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CENSUS OF INDIA, ]M. VqL Vy* f ' |Jrobitice0 of ,^engal anb thoir J[ettbatom 6 . BY

  6. MARRIAGE AND ACE BY CASTE 3'J6 TABLE XVI. Castes, Triees, and Races hy TuADirroNAr. Occitpation, or Nationautv. The Provincial 'I’otal is classified by traditional occupation or nationality, but tho Divisional and District figures aro arranged alphabetically, the classifi- cation being noted in the first column. Tho details in tho latter groups of statistics under Baniya, Bhuiraali, Kochh, etc, printed in a dilferent type, are included in the caste totals above them. ( 2 ) TABLE XVI.
  7. — Castes, Triees, and Races rv Tuaditionad Occupation, or Nationality. NvMK AM> Cl.ASHl I’ICaTION. Number Slibt'iihle.s. Totnl. Male. Fiiiiiilo. Prevuibng uettial oceu potion. A.-AQRICULTURAL.
  8. — Military and Dominant. ItahhftN (Jtihiir) Kia 1,209,000 ons.-uo La udhol tiers. /i fin n if a it ( OrisHft ) T.’i 606,721 29.*1/.>!H> .>/2,725 V at lira tors. till f put OBJ 1,484.032 750,995 7.5.T,957 La n d/iol ders. Tntnf 3,209,843 J, 646, 4 Vi
  9. -Other Agricultural. (<0— Culti vatin g. (ij— In Bengal. Agur] ( M't Hteru tteniful ) (5S
  10. 1 74 41 ,975 44,/ 99 /Mbourors, Itugitl (itittoj 21 S 787,020 990,772 397,167 Ditto, linrui US 248, 1 06 12L2R7 I'i3,ft79 Hifvf-tvaf growers. iinuri ( II esfrrn Ilvngal anti Orissa ) ... ! n.2 648,084 2»;7.fiis fiSf),S36 /,at>oarers. f'fM ntfaf ur X a iiinsatf rn ! 27« 1.761,565 ssi.oro SS0,‘iS9 C’Jinsn iHiopa 1 0.470 8.2S9 S,/S9 f'fiasati ( Jlitrshiitafiml ) 8 6,706 .‘i.:jr,9 3,4/7 SilJc-irorin rearers. J>oai ( Dan a ) 1,761 •SM) SKI Wood~cutlvrs and Kaibarita 2r.7 2,224,761 l,109.s:»fi J, / 14,936 mat' ma leers. Korhh or Jtajbansi (Snrtfurn 1t€n~ yni > Ml 1,634,149 S:i9,9.v2 794,167 3lal 1 07.207 49,‘'s'J 47,92/ 3Tatl ot .Inlakar 2:.s 159,667 7 1 , 6S,2ft2 Oarfaad tnakrrs. Jlrrhh ( pfafpi' !f/ari ) 22,894 11,901 /n,993 lUuf ( Southern Heugat ) 79 418,683 204,642 Jlaju ( M i’f aapa r an if Oi Issn ) 21 90,907 19, 125 49,'/S2 Sail y op 193 641,029 2(;s.ssr, 272,743 Tnmbufi ... 205 09,889 i 49,217 60,642 Hetel groa'Crs, Totaf • 1 0.7o5,0l0 1 4,362,677 Oi) In Bihar. A mat ra 67,820 33, 100 i 1 34,426 Domestic servants. Hftar 05 44,724 23.917 23,H07 Diml 1 120 130,209 05,273 7/, 026 l.abourers and Chaiu ( MaJita) N7 I 16,067 .57,279 6S,7SH Jis/ir rinen, I'ishvrmen, Dhamik ISO 676.008 275,221 300,H44 Domentin servants. Dusailh ... 2S0 1 . 1 03, 1 86 .5ss,r,sfl 604,699 l^aboarors and tinnyaafn { Dhaijaf par ) 20 131,953 01.905 66,96H watchmen. liarhhi ... .... ... 1 1 26 ir> 9 Haifa r ( Ithaijaf pu r ) lo j 17,379 8.317 9,062 l.ab oarers. Khatbc ' 3.3 81, 126 .39,313 41,762 /Uifki bearers. Hhatik ... ! ;is 10,209 4,711 6,466 Vegetable sellers. Hi iri 1 210 1,192,667 '095,012 1197,645 31arkot gardeners. 1 Harini j 45 S ; 1,262.744 636,693 rf.u inf' ( JUiagaljrur ) ... 1 :i() j 10.363 8,7S9 9,664 Unsnlm .. ,,, ... ... . , , 2K) i 663,320 2S1,328 2S 1,992 /labourers. Sayat ( lti,f,.,t,fj,urJ i 9 ' 1 40,340 19 312 21,037 Datyfiii ('info) j " ! 14,944 0,955 7,969 liiijirar ... ... ... ... ; 1 16,008 69,072 Jtitto. Sa rf-ha ay . ... | 10 364 215 139 Ihara ( ( baotjurra a ) 3S 28,340 11,20 1 14,076 11 unters. T a mini lb 74,006 .31,382 40,2S3 31uslcluns, Total . . 1 1 . i 6,676,664 2,793,488 j 2,S82,066 1 ( 3 )
  11. — Castes, Tribes, and Rac&s by Tkadiitonae Occueation, ok Nationality — conliinicd . Name and (Jr. \ sstpi cation. Nwnil»r ot subrusteN. Tolul. 1 j Male. 1 ■ I’rmule, A.— AQRICULTURAL-coN/f/i««/. ; 1 2.— Other Agricultural—co/jc/Mf/^v?. 1 (fi)— Cultivating - concluded. 1 j (iii)— In Orissa. i Vhasa 108 468,509 233,0y:» ' S-T.'I.f/O GhuMurla 5 1,052 Ti 1 (i .?.>« GokiM •J5 39,oUl 19.197 20, /O # Qola 2.5 47,426 24.1.50 V.V,*76 Knrh ra :i 0.018 4..5()4 4,r>t4 Kfiftma u 29,694 14,74:i it.ssi Kauilra ... VI 136.434 4;7.7oi» 67.72.5 Knstha i:t 23,001 n.isi lt,rtlH Krta 27 5,898 2.‘'S2 Kcs urn ({ 67 :}:i .51 Khudal 24 1 1,380 .s.Vr.ti Jttinlff 1 l.ol 1 1 6A4 1 Tania l.'> 4 644 2.210 Total 770.636 3stV»o7 3SU,(t‘2S Total Cultivating Castes 16,107.108 7,662,837 i 7.024,271 {h)~- Pastoral. 1 Ahir (Bihar) r,i 2,853.001 1,417,001. 1 i,t:uijnr»7 Gti a r ( Orisia ) (52 276,807 lio'i.ma; (Sou fa 4s 1. 924.725 477..J77 447, Total 4.064.673 2 027,417 ?,0>7,226 3.- Foreign Recruits. j Ml 4.— Forest and Hill Tribes. (i)— -In Orissa. ttathuiti I'l 1,717 S4{ (Jond 77 7,763 ;t,9'.»s .J,7.55 1 Iriha 1 1 13 r»«) 67 1 duUHf/ 0 3 .» Haudh 17 61,003 2.5. l!):4 anditf! Savar 2(t 40.801 .1 2 4, .578 2/7,??.? j Total 1 IIO.oO.l .51,071 54,./?? (ii) - In Chutia Nagpur. 1 Agarln 1 3,440 1,071 1,769 Bandawat ( llaznrihaf/h) IS 8,07f ■I.J.VJ 4,6?7 1 llhoytn 49 61,846 .'JO.Ouo .7 /,■>.>« 1 Jlhuign ISD 403..i6 1 1H2.0.55 2to,ioa \ BhamiJ )di 232,121 li;4,U52 J IS, 'Big ; Binjhin .‘J 2,083 1,474 (Jhera 2.*. 17,670 V <,|-)S S,74 Vhik 34 21,350 10,740 10,6 B) IBtrauar 7 350 ISO 141 iiUasl ... f«l 32,678 10.'2M 16,2H7 Uo 8.5 134,210 «5,3N5 64,470 Kalita 1 394 1 19 4 200 Kaur 3 364 ! j 181 lft3 j l'n'\ .'iilinu: tirtiml (UT-llpHtldtl. Vtlf rearertt I Itin/r ifioftjf I't fn rift /i hff nirt ot tf‘Nf/ton, Hntrtft'n. O ( 4 ) L— Castes, Tribes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality — conlimied. NaMK ami (’T,ASSn-'ICATJOIT. Number of .siiln*ii.s!es. Total. Male. Feinali). Prcvniliiife ac occupation
  12. -AGRICULTURAL conrluihd.
  13. — Forest and Hill Tribes — conoid. (ii)— In Chutia Nagpur— h/mirtt ... !»0 48,130 23, nt.*! Khnrin ... :i7 40.948 2‘l.S77 25,071 Khttrtvnv !i0 00,776 41,9 n 45,H34 /v«/ i:W 1 1 1,768 ^ 56,1.77 Hitnva U 0,710 1.912 4,70S Mahili -2 62,492 2fMU 26,37# Mat-mukem. Mmulfi i;i7 268, d64
  14. 12S 1.36,226 .. !» 3.205 1,65# Si'S 380,602 lS7.<)2.'i 202,577 ytnt 182,560 K9,()N3 93,275 l‘ttrhfiii/(i ... ... L'U 6,370 3,199 3,171 J{tntti4t r.»» 23.407 19,l(l(J 13,391 SiirtiJc .‘{(I 10,614 9,713 9,771 ittri 39,412 I9,43S 19,97 1 Totfii 2,2 14,566 J,U77.U7.s 1,M36,3H7 (iii)— In Santal Parganas. Mol t'ohuria 18,500 9.219 9,267 SattUil 1,333. 6c 6 ()f):{,H!»7 669,639 rotot 1,362,042 973,110 67 S, 926 (iv) — In Himalaya.
  15. hi mot j 28 19 9 fihortl 27 3,062 2,023 1,6.39 tlli/'Oliff .. 1 l-H 0,701 1 r>,('23 4,67 S Hhomhu ! -i 33.490 ]7.(K'9 16,391 Lvpvlm .. j ^ iw 9.746 1,7.‘)(> 4,969 Li mho 1
  16. .*{;>2

    14,056 7.S3.-) fi,2ftO M44oi/or . ... .. 1 :{!!» 16,079 9,300 6,679 Jloniil ... 2S 21,847 11,120 16,721 yeit'fir i l.'il 4,079 2,S31 2,145 Souoo'nr ! ir,«7 5,160 2.7.3.S 2,416 yohha .-.5 1,260 029 621 Total 1 1 20,072 (;3,3S2 36,696 (v) In Eastern Bengal. | .Ihooff j 2 12 5 7 Ika ... . 1 1 1 7 3

    4 \ [ i'hotema ... . , 1 37,822 20,223 17,599 iioro ... . C 29,212 14.9HI 11,231 Itajnnf/ 1 047 421 423 Jtohi

    1 in 2,471 1,179 1,292 La^hoi 22 1.229 r.N7 642 Tipper a ... S»7 20.622 15,337 14,165 Total 101.122 52.739 46,363 Total Hill and Forest Tribes ... 3.807,904 1,022,186 1,076.808 TOTAL CLASS A . . ! 26,430.618 13,166,901 13,273,717 •

    _ ( .) I.— Castks, 1’ribes, and Races uy Traditional Occupa tion, or N ATIONA LITY — Con (ill licd. NVMK \M)(il.\MMnc iTlON. ] NimiWcr I of j snlx sisli'N. i Tot III. Mrilf. I'’iMniili», B.— professional. j 1 ( j 6.— Priests. 1 nrahmati 1,1 >.‘<0 2.712.950 1 JriftJfOSU l*httmln ( 1 0 rnott ) 1 441 ‘.'Ill j 2/0 yaitjn (SiiHtal rarynnua) 21.471 10 (>r> 1 n,f)0fi Total 1 ! 2.7o4.870 j i, 57.7, 503 0.— Devotees.

    1 AJuati .. 1 IBI 70 /03 tnnntokul H lo9 5:» SO .tarnur 1 257 7 t Atith ( ttihnr) i>i 49,052 1 n lirnhtnavha ri III 4U0

    2 Hi ‘UO I•’ak'ir 47 1 1.020 ."..‘•1.7 Manyta 1 1,599 021 1 77,{ Soya 1.420 7;u tiU7 Tarmortha ... •2 25 7 Jti Siitlho ... ...... to 1,210 ^|S .vw.v Sakin •i.)

    1,572 771 001 Sanyasi ys 24.056 12 712 ViAii fiiir tiTE- (i) Ahailhnt ... 0 5 1 (ii) Ayhorjuiuf/ti or iyUorl

    ’ 5,877 I,.S70i (Hi) Ao 42 Hi (iri Hftariuri 1 2.020 1,00.". i//? 1

    (r) I>an

  17. tin sin ......

    '* i 910 .

    5/ !

    1 1 isuyi VA ITE 1 (i) Jtiihnji .... 1 1 , 200 !l0 no ( a ) Itaishuah 450.416 2 tt),OU t ' (Hi) It not i 1 1.572 (ilij 707 (ir) liishitosiratni 1 75 to .>•> 1 (r) ItJiaknt 1 4.480 1 2 2‘'S 2,/.V5 1 ( ri ) IthrktHtari 7.33 :iis 5«S’3 I (viij (Josain 1 30,040 / f ,5/3 1 i j (viH) thiynt A! ohini 1 43 20 25 j (ix) Kabirhn .. J 1 . 1 93 35>.f ( xj KrisUnokomlm i 1 j 217 lit JOl (xi ) AffnUniharharypa ! ! 561 J..:i lltS ' (xii) Ma/ianla 1 l.7o. h:i2 sn 1 (xHl) yiintirnt i 176 St O': ' (jrlrJ yitya nanda 1 14 ."■•J 01 1 (xr) ItamnnHja 42 if) i 1 (xri) llamnrnt ... 2.549 1,121 1 Cxrii) JCamkrishna Ha/i.st ... 46 j 21 ! (xviiij Tilak J)aa ... 67 1 j 2S •!0 1 Total 689,960 27i.,s;J0
  18. —Temple Servants. J JVil . ^ I i i •• I’rcv ivi!nin iictiml Sff Hr port, i'hnpit r 1\, .In orropntion fol- Imrrii bij UOTfiTot rust* H ( 6 ) •
  19. — Castes, Teibes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, oe Nationality — continued. NaMK *NI> CLASSiriCATIOS. B— PROFESSIONAL- eonclulhd.
  20. — Geneologists. BtuU i'lMirnn ... aa.
  21. — Writcrs- Koran (Orissa) Kai/nstha 9 A.— Physicians. lSaifff/a(I!(’nt/at) 10.— Astrologers. Jf/utifi (Orissa) II.— Musicians. OanfOiar Kan ( Bi'ngul) Total 12.— Dancers and Singers. sn 13.— Actors and Mimes. Number o( siibcastcii. Total, Male. Female, VA 62,813 25,755 »7,05H 4 2 1 1 62,815 2.1,766 27,059 (13 1 15,022 65,0.16 6fhS66 244 1,460,781 721,170 739M1 1 ,670,703 776,226 800,477 79,966 30,673 40,283 i« ! 16,306 8,116 1 1.639 1 SOI 83 S 7 s 1 274 i(k) 114 1,013 1)61 962 Prevailing: actual occupatiuii. I Oeoit pat ions fol~
    lowed bff many I castes. TOTAL CLASS B
  23. — Traders.

    A(fariv(tta Ayraha ri ( Bihar) Jtals (Bihar) Baniya (nnspcrijled ) ... On ndhaha nik ( Bengal) Khatri Kamnti ( Orissa) Mahesri Oswal Itastogi (Bihar) \ Jtanniar (Bihar) ) Saraivah (Bihar) Sabarnahanik (Beoyal) aisya ( Bengal) ... 1 6,062,519 2,480.202 1 2,663,317 1 1 lOS Ti 0.297 If). .550 8,747 ID 8,626 4,2S7 1,239 y 13.407 6,501 0,938 277 324,020 l.lS.OlO 180,010 10!» 121,980 Cl,3t,S 00,832 56 1 19,477 65.004 64,383 1 1,701 8»<> 886 2 102 77 26 ;io 491 SCO 126 14 1,734 855 879 21 78,776 ;18.027 39,849 5 434 213 221 94 66,002 47,234

    48,768 94 66,107 27,011 28,260 842.263 422.33K 419)926 1 1 5. Pedlars. Tho Ha (Orissa)
  24. — Carriers. AW TOTAL CLASS O 840,203 426,267 423,036
  25. — Castes, Tribes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or N ATIONALITY — COH tiuucd. NaMB AKD (^.ABaiFICATION. Numbor of .suhoaates. Total. M»Ie. D.— ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL. 1 17.- Goldsmiths. Sarnnkor or Ronar 303 271.681 ):i4,0 2
  26. — Barbers. Tlhondari (Orlsso) Ki 77,773 .iH.tOl .>9,.7/9 HnUotn (Vihnr) nr, 41 1,014 209,1 S6 \apit ( Bcnual) 423 444,216 2.:3.873 2?0,.>.f2 Total ... 933,002 oriee1inff) IfiS 8,096 4.2«’.S d,S2S l-ohoT ( IHkar) .’jr>3 294,464 1 t2.78l lli1,72d Total 604,720 :vt,4‘J2:i ,y 50,1 97 20.— Carpenters and Turners. Karhi ( ISffiar and Orisaa) OH 283,014 13;»,.KI1 141,5 IS Karanga (t'hatia IS ay par) 4.» 18,832 ‘.,70 1 Sutradka r ( liengat ) 101 176,664 Hn,527 i lotal 478, oOO 240t07H 21.- Brass and Copper Smiths. Kansari ( Itenyaf ) ... 73 30,004 1 H, r,2o IH, 094 Kasora ( ilihar ) .'il 14,260 7,267 r ha them Oti 20.277 16,104 Total 80, 1 37 40, 166 1
  27. — Tailors. 1 i}atni { IhtrJrollnyJ 3 3,900 2.20(1 1,700 i 22 —A. — Confectioners. Garia (Ortsna ) 62 1 10,613 6n,6i« ilalauti ( Itihar). 112 I60,vl06 NO,(t01 Kanda ( Itihar) 12H 519.824 267,910 Maira (iienyal) ir,3 127,201 (:r,,:ji7 0O.,SH4 Total 01 7,034 4.52 C27 406,307 23.-*Weavers, &c. Chapnal (Bhayalpar) 23 0,060 .1,171 3,196 Jayi ... .. . . 250 399,276 200,»;!*7 199,679 Kapali ( Kastrrn Iienyal) 72 133,640 (;s(tK5 06,661 Kami (EanUrn Bonyal) lU 1,033 0S.1 960 Snklt (JUidnapur) 27 da093 19,927 Tanti 8.51 430,634 2 ';i.‘.*n(J 216,428 Tatwa (Bihar J 08 321,507 1.57,012 164,656 Total ... 1,341,138 072,753 669,396 1 I’l-ovnilitijr lu fuiil iiorui>atlou. <'ultlrators» idiHinfrs natthU” no pit. I » ) L - Castes, Trires, anb Uaces hy rjuDiTioNAL Occupation, ok Nationality — coidinnal. Nuniya
  28. Lime-Burners. nniti or < h muiri 32.— Goldsmiths’ Refuse Collectors Kiyuri (i.'hutia Nnyynr)
  29. — Qold-washcrs. Jhoru (C/tutio yiayp-Hr)
  30. - Iron-smelters. ( l.ohnrdity») 35.— Fishermen, Paiki-bearers, &c. Jivrua ( Davra J ffanror ( J-Justrrn Itrnyul) Gotu’fii(itifiarJ Katmr Kf'ivat Khatia COrissa ) Lvhait Miuri ( itaeva ) ... Halo Mu ri ya ri ( ttiha r) Kaliyn (Orissa) 1 ‘nfu'ftr ... t aliiya ( ISihar) Tiyat Total 30 — Distillers, &c. Kahrar ( Jtihar) i^asl {Uihnr) Si^nrL ( n, nyntj ... 13 IS «.■> 193 4 6 117 ,30 7 7 23 105 101 92 251 317,001 I0,5o8 1,806 2,096 3,0o0 41 3,060 201,404 61 i,455 of 1,960 1,^60 1,246 00,427 10,040 2,707 1,099 10,631 92,060 0.027 1.435,870 i.r»52 20 1 . 10« ;M5 0S5 .300, not i.-)i,3:;o 0.20 '!.■>. ISO .5..321 1.321 501 O.OOO f»5,,S7r) rSAMK vvn CiiAShi nr ATioy. A’uiiiliri <•1 Total. 1 Malrt. FtMimlo. suIh'usIus. 1 1 D.-- ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL - ('otifmia d. i 24.— Washermen. D/iopn or Ohohi 311 646, 1 60 272,002 274,098 26.- Cotton Cleaners. A U ...
  31. — Shepherds. Onreri or Ithi rihar 75 100,379 51,2Sl 65,095
  32. - Oil-pressers. Katu 10‘J 00,041 SO.l 1.3 79,898 Teti I 1 1,304,867 o,n,()n 073,814 Total 1.464.808 ! 1 71 1,1. so 753,712 28.— Potters. Kamhnr 3;s 698,033 3I0.L'07 362,300
  33. —Glass Workers.

    Kit 29 - A.— Bracelet Makers. 1 1 Kavha ra 11 1,047 700 1 1 851 ' : Satihhari .3.5 I4,6o0 7,105 1 7,225 . 1 Total

    0,277 s,20l 8,070 ricviiiling uPtuMi • occuiuilion. Jnolufles Tili. i6y, mo 9,011 1,312 1,487 12 i,rtr,s 101,719 301,191 JfiO,i!i7 740 nH2 43,241 5,310 1,3S3 59S 3,S62 90,175 Homes tic sertianis. Traders, I 7i2,Osi } 723,194 309,370 47,517 400,030 065,826 191.573 72,{»7l 21 1 1, .521) 472,007 204,797 74,543 204,418 483,758 Total ( 9 ) I.-Castks, Tkthes, and Racts „v Traditional Occdpatiov or NA' n0NAUTV-rfl«//««,,/. ’ N AMK \M) (’I \s|| K- D— ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL
  34. Butchers. Ml 38.— Leather-workers. f'hamnr ... Muvhi Sarkl ( l>urjt t-Hnu ) Nnnihor of SUhiMstOS. Toial. I .Mnlo. rivvinlinK m-tuai Co «. 070.044
  35. 104 1.702 VJl.fTO L’oT.l'Cl 1 ,0 r.» 39.--Scavengcrs. lihuimnli Itarl ... TOTAL CLASS D E.-VAGRANT MINOR ARTISA AND PERFORMERS.
  36. — Grindstone Makers, &.C. yu 41.— Earth-workers, &.C. Ut-blnr(Jiilutr) Koth (MvhU rn Ib uyal) Total
  37. -Knife Grinders. .Vi 7
  38. — Mat-makers. Bantar (Tiihur) J}otn ..... Patiul (Pastern Uetiynl ) •.4BB.eOO 1 7!!>.7(»2 746,.V9.V :vM 180.200 201.091 •lO.IiSO t.io,rpiu 1 441,291 1 2/.‘>.7/9 12.210,017 1 0.046.186
  39. 170 , 802

    JU7,011 71.1 I nclutli-s mehtar. Total 44.- Hunters, &c Itedh/n .. nirltor (('hntin Xatfpur) OuiffuUa ( ('hutia Naffpnr ) Kanfar (Itfliar) a' Alt 45.— Miscellaneous and disreputable. Bari Khaidar {Itihar) IS i i 1 1 89.001 00,020 1

    , 71.1 1 1 1 1 140.021 7 :$ un; 7 r»f.l 7.7 l.H 2.^.702 1 1 7 . 7 C .•>70 443,200 ‘iji.sn 221,177 0 I.. 37 G 720 • ■ 1 468,467 1 1 1 23 1 , 2 . {3 1 1 1 40,793 1 L’.'t.jCC ~ ' - 1 2 .i,t ;27 J 17 l.o 67 7 n:l 1 tiff./ 4 18.087 1 S,S 22 i 2 «; 1.213 ir .1 1 70 1 24,049 n .nM i 1 J 2 ,U 2 H i 90,409 ! 40 ,. 7 U 7 j .’■ 1*2 28,100 j;j,v 5 j j j ! i t,oor
    ! /, 1 ’’ 2,133 j I.l.'Wt j 1 t,oo:i 1 f Cultivators, ( Orf^sa). 30.200 46.— Tumblers and Acrobats. A’ If 47.- Jugglers, etc. yii j i 1 i ! 1 TOT At- CLASS E ... | 7oO,l8Q ■ 1 060,373 1 1 j /. 5 ,« 0 ,V 1 ( 10 ) I.— Castes, Teibes, and Races by Tkaditional Occupation, oe N ATiONALiTY — concluded. NaMJJ AWD CLA8B1»ICATI0N. Number of SllbciUStON. Total. Malo. Fomalfl. rrovailini? actual « occupation. F.— RACES AND NATIONALITIES
  40. — Non-Indian Asiatic Races. Bhntias 13,007 6,‘»;J2 6,075 Burmese S3 30 J Chinese 346 31 S 97 Mttghff 96,618 47, .’515 rarsis 179 lot 45 Total 110,082 1 Ct.f>20 55,153 49.— Mixed Asiatic Races. Nit
  41. — Non-Asiatic Races. Europeans 23.301 14,!t02 ft,33y TJte details are givei in Chapter IX o the Jteport. 61.— Eurasians 15,000 7,400 7,505 TOTAL CLASS F 140,380 77,201 71,008 II. — 1’eesons not betuened by Caste, Tejjje, oe Race — Hindus. Name of Ouorr. Total. 1 Male. 1 Pcmalc. 1 PdS.siMc ruste. 1 A.— Hindus, returned by title or common subcaste. Alainyauf/olra 4 4 Brahmans, G and ha baulks. Hr Amhastha ... 166 70 S5 Baj/asths or Bald gas. Atvadhia 156 S3 73 A u rm i s. So na rs, etc. liajpal 32 7 Brahmans, JJoms, etc. ftahnik 43 21 Kagasths, dug is, etc. JIanaudhia 2,760 1,3S9 Banigas, Kumhurs, etc. iianyu} 196 lit 81 Kugasths, Sunris, etc. Banpar 9,673 4,323 5,1*14 Ketvats, (lonrhls, etc. BaraiJi ... 5,661 Jl».70V Bnjpnts, Chiks. Bans, etc. Barendra 486 271 a 1.11 Brahmans, Kugasths, etc. Barman iO 10 Itajputs, Kugasths, etc. Benyhansi 69 03 Bhuiyus, Mwndas, etc. BhagaUan 60 30 mo Napits, Juffis, etc. Bhalua 261 120 ims Nu 2 )its, Kaibarttas, etc. Bhanga 14 8 6 I’robablg Kochhs. Bharadirai 13 12 1 Brahmans, Goalas, Chains, etc. Bhojha nsi ... 90 45 Babhans, Banigas, etc. Bhojpuri i 16 74 4m Tiaitvais, Jlusadhs, etc. Bhutni/c 132 62 70 Kayusths, Kaibarttas, etc. Birhansi 318 146 17m Kttchhs, Dorns, etc. Biswas 1,216 ('..'ll 58m KagastiMS, Napits, dugis, etc. lirajabasi .. 8 R Hindustanis, Bediyas, etc. Buna 129.184 60,200 em,fi84 A ng tribe of Chutia Nagpur, Chandrabansi 10 4 5 Rajputs, Kochhs, etc. ( 11 ) II. — Persoks not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Hindus — cont .. Naxs of Gbovp. • Total. MaU*. Ftonalc.
  42. — Hindus, returned by title

    or common subcaste — cunfd. flhaudhurl 560 2 r >6 1115 Jlaihak 674 2'.K) Hakshin-ltarhi ... 27 Ifi 11 Datul 1.686 K7S 70ft Has 4,046 •2.07 1 1,07 il Datta 72 la no He 636 ats Hebansi 40 18 V? Dhali ... ... 650 311 ilain 124 HI 4.1 Ilanjhu 8.370 1,111 4,?59 Oaura ... 163 40 Iti.l Ilaurdesi 792 37y 413 Gan tain 61 aa 3ft tiarkha ... 2,1 12 1 las 974 Ilaladhar 2,008 !h:i 1,047 Haidar . . . 069 nil 418 Ha::ra 1,148 00.5 643 Jadabansi 33 111 14 ,1a is wa r 7,470 4,()S({ 3,384 .Janakparla . 4 a 1 Jaunpuria 722 a.'jri 307 .letmal 6 0


    Kanayjia . , 811 n!58 353 Kapri 410 lyy 317 Kasyap 144 0‘2 83 Kaastk 30 17 13 Krishna nayarl ... 2 a Kulin 18 17 1 Jtfadhesia 204 109 JUadhuk al .. 2 a Alayhuiya ... 1 440

    am 189 Itfahaldar 42 aa 19 Alahanti ... 3,812 1 1,984 Alahapatar 10 4 0 Ala ha raj 69 ,a.*i 34 Alaharana 6 4 n Aiahat ... 6,693 a, i.s.'i 3,338 ATahcndru ... ... 161 HO HI Alaheswar ... 13 s 5 Alahto ... 1,638 sa.-; 713 Afahua ... 19 10 9 Afahutia 1,789 8H.n 904 MaithUi ... 20 20 Malik ... 19.941 1 10,035 Mandat 6,684 3,112 3,173 Mandar 28 10 13 Marak ... 23 7 10 Mathuria 21 12 9 MauHk ... 222 109 113 Mazumdar ... 18 n 7 Mitra ... 6 i 1 Mohinitansa ... 3 3 roNdiblo rasto. KiiTtnii, KovhhSf liotHH, rlr. lirnhmauH, y a pits, etc. Itrahmans, Kaihnrttas, etc, itaydis, Korhhs, Keivats, vtCm A tty Sudra rnstv, Ua Iliyas, Kayastfis, eta, Sndrns, ttarats, Kayasths, eta. Jtrahmaiis, Tiyars, eta. Kayasths, (loalas, itaytUs, eta. Itajpats, Saiiris, Homs, etr. Satiris, tioads, Kharauirs eta. Itrahinaas, Sonars, iioalas, eta. itaniyas, (ittalas, eta. Itatdians, Tantis, 11 oat as, eta. litany \ipafese triftes. I'hasadhopas and Kaiharftas, ItrahinaiiH, tianiyas, Tvlis, eta. Kaytisfhs, Haris, Dasadhs, eta. Ha fpats, Jiah/ians, eta. Uaniyas, Trlis, Dhanuhs, eta. Itaniyas, Sonars, L'hainars, eta, Ita niyas, KarniiSf eta. Os teals, Khatri, eta. Almost any easle. Itarhis, Tills, Koiris, etc, Kntnha rs, Tantis, Ifhanaks, eta, Itrahmans, Itahhans, eta. Trohatdy yapits. Itrahmans, Sadyops, Sufatrnaltaniks, eta, lloalas, llalirais, and tiandhs. Itarals, Sutradhars, eta, Most east es in South Itihar, Ituniy.ts, l'hainars, eta. Itrahmans, Karans and Ohasas in Orissa. Kaynsth s, hhatnla Its, Itrahmans, Itafdia ns, *ta. Jlnsadh s, \,iyarM, i tv, Itrahmans, t loalas, Koalths, eta. Satiris, Korhhs, eta. Itrahmans, Kainars, fta. Kite mis, 1 1 ha naks, eta. Tans, Ooms, Itidiyas, eta. Kandhs, Loliars, Itaniyas etn Vroha hly it rah tn a ns. Rajputs, TfHs, Jloms, etc. Thandnts, Sanris, Tods, eh'. Tells, lihanahs, etr>, Tantis, Jlotns, fta. Telis, Itarhis, Tohars, ef«
    . Saharnahnniks, Sadyops, eta, Itrahmans, Napits, eta, Kayasths and Itarais, (iunrhls, Kovhhs, eta. II. — Persons not rfjttrned iiy Caste, Triue, ok Pace — ITiNDns — conlmued. r — — Namk of fiitorr. A.— Hindus, returned by title Total. Male. Kt'iiialt*. Possible' paste. or common subcaste— Munihansl 10 10 9 P robatd y Koi'hhs, Tfahasttlih 2 . 08 J 714 Any of ihf‘ fare Sadra rastea. . 3,864 2.0! 1 1,S60 llaJinit.s, Dasadha, Mandas, etr. Nnik 24,301 1 1 ,005 Hbnndails, ( hasas, Kt irats, etc. ytiiitll 1 1 ... IS rahtnnn, Marai or Jtaira, etc. Naratml 1 1 ... MaJjmf or llafical. OJha 1 1 Mrahma n, Ta nt t , etc. Orh 8 4 4 ha iba t ttaSf Xnniyas, etr. Pal 828 4»H 4 ‘Ml 1 Telis, Tambati.H, Sat radhars, etc. Paniiit 1.306 027 67S Mrahnxana, Itotns, etc. Pnpri 98 4S 50 Uanij/as, Itnf teats, etc. Pat It r 1,980 1 95A Tantts, hi a’ttts, etc. Patrn ...
  43. 160 llj5‘»fi hhandttitSf Ifahifis, J'effs, etc. Prndhan ... ... 20,956 J0..’'i.S| 10,54 httUntvttft.s, hha titift il.s, ( 'htt mars, etr. Itauhuha u'tl o9G 2(is IKH Pajpofs, hovhhs, Untitia.s, ttr. Ititi 1,21 3 702 5lt Pajpots, etc., and tttuny iJraridinn tritas. Uajhntisi 36,o5l 18.172 lfi,l59 Tiyttrft, Paydis, Mats, etc. HOijh ul 9 7 •> 1*erh tt jf.s Pttjp a t. Man a 268 ir.i 117 Jtalras, .1 yurts, Dorns, etr. KarUl ... 1,770 !•!».> 7Si Ura/nnans, ht teats, fioalas, rfc. Maat 0,240 1,707 1,473 tote ra.ste.s In Itihar, Jiihhiasan 182 J*7 S5 Phttiyas, ITttsit/ntrs, etr. Pudra 8 6 0 Paitlyas or hayasths. Safjnrhatxsi 66 VI Perhaps .Sb ayi rdpeshn. Sakariva r 3 2 i Pabhans, Ilttl teats, etr. fia manta 6,839 ‘i.'t.VI 2,SS6 \ \ Prahmans, Sadyops, hhandaits, etc. Sarkar lo9 1 70 03 dayis, JSajfits, Tantis, etc. V/< 66 :i!) 27 hat/ftsihs, tlandhaba niks, etc. Sihdar ... ... .. . 31 10 15 hti iba eftas, ( ha ndttfs, Mats, etc. Sinf/h 4,001 2 , 2:10 1,102 1 Uaity ea.strs, hiyh and tow. Sirayotra 12 0 *i 1 Pro tat bf y h och h s. SomOansi 4 2 0 1 Pejpats, horhhs, etc. Srihastab 3 ' :i 1 hnyusths, IlaJJams, etc. .Suba-rna 10 :i 7 Oy' f/ood caste. udra ... 202.613 1'7,SS0 104,027 Sur 262 122 loO hayasths, Sankhnris, Sadyops, etc. Sttrajhan^i 639 ;{(i2 237 Pdfpitts, hochhs, Tiyars, etc. ThakttT 46 2»; 19 1 Prahmnns, Pabha ns, etr. Tlrhutia ... lo2 70 50 Tlrsalia 62 27 25 Probatdy some Vishnaraite sect. Uttar Mar hi 108 01 47 hayasths, haiburttns, Kamars, etc. Total 660,602 1 270,071 281,018 — 1
  44. - - N \Mi: (jnoi r. Tut 111. Mai.'. Femali'. ()p( U|j»tmn. 1 B.— Hindus, returned by actual occupation. A talar 1 1 IVnter-rnrrier. Arkuti .... 74 ,’J2 42 Coolie reerniters, pilots. Aiartvaia . 2 2 Per/ittnera. JBadyakar 5,898 3,127 2,871 Drummers, ( 13 ) II.— Pkrsons not returned jiY Caste, Truje, or Rape— Hindus — continued. Namk of Cuorr. Totiil. MuU\ It/ninia ftfytrar iifiran nulla r'uTUhh liarhhua ... iiandhurpa Oaudhi ilharami ... Ghasiarn ... Ghatmajhi .. Ghntu’Ul Gtiulnm Gaidar Gorait 00 102 06
  45. 2.-0

    I 40 66 i o 2 i 16 i 22 I 14 i 6 ! 100,266 462 802 0,744 20 '1.-1,. Vtt* I I 17 i . I ■' I ; 11 I FiJrtiilo. B.' Hindus, returned by ac- tual occupation confd. 1 1 ■ ttayal ... 8.374 l,12rt 4,24H itii/inrupia 18 17 ttiii 26 U ii naitl 2,403 t,w Hojaniit 10 (i 4 Itajihur 680 2s:{ SO.y llaJtal 1 >.141 .M.'i tiUfi Jtakho 108 74 itatkslii 106 r>i r,i Hitrahil 3 1 2 Ilarihii l.oOl 7'.i: fi2r> Itvyar 460 23.1 /tfharii 214 I.kS 6ti Iti-purl 312 17l» J.1.1 n I'M f fit, . 2,020 •1 )•» 2»4Sl Ithfinr .... 216 107 tthnrf/nit 1 1 ... Ithaskar j 391 IM 210 Ittnitiarii 10 1 fi Ithfriivata ... . •• • • ' { 141 tI7 74 Itliilisha j 6 • 3 Ittiiiljiuftir • ■ J 8 H Itisiitl •• I 328 •>ir. il3 1 Vhtilmr j 602 248 Vhliijiiyar •• -I 68 3.1 1 ’ j 1,660


    Cliurihti r j 1.018 IS'.I r»2U Jhiftuhir 4 1 nuiuU 1 24 11 13 6.047 •t.O'.Mi 2,U2t naif If n Jill li M2 no niiifii 309 17s 1 221 ! Davikata ... GO 2s 1 j 32 narji • 1 1 .980 i,''ri 1 UHH nuroyn • ! 1

    i ■ Dlinkirnl c6 j i«; . VJ 1 1 006 1 1 l.M 1 ini I Oi'fuiiaiion. j itutthunn. ] i'uttlr-ih u/fTH. t‘rostH tift s. M I fuf/t r. Sttutf-cutit'rH. 1 t jam. tsfn j>ht t'ds. tit uijurs, />< .nan ivoi'fthijtjH m. rt dl, rs. \ Sf‘fiui nts. t'utiro jn'i ntt rs. lirurvivt muhvrs. tiuiifft r.v. JPftttn un t's, Midu'hus. Trntjdi- svrvantH ut t’uri It rot. r$'M. littju'-utulct t M. Tuifors, t n sjn rfttr. .~iif ' I nltua rh tint fH. 41 I H titflinn n. I V.T ' i.tinti tiyi-nt-u. ! I'tilnntiuin itta rtm, motif if Ituydi' I ut.tf Itfiuri t. •J'J Sivrtj„rt. .fff I'ti/in-Juit'f’ jii’i-pfirri s tli i naut't I'M. tff l‘t rfumt'i's, Vi Tliiitehii'H. .T ' <>riiH~riitU rs. 4 rtiitfimn. H7jH4tt l*tiHH-yuti rtlitinM. Sirii’jioil 2fi£ nomt sfitt Mt ruantn. 417 .Start -Ut tjn rs, 4,7HtP ' tftilrltnif’n .tlso a rti It- oj iniisi' m ns j III i tfutln yiiyjiur. < 'o IV- ti frits. Gorah’shak ( H ) 11 . — Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Hindus — continued . Namb of Group. Total. Mail-. Foinale. Occupation. B.— Hindus, returned by ac- tual occupation— Jfaittih'ttr 1,367 1,04:j 314 Swpvtmrnt makers, often llrahmans. Ilaohlar 48 48 Tenure holders. Jfartiara Id C 8 I'ostmen, Jifjtnfin 10 '.) 10 Urliyioits pupils. 396,777 lD9,lf.l lyofi'dfi /•V shermrn. Jallad 66 • yo 21 Executioners, •JoiHatfar 37 21 16 Streepers, Jharudar 2 2 Sweepers, dota/iu 3,070 1.416 1,654 Weuvcrs, tJotda r 62 21 31 Ten ure-holdcrs. Ktdnti'l 14,040 7,340 7,600 Veyetufde yrowers. liaftirttf 02 •ti 48 1‘hysiriuns, Jiofdi 6 2 3 J*risoners, Kalaiuai' 10 6 4 Tinmen. Kamkar ■■ 21,077 10,558 11,419 t.uhourers, usntifly Kahars. Kanyul 77 44 33 lieyyurs. HojHtsla 410 211 208 t'otton dealers. Kupuriit 1,240 572 676 II eiirers. Httriyor ... 424 233 191 If'etteers, Jiasai 272 112 160 lie tellers. Kttsfti 142 26 116 1' rostitufes. Hitthnrla ... 1,61 1 71H 763 Carpenters, Kaft'fdi .... 6.213 3,121 2,79
    Sinyers, Kftyaf 1,000 516 534 IVeiyhmen, Khnrttdi 182 101 81 Carpenters, Jikatvas 1 1 3 8 Servants, KhfUti 623 2»;r» 358 Ihineers, liiHtutr 71 Sinyers, Kofot 12,200 6,131 6,075 IVatehmvn, Hrlft/itfu 4,003 2,672 2,331 I'ioayhmen, li riskikar 2,1 18 1,030 1,079 Caltivntnvs. Kull 499 370 129 l^ahoarcrs. Ki4nfrff lo8 123 15 1 eyetnldr sellers. iMhivi ! 20.117 0,871 10,246 iirarefet makers, I Machhua 0,207 2,070 3,288 1 / V \h m on yers. 00 10 29 IT oney-lenders. Muh iJtiTiish 352 170 162 Eish-sf Hers, 081,042 1.8^,871 198,971 itoatmcn. Jlot Jtaldyti 31 14 , 17 Vayt ants. MttHjki 08,093 1 40.028 49,665 Head -men, either hoat-mvn or San- tnls. Miuiki 116 56 69 ITcad-mcn in Chatia Nuypur. Maiitri 1 1 1 Priest. IHamdchi 1 34
  46. 15 Toreh-ra rri ers. 1 ; 43,602 21,758 21,824 Earth- a'orkers, asaatly liaydis. Mi.strt i 2,728 1.656 1,172 Carpenters or mason s. Mudi 1 0,783 4,741 6,042 ilrain-dealurs or earth-workers. Jtt uharrir 1 16 14 Clerks. Muki-ri j 172 76 96 Eton r~ yri ndc rs. lHuti 6 4 1 Porters, yayuvchi 19 10 9 Drummers. y»iyn 274 129 145 Priests, yalbttud 126 56 69 Earriers. Jfntlya 173 109 64 Mat makers. Nuylh

    1 ... Rent colleotor. ( 15 ) II.— Persons not returnei) by Caste, Tribe, or Back — IIinovs — continued. Namk of Group. B.— Hindus, returned by ac- tual occupation— pomi’A/. Sti'Ar Kikari Mriti/akar .... ... Nuri JHaik Paikar Pnrn i Pa^nt'l .. PashoH Patttrkuta ... ... . . Polikar . . Piitni Piitua ...... Pftturifi lUttivari Vau'in'ltt PvshakuT Piada Podflar . .. Pi'cHsmo I ajar i ...

    I{20 1 UH 3!>0 :l H>3 • 111 1 :i 3 1 2 :i7 1.170 10 l,SJ5 ViMiiiild. I OtTu pillion. 6 4,031 & oi 111 91 V57 617 .3.3,1 Ik 7.S.39 S •2 S 70 6*1 19 t 1 97 3 Hi

    214 H 6.1 I 47 i 910 .3 117 .3 SO .3,421 191 <7/-rA\v. #■ i.v/< - >/i o II f/rrn, iht nrvrs, Itrocrft i looker, MrsHiiiyOrs, ttroh vri, / i.s/ti‘rini'n, Hroffuiats. II o tell men, Stone~0 rt ssi /■• I Thieoii oml friiiffe moht rs. 1 I'errifinrn, I Pointers 1 l*eostitofes, I I litofff oeeon nio nts. j Siiiffi I s, I ProslitoteH. ! Iff ••,» Offers, , Moneff.-rlionner*, j /ritltoltf If pt i nteri. 1 1*1 irsts, I P rostitntrs, I 1*tP "• j ' M osons, ' It rfothis. 7 ' Siiohi -eho rmers, proholthf lieiliyos, 1 Stool -enffers, I H emi men, ! Ii/ ot-eofieetorH, ' .1 noon ri ri note- foiee droieerH ( Iteuyal ), I Ihiti .•Jniei d i o ire rs ( ff ris*o i Theeod sfiinnv rs. Irron nio nts. '» 1 1.0 nd-huide rs, : 7'» no re-hot ders. I \ t'oeoon ffothi’rer. 4-10 I Poste s/ioiif/le too hers, .37 ; Jtoie-inen, 1,2 IH i Potfoo o’t overs, .3 Potion ileolers. 1,92 i ' ftitit-fioj ffroinrs. I i Lond-tords. 7 99, (79 I Namt <>i Gkoii*. Mul.-, Ri.viakkh. C — Hindus, returned by locality. Ausatnese ... Bengalis 51 12, 128 ;:o 21 H,ik3 ( 16 ) jl. Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — IIindiis — concluded. Name op (.Juoi r. Totnl. MaU‘. Fumah*. Remarks.
  47. -' Hindus, returned by local lity — concUf. IHUaris 359 103 Outrah’H 8 4 4 HiHtlustttnis 10.385 8.707 7,67H Knehhnris ... 0 0 Kn.s/imiris 18 11 7 ii/iffsias 0 ;i 3 3.046 2,1U» dHaht'uttns ... 066 .">00 449 Jlanipttrin 1 ... t Ma rivttris 8.041 5 , otto J,S)5/ Mf'watis 15 15 MorumiinH 45 :n Jl rrnm the Tarai of Xlpal. Narjpuris ... 112 47 OS NiputcHC 1,006 501 SOi J*uhavins 1 1 6,800 67,7r.O SRfllO JJiUmetu J'anjithis 78 31 44 Ito/iifas .. ... 208 110 t2H VJainis 2 2 Criyas 48,097 Total 200.894 107,07.S
  48. — Hindus, returned by uni-

    dent/ftable caste. ttaruasaulear 2,424 1,204 TlUyithnatr, ihhatai'lk'luti 136 .5.-5 SI Oatvastos. Iloiila 144 Oo 7S fllcf/ltlauttr.

    /araJ 4,467 2,130 2,327 Hit to. Halar 2.546 1,2.55 1,290 Ontcastes, lirishnapahshi ... 290 111 170 lllvgitimate. ]*atit ' 3,692 2..3(M; 1,2S0 Out cast I's, n rail 419 20.3 210 mtto. Shayinlpvfsha ... 36,000 10,7(51 19,S36 JUvyilitnatr, Surat waif t 19 0 13 Ditto, U aldcatijiahlo ... 1 1 .890 7,270 4,020 Total 62,622 31,. 338 31,184 E.— Hindus unspecified 47.268 2S,.300 1SJ902 IJ. — Pi:ii.SONS NOT RETUKNED BY Caste Tribe, or Race — Musalmans, Name ok Gitoi r. Totnl. j Foni.ilo. Ru.MAKJCfl. A.— Musalmans, returned by sect. ifattfji 2.461 1,170 IfiSS Jlasahil 37 15 22 Jff<‘ If M ana hna n 423
  49. 2H4 Shi a 1,143 OR) S24 Sifhlihi 2,263 1,070 1,187 Sutnil 16,359 8,2 IH 7,141 Total 21,630 11,213 10,443 • ( 17 )
  50. — Persons not returned hy Caste, Tribe, or Race — SIusalmans — conUnucd . Name op Group. B. Musalmans, returned by

    title. AkhamIJi Atraf . . .. Mtey IUswafi Chautihuri Jiafudn r iHtvan (Utln iihazi llazra Jihnn, Mir Mirza ... Moyhul Xalk Stirditr Suffyid S/taikh

    i/utna Total . C* ' Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. tfalnf Had yah a r Jtajikar Ha kali Hah ho iUtrhl liut'fih ... ... ... Hf’hara ... ... Ho pari itosntl Jtcsya Hhanr Hhat Ithathlara ... . . ' Hhinti Chatnar i'lMttdhuri ... Vhauh idar C'hhlpiffaf CfUk Chitrakar Chunari Charihar DaftiH Hahiara Dai Dalai Dap/Uari Darzi Dhari 700 4,209 120 704 1,042 2,020 207 10,081 19 046 274 2,160 0,449 1.490 04 2,849 00 o 8 876 933 706 2.628 16,717 12,107 346 I 1.183 1,188 I 13 32,400 2,476 ■ Totnl. Mule. F 107 52 6.008 2.»U» 08 SI 4,704 2, IttS 1,502 71 S 2,000 28 14 1,727 HCS 60.341 31.570 106 53 50,001 20,!»4.i 0,031 l,«»l 2.t02 1 ,<21 63,066 27,1.32 260,230 12.^735 t 1 -1 ' 20,644,294 10,3S!,S7(J 1 10,‘ 3,741 j I,S37 21,040.049 i 1 Df,: KKMAUkS. 65 2,7 ty 44 2,329 674 1,454 14 H59 33,762 52 IS, 036 4,430 l,i01 13,995 SI 25i,S59 26,124 127,504 54,41S 1,90 4
  51. an; 423 PI ait o~rt$rtiers. 2,103 2,166 Ih'uinmtrs, 43 71 :k;2 392 ii roOVOH. 7H2 S50 SI $t if or ft. 1 .273 1,246 It! rpontorn. 151 136 Hftol-urotvorK. .5,032 4,9S9 Halantfain boart rs. i;» ft 1 ok ft s. :{S2 46 4 Tradfrs. 7 1iK7 Prostif nton 1 ,2ofi 954 H a/Jitonn. •i,'.»71 3,47S tJoittudo{/iit$. 02.5 S70 1 un~kf opvrtt. 11 40 IP ator-oa rriors. 1,277 lfi72 1 1 f.oathor d TVhHors. .51 14


    1 23 15 ! j H atohmon. 42.5 451 j Calioo printora. 43.5 49S Hutohorn. 2H0 426 1 Ihfiult’ra, 1,.50S 1,020 l.ime ‘bornors 7.yrj 7,79H 1 Hracvlot makrrs- «;.osi 6,026

    noavornand dratn mak»’r» 105 4 SO j MUk mrllora. 5.«»7 5,2S6 1 Midtriioa. .5N7 604 j Itrokera. 70 43 1 ' Hook --bind KT a. 15,708 16,7H2 ! Ta flora. 1 1.402 4,473 ' Muairlana. i o2J 9 ( 18 ) II. — Persons not eetdrned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Musalmans — continned. Namb of Group. Total. Male. Female. Rbmabkb. C-— Musalmans, returned by actual occupation— nhatva 6,642 2,705 9^37 Fish- monger*. Dhopa 46,762 21,710 Washermen, iJhuU 2,962 1,441 MtBli Falanquin bearers. Dhunla ... 103,320 87,408 Cotton eleaners. Fakir 61,095 24.818 26,247 Jteggars* Farnsh 303 117 166 Su^eepers, Oadi 6,306 2,073 2,633 Cowherds, Oharftvni 204 93 111 Thafohers, Ghulam 665 272 293 Domestic servants. Ooala .... 101 91 im Cowherds. (iolilar 830 422 417 Store-keepers, Haj^fatn 34,703 10,401 16,299 ilarbers. Hijra . 714 875 3.39 Knnfwhs, •famadar 60 .33 26 Sweepers. Jharuftar 63 32 31 Ditto. dulaha. 723,71 1 318,000 375,631 Weavers, JoUlar 209 151 115 Te nu re-h olders. Kaghazl ... 364 184 160 l*a per-makers. Kahar 4,027 1,887 2,140 Data nqain-bearers. Knlal 16,321 7,099 8,622 Distillers. KaJa 31.314 15,131 16,183 Oil-pre.Hsers, Karadar 332 103 169 ('arpenters. Karigar ... 30,391 15.417 11,944 Weavers, ILa^ai 6.468 2,531 2,934 Hu tellers. KasH 263 102 151 Vrostltutes, Kazi 3,362 1,700 1,696 Vrlestn, Khoja 168 95 63 Eunuchs, Khwandkar 1,293 662 631 Teachers. Kunfra 126,699 60,(»80 66,663 Vegetable growers. T.ahtrl 10.048 6,307 6,641 Ifraertet makers. Mahitldar 68 29 29 Groin measurers. 3fahifarash 880 438 442 Fish-mongers. Mala ... ... 330 213 127 Hootmon, Mal-natdyn 103 68 45 Vagrants, Mali 2.304 1,083 1,221 Gardeners, Jfalik 2.386 1,201 1,164 IVenvers. Mandat 18,065 9.176 6,579 Village headmen. Mat\ihi 467 j 204 253 Htlmsmen, Masalehi ... 339 1 175 164 Toreh bearers. Mauluiigi 04 42 52 Salt makers. Maufarl 108 80 82 Teachers. Mehtar ... 3,418 1,737 lj66l Scavengers. M^wafarosh 776 303 472 Fruit sellers. niiriufti . 410 1 1S8 222 31nsiclans. At it, ri ... 650 340 316 Carpenters. Afridha 134 6.3 71 Chainmen, Mukrri 0,866 3,190 3,676 Uheat grinders. AfuVak 0,090 6,236 4,764 Priests, Afun-ihi 1 18 1 00 52 Teachers, Nagarrhi l,C30 826 605 Drummers, Nalhand 1,016 513 503 Farriers. Afaliga 333 115 188 Atat makers. Nikari J 6,003 7.1.3C 7,567 Fish sellers. Nurbaf 1,031 4!W 541 Weavers. ( 19 ) II. — Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Mdsalmans — coneliuted . Namk of Ohoi p. Total. 1 Male. Female. &BMAEE8.
  52. — Musalmans, returned by actual occupation— fowr/f/. JPa«l 2,422 1,18« Todtly-dranfrrs* Vatni 1,071 62.' 44tt Ferrymen. J*atita 2,070 i,m yss Pa intern. l*aturia ... 62 1 51 ProstiUites, Pawarif

    6,707 llancern. J*eshalcar 161 41 97 Prostituten. Jlangrez . . 5,060 2.905 2^54 J*yvrs. Ra»Ha ... 476 £25 250 Pookn, /iajffar 677 293 2S4 Plnth cleanrrB. Sarhar 242 110 132 Mauagvrn, SayLn 3,102 1.452 1,730 tteggara. SMkalaar 1,616 729 7Sft .1 rtnott rent. Shikari 260 14S ti7 Ituntern. SluH 270 143 133 Palm-Julee drawers. Soria 2,003 922 1,171 Salt nuikt rs. Tarafdar 614 335 279 Trnu re~ holders. Tifcalihar 403 202 201 Paste spangle makers. Tutia 306 19.3 203 Mfilberry growers. T oUtl 1,406,063 72 1, Hal 775,112 D.— Musalmans, returned by locality. -ifghau 6 C • 0 1 4 i 5 1 Arabs, Total . ! 1 1 10 1 5 E.— Musalmans unspecified... 263,029 110, 100 137,703 1 1 1 III.- ■Per.soN3 reti;uned ONLY BY Religion, NAmk oh Uki.IOIDM. Tolul. Mttli'. j Female. 1 UlvMAHKH. 1 1 Brahmo 2,606 1.47K l/i2S Native Christian 162,622 70.527 75,995 Buddhist (unspecified) 10,703 6.915 4,H4H Jain 7,042 4,40t 2,57 n Sikh 412 344 on Jew 1,440 70H 710 Atheist 3 Theist 0 4 Positivist ... 1 1 A^ostic 6 0 ! \ Persons not returned by re. ■ 1 j ligion, caste, or tribe 6,718 2.W)3 1 2,fs25 TOTAL FOR THE PRO- 1 1 VINCE 71,346,087 36,663,200 36,783.668 1 c 2 ( 20 ) TAULU XVI.— TOTAI. llARUWAN DlVlOIOJf. i flAllDWAN. Hankura. Cta^iii aud CaSTB AJfD TRIBE. No. of (.Iroup, V(!l uruL'd. 1 Total. Hlalr. Forimlo. j Total. Male. Female. j Tot-il. Male. Femalo. r /# Af/oro'olo s 83 52 31 14 11 3 4 4 2(0} A{/ori IS S^.O-KS 40,007 42.570 1 62,219 29, 80S 32,411 10,0.36 5,576 6,3(X) A- 1 Itohlion 1 107 103 04 7 7 ... .1^2 (a) Itoydi 120 567,001 280,209 140,401 73,448 76,015 49,720 24,30.5 2.5,424 «- 0(o) ItoiAya 2S 15,617 7,029 7,088 3, -420 1,611 1,770 3.4.51 1,6»9 1,882 Itoifi Sfi 11.017 4,708 fi,U0 •2,091 1,012 1,079 607 310 207 C 14 itonlyo I.Vt 120, .",40 01,00.5 05,4.51 ‘20.782 14.‘>10 15,583 2.5,066 12,103 12,873 (i)— Baisyn 60 9,378 4,669 4.809 663 272 291 1,903 064 1,029 {ii)-Gandha Banik 62 42, 1 90 20,046 22,163 6,408 2,303 3,046 0,232 4,602 4,730 (itl)-Khatri 1 17,302 0.304 7,998 i 4,301 2,489 1.812 3,770 1,860 1.904 (iv) Subarna Banik 61 30,023 14,579 10,344 1,619 732 887 7,302 3,482 3,910 K~41 liontot 1 18 27 •21 ... ... #: 4n lloi't 3 11 12 2 ... ... 2(a) Rorui 41 21.08.-', 12,131 11,0.54 3,906 1,028 1,078 2,911 1.477 i,i:u .1- 4 ItothoAi 14 858 431 427 ... A— 2(0) tiooH 107 201,1175 128.0.53 1.30.951‘2 02.:i22 4-1,051 47;i7l 1*23,197 58,417 64,780 E-44 Itodiya 6 3,773 1,8(52 1,011 1,85‘2 000 952 197 95 10‘i K~4t Hefdor 1 3iU li>l 155 270 1-40 130 Reran 1 8 8 ... ... n~iH Rhoudori J .320 17.8 142 155 07 58 ... I- 2(0) Rhar 2.0711 1.1 IH 931 308 211 187 2 2 (1)' Rajbhar 6 836 466 570 23 19 4 2 2

    • iJ- H Rhot 11 4.1186 2,312 2.071 461 201 2(3.3 726 3KJ 413 A- 4 Rhoiya 7r. 2i,3l7 11,119 n.KW 4.147 2, ‘255 1,802 3,-181 1,680 1,801 A~ 4 Bhumi^j 12*1 CO.' 04 •29.250 31,i:>4 219 1‘2S 121 20.798 0.0 la IU,85G F~4H Ithutlo 1 1 1 ... -■1- 2(0) Rind 0 m no CO j 63 :ir. 28 ... E^4t 1 Rirhor 1 120
  53. 06 j ... 58 27 31 n~ n Brahman 210 405,820 •227.810 2:17,971 1 103,710 48,086 64.763 85,002 41,892 4,3,110 F~-4H BotmvHv 2 C 3 3 i 1 1 ... ... .t- 2(0) Chain 8 102 100 0‘2 ! ' 5 5 A- 4 ('ho Inna i 1 1 1 ... ... lt-3H Chnmor Ififi 125,571 02,015 02.0;!n 51,280 2.5.121 2(5,150 5, -150 2,27:J 3,177 (i)-IVIuchl lo2 1 19,632 68,060 60,672 49,200 24,066 26,144 6,427 2,262 3,165 2(0) ('has a ... 50 4.G40 2,301 2,210 814 4:14 380 2.137 1,‘235 1.202 A- 2(0) €hosa Bhopa 0 1,020 8.10 7.SC 10.5 62 • vl- 4 Chrro 1 2,003 1,1 ;tt 870 ... A- 4 Chlk 1 72 52 20 . 20 12 B A 2(0) Rhonnk c 321 1(5‘2 150 46 26 20 1 1 D 24 Hhopa m 08, .5.50 33,717 .34,83:1 .3.816 l.!»21 1,024 4,297 2,173 2,121 E-4S Bom 102 ir, 1,8.5. 5 82,780 8‘2,075 . .3J),68S) 10,9.31 19,768 18,048 0,006 0,042 (•I'-Kaora ; 70 36,910 10,068 17,042 1 1 1,282 049 633 46 19 26 A~ 2(a) Rugodh ... . 1 30 ‘2,1108 1.009 9.36 1 897 57(1 327 IS 14 4 {!)— Bahelia 6 261 162 89 28 14 14 (2 9 3 H-SS (toriror 2 •21.3 115 128 2.3.5 107 128 ... !>-«« Qarrri 0 I7G 100 71 104 60 35 A- 4 (ihosi 3 139 73 66 ... ... A 2(h) Boola 131 2-48,831 127.731 121,100 62,470 32,000 30,470 62,062 31,893 .30,179 A- 2(0)

    (iokha 5 214 117 127 ...

    D^3/f (lonrhi 4 108 85 8.3 21 14 7 ... iiori 130 101,079 60.385 60,694 22.076 11,635 11,341 6.725 3,260 3,460 (i)-Mlhtar ... . 20 3,292 1,666 1,027 1.023 606 618 ... ... A~ 4 4lo ... . 1 319 161 158 («) 20‘> 106 96 ... J>~«J dugi R’l 20,296 0,844 10,452 4,‘261 2.067 2,104

    600 215 285 A- 2(a) KarhtU 1 8 3 8 6 8 ... BabdV'an Division BIUBHI’M. Miditapuu. Ilrou. j Total. Malo. Futnalo. Total. Mah). Fi'inali'. i Total. Male. Fi*male. j i Total. 17 10 7 14 7 7 2 2 32

    3,05U 1,482 1,577 154 80 68 6,001 2,9.52 3,0 4J) i 247 ... ... ... 62 23 39 j 98 76,080 30,673 89,407 75,469 37,176 38, 21*3 157,304 78,849 78,4.5.5 I .59,621 1,230 545 69-4 1,993 1,012 981 4,509 2.2!m; 2,213 1,005 287 120 167 83.5 404 ■431 5,077 2,4f»4 2,673 ; 1,020 14,204 6,854 7,440 28,051 14,160 13,88.5 21,308 9,820 ll.riiRi 7.955 48B 218 270 4,086 2,484 2,401 1,398 604 792 63 10.082 4,860 6,232 0,867 3.287 3,370 7,636 3.405 4,131 3,283 660 288 268 3,736 1,938 1,798 3.433 1,647 1,786 1,608 2,916 1.346 1,609 8.304 4,147 4,167 7,837 3,617 4,320 2,060 33 17 10 ... 15 . 1 1 ... ... 1 1 ... 12 2,070 1,008 1,062 7,602 3.H31 3,831 2.795 1,360 1,429 I 4,741 ... 85S 431 427 1 30,137 16,237 14,000 13,193 6.500 6,627 O.OSl 2.850 3.231 , 45 nrii 403 458 19:> 103 92 365 179 1S6 1 213 ... 27 14 13 10 7 3 : ... ... 8 8 ... j 165 SI 84 139 63 76 72 41 31 952 4.V8 <494 : 516 ... 72 41 31 600 277 323 139 427 161 2C»3 3,(J3l 1,-458 1,573 161 79 82 177 1,505 691 814 10,028 5,1 49 5,479 1,658 854 804 8!)8 12 9 3 38,804 18,731 20,073 761 .395 36.6 ; Si) 1 1 ... ... , 17 9 8 9 7 16 15 1 I; 104 C8 33 35 ... ... 87,457 18,384 ' 19,073 121,888 61.8Sfi 60,002 74,991 85, -482 39,509 42,733 ... ... r, 2 3 i ... 152 00 62 ... ... 1 87,164 18,717 18,447 7..379 3,898 3,481 20,534 10,221 10.313 3,704 36,691 1 7.693 1 7,998 6,902 3,870 3,322 19.372 9,153 10,219 2,060 120 67 63 431 218 213 761 399 362 77 804 453 351 717 2,003 1,133 870 ... ... 52 40 12 24 17 7 244 112 l.}2 0 3,820 1,896 1,925 39.:J51 19,476 19,875 7,960 3,821 4,139 ! 9,277 86,159 17,921 18,238 23,500 11,795 11,765 26.119 13,248 13,171 20,980 3,064 2,008 1,948 12,019 6,633 6,188 18,810 129 02 37 98 40 49 .590 349 241 1,173 26 18 8 1 1 ■ 4 7 28 14 14 140 s ... ... 47 20 27 6 19 11 8 124 65 .5!) 15 K 7 • 11,79 i 5,933 6,801 64,565 2S.170 26.395 38,602 19.472 19,130 19,32'' ... 2-14 117 127 147 71 76 ... ... 28,539 13,629 14,910 26,421 13,14:. 13,270 12,967 6,895 6,(172
  54. 151 III 491 238 263 443 209 234 1,336 (6) 117 55 62 ... 1.659 7114 865 •4.585 2,253 2.3« 4,S3l 2..344 2 187 4,V70 ,L —1 IIOWKATI. — - — - “ Male. FeiimU'. 18 14 1671 S4 73 25 20,7(30 29.861 6('i6 439 CIS 602 3,804 4,151 27 26 1,030 1.646 1,076 430 1,366 1,601 10 Ti 10 A 2,521 2,220 32 1.3 92 121 373 143 1 10 20 97 80 520 ,378 45 3r) 88 10 21,216 21,517 6 ... 1 2,412 1,352 2,128 824 48 20 344 .37.3 6 ... 4,131 4,K16 in,S70 10,101 9,769 9,061 R05 278 03 63 s • 5 1 19,2fV4 9,065 1,822 1,620 713 622 2,171 2,2S9 ... 1 Kemares. (fi) Animistii'. BlistlC. tj 3 (6) At ( 22 ) TABLE XVI.— Total Harowak Diviaiow. Bardwak. Banffra. CiattN and Group. Nnmbt’r of ! CAiiilC liiiiSKt rot u rul'd. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. A— 9(a) Kadar 3 71 30 41 09 30 39 ... ... A 9(a)

    Kadma 11 27,211 1.3,533 1S.67R ... ... ... ... ...

    “ Kuhar 0,71)5 5,734 4.001 1,444 858 600 90 61 35 At- 9(a) Kaihartta lOli 1.17N.10.5 682,832 695,303 26,056 13,877 13,779 1H,4:i>4 9,339 9,095 A- 4 Kalita 1 376 177 109 370 177 199 D-i9 Kamar 173 120,600 64.855 64,805 20.371 10.174 10,197 41,149 20,159 20,090 (1)— Lohar 60 20.881 I4,66i5 16.318 3,636 1,762 1,784 21,468 10,240 1 1.219 A- 9(a) Knndra ... 1 70-i 411 3hl ... ... ... ... ... ... V-92(a) Kandu 10 1.221 825 300 413 244 109 10 4 6 K-44 Kanjar u 351 178 173 ... ... ... jn--9i Kaniarl 25 5.377 2,013 2,744 822 361 461 ... ... ... 1> 2J Kajmli 11 3.072 1.513 1,.520 828 418 410 2 2 n-90 Karanga
  55. 10,317 6,183 6,134 K8 48 40 942 \ 483 459 A 9(a) Kasihn 12 22,*'03 11,418 11,475 ... ... ... 4 2 2 A- 4 Kaur 1 151 08 83 ... ... ... U- 9 Kayagtha 71 1S7.041 80,5''3 98,04.8 ' 31,861 14,312 17,649 18.-4t)4 8,405 10,089 (1) -Karan 1 181 80 82 ... ... ... A- S(a) Krtn 1 4 4 ... ... vl- 9(a) Kcsara G 07 33 34 ... ... ... J)S/S Jira^at 41 t2,n<»i 0.(i73 0.018 3,31.5 1,054 1,CG1 1.9!)6 1,027 009 A- 9(a) Khndal G 2,502 1,301 1,258 ... ... ... ... A^ 4 Khaira 70 3S, 45S ih,7;'.o 10,728 ' 078 .321 357 28,350 13,717 14,612 4- 1 Khandali 12 1,S72 1,112 700 ' 12 12 ... 13 13 A- 4 Khar la 2 4.02^ 1,007 2,031 1 ... ... ... OSl S11 337 A- 4 Khar war 4 10 12 4 ! •• ... A- 9(a) Khatlk 1 4H 20 28 1 10 4 n ... ... -4- 9(a) KoclUi 1 8 5 3 1 8 5 3 ... ... A- 9(a) Kulri 21 7,407 3,8^0 3,521 1, 902 500 333 5,28.3 2,510 2,713 A- 4 Kol 11 too 213 247 •40 25 15 10 18 1 E Kora 57 .31,201 15,270 16,001 I (rt).5,33f> 2,000 2,076 (i) 4.740 2.2S7 2.469 n—9H Kutuhar
  56. 71,018 35,801 30.117 1 11,002 5, .370 5,716 0, 400 4,706 4,730 A- 9(a) Kurmi ni 7.s5s7 30.845 35,743 1 2,012 l.)70 8;’.r> 13,721 6,000 7,031 A~ 4 Hah ill 7 •1.020 1.0') 4 2,020 [ 109 1)0 70 4)0 210 2.36 J)-99(a) Moira l.'JO 1 45,010 23,005 22.01 1 i 11,104 5,i5l 5,053 6.007 2,919 3,088 (I) Halwai 0 723 472 261 ! 346 180 166 ... (II) Kuri 7 008 473 496 1 19 12 7 1 1 ... A - 9(a) Mai 50 5:), 535 24.7M 25.821 1,720 817 012 12.!)?8 6,218 0,740 vj- 9(a) Halakar 02 IH.OOO 9.305 8,701 2,500 1,2;).7 1.211 754 3S3 371 i}za Halo 35 6,178 2.488 2,000 420 210 180 ... A- 4 Man da 2 •4, 352 2,102 2,110 (a) 220 116 104 1,327 042 685 D-35 Marigari 1 350 195 101 328 180 148 ... ... 2(a) 1 Mamhar R 12S 83 46 12 10 2 ... ... A^ 9(a) Natnasudra or Vhaudal 1 02 1)1,301 15,919 •15,382 18.075 0,428 8,047 1.00.5 802 803 i>^in NapU 151 1, (Mi, 122 51,638 .54,784 15,766 7.670 8,180 11,055 6,779 5,876 (1) Hajjam 1 374 184 180 34 10 10 ... E-44 Nat 1 »7 44 63 4 4 ... 22 14 8 JDSO Ann iff a 12 023 584 .339 312 100 152 1 1 ... A- 4 Oraon 17 3,470 2,752 718 00 60 40 12 10 2 C-14 Ostval 2 13 10 3 ... A 4 ran 10 1,513 620 893 6] 19 .32 ... rati 31 RO.'i 586 280 326 180 139 ! 3 2 1 A^2(a) rarg/ta 1 120 67 63 ti* A -9(a) rod 27 4S,3Jl) 24,476 23,864 23 15 13 1 1 A- 1 Rajput 76 1 63,306 27,431 25,935 4,208 2,177 2,091 16,700 6,405 8,.301 ( 23 ) BabdVan Division — continued. — - 1 BlBBHUM. Midnapur. 1 !
  57. - — - — 1 Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. ... ... 27,211 13,533 13,678 1 1,848 007 Oil l.,529 779 750 i 7,172 3,453 3,719 803,95)8 35)0,710 -101,252 1 10,196 5,001 5.134 38,777 19.517 19,200 1 1 2,022 1,408 1,614 040 408 442 ... (a) 792 411 .381 1 30 21 15 137 1 08 C9 1 |l ■ Sfil 178 173 ... li 495 227 208 1,119 f.S0 r.69 !| 1' 2.1 12 11 i{ 502 210 2.56 ( <1)0 079 2,979 .3,1(10 1 11 ... 22.889 11.116 11,173 li 161 08 83 1 8.'153 4,072 4,380 82, .520 10,.57S 41.918 !| 1 181 80 02 |] ... 4 4 07 33 34 3,730 1.827 1,000 1 2.8.53 1,415 1,138 1 1 2,503 1,301 i.2:.8 ! (a) 386 169 210 I 7.230 3.5.97 3,039 1 1 1 ... 1,167 727 740 ; ... 3,290 1.017 1,079 1 H 4 4 ... ... 1 23 H 16 121 73 48 292 Ill 151 ! 44 25 19 1 j! 10,907 4.8.j7 5.410 1 (r) 8,8 15 4,133 4,112 j. 7,4‘:8 8.106 4,322 1 20,320 13.271 13.055 II li :m3 230 113 1 55,327 28, '.'00 26,121 j; 293 ir.i 112 (
  58. 1 441 214 227 8,002 4,01.5 3.9, 1 4,466 2,106 2,859 190 5)0 100 93 53 40 (/<)2,.388 1,168 1 ,220 ... 1 2 3 81 45 89 ... ... 6.777 2,789 2,988 41,939 21,030 20.909 9,712 4.048 5,004 43,551 21,140 22.102 • 50 19 40 ... ... I2t 62 62 1 ‘ 61 26 32 ... ... 0 6 ... 7 4 3 1,452 590 856 21 13 8 1 64 , 31 23 120 67 63 1 ... ... 0.132 2,038 8,194 1 • 22,98C ) 11,700 1 11,160 6.600 8,330 8,27( 1 1 17.69S s 9,m 1 8,024 nuoLt. Howrah.
  59. - — Remarks. Total. Male. Female. | 1 i i Total, j Male. Female. ... ... 2 2.813 1,596 1.217 ; 2,012 1 .*<30 782 1 13,780 71,15.8 72.022 j' 178,15.5 .80,251) 1)1,85)0 • 13.811 7,031 0,810 ! 5,327 2,013 2.114 800 656 346 1 1 124 1 10 14 5 3.597 1 1,9:‘7 1 ,.5l)0 Auiiuistie. 34 N 27 7 li 248 69 4 3 1 0 1 1,5)78 1,011 907 i 10 12 6,47, 3.008 2.100 li 915) 480 ■W!) 97 52 4.5 ... ni •.H) 21 (
  60. 5)9.3 l.fW'l 492 1,100 152 10 5 5
  61. 46 , 30 9 ' ..." 31Y 10( ) 2,082 ) 1,400 1 1,286 10,565 1 8,315 ! 8.2r 1 6,275 i 2.557 ' 2,718 i 2,755 ) 1 1.89- 1 ho: J 4 ( 24 ) TABLE XVI.- CIllhH RTld Cnsto. Tnbo, Nninbcr Total 1 Rauuwan DlMSlON. 1 I Baudwan '1 Ban KURA. Group. or Gnnip. retunii'd. ij j 1 Totnl. Male. F<'nialo. 1 Total. 1 Mali-. 1 F«!wale. 1 Total. 1 Male. Funialo. •J(a) R»ju 17 f.7.74‘.) 28,609 28,940 1 A- 9(a) lla^lwar lU 3,23u 1.052 1,578 510 293 217 OH 63 45 A- 4 BauHa 1 llifl ?1 06 ... A- S(a) Stulgop i:in 427,f.83 211,476 216.107 106,674 52.231 51.4-10 45,747 22,002 23,145 It^W(a) Sanliharl 17 B.O30 2,667 2.47a 672 S6S 814 7flfl 427 311 A- 4 Santttl 22 aiis.uM 1:31,945 137,051 22,256 11,509 1(>.718 101,637 C0,U3 61, .304

    A- 4

    Sarnk (i 1.S74 050 913 19 19 30 1,707 879 S28 A- 4 Sovar ;i 3,051 1.501 1,550 ... ... 243 125 118 n-^17 Sonar 81 81, 1)09 ifl.oo:) 15,996 7,033 3.362 :i,09i •160 2M 222 n^23 SakU 30,))4b 16,122 17,921 D-30 Sunrl S(! 7rt,4.'>7 37.791 :w.r.66 20,291 9,90.3 10, -131 22,205 11,206 10,909 (I) Kalwar IG 037 807 270 177 88 80 7 7 D-35 Surahiya 2 41 83 s n~90 SHtradhnr r,3 3;),flor> l?.83 99,351 97,279 17,524 8,535 S,9S9 30,298 15,808 11.190 (i) Tatwa 1 208 142 60 • •• i>-57 TeU 210 314,0 «) 150.771 153,17s 49.S00 21.027 25,803 92,197 40,381 45,813 (1) Kalu 1 18 84.388 41,017 42.771 22,000 10,086 1 1.020 21,668 10,806 10,862 (11) Till 20 100,313 64,048 64,305 6,370 2,608 2,771 19.364 0,703 9,601 it -2i That hern 2 82.> ICi ig:i . n-36 Tty a r 3.<;,125 19,270 IS, ,355 *.’87 •170 511 19 11 8

    *(a) Tara ha •1. 2..1 134 129 2 2 A- 4 Tari 2(ts 115 196 199 S7 ... Religious devotees and persons i returned by sect. j HINDUS 17?, 571 K1,7S1 ' 90,7 !»0 1 ‘2l,n(!l n,2s.“, 13, .379 29,730 9,S79 19,857 Baisnab 102,768 1 76.051 1 86,017 ; 24,033 10,976 13,068 10,941 0.402 10.469 Brahmo 209 140 123 2 2 16 13 ' 3 Qosain 2,908 ■ 1.460 1,632 180 92 88 16 1 12 4 Mahanta 054 405 489 ; 134 67 67 162 T7 85 Ramavat 529 202 207 3 2 1 60 26 34 Saiva 290 62 138 ' 63 52 31 M2 53 50 Sakta 37 25 1 12 ... • .t Sanyas i 1.229 627 ! 602 ■ 76 41 34 47 27 20 MrSAi.HANS 0.V»S 7.9;;s 1,S23 2, 109 2.303 Hanifi 2,273 1,061 1.222 '! 71 60 21 New Musalman 14 8 ; 0 ;! Shia 388 100 1 182 ] 43 20 23 SiddikI 180 03 00 144 72 72 Sunni • ••• ... 1 1 ,032 6,610 6.622 4,606 2,310 2,247 Persons returned by title or common subcaste. 1 1 HINDUS 7i,:)r>« :i5,.'r,5 :kJ,oi;3 j' 19 :}s.'. 5,195 5,190 1 IS, 991 9,115 9,7^6 Buna 12,616 6.479 6,037 («) 2.807 1,412 1,396 (fj) 684 304 284 De 170 87 83 1 166 77 79 14 10 4 ‘ Haidar 379 200 179 i 4 3 1 1 1 Hazra 413 206 208 : 91 38 63 18 10 8 Jaiswar 381 227 164 i 261 140 1 13 Kanaujia 230 140 90 123 60 64 Vtahat 5,184 2.040 2,644 ; 27 23 4 1,170 014 666 l/lahk 12.928 6,106 6,783 1 2,676 1,274 1,301 ^ 370 181 108 ^agbansi 1,360 748 012 j 406 1 192 214 206 101 104 I ; BardA'AN Division — continued. BiRDUUM. Midsafl tt. , t_, ' IIUOLI. ■ j IIOWkAU. Total. Main. Femalo. |l Total. Mftlo. Fern ah. Total. Mnlo. Feniah*. j Total, j Main. FiMUule. Ill ... 57,749 28,809 28,940 222 lOM 114 2,324 l.Ul 1,183 17 14 3 I 59 13 16 ... ... i:i6 71 05 ... ... j ... ... 80,175 39,087 41,088 118,923 69,600 59,323 56,28S 27,211 29,077 19,770 10,712 0,03 4 (571 3;j9 332 1,300 70S G52 1.'276 6.!5 Oil 392 200 192 21,770 11,204 10,606 119,169 56,609 02,5.50 4,109 2, .3.30 1,773 165 ur> 2(t 113 68 60 ... ... ... ... 2,808 1.376 1,4.32 ... ... ... ... ... 4,838 2,408 2,370 7,104 3,.55i> 3.61 4 8,794 4,500 4,294 \.m 1,S79 1,80.', ... ... 30,325 1.5,225 15,100 3.803 1,995 1,811.8 1,H->S 902 920 10,000 8,210 8,381 8,555 4.237 4,318 4.960 2,254 2,712 3,777 1,952 l,S-2.'j 189 138 61 ... 10 14 2 648 420 128 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i' <11 :(.'{ s 6,409 3,077 .3,3:{2 9,825 4,809 5,016 6,361 3.086 3.27.5 1 1,444 710 734 1,721 825 8*. to 11 ,4m0 5,677 5,H03 8,218 3,777 4,m i 1,947 910 l.('3l 1.5,073 7,304 7,709 95,523 48,076 47.447 24,571 12,774 11,797 1 13.044 6,797 0,8 47 ... ... ... 126 72 64 8 8 i 74 02 12 31,079 16,166 15,913 70,r.58 35,319 8.5,239 54.60.3 27,250 27,347 16,622 8.619 8,003 19,246 0.461 0,785 4,280 2.070 2,210 1 1 ,005 6.063 6,032 4,207 2,225 2,072 6.009 2,460 2,039 60,010 33,098 32,912 1 1 ,266 6,809 6,306 2,200 1,120 1,080 ISO 92 ss 115 70 75 ... ... ... ... j,no-i 449 5.JJ 8,093 4,192 .3,901 9,2.33 4,627 4,600 18,789 9,.515 9.274 ... ... 1S8 80 108 11 9 2 53 43 10 fi 3 7 3 4 i •• ... ... 20, OSS 9.041 11,047
  62. 12H

    .3'i,30S 11,120 i 1 I iri.7i7 7,6u3 8,114 ; 11,911 .5,008 0,213 1 9,620 8,009 10,820 76.287 oG,204 o0,003 ' 12,303 6.939 6,304 ' 11,676 5,462 0,123 18 8 10 109 47 62 j 44 32 12 ; 00 44 36 42 21 21 26 16 1 1 i 2.71 1 1,304 1,407 13 12 1 20 8 12 ... 637 312 326 : « 1 ... ... ... 386 165 too 66 27 29 1 26 13 13 ... 1 13 60 47 2 1 1 ! j I 37 26 12 1 . ... . 260 126 140 094 348 340 i 88 46 43 ! 1 60 ,| 40 19 13 7 3.(139 1.510 1,.5‘29 3,671 1,777 1,894 1 1 2,3.50 1 I,l(i4 l.'MO ... . i i 12 6 0B4 461 603 1 j 1,200 608 092 1 i 1 i 14 8 0 1 184 97 07 161 76 70 10 4 0 13 7 ° 1 1 1 ... ... 32 14 18 1 1 1 2,837 1.401 1,436 2,630 1,221 1,316 j 1,004 6.’0 624 i 9,560 4,67.3 4,Ss7 •22,194 lU.SOO 11.32H

    .412 2.467 1,915 1 .5.910 3,039 2,S77 (c) 6,361 • 3,t 12 3.249 183 100 83 1,632 1,014 oia j (./) 046 637 408 i

    370 196 176 2 2 2 1 1

    206 96 1 1 1 78 43 36 6 0 1 13 1 20 14 0 34 20 14 18 13 6 1 48 32 16 16 1 1 6 32 17 16 14 0 6 61 40 1 1 ... 1 3,971 1,900 1,972 7 4 3 ... ... 61 37 24 6,633 2,637 2,890 ... ... 1 4,380 2,036 2.344 13 Id ... 62 32 30 603 318 246 1 III 92 10 UEMlBKd. (o) 0 :,% nifties tiM! .IcinuIPs roturriud im A riitiiisti ■. (0) 57 limles liml Tl' feiiifllf!! rt‘1 limed US Aniiuihf i<-. (e) riniles Jind !4,of*r» remftlei returned Its Animistie. (d) 177 lll.'ili s und 'JO reiiDiles refiirm:d hs Aiiiuiis- tie. ( 28 ) TABLE XVI.— Obouf. Total Bardwaw Division. Bardwan. Barruka Total. Main. Fomale. Total. Mala. Female. Total. Male. Female. Persons returned by title or common SubcSiSie— concluded. niXDUS -conclA. Naik 10,608 0,302 10,204 1 1 10,624 4,033 6,691 Patra 273 160 123 1 1 29 16 14 Rajbansi 7,844 3,010 3,934 3,696 1,746 1,840 2 2 Rarhl 689 301 288 7 7 Raut 1,373 682 691 31 20 1 1 7 6 2 Samanta 6,667 2,860 2.807 70 36 36 5,203 2,608 2,016 MVSALltfAyS yoo.rtoa -WO.Hl.'S 4n{),7.RR 1 24H,81)5 123,109 12.5,786 40,478 20,004 20.47-4 Chaudhari ... 1 16 66 61 j 109 49 60 Khan 2,117 1,068 1,069 1 263 148 106 ... Mir 1,606 844 851 ; 143 72 71 Mirza 346 140 205 262 06 167 Moghul 6.618 2,806 2,722 666 360 289 Pathan 63,363 32,614 30,739 ! 6,100 3,428 2,702 9 4 6 Sayyid 24,026 12,643 12,382 , 6,362 2,609 2,763 46 24 22 Shaikh 802.434 300,666 41 1,769 236,931 1 16,362 110,679 40.423 19,076 20,447 Persons returned by actual occupation. niyjws I9r»,ni5 on.fiin pa,:M)o 43,0!3 21,640 21,553 4-1,893 21,607 23,286 Bhaskar 123 66 07 14 6 9 ... Chitrakar 179 103 76 ' ... Dai 302 100 193 16 7 9 ... Oulia 33,008 16,320 16,768 17,326 8,663 8,762 ... ... Qhatwal 1,668 877 791 681 361 320 1 1 Qorait 223 173 60 Jaliya o6,l4l 17,240 17.901 1 2,977 1,408 1,479 2,430 1,222 1,208 Kathuria 8o6 307 438 |j 26 14 1 1 7 7 Kotal 10,289 6,137 6,162 9,684 4,864 4,830 163 80 83 Machhua ... 2,744 1,322 1,422 220 1 10 no Mala 6,476 3,070 2.408 669 386 283 3,408 1,634 1,774 Manjhi 71,737 30,082 36,676 638 360 288 24,667 1 1,837 12,720 Matiya 24.061 11,086 12,000 9,406 4,665 4,760 1 2,300 6,866 6,626 Mudi 633 277 266 1 467 236 221 32 21 II Nuri 1,076 660 626 1 12 61 61 142 67 76 Patnl 028 429 409 72 46 26 Poddar 1,664 823 841 424 220 204 1,003 476 627 Sardar 616 206 320 186 86 101 134 74 60 Siuli 746 382 364 1 80 46 34 MVSAhMASS 35.2R7 17,541 17,746 i 1 6,U51 2.4.S7 2,60-1 164 67 87 Bajikar 60 28 32 j 60 28 32 ... DarJI 482 229 263 ... Dhawa 1,629 790 830 870 428 442 ... Dhunia 1 12 73 39 80 44 36 ... ... Fakir 2,000 1,062 1,028 606 344 361
  63. ... Oharaml ... ».• 39 24 16 ... HaJJam 264 136 119 40 20 20 ... ... . Jolaha 2^210 11,233 10,077 678 300 278 ... ... ... Kahar 302 146 167 07 46 62 ... ... ... Kazl 1,142 669 683 363 186 177 ... ... ... MIhtar 84 62 32 ... ... •- Mullah 1,262 620 632 721 361 370 164 • 67 87 Nikarl 1,010 065 1,046 1,271 698 073 ( 27 ) ^AEDWAN Division — continued. Biebhitm. • Miunapub. Hooli. nowRAn. Total. Bdale. Female. 1 Total. Male. Female. Total. Mule. Female. Total. Male. Feinulo. 7,869 3,810 4,059 1.000 646 664 13 13 3 2 1 130 71 68 70 40 38 23 21 2 2,669 1,283 1,376 1 449 236 214 020 474 440 210 172 47 616 266 260 64 36 20 3 3 1,277 609 668 ... 1 i 68 48 10 369 202 167 0 0 ! 6 6 148,8-18 76,161 73.007 159,aS4 78,249 81,135 1 03,0.58 76,'JG3 87.(105 Kio.dio fis,5:i9 71 ,.801 ... 6 4 ' 1 2 2 861 404 447 674 283 291 430 223 210 263 133 120 213 1 1 1 102 834 308 446 262 140 112 01 43 40 2 2 428 230 108 3,222 1,684 1,638 000 404 400 32J 222 101 12.643 6.233 6,410 28,006 14,090 13,976 8,012 4,203 3,719 8.434 4,000 3,068 4.668 2,31 1 2,367 8.080 4,003 4,077 6,107 2,734 2,463 1,672 872 700 130,006 66,840 64,166 1 10,439 68,135 61.304 147,601 67,827 79,764 120,066 02,636 06,620 4,4r)7 2,204 2,253 7I,r.4S 35,230 30,318 15,776 7,575 8,100 1(5, H7 8,357 7,700 8 2 6 01 42 40 10 7 3 33 19 14 146 84 02 312 166 167 64 37 27 0,914 4,303 4,621 0,840 3,364 3,486 616 268 247 4 1 449 244 205 8 3 6 ... 30 33 6 1 186 140 46 693 204 209 8,346 4,190 4,166 13,065 6,742 7.213 1 0,841 3,204 3,647 37 19 18 762 362 400 14 6 0 439 201 238 3 2 1 89 40 4l 2,009 1,148 1,261 36 10 ! 20 ... ... ... 1,300 1,050 348 46.472 22,822 23,060 ... 70 63 17 1,609 764 766 1,293 080 033 64 61 3 44 20 24 t ... ... 171 83 88 201 106 00 440 244 206 31 . 9 22 238 100 138 496 234 261 02 40 62 2 , 1 180 03 07 65 33 22 137 65 72 139 66 74 16 4 12 3 2 ' 1 361 180 176 306 160 166 ! 3,91 n 1,912 2.003 7.515 3.719 3,H2(; ifl.so? 8,307 8 , GOO 1,815 1,149 (IGd • •• 482 220 263 ... 160 71 70 609 300 a o 6 3 3 20 26 ... ... 309 140 169 663 283 270 I 476 287 208 68 28 30 30 24 16 • 67 31 36 20 9 1 1 39 23 16 88 62 36 2,863 1,428 1,426 3,983 2,073 1,010 13,383 1 6.517 6,800 1,413 016 408 1 206 100 106 69 29 cO 606 274 321 1 126 70 66 1 84 62 .32 79 44 36 , 12 7 6 230 119 120 47 32 16 230 96 136 ... |' 172 237 ... ( 28 ) TABLE XVL— Oboup. Persons returned by actual occupation— MUSALMjyS — oonclil. Patua 8iuH Soria Tutia Persons returned by locality. HINDUS Bengalis ... Hindustanis Madrasis Mahrattas Marwaris Paharias Panjabis Uriyas Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. HINDUS HU SALMANS UHIilSTIANS European Eurasian Native B V DD n I STS( unspeci- fied.) Chinehtf JEWS JAINS A TUBIST POSITIVIST P ARSIS SIKHS PERSONS NOT RE- TURNED BY BELJ. aiON, CASTE, OR TRIBE. Totai Uakdwan Division. Babdwan. Bankcra. Total. Male. Female. 1 »Ia]e. Female. Total. Male. Female. 966 469 497 276 143 133 276 143 133 2.093 922 1,171 390 193 203 ... ,35,107 17,708 17,330 694 304 290 331 16H 163 654 309 346 ... ... 4,379 2,232 2,147 264 131 123 14 7 7 460 271 196 84 44 40 96 46 49 1 ... ... 124 92 32 i 55 38 17 29 14 15 34 22 12 1 • .I 01 cO 31 1 ... 29,240 14,741 14,606 1 286 136 ISO 204 103 101 3,054 3,159 678 895 283 I 352 276 76 2i,2l8 25, .590 8,4.55 4,6C6 3,889 ! 4,080 2,428 2,252 0.312 8,351 2,901 1,408 730 609 132 66 60 1,807 1,039 768 667 376 281 21 12 0 1,300 690 713 382 167 226 4 2 2 3,190 1,716 1.480 069 206 103 107 62 66 SG 34 2 1 6
  64. ... .S5 33 2 ... 11 4 7 1 1 120 H3 87 17 9 1 1 ... 1 1 ' ... 1 1 ... 6 1 3 2 ... GO 30 30 1 ”• ... ... 131 65 60 19 12 I 7 j 88 43 46 7,(5H8,S18 3,800,5(31 3,888,237 1,391,880 682,872 709,008 j 1,069,668 1 625,941 643,727 Total ( ay ) B49DWAN Division — concluded. ( 30 ) I TABLE :VI.— r=rr- — Total Presidency Division. 24-PABOANAfl. 1 Calcutta, Number of sub- castes returned. 1 riafiN and Group. Caste and tribe. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Fomnlo. Total. Male. Female. C-14 A garwaJa 0 1.604 i.m 160 11 9 2 1,371 1,297 74 2(a) A guri 4 1,051 1,116 836 220 136 84 1,869 820 549 A- 1 Babhan 1 118 60 58 6 6 1 A- 2(a) Bagdi 8U 180,603 05,265 04,3-48 87,22.3 44,480 42,7-43 6,862 3,764 3,108 B-0 (a) Baitlga ... 16 11,011 6,200 5,612 415 2.51 104 4,406 2,699 1,796 D-31 Baiti 21 6/158 3,166 3,193 1,628 859 6C9 liO 52 93 C^li Baniya at 1(H), 802 .56.226 44.576 16,349 9.512 0,837 30,720 24,744 14,986 (I)-Baisya 0 t.BIO 806 1,024 70 18 62 199 131 68 (il)“-Qandha Banik 31 39,608 21,607 18,091 4,644 2,376 2,t08 14,223 9,196 6,027 (lil)-Khatrl 1 1 6,030 10,070 4,663 6,260 3,603 1,747 6.609 4,640 889 {Iv)-Mahesri 1 102 77 26 ... 98 73 25 (v) Buburna Banik ... 24
  65. 1 39 20,163 18,076 3,892 1,998 1,894 19,636 10,676 8,060 E-45 Bari 1 181 00 01 120 49 71 55 39 16 A- 2(a) Bo rut 32 37.568 10.576 17.902 5.859 3,026 2..8.33 1,407 1,108 m n Chomar Tit 229,030 121,676 107,254 42,180 22,990 10,100 24,825 18,363 (I)-Muchl 52 186,400 03,020 91,037 39,261 21,1 16 iai46 ... 2(a) Chosa 14 621 3.33 288 ... ... A- 2(0) (JhoHO Dhopa 7 13,085 6,.5;j;i 6.552 4,530 3,260 2,270 624 851 273 A - 2(a) Chosati 1 5,173 2,514 2,650 ... A - 2(0) Bhunuk . . 1

    5,626 2,724 2,902 164 143 21 94 79 16 D-24 IJh opa 1 at 61,01)5 27,2.51 23,754 21,1.36 11,312 9,823 7,870 4,963 2,916 E -43 Dom r>t 8.5.439 44.064 41 ,.375 60, 5« 31,180 20.356 7,954 4,449 3.505 (i)— Kaora 39 08,476 36,456 33,020 67,21 1 29,399 27,812 4,629 2.629 2,000 A- 2(0) Doaadh 26 14,166 8,06.3 0,202 2,921 1,816 i.m 6,751 4,712 2,030 (i)-Bahelia 14 2,050 1,018 1,332 19 0 1 1 182 127 66 D-3A Ganrar 16 2,800 i,:i80 1,-429 116 D-26 Gart'ri 8 1,104 634 070 89 46 43 352 236 4 Garo 2 1 1 ... 1 1 ... A— 4 Ghaut ... 3 288 141 147 24.5 116 129 2 2 • M

    A- 2(h) 1 Ooala 83 23s,5;i7 126,100 112,347 69,231 31,741 27,490 20,2.58 14,344 5.914 49 -TSOO 156 40 D-36 Oonrhi 1 205 156 1,277 JD-23 doyi 41 5.5,274 28,404 26,840 15,606 8,130 7,471 2,710 1,483 Jl— 2(0, ) Kadma ... 1 409 217 192 409 217 192 ... 2,867 D-SS Kfthor 28 20,609 10,745 9,864 3,950 2,427 1,623 14,227 11,370 A- 2(0, 1 Koihartta 56 458.466 233,, 329 225,1.37 103,970 83,312 80,658 28,325 17,898 10,427 B-12 Komar CO 60,545 29,891 29,654 16,577 8,106 8,381 1,419 805 614 (I)-Lohar 2 306 193 202 24 18 6 f B-11 Kan 1 106 62 64 ... 527 D-22 (a X Kandu 8 3,267 2,329 945 430 328 108 2,007 1,570 E-44 Kanjar 1 lat 133 31 ... ... 1,699 J>-2i Kanaari 23 9.:J62 4,776 4,586 2.050 1,411 1,239 3,431 1,6:18 1^23 Kapali 36 65,066 28,969 26,987 7,114 3,053 8,161 306 178 127 ( 31 ) tESii^ENCt Division. Nadia. jBBSOft. llunaillDABAD. 1
  66. — — —

    • Nital. Malo. Female. Total. Mule. Female. Total. Male. Female. 135 93 42 12 9 3 71 32 39 j 92 63 39 10 7 3 259 08 161 1 6 .3 2 107 52 65 31,731 18,951 16,780 16,652 7,825 8,827 39,651 18,038 20,713 1,880 624 756 2,219 1,013 1,206 1,232 594 638 1,S09 058 941 1.676 717 059 717 378 two M.W? (!,G45 7,692 0,607 4.583 4.010 ir>,tKt2 7.043 7,059 304 179 215 228 93 136 929 419 610 7,714 3,612 4,102 4,406 2.128 2,338 7,522 3.489 3,833 730 446 292 409 244 226 3,319 1,917 1.402 ... 4 4 6.214 2,329 2,886 4.300 2,103 2.107 3,209 1,670 1,699 ... 6 2 4 3,446 1.003 1,753 10,818 8,513 6,335 - 1,060 1.017 043 2,467 1,186 1,281 466 218 218 i 3,607 1,681 1,02<1 3:17 UO 191 (6) 1,314 697 617 ( 0 ) 380 107 183 45 26 20 262 130 132 388 202 186 3 3 ... 91 <19 22 , 1 3 3 48 43 6 7 3 4 8 3 6 135 60 66 7.303 3,583 3,810 1,044 403 651 11,0015 5,776 6,221 j 3,929 1,868 2,061 634 279 366 8,408 3.944 4,464 1 390 206 190 1 1 1 62 69 380 168 .^22 219 110 100 210 123 00 1 110 85 &t j 108 03 10.1 306 141 162 12 0 3 j 1,421 740 675 120 126 818 424 304 40,810 22,(;ii2 27,118 41,149 10,807 21,312 31,511 16. 645 286 177 100 2.721 j 1,117 1,.'104 1,329 703 626 278 170 108 1,141 ; 609 632 1,442 051 701 611 .130 281 721 382 339 6.58 247 411 4 4 1 .. 17 6 5 1 S6 18 80.471 40,021 39,8.50 30,612 15,232 15,280 35,516 n.Hio 17.606

