anh 6 sắp xếp lại các chữ cái sau để được từ có nghĩa, tìm từ không cùng nhóm với các từ còn lại, chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất đúng nhất, viết lại câu,...

Bài tập tiếng Anh 6 do Mai La Hương biên soạn gồm hai tập tương ứng với hai tập sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình mới của Nhà Xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam hợp tác với Nhà Xuất bản Gỉáo dục Pearson. Tham khảo thêm cuốn sách Bài tập tiếng anh 6 tập 1 - Mai Lan Hương

Bài tập tiếng Anh 6 tập 2 gồm 6 đơn vị bài tập được biên soạn theo sát nội dung của 6 đơn vị bài học trong sách Tiếng Anh 6 tập 2. Mỗi đơn vị bài tập gồm 5 phần:

  • Phần A - Phonetics: Các bài tập ngữ âm giúp củng cố khả năng phát âm và khả năng nhận biết các âm được phát âm giống nhau hoặc khác nhau.
  • Phần B - Vocabulary and Grammar:Các bài tập về từ vựng và ngữ pháp giúp ôn luyện từ vựng và củng cố kiến thức ngữ pháp trong từng đơn vị bài học.
  • Phần C - Speaking:Các bài tập đặt câu hỏi, hoàn tất đoạn hội thoại, sắp xếp đoạn hội thoại, v.v. giúp rèn luyện kĩ năng nói.
  • Phần D - Reading:các đoạn văn ngắn với hình thức điền vào chỗ trống, chọn từ để điền vào chỗ trống, đọc và trả lời câu hỏi, đọc rồi viết T [true] hoặc F [false], v.v. giúp luyện tập và phát triển kĩ năng đọc hiểu.
  • Phần E - Writing:Các bài tập viết câu hoặc viết đoạn văn giúp luyện tập kĩ năng viết.

Sau phần bài tập của mỗi đơn vị bài tập có một bài kiểm tra [Test for Unit] và sau 3 đơn vị bài tập có một bài tự kiểm tra [Test Yourself] nhằm giúp các em ôn tập và ủng cố kiến thức đã học.



Thẻ từ khóa: Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2 - Mai Lan Hương, Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2, Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2 pdf, Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2 ebook, Tải sách Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2, Download sách Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 2, Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 1, Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 6 Tập 1 pdf

Sách bài tập được biên soạn dưới dạng vở bài tập, dựa theo quyển Tiếng Anh 6 của Bộ Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo.

Sách gồm các bài tập về từ vựng và ngữ pháp nhằm giúp học sinh luyện tập sâu hơn với nội dung trọng tâm của bài học. Các bài tập được xếp tương ứng với các UNIT trong sách giáo khoa. Từ vựng và ngữ pháp bám sát chương trình học với tần suất lặp lại và nâng cao dần một cách hợp lý để học sinh cảm thấy hứng thú khi thực hành. Sau phần bài tập theo từng đơn vị bài học, có các đề gợi ý dùng để kiểm tra học kỳ. Sau các đề gợi ý, có một số đề kiểm tra 1 tiết và để kiểm tra học kỳ.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 6 còn là quyển sách trợ giúp thiết thực cho giáo viên. Sách cung cấp nhiều loại bài tập phong phú để giáo viên có thể khai thác, sử dụng thích hợp cho các học sinh lớp 6 có trình độ khác nhau.