    9,820 4,883 4,-.'>3 1 11,760 5.911 5,816 4,071 2,029 2,(»42 2,804 1,511 1,383 j 3,783 1.017 1,866 2, .514 1,347 1.167 99,419 40,574 43,816 50,363 25,417 21.918 01,000 44.417 47.183 12,025 6,306 6,5.59 15,221 7.517 7,707 6.667 2,707 2,770 27 17 10 2 2 ... 71 43 28 1 123 74 49 482 265 227 ... 164 133 31 1.827 869 968 j 972 392 580 306 149 156 6,000 2,088 2,012 j 26,634 13.412 13,002 70 33 87 Khulna. Bxmabcb. Total. Malo. Female. 4 4 1 1 7,184 4,307 2,170 1,118 3!'3 201 6.078 2,704 90 46 1,420 806 364 226 2,829 1,488 14,048 7.210 14 14 (ti) 1,875 1.012 7 5 6 3 185 81 528 267 212 1 10 39 17 28 19 2.'l w 3.177 1.052 192 2,2M 44 623 128 1,341 80:i 2 2 104 2Cl (n) 218 mateN and 2.13 feinalefi returned a« MusaltnanM. (6) 75 iiialeH and 70 females returned as MiiHal- mans, (c) 80 males and 7.1 feinalea re- turned as Musal- inauH. id) 558 mates mid 405 females re- turned as Muaul- mans. 03 22 U 17 20,701 112 2.0,154 28.471 17 15,275 142 14,734 14, 365 14,420 14,420 14,1 10 6 2.7 to j 3.0S0 ! 3,650 1 I lib \ 12.5 li» 11.301 2,241 24,t>'7 7 «:i3 342 100 58 177 10,033 6 I 1,483 1,070 1,897 1 17 1 0,43i C.O'M) 1,173 12 711 4,210 168 52 62 133 8,876 1,200 I 1,710 I 1 ,063 I 1 i I 18 ! 0,117 5,201 1,008 11,776 8.023 186 64 t> 41 7,658 ( 32 ) TABLE XVI.— ' riasN and Gioup. Caste and tribe. r Number of sut»- 0a.str8 returned. Total Presipescy Divibion. 2 4-Pa RO AKA a. Calcutta. Total. Jlale. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Karnnya i (1 6,166 .3,576 2,8SM) 6,466 ;5,670 2,890 ... ... »(u) Ka>tha 1 07 58 .39 97 58 39 ... ... ••• , ii- 9 Kayantha 4() 250,100 130,3.51 119,749 •46,130 23,580 22,856 59,056 37,806 21,260 (i)-Karan 1 28 24 4 ... ... 28 24 4 JX — 3S Kewat i 016 ,527 880 ... ... 65 60 16 A- 4 Khaira i 18 15 ... A- 1 Khandait 1 a,^ol 2,744 1,037 2,113 1,145 968 1,685 1,690 89 A- 4 Khoru'ar 1 27 20 7 20 19 7 ... A- *4(a) Khatik 2 9 7 o 7 IJ A- 2(n) Kot'hh 1 386 189 197 6 0 ... A- S(aJ Koivi ... i:t 6,f»10 .3.6.38 1.872 1,268 813 455 2,003 1,686 407 A 4 Kol s 6,282 3.283 2.S)S)9 6,253 3,268 2,985 E-41 Kora 8 972 490 482 in 81 6:i ... n 28 Kumhar T)! 7.7.085 38,450 37,535 1 1.3:51 7,492 0,8:59 6, <550 4,124 2,526 A- 200 Kurmi ... 4G 1 4,970 9, .587 n,3s3 5,601 .3,:J56 2.335 4.865 :1,817 1,048 A - 4 MaJiili 1 78 .39 1'* 73 35 38 ... ... l>-23 (a) ^falrn 7‘2 3.5,410 18,917 16,493 :i,2i7 1,899 1,318 6,386 3,753 1,C33 (i) Halwai 22 3,391 1,653 1,738 27 17 10 (11)— Kurl 17 16,010 7,401 7,620 ... ... ... ... 3(a) Mill IG 19,535 9,710 9,819 8:$ 46 37 ... A- 3(a) ?lataknr an 7,08.5 3,970 3,115 1,275 851 424 1,150 780 3<>‘l D~3li Malo Ci 46,110 23,314 22,796 ... ... ... 1 A- 4 Mill Vohnrla .. 1 46 20 20 #«• ^1- 4 Manila ... 2 i,oaa 778 315 688 :574 314 31)7 39C 1 B-S5 Marlyari 2 i,r.02 818 6S4 1,229 6.50 679 ... ^1- 3(a) Ma.sahar U 1,628 823 806 7 7 •4 ” A - 3(a ) Nayav 0 8,5.34 1,192 1,312 ... ... A- 3(a) Soinustidra or i'hi,adal .. j •MJ 416.6.t6 208.410 207,186 2I,HS>5 11,187 10,7i)8 1,323 893 430 n-^18 .\apit ... ... j a<5 10a,66S 53,671 49,897 21,141 12,704 11,437 9,018 5,762 3,2.56 (i)- Hajjam j 1 09 34 36 II 0 2 ... E-44 yat 1 4 2 2 ... ... n-ao Saniya 10 1,92.5 1,218 677 6.32 334 218 621 608 113 A- 4 Oraon ... i, 8S»2 618 274 66.3 498 165 ... l>-J5 I*altvar r, 204 119 175 ii-3« rani 2 2,5Si 1,544 1,010 1,685 1,009 C76 719 456 263 A - 3(a) Pod ... DG 350,979 179,815 171,164 2:56,806 120,334 116,472 1,779 1,056 723 A- 1 Jtajpnt 1H,H71 10,234 8,6:17 1,712 867 875 5.105 3,799 l,:fl56 A - 3(a) 0 293 213 50 1 291 212 <49 ... A 3(a) Jtajwar ... 4 605 547 148 45 21 24 602 4.49 53 -1- 3(a) Sadyop ... 41 08,01 4 49.092 4S,‘.422 26,373 13.-463 12,910 10,0.3!) 5.196 4,843 n-3if (a) Sankhari Ti 1,687 827 860 401 200 201 im 153 154 A- 4 Santol 4 6.621) 3,408 3,221 (a)l,lf>9 795 704 A- 4 ' Sarar 1 11 11 11 11 ... ... ... i>i7 Sonar aa 21,747 11,453 10,294 8,002 4.240 3,762 3,030 1,916 1,114 ti3A Snkli 2 1,637 943 0i 1,593 016 077 4:5 26 17 DSO Snnrt 47 07, 782 35.772 S?,0l0 7,110 4,073 S.0'13 6,456 8,837 1,619 (i) — Kalwar 7 1.740 1,361 305 201 L74 1,207 1,066 242 D--3S Siira/iiya 1 670 62.3 47 168 166 2 8 8 1)^30 Sniradhur TiC 30.849 18,756 18,093 1,996 1,074 022 6,212 2,975 2,237 A- 3(n) Tamhali IS) 6.469 3,576 2,893 1,471 633 833 2.947 1,921 1,026 n^33 ranti 4d 56,206 28,801 27.315 11,088 6,146 4,942 16,281) 8,378 7,911 (1)— Tatwa , 37 30 7 37 30 7 I>~37 Till
  67. 110,443 57,980 52,463 22.6')2 12,585 10.017 10,941 10,637 6,.30.4 (i)-KaliJ 61 33,270 1 7.066 10,214 a 253 4,667 3,000 4,064 2,273 1.791 (li)-TIII 40 26,607 12,426 13,081 3,014 1,683 1,431 2,122 1,266 867 D-31 Thathera 6 161 87 94 3 3 ... ... j>-3a Tlyar 31 72,586 30,961 85,624 46,612 23,657 22,950 1,106 008 198 A- 3(a) JSiraha 4 191 103 88 139 66 73 ... ... A- 4 Turi 6 1,673 936 748 761 397 304 178 168 10 i ( 33 ) Division — continued. Nadu. JBBSOB. MrilBHIDAllAD ElTUlNA. Rxmabks. Total. Male. Female. <• Total. Male. Female. Total. 1 Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33,614 16,103 18,611 69,330 27,426 31,013 13,566 6,601 6^005 SS.0S9 19,776 18,314 8 8 ... ... ... 843 469 374 I
  68. 5 2 3 ... ... ... 28 16 12 ... ... ... 8 2 ... ... ... ... 1 1 ...
  69. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... • •t ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 162 74 88 218 109 100 43 33 133 7l 62 1.973 1,035 o:i8 ... ... ... 23 13 10 ... ... ... 6 2 4 ••• ... ... ... 100 61 49 718 348 .870 10 10 ... 17,577 8,088 0,489 17,591 8,629 8.963 9.087 4,.541 4,546 10,740 5,r.77 6,172 1,857 1,046 811 312 239 103 2,061 1,012 1,019 151 in 87 ... ... ... ... 6 4 1 ... ... ... 19,856 9,733 10,123 2.451 1,337 1,114 3,-539 1,649 J,890 061 540 415 % 2,393 1,172 1,221 10 7 3 914 436 478 47 21 26 1 1,061 6,673 6,488 949 491 468 ' 2,626 1,213 1,412 376 204 171 893 452 440 ... 13,6.37 6,t515 7,023 4.923 2,r)0;t 1,457 718 730 840 410 430 1,4.54 671 7H3 909 534 375 21,962 10,4.36 11,527 11,622 5,853 5.76.) 5,0.*ii) 2,r)8 2 2rj2 7,47-5 •1,228 .8,347 ... ... ... ... ... 46 26 30 ... ... ... ... 6 6 2 o ... ... ... 17 17 246 141 105 10 10 ... 19 1.3 6 4 4 1,.504 794 800 ... ... ... ... ... 2,.534 1,192 1,313 ... 37.858 17,701 20.157 172.230 84,847 87,389 24,319 11,69.5 13.624 158,015 83,137 7.5,878 16,517 8,127 8,390 22.699 11,315 11,384 1 13,7S9 6.705 7, OS 4 17, 4( 9.0.58 8,340 ... ... ... . . ... 68 26 33 2 1 1 ... ... ! 1 ... 1 1 1 22 18 4 130 02 78 i 162 98 64 3.58 1M8 170 143 69 71 ... SO 51 35 ... ... ... ... ... ?94 119 176 ... ... 16 14 2 1 1 “ MUi 63 99 1 1 5,821 2,999 2.822 7,478 3,878 3,006 j| 13,(»05 6,.49.5 6,670 S6.03I) 45,1.53 40,K77 • 4,008 1,906 2,102 647 320 327 6,G9-5 3,043 .8,652 014 •J!»9 31 5 3 1 1 ! ... 3 3 1 45 21 24 i 100 53 47 13,148 0,485 1 6,663 1 6,236 2,975 3.261 , 3»;,6.58 18,114 18.544 6,-560 2,‘‘.59 2,701 163 1 68 95 1 341 163 178 1 161 ’93 6.8 334 100 190 79 in (6) 59 24 35 (r) 4,879 2,.5<»8 3,371 1 2 2 ... (rt) .89 malfiM and 64 IrnialeN relumed a« ... ... ... AiuiuinIu'. (5) 1 male 4,366 2.161 2,205 1,575 781 794 1 4.128 2,008 2,120 ; 646 1147 299 returned as Auimltd le. 'c) 2,508 iiiuieH and •2,360 females returueU 1 L ... ... ... ... ... as Animistie. 6,423 3,170 8.253 26,892 13,064 13,838 10,721 6,1.85 • 5, .5.39 1 11,171 0,453 4,718 7 3 4 1 1 •• 160 1 18 32 • 56 66 6 6 433 388 4.5 ... 8,246 4,490 4.76G 10,0.51 6,1.50 5.401 8.023 4,016 4,007 1 1.821 1,051 770 1,202 682 670 69 GO 19 765 430 ,3.35 1 '' 6 10 7.;43 S,H12 3,931 8,307 4,085 4,222 10,854 6,.88l 6,473 1 1.026 1,089 8:46 25,061 11,636 13,525 16,399 8,248 8,1.51 19,823 9,806 10,017 9,617 6.168 4 . 4.49 12,219 6,836 6.383 3.821 1,003 1,018 2,576 1,197 1,178 2.637 1.200 4,247 9,033 3,970 6.063 ' 4,693 2,263 2,330 6.60^4 3,290 3.308 ai 69 22 ... ... 108 64 94 ... ... ... 1,241 1,047 664 333 S3I 15,158 7.310 7.818 6.867 8,682 3,276 2,288 1 1 ... 41 26 15 10 10 ... ... 246 2S2 118 62 56 89 , 63 .86 ... ... ... 687
  70. ( M ) I TABLE XVI-

    Total Peesidenct Divisiok. 84-PAB04EAB. Calcutta. Oboup. Total. Hals. Fenialo. Total. Male, Feuiale. r Total. Male. Female. Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. HINDUS W,120 45.117 64,00<) 23,622 12,289 11,393 17,821 7,079 10.142 B«ltnab 06,942 43.901 63,041 23,171 11,971 11,200 17,053 7,232 8,821 Bhartarl 3 3 ... ... 3 3 Brahmo 1.070 606 464 137 83 64 708 303 316 Oosain 108 63 55 8 8 ... ... ... ... Mahanta 7 7 6 6 ... ... ... Naga 1 13 89 24 42 32 10 67 61 6 Ramavat loa 86 81 42 22 20 ... ... ... Balva 16 9 8 1

    ... ... ... Bakta 37 20 1 1 ... ... ... ... BanyasI 06 47 49 10 0 1 ... ... Udasin 20 18 2 ... ... ... ... laUSALMANS 189 122 G7 102 43 69 ... ... Bhia 30 6 30 36 0 30 ... ... Bunni 153 1 16 37 66 37 29 ... ... Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. HINDUS 82,613 42,000 ;19.S17 ll,(i20 0,394 4,632 1,908 1,572 330 Banpar 43 c0 7 1 1 7 7 ... Bit was 1.188 018 670 ... ... ... ... Buna 39.133 19,646 10,488 4,244 2.380 1,804 728 618 no Oalui 1.580 878 708 1,586 878 708 ... ... ... Das 288 104 124 186 02 03 ... ... ... Dhall 660 330 311 ... ... ... Qurkha 1.684 869 826 1 3 3 22 17 5 Haidar 486 303 183 ... ... ... ... Hosra 322 167 156 ... ... ... ... ... Jaiswar 1.706 1.291 414 512 320 102 1,151 030 221 Kanaujia 21 18 3 10 10 ... ... Mahat 202 102 100 202 102 100 ... ••• ... Malik ... 686 284 301 469 226 243 ... ... ... Mandal 3,622 1,871 1,661 7 4 3 ... ... Nabasakh ... 1.348 1,137 211 1 1.347 1,137 210 1 ... ... Nagbanti 1,216 010 606 1,044 607 637 ... ... 1 ... Pal ... 672 343 320 ... ... ... ... Ri^bantl 26,083 13,070 13,013 307 181 140 .« ... ... Budra ... 104 67 47 68 34 34 ... ... ... MUSALMAN8.., ... 4,008,820 8,061,227 1,957,59.1 34(\09n S07,i)45 202,842 139,100 63,040 AkhanctJi 107 62 56 ... ... 1 Atraf 6,668 2,949 2,710 4,833 2,600 2,333 ... ... ... Biswas 4,660 2,384 2.286 420 185 244 ... ... Chaudhuri 1.276 063 613 1,269 667 612 ... ... • 11 Dafadar 2,060 1,490 1,464 ... ... ...
  71. ... Dlwan 28 14 14 ... ... ... Gain 1,727 868 860
  72. ... ... ... ... ... Qhazi M. 68,341 34,670 33,762 169 116 64 ... ... Hasra ... ... 106 63 62 ... ... ... ... ... Khan ... 14,473 7.638 6,836 10,344 6,393 4,061 ... ... ... Mir ... 2.863 1,426 1,427 2,037 1.018 1.010 ••• ... .M Mirza 308 170 222 i ... ... ... ... ... Moghul 4,016 2,784 2,132

    614 1,489 1,115 733 473 260 35 I^MOENcr Division — continued. MUBiHIDAfilD. ToiftL M»1*U Fenutlo, ToUL Malu. Fomale. Total. Malo. Fomalo. Tolal. Mule. Feraalo. 18,08C 7,306 10,600 13,054 6.437 7,517 j 18,603 7,812 10.701 17,922 7.306 10,610 13,662 6,200 7,372 | 18,381 7.687 10,604 7.040 8,476 6,763 3»4I6 3,338 63 29 24 127 69 68 16 II 74 38 36 90 47 24 10 14 86 78 16,030 11, 8U 5.707 6.^4 1M50 8.216 8,743 36 28 7 8,731 !k«)l0,709 6,500 6,493 (fe)6,660 2,007 2,803 12 12 1,050 830 820 I 142 1 76 07' 32 18 14 069 440 619 0,160 4.367 4.802 1,108,735 660,784 551.951 || 587,;i65 280.111 806,911 22 9 427 (a) 1 malii an4 2 fcmuhMi ro- ... t 11 r n iwl aa M 11 H a 1 m a n N. 50 (5) 2/140 mulea uml 2,140 fa- 003 mal«PARGAirA8. Calcutta. Total. Malo. Fomalo. Total. Male. Female. r Total. Male. Female. Persons returned by title or common sub-caste— concW. MUSA LMAXS^onckl. Pathan 86,632 47.013 38,610 32,017 16,240 16,777 12,463 9,516 2,937 Sardar 63.649 27,243 26,300 16 8 8 ... ... ... Sayyid 69,634 30,663 28,871 31,724 16,066 16,768 4,022 2.826 1,196 Shaikh 3,698,863 1,880,380 1,809,464 662,689 296,616 268,074 186.834 126,381 69,263 Shana 3,741 1,837 1,904 ... ... ... Persons returned by actual ocupation. nisiius iai,4y7 65.7M C 8 , 7 r»;j iT.WiO 10,077 7,489 0,338 4,000 1,438 Badyakar 1,186 626 660 138 8l 67 ... ... ... Behara 214 168 66 ... 214 158 66 Besya 373 88 286 146 66 81 ... ... Bhatkar 23 13 10 2 2 ... Chakar 602 264 248 ... ... ... ... .M Chltrakar 113 63 60 6 1 4 108 62 66 Dal 944 462 482 46 23 22 ... ... ... Oulla 8,171 4,221 3,960 ... 211 166 68 Dhunia 1 1 ... ... ... 1 1 ... Qhatwal 3,503 1,083 1,680 492 279 213 166 123 33 Jallya 80,073 41,666 30,407 6,192 3,464 2,728 3,024 2,633 1,191 Kabiral . 62 31 31 ... ... ... ... Katbi 6 6 ... ... ... 6 6 ... Kathuria 04 04 .30 46 34 12 ... ... Kayal 62 33 19 ... ... ... ... Kotal 1,686 764 821 55 27 28 ... ... Kuli 06 67 38 ... ... ... Kunjra 70 66 I 1 78 66 II Mahajan 66 30 26 ... 1 ... ... ... Mata 3,446 2,240 1,109 2,313 1,440 1 864 ... Manjhi ••• 777 466 312 609 301 208 ... Matiya 76 66 21 ... ... ... ... MudI 203 103 100 100 83 77 ... ... ... Nurl 261 1 17 134 ... ... ... Patni 17,053 8,333 7.720 5,464 2,809 2,666 1.741 1,700 36 Patua 250 176 76 260 175 76 ... ... Poddar 38 37 1 2 2 ... ... ... ... Sardar 86 69 26 6 3 3 ... ... ... Sazawal ... 1 1 1 1 musalmavs l7:.,C7t 37,108 18,105 18,073 331 202 30 Abdal 213 71 142 ... ... ... Badyakar 3,000 1.620 1,640 1,781 861 830 ... ... Bajikar 60 21 30 3 I 3 ... Behara 10,081 6,002 4,888 ... Beparl 19 18 ... ... ... Chaudhuri 68 64 14 ... ... ... Chaukidar 38 23 16 ... ... ... ... Chltrakar 706 280 426 646 260 396 ... Chunar ... 2,628 1,608 1,020 2,628 1,608 1,020 ... ... Oafali 264 144 no ... ... ... ... Dahiara ... 346 106 180 ... flat ... ... ... Dai 4 067 2,120 1,928 44 6 38 ... ... Dalai 1,188 687 601 ... Daphtari 1 13 70 43 I 1 ■ ... ( 37 ) ^BKsiDENCY DIVISION — continued. Nadia. Totul. Main. 0,023 6,893 931,376 17.30fi 6 27 8 602 233 7,003 70 4,301 30 89 160 30 170 3.630 36 4,022 2,842 466.164 HJdi 2 2 3 264 120 3,003 40 2,260 16 67 94 30 77 1,740 10 .1 Es^01l. IVinaln. j Total. 4,001 3,061 476,212 H.rjL’j 3 26 6 248 I 13 3,820 30 2,1 16 16 40 22 22 62 03 1,881 ■ 0,302 7,006 1 , 091.039 n3, uc, 109 Mali. FtMiiale. MuiSSlIIDAIIAI), Total. Main. I Fomalo. | Total. .Main. i Knmaln j 16 167 3 49,034 42 3,035 38 1,164 6.260 I 6, 132 ■ 0,404 I 6,246 6,160 \ 10,643 1 6,829 4,714 63,633 I 27.236 | 26,290 3,427 j '

    o00,l67 I 3,601 647,801 i’ll, 017 68 5 83 3.484 643,230 61 29 2 10 ,1 74 7,583 608,040 S.S'lo 1 1 3,483 270.964 ; K7i;(> 7 3,000 297,094 2 I 24,290 26,036 2.024 368 1,636 196 4,(t7o 4 1,289 102 3,741 ‘ 9,(111 023 1,945 ' 1,402 191.6741 » 60,693 1,837 1,904 470 ' t'.stt 445 603 9 10,204 02 21 144 282 3111 4 0,700 31 6 7.670 31 1 1 52 33 10 2 4 1,436 080 749 ... ... ... ... 44 28 10 56 30 ... 26 42 1,001 008 313 ... ... 40 26 14 72 44 20 ... 40 1 26 1 1 ... 32 16 17 5 0 ... • 78 30 40 2 ' i,603 1,532 1,745

    840 005 i,4:>o 726 . 712 1 30 36 1 ' • 1 70 60 23 ; 1 ilK.lo* FMJ12 :,3ti VI to .-.yo 1 213 71 142 j • i 10 ■ 9 1 1,241 j (360 691 ! ... ! 1 ' 31 12 10 20 0 '"i 698 550 ... ... 8,927 1 4,404 4,433 ' 1 ... ... ... ... 19 19 ! ... • i 08 1 64 14 ; ... ... ... ... 38 1 23 15 ... 01 30 31 ... ... 254 144 1 10 ■ 1 ... ... ... ... ' 346 166 ' 100 ... 1 1 16 101 226 98 127 3,630 1,891 ■ ,646 1 ... I ... ... 1,188 607 001 1 ... ! 1 13 70 D KkM AEKH TABLE XVI.^ Group. Total Presidency Division. 24-FAROANA8, Calcutta. Total. Male. Femalo. Total. Malo. pHlIlttlt. Total. Male. Female. Persons returned by actual occupa- tion— mrSA L MANS - ronc'ia. Dhawa 2,379 1,072 1 .307 ' 2,242 099 1,243 ... ... ... Ohopa 697 302 296 209 139 130 Dhuli 2.381 1,170 1,211 ... ... ... Ohunia 204 123 81 69 40 29 37 6 Fakir 1,380 728 652 19 16 4 ' ... Farash 209 1 13 186 ... ... Qharami 166 69 96 ... ... Goldar 839 422 417 ... ... ... ... Hajjam 1,731 862 070 269 122 137 ... ... Jamadar 69 33 26 ... ... Jharudar 63 32 1 ... .. Jolaha 73.731 37,403 1 30.238 1 11,052 6,016 6,037 288 266 33 Jotdar 269 164 1 1 16 1 ... Kaghazi o64 184 ' 180 1 i ... ... ... Kahar 2,020 004 1,126 1 296 142 164 ... ... Kalu 17.060 8,006 8,965 ! 11,660 6,320 6,236 ... ... ... Karigar 3,387 1,804 1,683 1 1 ... Kazi 1,667 003 764 676 200 286 ... ... ... Kliwandkar 125 03 62 ! ... ... ... Mahaldar 68 29 29 ... Mai Baidya 103 68 46 1 ... ... ... ... Mali 301 161 ISO ' ... ... ... ... Malik 2,169 1,006 1,063 1 1 ... Mandal 18.066 0,476 8,679 88 66 23 ... ... ... Manjhi 73 66 1 8 , ... ... Maulangi . . 94 42 1 1 62 1 ... Maulavi 94 1 62 42 1 ... Mewafarosh 776 303 ; 472 ; ... ... ... .. Mihtar 103 66 47 i 72 30 33 ... ... Miitri 650 340 310 1 4 4 ... .. Mullah 8,124 4,313 3,8M : 16 9 7 ... ... Munshi 1 18 66 62 ' ... .. Nagarchi 70 31 30 .. Nikan 1 1,036 6,051 6,684 ' 4,626 2,417 2,208 ... ... Palm 447 266 ; 191 1 ... ... ... Peshakar .. 161 64 1 07 124 64 60 Rasua 183 86 97 j ... Sarkar 242 1 10 132 , I ... ... Shikari 260 143 1 1 17 1 ... Tarafdar 614 336 1 270 1 ... ... Persons returned by locality. niNDVS 10, >03

    3,r>91 3,01)2 2,461 1.981 480 Assamese ... 2 2 ... 2 ... 2 Hindustanis 4,607 2,278 2,319 430 340 06 ... ... Khasiat e 3 3 ... 6 3 3 Madrasis 606 267 249 26 13 13 480 244 238 Mahrattas 18 16 2 ... ... 18 16 2 Marwaris ... 677 668 1 19 06 47 40 1 380 361 20 Pahanas 339 186 163 16 1 1 4 ... Uriyas 4,034 3.604 1.040 2.067 2,148 810 . 1,676 1.367 208 'residence Bivmoy— continued. ( 39 ) Nadia. JRSSOR. ;l jl MrilSniDABAD, Khulna. i... . Rbmarss. Total. Male. • Pemalo. Total. Male. ' Frmalo. I Total. Malo. Total. Alalo. Female. I 1 1 7 6 2 I 1 ; loo 68 62 ... ...

    328 163 •05 || ... ! 18/ 70 108 2,104 1,091 1,103 ... ... ... ... ' 02 40 40 ... ... ... i 08 41 67 1,203 072 601 ... 209 113 180 ' ... ... ... ; ; ! 106 00 00
  73. ... i 1 839 422 417 ... ... 1 67 31 oO 1,406 600 700
  74. ... } ... 60 33 26 ... ; ! ... 63 32 31 1 37,830 19,139 18,700 4,176 2,046 2,120 10,477 10,138 0,330 ... 1 1 ... i ... , 260 164 116 ... 1 364 184 180 ... i ... 1,733 762 971 ' ... ... 318 104 154 ' 3.346 1,605 1,080 ' 1,841 040 805 ... • 1 ... ... i 3,380 1,004 1,582 ... ... 1 ... 54 24 30 1 927 480 438 ... 25 12 13 j 100 61 40 ... 60 20 20 i ... ... ... 103 68 46 ... ... i ... 1' 301 161 150 ... ... ... 562 201 271 1,607 806 702 ... 3 1 2 17,004 0,410 0.664 ... ; ... ; ... ... 73 06 8 ... 1 ... ... 1 1 94 42 62 ... .. ' i, ... 04 62 42 i i 776 303 472 “■ 1 31 17 14 ' ... ... 1 ... i 1 062
  75. 0 310 j 1 1 ’ i' 164 70 76 7,064 4,220 j 3,720 1 1 1 1 18 1 00 52 ; ... 1 • 1 ... ' 70 i .-J. 1 39 i 3 3 i 101 40 66 i 891 420 j 402 0,016 3,060 i 1 2,060 1 ... ... 6 1 442 262 too 1 10 10 27 1 • 1 27 1 1 1 ... ... 103 ; '10 97 ■' .. 242 1 1 10 . 132 1 ... 3 3 i ... 267 j 140 1 1 17 ... 1 ii 014 ' 1 oCb j 270 I7fl 140 30 173 120 53 , 1 '1 IT :r, ; CO 46 C 18 14 4 ! : 4,0^9 ; { 1 1 l,C63 2,180 i' 64 20 20 02 80 12 oO 25 1 i> ; 1 i P2 1 1 CO 23 00 62 c8 1 1 234 1 123 II 1 ... ... 0 7 . 2 29 20 ... i 1 10 i " ' 33 1 33 l; i ( 40 ) TABLE XVI.-' (^Uol j Tot.\l PnnsinE>cY Division. 24-PARaANA8. Calcutta. j Total. 1 Mule. 1 Female. ;i.215 202 12,237 Total. Male. FcnialH. i Total. 1 Male. emale. Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. iiisnus PIrali }irsALir.i \s 7.02:, 393 27.fV):i 4,as(i 101
  76. -1.1(52

    1 non ' .'5.053 232 2,1170 372 2,077 2,(117 870 thejsts 2 i ... ... AGMiSTK'S . 0 (1 ... : 4 , 4 ... ... nrn H U / S TS ( T/i sperljl nh il.llfiO 1.(5(1‘2 .•101 40 1 40 2,009 1,(515 m ('hill' fit ‘2:27 207 20 37 33 1 190 171 10 4 lilt rSTJ A. \s .'■,1,(51!! 2‘1,(5:« 22.11s 1 12,9S2 7.517 f).l(V, 2S,997 in, 0(55 12,931 EuropPiin 14.781 0,618 6,203 2,010 1,002 400 12,610 7,767 4,760 Eurasian 10, 186 4,970 6,216 240 114 132 8.818 4,786 6,032 Nativr ... . i ?6.053 14,147 12,606 10,726 6,801 4.926 6,003 3,523 3,140

    .IAf\S ! i.j.M I.

    11 1 : 491 312 182 ! 1,1111 1 (tOl 707 1 ; 1 l,:i90 (592 707 i'J Itsis . ... 1 in:» 1 l‘2(5 13 3 inn 123 43 SJJitl.s j i •2sl 30 21 21 3 2S7 2(30 27 Totot j

    ..V 5.',, 12(1 ' l.Kia.I.-,! 1,131,117.') j i,sii2,o3;i 1 989,278 902,7.“’>5 Osl.SCO 4.1(3.740 231,814 \ Phebidenct BmaiON— concluded. ( -il ) Nadia. Jk»sou. 1 .MrK.SlTIDABAD. 1 1 i! Khulna. Total, Malo. Female. Total. j Malo. Fomalo. Tot.al. M.ulo. Fomali*. I Total. Mali*. Female. ! 1.12 i i 101 208 !»7l 291 677 140 71 60 1 0 4 6 244 1 10 128 ... ... 1,31.1 17.097 1 8,929 .8.168 1.011 2.211 1.767 1 ... ... 0 4
  77. ... 1 1 o 2 4 4 1 2 2 7.2J)7 :i.Hio 9.487 810 1.11 4 1 .*-.10 270 270 I 96.1 .S3.S 12.') 106 66 40 64 43 21 68 j 40 28 1 17 10 7 76 40 36 ! 1 1 6 U , "i 14 4 1 17 1 1 0 7.116 3.704 3,412 1 706 30G 370 464 1 216 238 i 020 BI7 412 i:i9 7;t tU5 I.")
  78. (i 2.:.i7 1,117 1,110 ! .1 3 1 1 ... ... 1 : 1 1 i
  79. i j _ 1 1 802,117 1 841.9r.l ,'j I,sss,s27 911,3.11 947,193 1 1.25(I,94»J 1 &1.'’>,2M 1 1.177,fi.VJ 017,981 559,671 URMiRKS. liiiddliists ( 42 ) TABLE XVI.- Class Hn<

    Casts ani* Tribe. Number ( Total RAJsiTAni Divisiow. 1 ' Dinajpob. 1 Rajshahi. Group. returned • 1 f j Total. Mule, Ftuimle. Total. Male. Feinalo. Total. Male. FomalH. Total, r t4 Agar wain ... 'XI 807 6HS 209 51 46 5 104 65 39 27 C-’U Agrahari . . 1 1 1 ... •• A- 2(a. ) Agtiri n .200 103 137 23 10 114 61 53 4 A - 4 Ah€ing 1 2 , 1 1 1 ... 4^4 Aha 1 7 3 i 1 . A 2(a) 1 A mot 5 73 fi.S 5 41 10 1 ... 26 D-34 Asar !) 2r,5 lil 111 A- 1 liabhaa r.;i 743 4.82 2(il 15 1.5 5 5 in A- 2(a) Bogdl 40 6,702 .3, 123 3 2.80 00.5 40S 107 2,SSl 1..377 1,1504 133 if- 9(a) Itaidga 4,0.''.7 2,100 1.867 811 4.51 3(.3 748 380 3.5!) 7S6 14-31 ItoiU fi 1.135 fios 627 28 32 6 221 111 no 12 C’-I4 Itaniga iir. 33.;iOS 17,7.53 I.’),. 5.5.5 10,115 .5, 321 1,821 3,157 1,715 l,kl2 2,553 (i) Baisya ... 1 1 1,006 667 629 178 84 92 469 241 218 78 (il) Qandha Banik 21 3,167 1,666 1,691 438 238 200 418 216 202 292 (iii) Khatri 20 23, 1 69 12,436 10,734 8,609 4.461 4,148 1,288 710 678 1,060 (Iv) Rauniar • 431 236 196 07 71 26 331 (v) Subarna Banik 20 1,836 927 008 162 79 73 329 167 162 81 E-43 Jiantar fi 0 0 1 1 5 n~-20 linrhi 18 800 71.5 fi( K-46 Itarl •i .Si .50 28 .3.5 17 18 12 8 4 A ‘ 2(a) Itarui 27 7,087 i.l73 3,M 1 2,005 1,06.5 9-10 401 2-42 219 1,323 A- 2(a) Jiauri 17 503 208 305 111 101 217 65 36 20 K-44 Itedlya 2fi .5.01 fi 3,000 2.016 (a, 11,007 o.so 018 (A)r)H) .3-16 203 (r) 1.506 E-41 Iteldor U 1 , m 707 (.30 1,232 (;.S7 .51.5 37 20 17 14-18 lihaudo rl 2 2i 2i I - 2(n) Ithar 2fi 1 .200 1.132 1.58 ! 02 73 19 18 31 11 127 (1) Rajbhar 13 100 164 36 ! 16 16 8 6 2 46 It- 8 It/Mt 2 2fii 121 113 1 1 1 (0 28 12 111 14—314 IthoitnoH ir,o 71.0(8 .3T..')03 1 .‘',0..5(,5 1 3(017 17..57fi 17,071 j .5,208 2,702 2.500
  80. .580 (1) Harl 86 60,405 30,660 20,906 o2,649 16,548 1 6, 1 0 1 1 4,920 2,481 2,447 6,314 (il) Mihtor 34 3,640 1.998 1.642 1 712 07 1 341 238 130 108 954 A 4 Ithoiffn tii i,;.fio .‘‘SU 071 1^7 llfl 1 71 ! 1 4- 4 JthumU :j l,l.5( .587 507 j i 1,118 550 559 F- 48 Itliutia 12,0(10 0.8,3 0,0(7 . 1 A— 2(a) Itini 20 3,107 1,802 I.;;:;:, j 120 120 0 ! !)83 515 438 21 A 4 Itinjhia 2 30 21 0 ; ••• K-44 Itlrhor ■{ 7 0 1 ! 3* .3 n- 5 Brahman 2ri2 fi7.M)i ;w,si;.5 28,;)3.» ; n.37(» 6.708 1,.572 , 1 4,005 8,2 15 6,720 8,315 F-48 Burmrs" 1 2.5 25 j 14 11 A- 2(0) C/to in 2fi 0,280 1.307 .50.3 522 71 8,lfiB 1,1 S.3 4.283 32 14 3H C/to mu r 100 30, 131 18, (01 12 030 : 5.180 3 .378 l.s(i2 fi,fi0S .3,. MB 3,236 4,328 (i) Much! 77 23,128 14.141 8.907 ; 2,907 2,097 810 ! 6,886 3,035 2,061 3.024 A 2(0) C/itrsn 12 127 00 01 0 7 2 ! A - (i(a ) Chnsa /i/iopa I 1.707 Oil? 851 ... 1,707 916 851 A - 2(41) CAtnsuti 1 1,013 8.55 7.58 6 .5 1,608 ^ 8.50 7.53 A- 4 i'/trro 1 11 7 1 ■■ ! .. A 4 C/tih l.'i 283 171 112 D 22 2 3.000 2,20(5 1,70 > i ... A - 2(a) /4/tann>: • 710 i.'2 21 1.50 237 21 J i 8 5 3 88 A 4 l4/trit)iur
  81. 330 18,1 141 A - 4 /4/ilmal :i 28 10 0 1 1 ... ... 14-24 14/topa
  82. 5.18.5 3,147 2.338 1,741 031 KIO 511 2(H 247 499 A- 2(a) Dtmi C 1,3 fi41 Oil 9.50 E-43 I4nm .21 n.'0» 2.S17 2,. Ki 961 488 473 020 481 448 1.317 (i) Kiora 6 131 74 67 83 41 47 12 7 6 20 ( 43 ) usHAHi Division. r — ■ !l 1 KGI’ITB. Boora. Faun DARJKELIIfa, Jalpaiuuki. • 1 Ii

    - j male. Feoaalo* Total. Main. FomaU'. Total. Male. Fenmin. ' Total. Male. Femaln. Total. Male. Fi'inalo. Ifi 11 91 66 25 72 •1.) 29 .1 36 1 271 1 207 61 ... ... ... ... ' 1 1 ... ... » 1 21 15 9 1 1 ‘Ui 11 29 81 46 35 ... ... ... ... 2 1 1 ... ... 7 3 4 26 ... ... ... ... 6 2 1 101 49 55 151 92 .59 10 23 23 •16 33 13 613 308 215 2.5 22 .3 67 60 1,119 .541 575 1,510 871 676 OAJ 17 6 93 45 4.S
  83. 306 210 112 104 1,216 .5M 0;i5 32 .30 2 2 16 us 98 11 1 47 29 is 761 •101 36.3 41 10 22 22 15 7 1,570 977 1,176 701 411 4,0!l
  84. 5 4 1 « 5 1 23 Ifi 7 83 1.3 4 2 2 30 .30 ... ... 30 21 9 1 1 3,110 .3 1 .5,103 3,212 1,391 2,712 1.670 20, 120 10,1,59 10,270 j •1,021 3,226 1,698 1 78S ... 1 9 9 1 3 :n 1 51 51 Ill 102 12 3,071 1,257 2.703 l.ir27 776 9.316 4.97.5 1.371 :..59 1.50 109 1 l,»'17 1,138 1 179 2,773 1,001 2,122 1,487 636 7,310 3,906 3.404 170 140 oO 903 737 166 ... ! i 1 I 117 .5:1 1 w 1 3 1 1 2 ; 8 1 6 2 1 283 171 112 3,:0(l 1,892 i,.5nH 416 3U 132 88 16 16 12 11 1 4:1 •13 93 1 92 1 1 321 IHI 140 1 9 1 H 27 18 9 1 1 :y.ir, 157 311
  85. 105 1,770 920 856 1 422 .3.36 80 1 232 1.50 77 ViC 500 ■ i 3:9 185 114 624 1 603 229 1^ 83 1,16s 6H0 688 i 166 10.5 61 7:10 3!)3 .137 19 ‘ 4 2 2 7 6 2 ... .... ... 1 ’
  86. — Rrmares. (ft) mali^ and :iW f»‘inal«‘n roturn- t>(l aH MiiNulniiiiiN. (ft) M nmli'H and .‘17 fi'innlaH n tnrni d as MiisahnanH. (i*) dH nuilt's and 7I» fii- nmloH returned as Musainmim. (d) liliH niah'H and IMi7 fi* rnaU‘» ndni’niNl aa MiiHainianN. (<<) 7!( inaloH and HH f(«. nialt'H i-idnrnHl as Mn^alininiH. (fi) t.l!».7 niulf's and foina’i'H p t lim- ed UN BllddhlMtil, and Hrt males and I’h'i f«>nialeH is*liirn*Hi as MnsulinaiiH C M ) TABLE XVI.-KAj8niHi CIbss uik G roup. ^ Castb Avn Thitih Ninnbor 8Uh-01ls*IC rot uriiod Total KAJsnAHI JllVlBION. 1 i lllNAJPL'R. Hajbhahi. i 1 Ran(i 1 Total. Mah<. Foraalo. Total. Main. Ftmiale. Total. Mall). Fnmalt. Total. — J .

    A 2(a ) JiusaAh .. FA 2,722 2,181 641 .32-4 ‘272 62 481 317 184 4<14 (1) Bahelia ... 18 680 703 277 27 22 6 267 166 1 1 1 34 ff(a ) Oangauta ... 1 .300 •201 108 10 6 4 ... n^26 Oarrri .. 103 84 10 7 7 18 18 1 .1- 4 Oaro •2 .307 33‘2 ‘2:w :i04 171 133 21 21 153 A- 4 Uhartl ‘27 3,802 2,0‘23 1.830 ... A- 4 fj/iasi 12 570 327 240 05 28 (50 ... A- 2(h) (roala l.'iO 4(1,.328 23,853 16,675 H.axi 5,147 3, .380 8,476 4,476 :J,999 5,850 J>-35 lionrM yo 504 •407 157 ‘261 131 1.30 27 13 14 ... .4- i iiarung Ui !),(;07 4.!»51 4.656 1 1 ... ... A 4 Jaang 1 1 1 n-23 tTaai 17 3;i,7ii 17,020 15.782 15,lSS 8,105 7,083 2, 4.38 1,‘2.50 1,188 6.210 JD-20(a) Karharn a 25 16 0 A- 2(a) Kaftar 1 3 3 3 3 ... Kahar ... ‘27 23,330 1 4,7(»0 8,6:16 3,:ioo 2,(110 i,:U7 2.2(»5 1,587 618 12,180 A- 3(a) Kaihartta ... on li!-32[a) Hand a ... 2fc 4,8‘28 3,100 1,7‘28 1,196 6.3.S 558 1,853 9(57 886 313 E~44 Kai}ar ... 5 10 0 7 4 1 8 ... ... ... n-31 Kansari 13 1,004 612 402 170 80 81 .477 2:11 246 23 n~33 Kapall n 8,(53!) . 4 , .'563 4, ‘276 30 17 13 11 11 300 D 30 Karauf/a ... 1 7 •4 3 ... ... /> 33 Kami 8 007 4S3 484 251 123 12 s ... ... ... 5 .1- 3(a) Kastha 1 11 7 4 ... ... .1- 4 Kaar 3 IS 4 14 ... IS 4 14 It- 9 Kayasthn 01 02,32.S 32.-451 20.877 7,124 4,302 3,032 (5,747 3.601 3,056 1(),(1‘20 D 35 Kvauit . 17 SO.) 477 41S 22 ‘2(( 2 1.52 73 79 104 A- 4 Khaira 11 1‘2 ‘21 21 1 1 ... I- 4 Khamhu ... 3 3.1, 400 17,000 io.:ioi I ... A- 1 Khantlait I 3!) 2.'. 14 4 4 2 2 32 A- 4 Khnria •23 1,‘271 733 53S 1 742 385 .357 1 1 17 A- 4 Kharu'ar ‘20 1,0‘20 1,020 003 I ‘2S 22 (5 •40 .36 •1 .1- 2(a) Khatik 3 40 25 21 1 .. ... A- 3(a) Koi'hh •201 1,378,00.". 700,,3s.5 G6m,710 I 481 ,,501 247,810 2 : 53 . 7S1 (a) 16.0‘26 8,501 7, '4.32 622, •604 (1) Bhanga Ksha- triya 26 cjeg.eoo 195,160 1 70,420 28,616 14,663 13,062 63,073 (ii) Deshi ... 23 37,802 19,453 18,369 37,802 10,453 18,369 (in) Kantai ... 0 1,605 774 789 338 172 166 1,000 494 506 (iv) Khcn ... 22 21,600 10,256 1 1,526 3,807 1,941 1,866 16 8 8 13,366 (v) Pall 62 204,809 147,809 137,000 285.491 147,081 136,410 81 36 46 (vi) Rajbansi 68 666,540 287,877 277,463 08,058 54,641 34,007 12,069 6,030 6,039 449,027 A- 3 (a) Kolri 41 2,520 1,!)73 647 6r.5 450 190 283 16!) ll'i 480 vf-4 Kol 15 1,002 508 400 304 1(53 142 ... ... ... 23 E 41 Kora 8 1,SS| 067 014 ... 251 117 134 n-3H Kamhar 78 •4.3,216 2:V272 21,044 9,453 4,N70 1,583 7,945 3,929 4,016 4,402 A- 3(a) Kurml 123 11,001 8,163 3,228 1,018 1,166 4,5.3 ‘2,2.58 1,:167 891 2, ;9i A-4 l.oprha 140 0,745 4.756 4,0N0 ... ... ... ... A-4 Liinhu 302 U,o:so 7,8:13 6,197 ... ... ... ... ... .4-4 Mahili ‘23 38-2 108 184 72 '40 32 ... ... D^23(a) Unira Ifil 31,041 10..V25 16,116 1,208 809 399 667 325 ‘242 26,033 (i) Halwal ... 42 2,200 1,690 610 816 684 261 76 63 22 690 (11) Kurl 59 27,809 13,942 13,807 203 120 83

    79 269 220 (< :r)24.843 A- 2 (a) Mai 10 813 460 363 392 231 161 ... ... ... 15 ( « ) ^isioK — (^on iiuutdm Boqba. • Pabna. Darjeeling, 1 Jalpaigcri. 1 Rbmarkb. [»Ie. Fomali. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Pemalo, 1 Total. 1 Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. 33U 86 260 231 10 652 487 165 ,301 268 38 270 252 IS 34 ... 106 99 6 644 380 166 1 1 2 2 331 170 101 ... ... 28 25 3 ... 1 ... 10 2 8 7 4 3 41 41 3 10 11 5 • 85 68 ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... ((1)88 64 34 (fl) 42 mains and 33 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,138 1,415 1.403 721 378 310 femalet. rc>turned us Atiiiuititic. ... 11 7 4 ... ... ... 128 73 55 312 221 121 4,191 1,639 2.766 1,643 1,112 11,201 6.086 5,808 927 097 230 2.091 2.013 081 ::: : ft* 276 2r.3 13 9,232 4,712 ... 4..520 2:i8 130 ... ... ... ... ... 1 i 1 1 3,122 3,097 6,038 2.788 2,260 1,221 672 652 65S 368 290 2,916 1,024 1,322 11 0 6 11 10 4 ... ... ... C,7C3 6,424 1,498 1.418 r.o 2, CM 2,010 598 292 181 1,172 6Sl 4S8 ll.lln) 14,416 18,794 0,632 9.162 23,541 11,205 12,.l:i9 1,119 707 452 3,035 1,8.17 1 ,808 1.595 1,401 1,8:12 1,017 816 3,:«i9 3,.5:iS> 789 642 217 2,50.5 1,463 1,112 8 10 ... 9 a 1 601 460 201 1,217 720 497 ... (a)7,01‘< 3,629 3,419 1,018 639 4»i) (a) 255 males and 270 femuloM rcturuod .113 30 611 498 43 171 137 31 372 300 72 352 217 ]05 aa Buddliiats. ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 8 4 11 li 198 07 101 20 11 0 29 20 9 H7 47 40 170 130 893 470 417 6,816 2,925 2,800 15 9 6 1,575 755 820 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 4 3 5 ... ... ... 711 355 .350 11 7 4 ! ... ... 5.309 4,711 3.829 2,171 1,635 .32,156 15,114 16,712 5 o:i 351 r.2 1 1,019 1,120 529 85 79 29 29 6 5 3 3 1 520 202 258 ... ... 41 20 21 1 29,950 16,239 11,711 ; 1 1 3,5R) 1,800 1,080 IH 14 1 1 ... ... ... 1C 1 1 1
  87. 5 1 101 47 i 359 220 13.3 ..1 ... ... ... ... , 2S2 137 115 1 1,579 831 718 • 2 2 41 23 21 i ... ... 2(kl.l51 260,453 23,686 11,906 11,779 2,865 1,351 1,511 a3,472 17.0S0 15,792 297.83- 1.55,893 1 11,9.59 (ri) 7( males and 29, 1 74 24,600 4 4 j 21,762 1 1.306 10,367 206,430 • 30,034 127,402 45(1 f(males reluru ud aa MuHaluiuns. ... 8 6 3 1 ' 1 210 102 1 14 6,076 7,280 664 342 312 ... ... ... «•« 3,748 1,080 1,850 ... 742 44 331 ... 302 210 174 103 64 30 27,540 221,487 4,204 2,009 2,166 2,360 1,001 1,200 0,186 4,042 4,243 ' 18,007 10,734 0,103 389 100 292 262 .‘M) 158 125 8.3 281 252 29 Mi :}2o 42 ' 12 600 302 258 (a) 197 111 86 H 7 1 (a) 111 males and ... ... 1,550 809 717 71 11 3.3 80 females rnturne'l ivs Animistic. ... ... 2,216 8.187 4,012 2,113 1,899 10,992 6.439 6, .5.5.3 777 4.31 .3-10 ; 7,0.35 1,275 3,360 r927 864 1,824 1,278 516 1,711 1,389 322 625 469 “i 0411 508 90 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (a) n,7l7 4,741 4,976 : 5,7R»J 1 1 28 1,218 15 13 la) 4,199 males and 4,444 females re- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,813 7.026 807 411 turned as lluddliisUt. ... ... 90 43 47 ... ... ... 210 107 103 ! 10 8 2 18.144 12,780 1,246 709 637 1,604 770 7.3-1 2.59 203 56 04 565 359 610 180 ... ... 26 13 12 233 184 30 372 266 106 ^2.432 12,411 983 606' 477 1.240 680 664 61 30 22 (a) Probablj Kurl- i sarjan, a aubdivi- 9 6 401 206 190 ... •.

    6 6 ••• siun of Mechh. ( M ) TABLE XVI.— Kushm — Total Rajbbaui Division. DlHAJFUIl. RAJBUiUl. Bang ClaM ftnd Caste and Numbor of liUlM'RtitOH

    Group. Tbidb. returued. TotaL Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. A^1i(a) Malakar 43 6,182 3,220 2,962 1,766 977 779 667 306 361 1,193 XI-J5 Halo M* ••• ao 17,374 8,988 8,3S6 1,900 990 901 4,009 2,650 2,149 1,758 -4-4 Mai Paharia 2 1,367 830 637 300 244 152 (a) 656 363 293 •••

    -4 Mangar 310 UlOl 8.282 5,819 17 17 3 3 ... ... A- (a) Markande 1 37 20 17 ... ... ... A- (»)

    Mechh 39 22,840 11,872 10,968 69 .T4 35 189 90 90 584 JL-4 Mnnda ri7 5,493 2,997 2,406 442 234 208 37 23 14 ... D-3S Muriyitri 9 1,32(5 708 020 466 237 218 734 402 332 ... A~4 Murmi 28 21,8^U5 11,125 10,721 ... ... ... ... ... A^9(a) Mumhar 20 1,374 866 608 527 280 247 10 0 1 115 A- 2 (a) Xagar 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 ... ... -4-4 Ifagesia 4 36 18 18 ... ... ... A-‘2(a) y n tnnsudr a or Chandal 72 1,31,344 65,303 66,041 6,981 3,593 3.388 28,628 14,289 14,239 30,033 D- 18 Napit 74 49,051 20,107 23.644 11,168 6.915 6.213 6,973 3,506 8,107 9,083 (IjHnUam 9 106 187 8 ... ... ... 3 £-44 Nat 2 371 168 203 334 145 189 7 6 1 29 -4-4 Newar 13i 4,953 2,814 2,139 ... ... 11-30 Nuniya 69 10,812 8.407 2,435 3,203 2,128 1,075 .341 239 102 2,915 -4-4 Oraon 296 29,412 15,682 13,760 1,:186 700 086 1.413 (tt) 905 608 105 C-U Oswal 19 W 253 44 7 7 18 15 3 231 1>-J0 Falwar 1 8 6 2 ... ... 3 3


    Pan 1 17 15 2 17 15

    ... ... ... -4- « r«; Pargha *. 1 18 10 8 16 8 8 2 2 ... ... 11-39 PaH 6 928 617 411 9 9 6 5 ... 8 E-43 Patial 1 56 39 17 ... ... ... 7 A- 9 (a) Pod 1 8,853 4,630 4,32.1 ... 8,726 4,457 4,268 ... A-t Rajput 60 89,931 22,714 17.217 2,866 2,049 816 899 647 2.52 17,823 A- 2 (a) Raj war 0 589 316 273 1 1 ... 490 267 233 -4-4 Rautia 1 4 4 ... ... ... ... •It ... Hadgop ai 3,001 1,634 1,367 1,379 703 676 742 407 3:i5 27 n-20 (a) Sankhati 6 402 225 237 20 16 10 301 118 153 A-4 . Sautal 19 12,626 6,688 6,938 6,515 3.273 3,242 (a) 1,405 846 620 {b) 902 D-38 Sarki CO 1,762 1,049 718 ... ... ... ... ... A 4 Savar 1 15 8 7 15 8 7 ... ... ... D-17 Softar 81 2,147 1,314 m 458 286 172 227 136 91 SO n-36 Sunri 41 47,650 23,730 23,920 ' 3,628 1,906 1,663 6,077 3.260 2.817 7,469 (i}-Kalwar 22 600 419 81 1 104 76 28 18 17 2 22 A- 4 Sunuwar ISO 5,150 2,738 2,418 ... ... ... ... ... ... 11-35 Surahtya 4 625 46u 66 266 221 44 48 37 11 11 11^20 1 Sutradkar j 83 21,712 11,597 10,116 638 805 243 4,003 2,0.18 1,065 1,398 A- 2 (a) Tambuli 10 C8l 399 282 37 34 3 247 135 112 95 D-23 Tanti 75 22,165 11,774 10,391 6,891 8,749 3,149 986 592 894 1,889 (I)-Tatwa 8 485 323 160 103 60 43 14 14 ... 11-27 Ttli 89 26,106 13,302 12,804 8,534 1.837 1,697 ^7,061 8,675 8,486 1.802 (I)-Kalu 10 2,016 1,067 069 29 28 1 1,424 712 712 , 306 (ii) -Till 48 12,861 6,226 6,635 1,209 625 684 3,601 1,774 1,727 366 A~2(a) Tharu .7 240 170 70 ... ... ... ••• . Jl-9t Thathera 8 42 28 14 7 7 ... 21 14 ... D-35 Tiyar BO 7,176 3,688 3.588 1,814 858 966 2,311 1,117 1,194 34 A- 2(a) Turaha 13 1,007 868 139 27 27 ... 4 4 840 A- 4 Tari 84 1,404 772 632 612 312 300 286 $ 176 110 ... -4- 4 Yakha 1 1,260 629 621 •«« \ VISION— cow ( 47 ) — — II ■ 1
  88. Boora. • Pabna. Darjbklivo. JAI.PAIGUBI. Rbblabks. pemftle. | Total Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. 1 Male. Female. eos C88, 715 380 335 1,180 677 003 244 139 10.5 437 830 201 1,184 674' 6,523 2,60.3 2,000 3.394 1,636 1,758 ... ... 100 315 60 223 44 02 {n) 204 malea and 168 females retnriv ed as AumDitio. • •• ... (a) 11,412 0,405 6,007 2.609 1,857 812 {a) 190 males and 1.38 females return 2 1 1 35 19 10 ... ... ... ed as Buddhists. 288 290 ... ... 31H) 205 185 21,008 11,246 10.:)62 889 406 423 no 107 3 1,38:» 099 684 2,733 1,4(’>6 1,264 ... 100 4-4 60 87 23 U ... (a) 21,030 11,(H)0 10, MO 210 119 91 (a) 10,7S2 males and 10,804 females 1*0- 81 ni 23 23 23 23 ... 12.5 97 28 661 353 198 turned as Buddhists. ••• !" ... 19 9 10 17 9 8 16,1R4 15,409 10,183 6,183 6,000 61,027 25,062 26.905 148 73 76 .3,844 1,939 \,m 4,U6& 4,414 6,221 3,147 2,074 10,883 5,408 5.475 496 3150 130 5,837 3,102 2,736 3 1 1 ... 188 180 8 3 3 10 13 ... ... ... 4.n.>3 2.814 2.1;19 1 1 2,357 112 B58 1,958 1,000 3.58 851 719 135 843 692 151 728 072 60 83 708 439 329 300 145 101 6,323 2,739 a, 584 20,0, M 10,012 9,400 (a) 43 males returned a Animistic. 1J13 38 6 6 15 14 1 2 1 1 19 18 1 ... ... ... 6 3 2 ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... 4 4 6 4 1 m 480 405 4 3 1 6 0 7 ... 49 32 17 ... ... ... ... 8 8 ... 102 53 49 ... ... 18 12 0 P,4S9 8,334 4,018 2,307 2,251 670 452 124 9,123 6,293 3,830 4.027 2,417 1,010 2 2 ... ... 96 60 40 4 4 23 4 380 199 181 34 23 11 NR 08 20 851 211 140 1 22 10 6 109 42 67 ... ... ... 3 2 1 BOO 402 {e) 2,000 1,008 992 61 2,3 28 id) 284 152 1.32 (e)l,4 ... ... ... ... 1,547 920 027 215 791 129 497 RO 294 ed os Animislir. (6) 318 males and 302 fi'inalns returned as Animistir. (c) Aid* ... 29 fj 1 189 04 96 444 205 179 m i s 1 1 c. id) 147 1 8 1 873 6-44 329 males and 132 fe* 3-91fi 3,553 2,080 1,109 977 20,{K)0 12,495 14,40.5 017 4-40 177 males returned as Animistic, (e) 040 22 ... ... ... 86 67 28 128 1 14 14 2,418 142 133 6 ma1(«s and 302 fe* males ruin rued as ... 6,150 2,7.38 ... Aniiuistic. 11 86 70 10 111 111 ... ... ... 4 4 ... 816 683 1.6G0 971 098 12.043 0,412 6,231 07 68 0 1.294 908 .3S6 88 27 47 28 19 220 no no 28 17 11 1 1 ,011 878 lp053 1,038 015 3,801 1,891 1,970 319 203 no 6,259 3,2.90 2.m 42 2 ... 298 183 168 23 22 1 888 004 1,970 II 1,086 885 9,293 4,.332 4,901 776 698 178 1,C7U 077 093 |6i IG4 II 137 68 09 ... 1 10 87 23 210 146 ... 7,020 3,626 4.004 7 7 189 84 86 ... 3 3 ... ... ... 172 104 68 65 63 2 84 ... 698 310 288 2,270 1.182 1,088 80 32 18 99 66 44 719 126 18 18 60 64 2 8 7 1
  89. 29 10 261 151 no 41 86 6 67 28 29 147 70 77 1,260 629 621 ... ... ( 48 ) TABLE XVI.— Rajsha — Total Bajbhaui Division. Dinajpur. Rajbhahi. Rawopur. Group. Total. Male. Pemale. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Fomih Religious devo- tees and per. sons returned by sect. HINDUS «2,6t0 37,417 45,202 18.092 9.218 9,7V1 1-1,681 5,91.5 8,639 25,204 11,633 13,57 Balsnab 77,336 34,440 42.896 18,106 8,760 0,346 1 4,392 6,823 8,669 24,402 1 1,146 l3,S6i Baol 288 126 162 108 77 01 ... 110 41 6 Bhakat 303 176 128 18 13 6 2 2 ... 2 2 Brahmo 163 106 67 41 30 1 1 12 7 6 42 23 1 Gosain 1.026 640 486 23 16 7 18 12 6 0 3 Madhabacharyya 263 1 13 140 27 16 12 ... 180 79 10 Mahanta 68 40 12 ... 1 1 0 2 Naga 27 16 12 ... 27 16 12 ... Ramavat 147 102 46 86 61 36 56 32 3 22 16 Baiva 444 271 173 08 34 34 4 2 2 143 108 3 Bakta 361 221 130 170 99 71 10 8 2 20 20 Banyasi 1.392 810 682 180 100 80 4 4 103 156 6 mr SALMANS ... 007 5(»0 ■107 500 271 2.T. ... ... «■ Hanifl 1 1 0 6 4 2 2 ... ... Bhia 403 221 182 364 108 166 ... Bunni 493 273 220 138 71 67 ... Persons returned by title or com- mon sub-caste. HINDIS 4:{,5.8a 23,203 20,321) 10.731 6,821 4,907 10.28C 5.330 1,9.50 412 27.3 i:i Banpar 1 1 9 2 8 8 ... ... ... ... ... Barondra 279 166 123 133 67 66 4 4 60 31 1! Buna 56.002 19,223 17, .730 8,004 4,843 4,061 1(0 8,129 4,206 3,844 196 MO 8( Das 143 86 67 96 41 64 ... ... 2 2 ... Ganjhu 228 131 07 ! ... ... ... ... ... QaurdosI 792 379 413 (a) 766 066 400 24 13 1 1 12 10 2 Gurkha 179 117 62 ... ... ... Haladhar 1,099 966 1,044 ... 1,990 066 1,044 ... Jaiswar 99 89 10 o7 31 6 18 18 Kanaujia 248 204 44 70 68 12 22 M II Nabasakh 38 22 16 ... 2 1 1 2 2 ... Nagbansi 016 340 276 50 12 18 64 34 20 Rai 328 264 64 49 58 1 1 ... 3 2 1 Bingh 120 67 63 83 42 41 ... 24 !2 12 Ml SALMANS . 1 , 000 , r, (53 2,531.it5« 2,K5j,r)05 70S,(«il 'll 1.857 389,711 1,024,2.*S 505,(190 518,502 1,29:1,881 063,022 OSO.Wtl Khan 6 6 0 0 ... Mir 176 ’G6 80 70 48 31 20 10 10 18 10 0 Moghul 713 41 1 302 169 07 72 89 47 42 06 66 dfi Palhan 31,030 16,030 14,209 3,461 1,040 1,61 1 6,016 2,666 2,360 6,736 3,682 3,043 Bayyid 12,439 0,41 1 0,028 2,670 1,434 1,245 3,207 1,613 1,604 1,168 608 660 Shaikh ... < 4.066.101 : 2,610,306 2.444.886 702,217 411,332 380.886 1,016,921 601,371 614.560 1,286,876 668,666 627.219 Persons returned by actu.-xl occu- pation. • iiiNjns 103, 513 12 , 50,.520 10,104 6,817 4,2.57 17,42(1 8,8.31 8,r,})2 G,7()« 3,400 3,.W Badyakar 2,816 1,483 1,333 63 27 26 68 48 60 2,047 1,394 1,263 Bajikar 164 74 80 161 71 80 ... ... ... ... ... Bwsya 836 • 73 762 22 1 21 4 2 2 647 62 686 Bhaskar 66 24 41 17 7 10 44 18 28 3 b Dai 1.041 1,027 914 722 300 323 140 79 70 782 403 379 Darikata 60 27 32 ... ... ... ... ... ... Dutia 779 440 339 2 2 ... 667 300 / 307 ... tst ... Ghatwal 1,737 M66 671 1,177 770 308 117 60 07 ... ... ... ( « ) Division — continued. / BOORA. • Pabsa. DARJEBLlTVa. J.ILPAIOL K1 • Rkmabkb. Total. Male, Female. Total. Malo. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. 11,043 6,483 0,400 8,219 3,128 5,091 1.807 987 820 1,900 1,023 877 11,303 6,116 6»I87 . 8,149 3,087 6.002 130 67 63 853 441 412 ... ... ... 2 1 1 ... ... 8 7 1 ... ... 2 2 ... ISO 00 70 129 70 63 18 6 30 17 13 ... ... 22 18 4 16 8 7 1 1 ... 738 385 363 224 1 16 too ... ... ... 4 ... 4 ... 42 19 23 30 20 10 17 17 ... ... ” ... ... ... ... 4 4 • •• #•« ..i 1 1 ... ... ... 228 120 102 06 64 41 i 1 7 4 6 4 2 59 29 10 ... ... ... 2 2 ... 717 406 31 1 290 102 128 250 128 122 ... :i2 30 119 71 4.S ... ... 7 4 3 ... ... ... 59 23 16 260 128 122 32 30 2 : 73 44 20 0,7 U .3, .577 3,104 10, .522 5,180 1.782 1,010 772 1 3,058 1,817 1,211 ... 3 1 2 ... 1 ... 18 18 74 50 38 6.488 3,413 3 076 10,168 6,107 6,001 1.390 748 642 ! 1,287 717 670 (ri) 50 m.alei mul 1 10 returned 28 28 ... 18 15 3 ... ii.s Aniiiilslie, ... ... ... 34 20 14 19 1 1 8 ! 176 too 76 ... ... ... ... (ti) I’rohahly IJaniya. ... ... 170 117 82 2 2 • M 26 26 1 16 13 3 30 24 6 28 26 3 0 6 02 00 12 ... ... ... ...

    34 to 16 146 74 71 34 20 14 164 04 70 j 190 110 83 ... 0 6 ... ... ... 270 210 62 ... ... • ... 13 13 ... ... ... ... 1 .. (;5.'5,8R1 331,4:11 ,321,450 997,02:1 1.90,702 .500,801 8,:ii 1 5, .5 19 2,705 j 221,00.5 110,711 101,201 0 4 6 26 13 13 ! 17 10 7 69 38 2i 229 129 too 21 to 1 ^ ! 61 20 23 3,020 1,647 1,373 10,402 6,297 6, 106 200 228 02 2,120 1,371 756 1,960 980 070 2,831 1,431 1,400 60 40 t 1 565 207 258 660,843 328.762 322.081 984.101 480.906 404,266 7,018 6,244 2,674 i 218,260 ' 16.056 103,221 \ • 7,811 4^214 3,507 57,301 28, .353 29,008 D78 G2G 352 3,127 1 713 1,411 ... ... 14 12 2 ... ... ... 4 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 26 • 22 89 2 87 20 1 19 20 1 2 1 20 ! 2 1 1 141 71 70 27 '8 0 1 18 66 1 02 1 ... ... ... \ • • ... ... ... ... 69 27 32 4 4 ••• 106 74 32 ... ... ... ... ... 181 163 18 130 71 69 66 46 10 77 68 to 1 1 ( 50 ) I TABLE XVI.— RAJSHi . Total Rajshaui Hi vision. DI5AJPUE. Rubitahi. Ranopub. Qboup. Total. Male. Fuiuale. Total. Main. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Femal Persons returned by actual occupa- tion— conc/rf. OTyi>ir«-concld. Qorait 623 342 281 ... 22 10 12 498 ... Jaliya 62,805 31,012 31,823 4,305 2,221 2,174 7,182 3,668 3,614 083 48 Kunjra 64 61 3 ... •• ... ... Laherl 233 132 101 113 78 36 ... • •• ... Machhua 310 160 164 310 166 154 ... ... ... Mala . . .. 3,163 2,256 028 1,380 1,084 206 607 206 212 162 117 4 ManjhI 1,1 1 1 664 467 249 168 01 163 112 41 61 46 1 Matlya 16,102 8,301 7,801 ... 0,003 3,499 3,364 30 18 1 Mistri 438 343 96 1 13 82 31 4 4 174 138 Mudi 124 67 67 1 19 04 66 6 3 2 •• ... ... Pasban 88 79 9 16 0 6 60 60 46 Patnl 0,107 4,702 4.405 074 616 460 1.629 743 708 1,150 860 Patua 137 74 63 131 70 61 ... ... ... '

    ... Poddar 31 24 7 4 4 ... 8 8 ... ... TIrendaJ 74 57 37 ... 74 37 37 ... 885 8! MU SALMANS 6, ‘-70 6.o:i7 1,811 910 DOl 5.r>t.‘i 2,723 2,820 776 Abdal 426 208 1 217 198 88 1 10 126 64 62 6 3 Oal ... . 830 416 423 369 186 174 17 7 10 440 220 22 Oarii 222 166 67 ... OhaH 060 491 469 ... ... Dhawa 1 ,634 834 800 406 194 21 1 763 392 371 ... ... ... Ohopa 238 127 1 1 1 ... ... ... Dhunia 191 117 74 104 67 47 67 34 23 ... ... Fakir ... . 6 2 3 ... 22 ... Jotaha 5,546 2.833 2,712 102 1 1 1 81 3,386 1,647 1,738 20 Kalu 1,700 800 930 446 210 236 1,106 679 616 ... ... ... Mridha 134 03 71 90 62 40 36 1 1 2 Mullah 70 41 29 13 13 ... ... ... ... Nikarl 3 1 2 ... ... Patnl Persons returned 268 129 129 258 129 12 by locality. HINDUS 6,301 3,5.56 2.7 ti 3H2 219 133 2,114 090 1,118 443 253 1! Hindustanis 2,006 1,246 860 3 3 160 128 22 3 3 ... Marwaris 684 381 203 25 26 364 107 187 66 06 ... Morangiat 45 34 1 1 ... ... ... Nepalese 134 83 61 ... ... ... Paharias 009 666 344 • «« 206 86 120 ... ... la Madrasis 480 240 1 240 46 27 10 260 132 Uriyas 1,638 740 798 267 161 100 1,146 484 661 3 3 ... MU SALMANS ... 6 6 ... ♦ ... ... Afghan 6 6 ... ... ... ...

    Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or un- specified. 5i HINDUS 11,563 6.774 4.789 3,577 2,026 1,551 1,681 843 1 738 1,501 913 MU SALMANS ... y,32S 4.618 4.710 995 298 697 ?,818 1.448 1,370 607 421 It BUDDHISTS (un- §pi!cificdj Chincge 4,510 77 2,407 7* 2.010 6 1 1 1 ... 14 14 71 71 ••• — ! — ( 51 ) Division — continued. Booill. w Pabma. Dabjkmiso. 1 Jalpaiquri.


    ToUl. Male. Female. Total. Male. Fuinale. j Total. i 1 Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Eimarks. 6 2 3 f 76 44 31 621 280 236 1,416 726 691 47,162 23,146 24,006 13 0 4 1,694 846 840 ... 64 61 3 1 17 62 66 3 2 1 ... 266 231 26 617 287 230 42 37 6 200 184 1 16 1 310 162 168 43 24 19 293 101 132 2 1 4,342 2,308 2,034


    2,392 2,334 133 82 61 2 2 46 43 2 102 70 20 3 3 ... to 7 3 1,160 667 683 4,316 2,170 2,146 6 3 2 70 38 41 6 6 ... 14 7 7 ... ... ... m Si."! 208 I,ri73 781 7U2 1.3517 820 677 667 313 255 96 63 43 222 156 07 13 3 10 ... ... ... ... 060 401 400 406 248 218 ... ... ... 238 127 1 1 1 ... 24 20 6 0 6 2 3 4 j 22 17 6 1,420 700 71 1 188 161 37 310 178 134 ... ... 160 71 79 ... ... 64 26 29 3 1 2 3 3 1 ... . 65 43 22 16* 148 IG « :U7 2:mj 111 ’ ?.7Nn 1,68* 1,1. Vi 6 6 1,934 1, 100 020 46 32 14 76 76 8 0 2 i 0 0 ... ... 24 18 6 21 10 6 ... 0 4 6 126 70 40 ... ... 260 180 78 1 440 300 146 ... ... ... 6 4 1 : 172 60 80 ... 88 72 16 19 13 0 1 16 7 0 ... ... ... i 6 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 6 0 ... • i 1 178 151 24 1,639 030 709 528 869 ! 169 1 2,559 i,o:>0 3.666 1,747 l.OlU C13 313 800 38 18 1 20 591 360 225 ... ... 1 1 1 1,940 1,045 895 2,480 1,305 1.124 ... ... 67 53 4 1 20 19 1 Buddhiata. B 2 ( 62 ) TABLE XVI. — RAJSHAin Total RuanAUi Division. Dina J PUR. BAJSITAni. Rangfur. i (JRour. Towl. Male. PomnU*. Total. Male. Fentiilo. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female, eUHlSTIA^H ... 2,995 1,754 1,211 fill 2G1 260 106 67 48 343 190 153 European 1.624 1,013 611 30 16 14 41 27 14 86 64 32 Eurasian 387 212 176 6 3 2 1 1 167 77 80 Native 1,084 620 666 476 242 234 63 30 33 100 60 41 fJAlNH 1.442 1,270 172 193 82 21 82 21 11 708 G21 87 JKW 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... SIKHS 27 27 ... ... ... ... VARSIS 4 4 ...

    1 ... ... HR SO ys NOT R /?- TV USED 11 y RK- LiaiOX, CASTR, OR TRlRiC 1,971 912 762 1,449 7S3 ' 663 9 D ...• 219 120 Total S,01!),1S7 4,112,729 3,90fi.45« l,635,b35 812,047 743,788 1,31.3, .136 C54.S3M 668,998 2,066,464 1,061,812 1,003,(J..2 I sisio
    — concluded.

    ( 53 ) ( 54 ) TABLE XVL— CIhis nnU j^ruiip. CaAio and tribe. No. of Total Dacca Division. Dacca. returnud. Total. Mule. Female. Total. Male. Female. C-14 Affarwala 3 9 9 ... 0 0 ... l-« (») Aguri 2 19 11 8 3 1 2 A -2 (a) Amat ... 1 7 7 ... ... ... ... A--1 nahhan 1 27 24 3 23 20 8 J-2M iiagdl 25 5,7«l 2,871 2,874 1,385 743 642 n-9 OfJ Haidga 28 31,109 14,680 16,420 10,450 4,6.35 6,816 JJ-JJ ntiiti B 1.571 794 777 481 241 240 r;-Ji Itaniya 88 39,248 19,018 iD,:i:io 14,653 7,233

    7,420 (i)— Baisya 22 2,803 1,616 1,288 2,137 1,093 1,044 (li) -Gandha Banik 22 16,340 7,177 8,163 6,618 2,611 3,107 (lil)-Khatri ... 1 7,076 4,209 2,777 619 776 143 (iv)>8ubarna Banik .. 17 10,546 6,103 6,442 4,062 1,892 2,160 A~2 (
  90. Ithuimall 78 48.173 24.282 28,801 1.3,263 0,664 6,55)9 (i)-Hari 29 16,043 8,093 7,860 334 170 168 (li)-Mlhtor ... 17 2.982 1,036 1,347 707 432 276 A -4 Jthulya 8 317 150 107 103 86 78 1-4 nhumfi 1 1S7 85 102 80
  91. 41 A-2 (a) Hind 11 1,701 1,408 293 6:12 593 39 n—a Jirahman ... 109 108, 0<» 96,647 102,316 60,207 28,204 81,973 A-2(a) <'hnin 11 520 .520 ... 323 323 ... Chamar 41 68.:J83 81,191 27,192 31,206 15,219 16,087 (i)-Muchl ... 24 42,798 22,802 19,996 24,233 1 1,609 12,634 A -2 (aj Dhanuh fi 134 133 1 69 68 1 D-24 Dhopa 31 57.875 29,508 28..367 11,808 6,513 6,75)6 A-2 (a) Haul 1 476 230 2.37 266 126 180 E-43 J)oin ... 16 2,551 1,;J30 1,212 258 160 10,3 (1)— Kaora ... 2 68 37 21 17 1 1 6 A-2 (a) Dusadh 16 825 65-i 171 606 809 107 (1)— Bahalia 0 252 210 36 122 08 24 A-2 (a) 0(utg*nita 1 12 12 ... 12 12 ... n-35 iiaurar ... 1 4 3 1 4 3 i J}-2(t Oarevi 6 73 48 25 50 20 21 A-4 Qaro ... 3 28,641 14,610 13,5)05 (a) 610 289 211 A-~2(b) iioitla 07 75,111 40,454 31,667 30,166 15,181 14,986 D-3S Oonrhi ... 7 2,886 2,636 261 69 67 2 A '4 Hufong .. 1 847 424 423 ... ... ... n-23 Jugi .. 60 87,173 41,318 42,866 18,372 9,106 9,260 n-29(a) Karharu ... 5 1,295 620 676 • 69 330 366 h-35 Kahar 2:1 18,051 14.268 3.783 4,067 2,019 1,138 A-2 (a) Kalbartia ... 01 198,412 90,588 08,864 62,680 26,677 27.012 n-w Kamar 37 46,645 22,934 23, 6U 14,522 6,824 7,608 (l)-Lohar ... ... 4 278 161 117 69 41 18 n-tt Kan 1 22 11 11 D-22(nj i Kandu 10 3,715 2,310 1,306 1,733 1,120 613 E 44 Kifttjar 1 5 5 6 6 D-21 Kantari 8 1,209 727 482 18 12 1 J}-2S Kapali 32 53.612 27,002 26,610 81,208 10,634 10,004 Dacca Division, ( 55 ) Fabidpur. • 1 Barharoanj. Maimaxsinoii. 1 1 1 ; Ri;.\iahk>. Total. Mule. Female. 1 Totul. i 1 Male Ffiniile. Total. I Mnle. Fuiniile 3 S ... 1 1 1 ... 15 0 (5 ... 1 ... 7 7 ... ... ... ... ... 4 4 2,798 1,331 1,467 57 .3!) 18 1.606 768 717 6,277 2,3:52 2,945 12.283 6,078 6,205 .3,099 1,611 1, 1.5.3 m ■■52 1 331 ... .. 1 4:55 232 2*1.3 8,6S>8 4,08.3 1,515 .3,101 1,753 1.316 12,896 6..847 6,019 330 184 140 128 108 20 208 130 78 3,726 1,724 2,001 1.909 921 988 ! 4.088 2,021 2,067 304 263 61 149 78 71 ! 6.704 3,192 2,612 3,674 1,628 2,046 760 633 217 ! 2,009 1.060 1.019 8,207 4,189 4,018 12,753 0,470 0,283 8,M.59 4, .5 19 i.:iio 7 4 3 ... ... (6) 747 .'575 372 18 18 (c) 2,076 hH.3 1,19.3 (d) 265 lUiilts iiful ;5(iK 2,589 1,313 fiMuuU'N rotunu'd us 1,270 13 ... 107 55 52 MusiiIuiumk. (//) 217 in.'il.'s II ml 2.50 fniuih's ri'liirniMl mk MiimiI- iniiMs, (c) .59.3 ninU' ... (51 41 20 13 ... 1,079 1,600 7.3 ami 622 Ic males
  92. Inrniul as Mnsnl 29 20 0 ... ... 1,008 009 30 IllllllM. 7 3 4 ... .39 .31 5 6,.373 2.038 2,7:55 4,61K» 2,415 2,245 24,817 12, .5.35 12,:512 321 182 139 627 533 204 14.001 7,402 7,269 180 1 1 1 78 462 240 222 1,624 062 772 U2 47 45 1 1 ... 61 17 44 107 4C 61 ... ... 591 400 1S8 6 5 470 •1)1 66 48,535 22.176 26,359 47.210 21,011 23.199 42,951 22,166 20,785 5 6 ... 17 17 isi 181 ... 6,995 3,120 2,S75 2,870 1,981 889 1H,;5I2 10,871 7.m 3,363 1,731 1,622 2,647 1,840 807 12,666 7,632 6,033 58 5.S 1 7 7 ... ... ... 9.473 4,GC1 4,812 1 2.3,218 12,1.55 11,063 13.S76 7,179 6,697 211 118 98 101 210 2.51 190 96 94 1.612 HH 761 30 21 16 6 6 175 129 40 30 19 11 111 107 7 21 14 7 ... 100 104 6 9 6 3 ... 11 1.3 I 8 2 1 4:5 .39 4 1 1 i6)28.(»v6 1 i,:m)6 1.3. (79 (fi) 268 miili'M ami 208 rriijiili's i-(>turm(l us 7,654 4,171 3,383 4,182 2,121 1,761 .3.3,209 18,681 1 1,528 Animistic, {/j) 14,2.31 mnl.s mill i:5, 7.3.3 24 24 43 '13 ... 2,7(50 2..511 219 femaies refiir/ied an \TIMniril(' ... ... 847 '121 423 6,405 2.620 2,770 22,401 11,756 10,618 40,992 2o,8;>o 2.1.1 >‘.2 604 219 2.55 90 11 55 4,322 2,417 1,905 282 164 118 o.:5% 8,768 623 24,1C6 11,900 12,257 11.067 0,071 4.980 ll0..5:5l) 65 931 51, .599 8,2(56 3,823 4,412 10,970 6,831 5, ’.'50 12.788 6, '156 0..332 7 4 3 ... 212 110 06 22 11 11 ... ... ... 70 01 18 881 492 389 ; C16 370 604 ♦ 333 .3.31 347 267 90 1 155 95 00 13,349 C,C7C 6,673 7,74.3 3,943 3,800 i 11,222 1 5, 749 6,473 K 4 ( 56 ) TABLE XVI.— Clas8 an( Cftsi ft and tribe. 1 No. ol Total Dacca Divisiott. Dacca. group. ndurnc
  93. Total. Male. Furaalo. Total. Male. Female. />- 90 Karanga 1 It5 ni 81 122 49 73 D~9J Kami • 5 052 492 460 230 120 119 Jl- 9 Kayastha 108 3G7,18G 177,855 189,631 89,687 42.607 46,980 n -36 Kotvat 8 220 180 40 150 110 40 A- 4 K/iaira 1 40 27 10 3 3 .1- i Khandalt 1 53 63 63 53 .1- 4 Kharia 1 7 3 4 A~ 4 K/itirwar 1 119 09 20 2 2 •1 A~ 9(a) KJiatik 1 4 1 3 4 1 3 A- 9(a) Kochh 33 66,750 28.473 27,283 10,674 6,478 6.090 (0— Bhanga Kshat- riya 2 660 382 174 (li)— Khen 2 48 31 17 (ill)— Mandal 1 3,381 1,718 1.063 (iv)— RaJbansI 14 10,030 6,670 6,160 1,001 666 446 a- 2(a) Koiri 20 1,120 1.196 2?1 437 381 60 A- 4 Kol 1 31 18 1C n~9H Kumhar 41 00,793 31,080 32.713
  94. 153

    9.825 0.028 A~ 2(a) Karmi 41 4,170 3.280 KS4 2,702 2,086 017 J}-36 l.ohait-liuri C 1,139 592 647 117 40 71

    1- 4

    AiahUi 1 7 7 n--22(a) Ma ira 47 12,321 6,801 5,457 2,970 1,738 1,232 (i)— Halwal 8 1,807 1,271 606 640 660 280 (ii)-KuH 20 6,300 2,040 2,463 868 443 416

    1- 9(a) Mai 21 8.241 5,l!)8 2,716 2,285 l,7s8 497 .4- 2(a) Malakar 25 15,020 7,559 7, 1(57 2,187 1,230 1,261 n-35 Malo 12 7,507 4,173 3,331 087 555 432 A- 4 Manila 2 7.5 60 25 08 47 21 D-36 Murlyari 4 10 11 2 8 0 2 A . 9(a) Masaftar 5 1.222 031 63S 159 110 49 A- 9(a) Natna.sutlra or Vhandul 03 975,020 48.5.350 490,27(5 230,419 112,774 117,045 D~1H Sapit 113 I2n,7^6 0.1,138 04,318 22.440 11,140 11, .31)0 (O' Hajjam . 1 21,717 10,618 1 1,098 31 22 8 E^44 Sat 10 4,314 2,170 2,141 700 .381 370 n-^3o Saniya 30 11,097 9,183 1.914 i,r,;i5 1,188 317 .4- 4 Oraon 1 15 7 8 ... r-i4 Ostral 1 2 2 ... D-‘36 i*asl 2 176 127 49 Kil 116 45 E-^43 Vatial 3 l,2Cl 575 089 1.204 676 080 A- 9(a) Vod 1 738 870 308 9 0 3 A- I Itajput It 14,982 R,01»6 6,880 5.022 3.021 2,601 A-
    9(a) .

    Itajuutr 1 1 1 ... ... A^ 4 i Ha alia 1 28 24 4 28 24 4 A- 9(a) f iadgop 8 1,131 570 655 048 327 321 li- 29(a) / 'ianhhari It 4,764 2,371 2.393^ 2,013 1,431 1,483 .1 4 i iautal 1 C3 34 29 ... l>-i7 'ionUT 8 712 401 341 130 101 29 n~3G } siv/nri 45 161.259 79,692 R1.007 60,5:37 28,788 81,749 (i)-4nrahiyi$

    2 781 778 . 0 1 .311 806 6 li—90 f iutradhar 20 63,970 27,398 20,672 ( 17,270 8,6S8 8,088 A - 2(a) 'i Tamhuli 9 473 258 215 1 327 108 129 D 93 5 r«nfl 49 27,05)3 16,273 12,720 13,007 , 7.3C2 6,646 (i)— Tatwa ... 2 1 1 II ... 1 ... ( « ) Dacca Division — contimed . Faridpub. • Bakharoanj. MAiMAJrsiNon. Total. Male. Feinalo. Total. Mule. Ftmialo |j Total. Male. Female Rkmarkb. j 23 15 8 ... ... 713 372 341 84»470 38,001 40,370 05,023 4H,rtl2 47,310 07,607 48,615 48.902 17 17 10 10 ... 37 37 ... 43 24 10 ... ... ... ... 0 2 4 1 1 I

    •> ... ... ... 117 97 20 319 102 157 625 281 241 i-i.sas 22,649 21,799 ... ... ... ... 656 382 174 4 44 .31 13 ... ... 3,301 1,718 1,603 310 167 163 12 12 9,507 4,846 4.661 no 03 17 13 13 ... 860 709 161 3 2 1 ... 81 16 16 1^979 0,175 0,501 11,079 6.801 6,876 22,082 1 1 ,970 10,700 700 623 177 135 127 8 (5.33 661 82 183 70 101 8.39 407 372 ... ... ... 7 7 ... 3,0-10 1,(583 1.307 289 180 10.3 6,013 3,268 2,766 72 40 32 ... ... ... 846 671 276 2,042 1.434 1,208 276 173 103 1,623 800 727 4 2 2 ... ... 6,065 3,708 2,217 1,048 628 620 1,6(51 780 778 9,027 6,(H)9 4,918 4b0 251 238 320 227 03 6,711 3,110 2,671 ... ... ... ... ... 7 3 4 ... ... ... 8 8
  95. 1 1 1 1 ... 1,061 672 489 287,342 111,000 116,570 208,300 150,1.5.3 148,153 159,059 80,7.57 78,902 20,2(50 10,101 10,1(56 38,009 19,.53l 19,138 17.403 23,667 23,746 3 3 ... 21.683 1 0,603 1 1.090 366 101 103 2,179 1,107 • J,2m2 719 395 321 100 160 40 87 37 ... 9,320 7,709 1,627 16 7 S ... ... ... 2 2 14 10 4 ... 1 1 006 336 300 3 3 31 20 644 800 236 830 686 251 7,980 1,181 3,799 1 1 •• ... 1R4 81 103 1 ... 25»8 1(59 no 607 287 310 938 467 481 i 810 19G 120 1 1 ... ... 1 02 33 29 464 220 228 ... ... 1 168 71 81 35,770 16,464 10,332 18,653 10,979 7,(571 40.293 23,371 22.5*22 ... 1,203 667 646 66 68 48 48 ; 370 .370 8.H58 2,938 1,202 707 685 j 29.611 16,166 14,370 136 64 82 6 2 3 ! [ 6

    1 2,073


    1,294 862 470 386 11,161 6,756 6,396 ... ... 10 10 ( 58 ) TABLE XVI.— Class and Cttste, tribe or group. No. of sub-caste roturuod Total Dacca Divisioy. Dacca. t group. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. /)-»7 Tell 88 48, .886 23,891 24,495 19,107 9,014 10,093 (i) Kalu 9 3.019 1,673 1.446 1,827 944 883 (il) Till 8 186 91 84 161 76 78 A^4 Tippcra 1 480 213 217 •130 213 217 D^/S Tiyar IS 11, m 0,250 6,08.6 3,289 1.S93 1,390

    1- 2 (a) Turn/ia 6 274 248 20 0 5 1 A- 4 Turi Religious devo- tees and per- sons returned by sect. 2 189 90 93 30 10 14 my DUS .8rt,r»50 12,001 18,489 11,209 4.302 0,907 Baitnab 26,608 0,740 16,808 8,072 3,221 6,761 Baol 248 1 17 131 237 112 126 Brahmo 611 361 250 268 140 1 18 Gosain 10 8 2 8 6 2 Mahanta 80 66 41 66 27 20 Ramavat 41 30 II 0 0 ... Saiva 25 23 2 10 10 8akta 103 68 46 79 43 30 Sanyasi 317 169 168 70 35 36 Udasin 150 66 94 138 60 78 ]^nrSAL3IAyS ... 1,101 652 640 81 20 11 Hanifl 127 60 68 Shia 22 21 1 6 4 1 SiddikI 819 302 427 Sunni Persons return- ed by title or common sub- caste . 133 70 63 20 16 10 HINDUS 0;i,290 30.211 33,088 20,091 13,841 10,360 Ambastha 149 06 84 140 66 84 BangaJ 62 30 13 46 33 13 Barendra Bhalua 37 261 23 120 14 126 36 21 14 Buna Das 6,723 47 2,803 24 2,920 23 1,444 600 764 Oe 66 41 24 36 24 1 1 Jaiswar 83 66 17 49 38 1 1 Kanaujia 71 43 28 70 42 28 Mahat 638 201 247 3 3 Mandal 266 120 136 248 112 136 Nabasakh 809 403 476 002 200 303 Nagbansi ... 1 1 1 63 68 1 1 1 63 68 Rarhl ... 620 336 284 1 14 72 42 Raut 326 264 71 ► 6 .. 6 Singh 364 167 107 202 107 176 Sudra 63,061 24,827
  96. 1 24 28,317 1 1 ,666 14,661 MUSAIMANS ... 0,382,004 3,212,617 3,120,087 1,458.880 727,0)2 731,824 Deg 88 64 44 Biswas 126 81 44 Khan 22.208 12,140 10,060 3,609 1,720 1,783 Mir 1,577 816 762 324 166 168 Moghul ... 7,378 3,018 3,460 441 ' 236 206 — Pathan 123,824 60,330 64,404 11,643 6,186 6,648 ( 59 ) Dacca Division — continued. Faeidpu
  97. • 1 Sakharoanj. i' Maimanhinoh. 1 ( II KBMAKK8. Total. Male, Femulii. Total. 1 MrIo. 1 Female. ij Total. Male. Fenialn. 14.081 6,806 8.08.5 6,172 3,965 2,207 8,126 1,016 4.110 364 106 169 ... ... 828 434 304 34 16 18 I ... ... •• 471 237 234 117 114 3 7,4C7 4,015 3.152 15 1.5 ... ... 2.53 22s 25 151 72 70 1 8 ... «,4‘i7 2,337 4.000 3,703 1,535 2.168 i 9,151 3,887 6,327 2,271 4.066 3,634 1,421 2, M3 , 0,776 2,827 3.040 ... 1 1 1 6 6 70 41 • 20 133 78 66 160 102 48 Ml 2 2 ... 40 28 12 4 2 2 ... ! 28 10 9 ... 16 13 2 ... 24 16 0 12 12 36 36 100 70 123 ... ... 21 6 10 157 205 252 013 827 200 127 60 68 17 17 374 166 200 ... 445 227 210 83 40 43 ... 24 14 10
  98. WO 3.5C2 :j,o24 7,751 .'1,001 .'1,853 i 1.8,:iC8 9,107 H.OOl 6 6 2 2 ... ... 261 126 126 3.331 1,674 1,667 167 68 00 781 381 400 47 24 23 ... ... ... ... ••• ... 30 17 13 34 28 6 1 1 ... ... 1 636 200 247 8 8 1 leo 02 107 168 102 00 6 3 2 i 60 261 240 6 6 3 3 31 1 240 71 72 60 22 3,786 1,712 2,073 7,671 3.817 3,754 15,378 7,732 7,646 1.057,026 533.842 024,034 1.462,501 749,624 712.937 2,.'J53,23l 1,201,980 1,151,212 ... 08 64 44 125 81 44 36 24 12 18,663 10,300 8,204 8 6 , 3 1.246 044 601 208 124 1 84 6,441 2,861 2,680 1,268 608 600 3.037 1,663 1,474 84,706 I 50,046 34,763 j 24,146 12,627 1 1,610 1 ( 60 ) TABLE XVL— Total Dacca Division, Dacca. Group. Total. Male. Female. Tutal. Male. Female. Persons returned by title or common sub-caste— concluded. MUSA LMANS-or\Q\\dcA. Sayyid 43,177 22,276 20,001 21,676 10,722 10,063 Shaikh 6,134,217 3,103.804 3,030.323 1,421,094 709.018 712.076 Persons returned by actual occupation. HINDUS 218.000 125,081 122,319 09.1.39 31,s8i) 31,259 Badyakar ... 924 472 452 872 446 426 Betya 613 62 661 382 17 366 Bhatkar 126 69 66 ... Dal 2.074 1,074 1,000 1.663 807 746 Dalai 383 in 212 Dulia •«> 6,467 2.733 2,724 Qhatwal 104 64 40 38 26 13 Goldar 146 72 74 ... Jallya ... 100,839 06.031 04,808 58.939 29,303 20,636 Karigar 169 03 76 169 03 76 Kathuria 612 256 267 224 107 1 17 Kawali 962 792 170 522 466 66 Khelta 61 36 26 Kuli 264 109 85 Mahifarash 332 170 162 144 73 71 Mala 1,368 002 466 439 426 14 Manjhi 6,839 3.696 3,241 178 81 97 Matiya 1,404 789 706 64 44 10 Mistri ••• 1,077 670 607 27 24 3 Mudi 60 37 21 Nagarchi 19 10 9 ... Nikarl 40 26 23 ... Pasban 1 15 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Patikar 656 276 379 1 1 Patnl . 31,036 15.841 15,194 5,296 2,739 2,667 Patua 1,134 671 663 44 19 26 Poddar 74 36 38 15 8 7 Sardar 388 203 186 ... 3nr SALMA NS 09,062 .31,074 .34,388 1.3.097 0.727 0,970 Abdal 66 36 20 ... Badyakar ... . 943 468 486 360 102 187 Oakali 620 298 322 43 21 22 Barjib . 287 161 136 Besya 274 7 267 01 01 Dal 6,668 3,034 2.624 370 184 186 Ohopa 118 69 69 • ► □ hull 671 271 300 Fakir 2,674 1.328 1.246 1,413 708 706 HaJJam 1,670 770 800 239 106 133 Jolaha 14,017 7,461 7,468 6,736 4,702 4,044 Kahar 076 329 346 ... Katu ■ 7,480 3,761 3,729 Karadar 332 163 169 ... Karigar ... 27,004 13,643 13,361 ... . ! Kazi j 164 87 67 164 87 67 ( 61 ) Dacca Division — continued. Fakidplu. BAKnAKOANJ. MAIMAK8ISan. Total. Male. FiMTlulo. Tofal. Male. Feinule. Tolal. Female. 3, GOT 1,00 1 1,766 11,634 6,479 6,066 0,301 3,174 3,127 1.060,070 630.226 620,745 1,300,780 690,239 670,649 2,301.306 1,174,412 1,120,063 46.0-W 2!,r>72 22,377 21.031 12.9.'i3 11,093 108,831 O.'i.lOl 6.1.6W) ... ... 62 20 26 123 14 100 13 ... 13 05 21 74 4 2 2 ... ... 121 67 64 271 141 130 ... •M ... 260 126 124 ... ... ... 383 171 212 ... • •• ... ... 6,467 2,733 2,724 24 14 10 ... ... ... 42 26 17 ... ... 146 72 74 40,782 20,608 20, 1 74 19,007 10,363 9.464 71,31 1 36,707 36.644 70 36 36 218 113 106 ... 114 64 60 ... ... •«

    320 282 44

    •« ... ... 61 30 26 ... • •• ... 264 160 86 fft ... ... laa 97 91 43 43 4 4 ... 072 430 442 101 80 76 ... 6,497 3,420 3,009 ... ... ... ... 1,440 746 696 ... 2 2 ... 1,048 644 604 ... ... ... ... 60 37 21 19 10 0 ... ... .M ... 49 26 23 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 3 1 664 276 379 ... ... ... 2,636 1,310 1,326 3,679 1,808 1,81 1 19,426 0,024 0,501 1,090 662 ’638 ... ... 69 28 31 ... ... ... 388 203 186 36,330 17,070 Cl 78 19,887 10.223 9.0C1 ... ... 66 36 20 ... ... 674 270 290 677 277 o o ... ... 287 161 130 ... ... ... ... 18 1 17 21 2 19 144 4 140 1,710 804 840 ... ... ... 3,670 1,380 1,602 ... 1 18 60 69 • tt .•t 671 271 300 ... ... 1,101 020 641 339 106 173 ... ... ... 092 490 404 2,039 1,027 1,012 ... ... 3,142 1,032 1^10 676 329 340 ... ... ... ... ■ •1 ... 7,400 3,761 3.720 332 1 103 109 ... 27,004 13,643 1 13,301 ... r.. ... Rkmakkh. ( 62 ) TABLE XVI.— Group. Total Dacca Division. Dacca. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Fomalo. Persons returned by actua OCC u pat io n — concluded. MUSA T.MASS -
    -oncludod. Khwandkar 461 241 220 102 60 62 Mahifarath 433 203 230 433 203 230 Mala 339 212 127 260 140 no ManJhI 384 130 246 Matalchi 339 176 164 Mullah 108 no 88 198 no 88 Nagarchl 1.030 623 513 183 87 96 Nailya IG4 60 08 Nlkarl 1.456 619 830 1 10 67 63 Patnl 360 240 126 Patua 666 321 344 Persons returned by loca- lity. U INDUS 1,0.13 321 284 221 63 Biharis 233 176 67 Hindustanis 146 116 31 Marwaris 380 326 56 249 206 44 Uriyas 672 399 173 31 Id 18 Persons returned by un- identifiable caste or unspecified. HINDUS 33.3C5 20,526 12,8:59 2,064 1,516 1,439 Jaraj 4,396 2,100 2,296 2 2 Patit 3.491 2,253 1,238 MU SALMANS 2.1,965 13.117 10, 8W 612 589 23 CUIUSTIANS 18,bH5 9,207 9,678 10,476 4,900 5,576 European 400 240 160 223 136 87 Eurasian 289 171 1 18 189 1 1 1 78 Native 18,196 8,706 0,400 10,064 4,663 6,411 Buddhists^ Magh 0,160 S.2S3 2,877 76 75 1 JA INS 187' 186 1 13 13 SIKU 1 1 1 1 JEW 1 1 1 1 ATHEIST 1 1 1 1 TERSONS NOT RETURNED BY RELIGION, CASTE on TRIBE 73 30 37 65 33 32 Total 9.844,127 4,986,733 4,867,394 2,420,666 1.200,688 1.220,073 ( «3 ) Dacca Dvfisiov— concluded. Faridpub • f I'"" Bakhaboakj. f Uaimansimoh. TotaL Male. Female. 1 Total. Male. Female. 1 Total. Male. female. Kkhabu. 369 101 168 ... 83 72 1 1 384 130 246 330 176 104 ... ... .M • •a 432 206 227 421 231 IQO 164 66 08 ... 1.346 602 783 ... 366 240 126 666 321 344 ... ... ... 211 1(59 42 lOS 92 16 751 5.11 200 ... ... 233 170 67 130 101 20 16 14 2 26 20 82 71 1 1 23 23 61 39 12 ... ... 400 347 143 m an? 10." Rr.o 176 393 2.9,280 18,468 10,812 ! 476 86 oOO 3,018 2,013 1,006 ... ... ... 3,491 2,263 1,238 l.Rll gni 850 12 5 7 21,530 11,. 562 9,008 3,r»:w 1,80.1 1,730 4,059 ' 2..39fi 2,203 211 108 105 99 00 33 GO 20 31 18 0 0 66 30 26 23 18 6 22 12 !0 3^386 1,707 1.078 4,676 2,349 2,227 171 87 84 4 a 1 0,080 .1,205 2,875 8 7 1 ... 1 IGG 100 ... , ... ... 8 3 6 1,797,820 893.091 004,221) 2,153,965 1,104, 1,04.9,621 3,472,180 1,788,010 l,08;j,670 ( 64 ) TABLE XVI.— Class and (I roup. CaBTH ANT) TfilBE. Number (f sub c*ast.e.s returned. Total CniTrAooNd Division. CillTTAOONO Total. Male. Fcmalo. Total. Male. Female. yl- 2(a, Aguri 1 13 0 7 1 1 4 Ahang 1 10 4 6 10 4 6 y|- 1 Babhan 1 1 1 ... ... A- 2(aj Bagdi 10 307 100 147 293 1.53 140 9(aj Baldga 4S 11,893 0,055 5,838 5,SC8 2,941 2,927 liSl Haiti 1 3(>i 193 172 16 16 A- 4 Ilandatoat ... 1 27 27 ... 27 27 ... r-14 Baniya ... 72 19,067 9,521 9,.516 8,738 4/222 4,610 (i) Baisya 12 670 276 204 07 63 44 (ii) Qandha Banik 1 5.056 2.895 2,761 030 470 460 (ill) Khatri .. 1 620 361 269 187 00 97 (iv) Subarna Banik 30 7,663 3,661 3,892 6.231 2,477 2,764 E-43 Bantar 1 .‘1 ... 3 ...
  99. A- 2(a) Barul 20 ir.,498 7,920 7,572 2,918 1,472 1,476 E-44 Bediya 1 i.i:« 572 501 311 161 150 .1- 2(a) Bhar 8 65 H-i 30 5 5 (i) Raj bhar 4 64 26 20 ... fl- 8 Bhat 1 273 11.5 128 1.30 CO 61 jP-59 Bhuimall 40 18,331 9,009 9,322 0,829 3,233 3,606 (i) Hari 16 6,840 3,234 3.006 6.444 2,629 2.916 (Ii) MIhtar ... 4 220 119 107 226 118 107 A~ 4 Bhulya 1 200 108 98 202 ](H 98 A- 4 BhumfJ ... 6 80 37 49 81 86 48 F-48 Bhutia ... 1 8 8 ... ... .1- 2(a) Bind 4 457 4.54 3 1 1 «- 5 Brahman ... 47 00,524 31,073 31,851 ! 23,607 11,700 11,807 r-48 Burmese 1 2 1 2 2 A- 2(a) Chain 1 20 20 ... ... ... .1- 4 ChaJema 01 37,821 20,222 17.699 (a)550 25)7 253 J}-3S Chamar ... 28 7,527 4,242 3,2n.") 511 291 220 (i) Much! ... 14 2,248 1,336 912 : 299 180 119 A 2(a)

    Chasa 1 4 1 3 4 1 3 A- 2(a) BhanuJc 2 10 10 ... ... D-24 Dhoim 51} 47,699 21,219 23,450 1 12,475 6,011 6,461 E-43 J}om 25 11,48.5 7.110 7,339 12,181 C.002 6,179 .4- 2(a) Dusadh 13 82 64 ■ 18 35 23 U (i) Bahelia ... 4 26 23 3 ... ... J}-35 Banrar 1 115 35 80 ... n-~28 Careri 1 24 21 ... ... .1- 4 Oaro 1 3 3 1 ... ... ... A- 4 iihasi 1 10 5 6 10 6 6 A- 2(b) iioala ... 50 13,883 7,W» 6.320 661 329 322 E-44 Gulguiia 1 12 9 • 3

    12 9 3 A- 4 Ountng 4 37 27 10 ... .M ... J>- 23 •fugi 90 147,322 72,829 71,493 .32,723 16,688 17.136 n-29(a) Kacharn 3 327 100 107 ... ... ... D--3S Jiahar ... 23 3,823 2,037 1,786 1,029 626 5o;i A - 2(a) Kaibartta ... ... 29 89,907 41,967 44,940 0,.J03

    .3.122 3,181 J)-19 Kawar 36 10,103 6.31 .3 5,160 2,803 1,322 1,641 (i) Lohar ... 6 249 1 18 131 169 , 83 86 D~22(a) Kandu 1 91 91 ... 17 17 ... Ii-21 Kansari 6 394 187 207 61 28 7> -23 Kapati 12 10.025 5,063 4,902 1 1 “■ i ( 65 ) Chittagong Division. NoAKir.ii,i. 1 TirrKKA. CiTiTTAooNo Hill Tkacts. -♦ ' '1 ■- - Rrmarkn. Total. Male. Female. Total. Mule. Female. ‘ Total. 1 Male. FtMiiale. — . 1 12 6 7 ... ... ... 1 1 ... 11 7 7 ... 1,204 (503 611 4,723 2.343 2,380 98 78 20 ... 348 176 172 ... ... 3.&17 1,943 2,002 0,321 3.297 3,(127 58 67 1 460 217 240 7 0 1 1,743 870 864 2,067 1,630 1,437 10 10 168 83 76 205 168 07 ... 1,701 781 820 021 403 218 ... ... 3 3 3,0S0 1,501 1,625 9,417 4,8S1 4,560 17 12 5 (rt) 4 2 2 (A) 81S 409 'iU9 ... ... (a) MimlmanH, (/>) 144 malcH and 13.5 females relumed im ... (10 30 30 Miisalmaiis. 64 20 28 ri7 23 at G1 34 30 22 22 3,940 1/JSl 1,9(15 7,r.io 3,779 3,701 10 1(5 30 1 26 1 14 1,345 068 677 12 12 ... ... 1 1 3 ... .3 2 1 ... R 8 20 20 4.3(5 4'53 ... 11,010 (5, 4(5(5 5.4U .3(),97(» 16,386 li..584 137 121 10 2(J 20 ■ ... 1,9.S3 1,108 735 (5) .35.288 18,727 16, .5(51 (ff,) Ilnddhisfs, (A) 8,758 mule;, ami 8,02 4 females ret ni ti- 4st5 3:vs JI.7 (5. ISO 3,560 2,914 .51 47 4 ed U.S UuddhistH 88 61 37 1,851 1,005 766 ... ... ... 10 10 ... ’ ... 17,520 9.059 8, K»1 17,(53(5 9,117 8,619 68 62 0 1,(572 818 854 506 293 303 3(5 .33 .3 ... ... 46 '40 6 1 1 ... 26 23 3 ... ... ... 115 35 80 24 24 ... 3 2

    ... ... 2,210 1,157 1,059 10,984 6,051 4,933 .32 20 6 .>7 27 10 45,001 22,277 22.724 65), 441 3-4,809 :44,6.32 1.57 155 2 »«• 327 100 107 ... ... ... 2.29.5 1,139 1,150 I 4S0 3.56 124 j 19 10 3 23,039 11,(124 11,415 (50, .5 47 30,203 80,314 i 18 18 ... 1,853 979 871 .%C12 2,881 2.731 1 i:{‘ 131 4 20 13 10 51 22 29 1 ... ... 74 74 ... 122 4 61 01 211 93 118 i ... C57 .320 831 0,367 4,730 4,(531 ! ... ... ( «6 ) TABLE XVI.'-CHlITAaolTG Class and Number of Sub- Total Cuittaoono Division. Chittagong
  100. Group. Casts and 1 costog rtauruod. Total. Mule. Female. Total. Male. Female. Katanga 1 4 4 4 4 J3- 9 Knyatdha 136 102.841 94,025 97,916 74,206 36,153 38,053 Kewat ii 73 44 29 46 21 26 .1- 4 K hair a ... 1 6 3 2 ... ... A - 4 Kharia ... 3 31 13 18 81 13 18 ,1- S('a, KorMi ... 4 205 159 136 ... ... A- id (a) Koiri ... 3 77 02 15 32 17 15 A- 4 Kol ... 1 7 3 4 7 3 4 Kora 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 .1- 4 Kuki .. 15 2,471 1,170 1,292 ... ... Kutnhar 24 2M71 10,677 10,494 6,031 2,898 3,033 A- 2(a) Kurmi 8 240 177 03 138 89 49 A- 4 Llmbu 1 6 2 3 ... /i-JJ Lohali-Kuri 1 107 72 35 ... ... .1- 4 Lu.ihai 32 1.22:> C87 642 1 1 ... A - 4 Mahili 1 14 7 7 14 7 7 n-22(a) lilaira 27 1,913 1,006 007 45 39 6 (i)Kurl le 1,451 766 605 41 37 4 .1- 2(a) Mat . 13 4,775 2,418 2,357 11 6 6 -1- ii(a) Malakar ... 9 5,281 2,616 2,665 700 304 396 Mato ... 1 3,472 1,796 1,676 317 144 173 .i- 4 Manyar ... 4 40 27 13 ... A 2(a) Mechh 1 51 29 25 -1- 4 Munda 2 144 IS) 75 144 C9 75 .1- 4 Marml 1 1 1 ... ... .1- »r«>) Maaahar ... 1 47 23 21 46 22 24 yl- 2(a) Namatadra Chandal ... or 3 122,188 6.3,491 68,697 2,469 1.240 1,229 n-tfi NapU ... 90 65,788 28.(119 27,769 18.124 1 8,898 9,226 (1) Hajjam ... 2 00 47 61 1 1 E-44 Nat ... (i 2,2S1 905 1,310 (a) H58 318 540 n^o Saniya 12 1,311 1,122 102 ... .1-4 Oraon 1 131 66 68 128 60 68 D-~36 VaH 2 19 17 2 13 11 2 Vatial 2 16 15 1 ... ... A^2 (a) Fod 1 12 12 ... ... A-l Jiajput .. 4 1,889 970 919 665 2sa 277 A —2 (a) Ra}u-ar ... 1 58 32 20 67 81 26 A 2(a) Sadyop 6 25 10 G 7 0 1 l^29(a) Hankhari 4 283 159 124 A-4 Saatal 2 450 385 74 (a) 152 85 67 D 17 Sonar ... 5 824 489 335 427 216 211 J}-3G Sunri ... 8 47,293 23,411 23,882 1,196 582 614 (i) Kalwar ... ... 1 2 2 2 2 Surahiya ... 2 540 244 itHi %2a 224 206 11-20 Satradhar ... ... 41 22,501 11,482 11,109 1,169 579 690 J>-23 Tantl ... 23 3,403 1,785 1,617 2,108 1,040 1,066 n-27 Trli ... 31 1C,2G0 7,480 7,780 8,764 1,576 B,1N9 (i) Kalu ... 2 306 162 213 142 4d 83 (ii) Till ... 1 6 0 A-4 Tippvra ... 07 29,092 16,124 18,968 (fl) 484 278 206 Tiyar ... 3 47 47 ... 8 3 ... A -2 (a) Taraha 2 31 31 ... ... ... A-4 Tari ” 5 398 193 200 279 131 148 ( W ) Division — con timed. ( «8 ) TABLE XVI — CiiiTTAGONO Geoup. Total Cuittaoono Divibios. CUITTAGORQ. Total. Malo. IVnialr. I Total. Maly- Fymulo. Religious devotees and ) persons returned by sect niNnvs 4.077 4,407 1,340 760 59(1 Ilniunab 0.469 2.892 3,667 824 404 420 Haol 08 43 46 8 3 6 Jinihmo 162 106 40 18 18 Itosnin 217 88 129 94 37 67 Mahonta 618 319 299 8 6 2 .Salmi 221 173 40 220 172 48 Sakta 150 92 68 96 62 33 SltHfftlHl 340 240 100 34 20 14 rtlasiu 85 47 38 0 6 4 MVSALMANS * ... 1,0(52 .072 00 10 10 6 Shia 16 to 6 16 10 6 Sunni ... 1.040 062 84 Persons returned by title or common sub- caste. uiynus T3..S08 as.vdj 57,0.00 20,417 31.2^3 Ohojpuri 49 27 22 ... ... Oas 2,919 1,471 1,440 206 136 120 De 394 214 180 308 171 137 Gurkha 246 169 87 Kanaujia 18 18 3 3 Mandal 130 03 40 91 46 40 Rajbansi 664 346 219 131 81 50 Sudra 68.801 32, 1 89 36,672 60,703 26,898 30,806 SlUSALMAyS 2,l»07,t00 1.1*0,107 M:.7,2;« 1*21, !).•{!> 439,501 Khan 177 04 03 62 28 24 Mir 287 165 132 70 36 35 Moghul 423 231 102 301 167 144 Pathan 0,317 3,610 2,001 2,216 1,120 1,00 Sardar 08 78 I 10 88 78 10 Sayyid 12,060 6,960 6,100 7,801 3,764 4,047 Shaikh 2,888.048 1.440, 133 1,447.016 91 1,41 1 434.332 ' 477,070 Persons returned by actual occupation. UINDVS 30,818 ].8,S.SS i7,:»;jo 11,750 6,840 5,010 Badyakar 870 446 426 ... ... Oai 189 00 99 189 00 09 Ghatwal 140 00 74 1 16 68 68 Jaliya 23,006 1 1,830 1 1,240 0,396 4,084 4,711 Kathuria 70 32 38 ... ... ... Kotal 6 4 2 6 4 2 Machhua 1,837 1 801 046 1.828 883 846 Mala . . ... 67 50 1 1 2 2 ... Manjhl 157 07 70 ... ... Mijtrl 177 08 79 78 42 34 Patikar 302 331 61 ... i^atni 0,160 4,667 4,603 ... Peshakar 64 04 1 ... Poddar 22 20 2 22 20 2 ,}ivsALJirAy,s ... 3.442 1,773 1,009 1,629 8544 79,5 Badyakar
  101. 1 120 137 1 ( 69 ) Division — continued. 9 ( 70 ) TABLE XVL-~Chittagono TofAt C1TITTAG050 DIVI 8 IOH. CUITTAOOVG. Grout. 4 Totals Halo, Fi^msle. Total. Male. Female. Persons returned by actua occupation — concluded. MtrSA LMA\S oonpiudfd. Dai ... 260 128 122 8 8 ... Dhopa 6 2 4 e 2 4 Fakir 33 17 16 ... Farash ... . . 4 4 ... • Qhulam 666 272 203 666 272 283 Hajjam 180 83 87 Jolaha 202 106 87 ... Kalal 304 141 163 304 141 163 Knlu ... 84 46 36 84 46 39 Ka/I 386 249 146 166 118 38 Khwandkar 707 368 340 600 248 268 Nagarchi 466 238 216 ... Persons returned by locality. HINDUS ... 863 757 106 185 123 62 Hindustanis 645 624 21 80 63 17 Marwaris , . 38 15 23 38 16 23 Uriyas 38 18 18 2 1 1 Persons returned by unindentifiabje caste or unspecified. HINDUS m 417 460 71 22 49 HV SALMA NS 2.2JI8 1,366 032 1,183 515 668 HVDDHISTS- Magh ... 00.358 41,232 46,126 .57,091 26.63-1 30,460 Vhineue 3 ,3 S 3 Ituddhiita (unuperiped) .3,065 1.600 2,3.56 .3,056 1,418 3,238 CHRISTIA NS 2,0.32 1,116 916 1,191 061 530 European 338 267 81 266 206 60 Eurasian 048 317 331 676 276 300 Native 1,046 642 604 360 180 180 JAINS 10 10 ... FERSONS NOT RETURNED UY RELIGION, CASTE OR TRIBE. 1.081 08.5 996 Total 4,100,081 2,095,960 3,094,121 1,290,167 615,868 67-4,299 Division — concluded. ( 71 ) Noasjiatj. 1 TirPBBA. 1 CuiTTAOOVa IIlI.L THACTfi. Ubmarkn. ToUl. Male. Female. Total. Mule. Frnialfl. Total, Male. Female. 44 20 24 188 too 08 ... 33 17 18 ... 4 4 ... ... 180 03 87 160 83 77 42 22 20 ... 230 131 108
  102. ... 197 107 90 4 3 1 ... ... 465 230 218 ... .'♦58

    563 110 71 3;) 666 661 4 38 18 18 77 IS 64 I.’jO 71 88 noo 341 259 ... 2S9 204 502 502 ... 1 1 1.‘217 nil non 1 32,017 1 10.087 1.5,000 SOU 101 118 : ... Oil »so S05 , IMS 100 70 18 I 13 5 iO 7 3 67 33 24 IB ; 1 1 4 66 31 26 ! 18 1 i 6 •1 1 676 298 277 |i 100 62 • 47


    2 ... i: 10 10 ... ... ... 1 1 i 1,981 US6 yy,0!)3 ,'ios,7a7

    1,7.S2.1«5 y 11.799 871,130 j i 107.S10 1 1 '17,720 F 4 ( ) TABLE XVU, Clnsa and Group. Casts and Tribe. Nuiidwr of ' sub-nistPf retunu'il Total Patna Division. Patna, Gaya. Shahabad. Tnfnl. Malo. Fumnlc. Total. Mal(\ Fcraalo. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. 1 f’-I4 Agaru'ala ... 9,47« 4.5fi7 4,009 1,010 814 802 ( 3,213 1,«9 1,79-4 1,460 699 '1 8C7: r-j4 Agrahari 40 8,07i* 4,001 4,015 1,.5H7 753 831 I'U 87 D7 2,035 1,073 f€2i .4- 9(a) A mat ‘JS 47,(><13 2.3,203 21,100 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 4 li i>-J4 Asur 1 283 118 187 ... ... 285 14S 137 ... ... ... 1 .4- 1 Itabhnn (575 889,713 447,091 142,029 j 158,l{)-4 78,875 79,319

    165..578 84,128 81,450 90,397 62, SOI as.otij' il- 9(a) BaUlga 4 11.5 76 ■40 ! ... ... ... 2.5 15 10 i 4 Ita ntluivat ... 1 6l»3 293 312 i - ... ... 00.5 293 312 ... V-14 liaiiij/a 211 217, 191 105.175 112,310 j 30,807 14,9.53 1.5,!)U 4.5, .547 22,102 23,14.5 23,120 11,817 (i)Adrakhi ... 2 6,494 3,035 2,461 I ... 6,494 3,033 2.461 ... ... (ii)— Bais 0 12,060 6,302 6,048 339 164 186 10 10 (iii)— Barnawar 63 1 6«gQ 1 8,21 1 8,760 1,980 848 l,lo2 3,071 1,407 1,674 60 36 34' (iv)— Jaunpuri ... 0 4,214 2,082 2,132 1,339 621 718 23 0 14 ... (v) — Kasarwani oO 23,100 1 1,416 1 1,091 j 3,203 1,649 1,654 3,176 1,668 1,617 1 1,646 6,618 6,02b (VI)— Kasojan 4 1,606 816 800 76 47 29 142 68 74 1,003 469 634 (vil)— Kath ... 1 4,368 t,94i 2.427 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (viii)— Khatri ... 1 9.392 4,760 4,020 1,679 700 019 781 373 408 1,361 608 G9o (lx)— Mahurl oO 20,103 9,045 10,460 a 180 3,003 4,217 1 1,921 6,080 6,241 1 ... ... (x)— Nichondia 2 3,267 1,416 1,841 ... ! - 5,267 1,416 1,841 j s\ (xi) Rastogi ... 14 1,734 865 079 160 78 i 78 1 1 ; 112 48 64 \ (xil)— Rauniar 21 69,101 28,861 30,200 0,364 3,149 j 3,216 9,134 4,386 4,749 0,643 4.322 4,321 (xiii)— Sarawak 6 434 213 221 263 127 130 171 80 85 ... ... (xlv)— Sindurla 21 8,301 3,903 4.300 j 1,482 623 859 1,068 938 1,030 1 318 213 105 JC-43 Itaotar ... fi 0,180 3,U3S .3,112 ... ... ... ... i ... ... D-20 liarhi 4i) 149, .'>13 72,.5U9 70,8(11 21,5.5.5 11,981 1..571 .37,289 18,100 19,123 i 12,981 6,290 o,r.oi K-k.'i Itari 41 20 .383 12,571 1.3,809 8,819 1,893 1 ,9.50 2,751 1,315 1.40G ' 7.174 .3,375 3, Tin A - 9(a) ttarai 15 75,432 ,30.1.50 38,9.82 3,10s 1,070 1,828 6,121 2,1133 2,G.5S 6,855 2,036 3,‘Jlt) F.44 Itfdiya 8 4.110 1,858 2,2.52 (rt)US9 359 350 291 98 100 ... ... i:-4i Itehlar 40 17,175 23,441 2.3,7:11 16.S71 8,3:i5 8,530 17,181 8,712 8,4:i9 232 121 111 A- 9(a) llhar 2S 31.(tiH) 10,929 17,071 i,.3ni 013 718 1 fi 11,608 6,075 (i)--Rajbhar ... 2 1,841 877 964 1,350 629 727 1 ... ... 64 36 29 It- H nUat 47 2s.2sl 13,C01 1 i.oso 1,319 755 594 1 5.^10S 2.026 2,813 6,774 2,855 2,'Jl'J A- 4 Ilhoiya s 91,115 41,10.5 •18,0511 5 5 91,11(1 44,400 40,050 ... ... ... J'-^48 Jlhntla 1 9 1 5 9 4 !) ... ... ••• ... A- 9(0) mud .51 97,932 41,890 .5;i,012 4, K;2 1,010 2,8-10 163 71 80 20,683 0,218 11,.W y;- 5 Brahman 3o;i 30,721 30,782 1 210,413 98,928 111,1V .1- 9(0) Chain ... 17 0.313 2,733 .3,01(1 3 o:{5 1..551 2,0Hl 12 7 5 1 Chamar 10.5 72s,9x'» 311,797 387,18(5 57, .311 27,059 29,055 84,015 •49.371 •13.041 ! 106, .311 47,376 57, o:!*; ( 1 ) -Muchl ... 4 84 46 39 ... ... ... 1 1 - ... 1 n- 9 Charan 1 2 1 1 ... ... ... ! 1 1 ... ... A- 4 Chero ... a 1,52.-. 777 718 ... ... ... I 1 1 ... 760 382 3> n - 5 Dhamln ... 1 122 (13 59 ... j ... ... ... ' ... ... .1- 9(a) Jthaaak , ... 272.299 1.30,10;; 111,830 .30,443 17,416 19,()2s 2,919 1.412 1,.5.37 1,701 810 RH n-94 Bhupa ... .’1.5 i 1.5,31.'. 70,378 71,9:17 12.981 6,129 6.655 1 18,414 9,i:io 9,314 17,92.1 8,042 !i,ssi E 43 Tiom ... S3 .50,1 l.S 21,‘241 25,874 4,039 2,299 2..310 1 7, -129 .3,798 3,721 7, .59.5 3,741 3,S.'9 A— 9(a) Dusndh ... ... 113 .872,075 427,285 4-15, :i90 98,931 48,737 60,194 j 110,192 .54,747 65,445 ^5,068 40,090 4i.:«!

    (i) -Bahciia 1 1,684 704 820 17 8 i 17 6 12 926 449 477 li-lt ilandhar ... 1 1,,522 717 775 7 2 6 1 62 20 20 421 281 J>-8« Oarrrl ... 20 .83,0.3-l 40.273 4.3, C(a 8,524 4,157 4,:i(;7 1 l,C07 7.075 7,632 ' 22,174 10,382 rt,7fs J- 9(h) (Joala ... 72 2,00.5 709 99.5,.320 1,010,3S9 22t»,.340 1,127 107,509 323.294 101,8.31 101,400 1 i 273,037 131,20.5 J} -36 Goti0'hl ... 5 100.402 49.491 50,971 8,775 4,238 4, .5.37 67 21 30 12, .510 6,891 j:-44 O algal ia ... 1 351 189 102 163 78 76 198 111 87 ... ... 1 A- 4 < fiurung ... 2 57 45 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i n 11 llajjum 43 228,101 110,807 117.2^1 20.,374 12,703 1.3,671 ;i5,135 16,970 18,159 29,101 14,073 l>-92(a) Ilattvai ... 'M 77.701 38,4.51 39,310 0,108 4,467 4.G11 13,559 6,790 6,769 522 ^19 273; V-S9 Jlari ... 45 21,102 10,049 11,113 2,103 1,048 1,066 1.474 702 772 3,670 1,674 (i)— Mihtar 44 4,000 2,240 ».360 1,472 739 733 10 7 9 1,106 649 616'


    ■ —

    ( 73 ) nrA Division. DABBHANOA

    MrzAPFARPun. ll"" SAttijr. CUAMPARAy. RE.MARK8. otali Male. Female, Total. Male. Female. j T(.tal. Male. Female. j Tnlal. 1 Mali!. Fi'male. 1,110 608 508 809 466 a43 823 411 414 161 220 181 2 2 ... 1,618 806 812 1.121 328 5l)rt 1.569 815 754 42,232 20,7r>2 21,480 5,320 2,4.55 2,S7l 3 3 ... !»7 -19 4,8 143,0119 71,417 72,282 176,323 87.100 89,217 127,026 60,8.38 66,188 j [ 28,V.)6 13,016 15,181) • 9« 66 30 ... ... ... ... ... ! “ ... 36,160 17,823 18,337 21,909 10,717 11,1!>2 27,6.39 i 12,202 15,1.37 ! 32.219 16,061 16,1.58 2,195 6,654 6,241 399 183 ... 210 1 ! , 1 6,020 1 ;;; d,000 1,467 1,633 617 283 231 • 2,890 2,930 ! 2,704 1,388 1,316 2,264 1,169 1,105 102 43 69 ll ... ... 1 406 260 236 286 143 143 1,633 800 733 1 1,002 842 900 I 1.661 805 760 ... ... 1 6 6 ... ! 469 226 243 2,001 068 1,033 2,006 81 1 1,194 1 ... 1 362 162 200 4,260 2,171 2,089 160 64 86 1 394 208 100 1 867 624 343 ... 2 2 ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 - 1 ... ... 60 40 60 03 42 21 1.200 615 661 40 32 14 6,714 2.702 2,932 0,736 3.331 3,404 i 9,727 1 4,437 5,200 12,784 0,446 0,339 1,644 816 829 1 974 471 C03 1 1,145 ... GI4 631 830 389 441 .'•,4!)2 2.668 2,824 I 613 270 243 97 53 '14 i 78 17 31 83,061 16.661 17.400 j 15,728 7,78.5 7,943 17.619 8, .'.56 1 9,063 ; 8,077 4,067 4,010 i,o:h) 61 r. 575 ' 1 2,069 997 1,072 , 7,495 3,478 4,017 ! 1 ,955 971 !)84 i7,3o:i 8.564 8,841 , 19,672 9, 41 11 lo.isi 12.1.53 .5,837 6,318 11.736 fi,7!»9 5.937 220 238 (e) 1,623 GS2 843 (^/) 1,1.39 515 624 r
    4 1 (a) 2 40 malo8 nml 230 females retiirnod av yjr)! 3,577 4.174 i 4,549 2,.3s| 2,168 9 1 ,8 582 287 2'J5 MiiHtilniiiiiH. {h) Ru' i ut iii‘il iiN Mimalnmim. 23!) 11.5 121 ... ... ... 1 12, .536 .5,s60 6,670 ; 8.219 4,235 1 .3,981 (i ) 202 iiihIch anil 273 females returned us 239 1 IG 124 1 1 7 6 2 176 93 82 Mnsiilmiiris. (rf) 244 mules tinil 296 females 703 304 399 2,824 1,3.39 1.48.5 3.9!).3 1,653 2,340 1 8,173 4,073 4,100 letiiriicd as Miml- ... ... ; ... i ... 1 UIUIIN. 6,031 2.36!) 2,662 20,164 10,0!»2 lo,o02 20,208 7,924 12.284 j 27.331 13, .567 13.764 100,191 !)!),67:3 100,521 , 98,021 42.537 55, 18 4 161,67.’ 78, 130 .86,245 1 .84,493 '1 4,093 16,400 1 1,32.5 540 785 .VO 172 414 i 783 ' 462 321 01,002 47,1)91 63 011 , 127,130 (VI, 23 4 (w, s:»6 127.214 .55.<»ol 72.213 j I26;)i»7 63,16.6 63,831 ... ... 44 25 10 i 20 20 ... ... .SO 46 34 1 (-.8 4 1 .348 336 122 63 69 ... ... j ... ... ... •I2,f)2l 67,970 74,561 1 68.1.5!) 28,499 29,660 ; 19,063 8,562 10, .501 ll.VIV) 5 795 .5,665 21,657 11,988 12,06!) 1 29,1 41 14,635 1 4,(V)6 20,810 !),726 11,0,84 21.:i55 10,827 r*.3io 2,ftW 2,676 7,486 3,205 4,281 ' 9, 499 4,61 1 1 4,888 S,I,M },Ol4) 4,114 14,0.3!) 105,828 108,711 188,124 94,013 94,109 , 84,879 39.2o; 1.5,670 91,152 41,553 16,809 7 4 3 1 7 3 1 1 1 • 600 294 316 m3 • 441 602 7.5 38 37 l! i 12 3 7 i 9 4 5 10.019 4,877 6,142 10,439 4,872 5,607 j 10,730 5,222 .5,508 1 1 7,411 3,6‘8 3,753 6s,ni2 ' 185,435 383.177 .328,874 164,987 163,887 307,820 1 45,945 161,87.5 183,732 93,143 90,:, 8!) 12.988 6,232 6,756 8,923 4,.3n'1 4,5 K) .*10,974 1 12,627 18,317 1 32,205 16,099 16.106 52.017 ... ’. i 57 45 12 1.5,541 16,476 411,792 20.730 23,062 34,350 15,718 18,632 27 239 15,126 12,11.1 *0,736 19,558 20,178 10,093 4,98!) 6,l0i 1,101 528 ! 576 3,6.3'

    1,870 l,7ft9 3,603 1,670 1,827 3,385 1,720 1,665 4,0.50 1,829 2,221 S.077 1,500 1.577 ■ ... •• 18 1 1 604 266 209

    1,366 809 696 riasa Mid Group. n-ss A- 9(a) n-35 • A- 2(a) n^36 D-22(a) E-44 D-21 B- » J)-3S J- 4 .1- 4 yl~ 2(a) .1- 9(a) .1- 9(a) A- 4 K-41 n^9fi A > 2(a) V>-t9 .1- 2(a) li-35 A- 4 A- 4 .4- 4 .1- 9(n) .1- 2(eO .4- 2(a) E-44 A - 4 D~39 D-30 A- 4 C 14 11-34 . 1-1 .1- 9(a) .1— 2(a) 1- 4 D 11 n-3S A - 9(a) t-2(a) n-93 l>-»7 A- 2(a) D-91 n-35 A- 9(a) A- 4 ( 74 ) TABLE XVI.-PATNA Ca8TK and 1 JlIBB. Number of ub-asteH returnud. Total Patha division. Patna. Qaya. « Shah AB AD. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male, Female. Tdtul. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Juul 50 10,88.3 -4,974 5,911 1,635 786 860 2,828 1,237 1,.591 2,160 997 1,163 Kadar i lU 0 10 ... 19 9 10 ... Kahnr .57 3.30,223 1B4.218 186,005 82.H16 30.760 43,050 126,770 59,767 66,003 61,089 29,064 32,025 Kaihartta 1 81 12 519 ... 81 42 519 ... ... ... Kaltvar fi'i 2.30, !»8!) 113,-412 123,547 14,977 7,133 7,8-44 9.130 4,261 4,882 39,162 18,170 20,982 (i)— SunrI ... 61 89,616 42.667 47.048 7,976 3,620 4,349 0,966 3,237 3,718 8,030 3,673 4,367 Kandn 5!) ■400,317 194,010 212,331 20,148 14,144 15,004 22,0vS8 10,628 11,400 03,067 30.939 33,028 Kfitijar 4 .3:>7 210 1H7 119 00 .59 -451 29 11 81 40 41 Kasera .30 1.4,2.30 0,980 7,2b7 0,214 3,032 51,182 4,751 2,299 2,452 716 367 358 Kiiyastha «7 200,807 139,011 151,1(81 28,064 13,740 14,324 -44,212 21,246 22,900 51.297 24,260 27,037 Kvwat 3.3 82,70.8 39,100 43,269 230 102 128 6 1 4 441 222 219 Khar la 1 2 2 2 2 ... Khnrtrar G 7,503 3,875 3.627 1 1 517 20 17 7,434 3,854 3,010 Khatf>e .31 08,072 33,168 515,514 4 2 2 20 13 13 26 13 13 Khali k 27 0,870 3,228 3,042 680 2!)4 2!)2 489 237 252 47 18 29 Koiri 87 903,010 '417,821 '455,189 80,222 40.386 519,830 149,351 76,179 7.3,172 1-47,00(1 71,597 76,499 Kol ») 227 77 150 ... 10 8 2 217 09 148 Kora 1 051 445 500 •• 26 9 17 925 4516 480 Kamhar 00 202,702 07,2.33 106,500 23,971 11,877 r2,!)9-4 25,095 12.011 13,084 24,798 11,696 13,203 Karmi 08 007,733 5413,187 5K44,540 200,791 98,261 102,530 44,261 21,802 22, .399 69,039 28,778 30,261 Lohar 234 2ii2,072 98,247 104.725 MI3 3.937 4,170 18,299 8,981 9,318 28,-463 1-4,125 14,338 (i)— Kamar . 30 9,167 4,460 4,607 801 438 463 44 21 23 ... Molakar 83 47,207 22,009 2-4,598 5, .323 2,022 2,701 6,160 3,080 3,080 5,673 2,551 3,022 Malo 1 24!) 125 124 « 14 27 Vat Paharla 1 4 2 2 ... 4 2 2 ... ... Manyar 2 210 171 -iS ... ... i ... Muuda 1 23 13 10 ... 23 13 10 Murh/arl 1 2C4 120 144 8,284 Munahar 17.3 277,009 137.181 140,218 37,210 18,7.38 18,-472 68,280 29,057 29,223 16,009 8,625 Nuffar 7 1.70S 002 800 512 13 19 ... ... 517 17 20 Natna'tadra or 4 2 2 ... ... 1 Chandal 1 4 1,341 Nat .30 11,052 5,1!)8 5,854 (a)709 378 331 (i) 1,210 544 672 (e)2,455 1,114 Kewar 2 18 16 3 ... ... yiijari 1 29 21 6 20 23 0 . 11,606 Nauiya b'l 20.3,1.39 123,097 141,102 13,207 0,5^45 0,062 10, .323 8,^15 22,474 10,908 Oraon 2 21 21 2 2 10 10 7 7 ... Oswal 1 2 -4 ... ... 5,«i0 5,680 Paul 47 11.3,887 .30.801 .39,080 .35,495 17..382 18,113 39.H07 19,812 20.055 11,230 JtaJjiut Oiit 1 l,(r< 1,187 ! 632,830 538,657 07.vS.30 51.3,8.51 33,979 113,234 60,612 50,022 218,903 i:i8,724 142,239 Kajwar 22 54,794 20,278 28,510 -4.260 2.010 2,244 42,269 20,2!)3 21,970 7,187 3,439 3,748 Sudyop 6 101 82 70 69 517 32 44 17 27 2 2 Santal 1 130 70 54 17 9 8 113 67 46 10,116 10.681 Sonar t;k3 137,7-41 66.805 70,9516 1 21,082 10,718 10,964 17,200 8,-427 8,839 20,797 Surahiya 1 11 11 0 9 ... * r ... Sarbhany 10 3.34 21.3 130 ! ... ... 2.079 2,010 • Tambuli Mi 2.3,7.32 12,683 13,009 3,569 1,740 1,829 6,482 2,770 2,706 5.580 Tatica 28 200,030 97, -lU 1 102,616 20,818 9,797 11,021 6,645 2,691 2,834 9.087 4,144 4,943 (l)-Tanti ... 22 64.028 31,031 32,687 2,389 1,170 1.21 1 692 300 332 6,421 3,022 3,300 TWi .35 Mj 4,701 214,888 230,873 57,023 27,933 29,091 69.246 28.834 30,412 47,444 21,095 26,49 Jftwn* 30 28.100 14,09-4 14,006 ... Thathera .3.' 12,21.3 5,9.38 6.287 2,041 903 1,078 2,176 967 1,208 2,099 1,174 i)2S Tiyar 0 4,108 1,3.33 2,846 1,706 520 1,186 SO il0 20 98 10 83 luraha 50 70,:i0i 31,778 38,6L3 477 231 2^46 ... 4,239 1,098 2.241 56U 688 1,181 619 612 186 40 79 Turi 1 1.257 1 1 ( 75 ) jjyigiON" contifiucdm


    Mr/APPARPIR. Sarab. CUAlfPiRAir II Bimarks. Total. Hale. Female. Total. Male. 1 Female. Total. Male. Female. 1 ! Total. Male. Fomalo. 421 200 221 1,568 635 oai 1.038 -165 .57.3 1 1,2,13 653 5S0 6,428 8.086 3.348 25,6.58 ll,-473 14,185 12,611 18,168 21,173 6,810 2,lM)l 2,915 40.837 20,086 21,3.52 73,196 .31,920 38,276 21.395 1(».K55 13,510 33.796 17,12.5 16,071 2e,e68 12,833 14,136 36,306 1 7.620 18,786 1,682 739 843 1,800 930 861 33,511 16,232 17,279 93.412 -14.353 49,059 95,6;i3 43,191 .52.442 08,.58,S 34,529 31,059 12 6 7 23 12 11 -15 21 21 71 40 31 8(10 392 408 705 :i.'J7 368 7(»o .380 .320 371 102 179 40,6S1 19.368 21,313 48,169 22,911 25,248 50,770 23, 3W 27,122 27,621 1 1.738 12,886 68,284 32,616 3.5,768 8,091 3.711 4,380 1 2 1 5,71 1 2,915 2.709 61,880 29,919 31,961 6,736 3,211 3, .525 i - ... 1.191 561 033 1,{>02 828 1,074 1 1,791 SOI !i30 861 429 112 125,701 61,103 04, .598 121.‘.)07 59, '49 4 62,113 j 169,850 i 82,718 87,138 108,877 56,311 52, .533 34,878 17.02-4 I7,:i54 -42.311 19,503 22,718 j 26,35.5 11,515 14,840 21,951 12,738 12,210 55,:i2.5 26,776 28,650 117,5(58 52,807 64,761 121,601 56,6185 0.8, (Hm 96,145 48,108 18,037 11,617 7,213 7.274 57,917 27,537 :io,3so 17, 170 22,270 2.5.200 28,15)3 11,151 1 1,0.3.) 6.261 3,010 3,241 60 41 17 ... ... 1,913 060 063 6,638 3,074 3,464 11,802 5.61S 6,214 6,393 2.911 .3,1.52 5,118 2,753 2,665 208 111 07 264 120 111 ... 1 219 171 48 73,581 36, .365 37,166 ■W.670 22,076 23.594 5,K93 2,588 3,305 ■10.2(>6 2'i,032 20.171 8H8 177 211 320 196 121 ... 95)1 499 -l!t2 (rf) 2,0-11 932 1,109 (?) 1,404 690 714 (/) 2,186 1.1.58 1,328 711 382
  103. (n) 17 malea an<1 S7 fHinalcH returned aa n PJ 2 2 2 7 7 Mumtmiins. {h) 260 V 4 1 ... iivihw and .309 fomaloN rptuinod as MiMal- mans. (e) 91)8 inalea 28J)16 12,066 15,360 62,888 24,HS3 28,005 79,318 31.610 44.702 .52,5MJ3 2i;,2RI 26,622 and .38 f«malns re turiiisl us MiiMalinaiiN ... 2 2 ... ... (d) 5 MK luiUe.s and 1,00.5 frimileH rnturiiefi aa ... ... ... MiisaliiinnN. (?) 307 0 2 4 ' iniileH and 3.32 fomalo* 11,407 6,.555 6,852 10,936 4,951 5,985 4.655 2,289 2.56*. 2,297 1,102 I 1,1.35 1 rctiirnnil aa MiiHal.- iiianH. (/) 008 malfw 85,729 46.-440 40,283 170,571 87,217 83,321 266,720 125,916 140,804 1 80,110 1 4.5,031 1 41,106 and 748 fnmaloi re turned ai Muealiaanf. 1,078 530 54H , 1 1 1 11 5 6 22 11 11 12 0 3 1 16,690
  104. 7,866 7,734 2-4,284 11,124 1.1,100 23,589 10,863 2 12,725 14,525 7 692 6,833 13 10 3 311 20.5 1.36 4.966 2.437 2,618 3,008 1,472 1,536 725 3.37 388 2.121 1,212 1,1 H2 72,047 36/201 86,846 61.760 26,049 25.711 8,472 3,634 4,838 32,301 irj,S5<8 16,V)3 62,679

    26,902 26,777 144 63 81 679 238 340 1.124 607 667 ’ 81,619 3!), 627 41,992 79,115 35,219 V3,89C 7(»,798 32,072 38.126 68,910 29,509 29,-407 453 1 26 22 4 27.620 1.1,810 13,810 261 102 1 ••• 8,276 1,641 1,734 1.694 876 819 175 97 78 1 1 786 311 445 1 628 306 433 • 62 70 82 1,376 333 1,043 ... ... 6,939 2,606 3,883 13,110 6,183 6,927 19,861 7,727 12,124 26,775 13,^33 13,742 ( 76 ) TABLE XVL-PiKi 1 1 ■■ —
  105. — "

    — r - : Total Patni Division. Patna. Gaya. 1 iSlIAUADAD Gnorr, 1 1 Total. Male. Female. || Total. Male. Feinalo. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female, j Religious devoteej and persons returned by sect. HINDUS 43,?r.r. 47,111 K.G13 4,1S5 4,128 7,.50fl 4,0.54 3,512 9,370 4,497 4.8S2 Aghorl 2,476 1,164 1,31 1 ... ... 63 26 37 140 62 TS AJnasi 34 18 16 ... ... ... ... Atith 47,050 21,447 26.203 1.218 472 740 1,228 013 016 7,141 3,406 3,736 Baisnab 8,300 4,783 3,007 546 326 220 1,060 1,003 847 006 381 616 Bhartari no 70 32 14 13 1 42 32 10 ... Brahmachari 82 44 30 13 1 1 2 ... ... Orahmo 20 22 0 ! 6 3 3 ... ... ... 17 16 2 Fakir 6,704 2,720 3,036 1,733 763 070 274 120 148 606 291 274 Qosain 6,660 3,407 3,243 3,438 1,682 1.766 2,661 1,423 1,138 323 182 141 Kabirha 895 436 460 0 0 ... 708 313 393 ... ... III Mangta 706 344 421 ... ... ... ... ... ..1 ... Ramavat 664 373 201 ... ... ... ... ... ... Sadhu 010 697 313 201 160 61 65 27 28 240 130 no BanyasI • 13.404 6,614 6,700 621 327 204 465 203 172 300 171 ■ 29 Udasin 128 74 64 24 20 4 66 27 28 ... ... ... MU SALMANS ... a.u.w 1,41(1 i,r>i:i isPj 421 171 ... ... in 02 3[» Hanifi 3 3 3 3 ... • M 1 New Musalman 409 131 278 107 36 72 ... ... 27 12 16 8hia 136 03 42 10 3 7 104 80 24 Blddiki 731 366 370 731 366 370 ; ... ... ... Bunnl 1,081 834 047 44 26 10 ... ... 1 Persons returned by title or com- mon sub-caste. niNvvs ‘:ivW7 12,014 i2,ri:>Jj 1 2.02'' 1.377 1,.551 (5,702 3,447 2,2.52 1,023 1,229 Danaudhia 2.264 1,110 1,1 oO 474 246 229 1 10 4 6 ... ... 1 Banpar 7,012 3,223 3,709 1 1 164 008 , 0,082 2,086 3,097 ... ... ... 1 Buna 10,990 6,600 6,482 ! ... 189 01 i 08 1 1,230 616 614 ! Jaiswar 1.677 747 030 1 449 200 240 181 83 08 016 346 470 Madhesia 100 89 91 1 187 08 89 1 ... ... ... Raut 1,130 670 608 j I 043 1 474 409 1 ... ... ... j MUSALMANS ... SS7,r.7t5 417,3.'10 470, .120 1X1, W'i 62.W1() 41,(J3S IW.IS!) AG, SGI) 110,270 50,4()() 2(5,019 32,611 1 Mir 796 362 443 : 1 1 ... 226 74

    161 ! Mirxa 766 396 301 371 200 166 t.. 106 88 107;! Moghul 6,840 2,676 3,104 1,673 796 777 828 378 460 1 742 346 3071 Naik 136 64 81 ; 2 2 ... 133 62 81 ... 1 Pathan 121.482 67,672 63,010 ' 12.392 6,968 6,434 : 20,491 13,713 16,778 21,310 9,868 1 1,642 1 Bayyid 67.261 28,196 29,066 1 14,207 6,041 7,566 ! 1 3,076 6,927 7,149 0,222 3,060 3 , 172 ! Shaikh 701,417 328, 1 1 1 373,300 1 67,862 38.650 20,306 153,61 1 60,709 86,812 50,766 13,894 17,072 Persons returned by actual occu- pation. niNinis ... 403,110 100,500 212,010 20,712 9,HM1 10,831 21,068 • 10,0.51 • 11,017 27,920 11,618 10,303 Bald 1,427 676 761 ... ... ... ... ... Bakho 168 04 74 1 62 34 28 ... ... Bardai 1,378 766 023 1 ... ... .. ... «»

    Bhanr 107

    63 44 j ... ... ... ... ... 19 II • 8 Bisatl 214 102 112 ' 3 3 ••• ... ... 3 1 2 Chhipigar 66 34 32 : 20 12 8 ... ... ... .M Churlhar 642 310 332 1 08 37 31 206 93 t 113 318 168 160 Dai 346 142 203 336 137 109 6 1 4 ... ... ... Qhatwal 6,101 2,401 2,610 ... ... 6.001 2,483 2,608 10 8 2| ( T! ) pi VI SI ON tttlltcd* MuZAfFABl’UB. Champaran. Male. Fcraalo. Total. Mali*. FrinaU'. i Total. Malo Foinalc. , Total. Male. Fonialo. 627 634 49 64 104 iOl 33 126 00 36 3 3 109 .'iO 119 100 40 H4 517.’) 1,117 796 044 172 236 17 0 ,‘i 7 r) ' 1,1578 4 ,ri 5>7 0 1 03 45 GO 0,641 4,319 4,222 78,803 H 109,118 78,191 30,048 38,169 02,469 30, «2 32,137 r>,1,261) 10(1,619 9 64,810 26,812 7 1,418 10 , 44.6 [ 16,097 77 , 2 W I :W. 2 nj 674 I 744 ... I . . 1,370 766 023 17 30 ' 20 10 TABLE XVI.Pat»4 GBour» Total Patna Division. Patna, Gaya. BnAHABAl] Total. Male. Pomale. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Femile. Persons returned by actual occu- pation — contd. tTiS-conold. Kabari 1 1.892 6,792 6,100 1 880 438 442 Kamkar 21,490 i 0,284 i 1,206 il 8 3 ... ... 10,023 4,643 6,480 Kaabi 30 36 7 7 ... ... ... 16 ... 15 Kawall 03 67 36 2 2 ... • a# ... ... 01 66 36 KharadI . . •• 30 16 20 26 8 i6 10 6 4 1 1 Kotal 164 84 70 ... • •• ... ... Laheri ... i3,8l9 6,073 7,148 603 298 806 610 209 260 33 26 7 Machhua 1,269 602 707 1.260 662 707 ... ... ... Mala 320.648 i 63.866 172,683 16,633 7.664 7,979 10,240 4,749 6,487 16,104 6,010 8,278 Manjhi 1,186 604 681 Mukarl 67 38 31 ... ... Patua 1 1,323 6,343 6.980 1,430 068 778 3,128 1,623 1,606 1,907 790 1,168 Pawaria 864 410 444 i79 01 88 03 47 40 67 26 41 Ramjani 466 182 283 76 28 47 100 40 60 166 62 03 Rangrez 300 188 211 7 4 3 7 3 4 Sangtarash 883 420 463 ... 883 420 463 • M Sardar ... ... 610 293 317 i 43i 2il 220 166 70 86 23 12 1, Sikalgar 284 142 142 1 4 2 2 1 , Tikalihar 768 312 440 ! Ii7 43 74 24 10 14 ' MrsALHAva ... S32,fiC.'5 437.l7.'i I OS, 43.3 31,4H7 30,940 18,116 7,611 io..m 84,580 38,051 45,629 Bakho 038 460 478 420 209 21 1 1 1 Barhl 2,626 1,279 1,246 ' 33 16 17 ... ... ... Besatl 840 382 404 i 2 1 i ... ... 610 234 282 Bhanr 1,497 883 614 i3 0 4 ... ... 468 439 29 Bhat 4,604 2,036 2,468 104 40 68 ... ... 1,613 743 770 Bhathlara 1,496 626 870 j 211 87 124 167 60 88 1,000 460 010 Bhisti 79 42 37 I 79 42 37 ... ... Chamar 2,840 1,277 1,672 i ... ... Chhipigar 876 426 461 ... • M ... Chik 033 436 498 1 491 223 268 ... ... 266 117 130 Churihar 14,627 7,281 7,246 : 1,169 646 023 480 202 270 2,068 1,417 1,661 Dafali 6,376 3.137 3,239 i 328 164 164 30 10 20 1,761 866 006 Danti 29,605 14,167 16,348 1 1,338 632 700 430 172 268 4.619 2,301 2,318 Dharl 1,306 760 646 016 400 426 ... Dhopa 36,720 17,806 18,924 1 383 176 208 390 169 221 1,180 689 607 Dhunia 136,910 04,429 71,481 6,649 2,627 3,022 673 237 336 8.616 4,266 6,360 Fakir c6,l07 17,363 18,744 ' 807 41 i 380 840 371 669 842 400 442 GadI 6.306 2,673 2,633 ! ... ... ... HaJJam 29,219 13,706 16,614 ’ 2,060 868 1,092 203 81 182 3,633 1,604 1,839 Hijra 714 376 339 i 203 71 132 76 40 36 18 12 0 Jolaha 309,830 188.160 21 1.680 1 38,293 I7,24i 21,062 1 1,636 4,801 6,074 47,073 21,082 26,091 Kahar 846 414 431 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ,,, Kalal 6,611 2,637 2,074 1 i,063 487 660 2,202 .073 1.220 112 61 61 Kalu 4,388 2,130 2,268 ' ... ... ... ... ... 280 130 160 Katai 4,863 2,268 2,686 1 181 74 107 ... 1,146 612 .> 633 Kaibi .. . 263 102 161 , 17 ... 17 ... ... 7 7 Kazi 70 44 26 1 1 1 ... • •• ... ... ... »»• Khoja 168 06 63 ... ... ... ... ... 6 . 4 2 Kunjra 07,336 32,449 34,886 7,49 i 3,613 3,878 678 284 284 3,306 1,681 1,724 Laheri 8,319 3,929 4,380 363 i73 180 102 37 66 ... ... Mali 2,003 032 1,071 ... ... ... ... ... 10 4 6 Mihtar 2,060 1,007 1,043 342 i60 173 ... ... ... 231 MO 112 ( TO ) DAXDUkVax MUZAFPARrUB. Saran. CHAMPARAN. Armarkb. Total. Male. Fomulo. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Fcinalo. Total. Male, Female. 128 66 73 10,884 6,200 6,686 27 13 14 37 16 22 ... ... 1 1.302 6,706 5,687 13 ... 13 ... ... ... 1 ... . ... ... 164 84 70 ... ... ... 2,920 1,441 1,486 8,773 4,163 4,620 172 76 06 703 410 383 116.836 64,713 61,123 83.216 40,462 42,764 23.363 0,206 14,088 63,070 31.1 16 31,064 ... 087 601 486 198 103 06 28 • 4 14 1 39 22 17 ... ... 3.722 1,766 1,067 ! 639 247 202 631 251 280 ... 168 76 82 340 104 176 17 6 1 1 ... ... 14 6 0 67 20 30 44 17 27 4 1 3 6 1 4 213 106 108 167 76 02 ... ... 47 24 23 227 1 16 112 ... ... 6 1 ... 4 316 146 170 3 2 • 68 36 33 230 76 164 ifla,KrhS 7B.05fi 77.H12 143,719 C8,40» 101,004 1011, 01)1 170,H'«5 80,5«> 84,277 269 126 • 34 106 07 09 42 20 22 20 8 12 ... 634 208 230 1,968 086 003 ... 139 56 04 180 02 07 300 137 169 482 194 298 218 104 114 441 211 230 643 239 304 1,003 797 1,100 ... ... 13 4 8 10 0 13 36 • 9 16 ... 2,646 1,181 1,406 137 77 60 ... i 66 10 47 1 1 1 63 68 176 80 00 689 202 297 ... fii i| 180 96 01 708 361 368 283 100 83 3,666 1,069 1,096 1 6,363 2,006 2,447 I.OlO 693 1 426 1 026 416 610 1,338 , 637 701 074 462 612 6,083 3,096 1 2,087 1 4,670 2,172 2,404 7,187 3,064 4,123 6,272 2,720 2,652 461 248 213 ; 19 12 7 ... Musiciaui. 3.666 1,760 1,897 7,169 3,806 3,363 12,746 6,865 6,880 11,210 1 6,442 6,708 {8.206 18,976 10,231 36.603 16,637 18,860 10,470 8,346 11,126 1 20,904 13.443 13,661 6,638 3,224 3,414 0,016 2,878 3,138 0,828 4,600 6,328 1 11,030 6,670 6,467 663 200 203 4,763 2,383 2,370 3.688 1.728 1,861 4,043 1,903 2,140 • 0,816 4,902 6,013 1 4,026 2,439 2,487 6 4 2 63 34 29 184 no 66 ! 106 06 70 RunucliM. 16,166 22,022 23.144 69.66 1 32,971 , 30,690 107,744 48,636 69.208 i 80,0 60 1,437 38.021 846 414 431 1 ... 476 222 264 230 06 136 441 209 232 1 987 480 607 24 14 10 913 460 444 3,181 1,617 1,644 \,bU 728 706 1 349 177 172 1,067 601 696 697 276 321 • 76 88 86 20 7 22 1 26 6 10 46 26 21 23 18 6 ... 1 148 87 61 Euuueiis. 4 4 ... 14.384 10,820 17,664 7,414 3,413 4,001 6,71 1 3,004 3,617 7,662 3.644 3.808 2.226 1,166 1,060 2,^37 1,341 1.396 1,749 090 1,069 j 1,163 623 630 ... 1,993 928 1,006 i 826 409 417 650 309 341 ' 1 ( 80 ) TABLE XVt,. Total Patna Division. Patna. Gava. / 1 Bttaiiaiiad. Group. Total. Male. Ft'maU'. Tot.al. Male. Female. Total, Male. Pemulo. Total. Male. Fenialo. 1 ' Persons returned by actual occu- pation MVSAL3IANS- coni'ld, Mirlasi 410 188 222 363 173 100 Mukerl 3,212 1,533 1,079 127 61 60 201 06 I0( Nalband (.016 613 603 1 1 6 6 168 82 8f Nurbaf 690 276 314 690 270 314 ... Pasi 2,422 1,180 1,236 2,177 1,060 1,1 10 ... 1 1 Patua 159 166 3 ... ... Paturia 62 1 61 32 32 ... Pawaria 4,042 2,247 2,096 300 147 163 167 28 139 1,631 760 781 Rangrcx 6,848 2,899 2.049 641 277 264 102 87 76 1,826 846 871 Rasua 202 130 163 ... ... Sajgar 677 293 284 Sayin 3,102 1,462 1,730 2,406 1,101 1,364 319 108 161 Sikalgar 1,616 729 700 13 7 6 Tlkalihar 403 202 201 10 6 6 ... ... Persons returned by locality. HINDUS 5,1''2 2,S.31. 2, m 27:» m .517 272 245 ... ... Bengalis 646 o70 276 70 40 30 262 141 121 ... ... Hindustanis 90 60 48 98 60 48 ... Marwaris 3,826 1,027 1,090 142 80 62 78 38 40 Pahnrias 480 269 220 JIIISJLMANS '1 1 6 0 4 5 8idi . . . . 9 4 6 ... ... 9 4 6 ... ... Persons returned by unidentifi- able caste or unspecified. HINDUS ... 2.74t J1.420 1,8.31 1,1.52 215 10.5 110 161
  106. Hi Barnasankar 1,664 712 042 1.318 698 720 97 48 40 70 32 dC HUSA1.MANS 7i3,S'JH 23, «iR 52.425 .U7W 8,808 2ft. MO 10,H72 .5,113 5.759 .3.062 037 3,()1C ATHV.IST 1 1 ... ... ... ... llVDimtSTS (un upvcljitd) At .37 7 1 10 u n ••• 21 21 Uhinese 2 2 1 CIIUJSTJANS 0.41,3 ,3,535 2,.R7H 2,83,1 1,7.38 1,005 174 78 1 90 277 160 127 European 2,693 1,700 007 1,662 1,109 463 74 41 33 216 120 00 Eurasian 070 448 431 670 301 209 22 8 13 60 24 30 Native 2,941 1,301 1,040 601 230 363 78 28 60 1 1 JAINS !IGt 4(i3 601 2i5 133 122 108 112 80 453 105 25H JMCitS in .3 12 12 12 ... ... ... PA It SI 1 1 ... • ... PE It SONS NOT KF.. TUItNF.1t itV JtF. LiaiONS,('ASTF on TJtJliES. 41N m ... ... ... ... Total ir.,sii,tu4 H,1G.S,052 1,780,004 866,783 003.272 2,13«,S31 1,046,011 1,003,320 2,063,387 900,790 1,072,D3» ( 81 ) Patna Division — concluded. ( 83 ) TABLE XVI.— Bhaoalpoe CliiNS and Group. Castb and Tribe. Number of NUll-0HMiC8 retumfld. Total Buagalpub Divibion. / 1 Bhaoalfub. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. v^u A garwala ... 28 8,752 2,023 1,729 070 652 418 C~’14 A {jrahaH ... ... 4 446 222 224 217 111 100 A- 2(a) Aguri 18 104 63 41 ... ... ... .1- 2(a) Amat 2U 19,965 10,000 9,965 9,109 4,745 4,754 -1- 1 Bahhan
  107. 2aM89 142,4.32 142,757 37,043 18,035 18,113 2(a) Bagdi ... 14 4,622 2,233 2.389 21 17 4 B- 0(a) Baidya 1 1.446 823 623 72 47 26 D-31 Baitl 2 60 :» 25 ... ... .1- 4 Bandawat ... 2 1,412 087 726 778 365 413 C-14 Baniya 188 158,903 78,673 80,2:10 61.679 25.561 26,028 (1) Oalsya 21 26,762 13,273 13,488 10,630 6,270 6,260 (11) Barnawar 6 8.860 4.383 4,616 2.312 1,164 1.168 (Hi) Qandha Banik 17 3.020 1,046 1,074 ... ... ... (Iv) Ka&arwani ... 10 8,782 4.226 4,667 727 302 356 (v) Kasojan ... 6 2,324 1.048 1,276 1,638 731 007 (vl) Khatri 6 32.408 10,112 16,307 12,687 6.109 6.418 (vli) Mahurl 7 1.208 633 606 ... (viii) Rauniar 6 13,050 6,808 6,761 a062 3,087 4,076 (ix) Sinduria 12 3,672 1,772 1,000 380 198 201 (x) Subarna Danlk 12 867 422 436 ... E-4S Bantar 2 17.553 8,682 8,870 17,098 8,411 8,687 J}-~20 Itarhl 25 63,470 31,229 32,2^41 3,695 1,888 1,797 K-4S Bari 7 m 285 201 6 5 ... 2(a) Barui 26 26,474 13.389 13,085 6,678 3,259 3.419 .1- 2(a) Baurt 20 36,700 18,271 18,435 ... ... ... fJ-44 Bcdiyn ... 2 598 293 »J5 278 138 140 E-41 Brldar 27 :»,026 17,312 17,714 8.632 4,054 4,678 .1- 2(a) Bhar 7 2,454 1.236 1,318 1,068 847 811 (1) Rajbhar 3 82 60 32 ... ... H- H Bhat 7 6,554 3,3.53 3,201 2,:Ki0 1,193 1,167 A- 4 Bhuiya 32 61,442 *8,770 32,672 20,602 13,616 15,966 A- 4 BhamiJ 5 78 42 3(J ... ... F~4H B hut la 4 37 29 8 ;J7 29 8 .1- 2(a) Bind ^7 29,023 14, 6M 1 1,079 2,883 1,488 1,395 «- 5 Brahman l(»S) 2U4,riS)3 103,8-49 100,741 66,709 3.3,651 32.248 A - 2(a) Cfiain •W 62,122 30,214 :ii,003 2.766 1,320 1,436 n~3H t'hamar 76 201,071 97,808 103.263 88,129 4.3,129 45,000 1 (i) Much! 37 20,606 10,216 10,450 360 174 186 n-23 Chapnul 23 6.960 3.474 3.486 ... ... «— 6 Dhamin 2 319 108 151 ... ... 1- 2(a) Dhanak 02 292,988 139,286 153,702 106,177 51,081 55,806 U-24 Dtutpa 31 59,iM2 29,726 3(>,216 18,806 9.418 0

    fj -4.5 Ttom 50 77,606 38.015 39,491 25,480 11,9-17 13,638 A- 2(a) JtHutdh 49 24.'},906 120,704 126,231 74,094 36.673 88,021 (I) Bahella 14 2,481 1.216 I.26J 1,172 668 013 A - 2(a) danyauta 20 131,437 6-t,717 66,720

    67,379 32,631 34,848 U—2ii (iarvrl 37 14,800 7,306 7,406 4,299 2,079 2,220 .1- 4 a haul 3 84 61 23 40 39 1 .1- 2(h) tiaalu 70 862,643 429.612 433,031 376,088 186.655 190,433 U-35 Qourhi 23 91,069 1 -4.3,801 47,208 40,121 18,968 21,153 E-44 (iidgidia ... 1 106 39 67 ... ... D’>-18 Ila^jjam 96 122,513 01,219 61,204 33,894 16,960 10,038 (i) Napit 44 24.184 11,800 12,276 ... ... ... ft -22(a) UalH'ai 25 63.752 32,254 31,4$)8 22,611 11,489 11|022 ( 83 ) Division. Mowoimi, \ PrniTBA. j Malda. 1 BAMTAL PAlinANAS. RKMABKt^. 1 Total. Male. Fonmle, Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. I.BH 757 76'i 236 166 81 316 179 1C7 689 380 309 221 103 118 8 8 ... ... ... ... ... 12 6 6 12 10 2 80 47 83 ... ... 10,033 6,042 4,!)91 ,391 188 203 42 25 17 2Sn,252 116,871 119,881 6,366 3,176 2,190 103 6-1 :«) 6,420 3,:i86 3.0S-1 ... ... ... 6 5 784 .381 •103 3,812 1,8.30 1,982 458 259 199 262 ia3 119 405 218 187 25!) I6tl 08 ... ... ... 67 .3^1 23 .3 1 2 ... ... 589 302 287 1 1 44 20 24 Sd.A.'JC 10,117 20,5.38 27.772 14,222 IS.S.'M) 0.848 8,327 8,521 .3S,(V40 16,456 16,693 8,644 4,170 4.365 6,701 3,367 3^424 261 127 134 637 340 207 6.119 2,983 3,130 62 28 24 ... ... ... 410 218 108 146 62 84 04 33 31 687 278 309 3,123 1,673 1,660 8,022 3,824 4,108 33 0 24 673 306 368 0 0 ... ... 4 3 1 869 401 378 3,646 1,802 1,664 664 320 244 14,033 7.2BO 7,683 1,262 61 1 061 28 18 10 8 4 4 1,617 744 773 433 278 166 145 74 71 3,602 1,016 1,087 3,184 1,631 1,663 6 3 2 ... 04 40 44 2 2 ... 146 69 70 710 351 360 ... ... 402 223 179 62 •48 4 ... ... 21), 800 14,862 10, 4M 21,319 10,011 10,708 3.0-16 1,613 1,6.33 6,001 2,845 2,759 37 18 19 49!) 200 2.39 ... ... 5 2 3 12,187 6,1&1 6,00.3 4,6.33 2,381 2.262 1,010 1,061 886 i,o:w 61 1 625 ... 3,082 1,612 1.570 m 116 112 33..3!)6 1G,G43 10,7.'!3 (a)120 (57 62 (6)17 7 .81 06 14 7 7 (a) 51 1,101 254 uml '47 fiMtmiHK 14.010 7,287 7.362 9,017 4,631 4,116 2,217 1,113 -451 107 returniMl ms M 11 SU ImaiiN. 07 145 60 06 19 ir> 440 210 200 177 80 (5) 55 ihmIok and 64 ferTi»leH ... ... ... 82 60 32 ... ... re turn, d hh A lusiilmiiris. 1)78 402 486 2,862 1,182 i,;wo i 126 67 5!) 228 110 KK) 4,140 2,329 2,617 28 13 15 515 254 261 (a) 26, .Til 12,528 13,823 (a) !407 mul»-N 5, 32 25 1 21 10 11 and !106 inulen r«*turn ed iis.\idmis ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... lie. .5,374 2.44)9 2,875 4,02-1 4,638 10,39, ■; 5,034 6.!m 1.40!) 6!)0 710 72,048 35,188 36,910 28,800 11.2.'i7 11,01!) 8,318 4,620 3,098 ;i0,122 16,283 13,83!) 2,667 1,283 1,2H4 2,101 l,ia3 078 41.213 20,093 21,120 13,425 6,.335 7,«I0() 56,007 26,626 30,371 18.»12 9,141 0.108 6,982 2,!)7H 3,00-1 31,621 15,0.31 15,600 ... ... ... 2,610 1,264 1,326 17,600 8,767 8,930 6,000 3,474 3,186 1 WeaverH. 29!) 100 139 6 2 4 1-4 6 8 122,651 66,473 66,078 43,631 21,753 21,881 7.302 3,557 3,745 1.3,024 6, 422 6 6iJ2 18, .360 9,087 9,273 10,78!) .''•,312 5,417 4,(»97 2,002 2,095 7,800 3.877 4013 11,046 6,961 .6,98'1 5,712 2,920 2,786 1,021 034 0!)() 32 415 16,247 16,108 12^796 62.409 66,207 27,008 13,968 13,010 3.967 1,!)9H 1,9M) 11,5-10 5,626 5,914 1 1 ... 1,266 638 . 028 42 20 22 9,496 4,697 4,899 61.287 25,973 25,311 3,125 i,5:k) 1..5S6 1.50 77 73 , 4,567 2,2.31 2,823 5,419 2,725 2,691 107 67 40 418 200 218 ... ... 41 22 22 287,469 118,004 119.46.6 131,110 67,774 66,336 15,291 7.928 7,363 J)9,6.h5 50,251 4i),4,'44 17,323 8,2'13 9,080 27,382 13,r>H 1.3,838 3,871 1,802 1,979 2,372 1,214 1,158 106 30 67 ... 46,376 23,090 23,286 18.191 9, SIS 8, 8-10 6,950 .3,439 3,511 17,102 8,392 8,710 264 143 121 197 104 03 6,040 3,438 3,611 16,774 8,224 8,660 16.840 8,2<19 8.591 8.270 -1,26.5 4,005 009 615 394 15,282 7,736 7,486 0 2 ( 84 ) TABLE XVI. — BiUGALPUB Chiss nnd tifoup. Cast and Tkijik. Number of rcturutil. Total llHAdALPCR Division. / BnAGALl’UR. Total. Male. Female. Total. Fomalo. (1) Kurl R 1.687 023 764 i.t (II) Maira 6 8.601 4,271 4,320 23 10 13 D-30 JTaH ri2 !W,fl00 49,558 47.042 3.908 1,807 2,101 (1) Mihtar 26 4,791 2,479 2,312 666 266 301 n-X3 Aagi 25 30,710 15,512 15,177 456 282 174 A- g(a) Kattar 1 16,055) 8,114 8,845 10,713 6,118 5,625 n-s5 Kahar ... » 48 105,076 52,518 53,128 24,612 11,815 12,797 .1- 8(fO Kaihartta ’ 55 100, 3«1 49,005 51,370 968 460 499 D-J6 Kaltvar 102 107,007 5-4,087 53,820 89,615 19,607 20,108 (1) SunrI 48 69,773 29^220 30,663 1 2,663 6.029 6,634 n-w Kamar j% ... 1.81 85.009 42,181 2.5, -401 13,998 12.403 (1) Lohar 41 12,647 6,600 0,041 2,381 1,266 1,126 Kan 7 lie 97 49 ... ... 2i-88(n) Kant hi 42 80,766 42,0:$8 44,128 20.515 9,925 10,020 fi-St Katittari ... 27 3,121 1,532 1,589 824 308 4.56 Kapall 1 2, .312 1,145 1,197 2,259 1,108 1,151 D-80 Karanya 1 80H ir»i 157 ... ... V-83 Kami 3 11 8 6 if- U KayaHtha r >2 75,002 39,322 30,670 19,843 10,-198 9,346 V 3S Kcwat 70 83,081 40.723 42,361 55,214 27,2'3 27,991 A- 4 KJiaira 3 2,102 1,070 1,032 ... j:-4S Kha njar 1 2,18.5 1,1.80 1,003 25 1.S 12 <4- 4 Khara'ar 37 22,3fi3 10,871 11, -492 6,873 3,171 3,702 A- 8(a) KJiatbe 4 12,341 6,126 6.215 9,iS55 4,907 4.948 A 8(a) Khatik
  108. 3,105) 1,410 1,763 1,032 484 548 At ^ 8(a) Kovhh 12.8 109,000 101,771 97,83.8 ... ... (i) Dcshi 23 8,730 4,609 4,221 ... ... ... (ii) Pall 14 36,606 1 18,223 17,282 ... (lii) Raj bans! 68 70,963 36,276 34,678 ... A - 8(a) Koiri 55 194,758 97,7.5.5 97,003 77,125 38,659 38.460 A- 4 Kol 10 34,24.5 17,108 17,137 (a) 12,966 6,420 6,540 E—41 Kora 11 8,009 3,915 4,154 299 137 162 ]f~8.S Knmhar ... 11 04,215 46,643 47,602 .30,428 15,046 16,383 A- 8(a) Kurml 71 78,205) 39,759 38, 1.50 20,114 10,011 10,103 A- 4 Mahlli 20 18,889 9,341 9,615 39L 212 179 A— 8(a) Mai 10 8,900 4, 4.‘JU 4,526 ... ... A- 8(a) Malakar 40 1.5,820 9,493 fl,.327 2,085 1,388 1,297 D-3S Mala 37 8,411 4.244 4.107 ... ^1- il Mai lUtharla 2 17,089 8,;461 8,728 ... ... A - 4 Mauyar 6 1,019 820 799 873 440 433 A - 2(a) Markande 30 18..3lfl 8,709 9,547 3,658 1.781 1,877 A 4 1 M Hilda 2 45 24 21 43 22 21 D-33 i Mariyari 18 7, (55)0 3,437

    3,602 1,340 653 687 /I- 8{a) Masahar Cl 275, .306 138,460 136,8-16 86,288 43,053 43.235 A 8(a) Sayav 25 30,044 17,215 18,829 5.604 2,797 2,707" A— 4 yagenia 1 2-4 13 11 ... ... B- S Katya 33 21.471 10,465 11,006 2,905 I 1,403 1.442 A- 8(a) Namasndrn or Chandal 27 25,193 12,623 13,670 ... Division — continued. ( 85 ) MonanTB. 1 1 rrUNFV. M.VLnA, j Sam AT. rvlKlAXAS. 1 Rkmarks. Total. Male. I'eiuulc, Total. Male. KiMuale. !l T..lal. Hull*. 1 I'Viiiiilc. j Ti)1»l. M:iU\ 1 I’oinak'. 91 GO 41 il j (01,600 073 723 (fO lV>SHil)ly Kuiii, 3 2 1 200 140 134 1' 0,205 4,113 4.172 4, ins 2.010 2,188 00,100 3I,9>1 31,239 1 15,007 7...04 7.501 il 7 207 :i.:'.io :i.89i 1,307 600 051 2,602 I,o60 1,142 247 126 122 i 179 03 98 2(15 338 11.C.74 7,577 7,097 13.:J9S 0,0.50 0.7 42 1 702 82(5 ... 1 1 0.21.5 2.1 (‘.'5
  109. 2 JO riO,.v.io 25,339 25,1 si 9,04 4 .5,112 •4,532 3,307 1 .ImO 1,711 I7.r.33 s.(;20 8.9(i7 #•« ... 68,724 28,970 2'i,7 IS 37714 IS.lOl 1!‘..5S() 2.91.5 1 ,3''0 1,519 17, <152 8,800 8,s:)2 18,803 9,090 P.173 4,12.> 2.0! M) 27,052 1 4.‘'(I0 n.cr.j 6,399 3,160 3,249 12,642 0,027 6,616 3,791 1,872 1,919 24,370 12, M2 12,236 8,014 4,380 4, 53 4 i(;.3:.s s.T'vl 7.577 5,29.3 2,0:;, 3 2.000 29,733 1 1 723 1.5,()!() 3,618 1,709 1.729 2,030 1,1 26 010 009 349 360 3,913 1,087 1,026 ... ... 110 97 49 ... r.c.,030 27.(179 29,251 5,600 3,01 4 2, •>•>2 1,773 955 SIS 1,952 1 .0(>5 v87 :}r*s 170 275 |S1 91 901 457 111 753 :;5i: :{M7 41 IS 23 41 IS ... 23 1 4 8 0 1 .308 1 151 157 »i.22n 17,079 17,100 12,751 0,n23 .5.92S 2,702 1.43s 1,204 0,157
  110. 48 1 2,97.3 :j,m7s 1,501 2.317 17,Sll) 9.0.5S 8,791 3,121 1,30s 1,75:4 3.022 1,51:; I,. 509 • •• ... •41' 20.3 209 1,(590 807 .slVI 8 8 1 1,838 977 SOI ‘ i:i‘j 1.30 i:ji 90 41 ' 7,032 .3,s20 3,sI2 0,113 3.099 3, .31 1 1,314 091 02.3 731 299 432 1 ,75.5 920 83.5 C.ofil 910 1,1. M 8 3
  111. 1 9S 49 19 61 26 2.5 130,5.5s 09,5:)S 00,900 02.{>7.5 32.127 .3(1,818 20 ... ... ... 1 8.7o0 4,609 4,221 ... ... 21,009 10,766 10,264 14,471 7,448 7,023 26 20 6 ... 62,366 20,078 26,378 18,697 9.297 9.300 ... ... ... 84,027 41,040 12.3S7 22.471 11,70 4 10,707 977 (VO :i.57 10,158 .5,i:i2 5,020 (/i)r.i2 .302 1 310 i 2,991 1,.62S 1,10.3 .3,227 i,o:io 1 .597 {<‘)11,419 7,228 7,221 (ft) AnimiRlir, (f') Aiiiriiisiu-. 1 1 (c) v.aOs Iiiiilci 2,61.'! 1.2S4 1 ,331 1 452 241 211 OOS 285 32:i 1,095 l.lK’iS 2,127 and .3,90.5 fi‘> liiillfs rid Ill'll* 27,073 13,093 13,980 1 10,910 5 492 5,418 4,158 2.1.55 2,(H»3 21,070 ' 10,8.-, 8 I0,.S|8 I'd asAniiuiH' III'. 31,2:iS 15,418 15,s20 1 (1,489 3,942 2, .5 17 2,199 i.:;52 817 18,109 1 9.0.3(. 9,1.33 1 90 50 40 1,105 .570 589 (//)17,‘’:)7 8,500 8,7.31 (a) 34 nialoR niid 30 fi'inali'd 1 1 1 1 1 < ( II r II fd UN AriiiiiiNtir. 1 (a) 501 192 109 M8 131 .384 7.s:;7 1 :4,s04 4,():i:j ((/)90iniilrs»n(l 74 ti'iiiiili's MU 1 1 III til'd iiN Min aln)iuiN. 7,748 5,.‘W8 2.4'0() ' 3.0S0 1,628 1,401 .500 275 291 i.7;i2 ' 85 4 H7S ,5,1.02 2,915 2,717 (aV»7l9' I,.3‘’9 1,420 (o) Probably Muls. ... ... 21 12 9 17,0(iS 8,349 H,7I9 740 380 300 ... ... ... ... 3,015 1,386 1,029 8,741 4,229 4,512 1 .. ... 2,9(i'2 1,373 1 .!.2y ... ... ... 2 2 100 31 09 3,436 1,699 1,737 2,220 1,051 1.109 3 I i 3 ... , 118,858 59,2(41 59, .591 48,607 2.5,501 23,100 690 ;io2 2.S8 2n,!»(2J j in,:44(( 10,023 8,165 4,036 4,429 3,002 1,408 1,501 18,878 8,790 10,088 91 101 8 4 4 ... 9 7 46 20 26 583 291 292 ... 1 ... (0)17,9.37 1 8.091 9.246 (a) 109 mali'rt a nd 1 4.5 fo liialrs n lnni- i*d as Musal- innn, iind ala 31 mail's and 29 foitiales ro- tu rill'd ag Auiini.stic. ... ... ... 18,340 9,188 9,152 4.009 2.329 2.:4«) 2,181 1,000 ' 1,178 — — . ri 'A { 86 ) TABLE XVI. — Bhagalpur rijiss atui Cast, Trios or Group. Niimlkjr Uf Hill). Total Bhaqaipur Division. / Bhagalpus. Group. re- luriiod. Total. llalB. Feraalo. Total. Male. Female. JS^44 Xnt 17 6,209 2,402 2,867 2, '15-1 1,223 1,231 J- 4 Xotvar 1 8 4 4 8 4 4 n^3o Sunhfu 50 23,1-10 11,67!) 10.601 (a}4,684 2,212 2,872 J-t Oraon 2 070 300 .310 41 80 14 r-ii Ostral 12 172 99 73 1 1 ... 1‘ntwnr 2 702 372 420 121 59 62 A-1i(n) r ary ha 13 14,800 0,888 7,918 7,032 8.200 3,832 li-36 Pasi 31 22 217 10,8.81 11,300 5,051 2,404 2.0*7 i: -43 Patial 3 3!) 20 13 ... ... ... t-9(a) Pod 1 9.600 4,733 4,'.»33 ... ... .1-1 Itajput .... 229 170.rk*.l 00,991 79,370 01,485 a‘1,403 28,022 Raju-ar 10 12,720 0,2ia 0.504 95 88 57 Sadyop 32 8,902 4,555 4,317 3.52 185 107 Sankhari 5 ill 31 80 ... ... A-’4 Santal , 10 707,252 352,399 3t>'li,853 (fl) 50,003 21,870 25,187 A -4 Sarnk 2 9(;0 47S 482 39 14 25 D -17 Sonar ... CO 35,970 18,795 17,175 10,812 6,470 5,372 n-3r, Snrahiya. 2> 7,900 4, .520 3,410 1,081 013 408 A-'l(it) TambnU 27 0,098 4,783 4,916 899 446 453 B‘i3 Tntu'a 8.5 78,028 38,112 40,510 12,853 6,210 6.013 (i) Tanti 38 26,229 11,083 13,240 969 461 618 i>-97 Tvli 71 229,080 108,113 121.573 74,106 30,826 37,281 (i) Kalu 7 15,324 7,046 7,670 ... (ii) Till ... 20 26,848 13,080 12,762 23,600 12,081 1 1,009 D HI Thothvra 25 10,007 4,8 40 6,107 3,717 1,797 1.920 D-53 Tiff fir 37 154,810 20.521 28,289 4,479 2,193 2,284 l-il(a) Tnraha ... jy 2,617 1,220 1,297 37 11 23 A -4 Tori 11 2,818 1,-107 l,iU 71 SO 38 Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. 111 MW S 31,805 10,870 17,929 4,924 2,001 2.323 Aghori 938 403 446 608 267 241 Alith 268 146 123 12 12 ... Baisnab . 16,016 6,606 8,449 312 174 138 Bhakiit 34 21 13 2 1 1 Brahmarhari 261 132 119 117 63 64 Brahmo 73 44 29 60 33 17 Fakir 6.280 2,808 2,482 268 168 MO Gosaiti 8,81 1 4,376 • 4.436 2,433 1,237 1,100 Ramavat 444 262 182 208 125 143 Sadhu ••• ••• 167 1 1 1 60 ... ... ... ' Saiva 20 14 0 ... ... ... Sakta . 33 15 18 ... ... ... Sanyasl 2,818 1,636 1,283 843 476 368 .Vf'.SM /..!/, I.V.S 407 231 173 63 26 27 Hanifl 47 47 ... ... ... ... Husaini 37 16 22 ... ... Shia 107 63 64 ... ... ... ( 87 ) DmsiOK — cmtimed. Monohyb,

PURNEA. Malda.

1 30.- Salt-workers. i 1 1 1 j yuniya 10 1 27 ! ! 1 273 213 .393 227 204 24 31.— Lime-burners. i Haiti or Vhnnari 0 1 ;

3 2 4 23 1 35.— Fishermen, Palki-bear- ers, 8lc. i i 1 i Honrhi (Hihar) J 1 2 i 85 38 47 17 Knhar .... 87 40 j 339 657 621 295 68 Kiivat ..... 30 33 j 200 99 213 260 1 148 62 Main 100 101 j 242 200 103 112 1 148 49 Mariyari (JSi/tar) 1 I


7 6 r> 7 1 46 3 1‘nta'ar ... 1 ... 1 1 Tiyar ... 48 20 1

  1. 64 no 141 82 30 Total 273 204 1 1,024 734 1,133 1 1,183 766 229 36.— Distillers, &c. Katu’ar ( Bihar) ... r >2 19 1 S40 180 196 229 180 41 rani (Bihar) 10 3 1 121 43 122 216 70 IS Sunrl (Bengal) 202 120 .341 206 417 344 3K1 181 Total 270 144 802 435 736 789 631 937 ( 133 ) TABLES XII— A to XV— A.— Infirmities by CkwtSr— continued. Name and classification. D — concluded.
  2. — Leather workers.

    Chamar and Mnchl Sarki ( TiarJeeUng J Male. 1!)5 2 SANK. Fomalo. 102 Dea Mute. 1,0.37 F‘MUTH. Female. 677 1 Bj 1 Male. 8-17 LIND. Fomalo. 976 Li Male. 1 4R3 BPEK. Feuuili*. 1H7 Total 197 102 1.0 676 S17 976 •1H3 167 39.— Scave ngers. Bhuimali and Ilari s7 62 335 270 229 17S ■108 14S TOTAL CLASS D 2.31 a 1,462 0.1 oa 6,678 ! I 8.321 8.320 6,609 2.376 E.-VAGRANT MINOR ARTI- SANS AND PERFOR- MERS. 41.— Earth-workers, &c. It el dar (Bihar) 3 t 1 Kora ( Western Bengal) 5 ... 85 3H K 16 17 6 Total , R8 SO H 16 18 0 43.— Mat-makers. m Dvm 95 " i ‘2S9 16S 3:i:j 666 380 1 ■ - 169 44.— Hunters, &c. 1 Bedlya . . 1 16 j 31 26 57 S2 li9 67 Oulgiilia (i'hutia Nagpur) 1 32 16 .Vttf 2 1 1 , 39 27 6 1 1 Total 25 17 1 f 90 6H .57 S7 151 6H 45- — Miscellaneous and disreputable. Bari 3 s ; 101 6S 1 1 :io 64 13 S TOTAL CLASS E 120 70 677 323 1 428 761 ! 661 236 F.-RAOES AND NATIONA- □TIES. 48.— Non-Indian Asiatic races. . I Bhutias 11 1 3 2 Burmese ... ... 1 o , ... Maghs 77 66 1 15 61 11 62 11 9 Par Mis ... ... ... ' 6 1 Total ... 77 66 1 69 1.5 07 13 li 51.— Eurasians • ... 1 ... • i 1 1 2 •• TOTAL CLASS F 77 66 60 50 46 66 13 II 1 II

    ; 1 _ K ‘6 ( 134 ) TABLES XII— A to XV — A. — ImBMiTiES bv Cm%-ontimed. Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Hindus. INSANB. Dbaf-mutb. Blind. Leteb. i i aIAJIIS Uf Kulo. Feipale. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. A.— HINDUS. RETURNED BY TITLE OR COMMON
  3. C CO OASTE, Ban-par ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 ... 54 J Buna 21 IS 04 97 73 62 IIG 4S Ban ... 1 ... ... ... 1 Gain ... ... 1 7 ... Onrkha ... ... ... 13 ... ...
  4. Haidar ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... Jaitwar ... ... ... 1 ... ... Malik ... r»t ... ... 1 Mandal ... ... 1 3 Nayhanfii ... ... 0 1 Nalk 1 t 1 2 ... .. Pal 2 ... ... ... ... Bant • •• ... G 3 ... Sinyh ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 1 Hiidra ... ... 23 22 43 2.5 31 29 11 Total ... 38 156 449 153 96 202 60 B.-HINDUS. RETURNED BY ACTUAL OCCUPATION. % Badyahar ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... Bt'.tyn ... ... ... 2 ... S 2 ... Bhankar ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... Churiftar ... ... 11 10 14 13 5 1 Bafadar ... ... ... ... 2 1 ... ... ... ... Bafali ... ••• • •• 3 3 4 4 ... Dai ... ... 4 2 34 IS 7 S 7 1 Dalai ... ... ... 1 ... Dhunla ... C 2 145 77 ... ... ... ... Gandharpa 1 1 ... 7 ... Iff ... ilhatwal ... 4 2 82 S 58 116 40 38 Gorait 2 ... 3 11 9 7 ... Jaliya ' 30 35 77 58 87 75 31 32 Kami ... 0 2 ... ... Kayal ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... Kotal ... ... ... 2 3 13 1 Kunjra ... 2 7 43 30 ... ... ... ... Mala .3 1
  5. 3 20 24 6 4 Matlya ... 1 ... 2 5 3 ... • Nalband ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... Nikari ... ... 9 2 3 2 ... ... ; 1 ... Nuri ... ... .... ... ... ... 2 ... ... Patikar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... Patni ... 30 28 24 29 39 38 42 8 Patua ... 5 1 30 30 93 120 11 S Mangrct ... ... •M 8 1 4 1 ... ... Sardar ... ... S 6 7 6 2 S 4 Total 100 87 407 284 354 417 170 90 ( 135 ) TABLES XII— A to XV— A,— iNFiBMiTiEa bt Caste— Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race— Hindus— IN8ABB. Dkaf-mutb. Blisd, -t Leper. Namb of Group. 1! 1 1 Mttlo. Ffiimle, Malo. Fenmlo, Male. Fcimile, Main. Female. Q.— HINDUS, RETURNED BY LOCALITY. ITindtttitani» 2 1 J JHadranU 4 ... 12 1 1 1 JWahrattaa I 1 Jtfanlpuri* ... ... ... r> i ... J3 21 ... jPahariaa 14 4!) 2H 13 8 06 84 IJriyaa n 0 3 15 0 1 20 8 Total 17 18 70 38 4:1 39 NO 70 D.— HINDUS, RETURNED BY UNIDENTIFIABLE CASTES OR UNSPECIFIED 475 282 097 SG7 799 728 038 218 Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Musalmans. A.-MUSALMANS, RETU(V4E[ BY SECT. Sunni ) 1 4 1 1 j 1 3 B.— MUSALMANS, RETURNEE 1 BY TITLE, Ghazi ... ... ••. .•• ••• 11 9 .30 18 14 J 1 1 Khan 0 5 1 0 1 ... 3 Mir •«< Pf< 9 2 5 ... 2 ... ... Moghul ... .• i«e ••• a 20 It .3 2 7 Pathan HI 43 259 183 201 172 3U 84 Sayyid ... ••• 23 13 8.5 91 100 45 150 65 Shaikh ... .5,188 4,242 10,331 8,521 8,403 7,239 8,:vt2 2,232 Total 5.320 4,309 1 10.750 8,805 8,789 7,482 8,80.5 2,37d 0.~MU8ALMANS, RETURNED By ACTUAL OCCUPATION. Ahdal ... 4 Bhiati ... ... ... ... 1 Dai 0 1 ... ... Dhawa 1 ... ... Dhopa 1 ... Dhunia 112 97 92 // Jolaha no 49 r.(M5 374
  6. 705 230 70 Kahar ... ... ••• 3 2 4 28 9 Kalal 1 ... ... 1 1 Kalu ... ... 2 2
  7. 4 8 2 Kasai
  8. ... ... 1 2 Kunjra ... " ... • 38 82 21 21 Mtillah 10 17 . ... Nikari ... 1 9 . ... ,Total ., 07 51 0;K) 1 392 . 802 871 ! ! 1 . .3';9 I/O O.-MU 8 ALMANS. UNSPECL 1 , j FIED 1 1 174 84 331 233 281 310 1 i 112 K 4 ( 136 ) TABLES XII— A to XV — A— Infirmities by Ckstt?.— concluded. Persons returned only by Eetjgion. IN8AVB. Deaf-mute. Bliep. Lefek. Name o? Gnorp. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 Male. FHmalo. Male. Female. | 1 Mule. Female. Mule. Female. Prahmos 2 1 1 1 Native Christians 4n SO 1 B2 JS 42 31 &li 19 Jains i 1 ... is 2 i 4 Sikhs ... 1 1 ... TOTAL AFFLICTED FOR BRITISH TERRITORY ... 14,622 9.066 41,910 26,81 1 36,060 34,700 33,278 11,108 TABLE XII-A ( 137 ) . — Persons of Unsound Mind by Caste, BAllDWAN DIVISION. CIhsi and CA8Ti Ilf Alphabet- Tot\l Bardwan Ul VISION. r Bardwan. BaNKUKa. Biubhum. Midnappr. HroLi. llOWRAU. Group. ICAL OKDEU. Male. Female. Mule. Female. 1 Male. Female. Male. FiMuale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female* 900 A gari 9 J 8 3 f", — A- 9( 4 6 1 1 8 ... 1 .4- 4 Bhulya .3 ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... .1- 4 BhumiJ 0 6 •i 3 4 ... 1 9 !»• ... ... K- 5 Brahman 16.1 07 24 90 .32 It 13 5 35 7 .33 It 20 13 J)-3H Chamnr and Muehl ... 22 2t 3 1 7 7 6 5 1 1 3 7 2 ... D-94 Dhopa n 6 ... t ... 7 4 1 ... 3 ... K~43 Bom 33 18 12 5 9 15 5 2 9 1 3 3 t C-14 fJandhabanlk 12 5 ... ... 1 3 9 6 1 1 1 2 ... A^ 9(h) Ooala 66 34 7 5 10 IS 4 1 19 4 12 7 8 4 n-99(a) iialivai .1 1 ... ... ... ... ... 3 1 ... ... ... • •• D-93 Jagi 3 » ... ... ... 2 1 ... 9 9 1 ... D^3S Kahar 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 9(n) Kaihartta 210 141 :«) 15 ... 1 1 4 129 84 14 90 .30 17 n-19 Kamar and Lohar ... 25 7 4 ... 10 9 4 / ... 2 3 ... 1 T}29(a) Ka ndn 3 4 ... ... ... 3 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... D 9t Kansari 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... D 93 Kapall 1 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... .. 1 • n-90 Karauga 2 9 ... 1 1 1 1 ... ... il- 9 Kayantha and Karan 66 91 2 1 13 4 4 ... 18 13 14 1 15 9 A- 4 Khaira 6 1 ... ... 6 1 ... ... ... ... C~14 Khatri 1.

    9 1 11 1 9 ... ... 2 A^ 9(a) Korhh 3 9 2 4 1 1 J ... ... 1 E-4t Kora 5 ... ... ... ... 5 ... .M D^98 Kumhar 11 7 ...

    2 6 1 4 5 3 1 9(a) Kurmi ... 2 6 ... ... 1 1 1 ... 6 ... ... ... A- 4 ItfahiH 1 1 ... ... ... 1 1 Ji-92(a) Malra 17 10 13 4 3 ... ... ... 4 3 A- 9(a) Atati 3 9 ... ... ... ... ... 2 9 1 1 Martyari ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 9(a) Kamasudra or Chandal 0 ... / ... ... ... 2 8 1 J 4 ... O-iS Napit 32 97 1 19 9 6 6 5 6 3 7 9 3 1 D^SO Kunlya 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 • M A 4

    Oraon 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... l^-~3G Basi 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 -d- 2(a) Pod 10 8 ... ... ... ... 13 a ... ... 3

    A - 1 Hixjput 2 1 ... 2 1 ... ... ; A- 2(a)

    Rajtrar ... 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... A— 2(a) Hiadgop 65 36 1 1 11 3 17 It 17 7 15 13 4 i 0^99(a) Sankhari 11 ... ... ... 9 ... 2 ... ... ... A 4 Santal 28 90 9 8 13 8 5 4 1 ... A^ 4 Sarnk 2 8 1 1 6 ... 1 1 ... D^t7 Sarnahar and Sonar IT 6 ... ... 3 1 11 4 2 1 1 C^li Subarnabanik 6 4 4 1 ... 1 ... ... 4 ... Sukli 2 9 ... “ ... ... 2 i 1 ( 138 ) TABLE XII — A. — PfiESONfl of Unbound Mind by Q^&t^r^ontinued. BAKDWAN DIVISION— wmrfurferf. ToTAT. RiHPWAl DIV 18105 . Bard WAN. Baxevba. BiKiinuM. j Mipnapur. Huoli. 1 Howrar. ClasH and CA8TI tit Alphabtittca] 1 1 1! II Group. ORDBB OR GBOUi*. Male, 1 Poiualc. Male. Female. Male. Femalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fomalo. Male. Female jD— Sunri aad Kalwar 2.1 16 i 1 1 2 C 6 2 9 ! 1 ... 3 JD^HO Sutradhar 0 7 1 ... ... ... 4 .1 1 2 9 1 ... A-9(a) Tambuli 11 9 ... 5 9 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... .D-«J TatiH 48 96 2 5 9 7 4 15 3 18 $ 1 5 l>-»7 Tali and Kahi 07 96 21 9 17 7 0 4 41 7 0 3 0 3 D-36 Tiya

    3 4 ... ... 1 ... 2 1 ... 1 9 Religious devotees and mendicants. 1 ' Smisnab 40 27 2 2 6 3 4 6 17 11 6 1 6 4 Hindus, returned by title or cotnmon sub-caste. Buna 2 4 ... ... ... ... 3 ... 1 1 1 Naik 1 1 ... ... 1 ... ... 1 ... Total ... 3 1 ... ... 1 ... J ... ... 2 1 1 ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... Jixliya IVf ••• 12 19 ... ... 9 ... ... 4 6 8 1 ... 3 Vihari 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 ... ... Total 17 13 ... 9 ... 4 y 13 1 ... 3 Hindus, returned by locality. UinduaianU 2 ... ... ... ... ... ! 2 ... ... ... ... UHya ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Total 2 1 ... 1 ... ... 0 ... ... ... Hindus, unspeci^ed 22 9 ... 1 ( 7 6 .1 ... 1 9 9 1 8 ... ... ... Musalmans, returned by title. 1 Mir K 2 ... 2 6 9 ... ... Fathan S 2 ... 2 1 ... ... ... ... Hayyid, 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... Shaikh 212 134 00 63 1 211 96 13 9 51 91 81 99 Total 2:« 136 02 63 1 1 2 :) 96 10 9 57 93 81 99 Musalmans returned by actual occupation. m Jolaha 2 1 ... 2 1 ... ... • ... Musalmans, unspecified 20 13 ... ... ... 7 13 13 ... ... ... Native Christians 2 / ... i 1 ... ... ... 1 i' Jams 1 Mff ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ••• TOTAL AFFLICTED ... j "■’V.v 1.660 9c8 200 164 j 200 166 200 131 466 238 268 141 188 80 ( 139 ) TABLE XII—A.— Pehsoks op Unbound Mind by Caste — eonUnued. PRKSIDENOr DIVISION, Total PbksiiiBnct U lViBiUN. e4-pARaANAi. Calcvtta. Naiiia* jKSSOIt. MrKsniDABAD. JtHULNA. CImbs and Group. CasTb in Alpitabbtical II II OBDNU. Malo. F4mh1u. 1 Male. Fomalp. Male. Female I Male. Female. i 1 Male. Female .' Male. Female, Male. Female. , A-' i Bahhan ... 9 «•« ... 9 A- 2ia) Bagdl 37 39 21 16 C 4

    4 j 4 J 1 5 2 B- 2(a) Baidya 0 9 ... ... ... ... 1 4 1 ... ... 1 D-Zl Bnitl 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ••4 C-14 Baniya (anipetlfit^d) 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ...

    (a) Bnrui 14 ft 1 ... 1 ... 2 9 1 3 4 9 3 1 E-44 Bedlya 2 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 1 ... 1
  9. -39 Bhuimali 13 5 H n 3 2 ... ... ... 6 ... ... A- 4 tthUmiJ ... 1 ... t ... ... ... ... ... ... JJ- 5 Brahman 1.39 77 20 16 27 10 29 17 20 18 11 3 10 11 A- 2(a) Chain 7 19 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 19 ... ii. J>-J» Chamair 45 99 17 ft 4 1 7 5 8 S 8 1 ft A- 2(a) Chasa Dhopd ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... i A^ 9(a) Chasati 2 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 J ... ... D^94 Tihopa 11 13 R ft 2 ... ... 1 3 9 1 ... ... • K-dJ Dam 31 IS 20 14 4 9 ... I ... 1 ... ... 1 ... A-^ 9(a) J>u$adh 11 ... 6 ... 1 1 ... ... ... 4 ... ... . 1 . C-i4 Qandhabanih „ 3 ft ... J ... ... 1 9 ... 1 2 9 ... ... A^9(h) Ooala 7rt 84 2(J 15 8 J 16 13 11 19 11 6 4 ft 1>-‘99(a) lialwai 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... T}-93 dttffi 23 19 6 9 3 1 2 ... 4 4 9 7 3 D^S Kahar 5 0 ... 3 ... 1 1 ... 9 ... 1 S A- 9(a) Kaibartta U3 8S 61 49 24 9 23 16
  10. 6 11 15 12 a n-36 Kalwar 3 1 ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 D~19 Kamar 30 29 3 7 7 5 J 8 10 7 9 ... B-99(a) Kandu ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... D-21 Kansari ... ... 3 9 ... ... 2 1 ... ... 1 / ... ... ... D^93 Kapali 12 14 3 9 1 1 ... ... 3 0 ... 6 ft «- 9 Kayustha 1 93 69 22 11 10 9 n 14 27 20 3 ... 11 13 Kewat 2 1 2 1 ... ... ... ... ... C'-14 Khatri ... 11 9 4 3 8 4 2 1 ... • t A- 9(a) Koahh 8 3 ... ... % • ... 2 ... 1 n 6 ... ... 9(a) Koiri 2 ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... A~ 4 Kid 20 10 20 10 ... ... ... ... i>-28 Kumhar 10 17 2 9 ... 4 1 5 4 1 ... 1 6 0 -t- 9(a) Kttrmi 16 19 10 9 9 : ... 5 1 ... ... n--99(a) Maira 13 5 3 i 2 ... 6 1 1 : 2 9 1 A 9ra) Mol 7 9 ... ... ... ... ’ ' i 7 9 ... ... 2(a) Mall 7 3 ... ... 2 ... ... 2 .7 j i 3 ... ... ... 7>-J5 Mato « n 1 1 ... 6 5 1 ... ... ... A^ 9(a) yamatudra or Chan^ dal 100 73 13 19 J 1 6 3 40 23 \ 2 9 43 so 1>-18 Napit llajjam .«« 43 93 10 4 2 1 10 3 11 9 , ... 3 4 3 4- 9(a) Pod 108 90
  11. 67 2 9 3 ... 2 ! 17 91 4- t liajput ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... . ... 9 ... t 9(a) Sadyop 31 13 12 9 3 1 6 / 6 ... 6 9

    ^99(a) Hanhhwri 3 1 ... ... ... ... ... 3 1 4-4 SatUal 2 ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ZK.17 Sonar 13 4
  12. 9 2 ... 2 1 1 e-j4 SubarnabaniJc 20 10 4 1 11 J 4 ... 1 t ... 4 ... 1 Sunri 91 1 ... ... ... 6 9 7 10 1 11 3 ... 4 Suiradhar 10 7 2 1 1 ... 2 9 6 3 ... 1 ... ... 2(a) Tambiili 1 9 1 ... 9 ... ... 1 ... ... • •• ... ( we ) TABLE XII — A. — Peebons op Unsound Mind by Caste— PllESIDENCr DIVISION— tfOBitnuei. loTAT. Presidency Division. 24.pARGiNA8. j Calcutta, Nadia, jRflBOR. Murshidabad. Khulna, Class and Group* Camtr in Alphabetical ORDER OR Group. II P II ._l| 1 Male. Pomale. Male. Pemalp. Male. t’omalo.i Male, j] I'emale. Male. Peinale. Male, romalo. Male. Female. D-23 Tanti 1U 1ft 6 9 1 1 6 4 1 2 7 ... 2 I>~V7 Teli 4A 2S 12 10 7 9 6 1 13 8 4 6 2 2 Tltathera 2 ... ... ... ... ... 2 D-35 Tiyar 30 11 31 8 ... ... 8 3 ... A- 4 Turi ... 1 ... ««• Religious devotees and ■ ■ ■ mendicants. Bai$nab is 97 18 6 10 4 2 7 4 H n ■ 6 Hindus returned by title or common sub-caste. Bun
  13. , 9 Khan 1 ... ... 1 ... Mir 1 ... ... 1 ... Moghul 3 ... ... ... ... 1 2 Fathan 10 4 7 1 .3 1 2 2 3 1 Sayyid 5 9 ... ... 1 2 2 2 98 Shaikh COO 69M lOS 104 1 i 100 112 178 1 167 40 60 88 — Total 097 643 170 106 4 1 191 112 181 101 44 108 ( 141 ) TABLE XII— A.— Peksoxs of UxgonxT) Mind by continued. • I’EKSIDFXCY' DlVISION-r(,„(./«*rf. (iRorr. Musalmans returned by actual occupation. Vhopn Joltthu Kahnr Halu Tor AT. Pi 1)1 VJ HI a Id. 1 10 ;i ICMIltENC

    8IO>. Koiiuilo. It o ■V ‘2I-P\1. i MiUd. (JANAS. PdiiuiId. ... • ] j j Tau ! MnlD. 1 , 1 UTTA. |F(‘nialD, 1 Nadm. Jkhsor.

    1 Ml'RSITlDABAl). KnULKA. MalD. . Mm Id. 1 1 4 a IfdiiuiId. 1 3 2 1 Male. Fomalt*. 7 1 Malo. 1 * FciualD. / XoUtl in /.? i 1 ■ j 1 10 S 7 6 t Wusalmans, unspecified 7!l IS I 7s IS
  14. I Brahmos o ■ ■ ! 1 — - — — Native Christians 22 21 1 1 2 IS lit / V ^ 1 — TOTAL AFFLICTED 2,256 1.640 1 658 414 di8 1 16 370 226 434 301 lOi 166 277 269 ■ —

    ■ — r

  16. ■ ■
  17. Total li 1 il II 1 ] II Plass and RaJSII AJII lllVIhlO.X. 1 DiNAJi'in. lliJSIIAIIf. Ranopir, 1 110(1 UA. 1 Padna. 1 DARJEiiLI.NO, JALPAiatTST. Carte in At.pitabk- 1 1 'i 1 TICAL OUDKK. 1 1 Malt^ Fomali', 1 Mali*. 1 FDinulc. 1 MhId. FdidmId. ' Malo. Foinalti ilale. KdiiuiId. MnlD. FcuialD. j Main. FDiiialo. Mala. Fomaln. —

    - — — — j . _

    1- i Jtnbhan ... a 4 1 1 3 4 1 - 2 (a) Hagdl ... 12 15 2 10 1 1 1- U(a) t-Sl Baitij/a ... n o ! 2 1 1 ... 1 4 9 Baifi 1 .. .. 1 -14 Bauiya {unspeci- 1 3 I 1 1 • •• /ieil). ! ... 2 t- 2(11) JlaTui I ! 1 / 1-44 Bediya ... 1 1 1 /


    Bhuimali ... ... 29 23 12 10 ... 1 1 2 G 1 7 0 1 1 t 3 t- i(a) Bind 1 1 t- S Brahman ... 3,1 5 1 10 3 1 4 flhamar 11 10 1 a a R 4 1-24 Dhopa 1 2 t 1 ... 1 1 Bom 1 ... 1 1- 9(b) Uoala 13 9 2 / 1 5 3 2 5 1 1 1 1-23 20 13 17 3 7 1 3 1 1 1-35 Kahar 13 2 ... . ; ... •• 1 13 9

    -3 (a)

    Kaiharttn ... 42 27 10 J ' 10 1 J 7 15 , 9 & G 5 »-i9 Xamar 10 10 ... 2 2 6 1 i 3 4 2 ) ~iy Kami 1 ... ! - 1 f>-23 Kapali 6 1 ... 2 .. ... i 1 1 4 1 »~23 Karni 2 1 1 ... 1 1 ... y Kayanfha ... 36 19 9 ! 7 S 3 1 i 14 8 2 -14. Khatri H H 0 4 ... 1 . , } ... ... 1 4


    Korhh 637 401 190 154 1 1 163 119 11 13 6 3 25 n 146 128

    '3 (a) Koiri 6 2 ... 6 2 ... ...
  18. 4 2 ... ... ... 2 ... 1 ... Kumhar ... 0 8 1 2 1 ” 1 1 1 1 I 8 a ... ... ... ( 142 ) TABLE XII — A.-^Peusons op Unsound Mind by Caste — continued. EAJSHAHI DIVISTON-eo«dt((/c 4

    D-30 B-20 D^2S D-27 D-35 Religious Devotees and Mendicants. Baiunab Hindus returned by title. Buna Hindus returned by actual occupation. Dal Ohatimt Kayal Matiya Fatni Hindus, unspecified Musalmans returned by title. Khan Path an Sayyid Shaikh Total Musalmans returned by actual occupation. Jolaha Native Christians Total Division. Dinajpur. Rajshahi, llANOPUR. Booka. Pakna, Darjkelino. 1 Jalpaigdui, Malo. jFfmalo 1 j Malo. I'Vmalo. Malo. Female Malo.

    Foinalo. Male. Kumalc. Malo. Female. Mulo. Female, Male. Female 1 5 ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... 3 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 5 S ... 3 ... 2 ... ... .. 3 y ... ...
  19. ... ... ... 2 ... .. ... 28 30 1 S 1 3 21 18 ... 1 ... 1 4 ... 4 ... ... ... CO 22 4 1 11 3 29 3 n 2 17 7 ... 2\ 14 1 1 10 0 4 2 4 i> 4 3 i 20 1 ... 17 ... ... 1 ... 2 1

1 ■ .. : ... 1 1 ... ... 1 .. 1 i» 1 ... 1 2 ... ... 2i 12 ... 3 3 2 14 3 1 2 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 ... ... ... ... 7 3 3 ... ... 1 ... ... 1 2 '4 It 10 1 3 7 4 ... 2 2 4 1 2 1 ... 1 ...

  • 3 3 4 1 ... 4>t 31 4 3 jl |i 1 2 1 4 i 1 1 ... 35 1

    1 1 ! ... N S a 3 1 1 1 3 3 / 1 ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1,759 1,393 ai2 220
  • 259 433 321 3‘A 200 ♦2S3 233 4 140 1,709 1,402 ai5 230 2tJU 259 434 322 332 269 2S« 234 2 4 » 140 H
1 ... .. ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 1 1 1 ... 1 ^ 2,892 2,171 600 420 c64 322 663 483 417 320 460 342 ' 1 41 26 368 268 TOTAL afflicted ( 143 ) TABLE XII — A. — Persons of Unsound Mind uy Caste — continued. DACCA DIVISION. Castb ly AT.rir^Di:- Cia«8 anrt tical ohdku ok Group. 1 . e oo Bat/fli ... If- 9 (a) Baidjfa n-31 Ham ... C7-14 Jinutffa (unspeti- fit'd). ti (a) llarui ... IS-4dL Bvdiya n-S9 Bhuimatt A— 4 BhamtJ B- /i Hrahnian Chainar and lluehi D-24 Bhojm K—43 Bom 11-14 Oandkubanih 1- » (b) Goata D-!S3 •layi n-3S Kahat . 1 - e (a) Kaiharlta ... B-19 Kamar ... Kapali B - 9 KayaHtUn ... A-^2(a) Korhh ... B^28 Kumhnr ... F 48 Magh ... n-2fl(a) Maira A— 2(a) Mai ... .4- 2(a) Mali B-35 Malo A- 4 Munda A- 3(a) N a w a HU dr a € /mu dal. o r n^iH ^inpit E-A4 Nat n^30 Nuniya A— 1 Hajptit A- 2(a) Sad gap D-29(a) Sanli/Mrl n-17 Sonar ... €-14 .V uharnabanl /c B~38 Sunrt n-20 Sutra dhar n-23 TarUi B-27 Tell D-35 1 liyar Religious Devotees and Mendicants. BaUnah Hindus returned by ‘title. Tor^r, Uatca l)l\ IHION. 1 IlAcri. 1 FARinrtii. !! lUKltAimANJ. 1 MlIMANBINOn. Aliilf Femiilt. j Male. Im'iidiIc. |! .Mull'. Ffiusilc. iMiilo. FtMimlc. Malo. Fomalo. 8 11 4 11 1 - 4 H 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 '1 ... 1 ; - ... ... 2 ... 18 S •1 2 3 4 1 10 J 23 0 9 ... 2 » 9 4 3 11 4 2 / 11 1 6 a 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 ... ... ... 2 12 V 37 59 6 17 33 :u IS 11 10 211 20 9 3 9 2 10 30 21 2 6 10 fi 10 H 3 3 2 ... 2 ... 3 3 0 2 6 1 1 , 1 3.' 34 13 3 1 i 10 7 3 12 19 27 43 23 3 2 10 11 11 0 4 ... 2 2 ... ... 73 7S 19 17 1 6 11 7 43 43 IS 11 H 3 1 1 3 « 3 15 5 9 ... i 1 ... 5 1 212 138 72 31 •1.') 34 17 »7 43 36 r.5 27 1.5 13 i ... 1 1 ... 19 12 22 49 6 19 1 2 3 3 ! 12 25 2 2 ... 2 ! ... fi 3 ... 4 ... 2 3 4 4 •• ... ... ... fl 12 6 • 1 ... 1 10 50 43 10 10 ! 9 5 0 19 12 ... 7 ... ... 7 2S1 220 77 29 01 30 i 1 117 02 24 55 40 6 7 0 to 1 1 22 11 21 12 1 1 ... • • • 1 j 1 ... ! 1 1 7 0 ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... ... 12 1 10 1 / 1 2 ... !: 17 9 11 0 3 1 ... ... 3 3 101 46 27 7 40 } 14 H 11 ! 20 14 17 13 10 8 3 ... 1 1 1.5 6 ... 5 .. ... 1 4 ... 13 13 3 3 .3 0 1 j 3 ... 3 ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 2 26 30 15 3 S 3 3 1 13 11 11 11 ... i ... 1 i 1 1 1 ... ... ... Ourkha ( 144 ) TABLE XII — A. — Persons of Unsound Mind by Caste — conlimed. DACCA DIVISION-rowoIWerf. -- 1 1 1 Gnour. Total Dacca Dl VIBION. Dacca. FABIDrCH. lUKTTAllfiAN.T. MilMANslNOlf. Mate. Fcmalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 j Mule. Female. Male. Female. Hindus returned by actual occupation. Patni 16 13 6 6 2 3 / 0 6 Hindus returned by locality. ItlanipurU 5 1 B 1 Hindus, unspecified 157 80 OS 40 4 7 s S 77 34 Musatmans returned by sect. Sunni • 1 4 ... 1 4 ... Musalmans returned by title- pathun 34 19 10 ... 1 13 IS 11 1 Suyyid .... 2 O 1 2 2 Shuihh ... 1,066 1,301 ! 427 i 994 1H7 Its 1 318 278 72S SH3 Total 1.0'.)! 1,3'Pi 1 W7 1 29 i 1S7 i 148 1 3.'13 290 7:d 1 6Ht Musalmans returned by actual occupation. thtlalm 0 8 1 ! O 7 1 Tf Musalmans, unspecified ... 1 I 1 1 1 1 ... Native Christians 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 total afflicted ... 3,235 2,406 1 1 1 956 1 j 677 450 375 j _ i 610 566 1,206 808 CHITTAGONG DIVISION. — 1 Total Cuttta- liiiNa Division. Chittagong. JJoakiiali. Tiri’KBA. Chittagong Hill Tbacts. (;laN.s and Group. CA8TK IN A LI II A PE- TICAL OUDEK. 1 Male. Female. Malt*. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. • L -- - - ~ _ f II- 9 (

1- S

Utah man 22 11 1 2 4 3 17 6 ... A~ 4 Chakrna 27 18 2 ... 25 18 n-38 Chatna r 1 1 D--‘24 Dhopa 18 14 6 2 6 4 8 8 ... C 145 ) TABLE Xn A Persons op Unsound Mind by Caste — continued. CHITTAGON& DIVISION '^concluded. C—14 Oandhabauik .4— a (h) Gottla Jugi Kttfiar ... A— 2 (ft) Knibnrtta Kamar B-^23 Kapftli n - 9 Kayasiha A-’ 2 (a) Kovhh A— 4 Ktiki B-2H Kurnhar p~48 Magh /i 22(a) Maira ... I— 2(a> Mul A-- 2 (ft) Mali A— 2 (ft) Kamaauflra or Chandal, Caste in Alpha rk- TICAL onilKR OR Oaoui*. Total Chitta. ooNiii Division. '^niTTAtiONa. Noakhali. Chittaoong UlLI. TiiAcrs. Male. Fomalo. I Male. Fomalo. Mal(». Fomalo. Malo. Fomalo. Malo. Fnimlo. Xapit ... Nuniya SubarnabftiiUc Sunri Sutradhur A— 4 \Tlppf'ra Religious devotees and j mendicants. ! Jiaifitiab Hindus returned by title. Sudra Hindus returned by actual occupation. Total 2 Hindus, unspecified Musalmans returned by title. Sayyid ... Brahmo Native Christian ... 61 43 I 19 It I 10 i 10 I 1 738 7Cl 348 328 m 1U9 224 234 Total ... 740 7G5 340 351 106 /»• 225 235 total afflicted ... 1,247 1,180 606 462 241 282 403 | 303 (146 ) TABLE XII— A. — PEKSQN8 op XjNaooin) Mind bt Caste— - con/»na«rf. PATNA DIVISION. Total Patna DlVMlON. P ATNA. Gata. SUAHABAPt Dabbbanoa. Muzaffaupub. Sabav. 1 CnAMPARAir. OlaNn and (froup. Cabtbs tir Aipba- 1 ! 1 i 1 1 1 BBTIGAL ORPBS ou Gbouf. Male. Female. 1 Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. female, C-14 Agarwata 3 • •• ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ••• C-J4 Agrahari 2 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 2(aJ Amat 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 1 Babhan 64 27 IS 10 ... ... 7 4 2 ■i 13 3 ... ... 2 C-14 Baniya (unapecl- fied). 18 7 3 2 7 ... 2 2 ... m 2 ... 3 3 D-20 Barhi 10 2 6 t ... ... ... ... ... ■ ... 1 1 A- 3(a) Barui 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ...