weathergirl f. a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations

  • comedian g. a television station
  • documentary h list of the television programmes that are on a particular channel and the times that they start
  • sitcom i. a person who hosts an event
  • viewer j. a person whose job is to make people laugh, by telling jokes or funny stories. III. Choose the correct answers.
  • ‘Why are you laughing so hard?’ ‘I am watching a ________. It’s really funny!’ a. drama b. news c. comedy d. romance
  • Did you watch the ________ about the history of India? a. documentary b. sitcom c. news d. game
  • Who wants To Be a Millionaire is a kind of ________. a. music programmes b. game shows c. talk shows d. reality shows
  • I love ________. Tom and Jerry are my favourite characters. a. romances b. comedies c. documentaries d. cartoons
  • Grandma watches her favourite ________ every day. She never misses any episodes. a. cartoon b. series c. news d. weather forecast
  • Where is the ________? I’d like to change the channel. a. remote control b. volume button c. TV programme d. schedule
  • Could you turn up the ________ please. I can’t hear that singer very well. a. channel b. programme c. volume d. television
  • Let’s take a look at the weather ________ now! a. forecast b. presentation c. broadcast d. programme
  • Did you see the Prime Minister on the 10 o’clock ________ last night? a. drama b. sitcom c. news d. cartoon
  • Jill Newman was a[n] ________ on News at Ten. a. MC b. newsreader c. host d. interviewer
  • We can go to the pool _________ we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer? a. or b. but c. and d. so
  • John likes funny movies _________ he doesn’t like scary movies. a. and b. or c. so d. but
  • I’d like to see that Korean band _________ their music is pretty cool. a. although b. so c. because d. but
  • I still cry at the end _________ I’ve seen this movie several times. a. and b. although c. because d. so
  • You must hurry _________ you will miss your train. a. so b. but c. and d. or
  • His chocolate was too hot, _________ he put some cold milk in it. a. so b. but c. because d. although IX. Complete the sentences with the correct question words.
  • ___________ do you watch TV? - Every night.
  • ___________ hours a day do you watch TV? - Three hours.
  • ___________ do you usually watch TV? - In the evening.
  • ___________ of TV programmes do you like to watch? - Sports, Music, and Cartoon.
  • ___________ is your favourite TV programme? - Cartoon.
  • ___________ do you watch TV? - Because it’s entertaining and educational.
  • ___________ is your favourite cartoon character? - Mickey Mouse.
  • ___________ can you find out the times and channels of TV programmes? – In TV schedule.
  • ___________ does the film last? - About an hour and a half.
  • ___________ time do you spend watching TV? - One or two hours a day. X. Write questions to the underlined words.
  • --- My father watches the News every night.
  • --- Tom Hank is my favourite actor.
  • --- We usually watch TV in the evening.
  • --- Tim is watching a game show now.
  • --- I like musicprogramme best.
  • --- The game show Are you smarter than a 5th grader? is on 8 p.
  • --- Many children like cartoons because they are funny.
  • --- The Red Spotted Squirrel lasts twenty-five minutes.
  • --- They watch TV two or three hours every day.
  • --- The Old Town of Inca is in Peru.
  1. Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box. Write the letters of the sentences. A. Don’t you watch any other channel? B. Why do you watch television? C. What is your opinion about cartoon films? D. How many hours do you watch TV every day? E. Which is your favourite TV channel? F. On weekends I may watch for two hours or more.

Bob: [1]__________________________________ David: Mostly for one hour. [2]__________________________________ Bob: [3]__________________________________

David: I watch it for information and entertainment. Bob: [4]__________________________________ David: I like to watch sports channel ESPN. Bob: [5]__________________________________ David: I also watch Discovery, History and some news channels. Bob: [6]__________________________________ David: Most of the cartoon movies refresh our mind. II. Put the dialogue into the correct order. _____ I’m fine too. Did you watch ‘The Following’ last night? 1 Hey Max. How are you? _____ I see! That is getting a bit predictable, don’t you think? _____ I’m good and you? _____ Well, the FBI located the farm but the kidnappers managed to get away once more. They’re still holding the poor boy. _____ Give it a break, Paula. It’s just a TV show! _____ Can you tell me if they found the boy? I was watching it and power went out. _____ As usual the bad guys had help coming their way. _____ Yeah I did. I never miss it. _____ Whoa! How did that happen?

  1. Complete the passage with the words from the box. friends because crazy enjoy programme entertainment restrict fond For me TV is the best source of [1]. I can relax and have fun at the same time. My favourite TV [2] is “How I met your mother”. I like it [3]____________ it is funny and I [4]____________ myself a lot. I watch it every day. The series follows the main character Ted Mosby, and his group of [5]____________ in Manhattan. I am also [6]____________ of “Criminal Minds” and “CSI:NY”. TV is indeed very important for me. I would go [7]____________ if I couldn’t watch it for a week. My parents sometimes have to [8]____________ my television viewing, but that’s okay. II. Read the passages carefully. Then do the tasks. Steve, 13 I love TV. The first thing I do when I wake up is to switch it on. My favourite channel is the Cartoon Network. I watch TV three or four hours a day. My parents think it is too much and they are always telling me to study, read a little or do a sport. But TV is my favourite hobby. I’m addicted to my favourite progammes. Kate, 14 I know most teens don’t like watching the news, but I do. I like to know what is happening around our world. I also enjoy documentaries, especially about wildlife. I’m very curious about the way animals live and how to preserve their habitats. I also enjoy watching live shows and films, mostly comedies and thrillers. I watch TV two or three hours aday.