  • ... ... ... E-44 Bediya ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 A- 8(a) Bltar 6 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 3 2 1 ... A- 4 Bhuiya 13 6 ... 3 4 ... 1 ... ... ... 10 2 ... ... A^ 2(aJ Bind 6 1 ... ... 1 1 ... 2 ^B ... 8 ... B- S Brahman ... 131 44 6 ... 24 9 22 13 27 7 19 0 9 8 ... DS8 Chamar S9 19 8 2 8 1 4 2 3 2 6 2 3 17 7 B-24 Dhopa 7 7 2 1 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... 4 3 1 1 E-43 Dom 11 9 5 4 ... ... ... 2 1 1 ■I 1 1 2 2 A- 2 fa) Du$adh 61 27 6 S 11 J 3 8 7 6 ■ 9 2 U 3 V^26 Oareri 10 3 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 H 6 2 t A- 2(b) Ooala 131 81 17 4 11 7 ir, 7 14 8 B 20 8 19 4 B-22(a) Halwni 4 3 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 2 1 B ... ... ... B-39 Uari 8 1 1 ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... 3 1 D-3S Kttitar 50 24 8 2 10 13 10 2 1 ... 11 2 10 4 ... 1 D-J6 Kalwar 34 3 4 ... 0 ... 0 1 ... 1 1 ... 8 ... 6 1 B-19 Eamar or lohar 24 12 ... 1 7 0 2 1 2 ... 2 1 11 3 ... ... l>-22(a) Kandu 88 16 1 ... 6 ... 3 1 3 0 8 8 10 4 7 n -21 Kasera 10 11 10 11 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B- 9 Knyastha 42 19 0 1 8 0 10 7 2 ... 3 2 10 4 3 D-35 Kvivat r, ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 ... ... ... B ... ... ... C-14 Khatri 7 9 ... ... ... ... 0 7 ... ... ... 1 B 2 1 A- 2(a) KoM 81 28 17 2 9 3 8 0 18 4 15 ... B 8 6 5 D-28 Kutnhar 7 4 ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 1 3 2 A- 2(a) Kurmi 70 30 10 7 ... 2 ... 3 13 2 mm 1 10 13 15 2 A- 2(a) Mali 4 6 ... 1 1 ... 1 1 ... 1 1 2 1 ... B—34 Malo 9 8 6 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B 4 2 A- 2(a) Mwahar 8 10 3 2 ... 7 ... ... 2 1 ... ... B ... 3 D-18 Jfapit or JIaj)am 21 7 2 2 4 ... 3 ... ... 1 3 4 B ... 6 ... li-30 K-uniya 30 18 8 8 ... 1 2 3 2 ... 6 2 6 ... 6 4 A- 4 Oraon 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D-Jfl rasi 16 2 ... ... 11 1 ... ... 1 1 3 ... ... ... ... ... A- 1 Kafput 118 29 24 8 11 « 15 1 7 1 24 4 26 8 11 2 .A-2(a) Rajwar ... 3 ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 Santal 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ta* ••• ... D-17 Sonar 20 12 1 ... 7 • i* 6 2 • 1 2 8 4 2 1 ... 0-30 Hunri 7 4 ... ... ...
  • 2 3 4 1 1 ... ... ... ... A- 2(a) Tambutt 4 3 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 J ... J9-23 Tantl or TaUva ... 6 7 1 6 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 4 J9-27 Teli 40 22 3 2 4 3 7 2 6 3 3 8 7 8 10 9 g A^2(a) Thara 18 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 17 D-21 Thafhcra 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... •M ... Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baisnab 12 1 1 7 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... s i ( ) TABLE XII — A.— Persons op Unsound Mind by CASTE^continucd, • PATNA DIVISION— eowr/urffifi. GBOVP. Total Patna Division. Pa FNA. Data. SUAnABAD. Darbuakga. |MUZAFFAltrUR. Saean. Champaran. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female Male. Female. Male. Female. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Hindus returned by actual occupation. Dh^tnia 6 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... 2 ... Kufdra 2 7 ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... • •f ... 7 ... ... 1 1 Patua ••• 5 1 1 ... ... ■■■ i ... ... 4 i ... ... ! ... ... Total 12 8 2 i ... 1 2 4 1 1 7 1 .3 ... Hindus, unspecified 133 25 120 7 1 4 0 ... ... ... 1 7 3 a 5 Musalmans returned by title. Pat/ian 19 7 2 1 1 e 2 2 2 ... 5 2 Sayyid 11 2 ... 0 1 ... ... • •f ... 2 ... ... •e* Shaikh 81 4i 22 10 11 14 i 7 6 17 5 7 5 0 1 11 Total e.. 111 4H 20 11 18 14 17 H 1» 7 7 5 13 3 11 Musalmans returned by actual occupation. m Jolaha 22 IS ... B ... ... 2 2 2 3 0 2 6 1 \ 8 3 Musalmans, unspecified... 20 18 ... J ... ... ! ... 1 ... 6 3 11 7 ■ i 1 i ... ... Native Christians 11 1 3 B B ... BB ■1 B 1 ... 1 i 3 ... TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 1,601 613 340 107 103 02 168 1 80 182 73 IQI 00 266 07 202 66 BHAGALPUB DIVISION. Class and Castb n? Alfiiabeti Total Eiiaoal- PUR Division. Bilagalpub. Monguyr. PPliNBl. Malo V. Sawtal Pauoanas. Group. CAL 0K1>BR. Mulo. Femule. Male. Female. Malo. Fcmahi. j 1 Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Agarwala 2 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... A^2(a) Aguri 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 2 raj Amat 6 3 ... ... 6 3 ... ... ... 4- 1 Babhan 22 11 0 3 5 7 6 C ... ... *fo; Bagdi ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... B- 8 foj Baitlya ... 3 ... 3 ... ... ... ... C-J4 Baniya (unspeci- fiodj. 17 15 6 2 2 3 7 5 *2 ... ... 5 JB-4W BaH 3 6 ... ... ... 3 1 5 ... ... ... A- 2 (a) B « Bhuiya 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... A^ 4 BhumiJ ... 3 ... •• ... ... 1 - J ... ... ... ... A^2(a) Bind 7 to ... ... ... ... 7 10 ... ... ... It^ 5 Brahman 77 45 14 4 0 5 45 25 1 4 11 7 2{aJ Chain 18 11 ... ... ... ... ... 18 11 ... ... Chamarand Muehi . 17 3 4 1 4 ... 0 1 ... 1 ... ... 11—04 JDhopa 3 9 2 2 ... 7 ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 Z>om 8 3 3 ... 6 2 1 " L 2 ( 148 ) TABLE XII— A. — Persons of Unsound Mind by Caste — continued. BHAQALPUE DIVISION— Clnss and Group. Ca8tr lie Alpha BE- TICAL ORDBB OB Group. A- 8(a) I}M,satlh A- 2 (a) Oongauto D-26 (Harvri A- 2(b) Goola Dsn iinnrhi n- 82 (tO UoUvni n-Sy ilori l)-25 Jitgi U-3X Kahor .. A~ 2(a) Kolbn-rtta D-39 Kalwor />-19 Ktnnor D 2'i(a) Hondo D-2t Knnsori y KayoHtha n-35 Kvu'nt A- 4 Khortvor .1- 8(0) Khotlk r-14 Khoiri .1— 2 (a) Kochh 1-2(0) KoiH 1- 4 Hal n-2fi Komhar A 2 (0) Kurmi A- 2 (a) Mat A- 8(a) Mali D -55 Mala A- 4 Munda li-35 Moriyori 4- 2(a) Musnhnr A- 2(0) yoyoT A- 8(0) yamnsudrn or Chondol n-iH Napit or Ha.Uoin . n—30 youiyo A- 2(0) raryha A - 2(0) Fod A- 1 Rajput A- 4 Sontnl n-17 Sonar n-S6 Sonri n -80 Sutradhar D-23 Tontior Totu’a ... n-27 Ten n-3s Tlyar A- 4 Tori Religious Devotees and Mendicants. Baisunh Hindus returned by title. Total Bhaqal- rutt Division. Buagalpur. Momouyb. PURNEA. Malua. Sastal Pa ROAN AS. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. Femaln. Mule. Female. 19 H 5 8 4 9 5 1 1 ... b 4 5 1 3 ... ... ... 15 S ... 10 ... 5 8 ... 81 27 19 3 39 8 12 6 14 8 1 2 1 2 ... ... ... ... 9 2 4 3 .5 ... ... ... 10 8 ... ... ... s 1 2 1 7 to ... 8 3 <1 1 1 ... 10 11 4 10 7 ... 13 12 5 3 6 5 3 3 ... t 7 ii 1 1 <> 5 3 1 ... ... 1 8 1 8 ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 10 n ... ... 8 3 4 8 ... 7 28 2 .5 12 5 4 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 t 1 ... ... ... ... 18 3 3 ! . . IS Tl 88 ... 1 1 ... 3S 17 31 18 ... 19 10 S 3 8 11 S ... 7 7 7 7 Vi 3 2 ! 7 3 3 47 to 11 4 12 8 9 3 1 1 14 0 11 9 ... ..V 1 11 8 13 U 13 <> 1 3 1 3 ... •• 12 It 3 10 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 ... 10 7 i 1 i 3 3 3 J 2 2 ...
  • 3 ... ... 2 1 ... ... 2 1 ... 6 6 I i 8 ... 5 3 13 6 2 i 11 0 ... ... 3 .'1 ... 1 2 ... 1 2 ... U 5 8 3 0 8 ... .53 33 2 ... ... 61 33 13 0 1 c 7 8 ... 5 7 1 2 ... 2 4 2 1 ... ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 i
  • ... 9 3 4 1 .. ... 4 1 1 1 ... ... 22 9 S 2 3 J 8 ^ 3 3 1 4 8 1 1 5 3 2 ... ... ... / ... ... ... ... 1 \ ...
  • 2 i 2 \ 1 ... ... 4 4 4 4 ... • If 9 — l' -- Jliina ... ( 149 ) TABLE XII — A. — Persons of Unsound Mind by Caste— BHAGALPUR DIVISION— ronolKrferf. Total UiiAn.L. I’Utt Diviaio.v. RiunAi.ruR. Monohmi. ri'RNEA, Malda. Santa I. Par- OANAa. GROUP. 1 1 1 Mulo, Fi'innlo. Male. Femali'. Mai... Fcniali'. Mai... FVmale. ; Mai... Fomal.>. Malt*. F.'inal.'. ndus returned by actual occupation. tnif* ••• 1 1 1 1 1 idus returned by locality. tarlaa ... 14 ... 14 idus, unspecified 4 i • 4 lusalmans returned by title. htni 1 2 1 1 1 yid 4 ... 3 1 ... ikh r>7 67 3 1 2 n !>.■> RH ... Total 5- 73 1 < 2 n r>(; 60 lusalmans returned by actual occupation. 1 tha 11 !f 1 ... 7 4 n 4 salmans, unspecified ... il /,7 Id n 10 1.- 10 TAL AFFLICTED .. 887 668 1 162 03 142 80 1 291 101 I 187 II j 141 106 74 ORISSA DIVISION. 1 Toi VI. OIURRA 1 Cl itACK. PruT. Ralas.ib. 1 ANOI'L ANl> Division. 1 1 Kandu Mahals. Cl.RNN an.i Carte in ArriTADEri- Group. CAL OK HER. Mali'. Fumalu. Mai.. F.m?iU. Mai.-. I'l-nmlt*. 1 Ft‘ni;ilr\ j 1 Male. Frmalr. C 14 /{a n i If a ( If nsjmci - Jlf’d) U 1 5 i 7 i n-20 Itarhi .. 1 1 A- fi (a) ttarui . IS in 11 4 0 /I
    ... A^»(a) Baari 1 2 ... ... ... 1 2 B- S Bhnt 1 •• 1 A- 4 nhnmi) 2 ... ... ... 2 B- 5 Brahman 91 27 2S i 12 7 ... n-^8 Chamar 3 2 ... » ! 1 ’ ' 2 1 2(a) Chasa 00 33 J7 9 ' 1 41 2i i 1 2 1 / D-24 Dhopa 1 12 5 4 1 ' '! 4 2 1 3 t 1 / £•43 Dom 1 2 '! 1 i 2 i i A 2(h) fioala 32 12 1.- 6 i c 4 9 ! 2 1 2 A- 2(a) f/o/rt 3 3 3 J ... Jl-22 (a) iiuria 13 a 9 2 ! 3 ... 1 n-39 llari 1 3 ... 1 1 2 1 L 3 ( 150 ) TABLE XII— A.— l^BSONs of Unsound Mind by Caste— con/mwcrf. OEISSA DIVISION-cenc/arferf. Total Orissa D ivision. Cuttack. Puri. Balabor. Anoul ard Kandu Mahals. Clasfl and Caste iif Alpttabeti- 1 1 1 Group. CAL OBDBU OB GROOl’. Mule. Female. Male. Peiualo. 1 Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. A- 4 Juang \ ... ... 4 ... ... A- 9 (a) Kaibartta 1 ... 1 ... n--19 Kamar 9 1 2 1 2 5 ... ... A~4 Kamlh 6 2 ... ... ... 6 2 v-m Kannari 1 2 1 2 ... B- 0 Karan 21 4 6 3 9 i 6 ... ... B- 9 KagnHtJut 4 1 1 3 1 ... ... ... /i-J5 Kiiteai 16 lO 10 4 3 4 3 2 ... 4- 1 Khandalt 20 24 13 1 1 15 6 4 1 C-14 KhatH 1 ... ... 1 ... D-28 Kumhar 2 2 ... 1 ... 1 2 ... ... A--9(a) Kurmi 2 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... A- 4 Jlahili 2 ... ... ... 2 ... ... A- 2 (a) Mali C 4 2 ... ... A- 4 3funda 12 H 7 8 5 B-iH Nap it or Bhandarl 20 H 0 2 H 4 ... i 3 1 vl- 4 Pan 16 n 12 5 ... 1 4 2 yl- 1 Itaiput 4 1 3 1 ... ... 1 ... 1- 4 Savor 2 2 ... 2 2 ... ... Sonar 1 ... ... ...
  • ... ... I>-« Sunri 2 ... ... 1 1 ... B-23 Tanti 17 0 11 2 ... 4 4 3 2 i>-» 27 TvU 32 Iff 12 It 14 4 0 3 ... ... 1>- 21 Thu them ... 2 ... ... ... ... Religious Devotees and Mendicants. Buitinab n 4 2 2 2 7 2 ... Hindus returned by title. Buna ... 1 ... 1 ... ... Budra ... 2 1 ... 2 ... ... Total I ... 3 1 Hindus returned by actual occupation. Paini ... ... J ... ... ... 1 ... 2 ... Hindus, unspecified 27 21 3 3 11 7 13 11 ... Musalmans returned by title. ♦ Pathnn 1 1 ... 1 1 ... ... Shaikh 8 J 2 ... 4 2 2 1 Total 9 4 2 ... 1 4 2 2 1 Musalmans, unspecified ... 9 2 9 I ... 1 ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 638 242 211 92 1 183 82 114 61 20 7 ( 151 ) TABLE XII-A.-PEE80NS op Unsotjkd Mind by CK^v.-contkued. CHUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION. Total ('iiutia V‘ I ii = Class and Cabte IK Alpitabkii- CAL OKltEU. NAiiPru Division. 1 IlAZASIBAUir. ! I.OIIARHAOA, inci.dhim# A Lama u. 1 MANDnritf. 1 SiMunmruir. Group. 1 II Main. Female. Male. Female. 1 Male Ftinale. 1 j Male. Fomulo. Male. Fi'tnalu. — — A- f9 (a) Bagdi 4 ... ... ... 4 U- 9 (a) Uaidya 2 1 1 1 1 A- 4 Bandnwut 1 1 C-14 Manila (unapeei- 5 1 2 1 ... 3 Barhi ... 1 1 A— 2 (a) Barui ... .1 3 il- 2 (a) Buuri 1 J t.. 1 1 ... E-4 Bvdign 1 1 4 Tthuiya 10 0 3 •2 S 5 1 A- 4 Bhumi) 0 J2 ... 8 2 1 10 B- 5 Brahman .11 It 7 4 8 9 in 4 4 D--3H Chamar and Machi 17 a 3 2 i:i 3 1 A 4 Chih 1 1 D-24 lihohl 4 2 1 1 E-3 Bom 2 ... 1 1 A- 2 (a) D%tJiadh 0 1 O 4 1 ... A- 4 Ohaai 1 2 3 1 904 ... ... A- 2(h) Ooala 22 13 10 1 9 9 3 4 A 4 Goad 24 It 1 ... ... ... U to JD^39 Hart :i 4 4 • •• ... 3 li-5 Kahar 4 6 2 2 2 4 ... A 2 (a) Kaibartta ... 7 ... f*

    r Kalwar 2 3 ... 2 3 ... 1 H-llJ Kamar or Lohar ... 11 & ... 5 3 G 2 (a) Handu ... 1 t ... A -4 Kaar 11 S ... ... 11

    : 1 ... B- 9 Kayastha 1 ... 1 ... ... ... 1 A- 4 Khar la 2 i ... 2 1 1 ... ... 1 ... A 4 Kharwar 6 4 ... ... 5 4 ... 1 ... ... V-i4 Khairi 3 i ... ... 1 2 1 A^2(a) Koiri 0 3
2 6 1 ... A^ 4 Kol ... 13 « ... ... ... 12 n--28 Kumhar 1!) 7 2 ... 2 15 1 ... 0 A- 9(a)

Kurmi 20 22 2 3 5 3 ; 12 17 1 A-^2(a) Mall 4 ... 1 3 ...

  • 1 ... n-ss Mala 2 ... ... ... ... A 4 Munda 10 14 ... 10 14 .. i Xaplt or flajjam ... 6 11 2 1 1 1 j 2 n ... 1 1>-J0 Nuniya 1 1 ... ... 1 t ... ■■■ ... ... 4 Oraon 15 17 ... 1.5 17 ...
  • i ... D--39 BaH ... 2 ... 9 ... ... ; ... ... A^ 1 Jl(\iput 16 17 3 3 3 ’* 1 0 13 3 1 9 (a) Rafwar 4 ... 1 ... ... ... 3 ... A^ 9 (a) Sad gap 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 1 • -4- 4 Santat ... ... 18 12 1 1 ... ... 1 13 6 4 6 4 Sarah ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... l>-17 Sonar % 1 1 ••• 1 1 ... •• C-14 Suhamabanih 20 fM ... ... ... ... 1 20 Sunri 6 4 ... 1 1 1 4 1 ... 1 A^9(a) TanibuH 4 1 ... 3 1 1 ... ... B^93 Tanti or Tatwa ... 0 4 ... ... ... S ... 4 B-m Teli 13 16 4 2 3 0 IQ
  • J A- 4 Turi 0 8 1 2 4 3 ! •- L 4 ( 1«3 ) TABLE XII—A. — Persons op Unsound Mind bt Caste — continued. CHUTIA NAGPUR DIPISION-ooMcIudcrf. Total finuTiA Nagpur Division. Hazariuagh. Loharoaga, INULUDING Pa LA MAG. Manorum. r 1 SlNGHBRUM. 1 GBOl P, 1 '1 II J Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baisnttb 4 4 ... ... ... ... 1 1 3 5 Hindus returned by actual occupation. Dhunia ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 Ohntwul .•t 3 3 3 ... ... ... ... ... Ooralt 2 ... ... 2 ... ... Mala 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... Total ... rt 4 3 2 t 1 Hindus returned by locality. I'rlyaa 5 ... ... r» .. ... ... Hindus, unspecified 2 2 ... ... ... Musalmans returned by title. JPathan 3 ... ... 3
  • ... Sayyid ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... Shaikh Ifi 14 4 1 7 3 7 It ... Total 19 10 1 1 4 8 It Musalmans returned by actual occupation. \ 1 Jolaha 8 4 5 3 .7 ... 1 ... Kalal 1 1 ... ... ... Total 9 4 1 V, 3 J ... 1 Musalmans, unspecified ... 4 3 4 I ... 1 Native Christians C 4 G 4 ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED .. 417 300 71 40 1 138 07 102 07 1 48 66 FEUDATORY STATES. CA8TB in Alpiiaukti- Total Frupa- Tory Statkh. Kvcn HiiiAR. Oribba Tkiutt. lAHV SlATEH. • UlTl'TIA NaUPUR Tkirutaky Hill Tippsba. Kruup. CAL. URDHB. Male. Kemalo. Malo, Female. Male. Female. Male. Femali'. Male. Female. -1-3 (a) Ituydi 2 ... 2 U Haniya (untipvH- 4 i 1 3 1 US It hat 2 3 2 3 ... J>33 Ithaimtili or Hati. 1 3 3 1 ... A^4 Hhuiya 6 S ... S 4 4 ( 153 ) TABLE XII — A. — Persoks op Unsound Mind by Caste— ' FEUDATOEY STATES-ron/i»«e)

    Ooala 19 10 1 1 12 9 0 ... ... A- 4 Oond 3 3 ... ... 3 J ... X>— (a) auria 5 4 ... 5 4 ... ... A-4 duang 1 ... 1 .. ... J}-23 Jagi H 4 K 4 ... ... ... Ji-35 Kahar a ... ... ... 3 ... A— 2(u) Kaibartta 3 3 6 ... ... ... ... ... D-VJ Kamur or Lohar .. 5 ... ... ... ... 5 ... A- 4 Kandh •• 13 4 ... 13 4 ... ... V-21 Kannari 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... II- 0 Kayantha Karon and s 4 3 3 5 1 V-3S Kewat 2 4 ... ... 2 4 •* 4-4 Khaira 1 1 ... ... 1 1 A^l Khanda It 10 7 ... ... 10 7 ... ... " 4-4 Kharla ... 1 ... ... ... 1 C-14 Khoiri 1 1 ... 4- « (n) Kochh 190 131 190 130 1 ... 1 A-2 (a) Koiri 6 5 4- 4 Kol ... 6 ... ... 0 ... 4— 4 Kuki 4 ... 4 Knmha r 3 3 4- r»; Kurmi 3 ... 1 ... ... •• 4- ;3 Mali •• 1 1 ... 4- A? (a) Mechh O

    •» ... "* 4- 4 Munda 10 1 3 1 7 ... 4- 9 (a) Samagitdra i'ha tidal or 7 2 7 2 ... 1 1 ... D-18 Jfoitit or dari han- 12 2 ... 12 2 ... I)-30 Nani If a 1 1 1 ... 1 4- 4 Ban 11 3 11 3 ... ... 4- I Rajpni • 1 1 ... ... 1 1 ... 10 10 4- 4 Bautia ... ... ... 4- 4 Satital 5 1 ... ... 6 1 JJ-Jtf Sitnri 9 1 7 i 2 D-20 Sutradhar Barhi or .3 1 3 1 ... j I 1 • D-93 Tanti and Tativa... 15 5 11 4 1 1 D-97 Teli 0 n ... 0 6 42 17 17 4- 4 Tipprra 42 1 3 4- 4 Turi 3 ... Religiot js devotees and 1 mendicants. . 1 ... ... BaCsnaA 1 Hindus returned by title. Sud/ra 2 2 1 ... 1 ( 154 ) TABLE XII — A.— Peesons op Unsound Mind bp Caste— FEUDATORY STATES— coacWerf. Group. Total Fbuiu- TORY Statkb. Kuch Bihab. OAIB8A Tmnu. TARY 8TATRS. CnUTTA NaOPUR Trirutarv States. Hill Tiffrra. Mnlo. Femalo. Male. Female. Male. Female, Male. Female. Male. Fomalo. Hindus returned by locality. Aitsamfur 3 3 1 Hindus, unspecified 14 li R 1 4 i 2 S Musalmans returned by title. Pathon 1 1 1 1 j Shaikh 117 9S 107 fto 10 4 ... ... Total 118 94 107 no 11 5 Musalmans returned by actual occupation. A Ola ha 1 2 2 Musalmans, unspecified ... 14 n ... 2 12 5 TOTAL AFFLICTED .. 662 388 360 248 180 61 44 29 68 30 ( 155 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste. BAUD WAN DIVISION. ClMS •nd Group. CA8TB IN Alphabetical OMDEH, Total Babdwaw i)ivi8ioir. Baud WAN. Baneuba. Biebhum. Midnapur. lIlTQLl. Howrah. Halo. Fomate. Malo. Female Hale. Pemalo . Malo. Female Male. Fonialo .! Male. 1 Female 1 Male. Female 4- 9(aj ). Aguri 8 0 6 4 5 2 A
    2 Uagtli 271 183 40 30 17 23 :k4 29 71 22 67 54 36 19 B- 0 00 Baitlya » 2 3 ... 1 4 1 1 ... 1 0-JJ Haiti 1 ... ... 1 c- 14 Haniga {unspecified) 11 7 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 4-2 (a)

    Harui 18 8 ... ... 3 ... 6 4 4 3 0 1 2(a) Hauri 170 211 67 67 90 127 22 15 ... 1 2 E-44 Hediya 2:i 23 ... ... ... 23 23


    P-41 Heldar ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... Mi ... 1- 2 (a) Bltar 2 i ... ... ... 2 t 9 - 8 Bhat ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 1- 4 Bhulya 7 6 1 3 1 A? 3 3 ... ... 4 BhumiJ 10 JO ... ... 10 7 ... 6 3 ... »•# 1 9 ~ 5 Brahtnan 206 138 63 32 .‘kn 20 12 9 62 37 19 18 25 10 J-3S Cfiamar and Muehi ... 7a 03 13 4 1 0 29 25 6 iO 22 14 2 4 1- 4 (lU/e 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ')-24 Dhopa iO 30 2 14 1 1 1 22 23 1 J 10 4 J-43 Dom 104 78 5 32 28 G 21 23 11 J 20 r 19 7 1- 2 (a) tJusadJi ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... •M ... ... 1 ?-i4 Oandhabanik 9

    > 6 1 3 1 1 ’)^2n OareH 2 ... ... ... O ... ... •* 1-9 (b) Ooala 177 83 37 U 63 37 10 0 28 9 .30 19 0 5 )-39 Tlari no 50 1 20 2 18 14 12 17 13 3 4 2 ~23 dugi c 8 2 ... ... 1 2 1 J 1 2 }-3a Kalsar 2 3 ... 1 ... 2 2 1-2 (a) Kaihartta 094 338 .3!) 15 5 3 4 8 620 223 1 39 37 87 52 t-19 Kamnr 8fi 27 9 8 27 5 6 4 28 1 1 7 0 8 3 *-22(a) Kandu 12 4 ... ... 10 4 2 ... ... i~2l Kausari 2 2 ... 1 1 i ... t i-23 Knpali 1 3 ... ... ... • •• ... ... 1 3 -20 Karanga 4 1 ... 3 ... 1
  • 9 Xayastha 121 7J 38 2

    17 11 3 2 50 31 I J 0 5

    —53 Kewfil 2 ... 2 ...
  • 4 Khaira 32 19 ... 32 19 ... ... ..I ... ...
  • I Khandait 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ' 4 Xharwar 2 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... -14 Wiatri 1 ... ... • •• ... ... ... : ...
  • 2(a) Kochh .1 10 2 ... 1 9 1 ... 1 ... -2(a) Koiri 1 ... ... 1 ... -41 Xora 9 3 ... ... 7 1 2 • •• 2 ... • .f -28 Kumhar 47 38 ... 2 17 17 6 4 22 7 , 2 7 1 i -2(a) tiurmi 20 19 ... ... 2 3 •«. 1/ 10 j ... I ... ''22(a) Maira 51 39 ... 1 1 17 7 7 36 12 1 4 2 3 •«« ■'2(a) mat 1« 13 ... ... 13 13 ... 2 ... 1 1 ... -2(a) 10 0 ... ... 1 1 ... 3 4 1 1 /
  • 4

    Munda 1 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... -38 Muriyari 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... '2(a) ; ^atnasudra orChandal 63 18 31 2 1 1 1 15 8 8 6 2 ' 1« Napit 76 01 27 ... 13 20 5 7 23 20 4 4 3 4 30 'ffuniya 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... ■ 4 , t)raon 1 ... .M ... ... ... ... ... ; ... 1 ... '2(a) , Po 7 IS 13 7 1 3 ... ... ... 1 9 (a) Sadgop 110 75 1 6 27 13 27 25 27 IS 21 19 7 1 n-w (a) Saukhari ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 Snntat SO ; ... 4 20 25 22 19 14 11 ... ... ... ( i- 4 Sarah 4 id 3 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... Sarnakar and Sonar 2:i 1.1 ; 1 ... ... 4 2 14 10 2 9 2 1 C-U Suharnabanik 23 9 ! - 17 9 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 ... />-3J Snhli 18 it ! - ... ... ... 16 4 1 ... 1 2 Sunri and Kalwar C3 40 I 7 32 30 10 9 5 1 2 ... 1 8 n~90 Sutradhar 8 ii3 ' ... ... 15 2 B 2 3 4 ... ... A- 9 (a) Tambuli .38 10 13 U S 1 7 9 3 1 1 1 n-93 Tauft 121 79 3 3 22 19 16 24 r»7 24 9 11 14 5 D-27 Tell and Kola 131 103 8 9 40 BO 19 13 30 17 17 6 8 H nsli Tiyar 11 11 9 8 1 S 2 1 Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baisnab 03 US i " 7 25 26 18 31 1 27 3 7 fi 20 Hindus returned by title. Buna 2 1 ... ... ... 2 1 ... ... ... ... Naik •• ,,, .« «•« 1 2 1 O ... ... ... Total 3 3 1 9 1 ! - ... Hindus returned by actual occupa- lion. Bfisj/a . , o ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... rJnliffU 81 31 ... ... 4 14 IS 11 8 4 1 2 Siknri 1 : ... ... 1

  • Total .31 34 4 14 : IS 13 • 8 6 1 2 Hindus returned by locality. t! Hindustani 1 i '1 “ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 V ri If a 0 1 ... ... ... 0 ... Total ... — "! 1 ■ ' i ... ! 0 ... ... •• ... 1 Hindus unspecified 31 1 ... i 10 17 ... 2 10 10 1 1 2 Musalmans returned by sect. 1 4 1 1 1 - ... 4 1 ... Musalmans returned by title- I 1 i Mir 3 1 ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... Pathan 41 20 21 13 ... ... n ' 7 B ... ... 6 9 ‘ Say if id 27 2H 20 19 ... ... ... 7 9 ... ...
  • Shaikh tos 409 2.37 919 ins 9 100 100 20 It 82 94 96 46 Total 723 Tif 2H1 951 lUS 9 iU 100 1 ♦ 4.3 23 82 84 lOJ iT Musalmans returned by actual occupation. Jolaha 2 ... ••• ... ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... Musalmans unspecified 40 38 ... 27 30 13 8 ... Native Christians 2 ... ... ... — TOTAL AFFLICTED 4,050 2,862 712 540 1 1 744 687 403 430 1,290 701 420 338 301 241 ( 157 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by continued. PKESIDENGY DIVISION. Total Pre.si- TlKM\ 1)1V1811»K. 2LPAR(IANAa Calcutta. Nam.!. Jessor. MlRblllDABAP. Kuulka. Class and Gi-onp. Oastb IK Alphabetical 11 1 II 1 1 1 UB1>£B. Male. Kcmult. Malo. Keinalo. Male. b'einale. Male. Foinale. Main. Foinale. 1 Malo. Fc'malo. Male. Feinalf 1^2(n} Bagdi 83 57 51 35 2 3 1 20 13 1 9 8 8 ... H-if(a) Baidya :i 4 1 ... 2 ... 3 2 V^3i Balii :i 2 ... ... 1 - 1 3 i ... ... r-14 Banlya (unspecified) 1 :i i li ... ... ! - ... ... 1 ... Barui 1 20 H 8 4 ! 4 3 8 3 1 -2(<0 Banrl 2.S 15 20 13 ... ... : 3 ... 5 2 ... ... ... jK~44 Bvdiya 1 3 ... 1 1 1 ... P-,>» Bhuimali 20 15 15 13 1 i , 2 1 ;t H 1 ... It 5 Brahman ... 101 HA 21 11 4 10 2.5 18 21 20 15 13 12 13 J-9(n) Chain 17 13 ... ... ... ... 17 12 ... ... n — 3H Chamar i:{s 9ft 40 34 a 20 ■J7 38 33 0 0 19 to A-2(a) Chana Vhopa :i 1 ... 1 2 1 ... l^2(a) Chanatl 11 17 ... ... 1 11 17 ... ... J)-24 Dhopa 41 IH .11 11 1 2 1 4 2 1
  • i 3 3 IJom 0 1.3 1 ... 9 2 3 ... 1 A-m (t) IHtsadh 7 4 1 0 V i 3 1 •• ... ... ... ... ... V-14 HandhabaniJc 111 H .1 ' i ... 1 0 3 ... 5 ... ahasi 2
  • 1 ... ... ... A^2(h) Goal a 110 90 41 \ 1 30 32 21 13 9 H 4 0 l> -23 dayi 20 11 i 5 « 1 1 8 3 ... in 3 Jt^33 Kahar 10 15 1 ■■ 1 i 2 3 2 7 4 1 5 4 4 i-2(a) Kalhartta 210 ! 81 53 j 6 1 38 17 i3 48 38 13 13 Knmar 07 .8 9 i ’ 4 7 7 2 0 0 2 3 U -•22(a) 1 Kandu t, i • 3 I 5 9 n- 2 t 1 Kansarl 5 I 3 1 2 1 n-23 I Kapali ... .. '.Y.i 3S 11 ' i 1 ft 0 11 9 4 «-9 1 Kayastha 127 75 4.5 19 [ 1 1 15 14 30 22 12 5 15 14 A-l 1 Khandait 1 3 1 3 r~ii 1 Khatri . - 2 3 1 2
  • !

    A~2(n) 1 Koehh ... 21 5 1 1 • 1 4 10 4 1 t A-2(n)

    Koiri 2 2 i : 1 ... ... ... : - ... ... ... K -41 Kora 54 35 j .52 ... 1 ... j ... 1 Kumhar .50 30 i 2.1 5 0 1 ' 0 10 7 9 5 5 Kurml :u 36 j 22 9 ! 1 1 ... ... 8 16 ... /> -Ca) Maira .. 16 1 li 1 I 3 1 1 1 1 2 9 3 i-2(a) Mai 0 10 ! • 1 ... 1 - ... ... 9 1 10 ... 1-2(fi) Afali 1 6 ! 12 3 1 1 ; 3 ... h-35 Malo 10 15 \ 3 1 9 6 I 4 2 t-4 Mun€la 1 •• j • •• ... ... 1 AfuHithar 2 ... ... 1 ... 2
  • l-'2(n) JfamaHudra or Chandal 218 13S 1 2t» 1 13 i 2 3 Ii 16 103 57 j 5 3 74 39 l)-18 yapit 71 46 ll.’i i 2 1 ” 7 10 14 ! 10 7 12 10 H -3(i Pasi 2 3 2 « ! ... ... 1 ...


    Pod 100 103 1 1^1 1 1 79 1 1 1 ' 1 3 ; 4 30 19 liajput 0 5 1 1 1 ; 1 • ! 1 2 1 j 1 4 1 1


    Sadgop ... 17 31 30 H ' 1 3 4 1 3 j 7 It 5 6

    -'49(a) Sankhari ;{ 3 ' ... ... 1 ... O /V 2 ... j 1 1 i-4 Santal 11 1 ... ... ...
  • 9 1 2
  • 17

    Harnahar or. Sonar 10 It 9 to 1 •• G 1 ... ... C-/4 Subarnabanik 10 3


    1 1 i 7 ... ... ... 1 3 Sunri ' 40 30 3 1 1 1 ... ‘4 3 11 S 20 16 8 2


    Sutradhar 9 11 1 j 2 a 5 5 4 ... ...

    -2(a) Tambuli ... 2 1 1 1 j 1 ... •• ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... ( 158 ) TABLE XIII— A.— Deaf Mutes by Caste— cwifmerf. PKESIDENCy DIVISION-wmrfurferf. ( 1S9 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste — continued. EAJSHAHI DIVISION. Clsw and Group. CA8TV nr Alphabbti- Total Raj- BHAUi Divi- sion. DlNAJrUB. RAJflHAni. BANorrs. Booba. Fabna. DARJBBUNa. Jalfaioubi. CAL OROBB. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fuiniile. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. .4- (0) Agwri ... 2 ... 2 ... ... ... ... A- i Babhan 18 6 ... ... ... 18 6 ... ... A- «(») Bagdi ... ... 9 ... ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... Baidya ... 6 2 ... ... ... 1 ... 5 1 C-i4 Baniya (un»peei~ fladjt 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... V* ... A- 2(a) Barui 4 3 ... ... ... 1 1 2 1 9 ... ... ... ... A- 9(a) Bauri B 1 ... 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... r-di Beldar 3 ... .3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A- t(a) JitMT 6 ... ... ... ... 6 ... ... ... ... D^39 Bhuimali ... 30 39 20 18 ... ... 1 ... 3 3 4 8 4 ... 4 0 F-4H Bhutia 8 ... ... 8 8 3 H- 5 Brahman 27 29 4 6 17 1 1 2 2 10 0 6 3 ... n-as Chamar and Muchi 7 7 1 ... ... ... ... 1 6 7 ... ... ... A-» (a) Chata ... 4 n 1 8 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... D-99 Dami G 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... G 1 ... ... .4- 4 Dhennar ... 1 .. ... ... ... 1 ... ... B-94 Dhopa 2 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 ... ... 1 E-A3 Bom [) i 3 ... .. ... 1 ... 6 1 ...
  • ... A^ 2(a) Buaadh ... / ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... C^14 Gandhabanik 1 2 ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... A- 4 Garo ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 vl- 4 QharH ... 2 ... 2 ... ... ... A^2 (h) Ooala 105 91 140 84 13 2 2 1 4 4 ... ... ... ... 4 Ourung 9 H ... ... ... 9 8 ... ... D-2a Jugl 19 a 0 4 5 ... 4 9 2 ... ... 2
  • ... ... 2)-35 KaJuir G 2 1 1 ... ... 1 2 2 f ... ... \A^ 9(a) Kaihartta ... 09 63 12 10 7 12 25 18 0 8 11 14 ... ... 2 1 B-19 Kamar 7 17 ... 3 It ... 2 3 2 1 2 n^w Kami ... 7 1 It ... ... ... 7 11 1 ... B~2i Kansari ... 1 1 ... ... ... I>-23 Kapali 6 a ... 1 « ... ... ...
  • 1 4 ... ... 1 9 B^20 Karanga ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... ... 9 ... I>-23 Kami I ... 3 ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... 9 Kayastha ... 60 43 ... 8 8 7 4 2 J 33 27 ... ... ... -4- 4 Khambu 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A^ 4 Kharla 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... C^14 Khatri 11 7 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 6 ... ... A- 9(a) Koehh 648 427 H13 lot 16 277 202 10 13 2 8 28 14 147 89 -t- 2(a) Koiri 4 5 ... ... ... 4 8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ti^28 Kumhar 10 11 4 1 ... ... 2 J 2 6 2 i ... ... 4- 8(a) Kurmi 20 7 1 ... ... 5 ... ... ... ... ... 1.6 6 ... ... A 4 Bepeha 30 20 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 20 ... ... 4- 4 Limbu 11 14 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 14 ... ... J>-98(a) Mmira 0 3 ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 ... ... 2 1 1 4- 2(a) Aiali ... 1 8 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 3 ... ... ... B^34 \ Aiato 19 19 ... 8 ... ... 3 2 2 9 11 10 ... ... ... 4 4 Mangar 0 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 4 ... ... 4- 9(a) Meehh 18 19 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 19 A^4 Atunda ... 2 M ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... 4- 4 Murmi 7 8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 8 ... ... 4- 9(a) Kamatudra Chandat or 61 37 1 1 3 17 5 9 7 I 4 35 13 ( 160 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Gksit.— continued. KAJSHAHI DIVISION- Total Uaj- 8UA111 DlVl' Dimajpur. BAJSiiAni. Raugpur. 1 Booba. I Fauna. Dakjbelino. JALPAIOUu. 810N. 1 (Mas.i) and (ironp. CaSTK ITf ALriTABETI- CAL ORDKK OK 1 . Gkoup. Mule. Femuli'.j Mule. Foroalt. Male. Foniale. Male. Fimiale. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 i Male. Fomalo. Male. n-iH Naplt and llajjam 4:1 n 1 10 10 10 2 1 2 17 3 2 ... DSO Nuniya 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 Oraon ■ / ... ... 4 1 A- 1 Rajput s •• ... ... ... 2 ... 0 ... ... ... C~J4 Kaaniar 2 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... A- 2(aJ Sadgop 2 / 1 ... ... 1 ... 1 ... ... A- 4 Santal H ... 5 ... 3 ... li-SH Snrki 3 1 ... 1 ... t'~t4 Snbarnabaiiik 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... •• V-Zii Sunri 21 15 ... 5 ... 2 2 1 1 1.3 10
  • A -4 Sanuwnr 10 S i ... ... ... ... ...
  • 8 1)^20 Hutradhar (j 2 ... 1 5 2 IJ-23 Tanti and Tntwa 11
  • 4 4 ... 1 2 ... 1 ... 4 D-27 Teli and Kalu 25 14 1 ... 13 13 8 1 3 -d- 4 Turi «2 ... 1 1 1 / Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baiiinnb 111 7G 2:> 10 1 G n 8 0 Ci 47 ... 3 1 Hindus, returned by title. Buna 8 n 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Bhatkar 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 nai V n 4 3 ... Gtuntwal 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... IHatiya 2 3 ... ... ... ' J 1 2 Putni 8 12 4 10 ... 1 2 ... 2 1 ... Total !:• 23 H IS •• 1 3 3 4 3 1 Hindus returned by 1 locality. 1 Paharia t ... 1 — ... ... ... ... ...

    Hindus, unspecified fii 4H 1.". 12 ... ... ... 6 15 8 31 Musalmans returned by title. PatiMn .5 3 1 1 ... ... 2 2 ... 2 Sayyld 4 2 2 ... ... ... 2 2 ... Shaikh • •• 2.770 1,8/2 418 2S8 2U9 089 329 405 307 674 481 4 9 132 ss Total 2,779 1,817 420 200 m 299 690 529 405 309 678 1 483 6 9 132

    Musalmans, returned by

    actual occupation. Dhawa 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... Jolaha 2 •• ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... 2nlnl ... 2 ... ... ... 1 2 ... ... ... Musalmans, unspecified . 3 ... ... ... 3 ...

    Native Christians 2 3 1 • •• 2 9 ... — ' TOTAL, AFFLICTED ... 4,460 2,GG7 867 646 664 388 1,036 680 488 426 G37 644 241 163 363 261 ( 161 ) TABLE XIII— A.— Deaf Mutes by Caste— DACCA DIVISION. Class and CJroup, Castk i\ Ai.rii AiiETirAi. OKI) Kit OK Giiorp. A- 2 (a) B-y (a) D-31 r— 14 t -2 (ft) Ki4 n-3y A 2(a) lt-3 n-3ft K-43 i'~1i A-~2 (b) n-2S n~35 I 2(a) n-iy n -22(a) 0^21 n~23 it-y 4 -2 (It) D 2H F tH O -22(a) I 2(a) n-35 i 3(a) n AH lJ-44 n-30 A -3 (a) n-2y(a) fp n r 14 tP-SH IP-30 IP-23 IP-27 IP - 33 Haf/fil liaitiya Haiti Uatiiya (tiuttpevijlrd) Jtarai Jtediya Hhnfmati . Hind Hrahman i'hitmar and Mur hi IPhopa IPom Oandhabanih ... iloala dayi Kahar Kalhartta ... Kamar Kandu Kansari ... Kapall Kayaatha Korhh Kumhar Mayh Malra Mali Malo Napit Nat ... Nuniya Sadgop Haukhari Sonar Snharnahanlk Sunrl Sutradhar Tantl Trli and Kalu Tiyar Religious devotees and Mendi-| cants. Ha is nab Hindus returned by title. ’ Sutira Hindus returned by actual occupation. IPai Pntikar Patni Total Hindus, unspecified T'-iTvt, Dacca 1)|\ 18 ION. Dacca. 1 Malo. Fomalo. !j Male. Female 2 12 11 4 1 y It s 11 u 6 1 1 :i;i 23 13 13 su 43 7 11 H 2
  • 1 1 27
  • 10 2 1 1 10 15 4 i :j7 1H 1 ... D1 1 1 1
  • 74 , 2 :is HP 1 0 n / ... 11 2 1 isd 97 1 :vi e 2? sn 1(1 8 2(1 16 1 1 2 IT. 29 I 3 11 i 70 13 1 12 15 j 120 23h ! 11 1 19 ' ;d 22 1 7 / 2 j

  • 1 2 j ... 32 1 12 2 tr. 6 1 S \ 15 3 10 t 1 10 11 ... i 12 4 11 ... 25 25 4 ... t7 2 20 0 1 (1 11 ... 35 91 ... ... 130 118 .12 65 Fauidpcb. Male. Funulo. Malo. Kakiiarganj. |l 7 n 23 1 6 13 a.> 2 V 8 4 I 10 I Fornnlo. 13 2 ll i 2 ,1 n j 3 \ . , .. I I I II 1 / 20 14.1 10 0 8 11 1 1 I 3 in I 2H Maimansinuh. Male. 6 2 1 ! ” 1 10 : u ! 14 \ .1)1 1 ; 21 » 1« U It 12 1 2 no 11 2 21 H!) i:«) Foninlo. 12 6 3 2 3 7 an 3 1 2 40 27 4 17 14 yi y 17 37 K . ( 162 ) , TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste — continued. DACCA DIVISION— Tot AT. Dacca DlVlMION. Dacca. Fariupub. 1 1 BakbaboAnj. MAlMABBINeir. Group. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. I Male. Female. Musatmans, returned by title. Moghul i 11 11 Pathan 21 7 1 32 12 4 1 Sayyid C 5 ... 2 4 3 2 ... Shaikh ... 2.«I2 1,743 151 00 371 231 C02 310 1,718 7,007 Total 2,S95 i,rn9 1(52 103 371 II 234 638 334 1,724 IjOOH Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Jolaha 8 s 7 3 1 ... Musalmans, unspecified 18 20 4 4 ... ... 9 10 Native Christians 9 2 3 4 2 2 I ... TOTAL AFFLICTED 4,442 2,704 1 430 281 701 427 1,012 648 1 2,203 1,628 CHITTAGONG DIVISION. rias«i and Group. Carte in Aldbadeticai. OKDKK. Totai. Cbitta- OON. Mole. Female Male. Female. Male. Female.! Mule. Female. B-0 (u) Itahlya 4 3 3 2 1 1 ... ... rt-2(a) Ifurui 7 3 ... 1 1 ... 0 2 ... ... D--39 Ithuimali 7 5 2 4 2 3 1 ... B-5 Brahman 42 0 6 2 7 t 20 6 A -4 Chakma 30 13 5 1 ... ! ... ... as 12 n-38 Chamur G 1 1 5 1 ... V-24 Phopa 24 10 3 12 4 10 3 ... ... E-43 Dotn 2 2 2 2 ... ..t C-14 Gandhahanik 4 4 2 ... 2 2 2 ! ... ... A~2 (b) Gouta 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ” ... n-23 \jugi 67 43 13 6 22 12 .32 25 1 ... A--2(a) Kaibartta 44 41 1 3 8 14 .35 24 ... n-^to Kdmar 1 1 1 ... ... 1 ’ ... D-21 Kansnrl 1 ... ... 1 ... ... D 23 Kopatl 5 2 ... • 1 5 2 ... B-9 Kaynstha 94 65 1 42 36 11 7 1 1 41 22 1 - ... C-14 Khatri 1 ... 1 ... 1 1 ... T)-^2H Kumhur 7 8 ' 1 ... ... i i 6 ... F-48 Magh 4.5 49 1 35 30 ... ... 10 13 n-22(a) Maim 1 » 1 2 ... ... ... A-2(u) Mnl 4 1 ... ... ... 4 1 1 ... A-2 (a) Mall ... 1 i ... 1 ... ... D-38 Mato 1.2 0 2 1 9 4 2

    1 ... ... A--2 raj S' amastidra or Chamlal 50 30 ... 6 1 44 29 ... D 18 NapU 31 "! 1 7 9 3 15 15 ( 163 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Motes BY Caste — continued. CHITTAGONG DJYJSlON^concluded. Class and Casts in Alphaheticai Total fiiirrA- flONa Division. ClIirTAOONO. NoAKirALI. Tippeka. ClTITTAOONO IllLL TKACTS. Group. OKUEU OK Guour. Male. Female. Male. b'emale. Male. 1 1 Fouuile.i 1 Male. Penmle.j Male. Female. E-44 Nat 1 1 C’-i4 Sutmrnabanik 2 2 ... n-39 Sunri 23 0 1 i 22 8 Snfradhar 0 4 ... ... 1 0 3 Tanti 3 1 ... 1 3 ... Teii and Kalu 3 ... 1 1 1 A-4 Tlppwa


    Ifd ... i ... 1 1 8 to Religious devotees and Mendi- cants. Baisnab 12 B 3 1 C J 3 1 Hindus, returned by title. Sudra .37 40 .37 40 • •• ... Hindus Baini returned by actual occupation. .3 9 3 9 Hindus, unspecified 53 25 It 10 30 10 2 7 5 Musalmans, returned by title. Pathan 9 1 1 i Say y id 3 3 1 3 ... 2 Shaikh l.CiiO 994 533 400 4rt3 950 OHO 344 1 Total l.OOU 999 5:i-i 404 443 250 r.;)i 343 1 Native Christians 1 t 1 1 ... ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED 2.313 1,416 714 666 676 318 1 073 601 61 40 : PATNA DIVISION. Total Patna Division. Patna. Gaya. SlfAllAJUl). PAUDJIANnA. Mu/,appakpi u.i 8 a ran. Champa ran. Class and Group. Oabtb in Alphabbti- CAL ORPBB. ! 1 1 ) 1 1 1 Male. Female. Male. Female.! Male. Female. Mule. 1 Female. Mull). Feiimlt . M.le. Female. Male. Female. Mnlo, Female. C^14 Agarwala 1 9 ... .. ... ... 1 9 ... t c^u

    Agrahari 2(1 2 ... ... 2t 2 2 ... ... ... 9(a) Anxat 170 120 ... ... ... 25 9 151 Ill ... A. 1 Babhan 405 191 27 10 ... 21 19 7 150 42 172 87 37 22 ... 2 0(a) Baidya ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 C-14 Baniya (unspeei- fiedj 120 74 0 9 37 12 8 3 21 13 13 12 11 3 21 29 Bari 09 33 ... , ... ... 1 1 38 13 ... ... 6 2 24 17 A^ 9(a) Barui 1 4 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 4 ... ... A- 9(a) Bhar 11 11 ... ... ... ... ... 0 3 i ^ 9 M 2 I 164 ) TABLE XIII — A.-“Deak Mutks by Caste — continued. PATNA DlVIS10N-f0»««He. Fonmlv. 1 MaU*. Fumalo. 1 Male. Fuiuale. Male. Fernali'. 1 Male. Female. Male. 1 Female. Male. Femiilo. Male. A- 4 lihitiya 9 9 .4- 2(aj mn>t no 39 ... ... H 7 1 1 20 12 8 6 13 lit It - S Itrahman HHl 4S6 10 IS 41 2i 88 36 110 44 107 76 100 150 314 111 Chatnar nils 290 10 5 16 31 2H 05 26 100 20 81 86 302 119 /)- 24 Dhopa i:v.) 120 1 2 0 4 22 14 30 12 25 40 40 U K-43 Horn 70 30 1 t ■W 19 •2 1 1 2 13 6 2 1 9 1- 2(a) Dusadh nos srj 20 to 37 27 115 66 00 23 81 67 177 m n-iin Garerl 111 S7 ... 17 3 35 36 .57 47 2 t A--2(b) Ooala 1,571 737 07 43 ICl 36 100 69 25S 106 1.81 71 250 183 5-15 249 K-44 Onlyulin 1 ■ 4 D-22(a) Ualirni 11 19 0 .3 7 2 32 6 1 1 i D-39 liari 15 29 ... ... ... 3 40 21 6 5 Ii-23 Jugi 1 3 3 ... ... ... 1 2 1 ii-35 Kahat :wo 37 12 07 26 42 21 8 6 2 oo 65 07 m .1- 2(a) Kaihartta ... 1 .. I 1 i>-ld Kamar 01 ' huha r iso 126 4 IS 15 6 13 3 50 21 45 27 51 47 ti-22(a) Kandu 51 <5 269 20 17 57 ... 11 30 35 18 47 33 1 113 71 104 m n -St Ease r a 11 12 o 2 10 2 S k 13 S 1 It^ 9 Kaj/autha 201 140 10 8 20 12 10 14 33 66 as 19 81 3‘4 /J-J5 Kewat 50 2H ... 50 28 ... A~ S(a) Khatilc 1 2 ... 1 ... i 1 ... C-t4 Khattl 25 to 25 10 -1- 2(a) Koiri i,:uo 7 V9 ' 21 17 40 34 00 41 255 99 171 104 207 212 571 23‘i D-2H Kumhar 101 60 1 1 2 11 13 4 14 7 30 4 .30 17 4 n J- 2(a) Kuvml 750 420 15 17 50 17 23 IS 1 100 91 10 1 no 113 ;tt7
  • A- 2(a) Mall 111 21 1 1 7 4 4 3 22 11 ... U-3S Mato III 1 lOi ' 1 ... Ill m .4^ 4 Munda or. 19 i 5 4 2 ... 2 27 Hi A- 2(a) Alusahar 110 113 1 5 8 13 39 10 2 27 11 25 16 0 39 A- 2(a) Xaga r 2 1 ! ... 2 1 Jl~18 Xapitor Jfa,l}am . 100 169 ' S 10 30 22 11 20 21 30 13 38 30 09 M n-30 Xuniya 210 1 164 17 10 7 2 22 12 51 26 55 48 07 07 J}- 36 PaH SI J.7 1 11 9 .50 16 5 4 8 2 .. 2 4 2 05 A-1 itnjput fvl2 364 25 11 5.5 44 •il! 12 103 26 202 120 210 88 150 A -2(a) Rojwar 40 43 ... 11 42 Ti I ... ... ... i~4 Santnl 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... o-n Sonar 111 S3 15 0 27 10 6 12 4 15 14 27 21 .50 6 D^36 Sunri or Kaltfar . 270 169 10 3 17 34 15 13 33 IH 105 61 22 21 65 29 A 2(a) SuThhany 1 4 ... ... ... ... ... 1 4 A-2(a) Tamhutl :d 27 2 2 ... 0 2 16 16 ... 11 8 ... 3ft D-23 Tanti or Tatwa ... 223 66 10 4 83 4 3 3 41 10 2 1 80 D-27 Tell Til 3 267 10 16 00 31 22 14 qp 44 82 ♦ 36 73 64 191 18 13 U 2(a) Thorn 18 14 ... ... ... ... ... ... D-21 Thathrra 21 26 7 J ... 4 20 10 2 ... ... 1)^35 Tiyar 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 1

    Religious devotees and \ Mendicants. Aghori Baitnab 5 fiO 22 1 3 ... ... ... ... J 1 7 1 3 60 «/ Total 71 1 22 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 1 88 it ( 165 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes BY Caste — continued. PATNA DIVISION-oo»f?«=== —

    I'- II " ■ - - il iV 1 ■ 11 Gboup. Total Patna DiVlHlON. Patna, 1 Oata. SU A 11 AS AD. llAUSnANOA. jMDSAPFAnrrB. 1 Saban. CnAMFABAV. Mule. Female j Male. Pemalo. Mall*. Femali' 1 Male. Fi-malc. Male. Female Male. Female. Male. Female. j Male. |FoinAle. Hindus returned by title. Buna 7 10 ... •• ... ... 7 J ... 7 Hindus returned by actual occupation. Chtirihar 0 10 ... ... 8 2 6 « Da fall 3 s ... ... 2 •• 1 ... 2 Dhunia JJl 72 1 2 ... 4 in 20 21 12 50 84 Oandfiarpa 1 ... ... I ... ... Ghatwal 73 ... ... ... 73 ... ... Ka»ai n

    » 1 ■■■ ... .1 ... 2 2 Kunjra 23 14 ... 2 11 7 •> 2 7 1 Fatua .*13 20 ... ... ! 32 20 ... ... llangret 2 1 ... ... 1 j ... 1 1 ... Total 230 128 1 2 1 1 7 02 08 ... 2 31 17 06 Hindus returned by 1 i local ity. i Faharia ... O ... ... ... i 1 ... ... 2 ... Hindus unspecified 227 211 1 o 58 40 00 .3S SO 108 10 19 Musalmans returned by i title. ... 1 Mir 1 1 ... ... Moghul 11 12 2 1 10 11 1 ... j 1 Fathan 121 70 1
  • 1 rii 24 : 11 7 1 10 9 17 4 10 28 ( 7 S Say y id 11 18 i 0 4 11 ; 1 3 •» ... ... 1 1 1 ' 1 ... Shaikh ;ioH .121 23 20 . 10 12 115 SO 23 HO 101 09 Total 480 11 .31 1 51 1 04 I 2S 10 1 130 02 i Ij ij 1 "" OS) »/j 1 100 77 Musalmans returned by 1 1 actual occupation. 1 J Jolaha 108 220 • 8 14 f,ll 20 14
  • 28 15 1 j 01 74 \ 1(11 104 Mullah 10 17 1 7 13 1 3 1 1 1 1 ■■ 1 Total 118 240 15 27 1 00 i 23 18 10 28 r'“i S'l 74 101 104 Musalmans unspecified ... 86 17 ... 11 14 1.5 1 1 ! i 3 i ! 3 2 [ i ! - • Native Christians 2 18 , ... 8 i 1 i 1 1 2 1 1 1 •T J 1 \ j 1 ... Jain 1 ... J Sikh ... ... • 1 i i i 1 ...

    Total afflicted ... 1.2878 r, 373 1 il 640 336 1,002 613 , 1 • 1 806 446 2,134 1.006 1 2,022 1 1,088 2.213 1,713 4,071 2,173 Closfl and fTTOUp. C-14 2( a) 1 A - 2(a) n- 0(a) c-14 D~20 E~4S 2(a) A- 2(a) A- 2(a) A- 4 4 y|- 2(a) 11- 5 A- 2(a) n-38 D~-24 ”4«^ .1- 2(a) C’-14 X- («; D-2G 2(U) K-4i D-J9 «r«; D-35 .4- I £>-19 i> -;!fvra; D-«i />-«0 II— 9 D-35 A- 4 4- 9r«; c-14 A- 2(a) A- 2(a) A- 4 E-41 /)-«« X- 9r«>> D-9*r«; A-2(a) n-35 A-4 ( 166 ) 'I'ABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste— co«#wKerf. BHAGALPUR DIVISION. 1 Total Hra- OAbPl K 1)1 VlMOPf. Biiaoalpi'R. [ Monqityr. PrRRRA. Malpa. Saiital Paroakab, TICAL OUniiU. MaUi. T 'omalo. Mule. Peinale. 3Ialc. Fenialo. MalP. Female. Malo. Female. Male. Peniale. Af/arwala O 1 2 1 Amat 0*7 23 10 2 17 21 linhhan 1U2 HO 67 23 10 17 IlG 46 Bagdi 1 ».» 1 ... ttaldya 4fi 14 ! 2 4 20 to 18 ... ... Uanlya (nns^^vi- fied). U)i iu ; 2G 16 23 23 52 25 3 ... Barhi l‘i 4 12 4 ... Bari 35 20 29 6 20 ... Barui 31 14 6 7 13 12 4 1 3 Bauri 14 ... 11 Bha r o 2 Bhutya 2r> 7 ... 20 7 Bhutni) 1(5 20 10 20 • • Bind 15 1 23 2 2 8 18 r> 5 Brahman ... 2()«5 lit Ki 25 '40 24 68 3S 15 24 ... Chain
  • 25 4 ... 39 21 Chamar 151» H7 84 46 25 5 46 32 4 4 Dhopa 7H 4fi 3.5 H 21 20 38 12 4 1 7 Dom .W 25 12 4 0 ... ... 1 47 11 Danadh 13(5 O.H 73 40 15 12 37 41 5 5 fiandhahanik 5 1 3 1 Gaagnuta 7t) 61 G.5 46 13 13 1 2 ... Oarcrl 55 17 7 1 32 16 16 •• Goala 578 330 .310 165 1G5 72 73 77 30 16 ... (ialgulia 25 12 15 10 10 2 ... Jfarl 08 no 14 73 56 17 MO ... Jagl GO 30 ! ... 47 20 13 10 Kadar I. 40 7 4 87 36 Kahar 30 60 7 36 13 12 10 1 1 4 IG 15 31 KaUiartta 48 10 1 Katnar or Lohar ... 70 47 24 13 37 29 9 5 Kandu I2H 60 27 17 42 12 57 30 2 ... 1 1 Kanaari 1 1 ... ... Karanga 1 1 ... Qj Kayaatha 21 51 ... 1 21 25 1 ... Ketrat (5G 27 59 26 4 ... 3 1 ... Khar war 18 It 9 9 9 2 ... KtMihe 14 6 14 6 Khatik 3 ... 3 ... Khatrl a 1 2 t ... ... ... ... Kochh 182 124 ... 182 • 124 ... ... Koiri 2:n 104 147 71 20 .35 13 2 ... Kol 118 64 ... ... 118 64 ... Kora 22 ... 22 ... • Kutnhar ' 87 56 80 25 29 ... 5 2 43 Kunni 278 183 107 67 100 78 63 33 8 5 JtTaira and Halwai [ 50 28 32 17 18 11 ... Mali 6 1 5 1 ... ... Malo 4 5 1 1 8 4 ... Munda 82 48 82 48 ... jf ... Mariyari 3 1 ■" 2 (167 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Dkaf Muies by caste — continued. % BHAGALPUII division — roniin urd. ('lass aiid Castk in Alpha- DETICAL OKDKK Total Kha- « ALPrit Uivisiox. Bh AOALPUK. j Monohyr. j Furnea. Mai-pa. i' jS^NTAL FaIUJANA group. OR dROUP. Male. Female . Male. Female. I Male. 1 Female. j Male, Female. Male. Female. Male. ! Female. A-2(a) Afusnltar Ill 62 32 13 ... 37 1 21) It 1 Nagar K JO ■■ •• 1 10 A-2(a) Ntimagadra or ChttndaL 2 3 • 1 " 3 D-iS yapit or naX}ani KS 47 27 5 j 28 11 23 6 7 6 20 K-44 Nat 28 26 2S 26 J}^30 Ntiniya 61 43 22 13 1 12 1 I'" 18 A-9 (a) Pargha ... 4 i ... D-30 Pa»i 37 0 8 6
  • A -2(a) Pod .3 .. 3 A-J Rajput 1(5(1 too 12 17 21 26 03 68 1 A 2(a) RnJtottr 1 1 A-4 JSantal 2‘).3 194 1 1 101 82 (1 4
  • 107 ri-17 Sonar 12 J7 6 6 6 10 1 1 D-36 Sunri or Kalwar .. 76 61 to 10 26 .61 38 .3 3 A--?(a) Tambull ... a ... 6 D-2S Tanti o tattra

    ItiO 37 n 5 3!) 19 •Kl 33 4 n-97 Teli . 1(58 79 71 60 :ui 30 22 13 7 D^2i T/Mthcra 4 6 4 4 / n-33 Tigar (57 34 3 3 31 13 23 0 10 9 A -4 1 Pari 3 .. 3 Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baiunab 6 13 1 .3 ‘ 0 ... 7 Hindus returned by title. ! Burtia 66 68 t 23 62 41 2 4 Naffbansi 6 0 Total 66 74 1 ...

    ... 23 62 41 2 4 6 Hindus returned by actual occupation. (’hurlhar 2 2 Bai 1 1 ; 1 1 Bfiunia ... 6i 8 ' 7 4 17
  • 1 1 Kunjra 21 14 ' It 2 10 JO .3 2 Mala i 4 t / Patni *2 ... j 2 Patua 3 2 3 2 Hangrett ‘ ... • Total lU 24 2S 9 17 3:i 10 7 6 Hindus returned by locality. PahariaM

    <«> 25 40 25 Hindus, unspecified 6 11 6 5 3 ... 3 ( IIM ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste— confisaed. « BHAGALl'UB DIVISION-comcWkJ. Total Biia- (iAHM’ll Division. Biiaqalpur. MoSOHTtt. Puknra. 1 Malda. SAHrAlPABOAllAB. Group. A^Talo. ■FomaU-. Malo. Fenialp. MalG. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Musalmans. returned by title. ratfutn 10 7 7 5 3 2 Sayyid 17 fiH 2 ... ! ••• 4 U 20 1 1 SfMikh :i7i 269 13 S !

    a 21 207 246 33 13 Total 30S .lot

    >2 10 ! 7 .! 35 20 301 249 33 13 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Jotaha 210 1 Its 101 64 ! 1 25 30 Ift 7 6 Musalmans, unspecified ... 170 Its |l 100 69 40 39 8.5 to 1 ... Native Christians 1 'li 1 I Jains ll ... 27 i TOTAL AFFLICTED 6,774 1 ■ 3,640 1 1.812 1.016 . 1.003 681 1 i_ 1,881 1,244 1 . 606 402 423 246 OEISSA DIVISION. (Muss ami CaASTR TN AIaI’HARETI Total Ohihsa Division. CUTIACK. Ffri. Bala son. Anoul AND Kandh Mahai.b. Group. CAT. OUDEK. ,| 1 1 Male Female. 1 Male i' Female. Male. Female. Male Female. Male Female. 'w t ttn{/ill 3 / 2 n -9 fa ) itoidj/a 1 1 1 ... C~J4 Itaniyuf nnsprri/ird +l 26 !j 12 15 23 7 0 4 ... n ~20 ftor/ii IG 4 ll 7 2 9 2 ... 1 ■■■ A 2(0) ttoroi 63 38 .1 23 47 14 1 1 ... Ithat 17 to 9 7 N 3 • ... ... A-4 Ithuiya 12 3 ... ' 9 8 A-4 tthumij 1 1 ... ... ... n-5 Jtrahman 267 137 113 63 07 34 87 40 i ... D 38 l^Mmar and Jfnchi 1.5 5 7 3 3 C 2 A~2(a) Chana 2U 99 69 35 136 66 10 6 0 3 It- 24 Ithopa 6.S 23 43 13 8 2 17 H ... ... E^43 Dom 10 6 1 1 '! 7 • 1 ... 8 4 A -2(h) ftoala I3:i 116 69 68 .31 22 40 26 A-4 finnd 6 2 6 2 ... ... ... ... ... Jt-22(a) (Jurla 159 68 133 69 21 8 5 1 ... ... ‘ n-39 0 7 ... 3 5 3 4 1 1 ... ... a-4 duang 1 1 1 1 1 ... ... ... n-23 dufft 2 2 2 1 j ... 1 ... ... ... ... A-2 (a) Kaihartta 4 2 ... ... 4 2 ... n^io Kamnr 17 12 4 4 6 3 7 8 ... ... a-4 Hondh 11 4 ... ... 6 1 ... ... 6 J J9-21 Knnaari 7 1 3 ... 1 1 8 ... ... ... ( 100 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Motes hy Caste — continued. OJUSSA DIVISION— Total Ohisha Division. Cuttack. IT ur. j Halasor. Anoul ANU KanDII M A 11 ALS. ClaHii and Caste 15 ALvnADETi- II II 1' Oroup. CAL OKDICII OR Group. 1 Mule. Fomalo. Mall.

    tViimU*. W ulf. rcmult*. .Mail'. Fi'inali*. Mull'. Fomalo. n- 9 Kayaatha 7« 4H , 35 1 35 1 2fi ! 17 10 ... J>-3S Ktxvat 7:1 it 31 24 23 6 7 H 12 4 A- t Khnndait 2tri Vi 8 173 70 3 4 (D 4H D-HH Kumhar 21 11 12 6 9 1 3 5 X- 9(a) Kurml 9 9 , G H t 1 A- 4 MahUi 2 2 A- 9(a) Mali 0 2 1 1 5 2 A - 4 Manila K to ; H 10 n-is Napii or Bhandari 100 62 5(1 IH 11 13 22 10 8 3 A- 4 Pan 90 42 ' 51 27 00 It 12 4 1 Raiput 10 2 1 2 ... 7 1 2(a) Rajn 2^ 9 I 21 9 A- 9(a) Sadyop 1 A- 4 Santnl 12 6 ' 2 1 2 9 5 n~17 Sonarand Sarnakar 1 2 : 2 1 ■ C-/4 Snharnabanik 11 3 9 3 D-36 ffanri 1:1 9 ! 9 0 1 3 3 A - 2(a) TarnbuH 2 1 1 D-23 Tanti 82 61 \ to 27 K 7 31 17 Ji-27 Tell i;i7 03 81 30 Vi 2(5 11 6 1 D-91 Thaihtra 5 5 ... D-SS Tiyar .'I 3 Religi 1 ous devotees and j 1 i Mendicants. Baisnab 25 13 9 9M I 10 to Hindus , returned by Title. Bant n 1 1 ... 1 0 ... Sadra 10 i 1 10 1 Total Irt 1 ; • 10 1 i ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Patni 2 1 1 1 Patna 1 1 Total » 1 1 1 » ... l| j 1 '1 Hindus, returned by • locality. 3 3 Madratis 12 3 12 Uriyat 3 3 Total 15 0 12 r” 0 Hindus, unspecified 139 69 3i 31 37 10 68 1 9S i 1 ... ( IfO ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste — continued. ORISSA DIVISION— fono/ttrferf.

    — i' — — - i' 1 — Total OnisaA Divimiun. CUTTAClf. Puri. Palasor. Anoul AND KaNPH Maualh. GBori*. 1 1 I Malo. Foinalo. Halo. Female. Male. Fffitiulo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Musatmans returned by Title. Ufoghtd 1 1 ... ... Pathan 11 17 4 11 6 6 1 Sayyid 1 ■■ 1 SfuUkh 21 14 4 4 V 7 7 9 A Total 37 S3 it IS (2 8 8 7 0 A Musalmans returned by actual occupation. Jotaha 1 1 Musalmans, unspecified 20 It* 20 fi S A TOTAL, AFFLICTED ... 2,282 1,203 1,083 624 688 248 624 204 87 37 CIIUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION. Total Ciii tia NauI'i k Division. HAZARinAniJ. 1 1,011 AKDAfrA INCM’DlNa Fahmad. Manbuitm. SlNlillBHUM. Cla.AH and Caste in Ai,riiAUE* 1 1 Group. TlCAfc ORPKU. 1 Male. Female, ij Male. Female. ' Male. Fi'iiialf*. ; Male. Female. Male. Female yl-4 .igaria 1 •» 1 O A 1 It ah ha n fi 5 0 A A- 2(a) 11a gdi 2 2 A--4 Bandatvat 3 ... C -14 Ita II / ga ( unnpfvi- tivd.) 12 It 11 4 7 n- 20 Barhi 22 0 19 A 3 1 A-2(a) Bauri 4 7 4 7 K-44 Bediya 7 I » 3 1 A-4 Bhulya 37 27 13 21 13 13 1 A -4 BhumiJ 172 83 152 73 20 10 il-A Brahman ‘R) 4 13 1 ... 13 14 3 it 38 Chamar and Machi :io 20 II 10 18 4 1 A-4 rhilc 5 4 5 4 0-24 Dhobi 8 20 A 2 3 2 8 4 4 K-4S Dom IG 8 2 J 1 6 2 7 3 A -2(a) Dn^adh 13 11
  • 6 8 8 < 14 Qandhabanik 1 A 1 U 20 Oa.eri 1 2 ... 1 m 2 A 4 Hhani 11 10 13 12 1 1 3 A-2 (b) fioafa 40 S2 39 28 ... 4 18 1 8 A-4 Hand 113 80 1 109 80 ... 1 1C 44 (lulgulia 3 3 3 3 l)-2i(a) Ifalwni and Maira 27 27 1 1 19 10 7 4 0 D- 39 tlari 29 37 2 1 23 20 4 D 23 dugi 0 8 2 9 3 1 0 ... ... J)-3S Kahar 20 33 14 21 12 4 TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Cxstv:— continued. ClIUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION— coni, Tot A I. OnuTiA NauI'LB DlVlHION. HA/AKIIIAOII. I LdllAKIMdA, 1 inllihumi 1 V i I, \ M A u . MANBlirM. SiNonnni'M. Clara and Cabtb in Alphabu- TICAL OUDKK Ott GaouP. !l 1 1 Group. 1 Malo. j FumalH. Malo. Fuiimlt. Mnlu. Fumalo. MhId. Koiimlu. 1 1 Mfilo. Frmalo. A-fi(a) Kaihartta 4 4 D—19 Kamar and Lohar 01 27 4 .7 12 H 40 12 5 4 n 82(a) Kanda 1 2 » 9 J)—21 Kasera 1 i I 1 B-9 Kayaatha 5 6 5 5 ... 5 J>-36 Kvwai 5 ... •• 5 A-t Khandait C 10 3 .H 10 A 4 Kharia 3 11 3 2 A- 4 Kharwnr la 7 13 7 A -8 (a) Koiri 43 22 20 15 U U A — I Kol HO 47 1 2 1 78 46 It -93 Kutnhar 03 94 14 H 11 11 30 3 A- 2(a) Kttrnii 71- 62 22 ... i ... 41 SO 7 a A -4 MahUi ‘2 5
  • 5 A~8(a) Mai 4 4 A -8(a) Mali 0 2 0 2 n-33 Malo 0 12 2 0 10 A -4 Munda 53 45 « 5 17 2H 1 27 14 n 54 Mariyari 4 5 4 5 A 9(a) MuBahar .> 2 A-^9(a) Namaandra or Chandaf. 7 6 7 6 Tt-18 Napitand najfam 30 17 10 23 4 4 5 n-^0 Nuniya 1 «> 1 2 4-4 OraoH 77 61 30 43 21 9 13 6 7 1 A -4 Pan 4 1 4 1 n-56 Pa»l 1 ! A-1 Ite%)pat 43 23 1 ’ ... 13 S 21 13 “ 9 A-8(a) Kajivar 8 H i 1 1 2 6 A -8ia) Sadffop 11 11 n-89(a) Sanhhari 8 ... I

    A-4 Santal 10 10 ... A 4 Sarah 10 8 . . • 0 2 />~i7 Sonarand Sarna- 2 2 2 I 1 kur. i> 56 Sunrl and Kalwar 20 0 n 4 9 4 2 1 4 A -9(a) TatnbuU 1 9 ... 1 9 D -95 Tanti and Tativa 37 11 ... 1 10 17 11 n-97 Tell and Knlu 72 46 20 10 10 3 .30 51 A-4 Turi 17 13 11 11 0 4 Religious devotees and — Mendicants. Baifnab 65 19 14 11 1 31 2 0 6 Hindus, returned by actual i occupation. Ohatwal 8 3 8 5 2 2 G or ait 2 ... ... ... Kunjra 1 2 1 9 ... JFatua ... 9 2 ... Tottil .. 11 0 9 7 2 ... 2 Hindus, unspecified 0 7 3 1 9 Ll. 3 4 TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Qmns.— continued. CHirrrA NAGPUU division— roBc/urferf.

    Total Ciiftia Naopi.r Division. UAZAllIBAGTr. Lo HARP AG A, INCLUDING Fa LA ALA ir. Mamiuum. SlNOHBnClf. G KOUF. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Musalrnans, returned by title. Pathan 4 2 2 1 2 1 ... Sayyitl 1 ... 1 Shaikh
  • 29 0 11 10 e HI 12 Total n.3 32 11 12 18 8 HI 12 ... ... Musalrnans, returned by actual occupation. Jolaha 10 14 11 10 5 3 1 ... Musalrnans, unspecified 8 3 8 2 1 Native Christians 13 7 ! 7 ... ... TOTAL, AFFLICTED ... 1,608 1.064 414 276 1 I 420 299 634 316 232 164 FEUDATOKY STATES. Class and Group. C\8TR IN AirnABETI. C \l. OuDKK. Tot \ 1. Ffi Da iory Si A FES. Ki cu Bjuau. Orisra Tuihi taky M A1£S. CiirTTA NAorru TUIUrTAKV States. Hill Tiitkra. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Feinali'. Male. Female. Male. Female. .1- 2(a) \tnat 3 1 1 3 1 1 .1- 2(a) flagdi 2 2 2 2 ... Chasa 07 46 ... C7 46 ... ... .1 . 4 fhik 20 ... ... ... 20 ... V- 24 Dhopa 11 7 14 7 ... ... E 43 Bum 10 10 ... ... 8 • 10 8 ... ... A - 2(U} (ioata JJ2 n ... ... 61 37 1 4 y|- 4 Hond 11 22 ... ... 11 22 ... n - 39 Ilari 18 4 13 J .5 1 ... A-li •Jaa ny 1 3 1 3 ... ... V-23 dagi 9 1 8 1 1 ... ... D 35 Kahar 17 18 ... 17 16 2 .. /I— 2(a) Kaibartia 4 1 8 2 7 2 1 ... ... ( 173 ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste — continued. FEUDATORY STATES— cow/fniW. ClatN and Gioup. Caste in Alpha hkti- CAL OUDKR OK Total Feudatoky States. Klch Bihak. (>K1S.A Tuillt TAUY states. CiiiTiA NAorru Tuihitaky Sr AXES. II 11.1. TirphKA, Group. Main. Ftnnale. ! Mall*. Folualo. Male. Fnnjile, Malo. Foinalp. Male. Ft'iiitili', n-19 Kamar amt Lohar ■H) n 2 10 9 ' 30 A - d Kamtli 4'i 30 Wl 30 Kamtu 1 .. ... ... I 1 Knnaari 3 i ... .. 3 1 ■ ... Kapali 1 1 ... ... /i- 9 Kay ant ha 1 i 2 /
  • n-3S Ki-ivat 12 H ... 12 8 ... A - 4 Khaira 12 H 12 S A- 1 Khandait LS n 18 5 i 1 A - Kochh 303 lot 350 158 ' 13 A- »r«; KuiH 17 17 1 A- 4 Kid 6 0 E-4i Kora 5 5 2 .1- 4 Kaki 0 1 6 J J)-28 Kumhar 28 V7 1 11 8 19 yl- fi(a) Kurmi !.•> " ; 3 12 7 1 *• 4 M ah ill 3 1 I 3 1 ... j ... n- !iQ(a ) 31 a Ira and a aria 0 H 2 4 8 A- *4 (it) 3Iali 3 3 ... ... VS5 Mato 7 ... 1 0 A- Ufa) 3tvehh 7 4 7 4 ... ... A- 4 3Ianda 30 14 1 1 5 38 9 A- aca) Namasudra or Chit mi a 1 7 5 \ 7 5 • n‘-1H Napit ami iihan diiri Mi 13 8 :i5 13 /I- 4 Oraon 1 1 J- 4 Fan CS 36 08 36 ... n-39 Pasi ... 1 ... i ... 1 I A~ 2(a) Pod 14 ... 14 A- 1 Itajptil 0 13 1 R 7 1 ■ 0 A- 4 Itautla 7 JO ... ... 7 10 .1- 4 Santal 37 33 37 33 .i- 4 Sitvar 1 1 . 1 1 n-sa Sunri 4 ... 1 n-33 Tanii 12 5 13 5 l)~)i7 Tell 19 15 18 13 1 2 j 1 ... /i-Ui Thathera 1 1 1 1 .4- 4 Tippera 74 31 1 7t 31 D-38 Tlyar 1 1 ... ... 1 1 Religious Devotees and Mendicants. 1 1 naitnab 2 5 i •' 4 1 ! ■■ Hindus, returned by title. Sudrm ... 2 ... 2 j ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. I ' Patni S 4 1 3 2 I 1 ( ) TABLE XIII — A. — Deaf Mutes by Caste — emeluded . FEUDATORY STATES-coneWerf. Group. Total Pkitoatory SrAlEB. Kucn Bihar. OrirSA Tributary STATKa. CnuTiA Nagpur Triiiuta rt ,6tatbb. UiiL Tippbra. Male. Fomalo. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Hindus, returned by locality. AssamMe C 3 ... ... ... 5 3 Ttlinf/aa 3 2 1 1 2 1 ... Total 8 5 1 1 2 1 6 3 Hindus, unspecified 16 IS 4 S
  • 6 3 4 Musalmans, returned by title. Pathan 2 1 1 2 ... ... Shaikh 214 133 1 178 lOS 36 28 ... ... Total 216 JJ7 178 102^ 38 28 ... Musalmans, unspecified ... 21 10 ... ... 21 10 Native Christian 1 •• ... 1 ... ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 1,646 809 606 202 1 644 425 170 116 117 67 ( 175 ) TABLE XIV— A. — The Blind by Caste, BAKDWAN DIVISION. — " -

    1 1 1 ‘ r 1 1 Total Baud wan D lVlHlUN. Babdwan. Bankuba. Birbiiom. Mionapub. llroLi. Howrah. f Ima and (p-oup. CASTE IE ALPnABBTI- I 1 1 CAL OEPBB. Male. Female. Male. Female, j Mule. Female. | Male. Female. Mule. Female. Mule. Female, Male. Female. Agari 0 12 6 6 1 1 1 0 ... 1-9(0) Bagdi 222 302 43 80 1 8 16 62 73 26 48 74 06 10 19 -^9(a) Uaidya 5 4 3 2 2 ... ... 2 }-31 Baiti 2 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ?-14 Uaniya (unspecified) 17 13

    4 4 4 o 2 3 1 i 2(a) Itarui 8 38 ... G 32 2 2 1 4 9(a) Baurl ;jl)7 276 133 113 i5r, 160 17 ... 2 3 1-A4 Bediga 21 13 1 1 21 13 ... ... ... ... 1- 9(a) Bhar 1 t ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 Bhuiya 23 17 i - 4 9 ... 0 8 13 1-4 Bhumij 4 2 ... 1 1 3 1 Brahman m 185 1 GO 41 21 61 21 10 .36 20 17 26 10 10 Burmese ... 3 ... ... 5 -3S Chatnar and Mttchi .. 42 06 1 6 2 8 20 33 1 5 7 12 1 3 t-S(a) Chasa JPhopa 1 1 1 1 )-24 nhopa 40 36 j 1 1 U 2 4 12 13 13 3 0 4 ff- 43 Dom 71 73 ! 4 4 17 4 22 38 7 9 11 11 7 7 Busadh 1 3 ... ... ... 1 1 4 M4 Oandhabanik 12 9 .3 3 3 G 1 6 1 Oarer 1 1 • ... t I'Uro Ooala lov no : 20 26 IS IS 8 12 20 19 21 32 8 7 [)-3» Uari 48 30 .3 2 1 13 20 21 12 10 12 10 1 r>-53 Jugi G 4 ... 1 1 ' 2 3 / f)-J5 Kahar :) 4 ' 2 V 1 1 Kaibartta 4 ir. 456 20 33 13 tr. 12 1 , 2Sl 291 66 60 66 41 Kamar 02 36 5 8 U 21 3 7 7 8 9 3 3 -21 Kansari 2 4 3 i .. 1 1 1 I »-gJ Kapali 1 i I 1 Karan 2fi 13
  • ... 1 20 13 r>-20 Karanga 10 6 1 h 6 ! 4 1
  • » 9 Kayastha 82 68, 10 1 3 9 N 25 h 9 7 3 [)-35 Ketvat 4 5 3 ’ 4-4 Khalra 3(1 37 2J

    37 1 1 1 -4-1 Khandait 13 6 ... 1 1 12 6 1 -4^ Kharia 2 1 1 i i-4 K/Mrwar 1 i 1 1 4-tYa; Koiri 1 1 E-41 Kora 0 3 4 1 1 2 2 ... Kumhar 10 28 2 4 3 3 1 \ 0 4 6 .3 6 4 2 4-2ro; Kuntni 3G 43 3 5 2 :io 36 1 »-22r«; Maira 27 a 1 1 3 10 to 2 9 1 1 1 3 Mai .. . . 43 30 42 30 1 Mali G 7 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 f>-3« Malo 0 4 ... 1 1 i^4 Munda 2 2 1 ‘ « 1 -S(a) Kamasudra or Chan- dal. 10 15 t 1 1 3 1 1 9 ' 0 5 ... n~18 Kapil GO 48 1 3 19 18 8 6 ! 10 12 !

    7 4 2 i-4 Pan 1 1 f>-5« Vasi 1 ... 1

    '9(a) Pod 17 , 31 ... 2 ... " It r, 13 4 . 8 6 4-1 Bajpui 32 37 1 3 13 20 8 19 G 3 G 1 Sadgop m 131 8 10 1 1 10 14 ! 38 37 32 36 :w 30 G 6 ( 176 ) TABLE XIV— A.— The Blind by Caste— co«//«werf. BARDWAN DIV18ION-coii
  • 9 ! 2 4
  • 4 Sarah 5 19 1 • a 19 1 I
  • 1

    A^4 Sa var 1 1


    It- n Suiiar IS 13 3 10 11 1 4 2 r-t4 Suharnahaaik 1.*, iO . 8 13 3 3 2 1 4 7>-»J SakU u> l.T It 19 ' 1 / It-.yfi Suari Li 33 6 6 2t 11 7 10 c 4 ; / 1 1 D-'JO Satrafllatr •JO 1 n 1 S 1 r> 6 2 4

    1 1 A -ii(a) Tamhali s 26- I S 4 17 4 3 i 3 /i-2.I Taiiti s:i ss " i 4 28 95 11 IS 32 29 r> 0 1 4 3 /i-«7 Teli and Hal a 1 II. 131 17 .10 81 22 96 21 16 1 10 10 1 1 !) 1 7>-J5 Tiyat' \i 11 i ■ 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 3 Religious devotees and mendicants. lot rt7 i ir, 40 2.1 10 20 96 .30 30 8 11 8 10 Hindus returned by title. 1 3 ttiih a ■' 1 Mandnl 1 3 1 3 1 ■ Total (j 3 ; ! 1 3 0 ;'i 3 Hindus, returned by actual 1 I 1 i occupation. ' Hesya 1 !i i . : - / i! . Jftliyft 1»2 33 ... |l 5
  • , 19 9 3 2 Kotai 2 3 ti 3 1 j i \uri 'J O . 1 ... 2 l*ntua ■ 1 1 . Total 21 '• j 43 1" " 1 3 ji 5 16 i 20 '! ... 1' 9 3 4 Hindus returned by i 1 1 locality. 1 irtyn* It 9 i !| 14 9 1 •
  • 1 Hindus, unspecified LI 52 26 32 J 14 8 3 1 2 8 Musalmans, returned by i • title. Hhan 1 ... 1 ... ... ... Paihnn 3S 44 26 22 1 7 10 15 ... Say y id 17 16 17 19 1 2 1 1 shaikh 080 708 2.78 J174 79 IJ2 1 124 110 I 86 78 71 67 62 %i Total TM 708 1 :K)1 308 1 79 133 I 127 119 ; 96 94 71 67 62 47 ( 177 ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Bund by Qksrv.— continued. BAfiDWAN DIVISION-conr/urfcrf, Gboup. Total Bahdwan Division. Bardwak. j Bankvba. BiRnnuM. 1 1 MlPHArUB. Hr OH. Howbab. Male. 1 5 Fcmalfl. Malo. Female. 1! Male. Fi'male. j Male. 1 Female, | 1 Mule. Fomah'. ' Male. Female. ! Male. 'i 1 1 Female. Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Dhunia Jolaha Total 1 1 ... 1 1 i 6 1 ... ... ! 4 1 j 1 ... 1 Musalman, unspecified 38 S2 1 1 ... 17 93 21 27 • • Native Christians 1 2 ... j ... 2 1 Eurasians 1 2 ... ... 1 9 TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 3.669 3,783 713 ! 778 704 845 627 602 929 809 430 440 267 210 I'ltKSinKNCY DIVISION. Class and CASTR IB Alptiadb- TICAL OUDKU. Total Prkmi- DENCY Division. 1 24-PABOANA8. Calcutta. Nadia, JE890R. MmSUlPADAl). KnULNA. Group. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. (J’-U Agarwala i • «

    ... 1 ... ... ... ... A^2{a) Bagdi 04 02 n2 20 2 21 18 in 7 11 IS ... ... n-9 (a) Baidya 5 ... ... l ... 1 1 2 ... ... 3 1 ... n-3t Balti ... 2 ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... C-/4 llnniya (unspoei- fled). 1 ... •• ... ... ... 1 ... A-» (a) Barul IB fi 0 ... ... 1 1 ... ... 6 9 3 9

    -g (n)

    Baurl C 1 ... ... 3 1 2 ... ... ... ... ... K^4 Bediya 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... A-g(a) Bhar ... 3 ... ... ... ... J ... ... ... ... ... i>-^9 BhuimaH and Hari IB y 4 9 2 2 6 3 ... ... .3 2 ... ... 4-4 Bhuiya 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 4-4 BhumiJ 8 ... 6 ... ... 3 ...

    -2 (a)

    Bind t ... ... J ... Brahman 119 y3 40 30 4 1 SO 91 20 13 19 21 6 4 ^-9 (a) Chain IV 17 ... ... ... 19 17 ... Chamarand Muchl 91 73 33 27 6 2 16 14 : 21 IS 10 It 1 , i 3 4 4-9 (a) Cha$a JDhopa 4 7 ... 1 ... ... 3 1 21 ! 1 \ 1 4-9 ra; Chavati 24 30 1 ... ... 30 1 ... />-94 Dhopa 27 13 13 n 4 / 3 2 » s B ... 1 ... K-43 Dom 46 29 31 24 1 ... 2 2 I 7 9 1 4-9 (a) Dusadh « 8 ... 1 3 1 ... 3 n 1 6’-jf4 Candhahanih 13 4 1 ... 1 2 2 2 2 7 ... 4-9 (h) Ooata 118 90 83 21 1 2 3.1 27 H 8 37 3t 4 1

    -23 d ngi 24 24 3 8 ... ... R B 0 0 3 3 7 Kah ar 14 4 1 2 2 3 7 2 1 4-9 (a) Kaibartta 194 100 61 39 1 3 73 33 17 S 33 90 7 7 Kamar S3 91 4 3 1 1 11 8 9 1 4 8 1 ... ^-'29 (a)

    Kandu 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 4>-9IJ Kanoari 1 4 ... ... ... ... ... 1 4 ... ( 178 ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by CASTit-co»ft«Mtf 2

    3 J 3 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Beaya ... 1 ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... •- 1 ••• Vai 5 3 ... ... : ... 3 1 ... 2 2 ... ilaliya 33 21 G i ... 1 6 3 17 13 ... ... 4 J Mala 2 8 ... ... ... ... ... e 2 2 Patni 5 10 ... ... ... 2 5 ... 2 2 2 1 1 fiardar .. n 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 5 Total 47 48 6 1 1 8 8 £0 16 2 11 11 ( irs ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by Caste— PKESIDENCY DIVISION- con r/w«. Total Puesi. 1>BNCY Division. 24.PARaANAS. Calcutta. j Nadia. jBSgOR. MURBniDABAD. j Kiiulha. Gbovv, i 1 l! 1 1 Male. Femalo. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. » Female. ' Male. Feninlo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Hindus, returned by Locality. mndustanU ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... J ... ... Vrim 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... TotdU 1 3 1 ... ... ... 3 ... Hindus, unspecified Musalmans, returned by title. 37 23 n 21 21 4 2 1 5 J 1 GJiati 14 3 ... ... ... ... ... 14 3 Khan C 1 3 ... ... ... ... 2 t Jflir 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... rathan 22 J3 2 ... 1 R 3 n 7 5 3 Sayyid 7 4 ... 1 7 2 1 ... Shatkh ••• ••• 1,501 1,200 220 178 K1 01 421 378 302 283 200 233 84 48 Total ... 1.551 1,223 225 m K1 0! 422 379 'k)7 290 290 203 117 33 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Jolaha 5 21 ... ... ... ... ... 11 2 8 3 9 Kahar » ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... KalH 4 5 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 — ... 4 5 ... ... Klkari 9 2 7 2 ••• ... ... ... ... a ... Total 21 28 7 2 ... ... ... ... 3 11 0 13 5 ; 9 Musalmans, unspecified .. 4 3 2 J 2 ... Native Christians 10 9 10 1 0 3 ... 2 ... 1 Jain ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... Parsis ... 3 ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... 1 ... TOTAL AFFLIOTED 3,631 2,642 836 606 171 141 830 063 741 638 676 1 633 273 174 KAJSHAHI DIVISION.