Rachel, 17 I like TV as everybody else, but now that I’m older I am more selective about the programmes I watch. I used to watch cartoons all the time. Now I like watching the news and some games shows like “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, so I don’t really spend too much time in front of the box, an hour or two a day... Some programmes are educational and help us to useour imagination, but many are full of violence. A. Decide whether the following sentences are true [T] or false [F].

  1. Steve is obsessed about TV.
    1. Kate doesn’t like watching the news.
    2. Rachel’s favouriteprogrammes are still cartoons.
    3. Kate likes watching things that make her laugh.
    4. Rachel is the teenager who watches less TV of the three.
    5. Steve’s parents don’t mind that he watches so much TV.
  1. Answer the questions. 1. Which TV programme does Steve like watching? _________________________________________________________ 2. Why does Kate like watching documentaries on wildlife? _________________________________________________________
  1. He shoots! He scores! Fantastic goal! ___________
  2. The African elephant can live for about 70 years. ___________
  3. Tomorrow will be mostly sunny and slightly cooler than today. ___________
  4. I can’t marry you, Bret. I’m already married to Rocky. ___________
  5. Are you smart? Try and answer these questions! ___________
  6. Watch all your favourites - Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Donald Duck. ___________
  7. Find out what is happening right now, around the world. IV. Fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One of my favourite [1]__________ programmes is Garfield. It is an American cartoon television series based [2]__________ the comic strip Garfield by Jim Davis. The show was produced by Film Roman. It is programmed every day at half past seven on [3]__________ six. The series follows the life of a fat, lazy orange cat who wants nothing [4]__________ out of life than to eat and sleep. He loves to lie eating lasagna and [5]__________ TV. My mother also [6]__________ this programme and normally watches it with me, so we usually have something good to eat like popcorn, cheese, biscuits or pizza [7]__________ we watch the show together. V. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.
  8. Who wants to be a millionaire? is _________ at eight o’clock every Tuesday night. a. in b. on c. at d. from
  9. Could you turn _________ the volume please? I can’t hear that singer very well. a. up b. down c. on d. off
  10. I like watching the news _________ I want to know what is happening around the world a. and b c d
  11. It’s a fantastic _______. If you answer ten questions correctly, you can win a million pounds a. fashion show b. talk show c d. reality show
  12. The film was _________. I felt asleep in the middle. a. scary b c d
  13. The story was very interesting _________ very sad. a. and b c d. but
  14. _________ does Sam watch the “Muppet Show”? - On every Sunday afternoon. a. What b. When c. What time d often
  15. Grandma never _________ any episodes of her favourite series. a. misses b c. forgets d. has
  16. Game shows are _________ programmes. They can be both entertaining and educational. a. much exciting b. more exciting c. most exciting d. the most exciting
  17. _________ televisiondo you watch a day? - About two hours. a. How long b many c. How much d. How often VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find, circle and correct the mistake.
  18. Children now spend much time on the internet than watching television.
  19. There are a lot interesting programmes on Disney Channel.
  20. I am really boring when I watch documentaries.
  21. I enjoy to watch game shows or films.
  22. How many hour a day do you watch television?
  23. Children shouldn’t spend too much time to watch television.
  24. Many people work hardly every day to produce TV programmes.
  25. The 7 o’clock news tell people what is happening in the world. VII the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
  26. You should________ [do] your homework, instead of _________ [watch] TV before dinner.