  • — -r:r- Clafw and Group. CiBTE nr ALUnABE- IlCAL UKUBB. Total Raj- HU A 11 1 Division. DinAjruii. RAJHiuni. Bancpub. Bogka. 1 PAiinA. 1 Darjiuilibo. 1 Jaluaiouri. Hale. Female.! Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Fi male Mule. Female. Male. Female. 1 Male. Female. Male. ! 1 Female. A~a(a) A fjmri J ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 10 A~ 1 Batfhan 14 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a(a) Bagdi 21 1 ... 1 17 ... ... 3 1 B-3, Baiti 2 ... ... ... 2 ... C~u Bnniya (un»peci~ fiod). ... 1 ... I ... ... ... ... ... ... »(m) Barui 2 12 ... 3 ... ... 1 ... 1 ... 9 't- »(tt) Bauri 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... ... Bediya 1 ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ••• Bhuimali 42 27 23 10 7 8 J 4

    1 4 4 1 2 9 N 2 ( 180 ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by Qk«T— continued. KAJSHAHI DIVISION-eo»«i»«38 Chamar /I— 2(a) Chasa A— 2(a) Chasa Bhopn ... B--22 Bnmi 11^24 JJhopa E—43 Bum C— i4 Oantihabanik ... .4— 8 (b) Qoala A— 4 Ournng B-23 Juffi J[>— 35 Kahar ./4— 2 (a) Kalbartta I)—19 Katnar D— 49 Kami D— 88 ( a) Kandu J4-83 KapnH lh-20 Katanga B— 9 Kayastha A— 4 Khambu A— 4 Kharla €-44 Khatri 4- 2(a) Kochh -4- 8 (a) Koiri -4- 4 Kol J9—2 8 Kumhar A— 2(a) Kartni A-— 4 Lepcha JL— 4 Limhu D—22( a) JBaira and IIal~ tval, y|- 2(a) Mai A 2(a) Mali A— 4 Mangar /£- 8 (a) Mechh A— 4 Munda A— 4 Murmi A— 2(a) Xamasadra or Chandal. V-18 Napit D^SO N uniya .4— 4 Oraon A- 2(a) Pod A— 1 Itajput A 2(a) Sadyop yl— 4 Suntttl I>— 47 Sonar €-44 Subarnabanik , JD— 34 Sunrt T>—20 Sutra €lhar D-23 Tantl ( 181 ) . TABLE XIV— A.— Tub Bund by Qkst^— continued. \ liAJbH AHl DI\ ISION— Class and Group. Castk iiT Alpha. BEIICAL ORDSIl ToTA I, Rajhhahi Divimion. 1 lllNAJPUK. llAJaUAlIl. Ramgpi'k. Boura. 1 Pab.va. Uarjkblino. Jalpaiouki. OK GKO UP. — . 1 I 1 Male. F omalo Male. Female. Male. Female 1 Male. Female. ' Male. 1 |FemaIe. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Tell and Knlu .. 13 W 1 ... 10 13 ! .. 1 2 1 5 It-S Tiyar 6 1 1 ... j 1 3 1 X- 4 Turi 2 — 2 ... ... Religious devotees and mendicants. Kairmtb C7 07 15 12 D 8 25 23 1 Hindus returned by Title. 1 Buna 0 9 2 ... ! 3 r» 3 4 1 ... Hindus returned by actual occupation. i 1 Ohatuful 1 i 1 1 ... Jaliya 32 10 2 1 ... 1 5 3 2.5 14 Mala , s ... i ... j ... ... ... 8 Matlya 3 ... ... j t ... 3 Vatni 1 3 2 ... ... ' 1 ... ... Total 37 31 3 ... 1 5 J 20 23 ... Hindus, unspecified 4S 07 i!
  • 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 27 20 Musalmans returned by Title. i i 1 j Pathan 3 3 i ' 1 3 1 1 Say y Id 2 1 ... ... 1 1 Shaikh 1,H1H 1,007 301 1 •iOO liTAi 473 302 280 301 334 j 3 '3 30 i 3 4 75 30 Total 1,823 1,700 3(t3 1 ;joo 353 4.73 i 303 2Stt 3'»2 337 1 \ 301 3 1 4 76 SO Musalmans returned by actual occupation. 1 •folahn 2 ... 2 i ... 1 1 1 ... Musalman, unspecified ... 1 ... 1 ' 1 1 "■ 1 1 \ ' 1 , 1 \ ... 1 Parsi 1 1 1 i| ... I ... ■■■ , 1 l: 1 ■■ :! - total affuoted ... 3,1 10 2,882 028 1 602 1 1 642 1 676 • 698 644 1 372 1 j 599 1 1 679 i 600 93 1 70 ' 1 108 183 DACCA DIVISION. Class and Group. Caste ii» Atph^betical OllUEK. Total Dacca Diviniu.n. Dacca. ! I| 1 Fahidpur. 1 IJAKlfAROANT. i 1 1 Male. Female. j IVI AIM \ .NSI,> Peiimle. | 1 Male. |F<>iuale. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 B^O(a) Baidya ... .» IG 2 ... 1 2 H » j C-14 Baniya (unspeciiied ) ... 12 3 10 ... 2 2 .• A-^9(a) Barui 10 1 5 1 4 1 ... E-44 Bedlya .. 10 7 ... ... ... ... ' 10 7 2>-3» Bhuimali 13 8 6 V 1 1 ... 4 1 3 1 N 3 . ( 182 ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by Caste — continued. DACCA DIVISION— Total Dacca Division. Dacca. Paridpue. BAEnASOANJ. Maimansinuh. Class and Castk is AT.rnABKricAL II II II Group, ufiDKU OR ORorr. Malo. Ffiiualo. Male. Female 1 ' Malo. Female Male. Female Male. Female, A-4 BhumiJ G 1 ... ... • > ... ... ... G 1 BS Brahman 61 33 11 6 20 9 19 3 11 10 D-38 Chamar and lif ttchi 28 32 21 17 3 2 1 ... 3 13 Dhopa 15 10 ... 1 2 10 6 4 3 K-4S Dom 1 ... 1 A-S(a) Dusadh 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... Gntidluthanik 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 A^2(h) Ooala 36 J4 in 9 1 1 ... 2 25 22 D-ii3 Anal ... 36 30 1 6 5 2 11 7 19 21 /J-5/5 Kahar ... 7 4 2 ... ... ... 1 ... A-2(a) Kaihartta 99 78 21 13 8 2 11 0 60 67 D-i9 Kumar 13 11 1 1 1 7 5 3 G 3 D-22(a) Kandn 5 4 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... n-2t Kunsari 1 ... 1 ... ... n^23 KapaU 29 10 10 2 4 6 4 1 11 2 B-9 Kuyautha 1G6 133 50 40 45 26 33 20 32 30 A 9(n) Korhh 115 130 78 78 2 1 1 2 34 49 D-2H Knmhur 23 24 11 It 4 3 4 3 4 7 Mairaand llalwui 4 3 ... ... 4 2 ... ... 1 A-'2(a) Mai 3 5 3 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... A^9(a) Mall 1 0 ... ... ... 1 1 6 Malo 78 62 2.5 22 19 9 10 7 21 14 A-2(a) yamasudra or Chandal ... 316 281 43 04 120 00 132 88 61 72 D Napii 82 62 25 2 4 7 22 14 31 29 K— 14 Nut ... 3 2 ... ... 1 ... D-30 Nunlya 2 ... 2 ... A~t Itajput 1 ... ... 1 ... ... A-2(a) Sadyop 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 I^29(ti) Sank hart ... 1 ... 1 r-i4 SuhamubaniU 3 2 2 1 1 1 z>-J« Sunri 91 02 5!) 10 10 16 2 6 20 20 /) 20 SutrudJiar 11 18 .3 7 6 4 ... 1 6 0 D-23 Tantl I.-) 8 10 7 2 2 ... 1 1 If -27 Tell and Kain 21 It 5 4 9 3 6 2 4 2 i} — 35 Tiyar 4 3 4 1 ... ... ... ... 2 Religious devotees and mendicants. Btitunnb 35 43 3 20 6 0 5 7 21 JO Hindus returned by title. Buna 3 3 1 ... 2 3 ... ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Dal 2 2 • 2 2 tatni 27 26 11 4 1 ... 1 IG 19 Total 23 27 11 4 ... 1 ... 1 18 21 Hindus, returned by locality. ManipurU IS 13 ... ... ... ... ... ... Hindus, unspecified 174 138 50 46 3 1 6 6 IIG 87 Hindus, unspecified ( 183 ) TABLE XIV— A— The Bued by Caste— tonttiii*/. \ DACCA DIVISION-conc/ifrftfrf. Group.. Total Dacca
  • lvImo^. Dacca. 1 1 Faridpur. t j Bakuarganj. 1 Maimanbingr. Mulo. Fiimnle. Malo. Feiuala j Main. Pomalo. Malo. Fi^nmlo. Malo. Fomalo. MusalmanSi returned by title. Pathan 32 18 1 9 29 0 1 1 Sayyid 4 3 ... 1 1 3 1 ... 1 Shaikh 2,472 1^700 366 S34 360 r>:u 983 1,212 999 Total 2,508 1,7^1 367 943 3^2 943 5-94 Dhopa 16 11 ... i 7 4 9 0 B-43 Dom 0 ... 6 ... • C‘14 Oandhabanik 2 6 ... 9 2 J A^9 (b) iioala 7 It 9 1 ... 6 9 />— Jagi 77 01 3 7 20 1H 53 j 33 1 1 Kahar 3 9 1 *" 1 9 1 2 .1- 9(a) Kaibartta ... 51 47 1 1 i 10 8 40 3H n-9 Kamar ... / 3 1 ... 1 1 ” 2 ' ... j D 23 Kapati 7 0 ... 1 7 0 N 4 ( 184 ) TABLE XIV — A.~— The Blind by Caste— CHITTAGONG DIVISION- eonc/arferf. Class and Gnmp. Cahtk in Alpiiabbti- Total CHiriAnoNO DlVlHlOH. CHlTTAaONG. Noakitali. Tippera. CniTTAOONO Mill Tkacth. ClLORIiKKOB Group. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. JI- 9 Kayasiha 73 63 25 17 10 38 37 A^2Ca) Korhh 2 1 ... ... 2 1 A- 4 Kuki 2 3 ... ... 2 J n-38 Kum/utr 13 10 1 1 1 J 11 6 ... F^48 Magh 62 21 30 .. ... 23 22 D~33(a) 31x1 ira ... 1 ... • •• 1 A— 3(a) 3tal 0 1 ... 0 1 ... A S(a) 3raH 0 7 ... 1 1 3 5 3 ... i)-36 3ralo 13 10 1 ... 5 4 7 6 .1- 3(a) Samattudra or Chat ... Cl 62 8 9 m 43 n^i8 Vaplt 15 23 1 4 3 7 11 11 E^4 Nat ... 2 ... 2 D-Jfi Sunri 20 42 ... 1 1 0 19 36 D^30 Satradhar 10 4 ••• 4 2 0 2 ... D-31 Tanti ... 1 1 D~37 Tell and Kalu 4 7 1 ... 6 ' .3 1 A- 4 Tipitera 12 10 ... 1 ... ... 1 2 11 8 Religious devotees and mendicants. liaisnah .. 7 7 o 2 .3 J i 2 2 Hindus, returned by title. 1 itaaa tSudra 1 20 27 20 1 1 ... I 27 ... 1 Total ... 21 27 1 20 27 1 ... 1 1 1 1 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. i ij Pat Hi 4 ... ... 4 Hindus, returned by locality. Jlartrnii ... 1 ... 1 ... Hindus, unspecified 80 61 23 12 17 20 • 0 8 21 Musalmans, returned by title. Pathixn Sayyld 2 2 4 2 2 2 ... ... 2 ... Shaikh 1,177 894 320 300 1 .310 228 535 366 1 Total ... 1,179 900 328 " i 304 1 .310 338 6.35 . 368 1 ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 1.794 1,482 441 428 ! 410 337 868 638 70 88 ( 185 ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Bund by Caste. — eontinued. PATNA DIVISION. CljisB and Grwup. Cabtr in Alpha- BEXICAL OKPKR. Total Patna Division. Patna. Gaya. Shahahad. DAKBRANaA. MuzAiFAurru. Saran. CllAMPABAN. Male. Main. Fuiualv. Male. Peinah*. Male. Female. Male. Female.j Male. b’eniale. Male. Female. Male. Female. C^t4 Aaarufala 11 i 22 1 2 1 7 19 2 i 1 C~ 14 Ayrahari B 10 3 ... 4 ... 9 ... A- S(«) A mat 22 19 ■■ 1 ... ... ... 16 10 0 ... A- 1 Itabhan 420 317 105 «! ... 4.3 40
  • 30 111 103 09 08 15 19 It- 9(0 lUiidya 1 ... 1 1 C-14 linniya [umtprei^ tied) ic:i 127 21 13 in 27 41 10 14 15 / It 15 22 32 V-iiO Itarhi 49 ... I ... 32 21 20 22 13 9 K-4S Bari 30 54 1 2 , 25 24 5 7 21 A- 2(n) Harui vS 2 2 8 2 ... 3 A- S(a) Bhar 42 47 23 24 1 1 1.5 20 3 2 n- 8 Bhai 1 1 ... ... 1 1 ... yl- 20l) Bind R1 1Q2 3 2 25 38 4 1 1.5 20 19 20 ' IS 12 It- n Brahman 073 917 77 r.7\ ... 61 170 148 80 91 H7 118 108 121 82 91 D-88 Chamar 450 920 70 90 ! 90 1 113 193 24 41 43 55 1 107 120 72 55 J}-34 Bhopa 181 235 23 24 1 2S 67 1 14 19 23 19 21 49 44 44 25 20 E-43 Horn 74 371 1 5| 34 307 1 0 0 2 6 9 17 1 15 21 8 to A- 3(a) Bnsadh C57 639 40
  • 38 28 ■ 169 176 89 79 71 102 1 87 88 60 61 D-3G Oareri 100 123 ... ... ... ! 3S 49 4 10 4 1 59 99 2 A- 2(b) Ooata 051 1,094 137 194 ! 09 122 i 223 288 113 119 120 «.? ; 202 214 I 81 74 D-IH llft^ifatn 210 241 41 47 42 34 , 31 69 2.3 24 1.5 24 1 41 38 2.3 18 n^23(a) Ilalwai 87 55 8 10 ... .. 7 25 25 ... ... ... 4 7 n-89 Ilari 1.5 29 0 1 8 7 .3 It 3 8 ... 2 I)-33 Jayi 17 10 ... 1 6 ... ... ... ... 4 2 11 3 n-35 Kahar 402 429 112 9S I 75 120 142 7 7 22 • •• 60 84 29 23 n-3G Kafwar lU 121 13 27 \ 21 24 I 11 18 10 9 1 12 14 20 20 18 12 B-12 Katnar or Lohar 217 161 0 9 ; 68 ... 1 31 28 12 8 j 46 95 •W 36 18 9 B -22(a) Kandu 387 430 ny 99 1 .32 1 05 79 100 IS 11 1 49 63 116 98 31 31 /)- 21 Kaaera 0 9 4 ! 1 ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... j' ... 1 1 ... /- 9

    Kfiyantha Sin 229 27 24 ' 1 67 1 59 1 ;n 29 80 19 1 09 59 02 35 20 7 B^35 Krtvat 33 62 ... .31 32 j ...

    jl ... 2 13 A- 4 Khartvar 4 3 i' 1 J ... ... ... ! ... ... A^ 2(a) Hhatih 3 3 ... ... i 2 1 1 ' 1 ... C-14 Khatri 51 28 52 28 I, ... , 1 2 A - 2(a) Koiri 505 462 77 99 4.5 17 j 111 143 ! 49 39 ?0 : 121 113 .35 47 />-«« Knmhar 101 90 28 16 7.5 41 j 10 38 13 8 17 It 1. H 11 7 7 i!(a) Kurmi 520 919 no 193 50 69 95 87 i 7.5 Ui 118 68 67 A- 2(a) Mall 13 44 12 9 3 2 4 1 10 10 8 8 12 B-S& Atalo .SH 33 1 ' 1 38 33 A- 4 Munda 1 1 1 j A- 2(a) ATusaliar 198 173 I 29 70 67 13 18 31 20 49 31 1 1 ,1 18 15 B-.30 Nuniya 333 192 20 30 no 21 7 l.» 18 |9 8 03 08 1 42 31 A- 4 Oraon 1 I 1 1
  • ... 1 B^36 Past 107 147 1 33 39 ! 48 81 11 19 n 6 2 5 7 2 t A- 1 Rajput 798 694 88 120 i 165 173 108 90 81 67 147 107 10,5 140 VI 31 A - 2(a) Raj war 120 51 1 [ 121 47 5 4 ... C 14 UasUtyi 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... i '' B^n Sonar 147 173 25 21 49 75 11 H 1 4 11 38 1 28 14 16 13 B^59 Sunri 95 82 8 2 53 49 6 7 1 10 12 8 1 3 A~ 2(a) TambuZi 05 46 2 3 ... ... 2 8 11 7 1 9 1 ■" 18 B-23 Tanti or Tatwa 116 138 37 24 38 1.5 13 6 4 1 21 33 1 1 7 36 10 B-21 Thathera 3 3 2 ... ... ... ... 3 1 1 1 ( 186 ) TABLE XIV— A. — The Blind by Caste — continued, PATNA DIVISION-«)»«Ii((I. ' Native CHristians ( 0.864 I 1,010 1,406 1,636 1,680 1,947 2.121 ,353 1,186 (.574 1,373 Class and Group. Cabtb in Alpha. BETICAL OllUSR OB UKorr. Total Patna Division. Patna. Gaya. Bhahabad. Darbhanoa. Mvzapfabpttb Saran. Champaras Molo. Fflinale Male. Fnuiale Main. Female . Male. Female . Male. Female . Male. Female Male. Female Male Fenaal .4- VVa> Thartt
  • 19 ... i IS « 11 n n~27 TeU a7E 385 6C 68 OS 88 C2 45 51 43 41 42 61 67 3C 5i n-5s Tiyar S ... ... ... ... 4 ... 1 ... Religious devotees and mendicants. Hal snub 12 15 1 ... ... S 1 u Hindus, returned by title or common subcaste. ii anpar .3S ... 39 Buna 7 14 ... ••• ... 7 J4 iJain fl ... () 1 ... ... Total 52 14 39 ... 0 ... 7 14 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Vhurihar 14 13 1 1 4 6 8 7 Vafali i.i ... « . 4 4 2 1 ... 1 1 1 1 ... 1 Oandharpa 1 1 ... ... ••• lihatwal :i0 77 30 77
  • ... Kami 2 1 1 Nalband ... 1 ... 1 Fatua {>2 113 53 69 1 37 44 ... • •• 1 UaHf/ret 3 1 2 1 ... 1 ToUU ... 147 sm 2 1 S3 146 7 2 89 45 7 7 9 7 Hindus Faftarias returned by locality. 2 5 1 3 . ... 1 2 Hindus, unspecified 240 239 10 32 1 57 69 64 79 40 38 24 6 Musalmans, returned by title. Moyhnl 2 o o 2 Vi\ihan 1.31 70 18 15 60 .. I 14 12 12 6 20 20 17 11 6 Say y id 38 17 10 7 ... 4 5 5 2 4 2 6 1 Shaikh 431 75 74 44 SO 46 109 114 28 85 1 61 40 42 28 Total 600 520 112 96 60 44 48 65 120 122 48 105 74 53 48 35 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Bhinti 1 ... 1 m #• ~T jPhunia 87 73 1 14 9 9 8 13 15 10 4 17 24 24 15 Jotaha 4;it 353 40 49 109 ... C3 75 49 39 15 16 98 118 ‘ 61 54 Kiinjra 23 36 7 17 3 2 9 8 ... ... 1 1 5 8 4 Total 646 462 70 75 109 76 — 85 71 62 23 20 1 110 147 78 73 2,026 1,077 1,070 967 TOTAL AFFLICTED ( 187 ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by Caste — continued. \ BHAGALPUll DIVISION. ClftSi and abtb in Ai.phaukti. T«»tal BiunAL- I'UH DlMBlON. BirAOALPUR. Monghyb. Pi UNIX. Malda. Santa I. Pahuanas. Oroup. LAD UitUlStt. 1 II Male. Kouiale. Malf.

    Fomalo. Malo. Feroali . Male. Fuiimle. Male. Female. Male. Female. C-14 Agarwnla

    2 i €■14 AgraJuiri 22 22 Al- • (n) Amat . ... 6 20 0 4 22 ... A-1 Jlabhan m 84 22 28 It 39 .30 17 ... ... 1 1 A- 3 (a) Jtugdi 2 ... 2 ... ... 9 (a) Mlnidya 1 1 C-14 JIantya (unspeei- lied). 110 SO 1 20 25 49 32 21 27 1 2 13 D-30 Bar hi ... 69 47 1 3 t 1 50 31 16 ... A 2 (a) Bar Hi 2.', s ; 2 4 ! ■21 2 1 ... X- 2 (a) Bauri 1 ... 1 A- 2 (a) Bhar 41 2& 2 \ 40 23 1 A- 4 Bhuiya 24 23 21 23 1 A- ^ BhunUf ... 1 1 W- 5 Brahman 101 134 53 30 ; 4t 51 47 4 0 A-2(n) Bind 79 00 49 68 26 4 8 A-- 2 (aJ Chain :»)
  • 4 2 20 30 Chatnar 103 02 OO , 77 43 17 14 7 2 ... 20 0^24 Dhobi 70 52 17 17 .3*2 8 IS .3 2 ... 25 E-43 Bom ... 107 148 19 17 59 103 0 27 3 1 20 A- 2 (a)

    Dusadh 143 //.T til 45 o;» 31 H 27 15 12 .4- 2 (a) Gangauta US 10! 72 05

    21 32 ... 2 4 ... .• Oareri ... HO 135 . 3 i It 78 0.3 74 ... ... ... .1- 4 Ghani .. ... 1 ' ... 1 1 A- 2 (b) Goula 521 413 I 220 18H 1 ‘200 181 o;i 28 10 10 10 D-3& Oonrhi 85 28 1 29 20 I 50 8 ... ... Z>-1« IlaJJa m ... 39 7H *21 to 13 17 ... 13 6 2 ... D^22(a) ilalwai 40 03 10 1 24 I 30 30 i - 9 ... ... D-39 Ilari 70 4^ 1 4 4 ' 25 12 9 29 D^23 Jagi U 15 i ... 3 11 16 Ji-33 Kahar 75 135 21 25 5-2 60 43 2 1 A- 2 (a) Kaibn rtta 00 82 ' 3 2 28 39 ‘29 41 n^36 Kahvar ... HI 100 , 9 14^ 7*2 08 23 1 D-19 Kumar 41 24 29 23 , ! i 3 1 n~ 22 (a) Kanda ... 82 VO 17 20 ; 33 to I - 54 8 D-2t Kannari 27 i 27 1 - U- 9 Kayastha 123 67 13 15 1 37 7 1 32 1 SO 36 Kewat f« f 78 115 ' 30 28 , •23 44 I 1 41 2 2 A- 4 Kharwar H 5 1 ! H 5 A 2 (a) K/mtbo 10 17 10 17 ... C-i4 Khatri 1 2 1 ... 1 A- 2 (a) Koehh 05 05 ! ... .30 1 .Ti 39 20 A^ 2 (a) Koiri 69 118 60 08 29 44 10 6 A- 4 Kol 33 5 1 2 3*2 3 j ... Kora 13 ... ... 12 D^28 Kumhar 122 99 ‘22 18 17 28 ... 2 4 81 49 A^2(a) Kurml 201 210 97 103 7.1 84 21 19 2 4 8 ... A^ 4 MahUi 1 i ... 8 1 ... ... Z>-«» (a ) Maira 13 1 13 1 A^ 2 (a) Mai 1 1 1 - 1 ... A--. 2 (a) Mali • 4 25 4 4 •• 8 j DSS Malo R 2 4 2 ... 1 ... 4 ... -A- (a) Markande \ CO 37 3 5 53 32 1 1
  • ( 188 ) TABLE XIV— A.— The Bund by continued. BHAGALJ'UIt DIVISIOIf-ro««»Ke in Alphabeii- CAL ORDEK OR GKOL'I*. Total Kitagal* 1*011 llIVIHION. A 4 J)-35 2 (n) A-^2(aJ A— 2 (a) 2J -30 A- 2(a) n^36 A- V (a) 1 /I 4 JJ-/7 n-36 A - 2 (a) i>-«3 n-27 I D-2t D~3S A- 4 MumUt... Mary art 3Iuxahar Naff at ' Xatnauatira L'hetnetaL Xifuiya Paryha Past Pod itOiJliUt Santal Sonar Sunrl TamhuU Tauti «r Tatwa Tvll Tlujtthcra Tlyar Tttrl Male. Religious devotees and mendicants. A ghori ifalvnab Total Hindus, returned by Title. Puna Hindus, returned by actual occupation. iiandhatpa ... Mala Vatua Rangrez Total Hindus, returned by locality. Mnrwaris Pahariua Total Hindus, unspecified 5i 121 a IS a? lUG 142 6 a:i 17 Fomalp. 3 7 100 9 1 €0 10 60 S Hr, 113 14 16 S3 HO 3 9! 1 19 2t 32 14 IS 1 K 'll /I — . Bhagalpur. Monohyr. PURJTEA. Maldi. Santal Pa ROAN AS. Male. Female. Male. Foinale. Male. Female Male. Female Male. Female. 1 - 3 ! 1 ... 3 4 1 2 3 43 3H 37 41 1 30 7 0 ... 3 1 7 22 36 10 17 W 1 1 3 8 30 1 34 2 S 32 19 22 66 2 3 ... 2 2 117 110 3 6 a ... ... 2 12 12 37 ... (i 4 10 16 r.3 20 41 18 2 1 43 4t 37 10 18 7 8 22 36 b 3 ... 1 G 4 21 76 ... 8 14 1 U a 2 ... I J i 1 2 6 13 2 j 1
  • i|

    ... 2 6 ... 13 1 3 1 18 2 6 7 3 2 ... 1

    i" il ... ... ... 21 21 ( 189 ) TABIiE XIV — A. — The Bund by Caste — coniinued. BHAGALPUE DIVISION— Group. Total niiAGAL* PUR Division. BUAGALPliR. Monouyb. Pprnea. Malpa. Santai. Fakoanah.' Malo. Fomale, Male. Female. 1 Male. Femalii. Malo. Female. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Musalmans, returned by Title. ! Pathan 20 g 3 18 ... ... 1 2 2 Snyifld 27 1 1 20 1 ... 1 ... StMltfh 818 480 11 8 3 8 50 100 1 205 220 81 Total 492 12 11 21 8 82 100 207 229 43 81 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Dhunia tA •Ji ' 0 10 48 14 Jolaha 153 283 83 80 48 145 19 81 3 7 : Katal 1 1 1 1 Kunjra 13 14 4 8 "7 4 0 1 2 ; Total 221 \ 322 1 99 1 103 119 19 1 gg ! 1 1 5 9 1 Musalmans, unspecified .. 2‘2S 228 n 1 85 70 94 53 1; 1 41 6 8 TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 4.783 6.042 1,386 1 1,315 1.604 1,003 032 1 1,006 604 603 1 1 308 1 400 OllISSA DIVISION. (Mass and Castb in AlI’IIAIIETI- Total Orissa Division. CUTTACir. Puri. Palasor. A(lVl AM» Kandii Maualh. Group. CAL OUIIEU. 1 1 Male. Female. Malo. Fi male. M.aIo. Female. Malo. Foinalo. Male. Female. 2(a) Bagdi % / 2 2 J 1 €14 Uaniua (unspeci’ lied). 12 12 8 7 4 5 D^20 Barhi 20 14 17 12 3 2 ... 2 (a) Barui 81 107 37 43 42 01 2 3 n-18 Bhandari C3 07 17 23 16 2i 15 17 1 5 j S n- 8 Bhat 23 22 7 2 12 10 1 1 to A- 4 Bhuiya 4 1 ... 2
  • 1 A- 4 BhumU 2 5 ... r» n- 8 Brahman 184 184 73 84 6.1 00 40 to ... 11-38 Chamar 14 11 n 11 3 A 2(n)

    Chttia 217 208 5.4 07 142 128 15 8 5 fs

    A- 2(a) Bhanuk 1 ... 1 i />-«4 llho'pn 4(i 38 20 « 7 7 5 13 1 . s to JE-43 Bom 4 4 4 3 1 -4- 2(b) Ooala 124 141 67 62 38 30 14 33 •> 10 A- 4 Bond 1 ... 1 ... n^ 22 (a) Ouria ... ' ... C3 09 32 3S 19 19 4 0 H 0 11-39 Hari 16 23 6 8 7 1 Jy-2S Jugi 4 3 I ... J 2 0 1 1 ( IM ) TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by Caste — continued. ! OEISSA DIVISION — continued. Class ttud Group. ClSTB IK Alphabetj CAL OKPER OB TofAL Oribsa Ditiniok. Cuttaci. PUBI. Balahob. Anoul akd Kanph Mahals. GkoCP. Male. Female. Male Female. 1 Mate. Female. Male. Femae. Male. Female, Kahar 1 2 1 2 9 (a) Knihartta 6 8 I ... 1 ... 0 8 D-19 Katnar 22 18 10 8 B 6 7 4 ... .1- 4 Kandh 1« 10 3 3 ... 7 7 n-9(a) Kandu 19 3 12 ... 1 ... ... 7 2 n-21 Kansnrl 8 19 5 G 2 2 1 ... ... It u Karan 40 GO 18 41 10 18 12 4 ... w- n KayaHlIui 28 2S 8 12 15 8 5 8 ... ... /> J.T Ketrat 95 88 40 49 24 24 19 7 0 5 .1 / Khandait 181 252 120 189 i 0 ... 1 49 G2 3 1 14 Khetri 1 1 ... 1 • •• KumlMLT 2» 29 10 12 7 8 ; 1 4 2 a J- 2 4 Van m 74 39 39 5 6 1 8 19 11 10 -I-. 1 Rajput a 3 5 2 ' 1 1 ... A- 2(a) RtiJu 11 13 ... ... 11 13 .1- 2 (a) Sadftop 1 1 ... ... ... tft n^29 (a) Sankhari 1 1 1 ... ... 1 • t. ... 4^ 4 Santal 1 3 1 3 ... ... A- 1 Sarah 1 2 ... 1 2 ... 1 4 Savar 1 4 1 ... ... 2 9 ... />-l7 .Sonar 2 ... ... ... 2 ... ... Snnri 7 G 2 3 1 3 4 ... .1- 2(a) Tamhati 2 1 ... 1 ... ... 2 ... ... Tanti Gl 72 28 38 10 17 11 14 9 6 t>-27 Till 110 118 03 88 31 39 7 13 9 8 n-21 Thath-era 1 1 ... fti n-3(i Tij/ar 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... Religious devotees and mendicants. Itaisnah 28 13 1
  • 8 2 2 7 6 Hindus, returned by Title. Ituna 12 18 11 18 1 Kaat 1 ... ... ... ... tea 1 ... Sadra 5 4 ... ... ... • 5 4 Totat 18 92 11 18 1 1 ... 5 4

    Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Patai 2 2 Pataa 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... . ...

    ... Total 3 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ( 191 ) "ABLE XIV — A.— The Bund by Caste— cow OEISSA DlVISION-wxciwrfwJ. Total Orihsa Division. 1 Cuttack. PUKl. Balasor. Ancvl and Kanihi Maiiai.8. GttouP. 1 II ! Male. Feroalo. Mule. Female. 1 Male. Female. Male. Pi'tnale. Male. Female. Hindus, returned by locality. Madrasi 1 1 ... «•# Mahratta 1 ... ... 1 ... Total 2 ... 1 ... ... 1 Hindus, unspecified SI Of} 25 44 03 25 14 1 7 0 Musalmans, returned by Title. 1 Pathan V,i iti
  • JO 1 »> 4 1 2 ii J Sayyid 1 ... i . 1 ... Shaikh 26 IH 8 0 1 10 1 ! Total 46 33 1 1 17 Jii Hi / Musalmans, unspecified ... 1 7 1 ! .. j 0 i 1 1 s Native Christians :i 1 ... { 2 1 1 1 TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 1,799 1,030 036 963 1 668 659 j 301 31 1 106 107 CirUTIA KAGrUll DIVISION. Total CireiiA i.OlIARDAOA, IN- Nagitu Dm- llA/.ARinAGn. iLLlMNO FaLA- 1 MANUni’M. King II nil L'M. BION. AIAU. Cabxb in Ar.rlTADKTI Ukovp. CAL ORDKK. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female, Male. 1 Female. Male. 1 emale. A’-4 Agaria ... 1 ... 1 / i . 1 A^l Bablkun H H ... • ! ■ ' (a) Bagdi 5 4 ... ... ... 5 4 1 B-0 (a) Baidya 1 5 ■■ i ■ i 1 3 ' Bnniya ( unspeel- 211 33 8 21 18 7 5 1 tied). 11-20 Barhi and Sutra- 11 17 H 13 2 1 i ; 1 dhar. A -0(a) Barui 5 lit 4 1 f 16 A— 2 (a) Banri ... in 160 111 132 1 JC-44 Bedlya 22 11 lU 3 3 3 1 3 ! n-30 Bhuimali or Hurl .. 7 6 3 4 6 1 A-4 Bhuiya a7 134 14 27 i 6'1 7r. j 18 02 1 1 lit A-4 Bhumif '16 48 1 l| 10 1 25 jl rpi 03 B-S Brahman 128 112 1 20 1 28 20 1 .50 50 1
  • 0 11-38 Chamar 40 22 17 9 ' 18 ’i| 5 i A- 4 Chero 1 6 1 ... 1 6 , ... A — 4 Chlh 0 11 ! 1 7 6 i' 2 ' j 6 D-24 Dhobi .* ... n 18 1 ! ® 4 4 ■■■ ' 4 ' 4 JO «-43 Dom 29 24 1 2 12 3 I. 1 II 10 i 17 1 •• A-2 (a) Dusadh in 20 4 13 0 ll *j

    1 ( 192 ) TABLE XIV— A CHUTIA NAGPUE DIVISION-oon^wtteci. Cla!» and Casts in Alpuabeti. Total Chutia Nagpi'r Divi- sion. Hazabidaok. Lohabdaoa. in CLU niNQ Pala- mau. Manbitum. 1 Bingabbum. Gnmp. CAL onuEK on Obuip. Male. Female. Male. Fumale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. C-f4 Oandhuhanik 6 11 ... ... ... 5 11 Ga rtrl 1 19 1 6 ... 6 ... ... ^-4 Ghttsi 12 IS 1 B 0 15 2 ... ft* A-9 (h) Gonfa 127 ISt 47 74 34 46 18 43 29 18 nss ilonrhl ... 10 ... ... ... ... ... 10 (a) liatwai atid Afalra 12 90 ... ... 2 B 9 IB 1 T)-9S Jngi 13 9 10 ... 3 ... 9 ... Ka/uir 40 45 19 93 19 13 6 7 2 ... A-9 (a) Knibartta 4 7 ... ... ... ... 2 B 2 9 Kamar or Lohar ... 03 105 22 13 24 91 44 69 8 (a) Kaudu ... 4 ... 4 ... n-21 Kanttari 1 1 ... ... ... 1 1 n-u Kayantha G 4 ... ... 1 ... 4 1 3 n-sn Kewat 3 9 1 ... ... 2 0 ... ... A~1 Khandait 11 1 ... ... 10 1 ... 1 ... A-4 Khar war 31 69 ... 34 69 ... ... ... r'-/4 Khatri G 6 4 6 2 ... • <» ... A -2 (a) Koirl SO 50 22 32 IG 12 2 6 ... ... A-4 Kol 03 86 4 4 1 ... ... • 68 89 E-41 Kora 3 ... ... ... ... ... 2 I}~9S Kutnhar 68 67 20 IB 7 9B 31 97 ... ... A- 2 (a) Kurrni 208 377 30 39 27 43 228 996 4 a J-4 Mahill 7 10 2 1 6 8 ... ... 1 (a) Mai 5 4 ... ... ... ... G 4 ... ... A-2 (a) Mali 1 9 ... 1 ... ... 1 1 • M ... J}-35 Mato 2 11 ... ... ... 9 2 9 ... 7 A-4 Manda 85 97 17 10 03 87 ... ... ... ... A-2 (a) 3Iu»nhar ... 3 ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... n—JH \aplt and ItalJam ,. 43 7 11 19 16 13 9 ... 7 I>-JO yunlya 3 3 ... 9 8 1 ... ... ... ... A-M Ora on ... 103 194 ... ... 182 199 1 ... ... 9 n^se raid 3 3 3 1 ... 9 ... ... ... A-l Rajput 31 35 11 7 10 93 4 B 8 ... A^2 (a) Ra)war 73 S3 3 9 0 6 61 68 ... ... A -9 (aj Sadgop 14 ... 9 ... 4 ... 8 4 Santal 107 155 0 98 ... 89 99 0 35 S Sarak 2 1 ... ... 1 1 1 ... V-17 Sonar 7 1 7 ... ••• 1 ».• C-14 Stibarnabanlh 7 5 ... ... 7 5 J}--36 Sunri and Kalwar ... 41 48 14 95 8 13 16 3 1 A -2 (a) TnmhuH 0 3 1 ... ... 1 1 1 4 1 J>-93 Tanti and Tatwa ... 18 15 ... ... 2 ... 8 4 8 9 7>-27 Teli and Kata 02 116 18 44 21 r ^6 .23 48 ... ... A-4 Turi IG 14 0 10 0 4 ... ... heiigious uevotees ana Mendicants. Jiaisnah ... Hindus, returned by title or common subcaste. 39 11 9 1 9 8 91 14 « iianpar 2 2 ... ... N%%gbansi 1 ... ... ... 1 .. ... ttiiUt 2 ... ... ... 2 ... Total G 2 ... ... 3 ... ( m ) ^TABLE XIV — A. — The Blind by Casve— con linuol CHUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION-conr/H*,/. Group. Total CiIutia Naopur Divihkin. Hazaribaoii. Loiiardaoa INCLUIUNO Falamau. Mandhum. SiNonnHUM. Male. Fomal«. Male Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 Male. Female. Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Ohatwat 27 38 27 38 Qorait 11 9 11 9 Mala 11 3 11 3 ... Patua 3 3 ... ... Total ■W 63 tl 41 22 12 ... Hindus, unspecified 30 24 ... 11 14 23 K 1 Musalmans, returned by title. Moghul 1 ... 1 PatlMH 2 2 Sayyid 2 Shaikh 70 46 18 16 47 21 11 9 Total «1 46 20 16 47 21 1 1 9 1 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. ./ofa/m Kahar 20 ‘A'i 37 9 13 27 i 15 23 9 7 ! 1 1 1 1 2 2 Kunjra ..... ... 2 2 1 2 1 Total .'iC 48 14 29 30 10 1 1 2 2 Musalmans, unspecified i> 19 8 17 ... 2 1 i Native Christians 16 17 16 17 TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 2,367 2,842 483 600 816 066 087 1,143 |l 201 1 244 li FEUDATORY STATES. Class and (iroup. -4- 2(a) €-14 n -20 A- 2(a) A 4 A- 4 A- 2(a) B- S A- 4 n-a 9 Casts in ALPRAns- TICAL OUDSR., Bagdi Baniya (unapeei- fled), Barhl Bhar . , Bhuiya Bhumlf Bind ... Brahman Vhakma Chamar and Muehi] Total FSlflUTART. Sl'ATKS. Male. Feniulo. li 8 3 1 42 28 I 47 0 3 Kucn Biuar. Male. Feniale. OniBSA Trihupary SrATSH. Male. Fi-malc. li 7 23 28 1 40 Ohtttia Naopur TnruifrARY Btatss. Main. Femaln. lU IfiLL TiI-PKIIA. MaltL ( IM ) TABLE XIV — A.— The Blind by Gk&tz— continue

    FEUDATOEY 8TATES-conABLE XIV— A. — The Bund uy Caste — concluded. PEUDATOKY 8TATES-c««(7K*rf. QEorr. Total FEui)m)aT Staten. Kuen HiiiAR. ORISfH Till HI TiRv States. OlIVTlA NaOTUR TBinrTABY Statbs. Hill Tippera. Male. Ft'injilc. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Pemiili*. Male. Female. Religious Devotees and Mendicants. JOaitnab 5 ... 5 3 ... Hindus, returned by title. Sudra 20 IS ... 20 15 I Hindus, returned by locality. AHuatneao 0 s 1 ••

  • 3 Hindus, unspecified »() 17 1 0 7 3 IS s 0 Musalmans, returned by title. J*athan 1 3 J 1 ... Hayyid 1 1 ... ... ... Shaikh 97 SO 9« HO 1 ... Tntnl 99 S9 97 H7 e Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. 1 Jalaha 1 0 ... 1 u Kunjra ... 1 1 1 Total 1 i i 1 ! I


    Musalmans, unspecified .. 10 s 1 [ 1 1 J9 s Sikh ... 1 • 1 i 1 - 1 TOTAL AFFLICTED ... 1,400 1,414 1 t 1 343 1 382 1 715 747 238 235 1 1 10 i 1 60 (.•2 Clas.s and Group. r-14 A-}d(a) A -2(a) H 9(a) D^3t C -14 A-2(a) A -9(a) K-44 A -4 A-4 H-5 n-an A-9(a) It -94 K-43 C-U A-4 A-2(b) n-39 7>-«J Ji-35 A-2(a) n-19 n-21 n-2S D-90 R-9 n -36 A -4 A-1 A-4 A -2(a) A -9(a) K-41 n-28 A -2(a) A-4 Jt~22(a) A-2(a) A-9(a) U-3S A-4 D-34 A-2(a) D-18 lS -44 A -4 A -2(a) A-g(a) A-1 A-9(a) ( 196 ) TABLE XV — A.— The Lepers by Caste. BAEDWAN DIVISION. CABTKS in ALPTIABRnCAL OUDKH. Total Bahtiwan Male. Fonialo. Agarwala ... Agyvri Bagtfi Rntftya Haiti Itanif/n (unnper i/led) Hnrtti Hauri Hediya Hhuiya HhutniJ Brahman Chamar and Muchl Vhasa Dhopa Dhapa Horn iJandhahanik iihani Ooata Hari Jugi Kahar Kaibartta Ka mar and Loha r Kaniari Kapali Karanga ... Kayaatha and Karan Kvwat Khaira Khandait Kharia Korhh Koiri Kora Kumhar Kurmi Mahili Maira Mai Mali Malo Manila Muriyari Xamaaudrn or Chandal Napit Mat Ban Pargha Pod Ha, f put JRajfpar ( 197 )

    TABLE XV— A.— The Lepebs by Caste— com BAUDWAN DIVIS 10N-o<„,c/K IH 24 05 39 fi2 28 .50 7 4 1 -20 SntrndfMr 42 30 2 4 13 IH 19 0 7 « 1 -9(a) Turnbull ... CO Hi 1 50 IS G 1 5 4 1 4 -93 Tantl 281 117 2.3 S 05 47 ! 72 36 IV) 20 29 5 ! 2 1 97 ToU and Kola 3:3c 03 17 11 211 S8 2.3 11 .33 7 11 J 1 8 S I-J4 Tlyar 17 S ... ... 4 2 G .3 1 3 leligious devotees and mendicants. aisnab 2'.>1 111 77 17 .31 22 73 43 91 27 9 2 1 3 Hindus, returned by title. Una 8 4 1 ... ... ... 7 ■ 1

    ... ... ... ... ... ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. ttili/a .Tl 32 ... ... 27 19 3 4 IT ••• ofat 13 13 1 •• ... ... ... Total 47 33 1 1 27 19 3 4 13 — ■ Hindus, returned by locality. i Hints 14 G « ... ... ... 14 6 ... Indus, u nspecifled SO 43 1 19 21 1 1 21 17 3S 5 Musalmans, returned by title Ihih 3 ... ... ... I

    i ithan 157 34 151 51 ... 1 1 ! 1 ; 1 2 1 UlfM. 123 4S SS) 33 1 1 ... 1 .30 12 .3 iittkh 1,S^12 467 816 281 2C3 i 22 ■UK) 1 109 ■ 10.3 1 31 1»7 14 44 10 Total 2,122 672 1 1,0S8 367 2«3 2> ■492 1 113 1 1 131 1 4S 100 14 i 1 45 to Wusalman^ returned by actual 1 l! cfccupation. 1 1 28 1 :i 1 1 ... 1 2.3 1 usalmans, unspecified 56 18 ... 1 2 1 ... 1! t 16 4 itive Christians “7 2 ... 1 ... i / 1 1 1 total afflicted 0.260 3,480 2.130 1 863 , 1 2,709 1,184 |2.036 776 1 1.505 477 on 130 171 61 0 3 CinhS and Group. D-3i C- 14 A-9(nJ A~2(aJ K--M 7>-3Sl A-4 A 4 A -9(a) tt^S A -9(a) J)-3S A -2(a) A-2(a) D-94 i:~4S A-2(a) i'-i4 A-^9(b) D-93 J)-53 A (a) Ii-19 n-92(tt) D-21 JJ-93 B-y C-14 A-2(a) J}2S A-9(n)
  • 22(a) A -2(a) A-9(a) n^35 A -4 J}-35 A^2(a) A-^2(a) n-iH i>-30 B-56 A -’2(a) A- 1 A’’2(a) A- />-l7 6»-M B-’Se l>-«0 ( 198 ) TABLE XV— A. — The Lepeks by Caste — continued^ PEESIDENOY DIVISION. C.STKS ly AT.rn^BETICAL OUDEK. Total Pkknidkvcy Division. 24.pABaANAa. Calcutta. Napia. Jebbok. MrU8UlPABAP. Khulna. Malo. Female. | Male. Penmie. Male. 1 Pemale.! Male. ['oil ale. Male. Fi'inale. Male. Poiiiale. Male. fV'male BftfffH 59 30 1 J 31 12 2.3 7 1 8 Haiti 7 ... 5 ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... Hnniffa ( nitMpeviJietf) . ... 1 •• ... ... ... ... ... 1 Haritl U 5 1 ... ... 1 ... 10 3 2 ... Hauri ... S ... ... ... ... 4 ... 1 ... ... ... HetHfja 1 2 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... Bhuimnli 27 a 11 2 8 3 2 6 ... ... 1 Ilhaiya 2 1 ... •• ... 1 1 1 ... ... •• HhamiJ 2 ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Hind ... ■ 2 1 ... ... 2 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... Hrahrnan 12 11 3 4 fi 10 1 1 ... 0 ... f haln 11 7 ... ... ... ... ... 11 7 ... ... Chatnar and Machi 3rt 23 1 8 2 ... 14 y 10 3 1 2 1 C/iasa Bhopa 257 83 61 15 ... ... 4 202 70 ... Chasatl 18 2 ... ... ... ... ... •• IS 2 ... Hhopa 21 S 7 ... / 0 1 ... !0 4 ... Dam 4H 13 32 4 3 1 1 2 3 2 10 4 ... Hnnadh 4 3 1 ... i 2 ... 3 2 ... iiandhabanik 11 1 1 ... 1
  • 8 1 ... ... 1 •• Ooala 81 92 3 4 5 46 14 2.', 3 ... ... 2 1 Jngi 11 3 2 ... 2 ... .3 ... 3 J 1 ... Kahar 8 n 1 ... 1 ... ... 1 2 5 1 2 ... Ka Iba rtta 100 41 28 9 2 2 5(1 7 10 3 9 in 1 2 Kamar and Lo/tar 21 4 1 1 11 2 10 3 ... Kandn 2 ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... Kansa/i » ... 1 ... ... 1 1 ... ... Kapati 10 9 1 1 1 ... 7 1 ... 1 Kayastha 07 15 11 0 6 9 18 2 n> 3 9 4 2 Khatri 4 1 1 1 ... ! 1 ... ... ... ... ... Korhh 18 8 ... ... ... 10 8 1 ... 1 ... ... Kumhar 27 7 1 ... 3 5 0 J 16 ... 3 ... Kurmi 20 7 1 ... 2 ... 2 1 1 15 3 ... ... Malra 10 5 1 1 1 ... C ... 2 ... ... 4 ... Mai 7 11 ... ... ... ... G ... ... 7 5 ... ... Mali 4 ... ... 1 1 ... 2 ... ...
  • Malo 51 G 1 1 1 20 1 16 2 0 1 1 1 Mttnda .... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... Murlyari 4 ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... Musahar 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 10 yamasudrti or Chandal 133 95 14 J 1 1 11 2 73 9 11 ... 23 Napit :« 14 6 4 2 9 . 10 3 5 ... 8 5 2 Saniya ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... Pafi 2 ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... J Pod 53 20 4» 17 ... ... ... ... 2 ... ’ 1 6 0 Rajput ‘ 6 4 ... 2 ... 3 J ... ... ... ... 1 1 Hadyop 17 1 3 ... 2 1 4 3 ... 2 ... 3 ... Santal ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... Sonar 12 2 3 ••• ... 4 2 1 ... 4 ... ... SubarnabanUc 18 2 8 1 3 ... 3 ... 1 ... 3 1 ... Aunr< 12 4 ... ... ... ... 4 2 4 9 1 ... 3 Sutradhar ... 17 0 6 G ... ... 1 ... 1 ... 10 ... ... ••• ( 199 ) X table XV — A. — The Lepers by Caste — continued. PRESIDENCY DIVISION — concluded. ClftSfl and Cabtbs iw Alpitaiikticil O&DEK Oil Guouv. Total PttKSlDKNCY Division. 24-PAIIOA5A8. Calcutta. 1 Nauia. Jkbbor. |Mi1{HI1I1)A1JA1). Khulna. Group. 1 1 li 1 1 Male. FeniHlo. Male. Pomalp ! MrIp. jFpinale. ' Malt'. 1 1 Fpmalp '1 Mnlo, !! Ppinalp. ' MmIo. 1 PiMimU'. Mala. F«'jn»U*. A-2(n) TamhiUi 3 il 1 1 j 1 ■“ 1 1 6 Tantl 15 H 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 ... t 3 ... I)-97 Tell W U 1 13 2t 7 17 7 ; 1 ... 1 1)^35 Tiyar 21 7 1 6 1 1 .. 2 ... Turi ... i ... 1 Religious devotees and Mendi- cants. Basnah CO 38 11 9 t H 7 9 2 j 27 9 3 i Hindus, returned by title. 1 Buna 77 26 1 ■■■ 52 13 2.3 13 2 Ban 1 1 ... 1 1 1 Total 7S 26 •• r,3 13 23 13 2 1 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Dai ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Uata 3 4 ... 3 4 ... Xlkart 1 1 ... ... . . ... Patnl It 2 1 (J 1 1 n t Sardar 4 ... 4 Total 7 2 0 1 1 0 4 4 9 Hindus, returned by locality. 1 Uriya 1 1 1 . ■■ ... Hindus, Unspecified IJ) 12 n 6 4 9 1 i ■ ] ! .3 / 3 3 Musalmans, returned by sect. 1 Sunni 2 1 9 ! 1 1 Musalmans, returned by Title. Ghasl 2 t J ! 2 1 Pathan 17 4 ... 4 1 H 2 ' ^ayyld 10 ... 2 2 1 ♦; Shaikh i,3!)y stu 1(13 65 4S 16 520 86 31 1 3n!» 72 1
  • 17 Total 1.42S 3iS 107 63 1! 1 4S 16 5.3.5 86 817 72 ' 823 74 3H 18 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. 4 t folnhn 14 2 1 1 13 I 1 1 halu • 2 2 1 ! Total 20 2 1 13 1 ... ... 2 ... 4 1 1 ... Musalmans, unspecified 3 1 3 t ... Native Christians 11 5 1 1 6 4 4 1 ... ... total afflioted ... 3.066 866 1 496 1 163 116 5H 953 212 612 140 783 246 108 47 O 4 ( 200 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers by Qks,Tt.—conlimc(l. RAJSHAHI DIVISION. Class and Grou p. A^2(a) A-1 A^2(a) A 2 (n) A^ 2 (n) j:-4t 7)39 F-4H n^5 J)-3H F -14 A~ 2 (b) A-4 n~23 n^35 A -2(a) A>-19
  • -V2(a)
  • -23 n -9 A— 4 C-14 A-2(a) A-2(a) n -28 A -2(a) A-4 P 22 (a) A -2(a) D-35 A -4 A-2(a) A-2(a) Ji-IH A-4 n-35 A-2(a) A-4 C-14 n-39 Jl -20 J>-23 n 36 CA8TK8 TN ALPn- bKTICAL Oni)KB OB GhoUT. Agurl Jlahhan ilaitiU ilarl ... itai-ni Itaurl ttohlar ItfiuiniaH iSh ail ft. iirahman Vhamnr and M arhi Dami Tinm Cnndhnhanifi Coala flu rung Jagi Kahar Kaibartta Kamar and I.ohar Kandu Kapitll Kagaidhn Khnnvar Khatri Korhh Kolrl Knmhar Karmi I.epcha Maira Mall Malo Mangar Mechh Tfamasudra or Chnndal \aplt Oraon Vahvar Ilnjpat Sadgop Santal Subarnabanik Sunri Satradhar Tnntl Tiynr Total Ra.)sh AHi Division. Dinajpcr. UiJsnAni. Mule. 1 j h'liittle 1 Male. Female i .j Male. Female. 1 t ... ... 2 1 ... ... ... 5 7 1 1 1 ... ... ... 0 1 fj 4 ... 1 ... 1 ... ... ... 1 1 ... SL IS 17 10 3 2 17 9 tl ... 10 7 17 1 ... ... ... ... 1 30 9 1 1 10 6 3 1 ... 17 7 1 12 7 5 1 3 ... fi!) IS 13 5 7 4 3 O 1 ... ... 2 U 3 2 ... !) 1 1 40 17 ... ... IS 7 ... J ... ... ... 1 2 1 ... ... 7()S IfiU ISO 5« 11 ' 7 17 1 6 ... 10 o 1 3 ... 1 7 2 H 2 ... \ 1 1 1.' 9 1 5 31 21 00 24 1 1 14 5 2:) S C 4 12 4 1 j 2 1 1 1 1 ... 173 57 6 ... ... 11 ... 11 3 3 ... 1 ... 1 ... ... 17 13 2 ... ... ... 4 1 ... ... ... 7 3 2 4 1 : 7S SO 27 9 Rangpur. Mule. PeiDuIe. 1 1 4 I BoaiiA* Pabna. DARJJCELlNa. Jalpaigcri. Male. Female Mule. Ftnnale Male. Fomali' Male. Femalt ... ... 2 1 ... 6 J ... 2 ... • •1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 3 2 2 ... 2 t 7 1 ... ... ... 1 1 1 1 ... 5 2 1 ... ... ... 3 ... 4 1 ... ... 10 ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... 1 ... ... t»i ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 4 4 o ... ... ... ... 3 1 4 ... ... ... ... ... ...
  • 0 2 11 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 2 2 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ...
  • 1 ... 12 5 ... ... ... J ... ... ... ... ... i ... ... ... ... 8 ... ... 10 0 3 2 08 30 37 H 1 ... 1 3 ... ... 1 1 ... ... 8 2 ...
  • 1 1 ... 2 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 1 0 7 ... ... ... ... ... R ... ... ... ... ... 31 21 6 a 18 8 ... ... 1 ... 2 1 R 2 1 ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 C ... 101 67 ... ... ... ... 4 4 4 ... ... 2 4 4 1 ... ... •J ... ... 3 ... ... ... 3 1 3 6 17 8 1 7 4 ... Religious devotees and mendicants- Ilalnnab ( 201 ) 'ABLE XV— A. — The Lepers by Caste—

    EAJSHAHI DIVISION— o«Mc/wrfe(/. Tol'Af- j Rajshaiii I UlVIBIOW. 1 UlNAJPrR. 1 Raj BRA in. 1 KANtirrR. j Bo OKA. 1 Taiin a. Darjkki.inu. jAtrAiauRi. Giiyur. 1 1 1 1 Male. PenialH. Malt'. Pt'inali*. Mult'. Peinalo. 1 Mali.. Fciiialt'.j Malt'. I'oluiiU'. Male. IVmalc. Malt*. Ft'iualt*. Malt'. [^t'tnale. Hindus, returned by title. t*/«« 10 4 1 1 l\ 4 hH/ft ... / 1 ... Total 10 5 1 .'i 1 i 2 4 ' ... ^indus, returned by actual occupation. ihatival 1 ... 1 4 1 1 1 1 Total 5 1 ... • 1 1 2 Hindus, unspecified Its <1.5 10 U 2 1 i 4 4 fl NO 22 Musalmans, returned by title. ‘uthnn 2 ... 1 1 ... ... 1 • 1 ihuih'h l.CW 542 IRi i/7 .Rt5 RO (Us tr,ft 2R2 «7 .^0.> tm 0 1 n;;i 63 Total 1 . 2 Musalmans, unspecified ... 17 i ! - ! 17

  • Native Christians 2 1 1 1 rOTAL AFFLICTED ... 3,238 1,070 1 408 1 221 199 1 16 1,145 270 1 340 1 1 424 148 120 40 612 160 DACCA DIVISION. Totat. 11acc\ 1)1\ ISIUN. 1 ' Dacca. 1 Faridpi R. Bakiiauoamj. Castes iw ALriiAUExi- CAL OKDGU. ! 1 (.il'oup. ■■ j Male. I'Vmale. ! Male. Ft'uiulc. 1 Male. Ffiualc. Malf. Female A-9(a) Hay til .8 1 G . / n-9(a) Itaiftya G 2 ... 2 2 ... c-i4 Hanlya {unspvHficd) i:i 3 8 3 ... 1 A^2(a) Harai n 1 ... 3 1 17-44 Bvdtya 6 2 ... ns9 HhuhnaH 1 ... A~4 nhalya 2 1 ■ j

    -4 Bhamij ... 3 ... ... 1 j Bind 1 •• i 1 j n-5 Brahman 20 13 « 1 5 •J j i 5 J
  • 38 Chatnar and Maf'hi 27 8 18 0 , 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 n—24 M^hopa 2:1 10 1 ' 2 i “ i K-43 Dom .3 i ! 1 I 1 1 I MATVIANSINdJl. I li Male. rcMuilP. I I . ! - ! 3 / .f 1 10 7 IS 2 ( 202 ) TABLE XV — A.— ^HE Lei^ebs by continued DACCA DIVISION-- continued. C1hh 8 and Group. CA8TKS IN ALVHABK- TICAl ORDKU OR liKOUl*. Total Dacca Division. Dacca. Faridpur. Bakitarqanj. Maimansinoit. Malo. Female. Halo. Female. Halo. Female. Male. Female. I Male. Female. C-14 iiandliahanlh j 1 1 1 A -2(h) Qoala 17 i » 2 ... 0 1 n-25 fXugi 2^1 19 6 ... 4 3 14 IG J}—36 Kahar 1 1 ... ... 1 ... 1 A^2(n) Katbartta 81 34 10 1 0 1 2 3 C4 29 n-j9 Kamar and Lohar. 11 3 4 2 2 1 5 n-s2(H) Kandu 1 ... 1 ... ... 1>-21 Knnsari 1 ... ... 1 n-23 Kapali 15 10 H 2 1 1 4 13 Kaynatha lU 44 35 IG 20 5 17 9 ‘M\ 14 A-2(a) Korhh C7 14 47 7 2 1 3 1 16 5 JJ~2S Ktnnhar 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 A -2(a) Karmi 5 ... 4 ... 1 l}-22(a) Maira 1 ... ... ... 1 ... A -2(a) 3IaH G S 0 3 J)-35 Mato 4G 17 13 G 10 1 ... 17 lO A -2(a) Nnmaaudra «r Chandal 20,'> 7S 06 19 83 25 38 12 91 22 IJ—IH Napit 49 8 ... 1 3 3 9 1 37 3 lC-44 Nat 1 1 ... 1 ... ... 1 A-2(a) Sadyop 1 1 ... t 1
  • -29(a)

    Sankhari 1 ... ... 1 JJ—SG Sunrt 11 7 2 4 .3.3 9 V-20 Sutradhar 22 It 22 11 i»-23 Tantl 12 4 4 4 1 1 9 I>-27 Tvli 8 4 2 5 1 2 2 n 33 Tiyar h 5 Religious devotees and mendicants. Haisttub 11 to 5 3 1 4 1 7 Hindus, returned by title. iiuna 9 G 1 8 3 1 Sinf/h 2 2 1 Tot at 11 G 2 1 8 6 1 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. I'ittiii 2;i G i 1 m ♦ 1 22 G Hindis, unspecified 151 GO 102 27 2 1 47 22 Ml salmans, returned by sect. AMTiTli ... ... 1 ... 1 ( 203 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers by Caste — continued. DACCA DIVISION— c«nc/!«rfei. OBorr. Total IJatca Division. Dacca. FaUIDI’UB. I Bakiiaboanj. Maihansinqh. Male. Female. | Male. Femalo, Male. 1 Fi niale. > Mule. Female, j ! Male. Femali'. Musalmans, returned by title. Pathan 10

    1 7 id I 7 id 0 / 3ayyid 4 1 ... 2 ..Jl 2 1 Shaihh 2.310 644 310 64 2(n) 120 4id l.OOS 477 Total 2.312 630 323 64 ... i 43 133 44 1 1,07.”. 479 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Jo! aha n . \ 1 2 1 1 o Musalmans, unspecified 20 i r a Native Cbristians 0 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 « i TOTAL AFFLICTED 3,610 1 1,036 082 177 oOO jl j 101 230 06 j 2.211 671 ! 'i ,L
    - cirrn'AGONc! division. Total j 1 , ClIIITA(.o>0 1 CilirTAooNd. NOAKHAl.1 l)n isioN. 1 f fftSd ft fill Castes tn ALTiiAimri- ' 1
  • 1 HIH4

    Group. CAL » 1 3 A-4 Chuh'tna ri3 22 ft 9 n 3ft Chamar and Murhi 3 4 : n-id4 Phopa 14 ^ i 5 1 4 M n 43 Pom, ... 2 2 €-14 Qandhabanih 3 1 1 1 A-id(h) Qoala 7 ... j ... 1 Ji-id3 Jugi SO Ii 1 5 A- 2(a) Kalbartta 20 8 ... 5 I n-23 Kapad 1 2 " 1 li-g Kayaatha 27 5 : 4 1 A-2(a) Koihh 1 i ... . 1 A-4 Kul&l 1 1 n— 2 ft Kumha r 6 " i r-4H 3layh 11 0 0 4 A~2(a) 3Ial ... t ... A-2(a) Malakar 2 3 1} 33 3Into 10 3 ... 2 A--2(a) Nama»udra or Chandal 42 m ... 2 3 V-18 Kfapit Ifi 12 1 1 3 1 1 1 n~3e Sunri 11 4 — 3 t ' i TirrERA. Main. Foinalo, 3 l! « 23 2t 2 23 1 1 2 8 40 12 8 4 14 7 0 4 1 3 3 7 JO 3 riUTTAOONa II ILL TlUCl'U. Malo. Female. ( 204 ) TABLE XV — A. — Thk Lepers by Qk^te— continued. CHITTAGONG DIVISION— conclarfcd. Class and Castes IN Aipiiabeti- Total Clin PAooNO UlVISlON. CUITTAGONO, Noaeuali. TlPl’EKA. Chittagong Hill Tracts. Ciroup. CAL ORDER OU GllOl'P. Malo. Ft'inalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. n-90 SHtraflhar 1 5 1 1 4 . 1 ... n-27 Teli 1 2 ... 1 1 1 ... A~4 Tipper a 8 2 1 ... 3 2 4 Religious Devotees and Mendicants. Tlnisnitb 6 1 2 4 1 ... Hindus, returned by title. Sudrn 14 5 11 5 ... ... Hindus, returned by locality. I'rlya 1 1 ... ... ... Hindus, u nspecifled 18 3 10 ... a 2 / 4 Musalmans, returned by title. Pathnu 1 i ... ... ... 1 / ... 2 1 1 1 i ... ISfiaihh 570 162 64 71 29 317 73 Total 573 inn 16:i 64 71 29 .SIO 75 ... Brahmo i ... 1 ... TOTAL AFFLICTED 906 307 217 87 106 43 637 169 40 IH PATNA DIVISION. Class and Group. Castes in alpharkti- CAL ORDER. Total J'atna UlVIBlON. Fatna. Gata. Suaha RAD. F(«malo.' Dabriianga. Muzafeakpub. 8aran. Champa KAN. Miih;. 1 Fvmale. 1 Male. Ft- male. Malo. Female. Malo. Malo. Female. Male. Feiuulo. Male. Female. Male. Feuiali C 14 Ayarwata 3 1 ... 1 1 ... 2 1 C-14 Ayrahari 1 ... 1 ... #••• ... i ... ... ... ... A 2(a)

    Amat 12 6 ... 9 M 4 ... 1 A-1 ttab/ian 268 10 40 J 49 i 22 2 ao 87 0 26 1 24 3 C--J4 Haniya (u/inpeci- SI 25 9 4 60 15 2 1 6 t 3 2 1 1 4 1 Jied.) .. T»--20 Barhi S 1 7 1 ... • •• 1 ... ... E-43 Bari M 3 ••• ... 2

    i 3 1 6 A 2(a) Worwi 16 4 11 ... ... 1 3 ... ... 2 4 E-44 Brdiya 5 ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... 3 A -2(a) Bhar l.T 4 4 ... ... i 9 1 P-39 BhulmuH or Hart l.'> 1 ' ... 1 ... 6 5 2 1 S t t ( 205 ) •TABLE XV— A. — The Lepers by Qx?,T-conttnued. PATNA DIVISION-ron«nHfrf. IRIH and Castes in Alphabe- TICALORDEUOB Total Patna
  • rVIM()N.

    Patna. Gaya. Suaiiabad. Darbuanga. Muzaffarpur. Saran. ClIAMFABiN. iroup. Group. Malr. Fomale, Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. FtMiiale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female.


    Bhuiya 76 98 54 96 22 9 -9(a) Bind 52 6 6 8 25 12 9 1 Brahman 323 36 18 4 6t 14 87 8 30 4 31 9 60 4 30 -38 Chatnar 232 48 16 3 52 6 48 ID 15 8 38 3 40 7 23 6 -94 Jlhopa 104 15 11 38 1 12 1 2 1 15 1 15 7 11 4 ~45 Dorn 43 1 3 6 2 ... • 2 25 3 1 S -9(a) Duaadh 3211 55 60 9 67 1 &4 13 60 10 36 4 39 to 33 8 -86 Oareri 62 7 1 ... 21 5 2 :i5 9 3 -9(b) Goala 610 89 08 , 5 1.58 JJ 69 16 16 7 18 3 99 13 38 8 -35 IH Qonrhi najjam 2 96 94 14 3 20 16 16 1 4 9 16 1 2 20 1 6 -99(a) Haltvai 10 99 2 ... 27 ... 8 9 -83 Jitgl 6 5 2 ... 1 1 2 4 -35 Kahar 222 91 31 3 59 9 •w 6 6 15 i 51 8 13 4 -9(a) Kaihartta 2 1 2 1 -36 Kalvoar 102 18 1 69 8 2 t 7 H 6 5 10 -19 KamarorLohar .. 71 19 2 12 3 1 10 4 35 4 5 1 -99(a) Kandu 149 18 15 4 22 33 7 14 • A* 1C 9 .38 9 11 -9 Kayantha 108 18 7 8 48 7 8 1 10 7 2.3 9 5 ... -35 Kcwat 10 4 ... 10 3 1 ... ■’9(a) Khatih 1 1 ... • •• 1 1 14 Khatri 18 9 ... 16 9 2 ’9(a) Koiri 245 35 25 8 52 9 39 11 24 1 34 1 43 6 88 9 -98 Kumhar 95 19 6 9 36 7 8 1 21 10 1 3 1 8 -9(a) Kurmi 248 49 76 4 15 6 22 3 41 7 22 9 40 0 27 4 -9(a) Mali 24 9 1 1 1 11 1 6 5 -35 5falo 16 9 9 a ... 7 3 -4 Munda ..4 4 4 ... -9(a) Musa/tar 112 99 15 5 48 10 2 2 21 8 5 3 2 19 1 -9(a) Xatnasudra or Vhandal 1 1 -^30 Xuniya 170 16 6 50 « 17 9 10 3 16 t 67 4 15 5 -36 Paai .51 8 18 3 18 J 6 9 3 2 1 ... 4 -1 • B€^jput S17 36 22 1 54 10 3 38 3 37 6 84 6 28 7 -9(a) Uajwar 32 19 ... ... 29 11 3 1 ... ... -14 Battogi ... •if 1 ... 1 ... -17 Sonar | G8 1 5 25 5 5 ... 11 1 11 -36 Sunri 10 8 3 3 1 3 4 7 ... -9(a) Surbhang 1 ... ... 1 -9(a) Tambuti 11 ... 2 4 5 ... -93 TantiorTatwa ... 47 6 6 1 11 5 9 16 3 6 J -97 Teli 176 99 25 5 36 6 1 20 4 2e 1 3 11 9 -9(a) Tharu 14 3 ... ... ... 3 9 11 1 -9t


    Thathora Tiyqr 2 1 17 9 ... ... 17 1 ... 2 9 ... ... Religious devotees and Mendicants.


    4 1 ! 1 8 ^a<«na6 29 '8 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 6 7 3 Total 33 8 1 ... 1 ... ... ... 22 8 9 3

    . _ ( 206 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepeks by Caste — continued. PATNA DIVISION— confZMt/ed. Oboup. Total Pats a P lVlSIOS. Patna. Gaya. SHAnABAD. IDABBnANOA. Muzapparpub SABAN. Champarj Mule. Female. Mule. Female .1 Male. Female Male. Female . Male. Female . Male. Female . Male. Female Male Ppui Hindus, returned by title. Itanpur 16 3 14 3 1 .. ttuna 6 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 ... Total 20 4 14 3 ... 1 ... ... 6 ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. iihurihftr i t 3 ... ... 1 ... 7>rti 6 0 ... ... iihaUval .'ll 14 U 14 ... ... ... • Vatua 11 2 ... 11 2 ... ... Toua 65 17 3 40 14 ... 1 2 1 Hindus, returned by locality. JUihttrins 2 ... ... ... ■■ 2 ... ... Hindus, unspecified 13 1 7 i 1 3 ... 2 Musalmans, returned by title. Itloyhul ... ... 5 ... ... i*nthan 78 n 1 31 4 i 1 15 j 1 11 2 1 Snyyld 4 1 2 1 ... ... 2 Shaikh m 42 10 2 87 10 13 1 .5;i 10 20 2 22 6 17 5 ToUU .'116 4S at) 4 123 10 17 2 57 10 3.5 3 33 8 20 5 Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Jfhanin r .2 10 1 10 3 12 3 .s 2 10 1 0 t •folnha lO'J 45 n 0 15 21 8 10 1 8 2 34 6 2.5 7 Kasai ... 2 ... a Kunjra 22 20 M t It ... 4 2 1 0 (i ToUil 183 77 10 7 20 31 11 20 0 16 4 61 7 40 IS Musalmans, unspecified ... 124 20 4 3 4 10 8 27 « I 4U 0 21 3, 3 1 Native Christians 2 0 1 0 ... ... 1 ... 2 Jains ... 4 ... ... 4 ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED ... « 1,306 832 607 86 1 ,320 301 768 147 6oe 84 081 70 067 128 496 97
    ( 207 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers UY Caste — continued, BHAOALPUR DIVISION. OiRss ftnd 1 Cabteh in Alimiabeti- Total Kilagal- I'un Divihion. Biiagalpcr. Monoiiyu. Pl’IlNEA. Mai.iu. Sant A I. Far- GA.N AH. Group. CAL OUDER. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. Feinalu. Main. Feiimle. MaliL Female. Male. Ffinale. C-i4 Agarwala ... 10 7 10 7 Agrahari 2 ... O ... A-2(a) Amat 3 3 ... ... A--1 iiabhan (!4 12 ... 52 ... .. AS(a) Bagdl 4 1 1 t Uauiga ( unspeci/led) ... Ot 0 10 1 20 31 4 3 4 21 J}^20 Bar/ti 42 S 5 ... 10 27 6 A-‘!i(a) Bartti 43 0 2 1 7 40 1 1 ... Betliga 37 s .3 2 31 0 D--39 BhultnaHor Itari 100 40 7 4 3C 18 « 20 , 10 4 ... A-4 Bhuiya in 26 13 ft 2 IS A-9(a) Btnd nj 12 1 10 IS 17 4 2 11-5 Brahman lOS 19 30 6 30 9 35 4 1 4 1 A-9(a) Chain 21 H 1 1 23 7 D-5« Chnmar 10 29 IS It to ... 7 ! » 1 7)^24 lihojHt 21 4 7 1 2 10 4 t jB-43 t^om ti 33 8 3 ... 12 .. 18 1 3 ... A^2(a) IJunadh 108 17 1 2.'i 10 11 3 J 2 1 07 A-^VftJ Oangauta 05 12 25 0 40 0 ... D-Q6 Oarerl 41 14 2 1 12 13 ... A^2(b) Ooata 231 no 110 20 01 9 3.S 17 13 4 ... V-55 Gonrhi 45 17 0 4 3d 13 ... ... D-IH IlaJJam C8 60 13 2 30 to 4 5 3 29 n- 22 (a) Ifalwal 33 4 11 0 13 ... n-23 Jugi 13 4 ... 13 4 A^2(a) Kadnr 10 12 10 12 1 ... n-35 Ka/iar 31 19 7 1 ... 8 1 21 9 3 1 A^S(a) Kalbnrtta 50 16 22 1 28 12 ; 0 4 Jt-36 Kaltrar 78 13 1 11 3 40 0 18 ' 4 n^iy Xamnr or Lohur 07 24 n <> 25 9 31 13 3 ... l>-22(a) Kandu 8 to i 8 1 9 ... n-0 Kayauthit 31 G 4 « ' .5 2 i 22 4 3 ... n-^5S Kewat 11 2 10 2 1 A~4 Kharwar 5 1 3 1 1 » 1 A-2(a) Khatbe 2 2 2 2 ... ... A^2(a) Kh»(a)

    Kurml 208 20 45 12 1 9 r;:i 4 3 1 40 ••

    -4 Mahitl 1 1 1 j 1 1 ... o-*r«; Mnira 2 ... 1 1 103 A~2(a) Mat 103 ... ... A^2(a) Mali 8 5 ... i - 4 s ... 1 ... n~~33 Mala 5 1 2 1 1 ”• ... ... 3 1 , ... ... A~4 Munda 1 ! ... i - 1 1 ... »~J5 Mariyari . 38 2 ... 30 ! - 2 2 A-2(aJ Mivtahar 125 49 4.1 33 35 to i 47 0 1 ■” ... ... A-^2(a) Nagar 2 2 ... ... ... ij 0 2 2 A--2(a) Kamaaadra or Chandal 5 ... ... ... J_1 1 . ■■■ — ( 208 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers by Caste — continued. BHAGALPUB DIVISION— ClafiB and Group. Cabtkh in ALI’HABKTICAL ORDKE OR GROUP. Total KHAnAL- PUR DlVlBION. Buaoalpur. Monohyb. Purnra. Malda, Santal Par- OANAB. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. D-30 Nuniya S3 7 8 ... ... 7 22 3 ... A-9(a) Pargha 1 1 1 1 ... ... ... ... n-S6 Paul 17 7 1 7 16 ... A-i Uajput ... 41 2» 23 3 11 12 6 14 1 ... A-3(nJ Jtt^%var » ... i ... A-2(a)

    Sad y op 1 ... 1 A -4 Santal 203 86 6 2 ... 2 195 84 n-n SnnaT 5 S 5 1 4 1)^6 Bunrl 17 3 14 3 ... 3 ... A-2(a) Tambull 56 56 n-23 TantiorTatwa 63 2S 6 1 31 0 23 10 1 2 n-27 Tell 87 to 21 0 41 1 19 10 6 2 ... D 91 Tttathera 1 13 1 12 1 Ji-33 Tiyar 14 7 1 5 0 M 1 ... A-4 Turl 1 J ... 1 1 Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baiinab 55 2 ... .51 1 4 1 Hindus, returned by title. Banpar 3.1 2 37 3 Buna 7 4 1 1 6 Total 46 4 3 1 .37 6 3 Hindus, returned by actual occupation. Cburi/uir 1 1 ... J)ai 1 ... 1 23 iihatwal ... 23 ... Vatni 1 ... 1 ... Patua 3 ... 3 Total 3 20 1 3 2 23 Hindus, returned by locality. Pmharia* 64 04 ... ... ... 64 04 m Hindus, jnspecified 31 2 S3 ... 4 2 4 ... Musain>an$, returned by title. Moghul 1 1 ... ... ... ... Pathan 10 0 2 8 H ... 1 5 3 1 ... ... 3 4 Shaikh 326 32 2 11 2 136 177 30 Total 342 44 6 19 2 136 11 181 31 "■ t ( 209 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers by Caste— confinurd. BHAQALPUR DIVISION— cu«cZ«rfcrf. • Group. Total Braoal- PUR Division. BnAOALPUR. MoNOUTR. I PL'RNKA. Mai.da. ' Santal Paboa* 1 MAS. Male. Femalo. Male. Fotnalo. Male. Female. Male. Femalo. | Male. Female. Male. 1 Female. Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Dhuniii 40 4 6 4 31 1 Jolaha GO 16 31 8 22 y 13 3 1 ... Kasai 1 ... 1 ... ... Kunjra 2 4 2 1 3 ... 1 Total 112 fit 30 13 no 10 13 4 1 ... Musalmans, unspecified 04 58 21 IH 40 12 33 2 Native Christians 1 1 1 1 ! ... ... ... TOTAL AFFLICTED 3.669 1.104 708 224 1 1.024 1 289 036 209 303 104 409 218 ORISSA DIVISION. Class and Castkh in Alphabeti- Total Orissa Division. Cuttack. Puri. Bala sou. Anoul and Kandu Majialr. Group. cal ORDER. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Femalo. Mule. Feitmle. Mule. FeuialiN A-2(a) Affuri 2 2 ! ... ... ... A^2(a) Bagdi 62 24 52 94 ... j ... J>-3i Baiti 1 1 ... C-14 Ba ftif/a ( unspeci- fl ed ), 52 9 22 3 19 2 n 4 ... n~20 Barftl 24 6 12 6 12 ... 1 ... A -9(a) Banii 177 74 77 97 81 44 10 3 A -9(a) Ba ttrl 3 1 3 1 n -18 Bhandarl 121 51 37 97 40 0 38 13 0 2 li-8 Bhat 57 43 6 8 48 33 3 o T)-39 Bhulmali or llari 48 9 23 21 9 1 A-4 Bhuij/a 2 ... ... ... 2 A-4 HhufttiJ 13 9 ... 0 1 4 1 H-n Brahman 448 138 100 40 228 68 114 30 ... ... Ti—sn Chatnar and IWuchi 30 92 10 13 0 8 8 1 ... n-24 Ilhopa 79 30 27 10 17 6 20 11 0 3 E--43 Horn 9 3 1 8 3 C-14 Oandhahanih 2 2 ... ... A-4 Qhasi 2 1 2 1 A-9(h) Ooala 237 82 72 93 00 34 18 5 5

    A-4 Oond 30 8 80 8 ... ... ... n-99(a) Ouria 03 30 37 90 35 9 14 3 7 4 A-4 Juang 7 9 4 1 3 1 n-93 Jugi 11 7 4 1 4 6 3 ... n-38 Kahar 9 6 ... 1 9 3 A-9(a) Kalbartta 61 93 .59 17 2 a ... ... n-19 Kamar 30 13 12 5 10 4 8 4 ... ... n-99(a) Kandu 4 1 ... ... 4 1 11-91 Kansari T.. 10 3 12 1 2 2 5 P ( 310 ) TABLE XV — A.— The Lepers by Caste — coniinuedf OBISSA DIVISION-conciiiiferf. Class and Group. B 9 n-35 A—1 n-i!8 A-Hdt) A-9(a) />-JO A-A A-1 A-4(a)

    A-2(a) A -4 B-17 l>-J« A-2(tO *n-^27 D-3S Cabtes rv Ai.prabeti- CAL ORDER OU QROUr. Karan and KayaS' tha Tot A I, Oribsa Division. Keivut Khandait Kamhar I Kurml Man NunlyH Pan ttnjpnt Raj war Sadyop Sarar Sonar Sanri Tambnll Tanti Tell Tiyar Religious devotees and Mendicants. Baianab Hindus, returned by title. Sndra .... Hindus, returned by locality. Vriyaa .... Hindus, unspecified Musalmans, returned by title. Moyhnl ... Pathan .... Sayyid SiMikh Total Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Jot ah a Musalmans, unspecified Native Christians Male. 1!SH 1()8 4S 20 1 Its li SL 10 8 15 ) IS 10(5 m 21 Female. 44 34 14G 19 n 7 77 10 1 11 1 3 9 ti4 71 9 201 1 2S I 43 48 24 21 3,248 1.204 CUTTACR. Male. 45 44 271 8 2 4 1 71 Female. 14 17 71 S 4 1 50 4 Puri. 29 33 .204 479 Male. 1,088 Dalasor. Female. Male. 20 10 10 9 1 7 18 9 386 Female. 25 33 140 Ifi 117 803 10 7 02 6 18 2 1 11 3 0 18 20 ANorr AND Kandh Maiialh. Male, 308 83 Female. 32 TOTAL AFFLICTED ( 211 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers by Caste — continued. CHDTIA NAGPUR DIVISION. Total Chutia Nag- pur Division. Hazaridagh. 1 J.oii\ui>aoa INCLl DINO MAmlihum. 8 INOIIDHUM. Palamau.

    Class and Castes in Alphabetical 1 Group. ORIiKR. Malo. Fonialo. Mali*. Fomak*. MuIp. F(Miial(>. Male. Fenittlo. Malo. 1 i FtMllulo. .4 - 9 (a) 1 Agttri ... 0 12 2 1 1 i 1 to 1 .1- 1 Tinbhan 1 1 . 1 1 ... A- 9 (a) Bagdi 1 ... ... ... 1 j .4- 4 Bandatvai ‘i 1 2 1 ... .. i ... ... Cr~l^ Banlya ( unapccified ) 2 18 2 3 ... 12 J>-20 Barhi l 1 1 1 ... -1- 9 (a) Uauri 3(J 4H
  • to ... E—44 ttedtya ... 21 11 9 U 0 2 . n~so Bhuitnali or linri 3H 3S .4- 4 Bhniya 113 204 15 3 1 J 127 li)H 4- 4 Bhumij ... 21 2H 17 20 4 A- 4 Bltijhia .... ■ tt S Brahtnan IS 12 1 3 17 7 n-3S Chamar and Mtirhi .. 15 n 5 4 H 8 li A- 4 Chero 2 JJ-24 Dhobi l.'i 1 1 1 K 0 E-43 Dotn 2(J 2H 2 2 22 20 vi- a (a) DuHadh 10 9 8 7 8 ('-14 Oandhabanih 3 />-«« Garcri 1 1 4 Ghasi 7 3 1 2 2 1 A- 9 (b) Ooafa 12 14 K 4 2 3 12 4 20 3 /I- 4 Gond 2 2 2 2 ... D-18 ilajjam and Napit 23 80 1 1 4 2S 18 3 fa; ilalivai and 3Ialra 15 IH 2 ID i.T 3 /1-J5 Kahnr .... 11 9 7 H ... .1- 2 (a) Kaibartta i 70 1 83 i j 2 ?fc 83 n-30 Kalwar and Sanrl ... 10 43 / 1 1 11 2H 0-19 Kamav and Lohnr 10 31 1 1 rV 3 1 12 2H 0-29 (a) Kanda 1 1 1 1 i 0^5 Kowat 1 / A- t Khandait 7 ! '7 7 7 A— 4 ' Kharia 10 3 13 2 -4- 4 Khar war 12 1 9 12 9 <7-14 Khatri 1 ! 1 ... a ra; Koiri .5 17 3 2 3 15 23 .4- 4 Kol /)-«« Kumhar ... ! 9 1 / ) 29 i a Karini m j 09 7 3 5 0 45 04 12 -4- 4 3IahUi 5 2 1 2 ... ... 4 ... 4- » (a; 3Iaiakar ... 2 1 1
  • 0-38 Malo 2 1 ... ... 2 / ... .4- 4 Munda * IS H •• in H 2 ... 0-38 Muriyari 2 1 i 1 -4- 9 (<5 MuHahar 1 ... 1 1 ... ... yl- 4 Oraon 14 27 1 2 41 28 ... 4 Pan ... 2 1 ... ... 2 ... ... ... A~ t Kt^fput 11 1 1 1 1 H 1 2 ... a ra> JdaJu 7 " 7 12 a ra> Rajuiar i « 17 2 2 J 6 ... a (a) A- 4 Sadgop SantaA i 1 70 43 70 7 i 14 I 40 43 40 23 i _ 0 14 1 p 2 ( 312 ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepers by Caste — cmtimed.t CHUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION— ClasN and Group. Castes tv ALriiAUETicAL OUDKB OB GBOUP. Total Chutta Nag- pur Division. UAZABlBAOn. LonARDAGA INCLUDING Palamau. Manbhum. SlNGlTBHUM. Male. Femalo. Male. Fomalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 4 Sarak 7 5 ... .. 7 n i>-l7 Sona r 2 1 2 ... ... 1 C-J4 Subarnahanik 1 id ... ... 1 2 A 2 (a)

    Tambuti 1 i ... ... 1 1 Tanti and Tativa 43 4 2 42 1 D-21 Tcli 22 8J% 4 V ... 18 83 ... A~ 4 Tfiri 4 3 4 J ... Religious devoteee and Mendicants. Jiaisuah 9 30 0 23 3 Hindus, returned by actual occupa- tion. j lihatwal 5 1 5 ... ... Got ait 7 ... 7 Mala 3 3 Total 15 1 5 10 ... Hindus, returned by Locality. Vriya 1 ... ... 1 ... Hindus, unspecified 7 14 ... 14 7 Musalmans, returned by title. Paihan 2 ... 1 1 ... ... ...

    iayyifl 1 ... ... 1 ... ... Shaikh 22 VS 4 1 14 8 4 19 Total 25 2H 6 1 15 1 5 19 iviusaimans, reiurneu oy acxuai occu- patio n. Jolaha 3 Q 3 V ... ... ... ... Musalmans unspecified 4 ... 4 ... ... ... Native Christians 25 3 ... 20 1 i ... 5 2 TOTAL AFFLICTED 1,080 i.lOI lie 70 200 MB 1 637 838 128 66 FEUDATORY STATES. Class and Cabtes in Alphabbti- Total Feuda- tory Btatbs. Kucb Biuar. Oribbi Tribu- tary Stateb. Chutia Nagpur Tributary States. niLL TIFPSRA. Group. CAL ORDER. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fomalo. Mule. Female. MqIo. Female. A~^2(a)\ 1 Amat 4 1 4 1 2(a) Bagdi 2 ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... C’-14 Bnniyn, (nnwpecU lledj 7 ... ... 7 ... ... ... ... li’-20 Barhi 2 t ... ... 2 1 ... ... A- 2(a) 1 Barui 4 2 ... 4 2 ... ... ... ... ( 213 ) »TABLE XV— A. — The Lepers BY Caste — continued. PEUDATOBY STATES— Total Fepda- TORY Stated. Kucu BinAR. Orissa Tribu- taby Statbb. UnrxiA Naopfr Tributary HTATRS- • Hill TirrEKA. ClaAR and Cabtbb in Alphabnti- 1 1 1 Group. CAL ORDER. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. n—in Bhandari 4ti 2i 40 21 n-n Jihat ... 31 17 ... 31 17 ... Bhuiya ... 12 ... ... 12 7 ... ... 4 BhtirnlJ ... G5 34 ... ... 60 27 G 7 A- 9(aJ Bind 1 ... ... 1 3 ... s Brahman 40 20 4 7 25 It n H A- 4 CiMktna 4 2 ... ... 1 ... ... ... 3 2 J>-3S Chainar 3 1 2 ... 1 1 ... ••• ... yt- 2(a) Chaaa U ... ... U 17 ... ... ... 4 Chile 15 1 ... ... 3 1 12 ... n-24 Bhopa 8 3 ... 8 3 ... ... E-4S Horn 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 1 .1- 4 Garo 9 S 8 J 1 2 ... ... ... 4 Ohaai ... 2 ... ... 2 ... A- 2(b) Goal a ••• 53 20 ... ... .53 25 .4- 4 Oond 4 2 ... 1 ... 4 2 ... l}-22(a) Guria 7 2 ... ... 7 2 ... Jtari ... 10 0 G 2 10 4 ... ... n~33 Jhora ... 1 ... ... 1 1 A- 4 ./ ttang 5 4 ... ... 5 4 ... ... D-23 Jagi ... G 4 5 4 1 ... ... ... D~~33 Kahar ... 10 0 ... If. 9 ... A- 2(a) ICuibartta ... ... 11 8 10 G 4 ... ( n^t9 Kamar or Lohar ... 15 JO 1 ... j 10 6 4 4 ' U-22(a) Kandu ... 40 37 40 37 ... tJ 1 a Kapali ..W ... J ■■■ 1 ... ... 3 71- 0 Ka y asth a a Karan nd 9 1 2 ' 0 5 1 n--3& Keivat ... 9 1 » ...
  • !

    9 9 \ ... 1 A- 1 Khandalt ... ... 5 3 .5 ... j .4- 4 Kharia ... 5 ... j 5 5 i A— 2(a) Koehh ... 401 97 .303 • 97 ' ... H ... 1 .4- 2(a) Koiri ... 8 1 ... 1 H 7 ' 1 .4- 4 Katcl ... 2 J ... r I 7 n -28 Kumhar ... ... H 0 R 0 1 1 A^ 2(a) Kurmi ... 10 3 1 0 3 1 A^ 4 Mahili ... 2 3 ... 2 ■ ’ . 1 1 A - 2(a) Mali ... G 4 •• G ‘ 4 < ... 1 2>-JJ Malo ... ... 7 ... ... ... 7 ■■ ! -1- 2(a) Jtferhh ... 17 3 17 3 77 A- 4 Muntla ... 3!) 15 5 1 A— 2(a) N a maaudTa Chandal o r 2 ... ... ... ' I>— i« Xapii ... 4 2 4 2 ... i X- 4 Pan ... ... 54 Sf, 54 30 ...

    ’ 1 A- 2(a) Pod 1 1 A— 1 Rajput ... 3 J 1 m- 2 ' 3 A^ 4 Rautia 8 1 ... ... 1 A^ 2(a) Sadgop ... 12 3 ... l2 3 A^ 4 Santal 28 23 ... 2R 23 w4- 4 Savar ... 5 ... ... ... 5 Jf^lJ Sonar ... 2 ... ... ... 2 ... Sanri ... » 2 7 i :
  • — ( 21 ‘ ) TABLE XV — A. — The Lepeks by Caste — eonclitdeds FEUDATOHY STATES-oow/arf^i. • riflKs and Cahtbs Hi Alpiiabeti- Total Fruua- TOKY States. Kl'cb Biuab. . Orisima Trtbtj- TAKY States. Cbutia Nagpur Tuibutart States. Hill Tippkka. (iiuup.
  • Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. MaU. Female. Male. Fem ale. n -ii.-i Taiiti 17 7 1 17 7 n t?7 r./ 23 8 ... 23 8 ... ... l- 4 Tipprra 30 12 ... ... .30 19 Religious devotees and mendicants. /{(tisnah 7 9 7 9 Hindus, returned by title. SHth'n L 9 6 9 ... Hindus, returned by actual occupation. •Jnfiffa ... 3 1 ... 3 t Patni 2 ... 2 ... ... Total 6 1 5 i Hindus, returned by locality. .1 3 i ... ... 3 1 Telinfias 2 1 ... 2 1 ... Total n 9 2 1 8 1 Hindus, unspecified 13 8 9 12 3 ... 1 1 9 Musalmans, returned by title. Pathan 2 ... 2 ... ... ... Shaikh • - 170 48 100 49 2 14 ! ... Total 178 45 100 42 4 3 14 Musalmans, unspecified ... 14 0 ... 6 8 0 4 total afflicted ... 1,438 660 i 1 621 lee 662 1 335 117 43 48 22 SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES. TABLE A. — Part I — Christians by Sect. Districts, in which the sect does not appear, are omitted. ( 218 ) TABLE A.— Part I- • DISTRIBUTION Distbict. Total Ohkihtiakb. CnuRCR OP Enulako. Total. Foreign. Eurasian. Native. Total. Male. Female. Male. F(>male Male. Feiiiali* Male. Female. Male. Female, Bardwan Division. Bardtran 1.408 739 S69 311 281 2:t2 186 58 71 21 24 Bankura 132 60 66 7 8 7 9 ... Birbhttun 622 281 241 31 23 27 16 4 7 Midnapiir 1,646 786 759 86 70 16 17 6 i 65 61 Hugti 633 370 263 67 54 34 37 9 8 14 9 Uoterah 2,072 1,109 963 285 272 102 143 75 108 18 21 Totat 6,312 .3,351 2,961 777 718 508 408 151 105 118 115 Presidency Division. 94-I*arffanaii 12,082 7, .".I? 5,465 2,276 1,387 1,002 231 66 61 1,128 1,095 Calcutta ... 28,097 10,060 12J931 4.002 3,624 2,61!) 1,344 1,511 1,360 772 911 Nadia 7.297 ?1,810 3,467 2,602 2,318 51 35 26 20 2,526 2,263 dctaor 840 431 406 .35 15 23 It 1 2 11 2 Murtthidabad 640 270 »70 .38 22 25 IH 13 3 1 Kliutna 863 538 425 1 ... ... ... ... ... Total 61,619 28.ft3.'i 22,964 1 0.833 7,366 3,810 1,639 1,61)7 1,455 4,4.30 4,272 Rajshahi Division. Binajpuc ... 61 1 201 200 8 10 7 8 1 2 Jtfufithahi 106 r.7 48 20 13 18 9 *»• 2 4 Jtangpnr 343 15M) 153 01 60 41 27 47 41 8 1 Bogra 16 11 4 7 2 5 I 2 1 ... I*abna 162 102 60 37 33 30 27 7 4 2 .DarJecHng 1,602 874 628 427 318 .331 185 40 34 66 99 Jalpaiguri .... 367 2u9 98 m 44 80 27 5 6 23 11 Total 2,096 1,751 1,241 698 489 r.i2 284 102 88 84 117 Dacca Division. Dacca 10,476 4.000 5,576 101 65 n? 34 29 20 10 11 Vnridpur 3.639 l.sn.-j 1,736 46 25 36 ’ 19 7 3 3 3 BakhargnnJ 4,669 2..‘106 2,263 22 25 17 ! 22 4 1 1 2 Maimansingh 21 1 108 103 6 4 «! 2 2 ... Total 18,886 0,207 9,678 176 I 119 121 77 40 26 14 16 CHittagongf Division. Chittagong ...... I.IOi 661 530 111 41 100 32 11 0 % ... Noahhali 641 .IIIO 305 r, 2 .3 1 2 1 • •• Xippera 182 106 76 20 16 19 16 1 Chittagong mil Tracts 18 13 5 7 4 7 4 ... ... Totat 2,032 1,116 916 143 63 129 53 14 10 TOTAL, dLNLiAL PRO- PER 81,843 44.003 37,780 1 1 11,646 8,766 6,080 2,481 1,914 1,774 4,862 4,620 Chbistians by Sect, ( 219 ) by sect. Catholic. LrillBRAN. Tote). Foreign. Eurodian. Native. Total. Foreign. EuraMian. Native. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 Male. 1 Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 .Male. , Female. 1 Male. female. 168 177 83 53 i 1 70 i lit 9 1 i -I 4 4 4 1 1 ... ... 1 1 1 ... I ... ... ... 49 45 2 2 9 8 34 35 3 3 3 ; 3 ... ... 280 289 6 1 4 270 281 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 33 47 9 10 10 21 14 16 ... ... ... ... ... 297 209 67 44 170 150 2') 15 0 3 3 1 ... ... G 9 703 701 167 110 270 291 3.50 360 10 lO in 8 ... ... 0 9 1,640 1,479 210 68 39 49 1.400 1,362 4 2 4 2 4,479 2,020 1,295 1,023 2,119 1,202 1,065 ... ... ... 1,190 1,157 8 5 11 12 1,171 1,140 ... ... ... ... 271 293 4 5 3 3 1M>4 285 ... ... 14 15 10 9 1 1 3 5 ... ... 115 ion 1 4 7 2 107 102 ... ... 8,141 7^31 2,263 1,386 1,081 2,186 4,207 ' 3,959 4 2 4 2 ... ... 7 ■ ■ 1 1 3 3 I ••• 5 2 2 ... 1 3 1 ... •W 49 9 4 23 33 14 12 ... ... ... ... I 17 9 1 11 12 4 4 1 "• i 1 1 ... ... 1 301 203 2.36 149 48 22 17 32 8 4 8 3 i i 4 11 4 1 3 . ^ 1 1
  • ... i 1 306 1 282 269 161 85 67 42 St 10 4 10 1 3 1 1 i 1 1 1 4,689 5;359 19 13 67 41 4,613 5,313 i ' 1 1 ! ... ... ... ... 118 104 12 3 20 21 SO HO 1 ... ... ... ... ... ••• 680 638 2 3 14 3 GGl 632 I ... ... ... ... IG 16 1 3 4 12 ! 12 1 ... ... ... j 6,403 6,127 34 21 04 69 6,275 6,037 i ! ... ... ... ... 420 ■ ■ 11 263 277 140 157 11 21 ... ... 327 H 28 21 290 277 1, - ... ... ... ... 50 3 4 1 40 31 • 1 ... ... ... 1 ••• 4 ■ 8 1 - 1 1 1 1 - i - 801 SO IB B 300 486 465 -U- ... 21 ... ... IK.637 16,480 2.708 2.418 2.913 10,369 10,876 |1 “ 16 1 46 la ,j .. 1 6 1 9 ( 220 ) TABLE A. — Past I— . DISTBIBUTION Dissenter. Bap AnaiuicT. — il 1 1 Total. ForoiKt). Eurasian. Native. j Total. 1 Foreign. Malt*. Female. Male. Fouiftle. Male. Fonittle. Male. Femulo. Male. Fomalu. Mole. Female. Bardwan Division. 1 ttardwan 1 ... 1 ... ... 11 7 6 3 JHrbhum •• 40 30 3 ... Mifinapu't 2:i2 941 7 11 llUf/li ... 72 29 10 8 Howrah ... ... ... 48 04 22 94 Total 1 1 ... 423 373 48 40 Presidency Division. 1i4-Parganas N ft 1 9 3 7 3 C87 707 2 1 Calcutta 200 180 102 80 34 98 61 8 043 069 280 234 Nadia ... ... 1 1 ... JcHsor ... 63 04 3 9 Murshidabad ... 13 0 4 1 Khulna 22G j 179 ... Total 2U8 104 10.S 89 .31 101 71 11 i;>33 1,019 289 938 Rajshahi Division. Diuajpur ... ... ... 161 101 ... Itajahahi ... 1 ... Runypur ... ... 1 9 1 1 Hoyra ... 3 9 ... Pabna 4 1 1 i Darjeeliuy 5 4 5 J 1 17 17 8 2 wJatpaiyari 10 4 6 1 Total 4 6 3 1 107 187 16 1 0 Dacca Division. Hacoa ... 1 1 ... ... 66 08 3 5 Raridpar 1,639 1,013 6 7 RukharynnJ 1,503 1,430 6 0 Maimansiuyh 8 3 3 Total r 1 |‘ ... 1 1 ... ... .3.110 3,019 14 90 r Chittagong Division. Chittayony ... 10 34 1 • 9 Noahlmll ... 9 9 Tippera ... ... 16 18 ... 9 Chittayony Hill Tracts ... ... ... 2 1 Total ... ... ... 37 04 2 0 total, BENGAL PRO- PER 214 199 108 86 36 102 71 1 1 6,708 6,238 369 316 ( 221 ) CnBISTIANS BY SECT-COn^l»e/««e6?, by sect. MBTHODIST. rilESnYTERIAB, Eurasian. Native. Total. Foreign. Eunisiun. Native. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fi*male, Male. Female. 1 \ 4 29 .T7 22 IS 2 14 2 6 ... ... rt'i ... 1 i 1 / ... ... 0 4 2 4 4 ... ... 28 1 28 / 5 4 ... 97 64 97 30 22 19 8 0 0 0 .V) r,9 lfi8 97 120 60 24 90 n 16 4 7 3H til Ktl 47 90 39 2 3 3 6 149 135 94 5 4 1 .3 3 ... 5 5 ... ... ... — 4 7 .‘19 07 219 79 239 03 7 7 3 9 1 i I / ... ... 19 19 4 1 15 IS a 1 ... 4 3 ... 4 3 ... ... ... ... 11 9 8 3 9 no 90 47 n 3 3 ... ... ... 45 rs 43 t4 2 1 2 1 130 oo 103 33 12 9 15 IS 17 9 10 9 1 62 63 5 1 1 47 69 1 1 2 2 ... ... 2 1 ■■■ 2 1 ... 2 9 ... ... 72 1 1 66 12 3 .3 4 69 • j 1 1 1 14 4 14 3 i ... ... ... 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 15 4 16 ■ ■ 1 ... 16 17 86 127 124 286 488 168 46 4d 79 94 ( 224 ) TABLE A. — Paet I— DISTKIBUTION District. Ciruucii OP Scotland. Total. Fon'iKD. Eunuian. Native. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 Male. Female. Bardwan Division. nardwun 1 9 1 9 ... ... ... ... liirhhum 2 9 2 9 ... ... M(dnnpur 7 4 ... ... 7 4 IluyH n 8 0 7 2 1 Howrah .

    fiS 99 38 17 26 79 Total Presidency Division.

    4-l*aTgana8 ... ... 79 4& 9H 26 19 9 6 43 11 18 4 4 4 21 3 Calcutta 1.623 1,063 637 989 676 444 411 337 Nadia ... ... ... ... de»aor' 4 3 4 3 ... ... Murahidabad ... ... ... Total 1,070 1,077 Gr>9 989 r.79 44H 432 340 Rajshahi Division. Rajtihahi 1 ... 1 ... ... ... Pahna ... 7 1 7 1 ... ... Jiarjcvling 8 4 8 4 ... Jalpaiyuri 9 ... 0 ... ... Total 2.'S 8 25 3 Dacca Division. JDacca. 4 4 4 4 1 ... Jiah'hargat} X ... 1 ... Total 6 4 6 4 ■” TOTAL, BENUAL PRO- PER 1,779 1,131 733 326 606 460 i 441 346 District. Methodist EnscopAT.iAN. f Total. Foreign. EuiTisian. Native. Total. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fcniale. Mato. Female. Bardwan Division. Bardwan Midnapur ... Hugll Total Presidency Division. 94-Parganas Calcutta tfvMHOT Total 1 ... ... ... • 1 ... ... 1 Ml • •• 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 ... 203 107 12 0 3 ... IRQ 98 «.» 3 i 9 203 107 12 9 2 ... 189 98 S 3 ( 225 ) Christians by Segt— continued. BY SECT. Quaker. Abmeinar. Total. ForeiKn. Total. Foreign, Eiinuiian. Native. Male. FoiuhIo. Male. Female. Male. FiMnale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male, Female, 2 1 1 1 ... 1 1 3 1 2 ... 3 21 3(t 0 10 \5 23 1 1 20 42 9 19 IG 23 1 ... li 2 3 2 3 2 112 8S U2 S8 ... li 4 3 3 1 1 ... 1 ... 3 2 3 2 ll'.» yj U3 88 3 3 .'{ 1 ... ... 0 6 ... 9 0 1 1 ... ... 10 (S 1 {» 0 ... -1.3 29 8 9 3 1 .37 i9 ... 1 1 -13 29 3 « 9 3 1 1 37 19 4 2 4 2 j 220 169 166 116 22 27 50 1 26 . Fltmoutu Brotitek. I Gurkk Cm Rt ir. I Foreign. Native. Total. Foreign. KiiruHiuii. Niilivii. Male. Female. Male. Femali'. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. ... 1 7 . 7 1 ... ... i 1 ... 1 ... 1 8 1 8 1 ... 74 70 74 76
  • ... 3 ’ 2 .M ... 1 3 2 74 70 74 70 .. i ... 1 Q ( 226 ) TABLE A.— PabtI DISTRIBUTION District. Methodist Episcopalian. Total. Foreign. Eurasian. 1 Total. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Mule. Female. Rajshahi Division. I*aOna Total Dacca Division. I>aeca Maimanslngh Total ... TOTAL, BENGAL PRO- PER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 6 2 1 2 4 ... ... ... ... 4 S 2 t 1 2 4 ... 1 ... 200 112 14 10 6 4 189 88 4 3 Unitarian. Free Church District. Total. Foreign. Total. Foreign. Male. Feiualo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Bardwan Division. Bard wan 1 I 1 1 ... ... ... ... Total 1 1 1 1 1 ... ... Presidency Division. 94-Parganas Caleatta Jcasor c 2 5 2 2 1 4 2 ... Total ... 5 2 0 2 1 4 2 ... 1 Rajshahi Division. Bajahahi Pabna Darjeeling tfalpaiguri 1 ... 1 ... 8 2 4 2 2 Total ... 1 ... 1 ... 6 4 2 2 Dacca Division. Daoca Faridpnr ... ... ... ... • •• 1 ... ... Total ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... Chittagong Division. Chittagong Tippera ... ... ... ... 10 ... 10 ... lotal TOTAL, BENGAL PRO- PER ... ... ... 10 ... 10 ... 7 3 7 3 18 0 14 2 Cheistuns by TSXTt—cmtimed. ( 227 ) BY SECT. PiTMOUTH BboTHEB. Foreign. Native. Male. Femali*. Male. Female. Grbek Ghcbch. Total. Foreign. Furaaian. Native. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 3 1 3 1 ... 3 1 3 i ... 21 1 1 11

... 8 1 2 22 1 12 ... 8 1 2 ... 100 86 00 77 8 0 2 ... OF Scotland. Evangelic Uniok. ClIUBCII OP iKBtANI). Eurasian. Native. Total. Foreign. Total, Foreign. Mate. Fi'irmle. Male. Female. | Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female, Male. Female. ... ... ... ...

  • ... ... ... ( 228 ) TABLE A. — Part 1 — Christians by Bnrr— continued. DISTRIBUTION BY SECT. American Church. Sect not stated. 1 Total. I'oroiKn. Total, Foreign. Eurasian. Native. Malo. Eemale. Malo. Foraalo. Malo. Femalo. Malo. Femalo. Male. Fomalo, Male. Foi Bardwan Division. Rardwftn 109 81 6 1 5 10 90 Hankura ... 2 t 1 1 t ... Hirbhum ... 34 18 2 1 ... 31 Midnnpur ... 127 131 1 ... 120 ... 119 8U 2 ... ... 117 Hotvrah ■ ■ 214 177 55 38 60 71 109 Total fiO.'S 497 00 39 67 82 '482 Presidency Division. i4~Farffttnati • 997 488 28 11 2 3 907 UnlruHtt 104 7S 74 39 20 22 10 \atlla 9 7 3 0 fensor 42 23 4 1 ’ 37 ItTurshidnbad ... ... 141 157 ... 141 Khulna ... ... 3 ... ... ... 3 Total ... 1,290 750 100 50 23 25 1,1 O'! Rajshahi Division. ( j filntriptir 1 00 55 66 Rajshahi 3 2 ... 3 Knnopur '• ! ” i 44 98 2 ... 42 fiugra ... 1 ... 1 1 ... Rabnn 0 9 1 ... 1 4 Oar jf fling 1 ! 47 20 4 1 12 Jnlpaiguri ... • ■ 1 1 55 29 8 1 2 46 Total j .. 208 163 32 3 4 •• 172 Dacca Division. 1 ! 1 ! 1 Oafoa ! 2» 15 9 10 1 1 13 Fnrldpiir 1 1 I 14 ' 1 18 1 ... 13 .Hainianainyh ... ... i 32 43 1
  • 31 Total 1 J 1 09 76 • 10 2 1 67 CHittagong Division. i « Chittagong ... i 61 ll 1 33 2 1 16 Soakhnli 1 ... ... ... 1 Tippern ... 5 2 4 2 ... • 1 Total 67 3 37 2 ‘ 2 1 18 TOTAL, BENGAL PRO- ■ j 1 PER ,j .. 1 ... 2.236 1.480 264 106 88 109 1 ,893 ( 229 ) .TABLE A.— Paet I — Christians by Sect — continued . DISTBIOT OB Statf, Patna Division. Patna Oaya Shahahad Parbhauf/a ... Muza ffar pur Saran Champaran ... Total Bhagalpur Division. lihagalpur Monyhyr Purnea Malda Santal Parynnaa . Total TOTAL, BIHAR Orissa Division. Cuttack Puri ftalasor Angul and Kandh Mahals ... TOTAL, ORISSA Ohutia Nagpur Division, Hazaribag/i ... Lohardaya Manhham Singhbhutn DISTIUBUTION BY SKCT. Total CiiKiHTiANa. ClIuRClI OF Englamii, Total. Foreign. Eunisian. Nativi*. Total. Male. Fcniali*. Male. FcnuiU*. Male. Foinale. Male. Feiimle. Mule. Female. 2,833 1.7:i8 J,O0S 812 421 71X1 203 128 141 U 17 174 7.H IMi an 31 27 27 .S 1 ... 277 i:>o 127 104 fto m OH U 12 380 2*22 15S l.’io 79 on m 28 22 U 7 371 2()(; Ut5 07 44 5(» 30 11 It ... 278 17.3 10.3 1 Ol n.> 7.S 44 11 7 4 2,100 IM’S 1,1-32 1 72 47 71 40 1 1 6,413 :2,H7H ! ! 767 1,121 62H i:'-2 200 29 630 3(i0 .w« ; IN2 141 41 1. IS 1‘21 79 1,324 72.3 tiOl ail 247 210 139 on 79 Pi 9 307 210 177 1 8a 4ft .'■>t 23 22 22 7 3 72 4-2 •TO :| 27 21 7 3 20 10 6.943 2,07-.) ! 1 a, 901 ;! 1,2 '.3 47 17 23 1,170 1,133 8,202 j 4.;»r..t 4,OOS j| I.S7."» 1,OS2 as >2 27H lU ' 111 1 :iao 1,200 14,076 7,709 1 6,880 c ' 3,21 1 2,439 1 1,613 800 1 1 ooO j 344 l.o62 1,289 2,723 1 1,3 HI I !»1 HI aa 1 23 1 r,7 1 42 I 1 17 8^0 ao2 -UH |1 17 21 12 13 4 « 1 1,076 Ui9 5:20 2s 41 •20 It 1 2 a 1 19 i.’> 4 ! 1 1 1 1 4,057 2,296 889 82,c69 1,632 4,804 4 in 7n:i 2 .vni 2,rG2 440 41,350 \ 749 ! ?,373 IcO I , 317 j JIH I I I 5,20 1 1 r.l I 4S I .“iS*: 1 I ' I 06 «•> /« 20 J7 IN I 2 li I It ' I IS 50 ; i 19 Hi 9 n :3'» I n I 4,/7.? IH I PJ .M2 1 4UH .M2 TOTAL, CHUTIA NAG- PUR 09,064 44,742 44,912 0.023 6,009 •227 ,.-6 72 57 6,724 6.707 TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 190.829 08,889 91,940 21,010 17.213 6,886 3,464 2,390 2,226 1 1,743 1 1,634 Kuch Bihar 291 las ' 13-1 i 11." 99 4 n H Nt ^7 Orissa Tributary States 703 .anc 337 ! 7 1 ’ ChuHa Nay par Tributary States 628 2 r.o
  • TiiU Tipper a • 133 00 04 i _ I .. j total for the feu. OATORY STATES ... 1 1,666 j 063 802 > 1 i 120 \ 1 106 1 1 1 10 i 8 i 84 87 nrUish tfthJffitH {n FTettch Clsandranayar 162 1 68 1 y4 1 1 ... i 1 grand TOTAL includ- ing FEUDATORY STATES 1 02,636 00,860 02,830 21,138 17,319 6,01 ! 3,465 2,400 2,233 1 1 1,027 1 11,021 I ( 230 ) I’ABLE A.— Part I— DISTRIBUTION Catholic. District op State. Total, ForeiKn, Euriisian. Native. 1 Malo. Femalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Patna Division. J*ntna 6(»2 .784 401 173 101 110 30 81 tSaya 18 Its 0 2 0 7 S 7 Shahatmd S3 2U 17 15 8 14 ... JiarhJutngn 89 43 17 4 22 37 ... 2 Musaffarpur 8 IS 6 10 2 5 ... Sitran ... 2:1 20 5 4 11 0 7 10 i'hamparan 870 1,070 7 1 3 2 868 1,073 Total 1,581 l,6tS3 462 209 213 181 91X1 l,t73 Bhagalpur Division. RJutyalpur 83 00 13 8 22 10 48 51 Stony hyr ISO 131 65 30 70 54 51 47 I’nrnra 75 81 15 t5 .39 40 21 20 Sfalda 1 3 1 2 ... 1 Santal Paryanas 108 107 21 21 10 10 1.31 130 Total 513 451 115 76 147 120 2.51 249 TOTAL, BIHAR 2,094 2,014 677 285 300 307 1,157 1,422 Cuttack 129 175 10 19 31 31 85 125 Pttri 17 10 2 1 4 7 n 8 Ftnlasor 05 87 23 4 14 14 68 09 Anyul and Kandh Slahnla ... 1 ... ... 1 ... TOTAL, ORISSA Chutia Nagpur Division. 242 278 86 24 63 62 164 202 94 98 14 31 20 23 60 44 IfazaritHiyh Lohardaya 20,6 M 20,680 2 1 ... 26,041 20,580 Sianhhutn ... ... 31 29 7 8 7 4 17 17 Slnyhhhum 3;io 337 19 S 1 18 0 299 320 TOTAL, CHUTIA NAG- 1 PUR 27,106 27.044 42 44 1 40 33 27,017 26,967 TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 44.978 44,816 3,407 2,046 1 2,877 3,305 38,894 39,460 Kuch Itihar 15 10 4 3 8 4 3 5 OH/isa Trlltnfary Staten 67 78 3 m 2 • 2 82 70 Chutia HaypIkT Tributary Staten ... ...