  27. She turned on the radio because she wanted ____________ [listen] to some music.
  28. ____________ [you/ watch] the news on TV last night?
  29. What ____________ [you/ do] tonight, Hung?
  30. Which programme ____________ [Linda/ like] best?
  31. A new series of wildlife programmes ____________ [be] on at 9 o’clock Monday evenings.
  32. My father never ____________ [watch] romantic films on television.
  33. I only let my kids ____________ [watch] television at the weekends. VIII. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.
  34. It was a very ____________ comedy. I laughed and laughed. [fun]
  35. The children are very ____________ in animal programmes. [interest]
  36. Discovery channel attracts millions of ____________ around the world. [view]
  37. This ____________ had a large fund of jokes. [comedy]
  38. Watching television can be very ____________. [educate]
  39. Journalist Lai Van Sam is one of the ____________ Vietnamese television MCs. [good]
  40. This programme is very ____________ to teens. It can enrich their knowledge. [use]
  41. Watching TV is the most popular form of home ____________. [entertain] IX. Match a sentence in column A to a response in column B.
  42. What do you think of game shows? a. 2 or 3 hours every evening.
  43. Do you ever watch wildlife programmes? b. Romance.
  44. How much time do you spend watching TV? c. Yes. It’s a great way to improve your English.
  45. What is your favourite TV programme? d. I don’t really like them because they are really boring.
  46. Who is the writer of Harry Potter? e. At eight thirty Saturday evening.
  47. What kind of film do you like best? f. Yes, I do. I am very interested in animals.
  48. When is the show on? g. I like Sports programme most.
  49. Do you watch TV programmes in English? h. It’s J. Rowling. X. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. Television is one of man’s most important [1]_____ of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. Through television, home viewers can see and learn [2]_____ people, places and things in faraway lands. TV even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them coverage of America’s astronauts as the astronauts explore [3]_______ space. In addition to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programmes that are [4]______ to entertain. In fact, TV providesmany [5]_____ entertainment programs than any other kind. The programmes include dramas, comedies, sports, and [6]______ pictures.
  50. a. ways b. means c. ranges d. shows
  51. a. at b. in c. for d. about
  52. a. deep b. large c. outer d. open
  53. a. happened b. designed c. composed d. guided
  54. a. more b. even c. most d. hardly
  55. a. lovely b. clear c. motion d. full XI. Read the text then answer the questions. Television viewing is a major activity and influence on children. Children in the United States watch an average of three to four hours of television a day. While television can entertain, inform, and keep our children company, it may also influence them in undesirable ways. Time spent watching television takes away from important activities such as reading, school work, playing, exercise, family interaction, and social development. Children who watch a lot of television are likely to have lower grades in school, read fewer books, exercise less, and be overweight. Parents can help by doing the following: ♦ Don’t allow children to watch long blocks of TV. ♦ Help them choose suitable programmes. Children’s shows on public TV are appropriate, but soap operas, adult sitcoms and adult talk shows are not. ♦ Set certain periods when the television will be off. Study times are for learning, not for sitting in front of the TV doing homework. Make TV viewing an active process for child and parent!
  56. How much TV do children in the United States watch on an average day?
  1. What are the good effects of television on children?
  1. What may be the bad effects of watching too much TV on school work?
  1. Should parents let their children watch TV for a long time?
  1. Which programmes are appropriate for children and which are not?
  1. What can parents do to limit their child’s screen time?