    *t .• mil Tippera 69 04 1 ... 68 04

    TOTAL FOR THE FEU- DATORY STATES ... 161 162 8 3 10 6 163 143 GRAND TOTAL INCLUD- ING FEUDATORY STATES 46,189 46.029 3,422 2.066 2,018 3,361 3a849 31,613 Chkistians by Sect — continued. ( 231 ) BY SECT. LrTRKRAH. TotA). Foreign. £unL.siaii. Native. Male. Female. Male. FoiiitUe. Mall. Female. Male. Female. 7 8 4 3 6 ... 1 ... ... 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... 17 12 ... 17 12 1 1 1 1 ... ... 6 6 1 ... ... 6 6 :Ji 1 36 6 1 1 1 2.'» 24 ... ... ■■ ... 1 ... ... tun ■B ... 3 1 211 197 247 i9ft ... ;j / 211 197 279 224 0 1 4 2 206 221 20 20 ... ... 20 20 ... ... ... 46 40 ... ... 41 40 9,117 9,660 4 4 ... ... 9,1 n 9,662 394 39i 6 1 ... ;jsj 390 1,419 1,382 0 2 1,113 1,380 1 1,379 17 7 ... 10,059 1 1,372 1 1,320 1 1,019 91 21 4 3 i 1,231 1 1,695 2 2 ... 200 268 ... ... 2H') 268 262 2 ... ... 200 268 11,688 1 1,887 93 21 4 3 1 1,401 1 1,803 U 4 ( 232 ) TABLE A. — Paet I— DISTBIBUTION Bap Total. ForeiKn. Eurasian. Native. I Total. Foreign. Male. 1 Female Main. Fninale Male. Female . Male. Female Male. Fmualo Male. Female, Patna Division. Patna ... .37 9 15 It Oaya 8 10

    ... Shahahad ... ... 3 1 Darhhanga ... ... 2 1 Champaran ... 2 2 ... Total 47 54 13 Bhagalpur Division. Bhagalpur ... 1 2 1 2 JHonghyr 3 (t 1 4 2 2 ... 78 77 23 24 Pnrnva ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... Maida ... ... 3 3 3 3 Santal PargaiwB 1 ... S3 74 10 8 Total 3 e 1 4 2 2 IGG 160 38 37 TOTAL, BIHAR 3 0 1 4 2 2 213 210 56 60 Orissa Division. Vuttaok ... 7!t2 862 11 11 Puri 221 252 1 ... Balasor 377 409 4 6 Anyul and Kandh Mahals ... ... 8 1 1 ... TOTAL, ORISSA 1,398 1.614 16 17 Chutia Nagpur Division. 1 • Hazarihagh 2 « ... 1 Manbhnm ... ... 1 1 Singhhhum A 1 till ^^1 A ■ A Ij 21 12 2 1 TOTAL, CHUTIA NAG- PUR ... i 24 18 3 2 TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 217 206 109 90 37 104 . 71
  • i

    7.341 6.900 443 384 Kueh Bihar C 1 Orissa Tributary States ... ... ...

    ... 218 202 ... TOTAL FOR THE FEU- DATORY STATES ... ... ... ... ... ... 223 203 ... ... GRAND TOTAL INOLUD- " ING FEUDATORY STATES 1 217 L 206 109 90 37 104 71 1 1 7.664 7.183 443 384 Christians by SKcrt^contimed. ( 2.33 ) by sect. 1
  • - '

    — - If0T, i Co N O K KO AT to \ A LIST. Eurasian. Native. j 1 1 Total. Foreign. EuraNian. Native. Male. Petnule. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Male. Feinnlo. Male. Female. Male. Female. % H 18 i 20 1 I 1 1 8 10 1 1 1 ... 1 i ... ... ... ...

    i ... ... ... 4 9 26
  • i 1 2 1 1 ' ! 1 3 2 3 2 4 9 51 44 1 1 1 ... ... ... 5H 12 ft 12 7 V> 7 t)C 67 63 r »2 1 1 10 9 t 2 12 7 69 76 89 84 17 i 1 6 3 ... 1 12 7 16 24 765 1 nil 1 1 21i) 251 ... ... ... 373 403 ... •• ... 8 1 1 ’ I 1 ... 17 1,472 1 1 1 i 1 1 j 1 ... ... ... i '

    i - ... 1 20 1 1 1 1 . 1 ... 600 463 6.398 6, 1 33 639 616 •3 8 2 3 624 604 • 1 4 1 218 202 ... 1 222 203 ! 1 ... ... 601 463 6,620 6,336 639 616 13 8 2 3 624 604 ( 234 ) TABLE A. — Pakt I— DISTEIBUTIOI DiiTKiCT OR Stats. PttOTKsTANT. Webibta Total. Foreign. Eurasian. Native. Total. Foreign. Male. Female. Male. female. Male. female. Male. Female. Halo. Female. Male. FemaU Patna Division. Patna 8 2 5 1 ... 3 1 33 13 29 4 Oaya fi 11 3 3 ... ... 3 8 ... ... ... ... Shahabad ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Parbhanya 11 8 4 1 7 7 ... G 6 3 4 Mnzaffarpnr 2 1 2 1 ... ... ... 10 lO 2 3 Saran 14 10 6 0 ... ... 0 4 ... ... ... ... Champaran 8 € 3 ... 3 3 2 3 ... ... ... ... Total 49 3ft 22 S3 10 10 17 16 \ 4!) 37 34 11 Bhagalpur Division. TiJutgatpnr 18 17 4 0 14 \ ' 11 1 1 1 1 Monghyr W 63 8 7 ... ... 48 48 3 ... 1 Purnea 24 30 ... ... 1 3 23 34 2 ... 1 ... Matda 8 3 ... ... 0 3 2 1 ... ... ... Santal PargatMB 406 671 ... 10 13 485 669 1 ... 1 Total Oiil 073 12 13 17 10 572 643 7 1 4 i TOTAL, BIHAR 660 710 34 26 27 26 680 660 66 28 38 12 Orissa Division. C'uttnch 12 7 5 1 1 G 0 Puri ... ... ... ... •• ... ... Bala HOT 10 15 1 2 ... IG 16 1 ... 1 ... TOTAL, ORISSA 31 22 L * \ 3 22 21

    ... 1 ... Chutia Nagpur Division. Uazaribagh <52 48 4 1 G J 52 44 3 3 3fanbhHm 37 40 i 1 ... 35 40 ... ... ... Singhbhum 15 8 ... 7 3 1 1 ... TOTAL. CHUTIA NAG- PUR 1 14 88 13 1 7 3 84 84 6 1 4 ... TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 6.616 4,820 1,836 1,401 732 762 3.048 2.606 316 208 180 48 Kuch Bihar 1 4 ... 3 1 3 ... ... ... OrUsa Tributary States 3 1 2 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... .... ... TOTAL FOR THE FEU- DATORY STATES ... 4 6 2 1 2 2 2 ... ... ... British sahirris in French 1.3 Chandrauagar 18 33 4 1 3 39 1 1 ... ... ... GRAND TOTAL INCLUD- I ING FEUDATORY STATES 6,637 4,867 1.841 1,406 746 763 3.061 2,609 310 906 186 48 ! . ( 235 ) Christians by SECT--coni««; 4 .3 n 3 1 12 8 8 0 4 it 8 7 ... 6 r* •J ... ... ... ... ... 20 a 20 ... ... ... ... 4
  • 4 12 14 3 82 33 75 ii3 7 8 ] K 7 1 2 ... ... 35 33 5 D / 30 S3 1 2 1 2 1 ... i 1 1 ... 1 1 1 5 4 6 it fi ... ... I ( 236 ) TABLE A.~Pakt I— distkibution Cui'Rcii OF Scotland. 1 District or State. 1' 1 1 1 Total. Foreign. Eurasian. Native. Total. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Feuial{5. Male. 1 Female. Male. Female. Patna Division. l*atna 1 Hhahahad 2 2 2 2 ... ... Darbhanffa Mutuffarpur Saran 5 1 6 1 ... 1 Champa ran 2 2 ... ... Total 10 10 3 1 Bhagalpur Division. ITonuhyr 7 y 7 y Santul JCargunaH ... Total 7 y 7 y ... ... ... ... TOTAL, BIHAR 17 12 17 12 ... 1 1 ... Orissa Division. Cuttack 1 1

    ... • I ... ... Baiaior 2 ... O ... ... 1 ■■ 1 ... ... TOTAL, ORISSA 3 3 1 1 Chutia Nagpur Division. lluzuribaffh 11 15 1 .7 in « j holMrdaua 1 ... 1 1 ... .flatihhum 1 Singhhhnm ... 1 1 ... ... TOTAL, CHUTIA NAG- PUR 13 16 2 3 ■■ 1 1 1 12 TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 1,812 1,168 766 541 605 I 1 460 1 462 567 6 2 Karh Bihar . . 1 1 ... 1 l‘ GRAND TOTAL IN CLUDiNG FEUDA- TORY STATES 1,812 1,168 1 766 341 606 460 462 1 567 1 6 2 ( 237 ) Christians Ay 8ect— con BY SECT. QrARKB. Armenian. Foreign. Native. Total. Foreign. Eurasian. Native. Male. Fonmlo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Foinale. Male. Female. Mule. Femalo. ... 1 i 1 ... 1 ... 1 2 / 2 i ... " •• 1 1 ... 1 ... 4 2 i 1 1 ... ... ... ... 14 1 9 3 ... 11 0 1 ... ■■ ... I.! 9 :i 11 9 1
  • 1 ... 1 19 1 1 6 1 12 10 1 ... 1 ■ ... i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... •• . ... 1 ... 1 1 i 1 1 1 ... 1 i •• 2 1 / ... 6 2 « 1 4 2 4 7 1 1 1 1 262 182 163 117 34 37 65 28 i • 1

    1 1 1 4 2 1 26d 182 164 117 34 37 66 28 — — ' —

    Total. PLYMOUJ'II Bkotukk. Total. I Eumsuin. j Native. j, M»K>. I F«ma1e. 1 Mai... 1 F-o...!,.. I Mai.-. I F™...1p. || Male. I Fon.ale. j ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... 2 ... i ... ... 5 j j CiRKKK Curacif. ForoiKii. I Eurasian. | Native. Male. jFemale.j Male. |FBTiial»i.| Male. jFemalff. ( ( 238 ) I TABLE A.-<-PART I— DISTBIBUTIOX Mbthopibt Episcopalian- Ptstetct. Total. Foreign. EurtiNion. Native. Male. Female. Male. Fomelo. Male. Female. Male. Female, Bhagalpur Division. Monghyr Santal rarganaa Total ... TOTAL, BIHAR Orissa Division Kalasor TOTAL, ORISSA ... TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY GRAND TOTAL INCLUD- ING FEUDATORY STATES 2 32 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 26 2i 3
    27 4 1 4 5 20 21 30 32 6 1 7 8 27 23 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 248 144 1 1 13 12 216 121 248 144 19 1 1 13 12 216 121 Unitarian. Free Uuuhcu op Scotland. District ob State. Total. Foreign. Total. Foreign. EuraKian. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. j Fornalo. Male. Female Male. Female. Patna Division. Patna ... 1 1 ... ... iiaya ... ... ... ... ... Shahabad 1 1 ... ... ... Darhhanga ... ... ... ... Muzaffarpur 1 1 ... ... ... ... Satan ... 1 1 ... Total Bhagalpur Division. Bhagalpur 1 1 ... 3 3 ... ... 2 2 ... ... Monghyr Santal Pavganaa 1 1 ... Total 2 2 1 1 ... TOTAL, BIHAR Chutia Nagpur Division. Mnnhhutn 3 3 4 • ... 3 ... ... ... 227 230 ... ... ... TOTAL, CHUTIA NAG- PUR ... ... 227 230 ... TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 10 3 10 3 249 239 17 2 • 1 Oriaaa Tributary States ... ... ... ... GRAND TOTAL 1 NCLUD- ING FEUDATORY STATES 10 3 10 3 240 230 17 2 1 • ( 239 ) I Christians by continued. BY SECT. Plymouth Bhotukr. I Grekk CiTl’RCH. Total. ForeiRn. Native. Total. Fori'igii. EiiruMiiin. Native. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fottiale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Pemalo. ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... ( 240 ) TABLE A— Part I— DIRTttlBUTION A MERIC AH CnUBCH. Dutch DiBTBicr OR Statu. Total. Foreign. Native. TotaL Male. Female. Male. Pemalo. Male. Female. Male. 1 Fmnale. Patna Division. Fatnn Haifa Shahabad Darbhanf/a Muza ff€tr pur Saran Champarnn .... ... ... ... Total ... ! Bhagalpur Division. ithayalpur Mouyhyr Furnea Mnidn Snntal Paryanas ... ... i 1 ”'i Tota 1 1 TOTAL, BIHAR . Orissa Division. Cuttack Puri Halasor Any at and Kandh Mahals 3 1 J ... TOTAL, ORISSA 4 3 4 3 1 1 Chutia Nagpur Division. Hazaribayh Manbhum Sinyhbhvm
  • 1 i j ■ 1 TOTAL. CHUTIA NAG- PUR 1 1 ! 1 ! ... TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRITORY 6 3 2 m 1 1 4 1 r 1 • Kach ISiltmr OriMsa Tributary Stairs ... ... T TAL FOR THE FEU- DATORY STATES ... i ... GRAND TOTAL INCLUD- ING FEUDATORY STATES 0 1 a 2 4 3 1 ( 241 ) Cheistians ik Secf — concluded. BY SECT. Rbvormbd. Sect hot stated. Foreign. Total. Foreign. Euruiiun. Native. Male. Keniulo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 18(1 2.19 0 4 2 170 2.17 13 26 IS 26 ... 1 1
  • 3 1 no 92 2 1 lOH 9t 7 8 2 5 8 1 2 •• 1 / 318 365 10 5 3 297 2 4 2 4 15 29 3 8 3 4 9 17 23 21 2 1 20 ft 1 1 1 071 692 2 4 1 (jfiS 6HH 1 712 746 7 12 7 8 (>9S 726 1,030 1,111 23 20 12 1 1 905 1,008 310 263 10 2 9 29(. 262 133 154 3 2 3 3 120 149 3 1 1 2 1 4 O 4 i 449 420 14 4 7 l2 428 404 50 54 i 48 « 18 9 I IH 9 100 112 0 4 1 100 107 174 175 8 4 1 100 170 1 ... 3,888 3,106 290 126 107 133 3,402 ! 2,038 19 19 19 19 ... ... 43 42 1 1 44 42 ... 04 61 1
  • 63 61 1 3,962 3,266 300 126 107 133 3,646 2,097 R TABLE A.— Pakt II— Ciikistians hy Rack. Foreign is c(iuivalcnt to Non-Indian and includes Europeans, Auiciicans, etc. ( 244 ) I TABLE A.— Past II- DISTRIBir District. Total Cuhistiaks. • Total. riirucu OP Knolanb. Catholic. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Bardwan Division. Hardirnti 1,408 7:«> CtCtO 667 376 231 232 130 8.3 53 itrtnkura 132 m m 21 12 y i 7 0 It%rbhum 622 2.'! 241 68 11 21 ! 27 10 2 2 Midnnpttr 1,645 7SR 7,7ft 73 SO .77 16 17 6 1 HutjU 633 370 203 (62 06 GO 34 37 9 10 Howrah 2,072 l.t09 m3 820 I?."! 351 m2 143 67 44 Total 6,312 8..3r>I 2,mi 1.807 1 ,030 703 508 408 167 1/0 Presidency Division. 24-I‘ari/anas 12,902 7,517 3,403 2,010 1,602 408 1,01 >2 2,010 1 231 210 OS Calcutta 28,997 to not) 12,03/ 12,616 7.757 4,7,70 1,341 2.O20 1,20.7 Sadia ...... 7,297 3,4 S 7 too 66 40 1 35 8 5 dvsHor 840 431 400 64 1 43 21 I 23 11 4 5 Jifurshidahad 640 270 270 I 68 40 23 25 i 13 10 0 Khalna 003 538 425 j 17 10 7 1 4 Total 61,019 2*1,1135 22,0S4 : 14,781 0,.51H 5,203 3,810 1,030 2.253 1,380 Rajshahi Division. Itinn^lpar 611 261 230 30 16 14 i 7 a 2 1 R,t^ishahi 106 f>7 4H 41 27 14 18 0 2 '

    Kanfjpur 343 100 153 80 54 32 41 1 27 0 4 iiof/Tn ... - 16 11 4 7 0 1 1 5 1 Pahna ... 102 ! 1U2 00 90 G.> 31 27 9 1 Darjerlini/ ... 1,502 i 871 1 02 H ! 1.049 1 678 .77/ m 185 236 149 dalpaiffuri 367 j 2.’)9 1 215 107 43 Ho 27 11 4 Total 2,996 i 1 1,241 1 1,624 1,013 511 512 284 260 161 Dacca Division nar< a 10,470 4,{>(K) 3 ,,7 70 1 223 136 37 62 34 19 15 Faridpar ... 3,639 1,M(I3 1,730 ! 99 1 (;c 33 36 10 12 3 /tahharffauf 4,669 2,300 2,203 l| 20 31 If 22 9 3 .Hahnanhinqh 2t 1 108 103 18 9 O 6 O 1 loUil 1 8,886 0,207 0,073 400 240 100 1 121 77 .34 2/ Chittagong Division. (. hittaifonff 1,191 i i ! 601 1 530 1 260 • 2U6 50 1 1 I'K) 32 18

    11 Soakhali ... 641 j \m 305 10 7 3 3 1 3 3 Tippvra ... 182 1 loG 70 67 33 24 10 10 6 Chittnttoag Hill Trarfit 18 1 5 16 U 4 7 4 3 Total 2,032 1 1 1,116 910 338 257 31 129 53 30 14 . TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER 81,843 1 44,063 37,780 j 18,860 1 2,007 0,783 1 6,080 2,461 2,763 1,692 ( 245 ) Christians bv Rawe. tion by bace. rOBEIOM. Lutheran. Dissenter. ! e Baptist. CONGRKOATIOS- A LIST. PROIKSTANT, Wesi.kyan Mkihouist, ■ ! I'ttKauVTKBIAN. Male. Pemalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. ! Male. Female. Mule. Female, Male. 1 Female, 1 j Male, Female. 4 4 0 3 1 1 i 12 8 0 5

    >2 18 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 3 ... ... 3 3 .. ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 1 t •# ... 7 ji 2 J 2 8 2 ... ... ... 10 H 1 28 1 3 1 ... 22 24 1 ... 28 32 2 07 38 10 S <18 40 1 3 3 40 43 14 5 120 58 4 2 1 2 2 2 J 2*) 9 100 30 00 39 ... loa SO 280 234 l.OCfl 1,293 ... 135 24 ... ... ... ... ... 1 3 ... ... ... 3 2 6 ... ... ... ... 4 1 ... 0 J ... 4 2 103 1 82 1 280 238 ; 2 1 1,700 1,305 107 30 230 83 _4 6 4 1 i ... 1 ... ... 1 4 i ... ... 1 1 1 1 1 !!! 1 / ; 1 N 8 3 5 3 8 2 j \ * 4 10 47 J7 1 ... ... ... 5 i 1 i

    1 1.3 14 10 3 6 3 10

    ; 22 1 1 9 1 11 103 33 1 3 i b 1 1 G 2 1 10 .J ... 0 7 5 3 5 1 5 r» 1 3
  • ::
  • H ... ... ... ... 3 1 i



    I ■ ... ... i 11 20 1 . j ‘ 12 13 2 22 3
  • 1 2 1 1 i 1 2 7 ... 11 3 ... 2 ‘ ... ...

    ... ... 2 1 2 i ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... 21 .. ... ... 2 0 1 1 2 2 j 0 ! 1 l.'i i 3 1 46 13 108 “! 369 315 1 7 6 1,782 1 1.374 j 143 1 1 30 1 400 1 , .. *1 1 168 1 ( 246 ) TABLe a.— Paet n- DISTRIBU DiaTRlCT. Bardwan Division. Harditutn Jfankura nirhhum ... Midnapur ... — UngU Howrah Total Presidency Division. 94-Parffanas Calcutta . Nadda •feHMor 3fur^hidabad .. Total RajsHahi Division. Itajshahi liangpur Jiffy ra •• l*ahna Hfwrjvelina ..... ffatpalyuri Total Dacca Division. Jtacea Fariflpur Jiakharynn} ••• JtfaimanHnyh Total Chittagong Division. Chittagong Tipptra Total CnTRcn ' op Set) 1 LAND. i QUaKBB. Armbhian. MKTHODDjr ErifeCOPALIAN. PlYMOI TTT UuOTUlSlt. Gkrkk CnuBCH. 1 UulK. 1 Fomult.

    Mall*. t’emale. Malo. b'oinale. Malt). KhtojiIp. || Malt'. '’I'tnalts. 1 Male. J Female. 1 '1 |l 1 1 2 ... 1 ... 2 2 1 ... 1 ... !) 7 2 3 1 S2 J7 ... 1 6 tn i ... ■iA 28 1 9 19 i 1' 1 1 ... 18 4 1 1 12 !i ii 9 1 1 ... 637 282 :i 2 1 142 88 i! ... ... 74 78 4 3 1 j; ... 1

    . . . 1 ... ... 659 289 3 2 143 88 12 0 i ... i 71 76 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 1 ... 1 ... I ••• : "a J 8 4 ... 1 1 ... ... 9 1 1 1 ... 1 - ... ... ... 25 6 ... 1 ... ... 3 1 4 4 3 9 2 1 11 ... . ... ... ... 1 ... ... : ... 1 ... 5 4 ... i • 0 1 ... 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... •• 1 ... ... 733 320 4 2 1 166 lie 14 10 1 1 60 77 t total. BENGAL PROPER ( 2-17 ) } Cueistians by Race — continued. tion by eace. rOREIGN. Frbk Ciirucii oi? Fva.n'jjkmc 1 rill n UNITABIAS. Scotland. Union. i OF iKFLANP. 'j ( IIMU'II. I Sect no r HTATEP. Male. Female. Male. Fenmle. Mule. Friiiuh*. ! ! Ft'inali*. 1 Malo. 1 Fi’iiiiilt'. i j Male. Female. 1 i ... i j i ■ e> i i ... 2 ... 1 1 2 ... ! 1 j SQ 1 1 1, jl i 1 (50 39 2 i i 1 4 ! 1 as 1 li 6 V ... ... a ... ... ! 1 •• I| 4 j • ... 6 2 j 4 i 1 |(i!l JfO 1 ' li 1 |l 1; ' a 1 !' ... 1 j ... 1 1 i ... i ... 1 2 ■ 1 1 1 ... 1 i*'» 4 1 ••• 1 ... ... 1 2 1 ... ... « ... ! H t : 1 i :5j 1 6 1 a 1 ... 1 ! ... 1 1 j , {1 10 ... , ■ ... 1 I 1 i' 1 . ! 111 10 • i i . i ;v:5 10 j ... ' ! 1 ... j t » ~ — — — ; 1 ... 37 ... 10 ; 6 i 1 1 i 264 100 7 3 14 2
  • 1

    1 1 '

    - ' li 4 ( W8 ) I I District on State. Patna Division Vatun tiiiya Shahaftatl Darhhitnua Muzaffarpur Saran Champarnn Bhagalpur Division. Jihagafpur Mong/tyr Vurnra Mahla ... Santat ParganaM TOTAL, BIHAR Orissa Division, Cuttaek Puri liiiTasor ugul and liandh Jlahalit TOTAL, ORISSA CHutia Nagpur Division. Uaxarihagh Lohartiaga ... Manhhnm Singhbhum TOTAL, OHUTIA NAGPUR TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRI- TORY Feudatory States. Jiurfi liihar Orissa Tiibutary Statf‘9 Chutla Sagjmr Tributary States Hill Tlppura TOTAL FOR THE FEUDATORY STATES Hrltish aubjirts in Prtinch Ohandra- nagar Total Christians. Total. Male. Female. 2,033 1,738 1t09S 174 78 00 277 150 127 380 22*2 JSS 371 20(1 105 278 173 105 2,100 908 1 1,1S2 1 6,413 3,535 2fH7H 636 300 1,324 723 001 387 210 177 72 42 30 6,943 2,970 2,90‘S 8,262 4,254 4,00H 14,676 7,789 6,886 2,723 1,384 840 392 448 1,076 549 520 19 15 4 4,667 2,295 2,362 889 44!) 440 82,369 41,019 41,350 1,632 783 740 4,864 2,491 2,373 89.664 44,742 44,912 1,90,829 08,889 91.940 S 291 158 153 703 366 337 628 260 208 133 69 04 1,655 853 802 1 152 58 94 1 TABLE A.— Past II— DISTBIBIT Church OF Enulakb. 0(i 74 41 33 15S 200 1S3 4t7 23 13 JO 1 06 113 S3 41 21 20 78 4U 29 627 327 200 GRAND TOTAL 66 40 23,377 16,013 8,384 6,011 3,466 i 1 Male. Female, Male. 700 203 401 27 27 0 03 08 17 06 50 17 66 30 0 78 44 6 71 40 7 1,121 628 462 46 44 13 219 £59 65 54 23 15 j 7 5 1 OC 47 21 392 ! 278 115 1,613 806 677 j 86 26 10 15 2 20 11 S3 1 66 62 35 ! 1 82 14 70 10 2 32 20 7 66 17 19 i 227 136 42 1 6,886 3,464 3,407 1 22 4 4 4 7 3 ... ... 1 26 II 8 ... 7 ( 249 ) 1 Christians by 'Rkcz— continued. riON BY RACE. FOIIEIGN. Lutheran. Dissknter. Baptist, COMJllRO \T1()N- Allsr. j PkOTESTANT. i 1 Wkslkv^n 1 Mktuoihst. 1 1 1 PHKSnYTBRIAN. Male. Female. J Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. ' Foinalo. i Male. Female. M.alo. FiMiinle, Male. Feiimle, 4 15 11 1 1 1 1 ' 5 '
  • 4 82 9 ... ... ! 3 J 1 1 ... . 6 4 ... 1 4 ' 3 4 i s (t I ... ! 2 i 2 3 ! 2 1 ... ... 1 1 5 « 20 2 ... ... 2 ... j .'i 4 2 6 1 17 1 1 ; 22 • /« .31 II 7.3 26 ... , 2 1 2 1 a 1 1 7 1 4 24 1 s 7 1 j 6 9 1 ... ... ' 1 :« .7 i 1 I •• 1 ... 1 2 1 2 ' ■■ ! ii» 1 S 1 2 a ... 1 ay 37 4 2 12 t3 4 1 10 12 0 ■ 1 1 66 60 6 3 ■ 34 26 o8 12 04 37 11 It 1 & 1 ... 1 i - 2 20 4 6 i 1 1 .8 1 1 1 20 [ 16 17 ! 0 1 ! 1 ■ ! 1

    2 2

    1 1 1 ! i ! j i ' 1 i 4 i r i 3 1 j i 1 1 5 1 4 4 4 1 ! ... 5 i 1 i 1 1 ! ■ ' , 3 «( 2 ... 2 j i s ' j 1 . 17 7 ... 3 2 . i ll 3

    ' 1 1 4 8 4 91 21 109 90 443 384 13 8 1,836 i 106 48 1 007 201 2 ... i j i 2 1 ! ! • ... .. ... ... j 1 1 2 1 2 1 j ■ ■ ... 4 J s 1 f 1 ■ 109 90 443 1 384 13 8 1,041 1,406 180 1 48 607 201 ( 250 ) / I TABLE A.— Paet II— DISTBTBU Disteict or State. Patna Division. Pnttia iiaya Shuhiibad Darb/kanga Muzafffprintr Saran Champaran Total Bhagatpur Division. Jihagalpur Monghyr PuTuea Santat Paryanast Total TOTAL, BIHAR Orissa Division. i'Httack Purl Mialanor ^ TOTAL, ORISSA Chutia Nagpur Division. Haaarlbay/i Lohardaga .... hinghhhum TOTAL, CHUTIA NAGPUR ... TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRI- TORY Feudatory States. Kuch mhar Vrisaa Tributary Stairs TOTAL FOB THE FEUDATORY STATES CiirncH 1 OF Sct)TLAI*l>. j QI'AKBR. Armenian. Methodist Efibcopalian. j Pi.TMorTir Huothkk. Greek Ghhkcii. Male. Fomalo. MaK Female, j , Male. Female. Male. Famalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 ... ... ... 1 3 ... 2 2 ... 1 1 1 2 ... • ... 2 ... ... 5 ... ... 10 J i

    1 t 1 5 1 7 9 ' ... •A ... 4 1 ... ... 1 7 9 ... :{ 4 1 ... 1 17 12 ... G 1 5 1 ... ... 6 1 ... ... ... • 2 1 “ ! ... 3 1 ! j " .

    i 1 1 ... ... 1 3 1 1 ! 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... 2 3 ' 1 1 i ... 7B6 d4l i 4 1

    1 163 1 17 19 " 1 1 88 77 1 • ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 765 341 4 2 j 164 117 19 II 1 • 96 77 GRAND TOTAL ( 251 ) Cheistians by Race — continued. tiok by race. FOBKIGN. Umitariav. Frbw Ciumrw op Scotland. Hvwoelic Union. CiirnciT OF lUKIAND. Amkricav CurkcH. Drrrn Rkpormkd. Skct not stated. Male. Female. 1 2 Male. 1 1 Female. Male. Female. 1 1 Male. Female. . Male. ! Feinah.

    I Male. !! Female. | Blale. 1 1 Female. 1 1 1; ... ; 0 1 1 ... 1 I 1 1 1 2 \ i 1 H ... 2 1 O ; - 2 1 3 I


    ! in 1 3 4 .3 2 2 4 ( 252 ) V TABLE A.— Part II— DISTRIBU District. Total. CnuRcn OF England. Catholic. Total, Halo, Fonialo, Malo. Foinalo. Male. Fomolo. Bardwan Division. Hardn*an 382 167 225 58 71 76 Ill Banhura 4 2 2 ... ... 1 1 Birhhnm 32 14 18 4 7 0 8 Mitlnapur 12 10 2 5 1 4 ... HugU 69 20 43 9 8 10 21 Howrah 810 387 423 75 108 170 150 Total 1.300 596 713 161 195 270 291 Presidency Division. }i4-Paryana8 ... 246 lU 132 50 01 39 49 Calcutta , , 9.818 4,780 5,032 1,511 l,3fS9 1,023 2,119 Nadia 76 40 35 20 20 11 12 Je»8or II 5 S 1 2 3 3 Murahidabad 18 14 4 13 3 1 1 Khulna ... 17 11 6 ... ... 7 2 Total 10.186 4,970 5,215 1.007 1,455 1 1,084 2,180 Rajshahi Division. Dinajpur 6 3 2 1 2 2 Itajshahi 1 1 ... ... ... ... Kanypur ... 167 77 80 47 41 23 33 Bogra 6 3 2 2 1 ... ... Pahna 46 26 21 7 4 11 12 Darjeeling , . ... 156 93 02 40 34 48 22 Jalpaiyuri 18 11 7 5 G 1 Total 387 212 175 102 88 85 07 Dacca Division. Dacca ... 189 111 78 29 20 57 41 Karidpur 66 :io 25 7 3 20 21 HakharganJ 23 18 5 4 1 14 3 Hairnanuingh 22 12 to ... 2 3 4 Total 289 171 118 40 26 94 09 Chittagong Division. Chittagong 676 275 300 11 9 25.3 277 . Noahhali 60 31 25 2 1 28 21 Tippera 10 11 5 1 ... 4 I Chittagong Hill Tracts 1 ... 1 ... ... •• 1 Total 648 317 331 14 to 286 300 TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER .. 12,818 6,266 0,662 1,914 1,774 2,418 2,913 ( 253 ) Christians by Race — continued. tion by race. EURASIAN. Luthkrajt. Dissenter. Baptist. j CoNOREnATlONAT.lST. Fro I K.STAWT. Mnle. Foiiitile. Male. 1 Female. Male. 1 1 5 IH Female. 4 1 0 1 1 ' 3 ! 3*1 1 Mule. Female. i Male. K ■ 7 C Female. 6 1 io 9 20 1 ... 23 21 • J 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ' fiH 990 i OHO ’ ... i \ ... •• ' 4 tut 3 s 1 297 i i 1 i s 685 ; 1 1 ... ... 1 1 ' 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 J i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •• ... 1 1 • i 1 1 j i : 1 1 1



    j / ; \ 4 i i 1 i 1 9 10 i 1 . 3 1 j i J j ... ... i 1 V 9 1 ? ! 10 19 1 i i 3 10 1 / 1 J 0 i 1 ' 1 1 i , 3 1
  • 12 6
  • 36 102 413 1 367 2 1 1 6Q6 733 1 —
  • ■ — — ( 254 ) I I TABLE A.— Past II — BISTRIBU DltlTRlCT. 1 1 WBBLBYAir Methodist. PUBBDTTKKIAN. Ciiuucii Scotland. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Bardwan Division. Uardtoau 1 « 2 14 Bttnkura ..... ttirhhutn 1 Midnapur .. 1 1 iluffU i Iloivrah 5 4 22 /‘v 2»] « 1 1 Totnl ii 6 21 26 2(5 12 Presidency Division. 1 ‘J4-l*aroana!i 4 7 2 3 i 4 i Calcutta 5 4
  • '> 444 Sadia 1 JcsHor Total 4 7 7 7 .'>7'.) 44H ' Rajshahi Division. Uajshahi Uunopur V 3 • I*ahuu 2 1 :i 2 iiarjccti Oil
  • 3 1 1 dulpaif/uri / 1 I ■ 1 Total 1 12 9 Dacca Division. ffacca 1 ... JUaimanninf/h •2 O “ 1 1 1 \ Total 1 1 •2 1 “ 1 9 .'t 1 Chittagong Division. j I 1 ChUtayonu .. I ! 1 t J i Total 1 1 1 j •

    1 I TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER 16 1 17 4G 45 ■1 ■1 006 1 460 1 Christians by Rkc— continued. ( 255 ) TION BY RACE. EURASIAN. Methodist Epis- COPALIAN. r ■ ■ ■■ — Armenian. 1 Creek Church. Free Chi rch of Scotland. Sbct not stated. 1 Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 7 5 10 ... ... 1 / ... 1 1 15 23 ... 1 ... r>o 71 16 23 1 ... 8 ... ri7 82 2 3 3 3 ... 20 29 ... ... •• ... i .3 3 2 ... 23 28 ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ...
  • ... 2 ... ... ... 1 4 ’f 3 1 2 4 8 1 ... 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 8 1 2 t 2 t ... 2 1 22 27 6 4 8 8 ... 1 .30 109 ( 256 ) / I TABLE A.-Pakt II— P18TKICT oE State. Patna Division. Fata a tiaya Sluthabad ... Barbhanyn Maxaffar liar Sarnn ... Cham pa ran Total Bhagalpur Division. Hhayatpur ... Monyhyr urnra ... Mat da Santal Parganas ... Total TOTAL. BIHAR Orissa Division. i Uttar k furl Balnsor Anfful anfl Katulh Jfiahals, TOTAL, ORISSA Chutia Nagpur Division. Hazarihnffh Lohardaya Ifanbham Sinyhbham TOTAL, CHUTIA NAGPUR TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRI- TORY Feudatory States. Kitrh Bihar Orissa Tributary States TOTAL FOR THE FEUDATORY STATES British SuhJertH in French Chandra- nayav DISTKIBU Total. CiirBni OF England. Catholic. Total. Malo. Fcmalp. j Male. Female. Male. Female. 670 301 269 128 141 lOl 110 22 9 IS 3 4 G 7 60 24 36 11 12 8 14 130 r.2 68 28 22 22 37 49 22 27 11 14 2 3 36 23 IS 11 7 11 6 12 7 a 3 2 879 448 431 102 200 213 181 72 -40 32 i I 15 18 22 10 343 184 139 00 79 70 S4 134 W 70 22 30 46 8 6 2 229 1 111 118 17 23 IG 16 708 405 381 144 144 147 126 1,666 863 812 ; 338 344 360 307 218 112 106 57 42 :44 31 34 14 20 ! 1 4 0 4 7 i 22 I 16 , 5 2 14 14 1 .3 i 2 1 j 293 161 142 1 68 60 63 62 i i 1 , ! 86 I 1 •4.5 30 i{ 18 19 20 1 23 1 1 38 2:1 13 1 22 IS 1 1 36 22 IS 14 9 7 4 \ 1 62 i 10 22 18 14 IS 6 1 230 130 100 1 ! 72 67 40 33 , 1 16,006 7,400 7,606 • ' 2,390 2,226 2,877 j i 3,306 J2 18 14 9 8 8 4 6 3 2 1 2 2 • 37 21 16 10 8 10 6 123 4-4 79 31 SO 16,166 7,466 7,701 2,400 2.233 2,918 3,361 GRAND TOTAL ( 357 ) \ Christians by Race — continued. TION BY RACK. EURASIAN. Ldtuerax. DltJHRNTRK. Baptist, COSni(BU..IIONAI.19T. Protkstaxt. Mule. Male. Fonuilo. Male. Feumle. j 1 Male. Female. Male. Female. ... 4 H ... 1 1 1 7 7 1 ... ... ;i s ' 1 4 ... t 10 w , 2 4 P ... 1 0 ... 0 2 3 1 I f)l SR 10 19 3 ' 2 a U5 67 17 tti 4 2 : 2 60 IQ 1 1 26 ... 1C K4 1 ... «•« 1 1 1 l' 'i r * 1 ... ... i 1 17 • 26 ! ‘ ! [ 1 6 i i .7 ... ! i I .. i ! ! i ' ... “... 1 1 6 i" 1 7 3 4 3 37 104 ' 600 483 2 3 j 732 702 1 ... 2 • •• ... 1 ... ... 2 ... ... ... 1 1 ... 13 29 4 3 37 104 601 463 2 3 746 793 ( 258 ) TABLE A,- Part II— DISTKIBU Dibtbict. Patna Division. Patna Shahabad Ifarhhanga Ifataifarpur ... Saran Vhumparan Total Bhagalpur Division. iihayalpur Monghyr Pamfa ... Santal Paryanas Total TOTAL, BIHAR Orissa Division. VuUaeh Puri Bala»or TOTAL, ORISSA Chutia Nagpur Division. Singhbhum TOTAL, CHUTIA NAGPUR TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRI TORY WlSLBTAir Mrtbodibt. Pbesbttbiuan. Cnuacn of Scotland. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 4 7 3 6 ... 4 2 ... 7 ... ... 8 ... ... ... 12 U 7 9 1 2 t ... 1 ... 2 ... ... 3 • J ... 15 14 8 1 1 ... 1 2 1 ... 1 ■f ; ... j ... 1 2 3 j 1 i 2 1 2 1 1 i ... 1 2 1 2 ... ' ! 32 32 68 67 606 460 ! 1 32 32 68 67 606 1 460 1 j GRAND TOTAL ( 259 ) I Chbistians by 'Rkc—coniinued. TION BY BACU. EURASIAN. Abkbniait. MKT110|)I8T Epib< COPALIAN. 1 Crkek CiimcH. Frkr CllURCn OF Scotland. Skct hot Statsd. Male, Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. — 1 ... 2 J ... ... 4 9 1 ... ... 1 ... 1 i 1 1 B J ... ... 5 3 11 0 2 J 1 ;;; 1 ... 2 3 4 4 ... 2 4 ... 1 1 1 11 9 4 S 1 7 S 12 10 7 8 ... 1 . 1 ... 12 1 1 ... 1 ... 4 3 9 3
  • 1 ... 7 12 ««• 1 I n ... ... ...
  • 1 1 34 37 13 12 1 8 8 1 1 107 133 34 37 13 12 8 9 1 1 1 107 133 ( 260 ) I TABLE A.— Pakt II— DISTBIBU N4TIVE District. Total. CuuRcii OP Ekolakd. Catholic. Total. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. , — — Bardwan Division. Rnrdwan 369 2(»6 763 21 24 0 13 Itankura ... 107 52 55 ... ... ... Birbhum 422 223 109 ... 81 35 Midnnpur • • 1.460 710 720 6.- 01 279 281 Iluyli 402 2-ta 154 14 0 14 16 Howrah 436 2W IftO 18 21 20 18 Total ?.I90 1,716 1,4H0 118 115 356 360 Presidency Division. '•4-rarffanas ... 10.726 5, HOI 4,925 1,128 1,095 1,100 1,362 f'alrutta ... . . 0,663 3,r.23 3,140 772 91i 1,263 1,065 Nadia 7,1 16 3,704 3,412 2,525 2,263 1,171 1,140 Jessor 766 386 370 11 2 204 285 Hurfdiidabad 454 216 230 ... 1 8 S Khulna 929 517 412 1 ... 107 102 Total 26,663 U,147 12,500 4,486 4,272 4,207 3,959 Rajshahi Division. IHnaipur 476 212 234 ... 8 3 JtajHhahi 63 80 33 2 4 1 3 Jtanyrar too 53 4t 3 1 14 12 Hogra 3 2 1 ... ... Pabna 20 12 8 ... 2 4 4 Darjef'ling 298 10.3 195 50 99 17 32 Jalpaiguri 124 HI 43 2.3 . It 3 ) Total 1,084 523 555 8-1 117 42 54 Dacca Division. Dacca 10,064 4.653 5,4Mf 10 li 4,613 6,313 Pa rid pur 3.385 1.707 1,670 3 3 86 00 Bal:hargan,i 4,676 2,319 2,227 1 2 664 632 Maimanslngh 171 87 84 ... 12 12 Total 18,190 8.796 9,400 14 16 5.276 6,037 Chittagong Division. < hittagong 360 ISO 100 ... 149 157 Noakhali 676 298 277 1 296 277 Tippcra 109 63 47 ... ... 40 31 i'hitiagong Hill Tracts 2 2 1 Total 1,046 542 504 ... ... 486 468 TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER ... 60,176 26,730 24,446 4,662 4,620 10,366 10.876 ► Chbistians by Race— ( 261 ) TION BY RACE. CHRISTIAN. Lutusraiv. T)I9HBMT£R. Baptist. 1 CONOKBaATlONAl.lST. 1 Protest AST. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male Female. Male. Female. ... ... 70 47 ... ... .S7 37 ... 121 109 ... ... 245 229 II to ... ... ... ... <12 It ... 39 2H « 2 ... ... H 0 78 71 8 2 ... ... 352 223 .323 266 7 3 CAR 700 548 624 813 629 ... ... 8^1 S 270 t32 725 669 ... ... 1 t ... ... 80 0J 10 2 ... 9 6 <52 70 ... ... ... ... 228 172 ... 181 13S ... 71 it 1,2(U) 1,077 610 694 i ^B| 1,397 ir.i 161 18 16 ... ... ... O 3 1 4 2 2 1 "■ 1 ■ 1 ... ... 2 ... ! 2 ... 9 IS ... • ... ... ... ... .5 3 ... 1 a 1 ... ... ... ... 179 mo 2 3 23 12 C2 S3 16 H 1,53.3 1,507 2i. 17 1,498 ... 186 163 ... 8 .‘16 29 ... ... ... .3,101 2,990 ... 363 220 • ... ... IB 22 1 1 ... 16 14 ... 5 2 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 32 36 ... 6 2 0 2 71 1 1 4,024 4,606 612 697 ^34 c f 1,002 \ ( 262 ) I TABLE A.— Pabt II— DISTfilBU Dibtbict. Bardwan D ■vision. Unrdfrtni Httnkura tlirhhnm Midnapur iiugli Howrah Total Presidency Division. i4-Parga nns Calcutta Nadia Jcssor ... ... Jtiurshida bad ... Khulna Total Rajshahi Division. Dlnajpur lUi^inhahi Rungpor Vahna i>a rjecling Jalpaiguri Total Dacca Division. naoca raritlpur Maitnanaingh Total Chittagong Division. Chittagong .. youkhati ... ... Tipjjvra ... ... Total NATIVE Weslbyan Metjiodibt. PRE8BTTEBTAN. CnrEciT op SfOlLAUO. Abmskiak. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 4 4 2 6 1 62 65
  • 4 7 4 ... ... ... 2 1 ... ... 8 6 ... 50 69 It 15 0 5 1 38 €7 3 5 21 3 2 ... ... 4 411 337 1 .1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... 39 67 3 0 432 340 3 1 ... ... ... 15 iff «) 6 i ... I ... iri IS ! 6 87 19 47 6‘J ... ... 47 • 1 59 87 19 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 95 127 79 04 441 346 50 26 TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER Cheistians by B^KCE^contbmcd. ( 263 ) TION BY BACE. CHRISTIAN. ( 264 ) TABLE A. — Part II — DI8TE1BU NATIVE Dibtbict or State. Patna Division. Patna Oaya Shahabad Darbhanga Munaffarptir Saran Champa ran Total Bhagalpur Division. Ithagaipur Monghyr JPurnea Malda Hantiil Parganaa ... Total TOTAL. BIHAR . . Orissa Division. CutPick Puri Halano-r A Ttfful and Kandh Mahalft TOTAL, ORISSA Chutia Nagpur Division. llazarihagh Lohard<*ga Manbhutn SingMthum TOTAL. CHUTIA NAGPUR .. TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRI- TORY .... Feudatory States. Kurh Itifiar Orissa Tributary States Chutia Nagpur Tributary Staten Hill Tippera TOTAL FOR THE FEUDATORY STATES ilritish HuUJrrts in Prettrh Chandra- nagar Total. Church of Knolami). Catholic. Luthebaw, Total. Male. Female. Male. Fomalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. 601 363 14 17 30 81 3 6 78 28 50 ... 3 7 "... 1 ... J ... ... ... 50 27 «3 6 7 ... 2 17 12 109 108 01 ... ... 64 30 34 2 4 7 10 5 6 1,648 870 1,07H 1 1 860 1/173 ... 2.041 l,3Ul 1,640 23 29 1)00 1,173 26 24 324 1S3 141 121 70 4.8 51 380 201 IHH 12 0 51 47 130 71 6H 7 3 21 20 41 23 IS 20 16 ... I .a 6.518 2, 7.-55 2,763 1,J7» 1,153 131
  • 130 241 197 6,41 1 3,2:w 3,17S 1,3.31) 1 1,260 251 249 211 107 6.362 4,634 4,818 1,362 1,280 M67 1,422 266 221 2.377 1,1.57 1,220 1 17 85 125 ... 766 3.57 40S ) 11 8 1 941 452 4S0 n 1 .58 69 16 12 3 ... ... 4.098 1,978 2,120 i ® 18 164 202 1 671 303 X6S ‘ .30 17 60 44 \ 41 40 82,234 ■W),yiD 41,315 1 5, 161 5,173 20,0 H 26,580 , 0.113 0,562 1.419 712 707 18 17 1 77
  • 390 4,673 2,3.51 2,322 512 498 2!)y 326 ! 1,413 1^80 88.897 44,286 44,612 6,724 6,707 27,017 26,067 10,069 1 1,372 152,522 78,527 76,905 ll 1 1,743 1 1,634 38,694 30,466 ; 1 1,231 1 1,696 » 1 223 111 112 84 h7 3 3 ! 680 3.5.3 327 82 76 \ 620 260 2 r,s ... . . , 200 268 132 6k 64 68 64 1 1,563 702 771 84 87 163 143 j 2G0 268 8 3 5 ... 2 4 \ 1 164,093 77,322 76,771 11,827 1 1,621 38.840 1 39,613 ! 1 1,401 1 1.863 GRAND TOTAL ( 265 ) Christians by Race — continued. TION BY RACE. CHRISTIAN. Dissi f5TRR. j Baptist. 1 CONORKOATIONA.LIMT. Protkstant. Wkhlitan Mktuodibt. 1 rKBBBYTKHlAN. Male. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 Male, Female. Male. Female. Male Female. 18 no 3 i ... H 10 ... 3 8 1 ... 1 1 3 1 ... ... 9 4 • ... ... 2 3 ... 20 17 16 3 2 ... 14 11 ... 01 44 48 48 ... 30 23 ... ... ... 23 24 ... ... 2 1 ... ... 12 12 7 4S6 550 ! ... 03 12 7 B72 €43 ... ... 30 23 ... 80 84 1 12 7 1 689 069 3 2 30 23 705 817 , ... 0 6 ... ... ... 210 251 \ ... ... ... ... 873 403 1 ... 16 15 ... ... 8 1 ... ...
  • 1,366 1,472 ” ■ 22 21 i ! 1 . ! 1 ... 52 44 1 1 ' I i ” 1 50 35 40 1 1 !l 1 ! i ... 19 It
  • !

    7 _:J 20 i 1 ! 04 84 1 - 1 1 63 67 71 1 1 0,308 6,133 624 604 3,048 1 2,600 j ! 08 1 120 172 174 4 1 1 I 2 ' j ... 218 202 1 l| ... . ... M ... ... 1 ! ... i| 222 203

    2 I ... 1 i 1' 1 1 71 1 1 6.620 6,3c6 624 B 3,061 2,660 j 08 120 174 \ ( 266 ) TABLE A.— Pabt II— DISTEIBU NATIVE District or State. Patna Division. J*ntna Oajfa Darbhftnga Maisaffarpur Sftraii Champa ran Total Bhagalpur Division. ^longhyr l*nruoa ... ... Mahla Santal l*argana» Total TOTAL, BIHAR Orissa Division. Caftarh l*aH Hat a tor Angul and Kandh Mahals TOTAL, ORISSA Chutia Nagpur Division. Ifasarihngh Ijohurdaga Manftham Sintfhhhnm TOTAL. CHUTIA NAGPUR TOTAL FOR BRITISH TERRI. TORY Feudatory States. KuthHihar Orissa J'rihatarg States ... TOTAL FOR STATES THE FEUDATORY CnUBCIT OF SCOTLABO. Quaker. Armbeian. Methoptst FPIHCOrALlAE. PLYMOUTH BllOlHER. MtlP. jFemBle . Male. Fumalo 1 Male. Feimila j Male. Fenialo Male. Female. ... 1 ... ... ... 1 2 ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 26 21 ... ... ... ... 1 1 20 21 ... 1 1 27 23 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ...
  • 10 1 Vri 1 1 2 1 I 1 ... ... 1 1 12 ... 4 2 ... 462 367 1 • 66 28 ' 218 121 3 2 ... i i ... ... ... 1 ... ... I ... ... ... 462 367 1 ... 66 28 216 121 3 2 GRAND TOTAL ( 267 ) Chustians by Race — concluded. TION BY EACE. CHRISTIAN. Greek ClIUECU. Free Cittrcu op SCOILANI). Evangelic Union. Curucii op lULLA.M). AA!ruir\N rUL Hi ll. Sect not si atki>. Male. Pt'inulo. Male. Fumaln. Male. Female. Male. Female, Malt. Female, | Male. Kcrnnlt*. 1 170 237 ... ... ... 1 13 VA ... ... IDS Ut ... ... ... ... 1
  • H ... ... ... ... 1 / 1 • 2117 302 17 ... ... ... ... 20 2i ... ... • o;h fSft ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... — oils 720 ... . 1 1 .. ; 095 .. 3 ! i 2'.Mi 202 ... ! 120 tVJ ... ' ” / ... 1 2 ... ... i « 4 3 ! 420 404 ... 1 1 1 IS nt 2‘.i7 230 ... ... 1 ... ! 1011 a 1U7 ... 227 230 j ; 155 170 2 1 231 230 ; 1 1 1 .J 3,402 .. • ' 10 iU ... ... ... H ; 41 42 8 7 63 61 1 — — 1 ; 1 ^5 ,007 TABLE B. P^UROPEANS, lOuRASlANS AND ARMENIANS BY AgE, ( 270 ) TABLE B. — Europeans, TOTAL. 11I8TRICT. All aoss . m Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Bardwan Division. JBardwnu 1,063 540 515 666 375 981 ifankura 26 14 11 21 12 9 Birbhum 100 58 49 68 44 94 Midnapur 86 47 59 73 36 57 tlugli 231 122 109 162 96 00 Howrah 1,646 867 778 826 475 351 Total 3,140 1,648 1,499 1,806 1,038 708 Presidency Division. 94-ParaanaH 2,267 1,717 840 2,010 1.602 408 CalritHa 22.326 12,538 9,788 1 1,014 7,419 4,495 UTadia 181 106 75 106 65 40 detisor 76 48 97 64 43 91 Murshidahad 87 55 39 68 40 98 Khulna 34 21 15 17 10 7 Total 24,860 14,485 10,478 14,178 9,179 4J999 Rajshahi Division. JMnajpur ... 36 19 10 30 16 14 Bajfhahi 42 27 15 41 27 14 Hangpur 243 131 119 86 54 39 Bogra 12 0 5 7 6 1 Pahna ... 142 90 59 86 65 31 Barjerting 1,210 780 459 1,040 678 371 JtUpaignri ... 234 179 58 215 167 48 Total ,027 1,2.35 099 1,624 1,013 511 Dacca Division. Daera 446 266 180 223 1.36 87 Faridpur ... 166 97 58 99 66 53 Bahharganj 83 47 30 60 29 51 UtaimanHngh 48 26 99 18 9 9 Tot€d 732 436 990 400 240 100 » Chittagong Division. Chittagong 831 481 380 266 206 u 50 Noakhali 88 38 98 10 7 5 Tippora 73 44 99 67 S3 94 Chittagong liill Tracts 16 11 8 16 11 4 Total 088 574 419 338 257 81 TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER 31,746 10,376 13.367 1^246 1 1,727 6,619 ( 271 ) Euhasians and Aemenuns by Age. EUROPEANS. ( 272 ) TABLE B.—Eueopeans, EURASIANS. District. ! 1 1 1 All AOE8. 0 -11. 16.34.

    35-49. 1 Total. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Malo. Female. Bardwan Division. Ttardiran 382 157 228 CO S4 57 89 26 40


    4 2 2 ... ... 1 fiirbhum 32 14 IH 7 y 5 5 2 3 MMunpuT 12 10 Q ... 6 ... 2 1 Uugli 09 26 43 5 10 12 15 7 11 llotvrah ... 810 387 423 121 135 l&i 167 63 77 Total 1,309 &0C 713 193 23H 241 276 1 100 133 Presidency Division. 24- Parff anas 246 lU 132 23 46 .5.3 49 1 32 26 t’atcutta .... 9.818 4,7bC 3D32 1.871 IfilO 1,00.5 1,876 1 772 705 Madia ... 76 40 35 1!) 11 15 13

    6 tiCH.sor ... II 5 6 1 1 3 3 ! 1 2 3luTShidahad 18 U 4 2 4 2 s Khulna 17 11 6 !

    1 7 3

    1 Total 10,186 4.070 5^15 1.011) 1,S69 1,747 1,946 813 740 Rajshahi Division. Dinajpur 6 .3 2 1 3 1 ... IlaJ»hahi 1 1 ... 1 ... ItangpuT 167 77 SO 48 35 21 36 5 7 Boffra 6 .3 2 1 1 1 1 ... ... Vabna 40 25 21 5 4 1.3 lO 7 5 Darjeeling 166 03 62 54 27 32 22 5 11 Jalpaiguri 18 11 7 3 1 4 3 3 Total 387 212 175 111 70 75 74 20 23 Dacca Division. Dacca 189 Hi 7H 37 2S 46 34 18 10 Pariitpur 65 .30 25 12 y 14 10 3 4 Bakhargani 23 18 3 3 9 3 0 1 Jiaimangingh 22 12 10 1 7 0 1 4 2 Total 289 171 IIH
  • 44 76 48 SO 17 Chittagong Division. a Chittagong 676 275 300 107 113 97 112 44 43 yoahhati 56 31 25 16 4 8 9 6 5 Tipper a 16 11 5 8 3 1 1 2 ... Chittagong Uill Tracts 1 1 \ 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 Total 648 317 1 331 1 130 120 106 122 62 49 ■ — TOTAL, BENGAL PROPER 12,818 6,206 6,662 2,400 2,341 2,247 2.466 1,016 962 I ( 2M ) TABLE B. — EuBomirs District. TOTAL. 1 ' 1 All AGB8.
  • Total. Malo. Female. lale. Total. Male. Female. Patna Division. Vntna 2,236 1.S00 756 84 1,662 1,199 463 86 60 46 ■ 74 41 33 Shnhnbnd 276 150 1136 9 216 120 00 Diirhhanga 331 105 13G , 200 133 67 JIuzaiJ'ftrpuT 177 100 77 10 123 70 47 Saruii 222 150 79 36 178 120 68 Lhatnjmran 162 88 S4
  • — 140 ei 49 38 Total 3,400 2,213 1,947
  • — 2.503 1.780 807 Bhagaipur Division. Ithatiulpur 212 117 U6 46 140 77 63 3tougltffr 936 622 4i3 \10 692 338 964 i*Hru(a 248 139 109 \11 1 14 75 39 Vntiia 32
  • 19 1 23 13 JO Santaf Pargana> 426 221 901 106 113 83 Total 1,852 1,022 830 1 1,065 010 449 TOTAL, BIHAR ... 5.342 3.205 2,077 t- 3,658 2,402 1,266 Orissa Division. 1 Vuitaoh 342 182 160 t 128 ! 70 68 J‘uri 70 36 40 41 31 90 Italnaor 134 87 37 \ 06 75 91 A ngu! and Kandh Mahals 4 3 t 1 1 TOTAL, ORISSA 650 318 238 206 106 100 1 Chutia Nagpur Division. Hazaribagh 310 HO 173 223 101 199 hohardngn 135 100 35 07 77 90 Manbhnm M8 75 43 i; 78 49 99 Singhbhum 103 H2 61 1 120 100 99 AS TOTAL, CHUTIA NAGPUR 705 1 ; 403 302 l» 627 327 200 TOTAL FOR BRITISH TER 1 r RITORY 38,408 22.424 16,984 1 i 22.607 14,622 8,076
  • 1 -/ Feudatory States.
  • Kurh Itiliar 69 48 91 39 29 7 Orissa Tributary States i 23 13 10 18 10 8 Hill Tipper a 1 1 ' 1 • TOTAL FOR THE FEUDA- TORY STATES 03 62 31 55 40 16 Jirltish Subjeets in J'reneh Chandruiiagar 144 D5 89 21 11 JO ■ —4 r- ’ " GRAND TOTAL ... 38.646 22.641 16,104 22,773 IA673 aioo ( 275 ) Eubasiaks and Armenians by Age — continued . ( 276 ) TABLE B. — Edeopeans, EURASIANS. UlbTlilCT. All ages. 0 -14. 15-34. ,86—41). Total. Male. Foiuale. Male. Fonmle. Male. Female. Male. Female. Patna Division. 670 301 269 1.5C 112 i 0.6 97 32 28 tini/a 22 0 ts 2 4 8 B 2 5 Shfthabnd 60 21 36 10 9 8 17 0 9 Jiarhliftnga 130 C2 68 10 27 27 27 14 9 Mnmffarpur 49 22 27 a 9 11 12 6 B So ran 36 23 13 5 3 11 8 6 1 Champnrau 12 7 B 3 1 2 3 2 Total 879 ■tts 431 108 163 157 169 60 65 Bhagalpur Division. Hhaffalpur 72 40 3J 12 10 15 11 10 7 Monghyr 543 IH 139 51 61 82 64 30 22 Parnra 134 70 2S 2B 15 29 11 8 Mat da 8 0 4h 3 2 2 sautnl Pnrganaa 229 111 tis 1 1 41 46 48 BO 13 16 Total 780 405 1 138 lit 102 154 70 B3 TOTAL, BIHAR 1.666 853 812 1 530 309 319 323 136 108 Orissa Division. f attack 214 112 102 1 40 33 4-1 57 12 16 Puri 54 11 20 ‘ 4 9 0 6 4 B itafa.tnt 58 22 16 1 5 5 12 9 3 1 A ngul and Kandh 3Iahaltt 3 3 ! 1 1 1 TOTAL, ORISSA 289 161 158 69 47 63 62 20 22 Chutia Nagpur Division. Hazarlbagh 86 4.5 BO 1 22 28 13 IB 0 6 Lohardaga 58 23 7.7 ! 7 4 12 7 » 2 Manbfmm OD 22 13 1 0 B 12 6 4 2 l^inghbhum 62 40 22 1 16 8 10 It 7 2 TOTAL CHUTIA NAGPUR... 230 1 50 100 I 49 45 63 39 20 12 TOTAL FOR BRITISH TER. 1 RITORY 16,002 7.400 7,602 2,860 2,742 2,682 2,880 1,101 1,104 Feudatory States. m Kuch Bihar 52 18 14 ,3 8 6 B 6 1 Or {ana Tributary States 6 3 2 1 1 2 1 ... TOTAL FOR THE FEUDA. TORY STATES 37 21 16 4 0 8 6 6 1 British subjects in French Chan- dranagar 125 44 79 21 29 10 27 5 13 GRAND TOTAL 16,162 7,466 7,607 2,875 2,780 2,700 2,913 1,201 1,1 18 ( 277 ) Eurasians and Armenians — eonchtkd. TABLE C. Eouc’Atjon ky Caste. Castes for which there are iiu learning or literates have been omitted. Figures for Chittagong Hill Tracts are not available. ( 280 ) TABLE 0.— Education by Caste. I._Castes, Teiues, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality. — — - MALES. FEMALES. Name am> ct.ahsificaiion. Lifetiate. Till Ell ATE. Illiterate. Luamiiiff. Ill En(i:liKh. In other latiKiiaKes. Illitorato. Loarning. In Englitih. In other hiiiguagos.
  • AGRICULTURAL. 1.- Military and Dominant. Jiahhan ( ilihn r) 8,733 813 7 A 131 527,7.33 270 0 2,09 1 598,280 Kitnndait (Orissa) 1 1,013 22.“i 29,155 253,003 217 3 421 312,08«l liajjmt 14.678 90,958 81.3,813 337 13 2,070 730.010 Total 34.524 2,7(».3 191,244 1,125,149 824 25 4,588 1,(110,074
  • — Other Agricultural. ( Cultivating. (i).— In Bengal. tyari ( Wrstrrn ) 4.901 321 9,407 27,273 39 2 91 44,007 lUiOfU (ditto) 4,o09
  • 9,409 370 :15 1 94 3 364 300,700 ftarui 4.652 325 11,555 107,723 176 o 122 123, .57-1 Jtauri ( IVrstf rn neural and Orissa) 709 -13 2,083 201,2.53 56 ... 48 280,752 i'handal or Nnmasudra 0.722 .372 41,406 822, 127 221 7 472 870,589 jtltasa T>hnpa 404 115 1,243 0,137 12 60 8,117 < hasali ( irurshidahad ) 47 ... 125 3.127 ... ... 3,417 i)o
  • UlU 267 C 843 203,520 Ra}n ( Midnapur and Orissa) 1.089 43 4,372 4:i,022 23 ... 94 40,305 Sad I/O p 21.012 43,172 200,810 288 02 900 271,433 Tamhull 3,770 5.18 10,850 31,089 84 7 172 50,:i79 Total 1 52, 1 37 13.0 W 337/150 3,829,022 2,604 1.’)! 6,923 4,3-12.775 {ii).-“ln Behar. A mat 34 3 331 32,8:i2 I ... 1 3-1,424 Uhar 19 0 133 23,700 ... 1 1 23,806 ttind 182 2 800 01.282 ... 4 71,022 i'hnin (Alalda) 403 11 1,059 5.5,120 1 4 58,783 Jifutnuk 950 62 5,501 208.0-17 6 54 800,784 Ousadls 746 212 4,787 582,S'13 3 1 82 004,613 iiangnata (nUaytdpur) 503 <1 1734 02,921 1 0 00,001 Kudar (ditto) 6 50 8,250 ... 4 0,058 Khntbo 67 360 88,226 1 1 41,780 Khatik 86 202 4.327 ... 5.4(tt Jiolrl 3,070 147 22,470 569,315 26 «• ' 112 507,407 Kurmi 6,928 356 27,017 582,210 69 247 630,284 Markande (Ithagaf'pur) 9 5 40 8.729 ... ... 9,601 Jlusahar 77 10 721 280,520 ... 3 2(1.089 Hagar (Uhagalpur) 189 4 483 j 18,030 1 1 21,036 Part/ha (ditto) 12 ... 112 0,831 ... 2 7,987 Rajivar 144 20 923 54,029 3 19 69,050 Tharu ( Champaran ) 1 14,203
  • ... 14,076 Tar aha 76 4 097 33,000 ... 2 40,281 Total 12,384 857 €8,953 2.711,282 102 2 543 2,881,416 ( 281 ) I-“C!astes, Tribes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality— MALKS. IEMALE8. — NaMB and CLASSiPrCATION. l.piirning. Ln III KllKlish. rKR.iTE. In <tln‘r hiiiguaut's. llliti'iate. lA’arning. Lite In ' tlnghsh. RATE. In lUJlKUBgOS. lllitorato. A.— AQ RIOU LTU R A U—coM/iBBoi.
  • — Other Agricultural — conciuJed. (a Cultivating- concluded, (iii).— In Orissa. Chasa 4.006 no 10, gm SH.0(5{) 67 122 233,2.31 Ohttanrfa 2 ... n 5(1!) ... .530 iiohha 64 ... 12S 15>,«08 ... • •• ... 20,104 ••4 444 ill 682 C 1,1S7 22.270 ' 19 to 23,247 Kadma 249 ... 070 1 ... 3 14.817 Kandra 388 15 rM.177 1 1 0 07,71.5 Kela 3 4 40 2,s:i5 ! Mi t»i 3,01(1 KoHura 6 1 7 2(1 j ... 4 .30 Khadal 136 923 4,557 1 ... 60 R,.574 Miaula 17 ... 47 5(51 1 ... 080 Total 5,660 100 ir,,l48 2(55.013 78 ... 108 .‘189,3.52 Total Cultivating Castes 160,071 14,066 421,057 0,070, 947 2,874 166 7,064 7,613,643 Pastoral. Ahlr (IHhar) 3.342 257 24,788 1,. 388, 51 7 26 230 1,435,790 Gaar (Orissa) 1 ,380 r »2 S,227 128,1^)7 16 48 1 i:i,758 Goal a 11,777 38,702 421,^8-1 400 09 920 41.3,953 Total 1 6,409 £.207 00,807 1,1111,1)08 440 09 1,204 2,025,507 4.— Forest and Hill Tribes. (i).— In Orissa. Gond ... 107 ... 405 3, 120 2 ... 3 3,750 IHha 6 ... 27 21 57 Kandh 62 ISO 2.5,252 0 2.5,504 fiarar ... 20 ... 28 21,5.30 / 25,223 1 Total 244 ... 049 51.078 2 10 65,410 (li),— In Chutia Nagpur. Affarla 2 i 1 ,558 ... M 1,709 nandawat(nazaribagh) 93 ... 247 3,913 ... 4,(127 Mihogta 68 12 188 :5o ;vn ... 1 31,236 Hhviya 688 37 1,057 190,070 37 1 212 210,156 JBhumiJ 461 8 1,103 iii,r>io 6 17 118,936 IHnihia 17 10 40 1,4<)7 1,209 Chero ... 41 51 259 h,.577 4.i 1 8.741 Chik • 37 ... 210 10,4!10 ... 7 10,003 Jihenuar ... 10
  • 141 Ohasi 69 19 193 15,010 2 2 10,283 Jto 476 8 490 01 300 16 13 08,841 X hair a 202 7 059 22,6S.5 1 300 24,280 Xharia 181 4 630 24,103 14 2 26,055 Xharwar 130 11 1,189 4.3,502 2 6 45.827 xa 802 3S ' ”7 949 53,532 20 97 60,311 % I < 282 ) I.— Castes, Tbibes, and Races by Tbaditional Occopation, or Nationality— ^ ' 1 MALB8. FEMALES. 1 Litbbatb. LITBRjLTE. NamK AHU CLASSlIICAtlUM. t, Learning. In In other Illiterateu Learning. In In other Illiterate. I< English. languages. English. iunguag3s.l
  • -AGRICULTURAL— 4 .. Forest and Hill Tribes — concld. • (ii) — In Chutia concluded- honva ... 1 4,011 ... ... ... 4,798 JUahUi 87 3 ses 25,050 4 8 20,306 lUunda 421 121 2/592 128,981 7 ... 99 136,120 Nagesia 6 1 33 1.508 ... 1,668 Oraon 84 8 756 186,171 & 5 202,667 J'nn 144 ... 603 88,4.')0 1 1 98,273 1 i4 3.184 9 3.169 Varhaiga R<%uiia 48 9 406 0,58.3 2 13,389 Sarah ... 236 ... 500 8.9 U 2 3 9.766 I'uri 33 8 137 19,202 ‘ 4 19,969 Total 4.313 355 13,208 1,060,033 129 1 785 1,1.35,472 (iii) — In Santal Parganas. Jltal i*ahar-ia 40 104 9.07.4 ... ... ... 9,287 Santal 668 10 974 661.996 to 1 18 609,008 Total 708 10 1,078 671, »7() 10 1 18 678,890 (iv) —In Himalaya. Olatrti 124 379 1,513 1 ... 2 1.830 Ourunff 66 25 053 4,283 1 ... 8 4,069 Khamhu 382 61 2,151 14,516 4 1 18 16,368 Leprha 26 20 239 4,471 ‘ ... 7 4,981 Limbn ... 168 24 925 6,726 2 2 15 0,178 Mangar 184 13 704 8.312 3 11 6,662 Marmi 78 14 080 10,;J5.3 1 ... 8 10,712 Nttear 71 0 491 2,266 2 ... 8 2,135 Sunuwar 64 33 301 2,290 1 ... 0 2,411 Takha ... 3 .3 60 603 ... ... 021 Total 1.136 190 0,703 65,291 16 3 83 66,602 (v).— In Eastern Bengal. 1 Aka ... ... ... ». 3 ... 4 i'hakma ». 1 9 1,486 1,038 Haro 1 14,980 1 14.231 Lutfuii 1 ... ... M6 lippera 13 OH 2.100 2,042 Total 14 ... 82 18,096 ... 17,740 Total Hill and Forest Tribes 6.414 661 21,730 1 ,869,467 167 6 896 1,944,078 TOTAL CLASS A 207.308 10,637 701,4:8 12,203,471 4,206 266 K362 1 13,224,103 B.-PROFESSIONAU 5.— Priests. Brahman 144,783 39.148 460,113 706,704 6,601 663 23,832 1,330,967 Uhumin (Purnea) 1 12 218 ... £10 Naiya (Santal Parganan) 63 iOO 10,306 ... ... ... 11,006 Total 144.836 39,140 400/931 717.228 8,601 6DS 23,832 I 1,342.203 ( 283 ) I'^Castes, Thibes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality— MALES. FEMALES. r-- — -_m- -rT“' NaMB and CLABBIFICATION. Lt^arniiig. Litkuatb. Litbuate. Ill English. In olh<*r latigtiagcs. Learning. In Fngli«!h. In other Oini^uiigeH, lIlKeruto. B.~ PROFESSIONAL— 6.— Devotees. AtitU (Bihar) FakW Mangta Naga Sadhu Sahta SanyaH fiJVAITE (i),— Aghorpanthi or Agftori (it),-I>andi (Ui).— Saiva tld€i9in riaiiNurAiTE^ (D.^Balmii (ii).—Bai9uab (iU),-naoi (ir).^Bhakat (v),^Bhekffhari (viJt-^Gosain (rH)^Kri»finakant1ari (viii)—Madhahacharyya (iJt)»^Mahanta (x),^yitnavat (xi),—Nityananda (rii),Rafnavat (xiU),^Tilak Das 229 69 1 a 77 6 218 22 1 8 2 10.091 21 40 a eeo 7 288 7 1 13 3 1 1 3 13 1 1 4 1.U9 4 45 3 2,04S 3 21 J2i 23 £,109 103 1 20 46 B 37,167 77 73 4 2,019 H 13 214 1 2 43 1 19,050 6, 072 022 700 010 73i> 11,012 1,749 75 622 424 79 1,67,801 507 2,171 :i41 11,438 106 143 387 83 51 1,371 27 1 i 2 4 ! 464 i 1 ' 1 ... 1 1
  • ... 24 2 4 •» 19 1 1,764 i 61 3 2. C.— COMMERCIAL. 14.— Traders. A ifttrirala 612 21» 4,800 4,920 I 6 1 84 8,056 Affrahari (BUiarJ 103 U 8,'it 3,.519 1 ... 11 4,227 Jtaia (Bihar) 130 5C l,3t8 5,057 7 ... 10 0,919 Baniya (unspectjlcfi ) 7.130 i.oyi Sli,03S 113,715 176 0 462 lfi5..3(H fiandhabanih (Bengitf) 0,072 1,228 22,000 31,03.3 120 31 313 C9,06tl Khatri 2,610 4H7 11,180 60,817 77 4 304 53,998 Kumuti (Orisfiii) 60 3 268 5C3 3 ... 7 855 Mahearl 8 1 8 no ... ... 3 22 Oswal ... ... JOO 257 ... 125 Rastoyi (Bihar) 30 fi 317 490 ... ... 3 870 Jtauninr (Bihar) 464 W 2,646 a5,782 6 ... 61 39,782 Subarnahanih (Bengal) 6,463 14,787 21.392 200 37 780 47.732 Vaiaya (Bengal) 1,666 321 3,318 22,500 92 5 230 27.8!)!) Total 26,143 fi.073 07,737 29.3,320 687 87 HySQS 1 410,012 I5,— Pedlars. Thoria (Oriasa) 119 a 431 2,373 ... ... 4,011 TOTAL CLASS 0 25,262 0.081 08.168 296,609 687 87 2,608 420,663 D.— ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL. IT.—Qoldsmiths. Harnaknr or Sonar 3,303 272 14,003 117,272 61 0 137 130,535 18.— Barbers. Bhnndari (OrisHu) 617 •23 1,412 30,409 18 13 3!»,279 llajjam (Bihar) ... 801 73 4,461 190,392 7 1 27 20!), 160 Napit (Bengal) 10,703 1,285 30,633 181,188 iOO 38 637 21!),.10S Total 12,221 1,.3S3 36,508 413,98!) 224 39 679 407,897 1 9.— Blacksmiths. Knmar ... 8,498 fisl 83j872 101,012 313 31 1,026 193,600 Kami (Bar jeeliny) 99 12 313 3.812 2 ... 6 3.i)20 Lohar (Bihar) 827 1,021 137,75.3 3 10 161,701 Total 0,624 723 28,208 305,037 318 31 1,031 .'M9,090 20.— Carpenters and Turners. Barhl (Bihar and Orissa ) 1,886 81 7,028 129, .557 13 ... 64 144.430 Karangu (C'hutia Nagpur) 78 10 241 9,10.5 2 1 9,036 Satradhar (Bengal) 2,006 450 8,415 i 36 0 147 80,33-1 Total 4.868 407 16,584 210,271 61 6 219 230,805
  • — Brass and Copper Smiths. Kannari (Bengal ) 917 182 2,715 14,706 24 1 67 17.992 Thathera 194 n 1,244 1*2,720 3 ... 10 in,()!)l Total 1,11 1 188 3,950 31,424 27 1 77 40,850 22.— Tailors. Bami (Darjeeling) 10 2 59 2.133 ... ... ... 1,700 I ( 285 )
  • — Castes, Tribes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality — continued. XaMB and CLABBlflCATION. MALE.S. FEMALES Litkratb. Ilhlt'rato. Learning. Litbuate. Tlliterule. Lewming. In Kiiglish. In ollior luiiguagcM. In English. In other huigUIlKCH. □ .-ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL— 22 — A.— Confectioners. Ottria (Orissa) 1,370 :« 4,924 4'i,.Tn 16 ... 30 no noo Halwal ( Bihar) 062 HI) s,fno 73.:W8 8 0 67 79,981 Kandu ( ditto) 1,327 101 9,714 210.sn.3 16 60 207,751 Maira ( Bengal) 3,867 W50 J2,yH9 4S,')0K 47 A 193 oo.a'iy Total 7,636 7S0 411,170 86 7 340 101,874 23.— Weavers, &.c. (Jhapual (Bhagalpar) 26 910 3,239 3,180 Jugl 7,004 ■m 97,ft3S 101.022 116 18 377 198.0»W1 Kapali ( KastCTH Bengal) 1,006 1)1 S,S0‘J 0;i,lH7 62 67 0.5,112 Sukli ( Mlduapur) 747 107 9,.T99 10,090 0 10 1.8,811 Tanti 9,071 ?,0J9 97,190 IKI.HHO 161 8 704 2 ir»,r..v 2 Tatwa (Bihar) 470 ac ir.3.92y 4 13 101,538 Total 18,931 2.7ao 03,955 .'iso.oao i o38 20 1,171 000,815 24.— Washermen. 1 Dhopa or Bhohi 4,138 493 11,065 200,301 137 43 995 273.017 20 .— Shepherds. j Oareri or Bherilmr 109 21 1,076 49,991 16 ... 9 55.071 27.— Oil-pressers. 1 j Kala 3,761 2.’»2 9,689
  • i:,i 1 29 9 67 79.793 Ten 19,188 2, 107 60,619 51S.H15) 337 32 894 072.519 Total 22,939 2,) Ml) 1 70,508 015,270 i 300 41 961 752 312 28.— Potters. 1 Kumhar 6,360 1,03S , 1 19,949 319,018 1 ^20 ‘jeo 593 351,211 29 — A.— Bracelet-makers. 1 1 1 Knrharu ... 142 21 391 309 1 ! G Ml Sankhari ... 310 ICl 1,909 5.720 ' 4 1 10 15 7, 190 Total ... 1 461 ISS 1,593 0.021) 6 1 i 10 91 8,010 30.— Salt-workers. Xuniya 627 12 3,689 1 5 : 1 , 013 ' 2 11 159,1. 37 31.— Lime-burners. i Baitl or (Jhunari 220 32 790 H,055 16 55 9.811
  • — Goldsmiths* Refuse- • collectors. 1 Niyari (Chutia Nagpar) 24 36 SOI) 4 1 ■' 1 022 33.— Gold-washers. i i 1 Jhora (Chutia Nagpur) ... 1 95 i,:r7 ... 1.312
  • — Iron-smelters. 1 l,Ml ! 1 , 1:17 Asur (Jjohardaga) I ( 286 )
  • Castes, Tribes, and Races by TRADinoNAii Occupation, ob Nationality — continued. — MALES. FEMALES. Name awd classificatioit. Litkratb. Litbeatb. Illiterate. Learuinff. In Englibh. In othop IkUKUBges. llliterato. Looming. In English. In other languages. D.~ARTISAN AND VILLAGE M E N 1 A concluded.
  • — Fishermen, Palki-bearers, &C. Berua (Dacca) ... ... 4 25 ... ... 12 Ganrar (Eastern Bengal) 7 ... ts 1,4G0 ... ... 1,568 Gonrhi (Bihar) ... 134 4 1,040 06,507 ... ... 2 104,717 Kahar 2.126 2U 11,084 20.1,521 61 2 332 304,073 Kcivat 1,240 40 4,021 145,438 14 ... 28 100,477 Malo 416 26 1,492 43,250 1 ... 19 43,221 itfnrif/ari (Bihar) 10 1 82 6,231 ... ... 6,810 Mnilya (Orissa) 6 ... 38 1,283 ... ... 1,383 Baltrar 3 ... 14 484 ... ... 508 Sarahtya (Bihar) 483 262 1,809 4,125 26 10 92 3.720 Tiyar 1,307 09 4,018 00,121 20 ... 78 06.070 Total 6,733 G36 24,2S5 082, OU 121 18 687 722.485 36-— Distillers, &C. Kntivar (Bihar) 1,000 81 3,390 190,152 13 ... 64 204,720 East (ditto) 301 12 1,024 71.031 2 ... 74,641 iianri (Bengal ) 10,717 1,470 83,308 00,002 208 12 932 203,206 Total u» 21,018 l,r/22 8j/}22 3<>1,478 283 12 996 482,467 38.-* Leather-workers. i hamar 1,296 101 8,923 514,101 28 1 72 6,58,000 muchi 1 ,096 103 2,921 203,071 16 1 87 106,028 Sarki (Darjeeling) 17 ... 80 052 ... ... 713 Total 2,407 201, 8,914 718,130 43 2 139 755,710 39.— Scavengers. Bhaimall 664 110 1,794 88,558 3 46 80,172 llfiri ... 707 78 2,704 127,001 48 61 130,430 Total 1,261 218 4,428 215,019 61 98 210,602 TOTAL CLASS D 1 22,860 13,61 1 429,323 6,478,599 2,673 461 7,340 6,160,440 e.-vagrant minor ARTISANS AND PER- FORMERS. 41.— Earth-workers, &c. Bit ft or (Bihar) ... 148 7 1,019 43,111 1 2 18 41.604 Horn ( Bengal) 128 2 322 28,000 9 ... 1 30.652 Total 276 Tl 1,341 72.020 10 ■B 17 75.346 43.— Mat-makers. Dorn 1,661 281 6,804 214.041 64 221,274 jUUial (Eastern Bengal) 163 2 392 108 II 004 Total 2,004 286 6,990 225,006 76 11 140 234,004 c 287 ) I,— Castes, TiiiBES, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality— MALES. ' ■ FEMALES. Name and ciabsipicatiox. Learning. Litkratb. LlTIHATli. • In English. In otluT langimgi's. Illiterate. Learning. In English. In othi'r langimgfs. Illitomto. 44.— Hunters, &c. Bediy< Kai*3ar (Biha^) 326 30 115 679 73 22.15-t 518 1 44 ... 2:1,370 r.r.8 Nat 1 18 1 463 10.828 ... 7 12,5)21 Total 46.— Miscellaneous and disreputable. 481 llfl ItlOS 42,008 1 44 ... 211 'W.St2 BaH 204 K 6S7 12,702 j 2 ... 11 i 1,55)2 Total ... 204 8 687 13,892 1 1 2 ... It 16,55)5 TOTAL GLASS E 2.966 419 0,032 1 363,913 < 1 131 13 370 571.287 F, -RACES AND NATIONALITIES. i 1 48.— Non-Indian Asiatic Races. BhuHaa ^ 23 D 316 8,578 , 7 8.088 Uumieae 1 4 25 ; ... 5 CMneae 1 6 312 ; ... 27 Magha 1,426 r.s 6,2ia 23,s:i:i 31 1 2U6 .33,708 Parsia 7 81 6 40 4 15 6 21 Total ... 1,466 IW 3,643 30,788 36 10 WO 39,822 50.— Non-Asiatic Races. Buropeans 1,161 8,090 433 5,287 j 1,146 4,075 332 2,7‘.e 61.— Eurasians 1,223 3,518 3P4 2,317 1 1 1.177 8,212 .>21# j 2.SS7 TOTAL CLASS F 3,040 11,767 6.310 30,370 2.06O 7,303 001 46,401 IL — Persons not REXURNit) by Caste, Tribe, or Race — IEindus. Namb OB Group. MALES. 1 FEMALES. Learning. Lit In English. KRATR. In other hingUHgo.s. Illiteniio. Leuniiiig. ' Litkua I R. In ' Inntlier Englisb. j lungimgrH. llliteiu:('. A,— Hindus, returned by title or common sub-caste- Ambaatha 3 1 6 CO ... 6 Awadliia ... 6 78 ... 7:1 Bajpai ... ... 7 ... 1 ... 25 Banaudhia 10 40 1,305 ii ... 1,389 Banga} II « 27 70 6 1 6 89 Banpat 86 i « 313 8,025 2 ... 36 6,207 Baraik 6 60 2.703 ... ... 2,702 Barondra 13 37 222 1 212 Barman ... ... 7 3 ! ■’

    ... Bonghanai ... li C8 ! ... ... ...

    ftagabon ... ... 1 29 '1 ... ... 20 Bhdlata ... ... 1 125 I ... ... 129
  • ( 288 ) II. — Persons not eetobned by Castes, Tribe, or Race — Hindus — continued. MALES. FEMALES. Name 09 Gbouf Liteuats. Litbratb. Loarning. In English. In other languagus. Illitemto. Learning. In English. In other languages. Illitmte. A.— Hindus, returned by title or common sub-caste—coM^inwed. Jihojhansi 2 ... 40 ... ... 46 lihojpnri ... ... ... 3 no ... ... 42 Bhumik ... ... ... 3 DO ... ... ... 70 Biswas ... 69 16 sao 200 ... ... 682 Buna 220 18 1,190 04,862 3 1 19 62,961 ChaudhuH ... 33 1 120 101 ... 1 104 Baibak ... ... ... ... 5 285 ... ... 284 Da ksh in-Ba rhi ... ... ... 3 13 ... 11 JJaltti ... 35 1 13ft 704 ... 70S Bus ... ... 21 5 83 1.063 ... 1,972 tiatta 1 ... 29 20 ... ... 29 Do 20 1 78 219 ... 287 Jiebansl 1 1 16 ... ... 22 Bhnll 17 ... 67 265 ... 811 Ha in ... ... 10 42 29 ... w 43 Han^jhit ... ... 7 ... 39 1,045 ... 4,259 Haura ... ... ... ... 2 ... 6 32 ... 123 Oaardesl 1 ... 7 371 ... 413 Ga utam ... ... 3 ... 25 5 1 ... 27 Gurkha ... ... ... 78 ... 18i 720 1 886 ttaladhar ... ... 1 159 HOI ... 1,047 Haidar ... 7 ... 26 508 ... 41S Ifazra 13 2 38 5.52 ... 513 tfadubttHsl ... 1 ... 13 5 1 1 12 dniswar •M 200 27 877 2,973 4 27 3,.H.>3 daunimria ... 28 13 56 258 6 361 KauftnHa ... 2 1 40 515 ... 2 251 Kasj/ajf 3 ... 9 60 ... ... 82 Kalin ... 2 1.5 ... ... ... 1 Madhesia ... 5 150 ... 109 Maghaiya 18 1 47 185 ... ... 189 Jtfahnldar ... 1 22 ... ... 19 Mahanti 37 2 213 1,670 1 0 9 J,96f. Mahapatar ... 4 ... 6 Itlaharana ... ... 2 2 ... ... 2 Mahat ... ... 109 S 420 2,912 14 17 3,207 Mahendra 1 7 72 ... ... ... 81 Mahvsivar ... ... ... 1 7 ... ... 6 Mahio ... 10 ... 28 781 2 ... 711 Muhaa ... 1 ... 3 6 ... ... 9 Mahal la 1 ... 10 874 • ... 004 Maithili ... ... 1 4 16 ... ... ... Malik 64 8 291 9,553 7 18 10,010 Mandal • «« 122 1 305 2, OKI ... ... 3,172 Mandar ... ... ... 12 4 ... ... 12 Mathuria ... ... ... 1 11 ... ... 9 Matillk ... ... ... ... 1 108 ... ... ... 113 Musumdar ... • •9 ... ... 2 9 ... ... 7 Mohinibansa... ... ... 2 1 ... ... ... Muniitansi ... ... ... ... ... 2 8 ... ... ... 9 Vabasakh ... ... 28 6 90 1,646 ... 2 712 Nagbansi ... ... ... ....
  • II ... 29 1,974 ... ... 1,860 I ( 289 ) II. — Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Hindus— M.\LE8. i Namb of group. Learning. LiTKRATK. I Li1£U\1K. In In otluT llhtemte. Lwinung. lllit»rate. • In EngliNh. litngtiuicoM. KriKlish. A.— Hindus, returned by title or common sub-caste — concluded. ynlk •• 631 11 y,«20 10 .14 12, (122 Nandi ... 1 ... •• ... OJha — ... ... 1 ... ... ... Orh ... ... .7 1 ... 4 rai ... ... ... y 30.) •12U Pandit ... ... ... 82 ... 303 IVJH Pntai^ ... ... 04 1 376 not 1 0.5*2 Palm ... ... ... 661 .ss 7,703 6 6 ii.nis Pradhan 3 ... ti 10,.72 ... ... ... 10, .3M Itaghubansi ... ... 4 ... 1 187 Jtai ... 0 ... n (•>7<1 ... ... .Ml Itajhanni •• 231 1 6S7 17.250 26 ... •16 18.0.H7 Ha}kal ... ... 3 1 ‘2 Ttana ... ... 2 110 ... 117 Barht ... 7 1 42 015 ... 78| Jiaut 26 ... 4S 1,001 1,473 JtUihlaHan ... ... 6 69 •23 S.'i Sagarhannl ... 1 n 3S ‘21 Samanta ... 07 1 269 2,.‘,s0 2.880 Sarkar 3 20 5.-. 1 r.3 Sen ... ... 1 10 2S •27 Slkdnr ... J 15 I i:. Singh ... ts ‘2,2‘21 1

    ... 1,702 Sombansl ... ... ' 1 • j ‘■i Sribastab ... ••• ... 3 ... ... Sudra 14,856 l.u:i 1H,H03 €'2. 105 1 700 2;il) t/ibo 102,011 Sur 7 1 24 00 1 ... ! 150 Surajbansi 36 1 J60 no 1 » 12 221 Thakttr ... G ... 14 0 j 19 Tlrhutia ... 2 71 ! 54 ; V liar liarhl 1 • 1 12 17 2 1 ... 'U, Total 1 7,060 1,C.S2 .10,3.16 220,23S 1 885 yiJ2 1,H.19 •277,0(^7 B.— Hindus, returned by actual i j occupation. fladyakar .at ... 22 ... 49 3,n.*i»’. 1 3 2,s»:s Jtagal ... ... 63 100 3.072 " 15 l.2‘22 iiahurupla ... ... ... 3 11

    Paid ... ... 18 17 72 1,000 II l.'i.")? Padania 1 ... 5 i; 1, ■t Pajikar ... 1 ... S 271 |i - .303 Pakat ... ... ... 37 ... 110 .308 ll 6im: Pakho • 18 ... 14 f)2 1 ' 73 Pakshl ... ... 2 r /2 1 ... f)i Pardai ... ... ... 6 751 (12.5 Pf'gar ... 3 ... 1 222 ... Pt'hara ... 2 ... 2.1 13.3 ... ... 50 Pepari 6 ... 1H 155 ... ... 13.1 Besya ... 10 ... H 321 1 1 60 2,410 Phanr ... ... ... ... 7 102 ... 1 ior> % ( 290 ) II. — Pebsons not.eetuened by Caste, Tbibe, oe Race — Hindus — continued. MALES. FEMALES. Name OF Gaour. Literate. ■1 Literate. Learning. In English. In othur languages. ■ Illitera|e. B.— Hindus, returned by actual occupation — continued. Hhd$kar ... 2 1 3 173 210 HJiatlnra 1 ... Si 1 ... ... 6 liheriwala 2 ... 6 60 ... 74 BUatl 3 ... 9 203 ... ... 113 Chatcar ... ••• 6 ... 7 241 ... 248 Chhipioar ... 2 .33 ... ... S3 Chitrakar 16 19 73 719, 1 6 725 Chttrihar 3 ... 15 471 ... ... ... 529 Dnfadar 4 ... ... nafali 2 ... 9 IS Dai •M ... 14 ... 39 2,073 2 JJ 2,886 natal 6 ... IH 154 ... 221 Darji 62 21 172 707 968 naroffa ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... Dh-unia 31 1 6 0 ... 89 Digwat ... ... 7 54 ... 41 Diwan 6 1 30 5 ... 23 DuHa ... 214 28 577 24,720 6 25,682 Farash ... ... ... I 26 ... 22 Gandhi ... 1 4 •• 10 Ghatmajhi ... 1 ... ... 4 Qhatwal 467 35 2,934 75,176 3 7 87,620 Ohulatn •W tt. 4 ... 12 175 ... 261 Go rail •.t ••• 1 ... 14 4,l»tt) ... ... 4,789 Italuikar •.« 3 1,040 ... ... .S14 iJaolda r ... 3 45 ... ... ... Uarkara t«« ••• ... ... 4 1 ... ... 8 •fajman ... 9 7 10 Jaliga 2,426 246 H,302 188,161 1 10 1 160 196,346 Jamadar ... 1 ... 2 18 ... ... 16 Jharudar ... ... ... 1 1 ... dot ah a 60 1 208 1,157 6 8 1,641 dotdar 2 ... 10 9 ... 31 Kahari 1 ... 8 7,340 ... 7.600 Kahiraj . . «. • ... ... 2 42 ... 48 Kamkar 7 1 137 10,413 ... ... 1 11,418 Kapasla 4 1 22 181 4 ... IS 189 ICapuria
  • •« 122 ... 381 80 3 2 671 Karigar 13 ... 6 215 ... ... 191 Kagai 1 23 88 ... 160 Kaubi 1 ... 1 24 ... 116 Kathuria 2 4 742 ... mm Hawaii 42 6 83 3,291 ... Kayal ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 8 637 ... mm Hhawat 2 1 ... ... 8 Khelta 1 2 7 255 ... 358 Kinnar 1 8 24 ... 38 Kotal ... 63 1 150 5,020 ... 9 6.073 Krighan < ... ... 3 2,50;) ... ... 2,331 KrUhikar iff 4 ... 11 1,024 ... ... 1,070 Kunjra ... 28 ... 95 ... ... ... 15 ttaheri 33 10 565 9,263 10,246 ( 291 ) II Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race — Hindus— MALES. FEMALES. Name op Quoup. Litbqath. Literate. ■ Tn olh<r Innguagoa. llUtomto. iKVirniiig. In English. In othor lauguagos. IllitoratM. B.— Hindus returned occupation — conclu Maehhua actual 64 6 230 2,682 3,288' Mahajan ... ... ... 2 ... .88 ... ... 29 SlaMfarash •• 2 1 14 1K3 ... ... ... 162 Stala ... ... ... 911 lOi 4,327 177,328 42 1 137 198.791 Mai Uaidya ... ... ... a A ... ... ... 17 Manjhi 787 12 2,200 40,038 42 62 40, m Mauaiohl ... ... ... ... ... 6 1i ... ... 16 Matiya 120 7 240 21,37.H ... 1 21,823 Blistri ... ... ... ... 6 1 21 1.627 ... ... 1,172 Mudi ... ... ... 46 4 100 4,591 ... ... 6,042 Mu/iorrir ... .... ... ... 1 14 ... ... 14 Muheri ... 2 ... 24 60 ... ... ... 06 Mutia ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 Nagarohi ... 6 ... ... ... ... 9 Nalband ... ... 51 ... ... 69 Tfaliya 12 ... 42 ... ... 64 Nayib ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Natir ... ... 3 ... ... 2 mkari 3 ... 42 12 ... ... 69 Nurl ... ... 2 2 661 ... 667 raih ... 63 ... .8,741 I ... 4,030 J^aikar ... ... ... 1 ... ... 6 Parul ... ... 238 ... ... 01 Pa sari ... ... 2 1 11 99 1 ... 112 Pasban ... ... a 269 ... ... 01 Patikar ... 8 ... 44 748 ... 1 616 Patni 444 47 1,709 83,100 16 6H 33,046 Patua ... 127 9 410 6,609 1 10 7.528 Patwari 6 ... 3 ... ... ... ... 2 Pawaria 1 5 627 ... ... 070 Peahdkar ... ... ... 1 2 61 Piada ... H 10 ... ... 19 Poddar 172 18 689 2,198 3 4 2,847 1 Pressman ... ... ... G 9 ... ... 1 Pujari ... 2 £2 ... ... 27 Bajmistrl ... ... ... 3 .84 ... 8 ^atnjani ... 40 ... 66 122 ... ... 816 Uangrss ... 1 192 ... ... 214 8aia ... ... ... 6 63 ... ... 65 Sardar ... ... ... 3 ... 4 19 1 ... 900 Sasawa ... ... 4 3 mult 26 2 32 367 ... 380 Hiyal ... 9 ... 19 3.466 ... ... 3,424 Talukdhr ... ... 4 ... ... ... 2 Tarafdar ... ... 1 2 ... ... ... Tikalihar ... ... 3 309 ... ... 446 Tuiabhina 13 40 1,108 ... 1,218 VJia ... ••• ... 2 ... 23 1.830 ... ... 1,921 fSatnindar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 ... .••• ... ... ... Total ... 1 0,666 C07 1 25/)43 6G7..8.'J3 270 2 564 721,9f)2 ( 292 ) Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race— -Hindus concluded. Naaikof Gkoui. c.— Hindus, returned by locality. A sstimcsv Benffalis ItifinriH fllndustaniS Knrhharia K/iasitts lUndrftsif Mahrattas flfnuiiwris Marivaris Metvatis Moranf/inn Saypttris Nepalese PahuTias Panjabis Hohitaa Vriyns Total Q, — Hindus, returned by uniden- tifiable caste. BarnnSitnknr flhhatarkhai Doff I a JnraJ Kalar Krioh napa kuhi Pntit Pirali Shayirdpeshn Surnttoaln Inidontiflablc Total E.— Hindus, unspecified A.^Musalmans, returned by sect. JIaniji Ilwiaint New M usaimnu Shla Niddiki Sunni Total MALES. II FEMALES.
  • Learning. LITBR4TB. Illitenito. lionrning. Lite! ATE. Illitecate. r* In English. In otlicr languagoH. In English. In other languugea. 2 2S 21 413 96 1,485 8,051 0 6 37 0,111 ... 3 253 ... lOS 1 S ... ... 4 41 ... 166 8,500 3 ... 7,075 ... 1 8 ... ... 3 ... ... ... 3 47 24 162 1,780 2 S 1,710 23 11 71 401 2 2 7 4‘<8 ... .M •it ... ... 1 284 81 1,4/7 3,858 ... 1 8,960
  • 2 13 ... ... 2 82 ... 11 • •• 3 41 ... ... Oi 6 408 ... 501 100 7 140 57.503 ... 6 58,110 1 33 ... ... 44 2 138 ... ... 128 2.034 40 6,370 17,410 12 •• 22,7.59 2,942 209 y,H37 91,010 20 8 115 101,020 8 1 58 1,003 1,264 • «

    3 62 ••• ... ... SI

    13 50 ... ... ... 7 a 12 21 2,007 1 15 2,311 2 9 1,241 ... ... 1.290 7 1 23 83 .. ... 17G 3 2/ 2,2H2 ... ... ... 1,286 1 1 201 ... ... ... 216 1,118 15 2,177 13.454 0 ... 6 19,821 6 ... ... ... ... 13 234 ... 270 6,772 70 ... 281 4.209 1,384 IS 2,602 27,3^1 80 ... 302 80,802 8,336 17 11,774 7,b38 121 ... 454 18,128 T RETURNED BY Caste, Tribe; ok 11a«e — Musalmans. 60 3 70 1,047 I 5 ' 1,279 3 5 7 ... ... 1 21 22 71 40 ... ... ... 284 9 610 ... ... 1 528 14 8 21 1,038 ... ... ... 1,187 319 88 530 6,401 3 ... 7 7,181 414 42 706 0,209 4 ... 14 10,485 ( 293 ) II.— Persons not returned by Caste, Tbihe, or Race — Musalmans — continued. — —
  • .

    Males. FEMALES. Namr op Urotp. Litbratb. Litbkatb. 1 LoarniiiK. Illitorato. L<‘4rning. llhiorMt*.