XII about TV programmes. I ____________ watching TV. My favourite programmes are ____________ and ____________. I always

  1. The Canadian hockey team __________ six goals against Switzerland.
  2. The home team __________ very well, but they lost the match.
  3. My father __________ me how to ride a bike.
  4. I __________ a new baseball cap last week.
  5. At the age of 17, Messi __________ the youngest official player and goal scorer inthe Spanish La Liga.
  6. She has a black belt in karate. She first __________ karate when she was seven.
  7. Argentina __________ 1 - 0 to Germany in the final. VI. Turn the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.
  8. They were in Rio last summer.
  1. We did our exercise this morning.
  1. My parents came to visit me last July.
  1. The hotel was very expensive.
  1. I had a bicycle when I was young
  1. The children went to the zoo yesterday.
  1. Ernie ate the last doughnut.
  1. They bought a new house last month.

VII in the sentences with the correct form [past simple] of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I ____________ [see] the film last night but I ____________ [not like] it.
  2. ____________ [Marco/ win] the golf competition?
    1. They ____________ [not play] very well yesterday. They ____________ [lose] the match.
    2. How many goals _________________ [your team/ score] in the first half?
    3. I ____________ [be] very tired, so I ____________ [go] to bed early last night.
    4. ____________ [you/ go] swimming this morning?
  3. The children ____________, [not be] hungry, so they ____________ [not eat] anything.
  4. Susan and her friends ____________ [come] to Japan three months ago.
  5. I ____________ [have] a wonderful holiday with my family last July.
    1. Jane ________ [not be] at the party last Sunday, so she ________ [not know]what happened. VIII. Complete the dialogue using the affirmative, negative and question past simple forms of the verbs in brackets. A: I’m doing a survey about video games. Do you play them? B: Yeah, I play them. Go on then. A: [1] ___________________ [you/ spend] any time playing video games last week? B: Yeah, I did. I [2] ______________ [get] a new game last Saturday It’s called Need forSpeed nderground. A: Oh yes, I know it. Is it good? B: Yes, it’s great. A: [3] ___________________ [you/ buy] it? B: No, I [4] ___________________ [download] it from the Internet. A: [5] ___________________ [you/ play] with it yesterday? B: No, not yesterday. I [6] ___________________ [have] football training. A: Okay, so [7] ___________________ [you/ have] time for your homework? B: Yeah, we [8] _________________ [not have] much. I [9] _________________ [finish] it on the bus on the

way home. A: Do you think playing games affects your school work? B: No, I don’t think so. IX. Match each imperative with the rest of the sentence.

  1. Do a. _______ I hear you quite well.
  2. Don’t watch b. _______ when you leave the room.
  3. Play c. _______ morning exercises regularly.
  4. Don’t shout! d. _______ the street on the red light!
  5. Go e. _______ too much TV.
  6. Don’t eat f. _______ hiking at weekends.
  7. Turn off the lights g. _______ basketball with friends.
  8. Don’t cross h. _______ too much fat and sugar. X. Complete these sentences using an imperative form [positive or negative] of the verbs in the box. dress get not call be not exercise not interrupt save not worry
  9. ____________ me between two and five this afternoon. I’ll be in a meeting.
  10. Always ____________ your documents as soon as you finish writing them.
  11. ____________ after you eat a big meal. It’s not a good idea.
  12. ____________ me when I am speaking.
  13. ____________ warmly so you don’t get cold outside. It’s snowing!
  14. ____________ careful! You almost spilled your coffee.
  15. ____________ – we’ve got lots of time. The meeting doesn’t start until 10.
  16. We need something to wake us up! ____________ a coffee. XI. Fill in each sentence with an appropriate preposition.
  17. Do you play sports _______ school?
  18. We go swimming _______ Tuesdays and Saturdays.
  19. Sports is good _______ your health.
  20. Jimmy is very good _______ volleyball and basketball.
  21. My karate club is _______ Nguyen Trai Street.
  22. What sports do you play _______ your free time?
  23. Pelé was bor _______ October 21st, 1940.
  24. _______ 1958, _______ the age of 17, Pelé won his first World Cup.
  1. Write the questions for the underlined parts. Mai: [1], Phong? Phong: Last night I watched a basketball match on TV. Mai: [2] ___________________________ Phong: It was on The Thao HD Channel. Mai: Well.. don’t like sports, so I don’t know this channel. [3] Phong: I like basketball best. I really love playing and watching basketball. Mai: [4]______________________ Phong: I play basketball every weekend. Mai: You are really fit! [5]___________________________ Phong: I often play it at the basketball court near my house. Mai: [6]___________________________ Phong: My favourite basketball player is LeBron James. Mai: [7]___________________________ Phong: Yes, I did. Last Sunday, our school’s team played against another school and we won. Mai: Congratulations! Phong: Thanks a lot. II. Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation. _____ I’m not sure. I used to play tennis when I was a school. _____ Do you like cycling? _____ That would be fun if we could do the sport with lots of other people. _____ I’ve never played tennis. What about going running? 1 I need to get fit and lose some weight. _____ Yes sure. What sort of sport do you want to do to get exercise?

####### _____________________________________________________________________

  1. to switch/ before/ go/ don’t/ the TV/ off/ you/ forget/ to bed.
  1. Sunday/ I/ usually/ friends/ swimming/ on/ go/ mornings/ with/ my
  1. match/ you/ on/ the/ did/ television/ last night/ watch/ basketball/ the?

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

  1. What sport do you like best? What is __________________________________________________
  2. Mark plays football better than Tim. Tim doesn’t _______________________________________________
  3. Beckham was a very good football player. Beckham played ___________________________________________
  4. How long have you played basketball? When____________________________________________________
  5. Shall we play badminton this weekend? How about________________________________________________
  6. No sport in Britain Is as popular as football. Football __________________________________________________
  7. My brother is not so interested in basketball as I am. I ________________________________________________________
  8. It’s good for you to do morning exercise regularly. You _____________________________________________________ TEST FOR UNIT 81
  1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
  1. a. free b. team c. read d. idea
  2. a. swimming b. skipping c. driving d. fishing
  3. a. racket b. skateboard c. games d. player
  4. a. thing b. father c. healthy d. three
  5. a. rackets b. goggles c. skis d. skateboards

II. Write the name of the game or sport. 1. bike, helmet, ride, race ________________________________ 2. ball, goal, kick, penalty ________________________________ 3. ring, gloves, punch, mouth guard ________________________________ 4. racket, net, shuttlecock, serve ________________________________ 5. goggles, snow, skis, poles ________________________________ 6. court, racket, rubber ball, net, set ________________________________ 7. ball, table, paddle, serve ________________________________ 8. basket, ball, court, throw, points ________________________________ III. Circle the odd one out. 1. football tennis volleyball boxing 2. goggles courts skis skateboards 3. paddle ball bat racket 4. referee player coach stadium 5. career healthy sporty fit IV. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

  1. My friend Mark is very good ________ volleyball. He plays volleyball very well. a. in b. on c. at d. with
  2. We often go swimming ________ Sunday morning. a. in b c d. for
    1. Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.
  1. team b c d 4. We were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal. a. play b c d. score 5. Badminton requires only a net, a racket, and a birdie or ________. a. ball b. ski c. shuttlecock d. goggles 6. The person who makes sure that a game is played according to the rules is called a ________. a. coach b. referee c. judge d. player 7. ________ up the tree! You’ll fall down. a. Climb b. Climbing c. Not to climb d. Don’t climb 8. ________ spectator sports in Britain are cricket and football. a. More popular b. The more popular c. Most popular d. The most popular 9. ________ are the Olympic Games held? - Every four years. a. When b. Where c long d often 10. Which sport happens in a ring? a. Boxing b. Basketball c d V. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs play, do or go.
  1. Sarah ______________ gymnastics on Saturday evenings.
  2. Mark ______________ badminton with his friends at the moment.
  3. My friends and I ______________ climbing yesterday.
  4. _________ you __________ table tennis last Sunday?
  5. Jim ______________ basketball because he wasn’t tall enough.
  6. We ______________ sports together when we were kids.
  7. People often ______________ jogging in the park.
  8. I ______________ judo now and I love it! VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
  9. He gets a lot of ______________ from football. [enjoy]
  10. Playing sports is a fantastic way to improve your ______________. [fit]
  11. My brother is not very ______________. He doesn’t like playing or watching sports. [sport]
  12. Nearly half of the people in the world are ______________ in football. [interest]
  13. Pelé is ______________ regarded as the best football player of all time. [wide]
  14. Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese professional ______________. [football]
  15. Pelé is a ______________ hero in Brazil. [nation]
  16. Winning three gold medals is great ______________. [achieve] VII and correct the mistakes in these sentences.
  17. The children feeled excited before their holiday. ____________________
  18. Do you play yoga at home or in a club? ____________________
  19. Where was you last weekend? - I was at home. ____________________
  20. The car stoped at the traffic lights. ____________________
  21. Paul is very tired because he didn’t slept well last night. ____________________
  22. Do you take part in the marathon last Sunday? ____________________
  23. Go straight ahead and then to take the first turning. ____________________
  24. When did you buy this house? - We buy it three years ago. ____________________ VIII. Match the questions to the answers.
  25. Do you like to watch sports on TV? a. Volleyball, I think.
  26. What sports are you best at? b. Three or four times.
  27. How much exercise do you get each week? c. Because it can help them be healthy.
  28. Did you do any exercise or play any sports yesterday? d. Yes, I like watching sports more than playing them.
  29. Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? e. I don’t like either of them. I’m not a sporty person.
  30. What is the most popular sport in the world? f. Football or soccer.
  31. Which is better, basketball or volleyball? g. Swimming and Taekwondo.
  32. Why should people exercise? h. Yes, I played tennis with friends. IX. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. Physical activity is the [1]_______ obvious benefit of sports participation. Children often spend too much time watching television or [2]_______ video games. But sports practices and games provide an opportunity for exercise that can help keep kids in shape and [3]_______. Sports participation can help children develop social
  33. exciting / / 6. writer / / 11. design / /
  34. city / / 7. Britain / / 12. symbol / /
  35. Sydney / / 8. life / / 13. winter / /
  36. twice / / 9. visit / / 14. architect / /
  37. sky / / 10. ice / / 15. written / / II. Write the words in the correct part of the table. home hot photo modern continent most postcard historic hotel popular phone holiday

/əʊ/ /ɒ/

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

III. Circle the one with the different vowel sound. 1. both cloth clothes road 2. prize fight litter bike 3. town snow show bowl 4. lift fit tick lion 5. symbol cycle physics gym 6. old stone hope come

  1. Fill in each blank to find names of parts of the body. the USA Cuba France Nigeria Canada Egypt Japan Mexico Singapore Columbia

Britain Brazil Sweden Kenya Argentina SouthKorea Spain

Vietnam South Africa Peru

North America South America Europe Africa Asia

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

####### _____________

II. Label the landmarks and match them with the countries. Sydney Opera House Buckingham Palace The Statue of Liberty Eiffel Tower Tower of Pisa Mount Fuji Great Pyramid One Pillar Pagoda 1. ___________________ ♦ Italy 2. ___________________ ♦ France 3. ___________________ ♦ USA 4. ___________________ ♦ Japan 5. ___________________ ♦ Egypt 6. ___________________ ♦ Vietnam 7. ___________________ ♦ Australia 8. ___________________ ♦ England III. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

  1. Rio de Janeiro is an exciting city. a. interesting b. dangerous c. boring d. expensive
  2. The beaches in Sydney are clean and beautiful. a. clear b. dirty c. famous d. fresh
  3. It’s dangerous to walk around the city at night. a. safe b. exciting c. cold d. popular
  4. The dish is delicious with cheese. a. tasty b. pleasant c. fatty d. awful
  5. York is a historic city in North Yorkshire. a. exciting b. modern c. famous d. quiet
  6. The streets were very noisy throughout the night. a. crowded b. busy c. quiet d. empty
  7. That modern building is so ugly!
  1. big b. impressive c. unattractive d. beautiful 8. We didn’t go camping last weekend. The weather was awful. a. unpleasant b. nice c. bad d. terrible IV. Write the adjectives in the correct column. Some can go more than one column. modern new huge beautiful tall big quiet polluted dangerous awful sunny ugly historic polluted windy small noisy exciting cold safe wet Weather Building City

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

####### _______________________

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct superlative form of the adjectives in the box. difficult beautiful delicious interesting valuable boring polluted amazing
  1. Prague is ______________ city I’ve ever seen.
  2. What’s ______________ book you’ve ever read? - Harry Potter and theSorcerer’s Stone. I really love it!
  3. The Grand Canyon is ______________ sight I’ve ever seen.
  4. Many climbers consider K2 is ______________ mountain to climb, notMount Everest.
  5. That was ______________ movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.
  6. Please give me your recipe. That is ______________ cake I’ve ever eaten.
  7. Fresh air doesn’t exist in New Delhi at the moment. It is _________ cityon Earth right now.
  8. That is ______________ painting in the art gallery. It’s worth a million dollars. VI. Complete the passage. Use the superlative of the words in brackets. Tokyo has a population of 35 million people. It is the [1]___________ [large] cityin the world. It is also one of the [2]___________ [exciting]. Everything moves fasthere. It has one of the [3]___________ [big] and [4]___________ [busy] railwaysystems in the world. Every day, 11 million commuters use it to get to and from work. Peopleearn the [5]___________ [high] salaries, and they spend the [6]___________ [much]money. They wear the [7]__________ [late] fashions and have the [8]___________ [up-to-date] phones. It is the world’s [9]___________ [expensive] city. The [10]___________ [beautiful] time of year to visit Tokyo is spring, when thefamous cherry blossom is on the trees. VII the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets.
  9. It’stoday ____________ than it was yesterday. [warm]
  10. Rio de Janeiro is one of ____________ cities in the world. [beautiful]
  11. The second question was ____________ than the first one. [difficult]
  12. Australia is ____________ continent on Earth. [old]
  13. China is ____________ country in the world. [populated]
  14. My exam results were ____________ than I expected. [bad]
  15. Ms. Nicholson is ____________ teacher I’ve ever known. [good]
  16. The city is ____________ than it used to be. [crowded]
  17. Tokyo is still the world’s ____________ city with 37 million inhabitants. [large]
  18. Cool Blue Villa is one of ____________ houses ever built. [modern] VIII. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form [positive or negative] of the verbs in brackets.
  19. I __________________ [have] four exams so far this month.
  20. Mr Tan __________________ [teach] in this school for over ten years.
  21. You __________________ [not stop] talking since you got here!
  22. Scientists __________________ [find] more than 30 unknown insects.
  23. She __________________ [not see] Nathan since he left the town.
  24. Someone __________________ [break] a window in our classroom.
  25. We__________________ [not decide] what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
  26. I __________________ [already/ finish] my homework. It was easy!
  27. Jorge __________________ [not play] tennis since his injury.
  28. My parents __________________ [be] to Australia three times. IX. Put the words in order to make a question. Then write a short answer.
    1. homework/ you/ have/ your/ finished? [yes] ---

_____ Great! _____ There are a lot of places which tourists like to visit. But I like CN Tower. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world. _____ I’m from Toronto. _____ Yes, of course. It was completed in 1976 and it is used for TV and radio broadcasting. _____ It is 553 meters high. _____ I heard it is a very big city, isn’t it?

  1. Fill in each gap with a word from the box. I. Complete the passage with the words from the box. most walking tourist ever explore must around sunny Hi Steve, Greetings from Rome! We arrived at 8:30 this morning and are staying in a lovely hotel in the city centre. It is near all the [1]_________ attractions. The weather is warm and [2]! The city looks really amazing. We can’t wait to [3]_ everything! This afternoon, we are going to take a stroll [4]_________ the Centro Storico [Historic Center], which beautiful historic squares
  • Piazza Campo de’ Fiori and Piazza Navona. Tomorrow morning, we are going to visit Colosseum, the largest amphitheater [6]_________ built in Roman Empire, and then we are [7]up the Palatine Hill. In the afternoon we are going to visit Pasta Museum. It’s going to be a great weekend! I [8] go now. See you when I come back. Love, Army II. Read the text, then do the tasks. Los Angeles, California is the most exciting city in the USA. It’s got Hollywood, Disneyland, fantastic beaches and the LA Dodgers baseball team. But LA wasn’t always exciting. In 1900 it was smaller and quieter, and Hollywood was a small village. Then film studios arrived, and the village of Hollywood changed. Today it is part of LA, and Hollywood’s ‘Walk of Fame’ is the most famous place in the city. It’s got more than 2,000 stars on it! It’s always sunny in LA and there are lots of different attractions. You can go shopping on Sunset Boulevard [It’s too expensive for me!], or you can surf on Venice Beach. There are theatres, museums, the biggest theme parks in the USA and the noisiest sports stadiums. LA is the best city in the world! A. Decide if the statements are true [T] or false [F].
  • LA is the world’s most exciting city.
  • Hollywood used to be a small village.
  • The weather is good in LA.
  • The shops on Sunset Boulevard are cheap.
  • There are a lot of tourist attractions in LA. B. Answer the questions
  • Where is Los Angeles?

2 What is the most famous place in LA?

  1. How many stars are there on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
  1. What is the weather like in LA?
  1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given.
  • I have never been to Sa Pa before. [ever] This is the __________________________________________
  • The last time I saw him was in 2010. [seen] I _________________________________________________
  • She has never seen the more amazing sight. [most] It’s _______________________________________________
  • The weather in Rio de Janeiro is hotter than in Sydney. [as] The weather in Sydney ________________________________
  • They moved to New York in 2004. [lived] They ______________________________________________
  • We haven’t been to Hanoi for three years. [went] The last time ________________________________________
  • No other tower in England is as famous as Big Ben. [the] Big Ben ___________________________________________

London is a lot older than New York. [modern] New York __________________________________________ II. Use the prompts to write this passage. New York City/ exciting place. It/ biggest city/ the USA. It/ has/ most/ famous/ museums/and/ best/ restaurants and cafés/ the world! But wait/ minute, there/ another NewYork. Where/ it? It/ the UK! It/ smaller/ New York City, but the people/ friendlier! New York! New York!

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