    In In other In otlior EiiRlish. ItuigiiUKoH. EiiKliNh. laiiKiinKt'A. B.-^Musalmans, returned by title. 1 1 Akhandji 2 69 f..% .75 2,01 1 2.710 Atraf ... 3 ... .7 ... 44 Beg " 3 ... 3 2,1.60 ; 2,329 BUwae 1 Chaudhuri 8 1 4t RAH ... 1 67.3 4 5 . 1.487 j 1,454 jyafetdar ... a 1 5 2 1 • •• 14 Ditoan 8 Jt SiO 8.50 Haiti 80 :w 147 .3^1,31(1 33,762 iihazi 6 5 42 52 ilatra 80 12 314 20,5.37 3 1 18,032 Khan 129 7 337 3,008 1 1 4,428 MW 26 11 H3 062 a 1,009 Mirza ... ..» • • 610 2t.‘i 1,735 12.412 22 7a 13,000 Moghul ••• Naih 1 3 50 81 8.480 1.539 A?7,755 23.6,068 224 14 933 250.608 Pathan ... ••• 609 9 2 , mo 24.6.V4 3 6 26,416 Sardar ... ••• 7.994 1,683 06,084 294 44 938 126,227 Sayyld 183.100 13,107 54ft,1H9 9,042,422 4,139 1.31 8,133 10,241,728 Shaikfi 28 3 107 1,690 1 1,00.1 Shana — Total 201,074 Ki.Ofrl 5113^45 10,081,6.31 4,007 I8t> 10,076 10,726,472 O.— Musalmans, returned by actual occupation. Ahdal ... 3 10 333 ... 423 Badyahar ... 16 6ti 2,022 1 2,166 B^Jikar ... ... ... 1 2 •46 1 1 71 Bakali ... 57 104 221 .3{>2 Bakho ... ... 1 791 850 Bar hi ... 1 1 17 1,2.61 ... 1,24<; Barjib 3 148 I3t! Beha^a ... ••• 17 41 6,0.34

    4,989 Bepari ... 4 irt I 1 Besati 3 S 371 i 164 / 206 Besya ... 7 ... Bhanr 4 39 1.163 ... j i 95.3 ! 3,478 Bhat ... ■ 1 16 3,9.'i4 870 Bhathiara 11 614 Bhisti
  • 1 4.3 1 39


    l/i72 Chamar ... ... M« 9 1,268 •li, Chaudhuri ... 22 lii 20 16 Chaukidar 2 4 17 461 ChMpigar ... 1 16 408 \ 408 Vhik • 13 422 ... m Chitrakar 1 65 214 Chunari 6 I 22 1.480 1 1,020 Churihar 4 24 1 7,801 1 7,708 Bafali ... ... ,... 2 15 6,004 6,026 6,280 Dai ... 33 S 152 5,700 ••• 601 Dotal ••• ••• ••• 23 ... 98 460 43 Daphtari ... ... 1 3 60 a ( 294 ) II.—Peesons not betuened by Caste, Tbibe, oe Race— Musalmans — contimed . — MALES. FEMALES. Xamb of group. Litbratr. Litrbatk. Loarniu{$. In EnKlish. In other lanKtiiiKeN. imtorate. Learning. In English. In other languages. Illitarato. C — Musalmans, returned by actual occupation — continued. liarni 88 4 409 16,214 4 16,778 Dharl . 4 ... 1 1,297 ... ... 1,173 VJta wa 01 3 HI 2,603 ... ... 2,037 D/iopa 86 uo 21.559 ... ... 26,042 Dhuli ... ... 4 ... 95 i,4ia ... ... 1,511 Dhunia 430 19 2,109 8I,H41 6 1 7 06,690 Fakir ... 262 11 946 23,040 1 6 26,240 Fitrauh ... ... ... J 118 ... .. ... 186 iwadi . . ... 1 2,672 ... 2,633 Oharami ... 9 H4 ... in Ghutam ... ... 49 223 ... ... 298 Ooala ... 31 GO ... 100 Uoldar 2 10 410 ... 417 ilajjam 2 3 4 1G,3:>5 18,209 Uijra 6 ... 11 358 330 tfamadar 1 3 29 ... 26 Johtha 3,400 276 13,730 SS0,(i48 60 3 807 376, Sin Kalat 84 a 615 6,998 8 1 11 8,602 Hal a ... ... 3 16,128 16,183 Karigar 20 1 193 16,303 ... ... 14,041 Kasai . ... 8 ... 66 2.4G1 ... 2.0S4 Kashi 1 ... 3 108 ... ... 161 Kfixi ... 336 20 tan 2oJ‘ 8 11 1,680 hhwandkar ... ... 21 a 61 675 ... ... 630 Khoja ... ... i 7 87 1 62 Kunjra 72 Cl 399 59, .518 64 6 ... 6G,(X)3 hahvrl ... 18 ... 40 6,249 ... ... 6,641 Mahifarash ... 2 1 20 41.5 ... ... ... 412 Mala 123 1 88 ... 1 ... 127 Mai Baidya ... 8 60 ... ... 46 3fali 1 It 1,072 ... ... 1.221 3laHk 1 6 1,196 1,184 Mandal ... ... ... 1 24 9,451 8,579 Manjhi ... 1 203 ... ... 263 Masalrhi 1 174 •>. ... 164 Maulavi 87 69 ... ... 82 3IiMar ... 1 80 1,710 ... 1,681 3nrlaKi 1 ... t 186 ... ... 222 3Hstri 6 80 315 ... S16 3iridha 2 6 68 ... 71 Mullah 41 •6,194 ... 4.764 Sfunshi ... ... ... 3 63 ... ... 62 Kagarchi . 3 8 620 ... 605 Kaliya ... ... 6 ... 37 103 ... ... 188 Nikari ... ... 66 3 807 7,169 1 ... to 7,566 Nurhaf ... 3 487 ... ... 541 Fa»i 3 1 18 1,164 ... ... 1,236 Patni .. 18 2 34 671 ... ... 446 Patua 0 ... 81 1.064 ... 986 Pawaria ... 1 ••• 9 2,681 ... ... 8,023 Pefhakar ... 6 60 1 8 94 Bangrea ... 3i 1 138 2.736 ... 1 2.068 ( 295 ) II. Peesons not returned by Caste, TfitnE, or Race — Musalmans— MALES. FEMALES. Name of Group. Learning, Litkratr. Literate. In English. In ofhur language*. lllitmito. Lenniing. In English. In Ollier luuguageH. li literate. O.^Musalmans, returned by actual OCCUpdXion— concluded. SarJear ... 2 108 ... 132 Sau^n 0 2 16 (10,711 2 1 1,727 Shlhari 30 110 117 8luli 1 1 2 30 ion 2 181 Tarafdar 2 1 4 82S ... 27tf Tikalikar ... ... 3 100 201 Tutia 1 1 ... 19 103 203 Tntal 6,372 417 21.624 694,636 130 1 1 204 774,706 D.-'Musalmans, returned by locality. Afghan ... 2 4 ... ... Sldi ... «•« ••• ••• ••• 1 .3 ... ... Total ... ... ... 3 7 ... 6 E.'-Musalmans, unspecified 2,426 :i58 7,053 106,767 241 2 154 137,36<; HI. — Persons returned oni-y by Relioion. MALE.S. FE.M A L KS. Name of rklioion. Literate. Literate, Lenrniug. In English. In other l.tnguageH, 1 lliterato. Learning. In Engli* h. In other luogimguN. Illiterate. Brahmo 288 435 r>6C 161 31 216 620 Native Christian 4,361 1,801 6,572 0i).711 2,710 2,046 4,254 66,080 Buddhist (unspecified) 404 58 J.6I7 2,266 26 O 169 4.IV31 Jain 288 r)2 2,614 1,310 10 3 02 2,401 Sikh 23 5 126 100 2 3 r,.3 Jew 81 20,3 119 235 49 ..'1 70 467 Atheist ... 3 ... ... Theist 2 ... Positivist ... 1 Agnostic C 1 ... Persons not returned by religion, caste, or tribe 24 657 • i 1,700 j 1 10 39 1 j l,7b0 total for the province ... 883,060 167,417 2,791,377 31,670,949 ' 1 1 34.846 ! 2,242 i 97.442

    36,691.439 u 4 TABLE a Education by Caste— Divisional and District details. In every District tliere are several castes with only a very few educated representatives. These persons arc mostly immigrants into the district, and their details would uselessly lengthen the table. They have, therefore, been grouped under the single heading of Minor Castes. The Provincial total, however, gives the full details. The latter portion of the table also shows the number of illiterates, in each caste, but this information, which can easily be obtained by subtraction from Table XVI, has been omitted in tl.e District figures. ( 298 ) TABLE C. TOTAL BARDWAN DIVISION. bardwan Claft8 and Group. Caste a5d Trihe. Male. Female. Male. Lftfiming. Literate. Learning. Literate. Learning. Literate. In English. In other languages. In English. In other languages. In 1 English. lu other languages. Agarwata 3 16 A-2(a) Aguri 4.827 830 8,910 37 2 81 3,914 252 6,817 A^S(a) Bagdi 2.785 117 6,726 S3 ... 286 610 41 787 B»(a) naidya 1,632 618 3,015 32 8 256 299 161 482 J}S1 Baitl {HI 11 293 1 ... 7 ... .. C-id Baniya U.lOl) 1.549 24.222 222 24 673 1.487 225 4,234 A^9(a) Barui 659 21 1,3.31 7 ... 8 126 7 2.’39 A-2(a) Banrl <10 1 27 1,0.50 0 ... 28 83 2 894 E^44 nediya • 4 1 8 1 A^9(a) Bhar in ... 32 ... 1 ... ... ns « ••• «t« 2 42 12 G39 10 2 13 IS 1 37 AS Bhuiya 65 3 93 1 ... ... • •t ... A -4 BhutnlJ 190 8 418 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ns Brahman 41,885 10,305 100,2:13 1,086 123 3,692 9,719 1,890 22,192 nS8 t'hamar 417 27 1,1U ... 14 1 6 26 AS(a) Cttandal or Xamasudra 1,138 87 2,97:J 29 ... 88 166 12 322 A-9(a) ta« ••• 177 18 274 ... ... 27 20 6 28 AS(a) Chana Dhopa 13 4 45 1 ... • M ... ... B-Q4 •!

    l,32i) 111 2.<561 30 1 19 61 4 114 ESI Dom 876 52 2,347 37 ... 47 ,146 2 279 AS(a) Dumdh 10 3 107 ... ... 1 ... AS(U) (Joala 6,415 642 18.7)1 135 0 288 676 64 1,187 ns9 Ilarl 411 28 1,130 ' 62 ... 37 39 ... 83 D-23 Jugi 363 56 1,049 6 ... 15 104 17 SIS A-9(a) Kadma 2^49 670 1 ... 3 ... D~3/S Kahar 100 30 399 ... ... 2 18 1 64 AS(a) Kaihartta 40,189 1,729 87,070 701 18 1,261 471 50 1,075 ns9 Kamar 3,373 164 8,2;i5 37 2 83 672 26 1,395 A -2(a) Kandra 27 64 • •• ... 4 ... n -21 Kansari 233 19 697 3 7 30 2 90 n-20 Karanga 71 1 1.5.5 ... ... 1 ... ... n-9 Kayasthn 15,012 6,996 29,845 748 85 2,651 2,836 1,264 8,099 J}S5 Kewat 114 2 259 ... ... ... ... ... A-4 Jihaira 236 6 614 1 ... 6 ... ... A~i Khnndait ... 44 ... 236 ... ... 1 ... ... A-4 Kliaria 173 4 421 14 2 ... ... A~2(a) Kolri 18 2 92 ... ... ... 3 SO E-41 Bora 65 2 175 8 ••

    1 ... ... DSH KutnFinr 1,970 158 4.101 27 1 67 266 19 008 A 2(a) Knrml 675 13 1,7.59 10 ... 7 8 ... 30 A 4 MahUl 29 1 IGC ... ... ... ... ... nS2(a) Maira 1,890 209 6.995 28 1 96 482 46 1,518 AS(a) .Val 310 9 699 9 ... 14 ... ... A-2(a) Malahar 346 46 870 3 ... 3 66 2 108 nsn ^apit 8,271 817 6.516 63 2 261 644 35 971 AS Oraon 27 1 60 ... ... 4 ... ... ... A- 2(a) Pod 1,200 152 3,569 0 ... 16 ... ... ... A--1 Uajput 083 169 2,729 14 ... 67 188 63 417 AS(a) Baja 089 23 2,751 2 ... 70 ... ... ( 299 ) bpwan Division. ( 300 ) table C MIDNAPUB. 1 Male. Female. Male. Cla-tR and Pahth and TitiuE.
  • Group. 1 1 1 Literate. Literate. Literate. Learning. Learning. Learning. In In other In Tn oilier In In othej language English. 1 languageM. English. languages. English. V-14 Agarivala A -9(a) A(furi 3 ... 11 ... 260 32 A-9(a) Baffdi
  • 16 1,821 12 ... 29 6[)6 29 1,477 B~9(a) Baidya 92 28 207 19 588 218 l,2Vi n-31 Baiti 8 ... 21 63 0 m c^u Baniya l.C-W 138 4,300 42 2 117 2,320 786 3,6m A-9(a) Barui 14U ... 422 1 ... 1 89 11 141 A-9(a) Banri 85 1 275 7 11 78 13 101 E’44 Bt-dlya ... ... ... 4 1 8 A-9(a) Bhar ... ... ... 10 ... 32 B-S Bhat 162 8 449 6 1 12 10 2 27 A-4 Bhuiya 15 45 ... 23 3 38 A-4 BhumiJ 78 4 236 33 4 40 B-S Brahman ... 7.909 833 23,829 279 15 702 7,972 2,900 16,012 J}-3H Chamar 81 2 191 1 3 157 0 319 A-9(a) Chandai or Xamaaudra 059 11 1.703 3 ... 6 no 13 2K5 A -9(a) Chaaa ••• ... 25 8 53 ... ... 20 58 3 UO A-9(a) Chaga Dhopa ... ... ... ... B-94 Bhopa ... 784 18 1,503 13 ... 12 175 45 .327 E-43 Bom ••• ... ISl 13 555 28 ... 9 195 32 612 A-9(a) Busadh .„ .. ... ... 11 1 34 A-9(h) Ooala 1,027 50 8,101 10 1 30 1,127 146 3,230 n-i9 Bari 130 1 420 1 ... ...
  • 25 269 D—93 Jugi .55 1 103 1 ... 94 14 219 A -9(a) Kadm • •• 249 ... 070 1 ... 3 ... ... Jf-3S Kuhar G 1 46 ... ... 1 65 4 140 A-2(a) Kaibartta 20.477 0.55 61,517 470 10 1,035 4,301 286 7,703 D-19 Kamar 1.117 41 2,735 12

    1 37 519 56 1,026 A-9(a) Kandra 27 51 ... ... 4 ... n-91 Knnaari 48 180 1 ... 141 13 m I>-90 Karanga 71 1 155 ... 1 ... B-9 Kayastha 5,254 961 IS, 0-12 209 19 795 2,467 1.379 4,654 D-3S Ketrat 40 ... 167 ... ... ... ... ... ... A-4 Khaira 07 ... 129 ... ... ... 25 4 41 A-1 Khandait 41 ... 220 ... ... 1 ... ... A-4 Kha/ria 173 4 421 14 ... 2 ... ... ... A-9(a) Kolri 4 1 19 ... ... 7 1 25 E-4i Kora 23 ... 91 ... 38 2 74 n-98 Kumhar ... 051 9 1,108 10 ... 20 321 76 744 A-9(a) Kurmi 4:19 2 1,075 10 ... 4 35 8 70 A-4 llahUi 29 1 166 ... ... ... • •ff B— 99(a) Alaira 220 7 6.57 3 ... 11 340 104 1.292 A-9(a) Mai 23 1 68 ... ... 121 8 212 A-9(a) Malakar 135 5 4.33 3 ... 1 113 87 247 B-18 Xapit 1,082 43 2,377 13 ... 167 556 123 1,025 A-4 Oraon ... M

    ... ... 27 1 60 A— 9(a) Pod 776 8 1,929 5 ... 11 00 13 876 A-1 Bajpui s:i9 24 1,168 2 ... 18 138 33 265 A 9(a) Maju ••• 989 23 2,751 2 ... 70 ... ...

    ( 301 ) N Division — continued.
  • now'UAir. Female. Male. Female. Literato. Literate. Literate. Leamiug* Learning. Learning, In English. In oth^r languages. In £ngli.s]i. In other languagcH. In English. In other liinguuges. ... 3 12 1 ... 0 2 12 27 ... • •• ... ... 13 370 :«» 1,032 0 .M 1.5 10 2 87 101 101 100 2 20 1 ... 7 10 07 ... ... C3 7 IGU OH 250 l,fi.S9 15 5 M ... ... 2 ... ... 1 1 10 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 3 ... IS ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 11 ... 215 4.1 i.iao •1,212 3, 121 V.572 103 .32 053 1 ... 1 50 11 3J9 1 ... .'{ 1 ... 6 171 1 021 1 ... 2 ... ... .1 13 4 45 1 ... ... 4 ... 2 101 :is 3.53 1 1 2 17 120 '•> 4o;» 4 0 ... ... 1 8 2 70 11 ... 15 C02 273 2,205 .51 r> no 40 ... 3 2 1 77 1 ... 10 2 n 02 21 3'i9 ... 1 ii. 1 11 21 no ••• 32 0 f.2 8,40.5 v.i 1.5,002 182 .5.1 2 ... 27 no 25 ,301 i 1 ... ... n { 1 u 4 30 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 102 29 771 1,010 1,0.51 2,»K»7 81 O-l .307 ••• ... 1 11 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ...1 4 IS ... ... 8 ... 1 ... ... ... ... 2 ... 3 ISl 43 470 1 ... ... 3 3 84 ... 1 15 • 1 43 171 29 683 ... .5 8 ... 10 1 ... (i 1 ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... 8 1 40 600 97 026 2 15 ... ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... .'110 131 2 ... ... ... 3 22 2.5 213 ... ... 2 ... ... ... ••• i ■■■ ( 302 ) TABLE C. Class and CJrcup. C4BTB, TRIBB, or OROUP. TOTAL BARDWAN DIVISION. Malb. Fbmaxb. Learning. Literate. In English. In other languages. Tn English. In other languages. In English. In other laRKuagos. A^fi(a) Rnjwar 11 63 A~»(a) Sadgop 17,87A 1,848 S-kCAO 219 6 498 3,960 34S tJ,W» l)-29(a) Sankhari 130 4 260 2 ... ... ... ... A-4 Sarttl \ ... 64 ..1 ... ... Ji-17 Sunnr U23 42 2,614 18 6 42 243 14 479 Sukli m 40 2.024 6 ••• 8 ... Sunri 2.370 1.59 6,475 27 2 64 612 49 1,142 Ji -20 Sutradhar 1,335 79 3,2i.s 11 1 33 193 17 437 A-2CaJ Tnmbuli 2,078 231 6,.58S 39 ... 46 .360 62 m n^23 Tanti 6,137 308 14,1.M 38 1 174 631 41 1.349 TcH lO.OtfS 986 20,618 164

    2 379 2.014 206 3,409 n~3S Tiyar

    60i) 39 1,153 4 ... ... ... Minor cuttott ... Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. 2,427 1.2M) 13S 326 80 7 itiyitvs 6,010 311 15,662 131 7 478 j 077 39 1.5S2 Baisnab 4.832 283 13,672 1 19 7 414 ; 667 39 I.5P2 Brahmo 20 14 24 ... 8 Gosain 405 10 812 .. ... ... ... Mahanta . 108 1 61 ... ... ... ... MVSALMAyS fttt 384 m 568 4 6 26 G 4S Hanift 48 3 68 1 6 1 ... SIddiki 1 6 ... ... ... i 1 ... 8unni Persons returned by title or com- mon sub-caste. 308 28 465 3 1 i I 1 26 0 48 nixnvs 1,006 13 2.26H 14 1 4 12 2 C2 Buna ... 40 4 114 ... I 6 Jaltwar 4 1 48 ... 2 ... 6 Malik 0 ... 26 ... ... 18 Nagbanii 3 1 18 ... ... ... 3 1 Naik 203 3 686 ... ... ... ... 26 RaJbansI 26 2 59 ... • 2 6 1 Raut 23 48 ... ... ... 1 Sannanta 97 1 269 ... ... ... ... 9.321 17 MVSALMAyS 23,3-13 1,486 40,741 469 16 976 6,222 342 Khan 33 7 160 ... ... ... 3 Mir ... 60 0 108 I ... ... 2 1 A Mirza ... 9 ... ... ... ... A Moghul • M ••• 116 II 230 2 ... 6 17 3 14 327 419 ft486 Pathan ••• 1.260 207 3,076 27 1 63 126 18 Sayyld ... ... i 760 140 1,697 73 ... 61 193 31 Shaikh ... ... 20,680 1,113 36,016 369 15 839 6,848 890 Learning. Literate. FARDWi Maib. Learning. Literate. ( 303 ) \

    dwan Division — continued . BANKURA. BlUBllUM. rSMALE Male. Female. Male. Female. Literate. Literate. Literate. 1 Literate. I Literate. krning- Learning. Learning. Lmrning. Learning. Ill Augliah. In other ]anguugt}!i. In English. In othor languages. In English. III otlior languages. In English. In Ollier liingiiages. In English. Jn other languages. S7 ... 101 2,183 {»0 4.512 47 ... 28 2.385 139 r.,323 9 ... .36 36 L 96 2 ... 11 33 ... ... 4 tvi ... ... ... ... ... 7 28 23 25 3 ... 132 3 315 2 10 31 o.;7 0 1,700 6 .3 467 15 1.322 5 11 e ... 7 171 391 1 ... 2 147 223 ... 4 7 1,315 2.3 3,191 11 12 ... ... ... 10 32 ocs 16 2.JI32 ... 10 504 11 1,593 »2 4 2U 42 2,883 C4 6,756 12 1 :k) 1,003 ' 9 2,129 D 3 4 DO 323 ... 378 51 ... 93 213 128 38 30 IG 76 m 26 2,057 87 41 472 23 1.678 9 42 18 70 728 20 1,994 37 ... 44 431 23 1,608 4 42 ... ... ... 3 < ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... 10 6 ... ... ... 8 20 ... 1 5 ... ... ... ... • ... ... 6 ... 1 .3 195 1 490 41 213 1 1
t.. ... ... ... 7 29 ... 1 2 ... ... ... 82 229 ... ... 6 ... 20 ■: ... ! ... ... 1 ... 20 ... 1 ... 3 ... ... ... ... , ... 06 1 254 ... ... ... 1 ... ; IGB 2 2,30 1.0.31 31 2,307 2'J 1 46 6.138 66 8.876 .80 ... 110 • 4 ... 10 .. ( ... ... 1 1 21 1 1 ... 1 ... • •• ... 1 ... ... 1 ... .. 1 1 20 • i ... 1 3 1 31 2 ... ••t 206 4 643 0 7 61 12 7 13 ... ... 187 10 416 1 3 ... 22 105 1 ISO 026 34 2.089 22 1 42 4,706 43 7,020 on 70 ( 304 ) TABLE C. CImss and Group. Caste, Tuibb, or GRorP. midnapur. n Mali. Female. ; Male. Loarniug. Literate. Learulng. Literate, Learning. Literate, In English 1 In other ‘j languages. In EiiKlish In ether langunges. In English, In othf-r lanRuagHs i-2(fi) Kojicnr 11 ... 03 4-2(a) Satlyop 4,940 247 10,6S3 84 2 132 2,741 035 1.027 n-29(a) Sanklmri 74 ... 125 ... ... ... ... ... I-J Sarak ... ... ... ... ... n-17 Sonar 375 11 1,314 5 ... 8 ... ... n-23 Snkli ••• 020 .39 1,810 n ... 8 47 ... 122 lisa Sunri 108 0 6CU 5 8 109 39 277 Sutrndhar ... 593 12 1,038 4 17 ISO S3 1(17 n—9(ft ) TamhuH 418 41 1,079 ... ... 40,8 80 1,0.'.:} ii-e.T Tantl 1,780 47 1.029 0 ... 78 913 140 2,:}2i) Ti-~21 Tt>n 1.288 1,180 19 132 2,155 300 4,7(1 Tiff nr 2^7 1 •105 ... .3 59 9 17'J !Unvr casti

831 314 25 ... 52 OlO ... 20} Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. niynvs ... ... . • ... 2.421 87 7,130 48 171 1,1:14 89 2,111 Baisnab 2,1 17 83 0,287 48 ... 173 629 72 1,276 Brahmo . 1 1 1 16 ... • •• 6 6 T Go sain 1 ... 6 ... ... 402 10 91 Mahanta ... ... 100 1 31 m SALMANS 88 18 171 ... ... 2 221 8 100 Hanifi ... 3 ... ... ... 46 3 60 Siddiki ... • •• Sunni ... 66 10 127 ... 169 6 I4i Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. niNinis 204 1 01«) ... 202 8 6:10 Buna 136 4 263 Jaiswar ... 4 ... Malik ... ... Nagbansi ... ... Naik 97 303 ... ... 24 3 64 Raj bans! ... ... • ... 18 1 M Raut ... ... . t ... 16 39 ... ... ... Samanta 2 15 ... MV SALMANS 2,012 200 3,812 95 4 197 6,522 0.51 10,011 Khan 3 17 ... ... 10 2 36 Mir 1 2 15 ... ... 26 1 27 MIrza ... 6 ... Moghul 68 1 134 1 4 17 7 34 Pathan 436 32 1,067 7 ... 10 387 146 774 Sayyid .• 1 ,, 204 17 499 3 ... 18 140 61 262 Shaikh ... 1.600 148 2,086 84 4 166 6,012 434 8,887 ( 305 ) \ Babdwan Division — continued . UOWRAH. Pemalb. Male. Female. Literate. Literate. Literate. Ijoaming* Lt-arning. Learning. In In other In In other In In other English. languagoN. English. languages. English. languages. 36 8 j i 146 1,100 383 2,172 7 55 ... ... 4 a 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 150 14 421 I 5 r> ... ... 17 1 80 1 1 ... Ti 117 41 411 ... 2 »■ 3 ... 3 r .2 17 111 1 1 4 IS 24 M7 35 332 3 7 1 30 403 53 1,322 3 2(» 72 ... 110 soo .36.5 2.400 0 1 i}'l 3 ... 1 223 29 560 1 . 20 100 340 179 19 1 103 42S 47 1,004 2 6 34 12 1 46 3T0 48 025 2 6 34 ... • It 8 1 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 4 5 45 1 1 1 4 2 ... 5 1 3 ... 1 42 1 136 11 30 14 1 13S 1 ! 1 1 ! 6 4 ... 22 1 ... I i 1 30 ... ... 1 1 ... i 2 1 ... 43 • 5 877 1,798 1 192 0,417 53 4 Ilf. ... ’ ’ ... ... ... 1 1 3 44 j 1 ... ... ... 2 19 i 7 6 108 7 J72 2 2 5 S6 12 09 4 4 34 3 260 1,689 164 6,642 40 1 4 1 10 '

X ( 306 ) table C.- TOTAL BABDWAN DIVISIO.V. BAEDWAN. OaouP. Male. 1 Fkmalk. Valb. LiterutP. Litorato. Literate, Lriiniiiig. Learning. Learning. In Etiglisli. In other languHges. In KngliNh. In other langiuigcB. In Englitih. In oti»‘r languages. Persons returned by actual occupation. niSDvs 2,138 70 5.219 61 97 200 8 36G Dulia 174 17 282 3 6 ... ... Qhatwal 2 ... 1,009 ... 2 ... 4 Jaliya 667 14 1,047 6 10 43 1 72 Kotal 62 1 114 2 62 1 114 Mach hum 44 5 133 ... 1 ... Manjhi 370 6 894 ‘ 26 ... 39 1 Mala . . 9 1 16 1 ... 9 1 12 Matlya 103 e 182 1 2 4 6 Mudi 26 ... 31 1 ... ' ... 6 Poddar ♦ 119 6 279 ' 2 7 20 ... 70 Patni 36 10 76 2 ... ... Siuli 26 2 32 1 ... MUSALMAHS j 671 1(1 i 1,1.S2 6 3S 18 1 80 Fakir 36 1 86 1 6 ... 16 Jolaha 461 93 1,027 j 6 32 6 1 12 Persons returned by locality. j 1 1 niNDVS 1.890 17 5.«2 1 16 28 21 ... 21 Marwaris 19 2 44 1 ... 4 18 Uriyat 1,663 16 4,661 i 6 18 ... ' 3 Madrasis 1 1 •• 1 ^4 ' ... •• ... 1 Persons returned by I unidentifiable caste or | unspecified. i i j i j 1 HINDUS j 608 i 1 1,027 1 92 ... 377 130 ... ... MUSALHANS 1,438 170 1 2,755 1 7 4* ... C4 CHRISTIANS '17r. I.IOS 1 579 i 375 .572 719 94 420 87 European 94 476 41 164 16 42 8 131 3 Eurasian 34 203 24 22 104 13 1 20 4 Native 347 620 614 189 293 694 86 269 80 BUDDHISTS 49 ' ... ... ... ... 1 JAINS C 43 I i 1 ... 1 1 ... 4 OTHER RELIGIONS 6 ... 19 ... ... 8 ... ... 2 Total 225,920 30,075 502.328 j 1 5,238 888 14.320 38.149 6,739 74,008 ( 307 ) 3AEDWAir Division — continued. [ t3uo ; TABL

— MIDXAPUE. HU( GRorp. j Male. Esmaib. Malb. Literate. Literate. Literate. Learn inK. Learning. Learning. In English. In other languages. In English. In other languages. In English. In other language's. Persons returned by actual occupation. HiyDUS 518 17 1.401 28 ... 49 8.32 32 2,239 Oulla ... ... ... ... 167 14 243 Qhatwal ... ... ... ... Jaiiya 1 13 4 364 4 1 1 218 6 322 Kotal ... ... ... ... ... Machhua 43 6 133 ... ... ... ... ... ... ManjhI 231 6 062 18 36 1 ... Mala ... ... ... ... ... Matiya 20 1 40 ... ... ... ... Mudi ... 20 ... ... ... ... Poddar ... ... ... ... ... Patnl 14 ... 22 .. 21 10 47 Siuli ... ... ... 23 tss 28 MU SALMANS 98 3 212 ... 2 628 08 1,182 Fakir 2 ... 20 ... ... 1 25 1 46 Joiaha ... 460 02 897 Persons returned by locality. niNDUS 1,008 11 4.886 0 21 190 6 373 Marwaris ... ... ... 20 ... ... ... 1 ... ' Uriyat 1,621 9 4,469 6 18 26 e 88 Madrasis 2 ... 17 ... ... ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. IT INDUS 02 ... 502 ... 6 205 ... 300 MV SALMANS IW 4 231 2 ... 2 138 97 S09 CHRISTIANS 105 00 135 85 29 05 109 107 82 European 14 1 1 9 7 II 2 10 26 Eurasian ... 3 6 ... 2 ... ... a Native 91 46 121 78 10 93 99 74 81 nUDDHISTS ... ... 15 ... ... ... ... ... JAINS ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 OTHER RELIGIONS 9 ... 7 ... ... 1 ... ... 1 Total 71,300 8,770 178,043 1.576 84 4.127 41.178 8.784 78,782 ( 309 )

upwAN Division— . .T -T- — - —

iiowinii. FISMAIE. Male. Literate. liil orate. Learning. Learn LefirniiiK. — In other In In other EnKlish. laiiKuuKeH. FiiKlish, Iiiroru:it;ea. 21 .H2 213 U j HM5 1 3 4 17 3 30 1 3 141 4 232 1 ... ... 4 j ... 2 3 ... 2 1 0 1 2 2 •«« 6 • •f 36 13 2 CO 6 ... 32 ... 10 7 ... i 1 60 .‘‘60 100 200 ... 11 1,137 69 •2,1U 26 19 m 129 Win 206 16 1 67 293 6 i 6 33 172 6 10 133 30 86 201 1 ... 30 ... ... 8 ... ... 9 . 1.004 118 3,8»i8 1 1!!),58.S 1 8,769 50,620 1 i_ _ Kkmalk. 97 47 Id 37 Litomlo. In In olhor •>()0 93 143 34 Itr! 37 ( 310 ) TABLE C. — PiiESiDENCv TOTAL PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 24-PA R riahii and Gruup. Male. 1 Female. Male. r’ASTK AM* TKIDB. j 1 Literate. j Literate. Literate. Learning. In English. In other languugus. Learning. I" EtiKliiih. In it her Ian- guagea. Learning. In , Euglibh. In ther Ian* guagos. r 14 A itaru'ata 38 50 000 1 35 i iS(n) Af/url 21 5.5 .315 2 ... 10 6 5 10 liaytU I.IM 578 3,508 61 3 67 1,336 552 2.869 fi U(a) liaUlya 1,355 1.414 l,.6.3l 131 21 628 35 18 58 Haiti W 21 108 14 48 18 21 IS C 14 Jtaniya .. 1,020 .3,212 17,023 178 57 046 460 2.31 1 OliH .l-'-£(o) Itarui 1.196 200 3,208 121 1 44 197 80 418 -i 2(u) Itauri 20 2 26 ... 15 2 5

  1. 14 Betliya ... 276 07 4.61 34 101 A~2(a) Jthnr ... 8 ... ... 4 it -H Tlhat .30 8 221 ... 83 8 165 lf-59 iihuimali 105 72 1 2 ... 21 40 17 2S1 f- i Ithulya .. 20 0 77 4 10 4 41 A-i Jthumij ... R ... 01 ... 2 8 ... in A^ii(a) Ttind 8 1 55 ... ... ••

    H-,% itrahman ... 27,310 17.701 61,306 2,817 221 0,715 8,221 4,138 11,5-18 A ~ 2(a) Chain no 5 ni 1 ... 4 ... 0-38 Chamar ... .6(50 107 1,730 10 1 53 377 74 270 A -2(a) Chandul ... 2.023 187 10.073 22 5 8.3 351 107 979 I Va) Chasa Dhopa no 110 1,(H)2 9 ... 41 272 :i4 407 A 2(n) Chaaati ... 83 •• •• ... A- 2(a) Ohanuk ... 08 ... 117 ... 2 ... 2 0~2i Oho pa 835 288 2.483 ' 62 42 107 568 216 1,484 F-43 Oom 748 221 2,22.5 ! 10 11 71 718 216 2.072 A ‘2(a) Ousadh 50 2.3 1.35 1 ••• 1 7 i 16 1 4 117 0-35 Onnvar ... ' 7 25 !; ... O 25 Oarori ... 10 ... 7 ... 1 - 2(h) Ooala .3, 1.38 1,107 10.516 ! i;i3 30 600 1 1.932 713 4,607 J)-23 duyi 1,201 1 320 4.866 1 <>2 18 97 1 .310 158 1.131 0-35 Kahor ... i •“ 56 1..393 10 2 38 62 9 147 A -2(a) Kaibartta 11,128 2,901 17,158 479 35 1,706 6,809 1,559 3.600 0-19 Kamar .. 1.622 .320 4,789 159 2 761 43^1 190 1,210 0-22(a) Ka$iiiu ... 21 28 170 ... ... 8 6 1 30 O 21 Hnnsari . 320 1.35 818 21 1 64 112 36 48 D 23 Kupali b-Vi 82 2.318 46 ... 46 126 20 367 0-20 Karangn 7 0 86 2 ... 6 0 83 If 9 Koya$iha 19,636 14,002 61,688 3»470

    327 0f634 3,933 2,596 24,035 A 4 Khaira ... 39 1 78 301 39 1 78 A-1 Khnndoit 26 m 2 23 9 72 A -2(a) Koiri 11 25 122 3 6 3 37 A -4 Kol 7 19 70 7 ... 19 F-41 Kora 40 53 1 ... ... ... ... 0-28 Kumhar :,613 026 4,350 323 206 319 633 219 1,104 A 2(a) Kartni ... 102 59 860 ... ... 13 ai 41 •127 0-22(a) Maira 053 279 3,534 12 4 73 96 66 472 A-2(a) Mat 66 3 98 1 ... 3 6 2 8 A ‘2(a) Ma takar 102 71 413 8 7 31 83 0 16 0-35 Mafo K2 21 820 ... ... 13 ... ( 311 ) Division. ( 313 ) TABLE C. — Peebidency NADIA. JEBSOR. Male. Female. Male. Female Cl'isM iimT Gioup. 1 Tiiiui.. 1 Litoral e. Literate. Literate. Litofate. ing. Lojini- ing. Loiirn- ing. Til Eng- lish. In othur lan- KuagiM. Ill Eng. tiHh. in oilier Inn- auiiges. Tn Eng. li.sh. Tn other Ian- gimKes. Learn- ing. In Eng- li8h. In ()1 hi'J(a) Aytirl 2 21 ... ... ... ... ... ... ilogiH 11 1 129 ... 1 16 12 315 1 H~9(a) Itaidffa ... 103 204 29 ... 131 320 147 270 40 89 nsi Jtaiti 13 ... •41i ... 12 • ». 31 ... €-14 liottiya 825 29fi 2,875 39 44 172 28 1,227 ... 21 A -2(a) Itarni (i5 9 ICS 1 4 4-17 65 787 103 2 l-9(aj noiiri ... ... ... ... ... • •• E^44 Itediya ... ... 4 15 ... ... A -2(a) Ithor ... ... 4 ... ... ... n-H Ithot ... ... 2 ... ... Ithuimoll ... 18 72 ... 8 1 30 1-4 Hhoifja ... ... ... .. • •t ... 1-4 Jthinnif ... ... ... ... ... ... A^2(a) It i 0(1 ... ... ... ... n-s Jtrohman ... 1,912 9,987 214 21 1,731 3, 104 1,1.51 8,972 404 3 1,853 Choi O' 1 ... 8 • •• ... l»- 38 Chootor .52 215 .. 2 37 • •• 287 1 A-2(a) Cha octal ... IW 27 .5.3S 2 .520 14 3,6r>3 2 23 A -2(a) Chosa Dhopo ;i2 1 70 1 41 142 2 A-2(n) Chosnti ^ ... t-2(u) Olucooh ... ... ... ... ... ... U 24 Ohopa 2 3.53 • •• ... 3 58 188 1 1 E-43 Ooin ... 13 ... 3 ... 15 1 1 A-2(a) Ousntih fi ... 20 ... n-33 Gauror ... ... ... n—2G Gcircri ... I •(fO Qoola j 40S 79 1,200 C H i 311 ;4i 1,153 6 20 J}~23 Jugi ' I'JO 1 49 739 1 1 13 220 11 1,036 1 6 J}-35 Kohnr 1 ” 02 1 2 15 ... A -2(a) Koibnrtta .. ' 2.021 325 4,819 1.5 57 5.5!) 69 2.10 1 7 18 0-19 Kamor 3.S 808 i 4 .. 11 388 19 1.3S4 1 3 i)-22(a ) Kamlu . . .. ... r, 20 D-31 Konsori .. 111 9 272 0 14 58 8 128 7 8 D-33 Kopall 4.5 7 1.52 189 8 968 25 1 0-20 Kuraogo ... ... ... ... ... O-U KoyoHtUa .. 2,179 r,:,3 t,29G 372 8 CT.l •4,172 1,1 92» 10,207 1,015 10 2,983 1-4 Khalra ... ... ... A-1 Khondoit ... ... 1 -3(a) Kolri ... ... ... f 4 Kol ... .« j:-4i Korn ... ... ... , ... ... 0—2H Kumhar ... ;js5.5 ... ... ... a, 667 7(50 O.SSt 153 2 60.5 2,050 602 7,112 140 m iir> 5 413 1 4 ... 30 ... 61 1 35 2 2.58 1 5 6.' 6 316 1 2 03.5 4 4..520 0 1 80 2 1S7 ... 34 S3 67 111 ... 1 ... ... 31 1 100 20 1 87 1 3 10 6 26 4 37 ... 0 1 88 5 ... ... ...
    7 25 ... ... • 10 7 207 30 551 11 1 11 389 0 780 17 2* 86 1 2.3S 314 0 1,1.31 2 0 81 » 47 1 2.3 113 1,U4 220 3.202 16 36 110 3 280 118 6 2!»2 3 4 301 10 SM 2 4 21 ... 8 48 6 1 5 ... 41 180 21 H37 5 3 2 3 2 1,075 irio 3.728 63 11 ;i59 '1 .5.53 H20 6,088 271 5 682 ... ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... 4 2 10 ... ... 40 .53 1 ... ... ... ... 2ll 16 360 7 1 lOS 2 309 ... 56 2 126 ... 8 ... ... 214 27 6:)4 2 ... 2 22 2 82 ... .W 1 05 1 ... .3 •• ... ... ... 17 ... 43 ... ... 22 fj 10* ... ... ... ^3 2 275 ... ... 1 45 10 09 ( 314 ) TABLE C. — Pkehidkncv TOTAL PRESIDENCY DIVISION. L'Inss nnd C.«rK. Trmjk (»k L iroup. UKotrp. n sr* Maviyari A-‘J(a ) Natjar n-iH \apif D 30 Muni if a h .1.5 l*aUvur 1 A -2(a) rod i-t \ Rajput 1 2(a) Ra firar A -2(a) Satlyop ... i»-20(a) Sattkhari n 17 Sonar J)-23 ' Sukfi /> 30 1 Suuri i)-3r, 1 Sa ruh ii/a n-20 1 SatradUnr A 2(a) 1 Tamhali , , n-23 TauH 27 Trfi n-3r» Tiyar 1-4 Tart 9Iinnr rasli s Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. ttiynvs ... Baisnab Brahmo Gosain HVSALStAys Shia Sunni Pe’sons returned by title or common sub -caste. UtNDVS Buna Jaiswar Mandal Nagbansi Rajbansi I^tl HALMAT^S Chaudhari Khan Mir Moghul Pathan In In other EiigliMh. langiiaKeii. In other Ian- KuagfM. 1,177 ( 315 ) Division — continued. GANAS- CALCUTTA. Female. Male. Female. Litorato. Lit urate. LitoraU. Lt)arniMK. Learning. Learning. In Kiigliah. In othor languagc.s. In Knghsb. In other languuge.N. ! In Knghhh. In other lauKuagoH 31 24 74 210 334 881 19 12 80 ... 3 25 2 24!) 6 N13 27 3S 195 4 3 ... 0 50 152 947 1 2 r.7 .3 ... 32 37 no 40.3 786 1,834 15 20 204 ... 10 11 ... ... 1 I 2 25 4 0] J07 207 1,004 21 21 !) :i6 45 120 4.3S 2 7 44 1 6 75 250 527 6 2 60 3 ... 9 (15 132 706 9 1 .50 14 2 8 734 1,278 1,553 40 4 3)7 30 22 55
  2. .503 2,590 2 2 93 14 ... 4H ... ... ... ... ) 13 99 30 ... 15 11!) 41 277 5U7

    7!i8 2,073 ItJO 187 424 N6 28 248 317 614 1,723 31 2 233 4 • 3 6 84 106 99 76 16 120 ... 1 ... ... 1 1 78 1 1 6 ... ... ... 70 ... .. 0 ... ... ... 162 •A) 627 1 2,6.'’»7 2,.'i55 16.714 m 4H 981 3 1 ... ... 2 ... 7 18 20 129 i 8 23 16 2 118 161 182 L436 1 10 2 . i III • ( 316 ) TABLE C. — pRESIDENCV NADIA. JESSOR. Cl}is Jisli. In otlier lan- guagCM. In Eng- lish. In other lun- guugeH. li 35 Muriyari ... •« A~2(a} Naf/ar ... ... ... n 18 Napit 37(1 70 1,00.1 2 10 321 18 I,:i.‘i6 ... 7 Ii—30 Nunif/a ... Valifftr ... ... 2>--J6 raal ... ... ... ... 1 ii(a) rod
  3. 2 106 28 1 1.16 Rajput 78 18 .313 7 ... ! K, 24 9 0!» 7 1 Itajwar ... ... A-S(a) Sadyop 2» 3-1 (137 3 ... 3 221 32 .18.1 S 32 ll-W(n) San/c/iari ... 4 3 11 ... 1 10 38 1 11-17 Sonar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 11-33 SaJdi ... ... ... ... ... J}-36 Sunri 2G7 23 713 7 IS 1,1 S2 33 4,at3 16 39 D^35 Sarahlya ... 109 :>() 2t)9 1 12 30 3 07 11—30 Sntradhar 09 16 220 1 ... 2 116 8 498 3 A-2(a)

    Tambali m 12 ISI 4 2 83 4 3 26 ... I> 33 Tanti 21.') 26 64-1 12 ... .5.1 00 6 61.1 1 5 11-37 Tell 83 1 ICO 2,203 18 1 05 516 21 2,033 1 4 11-35 Tiyur «i •11 ... 1 5 A -4 Tart 1 1 6 ... ... ... Alhior cast If.V iss 4S 2 41 Religious devotees and persons returned i>y sect. 1 niNTirs 2iS (12 1,116 6 ,63 171 21 839 12 46

    •isnab 244 64 1,307 4 107 teo 20 842 20 Brahmo 6 7 12 2 7 4 4 22 12 ... 20 Qosain 1 ... ... MVSALAiAWS ... ... ... ... ... Shia ... ... ... ... ... ... Sunni ... ... ... Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. 11 IN 11 vs 01 2 208 ' 2 a 28 u '67 ... 1 Buna ... id 2 33 ... 1 18 30 ... ... 1 Jaiswar t ■ aa* 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... Mandal ... ... j ... ... ... ... ... Nagbansi ... ... j ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Rajb.'insi ••• ««. 73 ... 184 ... 1 0 1 10 ... ... • MV SALMANS 4,072 356 13,531 27 1 113 5,766 274 28,857 41 236 Chaudhari ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Khan ... ... ... • •• ... ... ... ... ... Mir ... ... ... ... ... ... • »4 ... ... ... ... Moghul ... T 1 16 ... ... 1 2 22 ... ... ... Pathan 132 60 833 2 ... 8 161 14 006 ... ... 7 ( 317 ) Division — continued. MURBHIDABAD. KHULNA, Femalb. Male. female. Literate. Literate. Liioruto. Literate. Learning. In Ent^liah. In other lanKUHKes. LearninK. In English. In [other Ian- 1 Jjearnmg. In Euglisli. In ofh(‘r Isn- luagoA. Learning. In Englidh. In other lan- guages. 2 10 I 4 1 19 ... ... ... ... ... 249 81 638 1 13 291 13 801 G 22 2 ... 7 ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... 14 ... ... ... 229 3 466 1 ... 700 12 2,359 7 8 100 13 2-t8 ... H 11 5 70 ... 1 740 62 1,215 6 20 216 18 303 f.i ... 3 14 1 18 1 2 8 2 3i) ... ... 112 14 298 2 6 ... ... ... ... 354 40 1,140 6 2 34 Kj 4 1,258 5 17 ... 15 ... ... ... 44 4 87 1 ... 102 9 811 ... 1 3 31 2 84 ... 2 82 65 119 3 3 6 ... ... ... ... 255 10 694 2 ... 4 43 3 I'.Kl ... 1 497 22 098 12 12 18 242 5 964 4 43 1 141 1 ... 1 21 109 84 ... 281 5 ... 18 i 153 1C6 ... ... 380 3(5 1,271 48 ,.5C 1.33 3 645 20 376 30 1,266 48 66 120 2 684 • 9 ... ... ... 2 1 6 1 ... *• ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 160 19 490 4 4 148 422 1 ... 6 ... ... ... ... 2 ... 133 18 420 3 ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 109 i 276 ... k 12 ... 33 ... ... ... ... ... 6 ... 131 4,607 267 11,718 134 6 237 3,569 123 13,040 81 ... ... ... 7 ... ... ••• 14 20 ... ... 7 10 ... 10 ... 66 ... ... 20 2 88 ... ••• 6 3 ... 13 ... 1 ... 120 20 366 I 1 1 6 106 4 881 1 ( 318 ) TABLE C. — Presidency — TOTAL PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 1 24.PAR Malb. Fbmalb. 1 Male. Gbolp. Literate. Literate. Literate. Learning. In English. In other langUMgc^B. Learning. In English. In other langu. ugos. Learning. In English. In other lantru- ages. Persons returned by title or common sub-caste— Jiri75ylIiJir43r-S— concluded. Sardar 609 9 2.160 3 ... 6 ... Sayyjd 1,364 648 3,073 22 7 162 612 312 1,208 Shaikh 28.490 6.921 106,483 613 73 1,889 10,212 2,908 31,812 Persons returned by actual occupation. HINDUS (ini 287 2.(>19 96 1 155 218 247 902 Badyakar 10 32 ... ... 3 6 ... 29 Chitrakar 6 30 1 3 4 26 Dulla ... - 41 II 226 ... ... 1 36 10 192 Ghatwal 23 6 70 ... 1 ... 12 Jallya 386 209 1,416 86 1 92 137 187 288 Kotal 1 1 30 ... ... ... 4 Mala 22 34 148 ... 8 18 34 1 12 Manjhi 8 ... 87 ... a ... 80 Patni 1 14 26 487 2 ... 33 33 10 166 MUSAZMANS 1,24^1 82 4,985 12 1 40 254 6C 5!<8 Dal 16 S 69 ... ... ... ... ... Dhawa 81 3 1 1 1 ... 63 2 26 Dhunia 1 21 3 1 6 1 20 Dalai ■ 23 98 ... ... Oolaha 631 62 2,690 1 6 j 22 132 45 437 Kazi 1 SI 1 II 1,106 2 6 ... Mullah 1 122 1 613 ' ... ... Nikari 60 3 207 ' 10 40 3 90 Karigar 20 1 123 ... ... Persons returned by locality. HINDUS 241 37 1.171 ... ... G 59 29 148 Marwaris 192 24 670 ... ... 16 24 6 Madrasis 1 22 ... ... ... 7 Uriyas 46 12 633 ... 0 43 6 136 Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. HINDUS G 6 40 6 6 ... ... HUSALldfANS S 29 j ... ... ... ... DUDDUIST8 72 5K 909 16 2 88 10 64 VllHISTIANS 3,029 11.672 2,02 i 2,871 6.796 1,004 485 1,842 774 European 708 6.487 160 760 2,810 187 4 14 6 Eurasian 1.059 2.971 167 1,070 2,797 237 3 ... Native 1,172 3.214 1.691 1,046 1.189 1,260 491 1,826 768 .lAINH 128 44 808 15 3 35 2 ... 2 aXittU RELIGIONS ... i 86 391 213 55 169 73 ... ... 15 Total 148,030 74.894 440,150 12^821 8,477 33,657 62.843 21,000 134,401 ( 8W ) • Division— GANAS. CALCUTTA. Fbmalr. 1 Male. Fcmale. Literate. Literate. I.iterato. Learning. Ill EiiKltsh. In other ! laiigii:ii(P8. ' Learning. In English. Tn other languag(«i.

    Learning. In English. In other languages. 3 4 ! 1 i 67 00 145 647 8 2 38 138 23 442 2.379 2,202 14,603 108 44 809 S5 1 12-t 32 21 330 1 1.3 ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 6 1 1 4 2 1 84 1 78 21 18 289 1 1 ... 8 ... 1 32 3 3 22 ... 12 ... 2 ... II ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 2 124 « 8 4.19 ... 4 121 ... 21 1 16 ... 2 3 7 304 ' 4 ... ... ... ... 1 ... 348 3 i 346 410 10 400 2 443 6 438 1 46 9,661 6.309 2,968 1,204 44 101 H 16 2,10J 742 1,076 286 6 53 2 6.301 2,-81 2,794 726 3 169 86 724 fOO 237 207 7 71 4,301 1,112 11,386 20,866 41.546 82,453 4,361 7,170 0.607 ( 320 ) TABLE C. — Pbesidenct


    MADIA. JESSOR. Malb. Fsmalb. Malb. F BMALE. GBorp, Literate. | Literate. Literate. Literate. Leam- iiiR. In Eng- lish. [n other laiign- ages. Ltmm- iug. In Eng- lish. In other langu- ages. Learn- ing. In Eng.’ lish. In other langu- ages. Learn- ing. In Eng- lish. In othor langu- ages. Persons returned by title or common sub-caste— cortcW. 1 mrSA L.Vvl-y.^-conold. Jardar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ixffid 133 21 420 1 1 7 187 20 792 2 ... 18 Shaikh 3,798 283 12,760 24 ... 127 6,426 240 27,347 31 ... 206 Persons returned by actual occupation. 60 2 267 8 ... 15 170 1 610 2 ... 1 Badyakar ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... 3 ... ... ... Chitrakar ... • •• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Dulia 6 i 28 ... ... ... ... ... Qhatwal ... ... ... ' ... ... ... Jaliya 23 ... 89 1 139 483

  4. 1 Kotai 1 ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... Mala 2 ... 14 ... ... ... ... ... ... Manjhi ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... Patni 20 1 92 ... 1 20 1 1 10 1 ... MV SALMANS ... ... ... 201 2 1,174 1 ... 2 Oal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Dhawa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ohunia .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Dalai ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Jolaha ... ... 201 2 1,174 1 ... 2 Kazi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  5. Mullah ... ... ... ... ... ... •- ... NIkarl ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Karigar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... Persons returned by locality. HINDUS ... 21 ... ... ... ... 10 ... ... ... Marwaris ... 17 ... 16 ... ... Madrasis ... ... ... Uriyas ... 4 ... ... ... ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. HINDUS ... ... ... ... 6 0 40 6 ... 6 MUSALMANS 0 ... 20 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... nUDDUlSTS ... 2
  6. 1 ... ■ CHRISTIANS ... 25!) 09 451 330 SO 400 70 65 48 60 12 55 European 1 16 ... 1 ... ... 28 3 1 7 2 Eurasian 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... , Native 267 82 461 336 19 400 70 37 46 60 6 63 JAiNS 1 ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... H OTHER BELiaiONS ... • M 1 ... ... ...

    - ... ... tt ... ■ Total ... 19.609 4.661 62,101 1.166 67 3,600 20,010 8,290 76,023 1,803 81 6,491 Division— concluded. ( 321 ) MURSHIDABAD. KHULNA. Malb. Ekmalf. I 1 Mai.k. 1 Fkmalk. in Literate. Literate. i Lileriite, Learning. III English. Inothrr | languages. | In English. In other lungu- tlKOS. Learning. In English. In other Iiiugiiages. Lenrn- ing. In English. In Cither hincii- UgfS, j i 1 609 9 2,160 G 302 42 647 8 ... 36 121 8 360 ... a 4,138 203 10,676 126 6 lOI 2,637 05 9,396 27 1 16 4i) 10 127 1 o.n C 4U 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... 4 • •• !!! 1 10 6 66 ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... 65 4 265 ... ... 1 10 ... 24 1 ... ... ... ... 2 22 j 1 ... ... ... ... 4 17 2 20 ... ... 21 2 87 2 88 3 1 1 7oH 2> 3,13.'’) (5 J.'i ... ... ... ... 16 3 60 .. ... ... 28 1 80 ... 1 3 ' ... 23 ... 08 1 22 68 i ••• 178 6 027 2 0 1 ... 0 ! ... ... 1 310 i 1 1,000 1 2 ... ... ... 122 ' 613 1 1 .. ... ... ... 26 ... Ml ! 1 1 u ... ... ... 20 1 123 i 1 BS r.27 1 1 ... 66 510 ... ... . ... 1 '! i % ! 15 78 11 1(5 45 17 40 '17 120 ’ j ! 1 ! 2 29 2 4 10 1 9 1 1 1 3 i - 1 k 13 40 9 12 26 17 40 17 120 1 8 4 1 6b 1 95 ... 730 9 28 2 i 1 1 1 17,088 2,iC0 43.216 .580 91 1.745 17,021 1.032 1 51,8^2 1 ; 13 j-T„: ( 322 ) TABLE C.— RajshAiii , TOTAL EAJSHAllI DIVISION. DINAJI’UR. Male. Female. Male. Female. Tijiss niui Caste axd Tkiuk. 1 ii 1 1 1 Litcmtu. 1 liitor.3to. Literato. Literate. L(>ariiin(i In Cng lisli. In olhei lun- Loarninfi L In Eng- lish. In other hui- guugfs. LiarniuK In F.iik- hsh. In other Ian. guagCH. Learning In Eng- lish. In ot lnT hin- ffoagen. r n Af/n t'lrala
  7. 1 100 3 12 31 /; ti(a) Itaiiltja 3(irj :5.'>i 010 41 107 (5.3 .52 (50 :i 1 ‘27 n 31 Itaiti 17 .51 ... ... 2 ... ... r 14 Itanhja ... 717 ii.j .3,205 11 3 (57 102 21 132 2 ... 11 r~4ft li/iatia 12 211 ... 2 ... ... ... i:43

    Jiaii ... 2 ... ... 2 .. 1- V(.«; Itarni 220 12 C23 ... •1 27 05 ... It - s Ithal 12 3 Cl 1 1 ... ... n—3ii Itlmhniill 1110 1 807 ‘ ... 0 1.5 ... 77 ... ... It r» Hralnnan 170 2.(5. .S 1C, sc, 7 20 IJCl 4S1 3 05 2/2 v;» 11 ... 51 .1- vYa> Chain 13 12C ••• ... ‘21 ... ... />-o,S Chainnr .. O.i 1 (:.5i 2 ... 2 (5 1(57 ... 1 .1 '1(a) i’hasa Hhopa ... 32 1 10(5 2 ... 10 ... ... ... i- 1(a) t'hnsiiti 13 12 ... ... ... 13 22 ... ... n-'i'i Ilami 10 2 60 ■■ ... ... ... ... ... ... i- 4 Dhvnaar ... 1.5 ... ... ... ... D - '14 Dhopa 00 IS 23S 4 13 2 .53 ... 4 j:-43 Horn 4 50 ... ... ... J ... 38 ... ... .1- i Gharti 121 7 .370 1 ... 2 ... ... A-'l(h) < 1 Of rtf t ... (SOG ns 1,S7U (5 10 no 12 cor* o ... 1 A - 4 (iaratirj , , (to tio 1553 1 ... 8 ... ... ... ... 11-23 M.M 13 i,.3i;o 2 2 no 5 522 1 ... 1 n -^3 n lia/tar f.GG 41 7 41 (5.5'’ 44 2,fi,‘53 C 17

    2ia) KaUtfi rtf ft 2,7^5 no 8,70.5 I 2.5 ... €S 57 1 41 2,3((0 (5 ... If. />— /5> Kfunar (til 7.3 1J20 1 1 2 ... 11 71 1 211 1 ... 5 /> /O Kftmi HO 12 31.5 2 ... <5 ... ... ... ... ... li-22(a) Kft u'fii s 1 1:1 1 ... .3 •'5 .31 ... Ji 'll Kansari., liO 2 (5,5 1 (5 1 19 ... J» '13 Ivapali
  8. 2.57 1 1

    ... ... n- 9 Jiff i/ast/ta 4,772 l.MO I 13,171 i 211 12 7S0 202 2()S 1/207 7 1 31 Jf .7.5 IwiVfft 11 ^7 ;
  9. 1 20 ... 1 ... A- 4 lihainf/n .•JS2 .51 2,151 ' 4 1 IS ... ... ... ... ... 1- 4 Khffrirar .5 40 ' ... ... ... ... ... ... t 2(a) liorhh 10, M5 311
  10. ns :

    10.5 1 3S1 3, .3(50 .53 1(5,032 23 94 f:-ll Kora 1 2(5 , ... ... 1 ... 2(5 ... ... n— 2 ft Kumhar... SlO 4.5 1,(555 j 12 22 r.i 1 237 ... ... 2 Ka) Kurmi 30 S 371 j ... 2 2 1 70 ... ... A- 4 f-cprfni 2G 20 2.30 j 1 7 ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 Li nfnt 21 1)25 2 2 1.5 ... ... ... ... ... n-‘ll(a) 9Iaira .311 12 i.iio 1 1 ... 7 24 ... W ... ... ... .1 'l(a) 1/«f ... IS 1 ... ... 13 ...

    ' e ... A 2(a) HnJaka r M 7 3.32 ... ... 10 1 7« ... ... ... II -35 Mfrlo (52 2 232 ... ... ... ... 12 ... ... ... A 'l(a) . Ufrhh li ... 01 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 4 Mumla 14 2 11(1 j ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A - 4 Mangrtr 18^1 13 7(71 ' 3 ... 11 ... ... ... ... .1— 4 91nrml 7h 11 6S0 1 ... H ... ... ... ... t - 2(n) J ^amaattfira ... 6!t.i 13 2,1(53 2 ... 22 27 107 ... ... ... li^tS J* ^apU « 8l*J 31 2,67» .3 ... 14 141 10 dll ... ... 1 Division, ( 323 ) C 321 ) TABLE C«— Rajshahi BOGRA. PABNA. Male. Female Male. Female n>iss uml CAaTR AND (Jl-nuj). TltlUE. 1 1 ■ ■ Litci'ato. Litorato. Literate. Literate. LeuriiinK In Eng- lish. In othor Ian' gUBK'S. Learning In Eng- lish. ' In other 1 luti- gimgea. Learning In Eng. Jish. In other Ian- Kuugoa. Learning In Eng- Hall. In other lau- guagoH. 4-14 Af/arwala 2 3d .3 33 it “ U(n) Itaidua 6 7 10 1 7 105 86 151 8 40 H—Al naitl 1 ... 3 1 ... 15 ... 41 ... ... 4 -14 Itaalyn t;j 1 217 ... 2 17S 23 675 3 IC h'4H Bhalia ... ... ... • •• ... ...
  11. 15 Itari ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... t- Ilarul 20 1 71 ... 1 100 7 213 ... 1 It- s Jlhot ... ... ... ... ... ... ... • •1 ... n-39 Ithnimali 39 1 l.>4 ... 60 1 212 ... 7 It- 5 Brahman 40.3 no 1,.314 1 2S 128 2,028 860 4,(KU 68 406 ^'(aj i'haln ... ... 1 , ... ... 7 ... ..p ... JI-3S iJhamar . 1 .. 114 1 ... 35 108 ... 1- ^4(a) Cham Dhopa ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... i- 9(a) Chasati ,m ... ... 1 ... ... ... fiami ... ... ... ... ... .1- 4 lihcnuaT ... ... ... ; ... ... n-94 tihopa 1 s 19 1 ... 21 9 43 ... j:-i3 Bom ... ... ... 1 ... ... 3 ... 16 ... .I 1 Gharti ... ... ... 1 ... 1- 9(h) 4ioaJa 67 4 241 1 200 27 455 ... .1- 4 Our any ... ... ... i - ... ... ... .. li ■ 93 Auyi 72 31S ! 1 ... 20 1 103 ... 11-33 Kahar 1 17 i - ... 6 ... 37 ... 1- (9a) Kaibartta 201 10 013 1 1 5 400 37 1,024 11 13 />-id Kantar 26 2 96 ! ■ 287 11 844 1 3 fi-19 Miami ... ... 1 ... ..1 ... ... ... ... n-99(a) I Kanflu ... 4 ... ... ... 6 j ...
  12. 91 liansarl ... 14 25 ... 3 • •i If -93 1 Kapnll 34 41 i - 65 2 141 ... ... n— U Kayasthn 475 138 1,417 ! 48 1 115 2,795
  13. 6,113 45 307 li—33 Jirivat y KJintnhu ... ... i 1 ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 ... ... ... ... ... .» ... ... ... -1- 4 Kha rtvar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... A- 9(„) Koohh 100 1 427 1 1 17 ... 75 ... ... JC-41 Kora ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... /> 9H Kumhar 41 ... 157 ... ... ... 215 20 611 9 ... 13 A-9(a) Kurmi 11 1 SO ... ... G ... 62 ... ... A - 4 I.epcha ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A - 4 Limba ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... n^29(a) Maira 22 2 71 ... 53 1 213 ... .M ... A-9(a) Mai ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A - 9(a) Malahar ... 10 ... 28 ... ... 27 ... 119 ... n- 35 Mato 29 ... 88 ... ... 6 ... 39 ... .M A-9 (a) Merhh ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 Ma nd a ... ... ... ... ... ... ... yf- 4 Manyar ... ... ... ... «« ... ... ... A- 4 Murml ... «•» ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8(a) Namauudra 54 ... 190 ... 1 180 5 608 PM ... 18 JJ-18 Napit 10(1 ... 291 ... ... 6 263 9 477 2 ... 4 ( 325 ) Division — continued. DAR.JBKLTNO. JALPAIGUKI. • Male. Female. M\le. Female. Loarninff. Litoral 0 . LoariiinR. Lit (‘rate. Litonito. Liloraft.

    In EnKlisli. In othor lanKtiagiH. In FiiKliNh, Tn otluT langiuifffs. Loarninur, In EiikIisIi. In otlicT laiiKuii^es. LouruiiiK. In KtiKlisli. In oti rr laiiKimtfcs. 3 1 121 2 n N 211 1 1 ... 5 10 ... ... 8 35 19 6

    • 22 ao3 21 841 6 1 16 26 15 121 N ... ... ... ... 12 211 *2 0 72 ... 13 •• 1! '■ 6 2 48 ... ... ... 7 1 15 1 12 ... 1»2 ... ... 1 32 ... 100 1 112 128 718 0 6 15 2(1S 18(5 1 ,0V.) 17 1 68 2 ... .36 ... 1 ... 65 ... 10 2 60 ... ... ... 15 ... ... ... 1 1 28 ... ... 6 3 18 31 2 11.3 1 93 5 2ft6 1 1 10 1 (59 ... 3 .37 ... 205 1 1 55 21 632 1 8 1 21 ... ... 18 18 2 55 ... ... ... 27 ... 1 7 21 22 a a3 ... .59 2 227 3 2 3 1 .31 ... ... ... 20 IS 113 ... ••i 90 10 282 2 2 3.3 ... 30 ... ... .3 1 25 3 ... 6 1 12 1 ... ... ... 5 1 5 I 14 40 12.3 .3 3 9 113 165 41'» i 23 «;i ... 5 ... 17 .. N 380 51 2,002 4 1 IS 2 119 ... ... ... ... 5 HI ... 196 5 .596 1 !l 2, .583 20 8, 131 4') 1 131 15 ... 55 6 JC. \ 1 1 4 4 63 ... 2 1 1 04 i ... 26 20 2.39 1 ... 7 ... ... 165 24 823 2 2 15 3 •• 102 ! ... ... ... ... 23 2
  14. ... ... ... 9 ... ... ... 5 ... 17 ... ... ... 6 0 74 1 1 21 ... 13 1 95 1 ... 181 IS 690 3 ... 10 3 174 1 71 14 640 1 N 7 40 ... ... •- ... ... 9 ... 18 ... ... 11
  15. 41 ... i ... 72 2 297 • o Y 3 ( 326 ) TABLE C. — RajshaiJ! TOTAL RA.T8HA1I1 DIVISION. DIN A J PUR. 1 M vlt:. Fkmale. Male. Female. riftss find (iroup. 1 riASlTV TiMHK. fltt 1' 11 Oku IT. 1 1 1 1 1 Litomto. Literate. Literate. Literate. 1 1 Learning 1 Learning Learning j^cnriiiug. 1 In Eng- iisli. In othtT L'ln- In Eng- lish. In other Ian- In Eng- lish. In other hi IN In Eng- lish. In other hin- Kuages. gnngoM. ! gunges. gnages. r Sat ! •“ 21 1 2 21 .1 - i SPirar 6 47.> 2 8 i! •• ... n 30 \ant{/a l.i 1 2.31 1 1 '! •'’» 6] •• 1 i Oraon 7 CMt r, ... 1 ! 1 26 ;| r-i4 0.vf/'«/ ... 2n l.'i ... .1 2(a) Poll V2 231 i! •• ... •• f 1 liajput yr,(i 3:1 : 7 ... 16 ( 12i> S r6s .3 7 .1- ^S(a) Sa(t(/op 1 i:.6 2.'. 11.3 i 1 6 i! ” 0 170 1 /> QU(a) Sanhhari ! »"
  16. ! 4 1 ' n--3s Sarh'i 17 ... so i' •• ... ... •• ... •• U-17 i>onar !» 102 i' ... 7 '1 12 1 so ... n ^30 Sii a t'i j >1 TJ!I 7,216 76 j 8 Ml ... .4-4 Sunua’ar 3.3 .•«:i !' 1 1 6 1 ' it -no Satradhui' ! ’Jt.6 ; 12 ; i ... 5 : 7 1 .31 j ... I- vra; Tamhnll i 1 JOl 1 ... 2 r 1 10 ... lt~23 Tanti 1 fi.'iC 1 .M» i 1 «.)) j 20 ... 43 168 3 '11*0 ... 1 It -1/7 Ttli 1 110 1 3,'‘3y 76 |i 24 680 6 ‘id /> -33 Tiijar i j P’.0 ' 3 i| 3i ... ' A f Turi •> 1 1 30 ... .3 i « 1 .30 ... 3 . 1 - 4 Vakha .•1 .3 60 ; ... ... i htar ragtfs 4 1.30.3 3o 152 1 2 120 ... i| 1 Religious devotees And persons returned by 1 sect. ! j i ms iti's I.Km 'll Ki i 3 25-1 1 2fi7 10 LS'io ! C 1 45 Baisnab I 1,042 32 4.867 40 ! 1 184 j 248 0 1,440 i 3 1 46 Grab mo r 1 1 6 30 0 ! 7 2 1 2 ... Gosain ... 0 i 33 1 4 ! 6 8 ... ... Sinnyasi 10 130 3 1 ^ 16 1 SALtTASS s 1 1.3 1 ... j 4 1 ' ... Hanifi i 8 9 1 1 i 1 ... .Sunni 1 4 1 ... 1, 1 Persons returned by 1 1 title or common sub-caste. ! 1

msjtrs s:j rj S04 n 22 1 130 ... ... Buna 16 1 189 4 6 ... 1 1 ... ... LItlASS :jy.{)47 1.32,203 76C n 1,217 8,151 155 32,512 184 276 Moghul 27 4 06 1 ... 2 4 ... 8 ... ... P/ithJin 704 70 2.409 16 1 30 66 6 310 ... 1 Sayyjd 016 60 1,079 14 46 09 6 364 ... ... 6 Shaikh ... 37.077 1,087 I 1 127,044 736 4 1,133 7,092 146 31,836 184 ... 269 « ___L 1'

  • DuvisioN— eontimed. ( 327 ) RAJSHAHI. — KVNGlHiR. • Mai.B. Femalk. jl Male. FKMA 1 E. UmminK- Jvitonitc. L('aruinK. Literate, Literal e. latiMute. ' Li'arniiig.

    Learning. _
  • In In other laiiguuKLM. 111 English. In other languages. 1 111 English. In other lunguagt's. In English. In ol]i,«r languages. ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 - •• ■ ... ... •• ... ... 0 7 SI ... .'{ ... 1 ‘■2 ... 4 ... ... ... S2 231 ... ... 10 233 2 4 7 1 72 30 b 122 C 2 10 ... fj i 23 ... •• ... ... 12 4 4S 1 I 0 202 14 Ui 2 0 91 0 C0.S ... 55 2 1.52 1 ... 2 12 68 16 2 .53 2 3 1 3 .35 11 171 fJ 10 30 10 111 345 20 l.OSl 3 10 17 3 121 .5 ... 50 2 ... •• ... 0.5 332 I 1 i 45 i 210 1 i 1 7 237 10 1.017 fi Ui i 212 7 l.O'.MJ ! 30 2 20 206 0 806 6 ... 43 228 6 991 28 12 3 1 ... i i ... 6 ... V 3 \ ... ... ... i 1 ... 27 1 1 ■ ... i 1 i 1 1 • 1 ! 1 0 1 09 ... 1 12 2H ... 4 1 44 1 6, 177 12 678 9 22 30 6 100 3 6.747 166 18,874 102 160 7.658 448 20.063 i 1 102 Y 4 ^ 0^0 J TABLE C.— EAJsnAHi BOGRA. PABNA. Male. Female Male. Female. ■ OliisH and Castk, Tkidb, or taroup. GrUOUP. 1 1 LoarniiiK Litfi-ato, Learning Litorato. Learning Lilerato. Learning Literate. In Eng- lish. In other Inu- gunges. In Eng- li.sh. In other laii- guagoM. Ill Eng- lish. In other Ian- gnagt'S. In Eng- lish. In other lau. fOiagij. K^4l Nat A - J Netvar ... ... ... ... ... D-SO Nttniyn ... ... ... 18 ... 1 23 ... ... .1- 4 Onion ... ... 7 ... ... ... ... ... C-ll Omral ... 3 ... ... A- »(a) Pod ... ... ... ... ... ... i- i Rajput ... U7 '«)2 1 3 21 0 9.3 1 1 .1- 9(a) Stnfyop i:i 3 3S ... 4 ... 4 ... ... n-atxa) fiankfiari ... ... ... 3 18 ... Sarki ... ... ... ... ... ... /J~/7 Sonar 1 1 2 ... ... ... 1 ... /I-J6 Sunri ... 320 6 1,01) fc 5 0 1,438 S)2 4,1 (;s 4 65 4 Siintiirar ... ... ... D-!iO Satradhar 17 ... 77 ... ... 172 6 451 ... 2 A- 9(a) Tamhuli .. ... ... 6 ... ... 7 2 13 ... /)-2J Tanti Cl 1 209 2 ... 130 22 833 0 19 V-97 Tell lU 13 411 1 8 621 47 1,.613 6 20 D^35 Tlyar 7 ... 29 ... ... ... 13 61 ...

  • 4 Turl ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 4 Vakha ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Minor cam 0 147 1 ... 2 49 125 S3 ... iw P Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. HINDUS 222 2 971 6 ... 3r. 124 11 614 9 9.5 U.Hisnab ... 21 1 1 040 2 33 116 7 406 2 48 Enxhmo ... 3 0 1

    ... 2 2 3 3 1 Goiuln ✓ 1 ... ... ... ... Sannyusl 6 10 ... ... ... ... ... Mf SALMANS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .M ... ... Sunni #> Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. HINDUS .S 37 ... 3 4 40 ... Buna. . ... 3 ... 37 3 ... ... 32 ... ... ... MV SALMANS 7,731) 101 21,410 01 119 6.883 188 19,319 72 1 147 Moghul ... 4 0 ... ... 1 1 2 36 1 ... ... Pathan ... 141 6 293 1 e 260 36 703 3 ... 10 Sayyid 106 1 1 343 2 8 182 14 306 1 ... 4 Shaikh ... 7.450 84 20,702 88 106 6,040 137 18,162 67

    133 ( 329 ) Division — continued. DARJEELING. JALPAIOURI. • Male. Female. Female. LiU'nito, Litemle. Litorato. Literate. LoarniiiK. Lcarulug. Learning. 1 Learning. In English. III other languagoi. In English. In other laiigua^res. In English. In other InngiuiKL'S. In EiigliHli. In other huigutiges. ... 71 0 475 2 ... 8 ... ... ... ... 1 1 24 ... ... ... ... ... 1.3 ... 18 6 82 1 ... 1 .15 1 670 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 2 C2 ... 15 2 74 1 ... 7 ... ... ... 8 9 55 ... ... 17 HO ... ... ... ... 2 S3 ... 1 2 1 28 15 ... 59 ... ... 2 4i 3 260 ... 2 54 33 3(il 1 ... 6 ... ... ... ... 3 2
  • ... ... 1 ... 1 85 ... ... 2 20 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 ••f
  • 3 2 1)0 8 :ut2 1 4 ... 151 7 2 19 3 (>8 ... ... 20 3 3 Co ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ml ... 7 1 1 15 437 14 1 R3 1 11 59 3 277 3 R 8 1 1 ... 27 1 94 ... 3 i ... 10 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 ... 14 ... 3 66 7 10 1 29 2 1 H ... II •• ... 8 8 ... ’ ... ... • •• 3 • 31 3 40G i 1 2 84 ... 2 40 ... ... 2 150 54 35 2,633 65 12.3 2,598 107 S.T.'.O 3 l.'iO 1 12 ... 2 60 2 10 6 221 2 ... 2 ••• ... 1 1 ... 19 6 108 2 ... 4 3 8 66 121 2,629 90 8,419 90 3 163 465 18 2,608 1 : • iiW ) Tahle C.— RAjsiani 1 1 1 TOTAL RAJS HA III DIVISION. DINAJPUtt. 1 1 Male. Female. Male. Female Gkoi r. 1 ' Li 1 orate. 1 Literate. Literate. Literate. Li'amiPK _ 1 (.earning Learning ' Learning 1 In Kn«- lish. 1 ; In other i taii- Kuhkcs. In Enj?* lish. In other lan- KiinEes. In Eng> lish. In other l.'in- KouEes. In Eng. lisli. 1 In other Inn- ; KUageN. 1 Persons returned by 1' II ~ ' 1 actual occupation. 1 |i nrsDis I4i;i •U 1.5,3 1 ; HO 1.S7 i !.| Ghatwal ... 2
  • j . ... i 2 22 Jnliya 283 12 027 7 33 26 70 • • LahtTi 4 47 ! 4 40 1 Mala 2 1 20 ! 1 1 Matiya 20 f 67 1 1 ' 1 Patni . oO 6 175 2 6 18 i }il/SALl^A^S .. 1 '>9 h ■ ; 1 11 1 Oil ! { Darzi . . . 1 o 4 72 i ... 1 1 1 Jolaha 1 oO » 108 1 1 1 1 1 j Mullah ... 1 1 41 i I 30 Persons returned by j '1 l| locality. if/sDrs .. 1 ' 1 l.’iCl 1 2 21 .. Marwaris ... I 14 j iftSALMiys 1 1 1 1 2 ; Persons returned by ' unidentifiable caste j 1 1 1 : or unspecified. 1 1, 1 til SAL M t\s 1 .‘jS 140 , S 1 1’
  • ... 1 < II ni.sTi i.ss 'i i lyj 1 333 j 117 1K2 j 210 ij 7 27 :n ! i;i 14 1 turopran 21 i 402 1 32 74 ! 8 r D 1 1 .. I Lui.isi.in 1 1 1 o9 1 c i! il 1 3 ] i . 1 •Native 132 lot 1 I 278 1 85 1 97 1 1 206 1 7 18 33 j 13 14 1 0 ; l:( T» iUli .sr,S(«

    i spf-vifivi!)

    1.. i 1 17'» ! 2 ' ... j li .V.V G j •1 oil 0 ij I 10 1 ... 1 i* I UF.n lih'.LUi io\s i ! ' 1' .... 1 1 1 ']' tiI r !' ' ii
  • 4 — Total .oil'; ' " 1 7,vrn; 1 ii l.OSl “1 .'i.Osi 'j 1.^456 , 1,062 1 (16,414 {j il 274 ■’ ('20 1 1 ( 331 ) DiTlsiON — coniinued. KANGniR, Lwirning. -- In English. I I IttllKuaKC'S. I In English.' I liinguiigi'.s. I 1 177 I 121 6 I 26 n 3 I I I 49 \vi 1.5 n i:.,(>u5 I N 7l 71.1 ( 332 ) • Table C. — RAJsraun BOGRA. PABNA. Guour. Malb. Fbmalb. Malb. Pbmalb. Learning. Literal 0 , Learning. Literate. Learning. Literate. Luurning. Literate. In Eng- lish. In other Inn- gUllfiOS. In Eng- lish. In other lan- gujiges. In Eng- lish. In other Ian- gnages. In Eng- lish. In other lun- guagea. Persons returned by actual occupation. HINIit/S ‘2‘2 84 ... 1 272 17 70S) 2 ... 7 Ghatwal ... • ts ... ... ... ... ... Jaliya 0 10 ... 219 1 1 666 2 6 Laheri ... 7 ... ... ... ... Mala . . 1 8 ... ... 1 1 10 Matiya ... 4 18 ... 16 1 23 •# Patni 3 16 1 10 4 02 1 MUSALMAXM 2 1 13 42 Oarzl ... ... ... ... ... Jolaha 2 ... ... ... 12 40 • •• Mullah ... ... ... ... ... Persons returned by locality. HiyDTS ... ... R ... ... • •• Marwaris ... ... ... 2 ... ... MLSAL3IANS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. MVSALMANS C8 ... 6 ... ISt ...
  • ... C¥IHISTIA\S 9 1 ... 1

    55 31 8 86 European ... 9 ... ... 3 1 1 1 2 8 2 Eurasian . . ... ... ... 38 6 8 3 Native ... 6 23 1 21 It t DDI/ISTS ( «/ nspreifl ed j ... ... ... ... 1 AAiy.S 5 12 ... 0 ... 23S) ... or 11 Kit KKLIGIONS ... X ... 1 ... ... ... ... Totnf 10,(216 4:{o Si. ,363 ii 1N7 4 448 16,282 1,877 44,003 200 10 1.3.37 Totnf Division — concluded. ( 333 ) BAEJEELING. JAI.PA10URI. • Malb. Femalb. Male. Femalb. Learning. Lit crate. Learning. Litorato. Literate. Learning. Literate. Learning. In English. In otlier languages. In English In other languages. In English. In other liinguageM. In English In other langiirtges. 00 .12 134 ... 10 ... 16 41 19 7 154 < i 1 10 3 4 71 ... i ... ... ... 4 ... 16 1 10 ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... 7 ,! 0 117 ... ... 6 ... ... ... 6 1 2 8 89 289 209 r,3 49 1 140 ! ! (I 121 68 19 32 11 10 228 ! 12 30 1 2 1 6 1 10 40 O 32 1 79 68 200 41 10 ... 1 138 ’ ... II 12 1 10 ... ... 10 129 ... ...
  • ... 42 , 1 1 109 ... 1.5 ... ... ... ... ... m 775 13,2G0 ! 19!» 69 499 1 G.-W 739 25,278 213 40 ' .’>42 ( 834 ) TABLE 0, TOTAL DACCA DIVISION. DACCA. nnci (wouii. Male. Female. Male. Female. Ca^ik, Tkihe. or Urocp. 1 1 1 1 Lifomti*. Litt'rato. Litomte. Litorato, L*'ariiinic. 1l<h riling Learning Loaniing ■■ In English. In nthor laiiKU8ig»‘s. In EiiKli>>h. In oIIht Isiri- glllllfl'S. In Engli^ll. In ollipr languiigOM. In Lughiih. III otlin- 1 .1 -Jai) JiO(/t1l ... n 1 11 ... ... 1 14 4 14 31-9(0) lioifh/o t.OiG 1,215 5,713 015 81 2.707 1,21!) S8l> 1,215 214 8 1.1
  • 3! Jtoiti l‘J .{;» ... ... ... ... ... iSooiffO ... n;:i c.0| 3,105 57,.5r,.S 053 •IG 3,8Gl !),05l 721 28,081 542 29 1.' 13-3S Chotnor .•{71 :{•> I.KM) 7 ... 31 220 15 021 6 ... A--f2(o) ('/ioinlol or XomasuUro 5,171 131 2.3,(;ii ns 2 225 82G 20 2,GS2 !) 2 13-21 J31io20t OIG 40 1,(.'.)1 11 50 1!)7 89 32.5 7 i:-43 l3otn ... 7 2 53 ... 1 7 2 43 ... ... t-2(oJ DusodU 1 11 ... ... ... .t-2(fO Goitla l,2l'7 57 3.722 00 21 Kl 702
  • 1,850 8 1 13-23 4 a ah 1,75(; 57 8.27.3 15 ... 77 85!) 7 1,303 2 ... 13 -29(0) Kachoro H ... 10 ... 1 ... ... ... 13-35 liahar 3 .501 1 4 40 4 135 1 1-2(0) Koihortio l.."05 73 21 7S 3Gi{ 37 1,151 1 J3-19 Kooior i,m:{ OH G.SVO SB 30 130 G77 27 1,7.'{1 12 8 13-22(0) Hondo . . 17 15 ... 7 30 ... ... 13-21 tionsori oi; 4 207 ...
  • 57 2 120 ... ... 13-23 Hit poll 2a’) 7 KS7 2 ... 15 .. ... ... n-9 Ho ijoslUo 3,7S3 02,3.o.'l 1,.510 131 5,110 8,.31S 775 12,302 352 21 2.1' A-2(a) iiorhh 1 177 5 1 ... ... ... ... 13 iH Komhor S'tS 173 3,115 .•10 ... 52 25S 50 8G9 13 ... 1- 2(0} Kttrtni «; 112 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 22(a) Mo fro 2n;i 10 001 > 1 1.5 100 11 208 t^2(o) Moloh’o r 45 1 201 1 ... ... 1 12 1!) 13- 1)5 Ifofo 2V> 7 033 1 1 13 53 3 227 1 13 -IS \opIt , 2J71 .51 10,012 , 51 121 OliO 24 l,«4t8 2 ... I #;- 44

    Sot TiO 1 172 j ... ... 13-3(3 N ti n i I/O 10 1 181 1 ! J ... 2N 1 ...


    roil 5 3;i i ... ... ... A-i ItoJpOL 101 27 8 SH 3 ... 12 14 ij 49 13 29(0) Son Jell a ri 115 31 311 0 IH 78 31 10 1. 0 1 13-17 Sonar :u 0 ! 1.35 ... ... ... 13-35 S onri 7,17.5 523 30, 1()4 12.5 ...

    :o 2,207 307 !».R10 55 ...
  • 13-2(3 Soirodho r 'M:, 21 1.218 1 2 15 ... ... .1 2(a) Totnhofi !(► i 5 1 ... ... ... 13-23 Tonfi f.21 ! ♦,2 1,.5I)7 1 1 30 283 55 706 3 1 11 13 27 i Tiff 2.;H!» 102 8,1.37 :i:{ 1 72 1,012 &1 2.310 4 1 L' 13- 35 Tiff or 125 3 580 ... ... ... ... ... ... iHinor cosies 157 2 1,100 3 ... 12 1G3 2 250 2 (: Religiousdevotees and persons returned by sect. 71 111X131 S 302 S4 2,1 3:1 GO 1 IGl 203 17 814 65 3 Oaisnnb 241 17 1,890 12 ... 121 M7 12 640 6 ... 40 ( 335 ) acca Division. PARIDPUR. BAKIIARQANJ. MAIMANSINfill. IHalu! Fkmalb. Malt?. Fkmale. Male. i Foma IK. Literate. ! Litenit^'. Lit('rati\ ! liitnrato. j LitCI 1 liiturato. IjUSII'II- 1 mg. arninjr. Lrarniiig. Ijc.ti*n- j mi-'. I.farmiig. '' Li'nrn- ing. — In Rnglmh. In otlicr l»iu- giiaff(‘s. In Kiig- llNh. In luii- KlUtgl'N. In Eng. hsh. In nthiT l:in. gUUg»‘S. In Eng- lish. In otlu-i- l!tn- iruaitr'i. In Kng- Ik)i. In "IIkt Inn- gun gcN. In Hi.g- li.-li. In nllicr Inn gtingi'K. Cl»5 2Cfi 0.32 137 3 r.si 1,S12 411 2,S27 211 OS 800 32. no 721 .56 .5 1H7 1'2 ... 30 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... •VM) ll» 1,020 6 ... 27 210 12 1,210 1 17 •117 Ill 1..53(l 11 ... .33 27'. 10 701 1 1 ;ioL» 11 1,1(5 ' 6 17 267 16 1 ... 7 26 1 100 ... 2 KUl 41* 103 1 11 1 lOH ... ... 7 1,175 839 11,S20 i«;o C S23 i,s7:{ f.76 1,575 172 1 536 3.902 1 ,('26 i3.(>8(; 70 5 6.32 SO s 2S7 ' 4 7 151 ... 2 5S 7 \u\ 1 7 1,574 66 .3, 170 22 ... 01 2, J02 2.5 11,1.32 1 111 100 .312 11 1,027 3 ... 0 n»
  • 206 1 ... ... 213 1 HS5 1 3 ... 10 03 1 275 .3 0 ... ... 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 11 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 221 1.3 720 4 ... 22 72 0 115 1 5 22* ! 7.31 •17 23 17 ns .3 732 1 ... ... 107 4 2,7 16 1 1.1 782 •13 3, 192 H 52 s ... 16 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 ... 07 ... ... ... 1 0 ... ... ... 03 ... 2:':i ... ... 3 2.)6 H 001 I IS 26.5 1 S7H 1 CIS 3S 2.:i2.5 21 ... 3.1 333 11 1,001 5 ... 1.5 K.7 12 1,S30 2 336 IS 1.315 67 27 57 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i ... ... 10 15 ... ... 34 2 03 ... ...
  • 4 ... 72 ... ... 1 ... 12 ... ... ... IK* 1 306 ... ... 129 ... 311 1 50 0 210 1 7 6,0.'7 800 12,003 .301 83 1,037 8,271 7Cn 10,087 -ISl 7 1,.5.52 0,017 1 ,,3.5S 17 371* 100 17 621 ... ... ... 3 ... 20 ... ... 31 1 ns ... 1 l.'3 430 1 r, 171 ... .560 ' ... ... 2 33 los I.J77 22 J-'. ... 20 ... ... 1 ... 11 ... ... r, 7s ... 2! ... 03 ... 2 29 1 118 ... 1 ... 1 .51 1 18.5 ... 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 33 1 J 1 177 1 14 .. 85 ... ... ... l.,0 3 :.'•! ... ... 0 521 18 3,00.3 o ... 21 Nil 2 2.616 0 12 .513 1(1 j ;m •19 ... ... ... ... ... IS 1 06 ' ... ... 7 76 ' ... ... 1 7 ... ... 1 ... ... ... lu n:- ; ...
  • 5 ... 33 ... 1 ... 1 ... U ... 10 ISO ‘ ... ... 2 127 22 Clt I 3
  • 21 ... 73 ... ... 1 Ji ... 42 ... ... S .35 : •• 21 2 40 ... ... 1 •• 11 4

    i 1,970 Cl
  • 0,006 23 40 873 20 5,105 1 8 27 2,12.5 1.39 8,37.5 ; :i;) ... S.5 113 2S.1 4 10 ... ‘JS I ... 2 236 i;. 831 1 1 y 10 4 6 ... 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 42 113 .56 ... 251 [ 1 5 MO 7 .521 ' ... 11 Til • 32 2.070 25 35 300 y 1 2.0.51 ; 2 ... ;» 275 7 l,"9l ' 2 21 ... ... 1 25 .3 .5h; ■ ... lU •• 100 ... ... 10 ... 67 ...
  • 17U ... 020 1 1 1 6 69 S 375 83 « 2.S7 1 y 01 M i 657 1 13 ... 4S 68 3 372 ... 32 6 ... 266 1 e 59 2 622 1 % — 6 • 34 ( 336 ) TABLE C..»-Da(5 TOTAL DACCA DIVISION. Fsualb. Learning. In English. In other languages. Religious devotees and persons returned by sect— conc/d. HIND l7,S“Oonoludod, Brahmo 86 16 122 Qosain ... 4 Sanyas i 8 ... 60 MISALJTASS 9 ... 37 Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. jiiyjius 2,1 W 113 5,108 Bangaj 1 I 6 27 Das 21 6 83 Nabasakh 28 0 00 Sudra 1.992 88 4,612 JIVSALMAyS 11, aits 2.371 138,317 Moghul 48 3 160 Pathan 1,028 124 6,364 Sayyid 1,280 1 14 3,469 Shaikh 37,760 1,783 127,606 Persons returned by actual occupation. jiiynijH 972 35 <1.3H7 Jaliya 608 19 3.213 Manjhi 23 2 63 1 Mala ... 1 ' i NikaH 3 ... 42 Patni 167 4 617 Poddar 2 2 23 MUSALJffAyS ... 142 11 097 Fakir 12 6 30 1 Jolaha ... M. 104 4 697 ! Khwandkar ' 10 1 44 ' Mullah ' 10 1 Persons returned by locality. HINDU a 1 1 1 Persons returned by unidenti- fiable caste or unspecified# atusALJiAys 1(»0 31 2ia cnnisTiANs US 301 829 European 30 120 68 Eurasian 22 02 30 Native oOO 113 741 nUDDHISTS^ JItiffh .’iO 13 1,091 JAINS 11 ... 107 OTHER RELIGIONS ... ... 3 TotH ni.487 12,055 40.3,337 Tn i othor Ian- ((UagLK. 34 66 191 I.ISI 6 I I 1,012 0,768 In English. In other langunges. 4 89 ... 4 ... ID 48 2,101 0 27 1 68 37 2,010 1,377 21,170 1 30 40 668 31 466 982 22,820 11 1,010 1 13 830 ' 1 3 174 4 48 38 10 1 1 33 42 188 .307 42 46 37 29 69 232 ... 43 3 4,381 100,900 In ,, English, If Suagei 4 11 I ( lo: 13 CS 6 21 II «n 26 3 ( 337 ) DisiUO^-concluded. FARIDPUE. BAKIIAllGANJ. MAIMANSINGII. 1 Femair. j M i I.K. ! 1 Female. M \LE. ! Female. Litorato. Literate. LiteiaU'. Literate. L\t(rati. j

    Literau , Learn- Learn- Leurning. Learning. Lisirn- iiig. In othor lan- guages. itig. In other lan-i guages. 1 In Ollier lan- guages. ll>K. 1 Leurning. In English. In Eng- lish. In Eng- lish. In Eng-’ hsh. 1 In jl her lan- guages. In Eng- lish. In tlier lan- guages. In Eng- hsli. In other liin- guages. 3 1 3 50 12 27 7 13 ... 3 20 2 .‘I 1 9 37 1 ... ... ... 155 0 4SH 2 15 2.J5 22 h(H'> 3 ir* .518 07 1,710 15 47 21 6 83 ... ... ... ... ... 0 16 ... ... ... 4 6 10 ... 1 126 1 373 2 14 204 22 700 3 ... 16 463 28 1,433 14 38 5,]0l 2:w 16,007 1 300 1 63 0(»,927 1 0S2 11,157 010 3s,is:’ 290 5 710 9 1 26 ... 2 6 34 ... 1 18 1 60 67 1 1 70 3 ... 13 1,121 14 4,31 1 40 76 479 60 1,100 10 42 218 17 448 13 14 417 20 1,605 12 30 447 40 1,061 6 60 4,817 200 14,417 1 18 1 237 1 2,846 1 12 65,050 288 1 600 10,330 403 36,200 266 6 603 144 5 720 1 .5 j 2H 911 8 1 :'.97 U 1,710 2'i ].: 1 13 3 627 1 i 205 736 4 230 3 1,121 to r> ... ... ! ... ... ... 23 1 60 1 3 42 \ ... ... 21 ... 1 12 ... 2 26 2 4 07 2 104 7 li ••• ... ... 1 ... 2 2 10 91 4 618 .. ■15 7 137 2 1(1 ••• ... ... ••• 12 0 30 1 87 4 408 1 1 ... ... ... 12 ... 61 ; ... 2 i ... ... ... 19 1 44 ••J 0 ... 1 ... 1 ... ' 2 1 i 1 39 ; .. 1 1 :io ) 1S2 i 1 9 7 84 K4 198 44 39 HO 131 67 i 293 79 37 i| 20 25 1 ’”i ! .. 17 6 62 6 22 7 26 12 2 22 6 1 10 4 4 ... •II 3 9 ... 1 3 12 ... 1 10 2 2 ' j ... 1 70 21 188 36 8 80 121 20 281 70 6 79 17 13 30 ! 16 4 17 ... ... 8 ... 1 ... 1 64 13 1,045 2 43 11 101 6 ... ... ... 1 •• ... 84,888 8,609 70,396 883 131 3,174 37,291 2,178 127,688 |, 1 . j 114 4.031 31,685 3,787 104,4.'i3 I.IJK) 91 2,8('8 Z ( 338 ) TABLE C. — Chhta TOTAL CHITTAGONG DIVISION. CHITTA Class and Ciroup. Malb. Fbmale Malb. • Caste, Tribe, or Gnorr. Litemto. Literate. Literate. 1 Learning. In English. In other languages. Learning. In English. In other lunguaguB. Learning. In EngliHh. In other languages. A- 2(n) nayiU 1 3 1 3 il- 9(a) Baifif/a 1.039 ni 2,00.3 143 6 602 870 405 066 €-14 Ba n iya 781 40 3,197 12 ... 22 356 25 1,469 A- 2(a) Barni ... .‘13.1 6 078 17 ... 4 39 2 16:) K- H Blmt 10 ... 30 1 ... 7 ... 27 J)-39 Bhuimali 139 2 .378 1 ... 29 2 121 n- S Brahman 0,809 627 17,047 165 23 412 2,449 220 6,001 A— 4 Vhakma 1 ... 0 ... ... 1 0 D-3H Vhamar 69 ... 234 ... ... 8 26 n-24 llhopa 610 0 l,7l»0 18 ... 20 09 4 .307 E-4S Born (4 ... 343 1 ... 2 62 .334 /I- 2(b) (Joaln .312 5 1,190 in ... 7 14 37 D-23 Aayi

    •# 3,419 27 10,710 68 ... 176 671 9 2,011 B-29(u) Karha ru • •• 12 ... r.i ... ... 2 Kahar ... 41 ... 106 ... ... ... 2 33 A- 2(a) Kathartta 1,131 12 8,618 20 1 .33 m 8 447 B^IO Kamar 277 0 1.144 6 ... 18 .31 2 132 11-21 Kansari 8 SB ... ... 1 ... 2 B-25 Kapnll ... 04 810 4 ... 7 ... ... ... B- 9 Kayasthn 11,622 1,392 27,492 654 0 1,049 8,002 067 8,488 A- 2(n) Korhh 2 ... 25 ... ... ... ... ... ... D-2H Ktimhar 141 1 517 ... ... 1 10 ... 69 J}-22(a) Maira 62 7 209 ... 2 3 7 A- 2(a) Malnkar 59 1 360 1 3 10 ... 30 2(a) yamaanelra or Chandal 785> 4 2,611 20 ... 64 34 2 no 11— IH Napit ... 1,168 8 3,419 IS 20 270 8 H50 E-44 A'ai 30 139 ... ... 2 0 33 11—30 Nwnlya ... ... C9 ... ... ... ... ... ... E-43 Fatlal 153 g 392 11 ... 15 ... /I- 1 Jtojput 115 8 392 1 ... 4 13 87 A- 2(a). *Sadgop 6 1 21 ... ... ... ... ••• 11- 29 (a) Sankhari 7 2 55 ... ... ... ... 11-17 Sonar 40 ... 113 ... ... 81 90 D-3G Sunri ... 2,615 31 9,C82 84 ... 60 29 ... 105 11—20 Satradhar . 333 ... 890 4 ... 7 19 23 11-23 Tanti 69 4 249 1 ... 2 18 1 166 11-27 TeH 694 12 1,630 11 [ 1 31 100 7 204 A-4 Tippera 13 ... 66 ... ... ... ... ... 46 Minar cantfiM Religious devotees and persons returned by sect. 1,014 6,022 3 • 4 25 167 It U IN 11 vs m 7 917 7 ... 36 69 6 221 Baisnab 66 1 682 3 ... 21 16 .• 62 Baol ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... Brahnno ... 6 ,,, 4 ... 6 Gosain • •• tat ••• «. ... ... «. 1 ... ... Salva ... 1 1 20 ... ... ... 1 1 20 ( 339 ) gong Division. NOAKnALI. Litorato. In En^rliah. In other langua- Learning. Liioraie. Literate. Literate. Literate. In EngliHh. In other langua goa. Leaiming. In English. liourning. In other langua* In EngUah. In other langiiagoH. Lourning. Ill Eng. UhIi. In othoi langua- goa. gea. 2 ( 340 ) TA13LK C#-~Chitta Guoir. Religious devotees and persons returned by sect— conoid, iiI\DVS -otmcludfd. Sakta Sanyasi Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. IIINliVH Rajbanti Sudra ... MvsAiirAys Mir Moghul Pathan Sayyid Shrfikh Persons returned by actual occupation. HINDUS Uadyakar Oai Chatwal Jaliya Machhua Manjhi Patnl MVSALMANS Khwandkar K.a/I Persons returned by locality. HINDUS * Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. HINDUS CHRISTTANS European Eurasian Native ItUDDIJISTS
    Mftgh I 1 TOTAL CHITTAGONG DIVISION. CHITTA Malb. Fkmalk. Male. • 1 j Loaniiiifr. Literate. 'Learning. Literate. Loarning. Literate. In In other In In ether In In other EngliMh. languages. English. liiiiguugeH. English. languages. 6 3 23 2 2 4 3 16 4 1 46 ... ... ... 2 1 9 71 .3,250 22 27 1,003 TiO 2,2f57 12 ... 34 1 ... 18 1,370 71 2,860 22 1 16 960 60 2,122 'n,S25 88,1 17 1.203 IS 1,340 13, 419 349 28,84!) 1 1 1 32 ... 6 1 13 15 3 33 ... ... ... 1 1 2 26 203 16 436 1 2 13 82 II 188 796 63 1,720 52 1 76 603 20 l.i 18 40,794 886 85,084 1,260 16 1,265 12,816 609 27,306 441 7 1,«I2 s 4S inn 1 427 12 17 ... 14 ... 39 2 33 1 1 33 7 ... 5 ... ... 7 6 181 ... 623 ... 3 63 203 10 ... 97 ... 10 97 1 ... 12 ...
  • 107 3 302 6 6 ... 10 122 5 8 32 1 90 20 • 76 2 3 20 1 76 25 0 30 3 6 4 ... 4 8 14 ... 14 8 ... 14 ISO 11*0 ... 2fM* 3 ... 4 20 ... no 102 107 06 115 82 72 132 65 • 20 104 20 15 1 1 1 17 60 14 36 38 8 32 49 ... 33 37 6 48 60 81 19 16 31 22 36 36 1.349 45 4,130 29 1 1C2 1,326 46 4,066 80.326 4,204 10.'5,022 2,C12 174 4,1S8 25,259 1 2,158 68,4.36 Tfital ooNa Division — connluded. ( 3-n ) GONO. NO.\ KHALI. TIPEEHA. ,

    Female Male. i li Female Male. Female. LituraU', Literate. 1 Lilemto. Literate, Literate. lionrn- injc. 1 Learning L LoaruinK Learning. Learning In Kn^lish. In other languu- Kua. Tm English. Ill other Itiiigna- K*\s. Tn EiiKlish. In other lanstuu- geS. In English. In other languiitfes. In Eng- lish. In other langua- ges. 1 1 1 2 7 2 2 ... 2 16 1 ... ... 20 8 10 211 l.'l 1.32 1 ! 4 .3 21 s s 8i;o 1(1 1 li ! ... 1 I .. 10 ■ 8 10 221 13 100 4 3 103 8 620 10 1 0 4ii5 7 67S ; 12,520 137 20, so;} 41 S 8 303 ' 15.S77 271 ;iS(!35 41(1 3 . 'Mis ... ... 6 19 ... ... ... 1 1 2
  • 3 ... 0 1 ... ... 2 2 39 2 70 • 6 82 2 .70 1 1 6 19 1 46 ■ 124 1 1 117 2 9 160 10 485 i ( 1 ... 21 440 3 . 631 1 2.566 123 20,433 4IG 8 203 16,014 263 37.946 I 300 441 :n 202 3 450 4 3 13.} 3 510 4 ... 11 ... ... 12 17 1 .. ... 33 ... ... ... 3 0 ! 2 ... ... i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 336 ... 3 29 85 1 ... .. ... ... 1 ... , 1 12 1 i ... ! 1 62 121 4 • ... 66 3 ,8. 1 2 1 1 3 5 ... i 21 U 2 ... 1 i • 2 3 .. ... 1 1 ... ' 1 1 2 ... ... 21 0 32 2 .. 1 3 , jl i| 1 • j 1 14 ... ... i - 1 i! 1 1 1 ■i Ij i ... ... l.-iS 3 1 1 1.5 ... 50 &8 85 25 17 20 40 1 7 1 1 21 4(1 0 7 23 ‘ 8 24 2 1 1 6 1 6 • r 7 33 1 1 6 22 1 1 31 49 ... ... 1 3 1 ! ' 1 . 1 2 19 12 26 16 9 41 2 i 1 6 6 i • j • j 1 21 1 , 22 43 ! ■ ! ... 20 1 101 1 ... • •• 1 — 807 100 1,428 21.049 722 47,430 ii57 1C 750 1 1 o3.1l8 1,324 {10, (>'47 ! 1,14.8 1 1 j 5H 1 l,o:i4 1 z» 3 ( 342 ) TABLE C.— pATfiA lOTAL PATNA DIVISION. PATNA. i ! Class and Group. Castk and TUIIIK. 1 Male. 1 Female. Male. Female. | 1 1 Litfiate. 1 Literate. Literate. Literate. Luuniintc. Lourtiiiig. Learning. Learning. i In EiiKli^h. In ! »iht'r Ian-' Kuiiges. : In English. In 1 olhwr hin-| Knagos. j In English. In other lan- guages. In Engliah. In 1 other hiTi-l gunges 1 C-i4 Agarwala ‘231 1 SI I 1.7S4 2 ! 21 17 11 157 — 1 1 "1 4— J4 Ayrnhari ‘.♦R 14 1 (W9 1 ... 11 1 2 ... 2 ... ... ... 1 1- «(«) A mat 11 ; I.SC ... ... ... ... ... 1- 1 liahhan D4H 1 64,010 165 1 1.717 1,080 123 1.3,185 62 1 701 9(a) Italdya r.s Co 1 ‘2."6 7 28 41 .30 83 7 ... ‘2‘J r~i4 Uanlya l.Sl‘2 231 1 1,623 41 ... 202 420 42 2,or»5 8 ... Oil ' n Of) Itarhi 70S 22 1,633 1 2 ... 3 87 0 308 ... y j':-45 Bari
  • .3 ‘272 ! 1 ... .5 ... ... ... ... ... 1- 2ra) Jiarai KUi 30 1,030 j 3 1 9 14 ... 93 2 1 1 K--44 Be) ...
  • 1 ... ... • ... E 41 Beplar 7.“. 2 519 1 10 35 2 217 1- «r/»; Bhar 1 ... 13 ... 1 ... ... ... Jl~ H Bhat IMt 5 l.(»s9 1 5 6 ... 212 ... ... n-39 Bhuimali ftr liari. 7 ... IWl 1 13 ... ... .1 - 4 Bhuiya . . 17 190 ... ... ... ... ... ... .1- Bind 130 4 5‘2l ... 4 2 ... 10 ... /{- 5 Brahman USS8 2.202 9H,0l0 j 289 49 2,207 1,747 555 9,405 36 24 273 1- 9(a) Chain IS 2 93 .. ... ... 18 2 93 ... ... n-3fi Chamar ... .",10 22 2.001 I ... 19 1*29 6 187 ... 1 J 9(a) Dhanuh ... V4l •20 2 ,oi;i 4 20 85 26 577 ... ... ]‘J n 94 Dhopa 123 11 021 ... 27 22 1 112 ... 3 E- 43 Dom ‘20 3 HI I 10 ... 3 4 1 53 10 8 .1- V(n) Dusadh ... 2SS 79 2,5*21 i ... 42 123 2 834 2 20 iJarfrl ... 7S 20 61.S 1 1 8 ‘29 7 147 ... ... 3 2(1.) Goa la 1 1'‘21 1M2 1.5, 8.58 '! 180 708 CO 4.0C4 5 ... 95 It SS Gonrhi OH 2 ,52.5 |i ... 1 ... 1 ... ... IlaXlam ... 4:15 D-1 •2..D35 0 107 18 537 ... ... 1 J}-99(a) Halwai DO.", .53 ‘2.H41 8 2 36 154 27 718 2 ... 2.1 It— 93 Jnyi 20 '2D0 10 4 ... 83 ... ... 10 n-3S Kahar 59(1 53 3,sh6 27 ... m 136 4 573 1 ... 21 A - 9(a) jlaibartta 2 ‘2 4 ... ... ... ... ... n-19 Katnar or Lo- har- DIB 14 ‘2,‘2»15 2 ... 12 ... ... ... n 99(a) KanUa ... 1,129 DD 8,391 0 ... 27 86 9 767 4 ... 1 n-9i Kasera hG •26 036 ... ... 01 45 21 311 ... , 52 H- 9 Kayahtha 12.931) 4, 985 03,792 I 250 37 2,825 1,855 1,228 8.758 50 26 m Jt-3S Krivut 70 2 718 ... ... 8 5 ... 27 ... ... ... A- 9(a) Khntbe ... 24 187 ... ... ... ... ... ... A- 9(a) Khatlk B4 241 ... ... ... ... .1 - 9(a) Kotri 2.1 l>i 09 17,101 16 74 643 20 3,654 4 ... 14 1 it-98 Kumhar •
  • 18 2,363 1 16 50 8 266 ... « 8 A- 9(a) Knrmt ... 3,205 217 17,904 21 193 2,100 Kl 10,472 14 107 .1- 9(a) Mali or Mala~ kur* •221 12 742 3 ... ... 22 8 81 ... ... 9(a) Munahar 43 4 451 ... 3 4 ... 19 ... ... A- 9(a) Nagaf 2 1 19 ... 1 ... ... ... K-44 yat 22 124 ... 1 ... 05 ... ... — jD~30 Nuniya 420 8 2.1C4 1 8 66 2 370 ... ... JJ-39 Vani 143 0 718 1 ... 6 1 134 ... ... A - 1 JRaJput fi,881 779 03.015 111 8 1,001 990 103 4,798' 61 1 ... 83 ( 343 ) Division. Male. GAYA. SIlAIIAItAl). Lit orate. Doarnin»r. j In KiiKlisl*. In other laiiKUHKes. 3.3 •Wfi ' 31 1,1W IM 11,37M 2 r> im 04 2.074 20 5 412 ... 14 2 04 0 ... 74 12 131 17 100 l.WJ? 11,730 7 2 S3 12 32 !•
  • .M) 1 34 ... 1H5 ;j 71 1:1.3 17 l,7r.3 • •• 5 41 4 4.30 70 11 1 SO 222 2ri I.IKW 2 2 4 30 3 ! KW 21 12 100 G 3 25 1,072 017 0,745 ;W5 11 3,071 2« 228 12. 31 JKIO in 1 14.5 ... 148 i 11 114 14 1 162 03fl 132 7,488 Female. M ALB. Female. Liiernle. Literate. 1 liillTalr. LeftrninK. Lenrning. ! Learning. 1 1 1 j In Knglish ; In other , laiiKuagH^. ! In EngliKli. In other hinguttgei. , ' 1 In KitgliHh, In iiihtT lunguages 1 10 0 3 210 ••• ... 1 ... 30 ... ... .30 ... ... 204 1 284 40 2,KS3 18 4!

    ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 131 10 1,2.58 4 l!» ... 1 1 258 ... • 14 3 14.5 •'i ' ... ... ... 8 1 1 •• 4 ... 1 ... .32 ... 1 1 82 i ... ... ... ... II ... 20 1 113 ... .. 1(1 1.34 I i 1,8.55 303 1.5,130 i 1.5 0 ',\A\ 7 30 0 3H-4 4 1 i ... ... 1 ... ... 22 C 01 j .. ‘AO i 5 ! 12 1 10 .300 ... ... 4 1 “ 4 1.50 1 12 40 2,40.5 ... ! 0 1 22 ... • 1 1 7 524 , ... ... jj 1 - 8 ... 1 1 ... n ... 12 ! 112 0 S28 (> ... • 1 ' 1 51 1 1 448 : 2 ! 7 II j 12.5 2 1,052 i 1 1 .. 1 1 .. i

    1 5*4 1 o;i 512 I 2.20.5 844 8,4.50 1 1 1 .502 j i ! 1 ... : • I 1 10 i 207 1 IM 2,411 5 17 1 3r>4 1 ... 3 11 1 112 7 ! 1 ,072 1 20 0 ! 1 0:4 1 ... •• 2 5 ... 55 ... 0 20 ... ... 1 9 2 112 1 2 1 .32 i 4 07 ' 1,483 188 11,043 10 102 • z 4 ( 344 ) TABLE C.—Patna D.VRim\NGA. MUZ.\FFARPUa. Male. Frmalk. Male. Female. ("lasN and Caste awp T lUllE. Group. Litemto. Litomto. LLtomtn. Literate. Lonmin i?. Leiirning. L(r lan- K«agu». In English. III othor laii. g nag I S. r u Affnrwata 61 13 336 51 8 284 1 C-14 Agrahari •• ... ! ... ... ‘20 ... 07 : ... ... 3 A- 2(a) A mat ... 11 1 lull ' ... .. ... ... 3‘2 ... .1- 1 ilahhan ... 12 , ... •2,220 102 19,771 31 ... 32 (Hn) Itahltga ... ... ... ... 10 12 31 ; ... ... C~14 Itanli/a ... i.''.:i 37 2,49.> , ... 8 411 21 1,515 ; •27 52 n-fio ttarhi ... ... lU 4 3*22 . 2 ... 4.51 4 00 ' ... K-4r, Jlfiri ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 11 i ... ... ... .1- 2(a) Harul i:i 22 isi ; ... no 11 471 ... ... ... lJ-44 Iteftlya ... ... ... ... ... 1.5 ... 40 ' ... ... iteldar ... i 67 ... ... 33 ... 101 ... ... 2 2(a) Ilhar ' ... ... ... ... ... ... /i— « Ithat y 73 ’ ... ... 49 2 316 ... 1 D-39 Jihnimall Hart, or 19 ... ... 4 ... "l ... ... ... .1- 4 Jthaiya ... ... ... ... ... ... i ... ... A Jthtd ... 1 ... 16 1 ... ... 1 100 ... ‘2.56 ... ... ... Brahma n 8.6:’0 430 20.703 1 41 7 625 3,000 30*2 1*2,768 141 4 450 A- 2(a) ilhain ... ... ... j ... ... ... ... ... ... n-5ft Chatnar ... ... 11 11»3 ! 1 ... 1 272 ... 761 ' ... .1- 2(a) Dhanuk ... ... 43 i 81.6 1 4 ... 11 *286 1,010 ... ... ... n-24 Dhopa ... 9 3 1.C 1 1 ... ... 43 ... 1*2(> ... E-43 ... 3 2 1*2 1 ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... A- 2(a) Dusadh ... ... 20 18 416 ; ... ... 2 70 47 S76 ... ... 2 n -20 Oareri 3 ... 40 ... ... ... 8 ... A- 2(b) tlnala ... 2.''il 1*2 3,250 ... 3 464 12 2,370 8 62 D-3JS Gonrhi ... 42 .... ... ... ... 5 ... 14 D-IH IfaJJam ... is 5 :ioo ... ... 1 171 1 44'2 ... ... J}-22(a) Italivai •• 72 1.) 739 1 6 2 6 187 1 608 ' ... ... n-23 Jugt r ... 11 ... 17 n ... 182 Kahar ... 13 G til I 1 7 61 1 :j3i 21 ... .1- 2(a) « Kaihurtta i ... ... ! ... /i-/0 Kamar ... 2i 1 *226 333 . . 813 ... 1 D-22(a) Knndu ... 73 3 660 1 1 4 452 0 2.03.S 1 ... 7 />-«! Kasera ... 11 97 ' 14 57 1 1 ... ... 450 « - 0 Kay a St ha 2.031 413 9,673 1 11 0 113 3,040 581 11, ‘270 1 69 4 V^3(i KfiH'Ut ... ..
  • *2 612 : ... 8 26 ... 00 ... ... ... A- 9(a) Khatbe ... 6 100 ! 1 ... ... ... • 18

    ... 87 ... A- 9(a) Khatlk ... 0 26 i 1 ... ... 75 210 ... 13 .1- 2(a) KoiAt 1*22 0 1.7M [ ... 7 600 1 2,418 9 n-28 Kumhar 22 1,‘220 ! 1 1 1-3 6 ... ... 1 Knrmi ... 79 23 798 i 431 5 2,238 1 31 A- 2(a) Matt or 3TaIa^ lea r. K 45 . ... 150 ... 307 ... ... ... vi- 34nsahar ... ... ... 27 ... 170 ... ... ... 2(a) J^agar ... ... ... ... E^44 ... ... ... 1 12 ... 43 ... «•» ... I>-30 Nuntya ... 20 255 1 ... 2 2*23 1 651 ... S D^30 ‘21 2 157 1 ... ... 87 1 1H4 ••• 41 .1- 1 1 Hajput ... 0*21 86 7.6..6 1 ! 6 ... 86 3, ‘295 90 14,27*2 86 8 ( 345 ) Division — contimsd. ( 346 ) TABLE C.— PiTOji TOTAL PATNA DIVISION. PA TNA. Male. Female. Male. ! 1 Female « Cla'4h and CA8T1?, TkIIiE, oh 1 1 Ori*up, Okoo p. 1 1 1 ( 1 Literate. Literate. Litemte. Literate. Loarning l.oarning Learning Ij<‘arnin4f In lnk>ther In In other In other In In other EriKlish. Ian* gnogei. English. lan- guages. 1 English. lan- guages. English. lart- g)iago8. J ifn) Rajtfitr 1 1 28 45!) ] 10 1 j ID 1 1 n-n Sitnar 1 .0.10 85 6,188 li 53 211 17 1,781) ! 3 2(1 n-30 Sfiuri or Kal- nuir. 1 1,902 1 11.1 1 1.1,457 l| 1 1.17 184 2rt 1..113 21 .1— ‘Jra) IM) 17 831 II 1 ... 1 .11 8 110 1 ... n-93 Tuntior I'nftra 111 I.”. 1,141 ji - 7 20 5 211 1 I> ^7 TvH 107 10,8.17 ;! i*^

    6!) 403 41 2,074 i 2 JG /> «i Thnthcra 20 1 CIO 1 ••

    1 3 1 215 i - 1 33 Thfnr 2 11 ... a i A 2(0) Tnrahit 71 2 650 i| 2 ... ... I Minor cftaies .1S3 n .1,467 ii . 1; 204 GO 2 882 i 10.', Religious devotees and 1 perao ns returned by sect. 1 1' !; 1 msDi s 1 501 : 1,731 •1 <1 4 50 1 i 12 700 ... 19 A^hori 12 1 106 li •• i » ...
  • 10 1 Atith 1 220 f3 1.068 24 21 4 7« ... 0 Baisnab ... o6 2 001 6 » 36 ... Fakir cO 3 124 2 1 23 Cosain . 61 10 746 3 2 ; ; 8 467 2 Sanyasi
  • 00 3 708 ' 7 1 1 38 j 4 iVlUALMAys 1 i i - 1 1 1 ... ... Persons returned by 'i ; 1 1 1 title or common 1 sub-caste. i ii liiynts •'I 1.1 1.41.1 || 1 '! 200 j 1 II 11 j| 53 2 252 1 Banpar ... 1 00 2 ... |i 32
  • 2 Ii 87 i 1 3 > Buna 4 1 69 1 1 1 339 • 1’ ••• <• 1 Budra 1 9 ... 42' 1 0 42 1 ... ... ... MtfSALMA\S ; 12,k)9 I.UIW .■10,270 j .'.50 20 Ij 1.201 1 3,791) 711 7,761 1 2( 0 17 439 Mirza ! 22 8 34 1 6 3 al ... ... Moghul
  • 10 200 ! 2 16 20 16 81 1 ... II 1 Pathan 1.717 1 2CB 6,873 1 26 268 037 ! 72 1,666 16 ... 87 Saw id 2,037 6.76 5.869 1 76 6 282 • 601 260 1.698 20 6 76 Bhaikh 8,321 1.066 23.660 I 1 440 14 628
  • 293 360 4,023 162 12 266 Persons returned by 1 actual occupation. njynis &32 40 .i.ua? 1 1 6 fl<{ 3 711 Kamkar 7 r 137 1 ... ... ... Mala 606 1 44 2.830 1 10.383 1 ... 63 a 687 ... ... ... atVHALMAXH 2.400 1 174 78 9 98 296 95 ],no3 es 9 30 Dal 1 18 ... 83 • •• ... ... ... Oarzi 86 ! ... 330 1 ... ... 4 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ( 347 ) Division — continued. GAYA • ,! 1! I BHAilABAD, • Male. Female. Male. j Female. Literatim Lilenite. Literate. Literate. LnarninK. Lt'arniiiK. Luartiing. LearninK. In Tn other langua^ea. [n Engl'iNh, Inlotlu'r In EiigliNh. In other languaKOH. u EugliHh. In other laiiguitgOM. 2l> 8S9 10 51 110 ‘2.3 8-n ... 6 62 10 T08 ... 1 31 300 ... 3 205 U i,‘2n 2 2*2 16 1 133 5 3 87 ... ... 2 32 ... ... 18 1 et I 203 17 1 61 14 081 ... K 47 ... ... ... 11 9 01 42 488 j 1 i I'i 33 70 HO h:{i 1 i 1 m 17 2 430 1 3 ... 80 1 1 3H9 1 1 . . ... ... ^ i ... ... 4 1 04 1 7 16 202 ; 106 ... ... 0 09 6 2 3 1 1 f 1 1 207 3 ... ... ... ... 2 ' 10 4 1 !i 1 1 !i ij 1 ij ii ISO 009 ! j ... ‘2‘2 1 14 ... 05 1 1 j 30 104 I ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 3 ... ... i 14 £6 li 1,377 3!»0 7,18.3 32 714 ! 1.168 109 3,450 ii 00 ins 10 4 20 2 4 1 26 1 ... 4 4 2 17 i 1 137 30 1,133 3 40 400 66 1,281 1 76 347 171 1,273 16 ... 116 263 32 073 1 3 1 23 866 •68 4,673 .4 i ... 47 491 i: i! 106 :.260 I b6 60 • j i j 1 j! 74 2 403 1 2 66 3 ‘239 i ... j i ... 4 1 62 1 ... ... • >• ! 70 1 348 1 ... 62 3 192 1 ... 12 7 127 ■ 1 48 2,113 1 ... ... ... 1 •* !i . — !’ • ( 348 ) TABLE C.— Patna DAUBHANGA. •" MUZAPFARPUB. Fbmale Male. Female Class and Castk, Tribb, on (Sroup. (iBOUP. 1 1 Literate. Litorato, Literate. Ijiterate. • Learning Learning 1 Learning • — Tn In other In uthor In Tn other In In other EukUsIi. lan- ffllJlgOS Englihli. lan. giiagiiH. English lan- guages. English. lull- gnngcs. A- ^(a) Hajwar . i D-17 Sonar 10 «2t ... ... ... 406 7 625 5 ]y-S6 Sanri or Kal- ‘280 32 2,997 7 1 7 691 19 3,147 7 C.S tear. A- 2(a) TarnbuH . 4 1.86 ... 48 220 I>-23 Tanti or Tat tea ‘21 4 .358 ... 36 1 237 ... • •• n-27 TeU 133 ‘21 1,603 2 557 3 2,330 0 ... n n -21 Thathora 5 ... 40 ... 1 8 ... 61 ... /)-55 Tij/nr 3 2 1 • t i - ... A - 2(a) Taraha ... 7 89 1 48 n 372 j ... Minor catties 04 ... 79* g i .62 ... ‘221 1 ... ... Religious devotees and persons returned by sect 1 itixnus 70 6 1 r>2:i ; 2 77 1 762 2 Aghori .. ... 3 • •• 8 84 ... Atith •« . . • . .. 12 ... 173 ... ... Baisnab . ... ... .. 1 1 93 ... 16 164 • •• 2 Fakir 4 d 1 At , ... 2i 24 ... Qosain 1 1 'l !• ... 1 9 ■ Sanyasi 69 1 300 2 1 1 ■1 204 ! ... MVSALMA\S l! ! ... ... ... Persons returned by ji li i 1 1 |i title or common II sub-caste. 1! il niNnvs 00 0 2H‘2 l[ i! so O 02 ; 6 Banpar -•« ... Buna 12 9 166 ... ... 1 oO 2 61 1 ... 8udra ... 1 ... 1 j MUSALMAXS 1.341 187 4,058 i| 120 71 1 t7 ‘212 7,621 ;j 44 2 107 Mirza ... |l 7 1 6 ' ... ... Moghul 22 ... 38 i! ’1 1 ... 27 ' ... Pathan . 1 14 26 497 1 II 10 210 12 620 ... 8ayyid ... 216 66 647 26 ! • 326 •‘40 676

    18 ... 16 Shaikh 989 106 3,770 i 118 36 394 161 6,360 1 1 26 2 81 Persons returned by «> actual occupation. 1 1 HINDUS 26 HOI ... 2 167 8 610 1 Kamkar ... •ft ... Mala 120 26 760 ... 160 8 660 ... MUSALMAN8 136 6 870

    11 038 1 2,JM)H , ... 6 Dai ... ... ... 18 83 ; ... ... Oarzi
  • _j 6 18 ... k«f 66 ... 100 i ... ... ( 349 ) pivtsiON — eo» timed. CIUMPAE.VN.
  • „ L In other In English. imiguagos. In English, 23 17 j 1,400 I 10 ( 350 ) TABLE C.— -PliTifA TOTAL PATNA DIVISION. PATNA. Group. , Male. Fbmalb. Malb. Female. Learning Literate. Learning Literate. Literate. Literate. In EngliMh. In other lan- guages. In English. In other lan- gUOKCS. Learning. In English. In other lan- guages. Learning. In English. In other lan- guages. Persons returned by actual occupation— concluded, MUSA I MA NS-concl tided. Ohobi 36 ... 110 ... ... ... ... ... ... Dhunia 376 13 1,182 2 ... 7 18 67 ... ... 2 Fakir 139 4 683 1 ... 6 2 ... 38 ... ... ... Jolaha 1,206 02 6,318 8 1 67 163 40 760 1 20 Kabari 126 320 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Kalal 60 2 338 6 ... 0 39 ... 268 6 6 Kasai 8 66 ... ... ... ... Kunjra 71 64 381 64 0 ... 22 64 02 54 6 ... Laheri 18 ... 40 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Rangrez 31 138 ... ... 1 2 1 3 ... ... ... Persons returned by locality. 11 1 y If us 139 68 601 1 ... 22 11 22 43 1 ... 7 Rengalis 1 14 66 330 1 ... 21 13 22 12 1 6 Marwaris 24 3 320 1 1 31 ... 1 MU SALMAN 1 ... ... ... ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or Unspecified. MV SALMANS 59 7 467 40 ... 41 ... ... CnitJSTIANS 421 1,189 307 1S9 861 2r>3 263 568 87 112 473 114 European 30 873 4 68 617 26 10 430 66 336 10 Eurasian 14 72 40 1 74 38 14 60 40 1 40 38 Native 377 244 264 130 170 180 230 69 38 86 80 60 BunniilSTs 1 ... 20 ... ... 5 ... ... ... JA INS 03 1 27H 1 13 18 1 80 ... ... OTHEU ifELlQIONS ... 21 7.5 9 32 1 ... ... ToUU 81,902 13,S12 -186,622 1,950 990 n,3t)5 16,807 3,979 81,983 670 551 2,947 ( 351 ) piviBiON — eon tinned. ( 352 ) TABLE C.—PA1 DARBHANGA. MUZAFFARPUB. Gnoui*. MAI.1S. Female. Male. Fbmacs. 1 [ 1 1 Literate. Literate. Literate. Literate. Learning Learning. Ltarning. Learning. In EnRlitth. In other Ian* gimges. In English. In other Inn* guugoa. In English. In other lan- guages. In English. In e la gusi Persons returned by actual occupation concluded. M V SALMA A\V-coiu*lua»a. Dhobi 1 28 32 06 Ohunia 10 143 1 200 420 .. Fakir 6 47 ... ... 83 214 ... Jolaha 06 4 473 ... 2 171 1.038 .. Kabarl ... ... ... 126 ... 329 .. Kalal ... 2 20 ... 1 1 48 ... Kasai 8 66 ... 1 ... ... Kunjra 2 ... 13 1 ... 1 25 ... 141 Laheri ... ... 1 18 40 ... Rungrez . . i ... ... ... 7 31 ... Persons returned by locality. UINIWS 12 3 Ill ... ... 1 100 17 ,379 Bengalis .. i 88 17 206 Marwaris .. 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Mr SALMAN ... ... ... ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or Unspecified. Mr SALMANS
  • ... ... ClflUSTJANS 15 10 1 97 9 1 - 10 113 3.3 2 71 European ICO 85 12 01 4 2 62 Eurasian ... ... ... , ... ... Native 16 6 10 21 2 0 1 4 22 28 8 nrnnirrsTS (nuHnen- tied) ... JAINS ... ... ... OTHER RELIGIONS .. 1 ... 20 1 7 1 1 2.3 64 8 ... Total 11,8 U 77,271 220 113 900 , 21,201 1,070 90,012 410 89 1, ( 353 ) DmeiON — concluded. 2 'A ( 354 ) TABLE C. — BnAGALPUB Cln*? nnd (iroiij). Caste and TBinE. TOTAL BHAGALPUa DIVISION. Malb. Fesialb. Litenite. Learning. Litorat<. i Learning. In EnicUHh. In othiT languoffos. In English. In other languages. C--14 Ai/nTU'ala 178 72 1,001 ... ... 11 67 /I- fi(a) Ayari ... 42 ... ... •• ... 2(aJ A mat 2.8 2 345 1 ... 1 11 A- 1 Jtabhan 2.:K)1 272 15,005 06 8 338 357 A- 11(a) liaytli 2a 135 ... 1 n— 9(a) Haldya 90 59 150 4 1 28 />-31 BaUl ... 7 ... ... 1- 4 Itandawat 2 ... 11 ... ... C-14 Itaniya 1),5

    .331 10,80.3 52 ... 134 211 U—20 Itarhl 170 5 058 10 E-4S Bari ... 3 3t ... ... ... •• .1- 2(a) Barui l.'iO 7 742 2 1 22 A- 2(a) Bauri ... 82 2 179 ... ... ... 1 E^4l Befdar ii'J 407 ... 1 8 A 2(it) Bhar 1 6 40 ... ... ... ... 8 Bhat ... OH 11 .521 ... ... 1 35 .1- 4 Bhuiya It 2 17.5 1 10 4 A- 4 Bind ... 37 4 211 ... ... ... 1 B~ 5 Brahman ... 6,510 1.377 3..,010 248 130 000 1,913 .1- 2(a) Chain

    •« at* m t 9S9 ... 2 D -38 1 Cha ma r 2H 17 1 ,000 13 5 17 -4— 2(a> Chandat vt Natnasu^ dra :i 30 ... JJ-23 Chapnal 26 210 ... H-5 D ha min 1 12 ... .1- 2(a) T»ha nuk •tto 3t 2,708 2 20 130 JU-24 Dhopa 133 5 510 ... ... ... 8 i:-43 Dorn (59 2 210 ... 1 5 A 2(a) Dimadh 177 8 1,278 ... ... 32 38 A- 2(a) (Jangaata 303 4 i,7:j-i 1 ... 0 119 26 1 Gareri ... 7t 1 411 15 1 2 aI- 2(b) Goal a 1,421 7.-1 8,9.30 11 ... 66 273 />— A5 Oonrhi Grt 2 515 ... 1 12 . n—j8 lia-JJam •SI 1 218 ... •• 31 D^22(a) Ualwai 457 30 3,072 31 100 V^39 nari 101 25 537 ... ... ... 0 n-23 dugi 341 2 702 3 ... ... ... A 2(a) Kadar r, 60 ... ... 4 ... J>35 Knhar ... 20S 10 1,081 r 6 «k ••• 10 43 A -2(a) Kaihartta 592 74 1,880 27 ... 8 1 n-36 KaUvar 319 20 2,023 2 2 13 235 n-10 Kamar and Lohar 4ll0 10 1,760 1 ... 7 O'! n-22(a) Kandu I'D 10 846 4 2 12 33 D-21 Kan$arl 33 ft 184 ... ... 9 It - 0 Kayanfhn 2,812 1,138 14, .351 73 20 481 904 it-3r» Jlrwat 2S.t 4 1,430 8 ... ... 60 A • 4 Khoira • t* ••• 17 1 07 ... ... ... A— 4 Kharwar 100 4 788 2 ... 1 62 A-2(ii) Khat e 1 8 ... ... ... A 2(a) Khatik I 21 ... ... ... 1 Division, ( 355 ) BHAQAL PUR. RlONGllYK. Male. Female. Male. Female. Litorate. LeurninK. .. Litomte. Loarniiig, Litoruto. Learning. Literate. In EiikUhIi In other langua«i>8. In English. In other languuKes. In English. In (thei‘ \uiiguage.4. In English. Ill other lungiiiigeH 11 3S2 ... 2 100 00 445 1 ! 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 ... ... 1 US ... ... ... ... ... 43 2.313 1 3 6 1,0(4 IOC 11,810 03 5 320 10 ... ...
  • ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 2,3.3 2 12 473 182 3.810 18 80 2 m ... ... 7 28 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 130 2 ... 03 6 338 ... ... 1 1 25 ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 49 41 ... 227 I ... .30 ... ... U 271 21 4 113 I ni 1 ... ... ... 0 1 2 20 ... ... ... .. 20 • ... 11,607 02 3 102 1.450 250 0.740 j 00 1 121 203 • •• 05 fl .50 1 i 1 128 1C2 1 2 '405 ... 5 5 1.008 lU 154 ft 8."»2 • I ! ... 0 2 120 17 2 75 ... 2 3 , 7 R8 1 2 508 30 5 401 .32 808 1 2 15 1 4 00 4 48 00 310 15 ... 1 20 2,528 1 11 275 19 2.114 4 ... 18 1 . ... 108 ... 7 1.30 1 1 218 ... 10 838 11 1«H» 10 000 ! ... 13 ... 102 2 11 i •• ... 7 ... 1 7 i ... 4 2 l&l ... 4 83 c 408 5 ... ... 70 ... 1 8 2 4 21 1,083 2 1 11 ... 1 3.3.5 1 .37 4 180 ... .3 , 8 262 2 10 82 5 300 2 2 ’2 3 35 ... ... ... 8S7 6,109 18 1 134 1,111 398 6,082 22 2 H Bhat 7 116 ... ... ... 2 A - 4 Bhuiya ... ... ... ... ... ... A - 4 Bind 20 2 im ... ... t.t 10 S Brahman 771 171 4,270 11 6 22 776 1- (hain 12 65 ... ... 220 n-3ft (Jhamar 10 202 ... ... ... 0 A - 2fa) Chaudal or Kama- ttudra 3 30 ... ... ... ... It ’ 23 Chitpuul 25 ... 210 ... ... It- 5 Ithamln 1 12 ... ... A- 2(a) Itiuiuuk .SO 13 406 2 ... 9 60 n-24 Dhopa
  • l.'JO ... ... 81 11- 43 Dom 2 11 ... ■ ... ... .1— 2(a) Itusadh 21 117 ... ... ... 10 A- 2(a) fJanyauta 115 758 ... ... ... 54 19-20 Garerl 12 40 ... ... ... A- 2(b) Ooata 4G3 25 2,486 1 ... 6 85 Tt—sS Gonrhi 23 1 1!)6 ... ... ... 24 • D-IH Jlajiam ... ... ... ... ... ... lt~22(a) Ifalivai 66 ... 306 .. ... 83 It- 30 H/iri W9 180 ... ... ... 40 lt-‘23 tlnyl If ... HO 1 320 ... ... 838 A 2(a) Kadar ... ... ... ... It- 33 Kahar 13 4 141 • 1 20 A- 2(a) Kalbartta IM 7H4 ... ... 1 370 It— 30 Kalwar 81 5 010 ... 2 2 ... It— 19 Kamar and Lohar ... 06 2 C2S ... ... ... 01 It -22(a) Kundu 7 2 86 ... ... ... 36 lt~2l Kanuari ... ... ... ... 53 It— 9 Kuyastha 270 137 1,947 8 ... 48 388 It-35 Kewat 156 ... 6.)6 ... ... ... 34 A - 4 Klutira 17 1 67 ... ... ... ... A-4 Kharwar 17 ... 138 ... ... ... 26 A— 2(a) Khatbe 1 ... 6 ... ... ... ... A-9(a) KJiatik ••• ... 3 ... ... ... ... Division — contimied. ( 357 ) MALT) A. 8\XTAL hVRtUNAS. Malb. Fkmale. Male. VEM \1.K. y Literate. Literate. Liteiate. Literate. Li'urninK. Learning. ■ Lea ruing. In EuKlish. Tn other l.mguuKeN. In Kii((IiNh. In other laiiKuiiKes. In EnKllsIi. In ntluT !ani:u:iKi‘s. In Kiikchsh. In I'thcr lungiiaifes. ... 17 ... .» 92 i ... 7 : ... 107 20 ■U5 j 2 9 ... ... 2S 12:» ' ... ... 20 77 13 23 20 09 1 ... j 2 N 10 ei8 22 .t) 3s:j 4.5 1 1 1 i,:«v.> ' 1 8 1 ... 132 ... 25 1 r 1 iO j ... ... ... 05 1 7 T 21 ... 45 15 •» •• 10 ... 1 12 .. c ... 5 *2 ... 6 ... ... 3 1 12 ... ... ... ... ... 10 2 108 10 ... 01 ... ... ... ... ino 2.O00 44 80 591 42S 2, .309 ' 05 1
  • i 6S1 90 3 229 ... nr, 37 It 170 ... ... ... 1 1!M> ... .5-1 10 210 i ... 1 128 ... ... •4s 1 7S 1 ... 2 i 5.5 137 1 ... 1 GO > ... ... 03 100 1 07 i ... 2 1 ... 4 { ... . 7 1 230 i 2 4 .32.5 4 1.5 W 1 3 1 Ts 1 75 ' 1 i ... ’ 101 1 10.7 i 10 i 07s ' T 100 , i 25 427 :i j 2.3 ... ■■ ! 1 1 .5 .52 ... 1 4 2 0.5 i 1 49 2 213 ! ... 1 •• i ... 7 Oil 27 7 i 53 1 1 1 81 ! ... 1 2.5 1 1 ... 1 1 9 331 i
  • 1 12.5 I ... ... 2 7 ... 4 2 J 22 15 819 12 30 1 130 171 4;;i 13 D 1 38 1 ... I •») 1 ... ... • •• CU ... ... < 2 1 2 ' ' 1 i ... ... ... ... I ... j r\ »> W 2 A ( 358 ) TABLE C.—Bhaqalpub TOTAL BHAOULPUR DIVISION. ^rOUp* I TRIBE, OR CiROUP, 4-2(40 «^^ A-2(aJ Koirl .f-A E-41 Kora /> 9^ Kumftar A-2(4i) Kiir^ni ,1^4 mthUi A—(a) .1 -2(41) jDt4th4k4Jtr n—3(5 Ma(o A— 4 M4il.V<(h4tt 14% 4—2(ti) M4trlc<%nile Jt~35 Jffurlifarl A— 2(a) Afitstthar ... .1 -2(a) Xagar 4—4 Sa{fcs44t /i-^j \4ilya D-IH yapii O— 5« ytiniya A-'i Ora4tn f:—i4 Osiv4%l A -2(a) raruha f>-3« VnH A.2(a) Eod A — 1 J!4tjp44t A 2(a) ilajirar A -2(a) Saclyop /i— 2i)(a ) Sa u kftari .|-4 Sant ml A— 4 Sar4%4i />— 17 Sonar « J)—3S Sur44hiya h—36 Sanri A—2(f%J T4imhi4li I)— 23 Tanti 4tn4l Tatwa Ii-27 Trli n -2l i Thothera It— 33 Tlyar A~2(4i) Titraha A— 4 Tori Min4}r rastes Religious devotees and persons returned by Sect. njyjtvH Atith Baisnab Brahmo Fakir ... Ooaain ( 359 ) Division— ( 360 ) TABLE C. — Biiagalpur PURNEA. Male. Pemale, Class (unl C.81K. Trihe, or Gboup. Gioup. Litomto. Literate. LoAriiiiig. Learning. Learning. In English. Ill o1h«r In Ill other langiiago.s. English. laiigiinges. KoNih
  • 2 2,160 3 84 Koiri IIB 7 605 ... ... 4 .1-4 Kof 24 ... 116 ... ... E~4l Kora ... ... ... ... ... />-v.s Kamhar ... 37 •221 ... 2 90 A Q(a) Kurynl 27 3 292 ... 2 10 A~4 3InhUi ... ... 3InI ... ... ... A-ti(a) 3falakar C 2 99 ... 21 /J-o.l MaUj 13 79 ... 46 A-4 31 al Paharia ... ... ... .1 -'J(a) 3iarkande 1 3 ... /)— ,>5 .irarif^tri ... ... ... A-'i(a) Alasafiar 1 1 2.5 ... 3fayar 4 40 1 ... 170 A 4 Nayoniu ... ... 3 1 ... ... n 5 Naiya ... ... ... ... ... li-tH \apJt 87 1 600 ... 163 D -50 Nanij/a 8 ... 122 12 A-4 Oraon ... 2 ... <:-t4 ()>tu>at ... 2.3 ... ... A-'^(it) Pa vgha ... ... ... D-50 Pasi 1 3 ... ... ... A 2(a) Pod ... ... 312 A — t lia^fpat 113 13 1,19V 3 123 A -2(a) Itf^fianr ... ... A- 2(a) Sadyop 211 12 080 ... ... 6S D-20(iO SanUhari ... ... ... A-4 Santal ... ... ... 29 ... 0 A 4 Sarak ... ... ... n-17 Sonar . . ... 31 1 202 ... ... ••• 07 i}-5fi Sura hi y a 1 ... 26 9 14-30 Sanri 1(19 1 842 ... 1 143 A- 2(a) Tamhiill 19 02 1 H D- 23 Tanti and Tata^a 43 ... 231 ... 2 101 n-27 Trli ... , Ifil) 3 1,205 ... 1 ,352
  • -21 Thathcra 23 ... 137 ... 24 n-35 Tlyar 13 1 111 ... ... 48 A -2(a) Tara /t a ... 3 ... ... 1 A 4 Turl ... ... 1 ... ... ... Minor cast (<‘S ... 1 31 29 261 43 38 10 91 Religious (Jevolees and persons returned by Sect. nisms 79 4 &i6 3 14 210 Atllh 3 ... 20 ... ... ... Baisnab ••• 23 2 2o5 • 3 172 Brahmo 1 Fakir 20 100 ... 1 ' Qosain 21 ... 166 i ... II 26 ( 361 ) Division — continued. M VTJ) 8ANTAL PARG.VX.VS. • Malb. Female. 1 Male. 1 1 j Female. Litorato, Litorato, Lili'rnlo. Literal I*. Loarning. . .. Lmrning. li(‘arning. In Tn otIu*p In In otiior In In o(lu*r luiiKiumivs. Englinh. English. lHngimKc*i. English. lungiuigoN, 171 ... ... i 1 ... ... 12 ... ... S8 ‘2I>8 ; 3 ... ... ... H S3 1 ... 2 23*1 ... 78 1 ‘265 ; ... •2 CO ... .. 80 17 ... ... ... ... 3.5 ... :n\ ... ... ... ... ... 42 2 84 1 ... 1 :i7 1 4 1 U 1 ... 2 157 1 1 ... i ... •x* ... 40 101 ... “ ... 8 5 31 ... c 30 ... ... ... 1 •• 5 .37 ... ... 2 SOS 1 1 .. ... ... r>.3 ... 1 10(> 1 .. 5 435 i 1 115 i 300 ' 1 11 .01 1C ... 12.3 ... 1 ... 2 . • 1 ' ... l» 66 ; 2 1 5 10 38 ; 4 7W 1 2 9 ’ 1 4 4lC 1 ic(; 62 1,248
  • 14 ... 2.5' 130 j • 1 H OH 3 ti S 171 1 1 ... ... 1 17 18 C5l 10 813 1 i '' 1 ... 42 ... 87 ' 1 3 170 1 1 C4 ‘220 j 1 3 m \ • ,,, 78 ... ... ... 15 2 ‘175 ... ... 5 260 5 1,317 1 20 10 AO 13 ... •28 2 104 j 1 — !) 312 2 141 ] 7 37;i 1 1 1 8 003 4 7 278 ,3 .516 j 6 1 3(i 1 ■ 1 ... 32 ' 1 ••• 1 ... 14.3 ... ... i 1 1 •* U ... 1 ■‘1 1 ! 21 ... 96J 3G 1.231 i
  • 14 2.32 1 1 m 1 i IS 76(5 7 28 UK) *3 ! 1 577 1 4 i 1 1 i ... 9 ... 28 191 2 362 : 2 ... 6 9 665 7 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 .. .. ... ... 16 139 j ... 2 1 73 . 1 • ( 362 ) TABLE C. — Bhaqalpub TOTAL BUAGALPUR DIVISION. Group. Male. Female. Lltorute. Literate. Learning. Learning. Learning. In English. In other luuguugos. In EngliHli. In other laiiKuagus. Religious devotees and persons returned by Sect— concluded. it IN D US-’Concl udeil. 8adhu 7 1 66 ... ... 1 Sanyatl 8 2 142 ... ... 4 MUSAL31ANS 3 K 1 Hanlfi 3 ... 8hla ... 4 ... ... 1 8unni 3 1 ... ... Persons returned by tFtle or common sub-caste. HINDUS 287 0 1,07H 30 90 13 Banpar 19 4 1 13 ' ... 31 Buna 65 378 3 ... 8 ... Jalswar 33 76 ... ... 12 ... Malik ; ... 17 1 60 ... ... ... 10 Rai 9 ... 17 ... ... ... Rs^bansi 99 ... 347 26 ... 43 ... 8ingh ... 18 ... ... MUSAL3I.tNS 10,147 m 30,078 1?2 1 311 773 Mir 20 ... 05 ... ... 1 I Mlrza .• 3 3 20
  • ... 2 Moghul 12 7 09 1 ... ... 4 4 Pathan 354 64 1,265 1 5 33 06 Sayyid 740 106 2,003 1 4 1 71 00 Shaikh 0,072 404 32,307 1 1 12 ... 206 674 Persons returned by actual occupation. n INDUS 017 r>i 2,080 13 40 00 Besya ... 1 • •• Churihar 3 ... 16 ... Dhunia ... 31 1 70 ... ... Qhatwal 233 29 1.028 3 3 Jaliya 30 1 277 ... Kawall 42 6 03 • ... Laheri ... 19 6 197 ... 6 Mala 90 13 428 9 46 30 ManJhI 14 1 67 ... Mistri 5 ... 21 ... MudI 1 ... 19 ... 1 Patua 52 6 243 ... 4 Poddar 12 ... 63 MUSAI3IANS 557 2H 2,700 10 4A 224 DhunIa 64 6 403 ... 22 Fakir 47 ... 166 ... ... 7 Jolaha 322 22 1,782 8 33 191 Kalal 20 ... 112 1 ... ... 2 Division — eontinued. ( 363 ) BHAGALPUR. MONGUYR. • 1 Malb. Fkitai e Male. 1 1 1 Female. Literate. Literate. Literate. Litumte, Learning. Learning. Learning. Tn Kn^lish. Tn fttiher. languages. In English. In othtT lllllgUflg»8. In English. In other languages. In Englinh. In oilier languagca 17 1 10 1 30 30 ... 87 17 ... 32 4 09 1 29 ... 34 ... ... 17 12 4 42 1 (4 ... ... ... 1 6 ... ... ... \ ... to ... 32 ... 12 ... 48 1 ... 1 ... 3 ... 245 2,880 29 00 202 4,560 12 ... 73 7 ... ... ... 8 ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... 2 34 ... ... 4 31 ... ... ... 36 466 1 21 143 9 322 ... 6 61 274 ... 38 4^3 42 1,940 1 20 167 2,099 27 31 766 241 2,062 1 1 47 . u 41C ... 10 03 3 304 8 •16 ... ... ... 1 1 1 1 60 ... ... 8 ... ... 4 ... 12 ... ... 1 83 ... ... 7 1 81 ... to 76 ... • M 16 33 1 134 8 16 < 19 ... ... ... ... 3 28 i ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 1.305 1 80 3 605 10 ii 4 176 ... 21 ... 160 ... ... 34 ... ... ' ... ... ... 33 17 1,071 ... ... 32 2 214 8 ... ... ... .. 20 ... 108 ... i 2 ( 364 ) TABLE C.— Bhagalpub rURNEA. Group. Learninjc. Religious devotees and persons returned by Sect— continued, Hr:v nvS-eoncluileiL Sadhu 6 Sanyas i 4 JUUSALMAXS Hanifi ... Shia Sunni j ... Persons returned by title or common sub-caste. HINDUS 45 Banpar 6 Buna 28 Jaiswar ... Malik Ral 8 Rajbansi BIngh ... MV SALMANS L762 ^Air f.. •«. t. •* 26 Mirza 1 Moghul 3 Pathan 60 Sayyid 03 Shaikh 4,640 Persons returned by actual occupation. ui^m s 11'.) Besya Churihar 3 Dhunia Ohatwal Jaliya 29 Kawali 9 Laheri 7 Mala 14 Manjhi 14 Mistrl Mudl ... Patua 22 Poddar MV SALMA NS 135 Dhunia 4 Fakir 40 Jolaha 87 Kalal i ... Male. Eem.vle. Literate. ! Literate. Learning. Learning. In In other In In other English. languaguN. English. languages. 1 10 1 78 ... ... 4 1 3 4 1 ... ... ... ... 3 304 3 8 135 ... 36 ... ... 1 • •• 201 3 8 10 • •• ... 23 ... • •• 4 15 ... 1 ... ... ... ... 04 to ... ... ... 68 21,920 3H 1 05 2,828 74 ... ... I 14 ... ... ... 5 17 ' 4 5 300 , 1 2 60 8 208 3 1 6 04 49 21,263 33 83 2,697 8 885 1 1 ... 18 102 , 1 14 .. ... ... ... 2Q ... 1 1 ... ... 1 271 ... ... 1 17 • ... ... 4 33 ... ... ... 2 160 1 ... 13 21 1 07 ... „ ... 1 ... ... ... 5 106 ... 26 •1 070 I 1 01 I 61 ... ... '... 131 ... ... ... ... 3 463 ... S 4 ... ... ... MALDA. Malr. Femaie. SANTAL PARGINAS. Male. Female. Literate. Learning. Literate. Learning. Litfiato. Learning. Lit crate. • In En^iinh. In other luiiKuuKCs. Ill English. In f)th
  • tifiable caste or unspecified. IIINHVS MV8ALMANS 3« .52 1,008 7 ... CHRISTIANS 33 40 55 10 24 86 2 European 6 9 4 6 6 2 Eurasian 2 10 1 20 Native 28 38 41 6 17 64 2 ni HHHJSTS

    JAINS ... 3 179 ... ... ... OTHER religions 2 ... ... ... Total 9.005 702 56.213 128 71 8C3 8.025 ‘ Division --‘concluded. ( 367 ) BlIAGALPtIR. MONGHYR. Malb. Female. Male. Female. Literate. Litomte. Literate. Literate. Learning. Learning. Learning. In English. In other languages. In English. In other languuges. In English. In other lunguiiges. In English. In other iHllguages. 4 .327 16 27 11 23iJ 0 1(1 4 24 4 7 i 1 33 ... 6 2 I6S 10 ... 183 ... 3 ... ... i 1 1 I 10 ... 20 7 no 37 30 02 .31 101 3U1 100 82 102 171 60 2 ! 3 34 1 60 166 17 69 102 4 4 ... i 1 1 29 46 29 7 0 0 42 36 ; 1 27 27 33 16 03 120 16 61 165 ... in 1 ... 2 ... ... 1 U4 ... 1 0 ... 11 ji 1 ! ... ... ... I| 1 1,432 51,000 208 1 75 HJfi o,nii 2.072 1
  • 3 « ' 419 .363 1,518 MALDA. RANTAL I’ARGANAS. Male. i Female. | 1 Male. Literate. Literate. 1 Litemte. Learning. Learning.
  • . - In • English. In other languages. In Englijh. In other languages. In English. In other languages. 2 345 2 1, 1 1 276 ... ... ' 33 ... 1,268 .30 1 3.203 17 3 9 65 53 ! 42 3 7 29 4 3 6 48 , 24 1 38 1 ... 17 H 1 ... 22,635 221 9 8,263 ' 1,000 21.396 ! 1 _ - 1 — FBMALE. Learning. Liternte. 1 In 1 Knghsh. In ofhi'i lungiftKcs. 1 j ... • 10 21 19 1 2.5 G ' 20 2 IS 6 ... 1 196 411 ( 368 ) TABLE C.>0bib8a TOTAL ORISSA DIVISION. CITTTi LOK. Malb. Fbmalr. Male. Fbmale. ( Inss and CA8TR AND — .1 Group. TKIBK. Litumto, Litorato. Litoruto. Literate. Luariiiiiff. Learning. Learning. lu English. In otlior languiiKCii. In Enitliah. In olhor langiiaguM. In English. In olher Un- guagea. In EnglUh. In other laii. Buaiyes. V-14 ^i{/ar,cal-«o Barht 379 19 1,121 3 ... 3 221 8 676 3 1 A -9(it) Ihtrni 21S ... 378 6 ... 7 54 ... 179 ... ... A'J(n) llauri 133 5 5S2 1C ... 17 104 2 329 4 nhan4farl cm 23 l.All 18 ... 15 802 18 975 5 4 n~s Jihat ll 07 ... ... 6 ... 38 ... ns lirahmnn i^.yo l,iU)8 59.012 353 4 080 7,-49() 561 28,925 131 :)s:i U-3H ('hamt'T .. 91 3)1 2 ... 0 59 ... 198 1 4 AS(h) Chasa 3,719 83
  • 188 60 ... 8S 1,410 58 3,527 15 20 US4 Dhoptt 293 5 OlH 1 ... 2 13.5 5 851 ... 1 E 43 Dom S 16 ... ... 3 ... 13 ... ... A (h) tionla i,:iso 52 3,227 1.5 ... •48 on 30 1,7.59 7 ... 3') AS(a) Uni a G>2 5 1,187 19 ... 10 80 1 195 1 1 AS Gond 111 .335 2 1 141 ... 3.35 2 1 V -S900 Out id 1,379 .33 1,221 10 ... 30 pn 33 8,020 4 9 iJ—,79 Ifarl 5 1 .52 1 ... 3 1 39 1 ... n-ii7 •layi in:, 7 478 ... 1 87 1 307 ... ... 1 n-io •lyallH 871 29 .3.920 ... 20 1 528 20 2,295 10 14 D-J« Kaluir 19 ... 81 ... ... ... ... ... A~9(a) Kaibartta 97 0 181 ... ... 35 4 82 ... ... It -19 Kami r 123 • 9 1,093 ... 0 107 1 8 505 6 ... 3 A S Kaadh 52 180 ... 0 ... ... ... A-ii(a) Hand r a 301 1.5 1,07.5 j 1 ... 6 170 13 582 1 ... 5 l>-9i 1 Kansarl 1.59 11 0(2 i ... ... .80 14 280 ... ... n-9 Kayastha 4if Ka rv n s,:tu 1,201 2,370 300 5 1 089 4,902 702 10.940 141 3 301 A— 2(a) Kvla 3 1 10 ... ... ... 2 4 28 ... ... 1tS5 Kcwat ' 732 28 2,080 11 17 401 27 1,426 4 ... 11 4-9(a) Khadal 33 05 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 1 Khandnlt ... 10,2 10 201 25,802 1 212 S 338 6.056 152 10,899 73 • 3 134 r>- Katnhar 250 5 sio 1 ... 9 126 5 455 1 ... 2 V-14 KtitnuU 00 3 208 1 3 ... 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1-2(4,)

    Mntah-ar 1!J1 2 020 ! 1 34 ... 5 1 72 1 233 31 ... 2 ts Pan 111 408 j 1 1 49 ... 215 ... ... 1 1 -t It4t,lji,tt 8" D-35 Tiyar 7 4 11 ... ... 5 4 7 ... ... a Minor castes 030 ; 2,509 36 101 830 12 1,406 0 a

    3lVI8I®N' ( 369 ) ( 370 ) TABLE C.~Oris TOT.\L OllISS.V DIVISION. CDTTA OK. Mall*. 1] Fe.valb. Male. Female. GRorr. Liti'mto. LiterfttP. Litorato. Liternto. Learning. Lnurning. 'n English. In nlluT bm- guageb. n English. In otlur languages. ’.a Englibh. In other lan- guugea. In English. §

    sc i 1 Religious devotees and ' persons returned by sect. j i 1 1 1 ■| 1 1 1 niyinrs ... . j 1,1(12 i 1 113 V.IU 40 j 1 120 97 2,052 10 1 1 Batsnab j 646 1 06 2,904 23 1 ... 63 302 08 1,429 6 ... 1 Brahmo ... | 36 j 1 1 80 6 i 1 1 10 32 2 9 1 1 Sanyasl ‘ 65 , 4 192 1 ' 1 2 30 4 128 ' ... MUSALMAXS 8 i 1 u.'i i fi ... ... Sunni 1 8 ' 1 1 63 1 i .> ... ... 1 Persons returned by ; title or common 1 sub-caste. ! 1 1 1 1 jiiyDvs 1.710 , 105 t.7.)C j 45 1 1 96 801 99 2,901 12 ... 1 Buna ... 2 ; 21 ' ... ... ... ... ... vlaitwar 1 13 0 34 1 2 13 6 34 ... ... 1 Patra • 661 1 08 2,091 1 6 6 434 87 1,601 6 ... Sudra j 890 j 0 1.791 ; 18 23 341 6 i,l88 0 MUSALJIANH I 1,78(J 1 310 4,s0;i ! l»5 S 222 1,154 200 2,. 503 46 8 11! Mir 8 i ... 8 ... ... ... Moghul 77 1 14 142 5 3 84 1 1 108 4 ... Pathan | 680 iOO 2,031 24 2 71 622 08 1,282 20 2 6 Sayyid ... | 314 67 1.021 20 3 07 143 66 303 6 3 31 Shaikh j 608 • 160 1,006 1 37 3 72 417 132 869 16 3 4 Persons returned by actual oucuption. 1 I 1 1 jiiyDvs r.7 2,103 32 100 215 60 1,130 10 ... S Botya 1 7 1 1 60 4 3 6 1 Chitrakar i ® 10 43 3 ' 8 10 32 ... Darji 62 21 107 27 20 1 14 Kapasia , ... 4 i ... 22 4 16 1 ... • ... Mala 6 ! 14 6 12 ... Paik 6 1 1 •. 20 ... ... 6 20 ... ... Tutabhina 1 13 1 1 1 67 ... 12 33 ... SIUSALMAyJSi (1 1.5 1 1 2 ... ■“ Persons returned by locality. i ifiyDUs iOl Hli 1,219 11 2 33 80 SO 331 8 2 Bangalis 06 19 393 3 6 32 6 106 1 ... Marwaris 1 16 ... 1 16 ... ... Mahrattas 23 1 1 71 2 2 7 14 8 48 2 . Madrasis 36 23 106 2 8 30 16 61 ... ... Uriyat 247 1 634 4 12 4 ... II ... “ Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. 1 ii 9 uiyt^us JlirSALMAXS K78 m j 3y 2,. 5-10 1,3H7 jl

    ii 16 i| 2 131 196 666 416 38 86 1,772 1,331 14 15 8 19 i — )ivi8iON — continued. PU RI. _ BALASOR. i ANGUL AND KANDH MAHALS. Mals. .Female. Male. Female. 1 Male. j Fema le.

    aniin«. Lit4! rate. Lenmipg. Lltorute. Leaniing. Literate. l.iijirnmg. Literate. Learn- ing. Ijitrrute. I.enrn- ing. Ut orate. In EiiKlisli* In other Ititi- giiHKeH. In Etightih. In other lan- guages. In English. In other lan- guuge.i. In Eng. ilBh. In other Inn- gauges. hi Eng- lish. Inotlier lull- gauges. i In Eng. llsll. In other lun- gungea. 1!» 1 0U4 6 j 60 1 31S 12 1)81 17 .37 hi 3 81 8 114 1 816 2 •7 i 237 3 864 0 16 3 3 0 8 4 ... ... Q 77 4 0 .. t.. 6 39 ... 1 1 1 1 27 ... 1 ...
  • ... ... ... 1 8 2 53 6 ... ... •" 1 i 8 1 63 6 7i3 6 hm 21 i 41 103 441 12 30 12 20 2 ... 21 ... ... ... ... ... ... 94 1 303 ... 33 ... 169 ... 1 ••• 0 660 3 601 12 10 ... 3 1 i 2 2 ... 15() 27 060 C 12 4SI 40 i,nw IS 81 1 1 35

    6 1 14 1 0 2 20 . . 1 ... 1 ... 78 20 308 1 2 08 12 324 4 10 1 27 2 4 38 1 167 2 GOO 23 ... 1 30 ... 63 6 107 1 1 210 30 022 20 22 1 8 ... w 429 15 13 .333 7U 7 . j ... 1 mi ! 10 1)7 4 ... 3 3 IS j 2 1 2 1 26 ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... 3 i • j •• |, ... 1 j 26 1 S3 ... ... ... 1 j i i .. 1 ... i 4 ... 22 4 ... IS ... I “ i “ • ... • ... ... 2 ... ; . 1 4 1 ... j ... ... ' :: ... ... ... j 0 13 1 i -

    i I 1 i 1 252 31 701 7 13 OS) 22 i:.s 1 i ‘ ! ... ' 7 1 '.) i 40 20 iia 2 17 81 I .

    li ! - 0 2 10 ... 4 ... i ... ... 1 ;i ... 0 % 41 2 4 ...
  • ... ! ... 4 ... lOl 1 526 4 7 62 63 ■r 6 1 - i 80 436 50 105 J 313 23 i « ! 28 j •.iO ii 1; 1' , j| ... I 0 10 66 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... L 1 ... 1 li ‘i a'i ( 372 ) TABLE C.—Osia •S'.-—--- —
  • - — ..... i TOTAL ORISSA DIVISION. CUTTACK. Guo IF. M\le. Female. 1 Male. Female.
  • Lilomto. Literate. Literate. Literate. LfarmriK- Loarnmg. ! liOarniiiR:. Learning. In English. In other hinKuiiKes. ! In Phighsh. In other luti^uuKeB. In English. In other langu ages. In English. Tn c.lhi laiiKU Ages. Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified — conchl. chhistians m 2S7 CAT* H‘2 197 725 209 m 874 191 145 4SI European 47 120 56 28 68 37 46 76 36 20 35 32 Eurasian 14 39 12 « 36 14 9 22 12 3 15 IG Native 432 128 668 376 104 074 216 86 327 162 96 441 nt’IiTilHSTS ctfiod) 5 1 1 ... AAt\S II) 9 OTHER REt.HiiOSS ... ... 1 1 7 ... <•‘2.252 L37‘2 11)0, 2!)S ‘2, IMIS i ‘22H t.25«3 32.727 2,M7 100,023 827 1C7 2,r.Hi )ry t PUBI. BAL.\6(>R. .VNGI L J \Nl) KANim MAn.\LS. Malb. Fbmalb. Malk. j Pbbale. M ilK. jl 1 Fkmai.b. Literate. Literati). Literate. i Literate. [ Litemte. LitiTNte. Learning. Learning. Learning. Learn- Learn- Riming. In EnKliah. In othor laTign* ages. In Engtiah. In other iHIlgU* HgCH. In EngltHh. In other 1 langu- . ages. In Eng- lish. til othei lilIlKU- ages. uig. In Eng- lish. In other lanKii- ages. ing. In Eng- lish. I not her langu- ages. e» 47 10» 1J8 24 Ill I.'-.S 53 1.55 15.3 27 i 12!) 1 3 1 3 1 1 18 2 13 2 1 24 10 10 » i 2 1 1 - 1 2 9 6 1 1 1 3 8 9 3 60 20 103 j 61 108 164 21 IcO 163 8 124 3 1 2 t 1 1 a 1 1 \ 1 1 1 7 ! : 12>2 m 4‘2,«5l 455 25 Hlil hi, 272 yi.5 45,28.5 708 3.5 1,103 871 :\s 1 1 2.1. JO 1 18 1 3(1 ( 374 ) TABLE C.— Chuha j TOTAL OllUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION. UAZAUIBAGH. Class and It roup. Caste and Tuibk. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 Litcrute. Literate. [jearning. Literate. Literate. journing.
  • In other laiiKua L't's. Learning. “ In oth»‘r langna* ge's. In 1 In 1 1 In E(igli.sh. In Rngtiah. In English. other 1 lungua* , ges. In Bnglish. other langua- ges. i f- 4 Ayaria 2 1 ... i.f ... ... ... r It Agartvaja 107 13 488 1 ... 2 06 3 261 1 ... 1 .1 Aguri ai 3 74 ... ... 2 2 8 ... ... ... Ji-34 Aaur ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... • 44 ... ... ... 1 1 Itahtuin 887 28 1,610 0 ... .HO .H71 14 1,410 9 30 Bagdi 20 1 2:1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... it- Baidya 288 73 b:i3 48 1 54 10 17 30 7 1 0 1 4 Bandatvai 01 ... 23i. ... ... ... 91 230 ... ... ... r-14 Banina 2, -24.1 79 7.092 73 ... 112 701 24 3,127 46 ... CO rt-20 Barhi 110 9 84H 10 1 5 91 5 203 10 1 2 t:^4.7 Bari 12 ... 31 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .1- 2(a>\ Barui .HI 1 03 ... ... 5 ... 0 141 444 ... 1- 2(a) Bauri 08 7 211 11 ... 3 14 10 ... ... ... E 41 Brdiga 81 17 7:1 10 ... 9 14 7 33 10 ... 0 t: 41 Bvldar 4 0 03 ... 2 5 4 6 47 ... 2 5 A- 2(a) Bha r 4 ... 10 ... ... ... ... ... n- s Bhat S. ... 214 2 ... 3 15 ... f / Bhogta tW 12 18S ... ... J 10 ... 51 ... .1 4 BItniya 477 22 l.OUO 31 1 IIW 33 87 1 1- 4 HhutniJ 2,'i.H ... o.'il 6 ... 14 ... ... ... ... 1- 2(a) Bind 1 ... 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ti^ 5 1 Brahman •• ' 4 800 811 IS.OD.l 150 23 900 935 130 4,211 38 6 02 t)-3ft C'ha ma r 110 1 200 5 ... 7 43 1 3,5 ... ... ... A - 2(a) i'/ta^a 21 ... 40 ... ... ... ... ... 1 - 4 i'hcro 41 61 250 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... i 4 f7*l/c 87 ... 210 ... 7 ... ... ... ... 1- 2(a) iihannli 7 ... S3 ... ... ... 1 3 ... IS ... ... ... n 24 Ifhohi 103 281 9 ... C 15 ... sa a ... ... E-43 Jfi^m .'i.S 1 119 ... ... 23 1 0 ... ... A - 2(a) Ifusadh 211 104 43l» ... ... 41 1 92 1 o-2n Oarnri 7 4n ... 4 ... 10 ... ... ... A- 4 (ihaai 09 10 103 2 ... 2 16 % 16 a ... .1^ 2(h) 1 itnala , 889 .HO 2,604 60 34 244 a 711 8 ... u t- 4 Hand j 20 70 ... ... 2 • ... If Jlarl or £3 91 5 19 ... ... ... mall ... ... ... 1 - 4 Ho 470 8 490 16 ... 18 ... ... n 33 Jhorn 1 25 ... ... ... ... ... ... If 23 dayl 20 1 70 ... ... ... 6 ... 19 10 ... 1 10 Jf-3Jl Knhar 187 10 078 11 ... 13 142 8 400 ... A - 2(a ) Kathartta 00 2 94 4 ... ... ... 87 11 2 n-19 Kamar Of LoJm' r 448 35 993 18 ... 17 40 1 ... if—22(a ) Bandu 45 4 141 5 ... ... 28 1 79 37 6 J)—21 Kantari .. 17 0 155 ... ... 6 ... 113 H- y Haya»tha 1.819 745 6,130 68 le 246 797 246 2,739 32 £ D-36 Keicat 20 4 81 1 ... 1 4 1 6 ... J- 1 KJutndalt ■1 ” 1 78 1 S
  • I avo ) Nmpue Division. LOHARDAGA, INCLUDING I’ALAMAU. Mals. Learning. LitiTato. In EnKluli. In other liinKtito 1 Ekmalr. Learn- ing. Literate. In Krig. In ot her lan- lisli. guM^es, MANBHUM. SINGIIBUUH. Male. Learn- ing. Literate. In Eng- lish. In other tan- gungi-s. Ff.m ale. Male. Female. Literate. Literate. Litrrato LiMirn- Learn- IxMirn. ng. In Eng- lish. In other Inn- guauea. mg. In Eng- lish. In other laii- gnavies. mg. In Eng- lish. ot U go ( 376 ) TABLE C.-CntJTiA TOTAL CHUTIA NAGPl'll DIVISION. HAZARIBAGU. Male. Female. Male. Female. • and Caste, Tuiiie, ok Gioup. (li Kc)ur. F Litonitt*. Literate. Literate. Literate. Lcarninp. Learning. {Learning Learning. In In In In In othor In other In other In nth Ian- English. lati- English. lull- English. lan.*^ 1 RUUKfS. gnugi's. gimges. gutiKes.i A- 4 KJiarla S 127 A- 4 Kluirawt 33 2 361 ... 4 2 ... 21 A- 9(n) Moiri 217 14 983 « 14 185 11 440 8 6 4 Kol 771 8S 814 29 27 4 8 E~4t Kora 11 3G ... n— 2 ft Kumhar 4(57 10 1.0 K-i 25 3() 66 (k1 5 9(a) Kurmi 1,34S 32 3,090 27 ... 21 162 4 589 12 ... 1 .4- 4 Itlahiii ... 23 IGO 4 8 ... 8 lJ-99(a) Matra or llal- ira i .371 IG 1,072 6 2 57 2 171 ... A 2(a) Mai 21 f.l ... ... ... ... A- 9(a) Mai aha r Oil 1 203 1 3 47 1 121 ... 1 A- 4 Muntla 407 110 2,606 7 ... 09 21 1 21 1 p». 4 A^ 9(a) Ma:tahar 2 ... 12 ... .. .. 2 )2 ... A- 4 NoffChia 5 1 30 ... n--18 Maplt or . tn 421 c 776 12 ... 15 58 2 117 2 ... 1 K^44 yat y ... 7 6 0 7 ... D-30 Suniya 14 110 ... ... A- 4 Oraon 42H 33 1.032 46 4 108 1 ... A- 4 Va n ... ... 85 ... ... A— 4 Parhalya 1 2.6 2 ... ... D-36 Paul 29 52 1 20 ... 41 1 .1- 9(a)\ Pod ...

    ... 6 ... -1— i Itojput b(5(5 30 4,422 66 315 817 4 1,521 1.5 1- 2(a) llajwar GO ... •212 3 5 18 &1 -1— 4 Haiti la 4S 0 445 2 ... A- 9(a) Sadgop 80 2.'i 226 8 10 4 6 5 ... • 1 l}-29(a) Sankhari 2 ... 4 ... ... ... ... ’ ■ A- 4 Sarnie 190 42.6 ... 2 ... 1 JJ-I7 Sonar 194 13 707 13 i 7 07 6 323 7 6 n-5(t Sanrl or Kaltrar 741 12 2,206 13 ... 10 147 1 520 • 3 A~9 (a) Tatnfntll 211 17 711 2 ... 4 14 ... 40 ... l>-23 Tantl or Tativa 32.’5 2H 1,070 15 21 14 11 ... It -97 Tell 914 21 2,‘2.V1 25 23 244 3 710 14 ... 1 D-9I Thathera 10 1 60 1 4 1 7 1 ... A 4 Tori 2C 4 91 1 1 10 1 16 1 » Minor CanU's 1,100 C 1,.3(>1 116 1 180 235 1 244 65 ... 11 Reli^'ious Devotees and persons returned by sect. 1 • • iiiyjtrs :iG') 20 1.495 24 [ 58 82 316 14 18 Atith • • • ••• . . 40 ... ... 8 ... 1 Baisnab . 1 17 1 367 0 16 3 17 ... 3 Bhakat 40 4 73 1 1 ... ... Oosain 02 22 418 1 4 30 122 1 ' Ramavat 7 43 3 ... 6 Banyati 34 2 104 1 1 1 46 ... ... MVSALJIAN8 1 12 ... 1 12 1 ... ( 377 ) NjWpck Division — continued. ( 378 ) TABLE C.-CnuTiA TOTAL CHUTIA NAGPUR DIVISION

    HAZARIBAOH. Group. Male. Frmals. Maxis. Fbmalb. L»’anung. Litcratt*. Literato. Learning. Literato. Learning. Litei "ate. Ill Engliih. In oiht'i* Ian* Kuages. Ltr'aniing In English. In other lun- guageii. In English. In oilier lull* guagos. In Englitih. In otlier liin- Ruagwj. Persons returned by title or common sub- caste. HI y DUS 183 28 748 10 47 SB 177 11 19 Jaunpurl 20 13 66 ... 6 ... Jaiswar 26 2 202 1 4 16 03 1 Mahat 66 6 136 3 2 Mandal Id 29 ... ... ... Maulik 31 7 205 7 18 10 60 6 10 MUSA LMANH 2,314 1!)5 C.212 70 27 220 L.-iSO 68 2,505 40 94 Moghul 12 2 27 1 3 9 2 12 ' 3 Pathan 283 65 1,249 19 63 109 36 700 6 24 eayyid 80 72 305 3 20 61 30 10 169 1 M Shaikh 1,826 65 4,332 47 ' 84 1,206 21 1,408 34 54 Persons returned by actual occupation. niynus m 25 1,837 84 C.3 147 1 403 6 16 Laheri 10 4 70 ... ... 6 ... 17 ... ... ... Jolaha 60 1 208 8 60 1 208 6 ... 8 Mala 66 1 1 261 2 .. 1 1 ... 3 ... Manjhi 151 3 283 18 13 2 ... 10 ... ... ... Paik 47 ... 61 1 ... ... ... ... Mudi .20 4 60 ... ... ... ... ... ... Patua 76 167 1 ... 10 68 ... 144 ... ... 8 Poddar 22 2 174 1 ... 1 ... MUSA LJI Ays 231 ... fiss 18 1 24 116 335 11 1 12 Dhunia 4 27 3 3 Fakir 18 82 ... 4 10 ... Jolaha 179 378 10 21 80 ... 142 7 g Kalal 14 106 3 1 3 13 147 3 3 Persons returned by locality. • my Dir s Di) 4 432 7 fi 1 50 2 1 Bengalis 10 ... 38 ... 2 2 » Hindustanis 41 .. 160 3 ... 4 ... 39 Uriyas 30 4 190 2 ... T., ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. niNDVS 211 ... 454 B9 GO 67 ... 293: 82 • 25 cuniSTfAys 1,S44 BIO 1 2,2.34 604 170 G50 74 116 40 68 98 44 European 34 243 14 17 112 3 26 65 6 13 76 Eurasian ... 14 43 8 22 28 ... II 6 4 18 13 ... Native 1,296 230 2,21 i 606 30 663 37 62 39 37 10 44 JAINS 14 4 210
  • 2 14 4 209 ... ... 1 1 2 Total € 28,eS9 8,390 85.441 [ 1.H13 250 .3,776 7.068 700 28,471 014 110 661 Na*opue Division — concluded . LOTURD\GA, INCLLDINO PALAMAU. MANBUITM. BINOnBHUH. Female. Male. Female. M \LK. Female. LiteratH. ! LiteratH, Litoralo. 1 Litorato. j Lilerato. Literate. Learning Li^arn- Loam- Loam- Learn- Learn- In English. In otlior liin- gun>?f‘8.[ iug. Tn Eng- lihii. Tn other bill* ing. In I’hiK- lish. In other lan- guages. ing. Tn Eng. liah. In other lati- giiiiges. »ug. In Eng. lisli. In other lan- guages ing. In Eng. lisn. In other lan- guagei. 58 22 331^ 3 2H 31 82 58 6 ISO 2 28 13 60 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 2 83 ... 4 6 ... 17 ... ... 0 ... ... ... 6 ... 10 1 2 ; 1 6 0 ... ... 48 6 MO 2 ... ... 1 ... 3 ... ... 1 6 ... 4 ... ... 7 22 ... ... ... 6 7 104 1 a! 10 49 ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... »1U 80 1,824 18 20 10(5 418 25 1,02.3 5 14 47 22 200 7 1 6 • •• 0 ... 1 8 ... ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ... 60 9 345 13 29 30 4 113 1 ... 4 7 31 ... ... ... 16 67 187 1 20 40 25 2 40 1 ... 7 3 9 ... ... 186 14 1,224 4 ... 22 340 18 1,414 J 8 27 n 100 0 1 ... 148 17 4Sj 3 15 .50 0 251 2 5 108 1 1D8 24 17 a 4 40 ... ... 1 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 10 253 2 ... 3 1 6 ... ... 48 3 1 10 ... ... 1 ... 1 ... 100 166 10 13 47 ••• 48 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... 20 4 60 ... ... ... ... 7 ... 14 ... ... 9 ... ... 22 2 172 1 1 ... ... 2 ... ... 101 2t»5 3 12 3 4 ... 12 ... 32 ... ... ... 19 ... ... ... ... 1 ... 6 ... ... 3 34 • tf ... ... 6 ... ... 1 1 ... 24 ... ... ... 00 215 12 3 ... 21 ... ••• ... 1 ... 16 ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... • • 44 7 4 256 36 3 4 7 30 ... ... 3,1 1 !)0 2 30 4 j 4 106 104 3 j ... 1 7 ... 22 ' 3 1 20 89 1 I 1 2 i 1 1 ... 2 10 8 22 82 2 150 09 i 27 1,028 2 1 S 1 1,870 351 31 17 410 104 1 76 18 7 no 1 78 1 10 4 4 75 !.■;« 6 3 no 77 22 190 8 4 1 107 4 ! 31 10 1 1 121 a 1 i.026 6 107 1.870 361 14 416 103 61 116 77 II 76 130 20 170 1 100 4 1 18 ... ... ...
  • ... ... 1 ... • •• 1* — 5.211 1.483 24,076 RIO 82 2,047 11,204 846 2«,840 643 1 31 610 j 4^610 427 9,057 ji • 44.5 S3 457 Oii

  • ! — ( 380 ) TABLE C. — Education by Caste.
  • — Castes, Teibes, and Races by Teaditional Occupation, oe Nationality. FEUDATORY STATES. MALE. FEMALE. Name and clahsification. Literatm. Lithratb. Learning. In EiigliNh. In other luiiffuages. Illiterate. Learning. In English, In other liiugiiageB. Illiterate. A.-AQRICULTURAL. 1.— Military and Dominant. Bahhan 6 104 C,7G0 ' 6,713 Khandait (Orinna) 800 8 3,003 28, 21 eo 32,2,56 JRaJpnt 226 20 1,117 0,175 33 . . 1 234 6,019 Total 1,002 28 4,324 41.279 66 1 314 46,687 2.— Other Agricultural. (« ). — Cultivating. (i).— In Bengal. Bagdi 7 4 14 8,000 .. ... 8,310 BOTtii ... ••• ••• ••• 2 ... 13 861 ... 794 Bauri 1 0 1,007 1 1,108 Chandat or Namasudra 14 70 2,400 1 2,769 Kalbartta 48 130 2,058 ... t 2,891 Koehh or KaJOanH 3.332 77 13,737 103,156 68 2 208 171,829 jM[al\ ... ... ••• ••• ... 20 208 ... ... 273 Mali or Malakar 42 207 6,902 2 10 6,082 Tttorhk ... ... ... 41 300 1,621 ... 1,810 Pod 1 1 2 ... Baja ... ■■. ... .«• ••. • • 27 2 130 1,301 1 3 1,364 Sadgop ...» 20 3 24S 11,701 ... 14,723 Tambuli 18 110 2,006 4 1 2,788 Total (ii).— In Chutia Nagpur. 3,600 87 13,050 2o:>,ri'i3 70 2 234 214,737 Amat 1 0 ... Bhar 3 :j8i 310 Bind ... 1 ... I Dhanuk ... 1 84 • 3 Ouaadh 2 4t 453 197 Koiri 14 1,>1'12 ... ..1 1,173 Kurmi 07 2 059 33,917 9 (14,200 Munaltar ... ... 1 138 73 Bajivar ... 14 8,412 8,326 Tura/ta •« 1 3o5 208 Total ( iii),— In Orissa. Chaaa 09 2 730 15,213 ... 9 44,107 900 8 3,973 93,718 10 1 97 103,461 Ookha 1 8 8.38 ••• ... 866 Oola 27 4 79 4.066 4 28 4,837 Kachra 13 2 17 493 1 • •• 4 638 Kandra 1 18 2,742 ... 2.766 Kaatha 12 2 21 624 1 • M 2 677 Kola 1 11 261 „• 237 Uegura 10 ... 13 87 1 i 137 ( asi ) L— Castes, Tiiibes, and Races by Traditional OccorATiON, or Nationality — contimied . FKMALE. 'I NAMB and CtASBIFICATION. Learning. Litera'ie. 1 J.IIEUATE, IlliU’iato. 11 1 It mitt*. Tn EnKli^h. In ntlu r l.nijjuiiKfs, 1 1 In EnifliMh. In otlii-r lan>rn[»Kr'<. A.-'AQRICULTURAL — confinurtl. 2.- Other Agricultural--ro»o/«rf<». (r/).Cultivatmg— (iii). — In Orissa — concluded. Khadttl 3 3 m 1,121. / l.l.'O Taula o6 5 6.7 4 22 n.2l.'. Total 1,003 21 n().r;so 20 1 155 121, ls7 Total cultivating castes 4,762 1 13 20,041 C0I,67I ; 90 3 388 300.421 Pastoral. Ooala 662 20 103,121 1 1 ... 47 in.'slll 4.— Forest and Hill Tribes. (i).-~ln Orissa. Jtathadi 68 41 A 111, .'.10 2 in, sill Oond 287 1 1,078 :*,u2 6 1 34 08,207 Juang ... 16 2 24 4.17'; Knndh 128 ... 6H4 2.'i,721 , 1 3 20,-153 Sarar 18 141 2t,rA»o ■ 2 21,601 Total (ii).-“In Chutia Nagpur. 607 3 3tt42 , 6 1 11 11.0,701 Agaria I 104 1«,.313 1 ... 18,174 Bhuiya 290 7 1,353 47,012 1 2 34 47,661 BhumiJ 42 233 80.087 8 2 87,370 Binjhia 1 1 2 13 i.ow ! • 4 993 Chero 6 38 2,103 ' 2, 100 Chik 1 ’ ... 27 ,1,203 ... 3,030 Ohasl 1 1 ^47 1 4,022 1 1 6,001) Ho 6 04 7,075 1 2 7.907 Kalita 2 l.C.',S 1 I.'IU Kaur 0 04 O.OCS I 6,5.52 Khnira 47 ... ISO 0,!)CO [ ... t 10,157 Kharia 2 65 2,770 j 2,710 KhatrtoaT 2 38 i,ic:s ' 1,1.91 Kol 100 1 460 1 05, 109 MahiU 4 2 75 1,41C ! 1 1,'«"7 Nunda 1 22 47,255 ; 5 47,060 ^ageaia II 2 14 467 1 1 406 Oraon 2 48 17,408 1 4 45,089 Tan 74 721 78,059 1 5 79.Ci-3 itautia 1 1 05 6,812 2 6,739 ^antat 10 3 250 08,833 4 16 08,168 Sarah 3 ... 24 400 ... ... iJS Tur • 2 ... 2 1,317 j ... ... 1,200 Total ... 047 17 5,893 401,011 j 10 ... ; 78 459,102 "^otal Hill and Forest Tribes 1,164 20 7,036 007,486 22 I 120 603,408 TOTAL GLA88 A ... 7,000 187 33,721 I.M 3,458 1 184 6 eoo 1,134,018 ( 382 )
  • — Castks, Tribes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality — emtimei . NAMK ANT) CLASSIPICATION. MALE. FEMALE. Loaraiiiff. Literate. H'titemte. Learning. Literate. Illiterate. In English. In other ttnguogcs. In English. Tn other languages. B.-PROFESSIONAL. 5.— Priests. lirohtnan 2.486 272 13,140 27,553 46 8 337 40,186 6.— Devotees. KaUtndi (Orissa) 6 ... 93 722 ... 748 Sanyasi ... 12 1 67 471 ... 9 458 JSIVAJTK- (l),—Jihattarl 6 ... 91 071 ... 671 (ii),-‘Saiva 7 ... 17 8G7 ... 886 VISnXUV.iJTE— (i). Hals nab 103 4 700 8.079 7 ... 13 2,6iC, Caj.Gosaln 6 ... 05 060 ... 661 ( Hi — -V Imti iffit 4 19 413 ... ... 374 ( i r),’^jKamavat 8 10 163 1 9 190 Total ... 161 6 1,030 7,111 a ... 17 7,559 8.-QeneoIogists. Hliat ■ 46 885 i ... ... 754
  • — Writers. Karan (Orissa) 687 74 3,460 3.7<«) 43 103 6,162 Kayastha 870 145 1,190 7« 04 1 00 1,635 Xstat 1,267 21» 4,650 4,612 107 1 950 7,797 9— A.— Physicians. ISaldya 28 21 34 83 6 ... 19 87 10— Astrologers. Jyotis (Orissa) 73 ... 377
  • 4 931 TOTAL CLASS B « 4,000 617 10,387 40,623 106 0 629 67,264 • C.-COMMERCIAL. I 14 — T raders. Ayanrula 2 0 161 ... 157 Itaniya (unspeclfit d) ... 107 ' 25 1,108 8,269 8 1 46 4,744 Oandhabanik II 3 lot 2*tt 1 9 411 KJtatri 21 7 199 739 2 5 524 Kumuti (O/lssa) le 190 447 ... 615 Os tool II 2 18 52 1 9 ... tfiibarnabanik ... 19 6 117 605 1 ... 4 797 Yaisya 16 4 104 707 1 5 • 698 Total 202 46 1,765 0,213 14 1 69 7;m
  • — Pedlars. Tborla (Orissa) 6 • •• 85 894 ... ... ... 1,172 — TOTAL CLASS O 208 48 1,860 7,107 ! 14 1 62 9,118 ( 883 ) I.— Castes, Ibibes, and Races by Thaditional Occupation, or Nationality — continued. MALE. FEMALE. NaMB AltD CLASMIFICATIOV. Li'jirning. Litebatb. Liter \ FF. In KhrUsIi. I n ot hor luitgUtiKi'H. lllilerulti. Livirning. In KliKllbli. In olhiT liiiiKtiu^es. liliterato. D— ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL.
  • — Goldsmiths.

    Sttrnakar or Sonar 6 7S 823 1 702 18.— Barbers. lilutndari {Otisaa) 76 2 397 7,818 1 2 8,3 >4 jlt^JJam 3 39 1,357 1,1.38 Xaptt 63 1 250 1.720 1 1.790 Total 141 li 09 a lO.'JiH 2 2 11,202 19.— Blacksmiths. Komar 48 1 to, 18,055 1 4 90, (5.50 Lofinr 4 26 0,837 0,013 Total 40 5 217 21,892 1 4 27,20.3 20.— Carpenters and Turners. Ifarhl 20 132 .3,511 1 1 3,110 Karauya 27 1 74 1,1.59 1 1,201 Total 47 1 200 4,703 1 2 4,080 21.— Brass and Copper Smiths. • Kansarl 16 250 1,898 ... 2 2,181- Kasera ^16 205 ... 200 Thathera 1 ... 14 ■m ... 492 Total 26 380 2,.599 2 ‘>,9(;3 22 — A. — Confectioners. m Ouria {Orisaa) 3 18 10,5.39 ... 10,48.3 Haiwai 4 26 27.5 1 1 4 15.3 ^alra 41 5 37 20 76 Total 48 6 81 11,189 1 4 10,947 23.— Weavers, &c. JUffi 43 136 3,631 .3.188 rau« 133 6 707 15,82(1 6 ... 1 10.192 4 213 8,418 ... 7 .3,539 • Total 180 0 1,050 22,810 6 8

    A .56 fl 24,— Washermen. J>hopa or Dhohi 00 239 13,359 ' 1 3 1.3,460 27«— Cil-pressers. Ttli 421 7 2,273 1 20,905 2 13 j 2 S .11 3 1
  • — — - . — • ( 384 )
  • Castes, Tribes, and Races by Traditional Occupation, or Nationality — continues. Name ant> clvssificvttox.
  • ARTISAN AND VILLAGE MENIAL — conchuhtL 28.— Potters. Kumhar 29— A.— Bracelet-makers. Snnk/tarl
  • — Salt-workers.
  • — Lime-burners.

    Ifuitl or Chunari MALE. 33.— Gold-washers.

    Thorn 35 — Fishermen, Palki-bearers, &c. (iitnrar iiotirlii Kahar Ktifof Tiff nr
  • — Distillers, &C. Kulwar rnui ^unri Total 38.“ Leather-workers. I'hnmnr • Mnrhi Total 39.— Scavengers. narl Total TOTAL CLASS D E—VAQRANT, MINOR ARTI- SANS AND PERFORMERS. 41 .-Earth-workers, &c. Kora 43.— Mat-makers. FEMALE. Literate. Literate. Learn iiiK. In EiikUmIi. 1 In oilier laUKUiiKI'H. Illitcrato. 1 Loarning. In EngllMh. In nthor languagi:)H. Illiterate. N2 5 004 1 22,‘'Si> [ ! 2 4 2.3,282 1 58 65 10 57 !))5 ;i7s 1 1 10 m ... .'172 a tiO 1,S72 2 2 1,8*1 1 1 1 10
  • 1 140 3 11 4 13 1 Oft r..m i 1 4,100 27 US 2), 704 • • .. ... 22,070 1 9 7W II ... ... 723 66 2 •J22 .'10,218 . ... 1 ihm 18 j 104 1,070 22 1,114 1 42 104 4 SOS 5,735 ! 3 1 6,21.8 123 5 1,002 0,005 3 23 7,404 6 1 70 5,.57| . 1


    4 84 L.TJI 1 i;5! 10 1 too 0,005 ... ... 2 6,231 ! 36 1 180 11,40 ♦ 1 12,025 cB 180 11,107 1 1 12,02.5 1,347 40 7,506 I0D.006 21 ... 71 J02,e04 6 7,022 6,4dS 7 17 6.444 ... ... ... 4.601 Dom ( 385 ) !• — Castes, Teibes and Races by Tradiiional Occupation, oe Nationality concluded. MALE. FEMALE. and CIAB8I7XCAT10N. Learning. Literate. Litbraie. In EiiKlish. In olhor lauguaKPN. lllitorato. Limming. In English. Inothur lungiiagoA. lllltoralo. E.— VAGRANT. MINOR ARTI- SANS AND PERFORMERS— concW. 44.— Hunters, &c. Betliya 6 7 COO 512 Total 46.— Miscellaneous Bari 6 ... 7
  • no ... ... 2.471. t 1 75 ... OS TOTAL CLASS E 13 31 14,000 1 ... ... 13,681 F.-RACESAND NATIONALI- TIES. 60.— Non-Asiatic Races. Kuropean« 6 17 10 4 1 m 61.— Eurasians 20 1 6 3 7 TOTAL CLASS F 6 37 17 I 10 4 17 II. — Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race— Hindus. MALE. FEMALE. Name op Group. Literate. Liter \TB. t Learning. In Englisli, In other lungimges. Illiterate. Loarmng. In English. In other liUlRUng'H. Illitemfe. • A.— Hindus, returned by title or Common Sub-Caste. Baraik 3 9 IW ... Hi*; Bums 4 ... 19 242 flanjhu 6 ... 21 535
  • ...

    ^laghaiya ... ... IS 111 ... ... 35 l.U ^fahanti 64 ... 430 1.8H2 1 ... 2,322 •Wa/ito 0 ... 34 1,099 2 2 •rit; Vandal • 1 1 SO C12 22 1 : 2 1 ^aghaisai 10 ... 4S 4,203 4 3 4.248 ^aih 30 1 24S 3JKS ... ... 2 523 91 ... 510 2,t^40 ' 3 8,401 Baut 10 2 47 96 ... 5 122 96 8 438 12,607 6 15 13.109 Total ... 328 7 1,884 1 ' 25,061 14 ... 87 20,761 c a* ( 386 ) II.— Peesons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or Race— Hindus— MALE. FEMALE Name of Grocp. Literate. Literate. • Learning. In English. In oth<»r languages. Illiterate. Learning. In English. In Other languages. llliterute. B.— Hindus, returned by Actual Occupation, ttagai 0 17 1 2 610 Uarti 6 13 G(>4 1 2 61.3 iihiitival 4 It 412 ... 1 300 Jatiyn 7 S7 n.'ii) ... 1 576 Kupuria 17 1 33 400 ' ... 550 Lnherl 3 0 2^1 ... 1 108 Itlffta 1 SO 4G3 ... .303 Mnttjhl 3 1 12 .3,337 ... 2,6;i.S !>IaUya 22 1 ICO 1,461 4 12 1,500 Tiilnhhina 9 32 n:vj 2 6 707 Vila 1 1 60 757 2 7 772 Total 88 .3 432 i2,r.:ii 1 1 31 ll.OSfl
  • — Hindus, returned by Locality. JtenyaUtt 17 3 1t4 401 1 t 452 MarwarU 2 32 400 ... ... ...
  • Morangian t3 113 1,110 3 1,211 Te/ingas , 4 34 SU7 ... ... ... 788 t^riyaa ... 36 1 201 2,402 3 ... 8 2.CG2 Total 71 4 627 6,:i33 4 ... 12 5,460 □.^Hindus, returned by Unidenti- fiable Caste. • ShagirdpealM 3 ... 32 1,051 ... ... ... OSS Total 32 2.5(W ... ... 2,255 E.— Hindus, Unspecified i " 1 ... 5 1,053
  • ... ... 1,870 II. — Persons not returned by Caste, Tribe, or
0 1 Musauians. .. .

■ , .. — — — € A.->Musalmans, returned by Sect. Sunni 1 0 ... ... ... 2 B.— Musalmans, returned by Title. Moghul 2 1 0 3-13 872 Petthan 64 11 366 2,008 1 ... 3 2,598 Sayyltl 8 1 40 339 ... ... 1 412 Shaihh 1,889 81 6,411 82,401 65 ... 00 81,685 Total C.—Musalmans, returned by Actual Occupation. 1,963 04 6,816 85,991 66 04


J>ai •Tolaha 6 ... 8 7 tins 1,018 1 ... 1 342 891 Total 6 ... ts 1.900 ' 1 1,789 D.— Musalmans, Unspecified 1 1 36 244 ... ... ... 228 ( 387 ) JH. — Persons returnei> only ry Religion, MALE. FEMALES.

Name op Belkhoe.

Learning. Literate. Litkrat. In KiiKlish. In olli^T lunKuat^eH, Illilonitt*. Leurnint;. In English. In olhnr langnagns. lUilorafi*. Brahmo 7 7 5J J

  1. Native Christian 18 30 9.1 .''.75 6 2 W7 Buddhist {unspecified) 46 IK iiOl 17.5 7 to Ann Jain 20 HI m •J 11 Sikh 1 •J :: Theist u ... fehsons not returned ry he- LiaiON, CASTE OR TRIHE. ... 2 yii ... i ... total for the feudatory STATES. 1 6.792 907 71,646 1.613.166 1 603 ! 23 2,003 1,664.818 2 cii ( 388 ) TABLE C. — Feuda Cln** and group. Castg and Tbidb. KUGH BIHAR. Malb, Fbmalb* Looming. Litorato, Learning. Literate* In Englitih. In other languages. In English, In other languages* A-4 Agaria ... .. ... ... ... ... ... A garivala ... ... ... ... ... ... A-^i(a) A tnut ... 1 ... ... ... A 1 llnhhnn ... 3 ... ... ... A-7(aJ Jlagdl «•! ... ... ... ... Il-9(a) llaidya ... 23 10 30 6 ... 11 Mlaniya ( unspecified J 23 5 207 ... ... ... n-iiO liarlii #«« ••• ... 2 ... 12 1 ... ... E-45 Jtari ... ... ... ... ... ... Itarui 4*9 ... ... 8 ... ... ... A-t liothudi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A~Xf('aJ liaori ... ... ... ... ... E~4i Itediya IM G 7 ... ... ... li-lH Bhandari ... ... ... ... ... ... A--Q(a) Qhar ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... Bhat ... ... ... ... ... J)-59 Bhuimall and Ilari ... li) ... 07 ... ...
  2. A~4 Bhuiya ,,, ... ... ... ... ... ... A-4 BhittnIJ ... ... ... ... ... Bind ... ... 1 ... ... ... Mi-6 Brnhunan ... 44C 221 1,G74 21 1 83 T}-,^8 Chamar ... 4 ... 84 ... ... 1 A ‘(a) Chandol 11 ... 70 ... ... 1 A--9(a) Chosfi ... ... ... ... ... A 4 thero ... ... ... ... ... A 4 Chile ... ... ... ... ... A- 9(0) JJhanuk ... 1 ... ... ...
  3. -94 Dhopa C ... IS ... ... 1 E-43 Dom 2 ... s ... ... ... Dusadh 2 ... 10 ... ... ... A 4, Ghnai ... ... ... ...
  4. A-9(b) Gonla 40 1 107 ... ... 1 A-i$(a) Ookha mtm 4 ...
  5. ... ... ... A-4 Qond ... ... ... ... ... ... n-36 Gonrhi ... ... ... ... ... A 4 IIo ... ... ... ... ... J)-33 dhOTO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A-4 tfunng ... ... ... ... ... ... J>-2S Jugt 30 ... 20 ... ... Mi- 10 Jyotis ... ... ... ... ... ... n-36 Kahar ... 2 1 18 ... ... ... A -2(0) Kaibartta 37 ... W ... ... 1 hamnr ... ... 4 ... ... 1 A-4 handh ... ... ... ... ... ... A-(a) Kandra .. ... ... ... ... Ii-2t Konsari ... 1 ... ... D-2i Honern ... ... ... A-4 KitOT ... ... ... ... ... TORY StATKS, ( 389 ) ORISSA TRIHUTAUY STATES. cin;riA naopi r tributary states. Male. Femalr. Female. i 1 1 Learning Literatu, Loam i rig LiL'rato. ' Literate. '1 1 Learning Learning 1 1 1 In English. 1 In other 1 laiignagos. 1 In English. In other languages. In Englisli. III ether lantcuugas. ... ... 1 lot 2 ... 0 0 ... 101 ... ... 4 6 7 8 6 :> 4 ... 1 122 26 (JC8 .5 1 20 28 U 737 6 18 ... 120 1 ... 2 ... a ... 1 6S ... 415 2 ... 1 G 1 ... ... ... 74 2 1 1 1 tt 1 ... 21 ... ■" 25 1 ... ... l(‘i ... 89 ... ... 1 ' i 277 ... 1 9 19 7 KtS ' 42 •• 179 0 ... 1 ... r>t 3 i.ii7n 10,00.3 23 1 228 Ot 10 872 ' 1 73 ... 1 ... 1 3 • IlhO 8 3,973 10 1 ... 0 :w . ... ... 1 • ^ 27 ; ... Oo 109 1 ... 2 .52 ■ 1 5 ... 9 i 0 j ... -- j ... • . . 11 „ 1 ,1 I [ 005 14 2,009 11 4:1 ; 17 11 :ie5 '1 '1 1 ... 8 1 , . 270 1 1,0.-, S .»

    1 10 11 320 3 11 0 i 8 20 2 ... • 9 1 10 2 ... ... j i ! 13 ... 9.9 1 1 17 ; 1 73 409 t ' 1 1 . ... I


    1' 11 ... 37 ... (i 48 1 187 1 3 1 ... t 20 i 124 ... 5k5 1 3 4 3t» ! 1 IH ... ... 16 ... 237 2 J8 10 no ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... G ot liiterutr. In English, In oiIht Innguavrs. 2 (; a ( 390 ) TABLE C.— Feitda • KUCH BIHAU. Clan^ nnd fClUlilJ. Hale, 1 1 Female. Caste axd Tihue. i Literate. Literate. Iicaruing. In EuKliMh. In other languaKBS. Leominfi^. In KnKUsh. In other languages. /i-0 Kayastha m 1,009 64 1 02 A-ii(a) Kef a ... ... ... ... ... n-35 Keu'nt ... »• 2 ... ... A-S(n) Khatlal ... ... ... ... A - 4 Khaira .... ... ... A-1 Khandait ... ... ... ... A— 4 Kltaria ... A'-^4 Khnrwar ... A-f*OiJ KorhU 77 13,734 6s 2 208 Kotrl ... ... 6 ... A--4 Kot 2 ... 0 A-4 Kfftita ... ... ... a -41 Kora ... ... ... ... />- VO Knrauffa ... ... ... ... n-*js KumhffT 10 1 C2 ... V-14 Kumuti ....

    ... ... ... .. A-ti(ii) Kitrrnl 6 ... 3{) ... ... .1—4 MnhiH ... ... ... n- 2 lS(a) .Ifnira .... 41 37 A -2(a) Aiol ... . 9 ... A-2(a) Mall 2 ... 3 ... ... A-2(u) Mochh 41 300 ... ... 1 4 Jlundft , .... ... ... ... .. A-2(a) Mubahar 1 ... D-IS Napit and IfaJJam C3 1 240 1 ... It --30 Naniya H ... 38 ... A-4 itraon .... ... ... ... ... A -4 I*an .... ... ... ... ... JJ 36 Pasi 1 ... ... ... ... A -2(a) Pod ... A ^ iiajpnt a ... 68 ... • A~2(a) Raja ... ... ... ... A 2(a) Jtnjwar ... ... ... ... a-4 Raaila .. ... ... ... i-2(a) Sadffop ... 2 6 ... Jt-20(a) Sunhharl ... A-4 Santal 4 3 ♦ 17 .3 11 A-4 SaraJc ... ... ... ... ... A -4 Sftiwr ... ... ... ... u-n Sotlar ... 7 ... ... ... n-3e Suiirl 25 [ 8 171 • A -2(a) Tatnl.nli ... 3 ... ... J>-23 Tanti in n 60 ... ... 1 J}-27 Tell 8 A 61 ... ... Tt-2t Thathera ... ... ... €-lS Thoria .... ... ... ... ... D-3S Tfyar .... ... ... ... A -2(a) Turn hit ... 1 ... ... TOBY States— conftwMet?. ( 391 ) ORISSA TEIHUTAEY STATES. CIIUTIA NACjI’UR TRIBUTAHY STATES. Learning. Learning. In In other EnKlislu hinguugcB. In, In other | English languages . In In other English. lungungaH. In In other Englitili. laiigimgiw. 74 3.4fi0 ( 392 ) TABLE C.-Feuda KUCH BIIUB. (’In*m Jird urvoii|>. Male. I Fkma i.K. f 1 C\8iK. Trihe, on (Jnoup. 1 i Lifeiaie. 1 Literate, ! I.oiirning. Learning. i In English. In other latiginiges. In English. 1 In other lungutiges. , A 4 Turl Minor rnstes RO 20 ... ir, , Religious devotees and persons returned by Sect. ! uiynrs 21» C ion ... 2 ' i

    Baifinab 1 1 80 ... 3 i Brahmo 7 6 ... 2 4 1 Qosain ... ... SanyasI 7 30 ... 2 i 1 MCSALliASS ... ... Sunni ... ... Persons returned by title or com- mon Sub-caste. i j iiiwrs 1 ... 12

    i Mahanti 1 Mandal ... I Naik ... ... Patra 1 1 Raut 1 Sudra ... ... ... 1 MUS.tLMAXS Hr, fit 87 ; Moghul 1 3 ! Pathan 33 6 72 ... 3 Sayyid 6 1 18 ... 1 Shaikh 1,872 78 6,230 04 83 Persons returned by actual occupation. t msDus 19 IH .3 Jaliya • Kapuria 7 27 ' I f ' Mala ... ... 3 ... ManjhI • • ‘ ... ... .. ... ... MVS iLMAyS ... ... ... j Jolaha ... ... Persons returned by locality. ♦
  6. myiivs U V,'A 3 Bengalis ... ... i Tellngas ' • ••• ... 1 1 Morangias 13 143 3 • Unyas ... ... ... 1 ... Persons returned by unidentifiable caste or unspecified. inyms ... ... Shagirdpesha 311 SALMANS ... ... ... ... .. J ... TOBY STATES—coniinucd. ( 393 ) ORISSA TRIBUTARY STATES. ciii’TiA Nagpur TUinuTARY ktatk'. Malr. Ekmale Male. 1 :i i| ii Fkmai.k Loarning. 1 ilorato. Learning, Literate. Literate. Literate. Learning, Learning. , In English. In otln r langunR<.\s. In English. In other lungattHe.s. In EngliHh. In ('ther I>tnguagi'.s. In Knglivh. In othiT languages. ... 2 2 1 ' 00 in ! 10 23 12 1 OV ' 1 2S 118 0 ; H 8 11 ! 22 V ■
  7. 4 1 600 ' 7 ... ' 84 4 2 ... , 2 03 ' ' 1 17 ... 1 4 20 ... ... 0 ... 0 ... i 817 « 1,0S7 13 f»7 10 1 i • lS.'i 2t! 49 400 1 o6 6 30 ... ... 1 . 50 . 22 30 1 246 ... 2 01 619 1 2 1 10 2 23 2 3 24 3 06 3 410 0 16 .. . 20 1 1 .ss 7 320 2 7 1.5 2 11m i 2 ... 2 ... i 4 • 20 0 232 1 6 I 6t ... ... 3 ... 13 ... 1 ••• i 8 7 1 70 1 7 -0 ; i' i 2 102 1 , 1 1 1 00 ! 3 23 V 11
  8. 28 i’ i !» i . 1 1 .57 • 17 1 33 1 1 17 1 ■ " ... a 1 10 1 ... i 2 8 1 1 1 7 ...
  9. ... 1 1 ... I j 7 1 1 4 325 4 i ] 7 i !■ « 1 1 I K 1 i ' 1 1 3 74 ' 1 '• 0 40 1 ' ■ j 4 33 ... i, " i .. ... 36 1 196 3 ... 0 ... 1 1
  10. ... 0 : 1 2 6 37 ... ... ... 3 ... 1 32 ... i! ’ ii 1
  11. 1 — — — » ( 394 ) TABLE C. — Feudatory States— cowcfetferf. Gkolp. KUCH BIHAR. Male. Female. Learning. LiteratP. Learning. Literate. In English. In ofhor languugos. In Biiglish. In other languages. eunisTiAys 11 07 7 9 4 2.; European 6 7 2 10 Eurasian ... 20 ' 6 3 7 Native 6 SO 4 3 1 8 HrnniilST (Hn»p< cifled) ... 1 ... AAJNS .... 20 81 OTIlKIl UFAAGTOX 4 TOTAL 6.068 664 24,332 236 10 636 ORISSA TRIBUTARY BTATK8. GKoir, Male. Female. Learning. Literate. Learning. Literate. In English. ' In other languages. In English. In other languages. cnnisTiANs 10 13 80 7 2 91 European ... 7 10 4 1 Eurasian ... tti Native 10 6 70 3 1 91 It FT) 7)111 ST ( u nttiJtcijU d) 40 18 200 7 ... in JAINS ... ... OTlTEll ni^f.iaioN ... ... 2 ... TOTAL 8,442 203 40,278 248 7 1,187 « 1 CnUTlA NAUPUR TRIBUTARY STATES. Gkoup. Male. Female. Learning. Literate. Loaming. I 4 Literate, In English. In other languages. In English. In other languagos. CHKISTIANS 3 3 21 <1 European 3 Eurasian ... Native 3 21 6 TtVDDUIST (unsitecifivd) ... ... ... ... JAINS ... ... ... OTUEli HELIOION ... ... TOTAL ... 392 80 7.036 10 8 281 ( 395 ) TABLE D. — Marriagr BY CaSTK. The castes arc arranged in the order of the classification in Table XVI according to traditional occupation. The manner in wliich this table has been compiled Ls explained in paragraphs 258 and 259 of Cliapter XI. The (weluded population. 1 1 2 i 3 4 5 Dl8l RTCTS. ' Tliaiuis. Totnl. Mtilo. Ffmalo. BARDWAN Sfihthffatijf Jtaiilgun}f Katwft, Katna, Man- (tfiivar 458,347 222, KW MIDNAPUR ... Jtthfufipur, ninpur, Salhanl, Ttehra, TftmfuJc, JHuslaiulpurf l*auohfcnra, Jthagahanpur 028,481 4‘30,4‘,ili HUGLI Jialagnrhf Vanena* Dhnutalclmtt, SerampuTf Ki'ishnnuagarf i'hauditolaf KlmnalctU 686,467 2M,20l 207 , 153 HOWRAH ... Tloivtah, ItaUjff Douijitrt lagathattahhpur 366,200 i:)«, 170/457 24-PARQANAS TaJJygnnf, JUsnitp^rt f'anving Totrn, Jaina- {Ktr, Jtaratiogttr, Jtarrarh’pur, i'oHslptir-i'hliptn'f 31, iUf 3fa nt/ctaia 3i. 1%, JCtitaUy, Calcutta Cnuulht Sundarhanit 641,424 1 244,915 NAOIA ... KalSyanjt Nahaslparat 3fauparat MiUrputr, iiuuyui 380,860 isc,4'j:{ 200, aas MURSHIDABAO .. Horn Bazar, Berhatnpur 31, C,, Shahnagar, Ijulbnyh 31, C, ... 82,303 4i.r.7:j 40,750 KHULNA Khulna 142,016 7r>,i.-n €G,S59 DINAJPUR llemfnbad, Butnitolla, I'ailram, XawahgauJ, Thakuryuon 620,009 27r»,s20 255,S05 RAJ8HAHI (loilagarl 40,700 2LI20 22,054 RANQPUR liantfpur, Mnhlganj, riryanj, Jaldhaka, Itarnhari, liurigram, Xayeswari 706,287 4,R.Sl 409,770 CHITTAGONG TRACTS. HILL 107,280 59,5rifl 17,720 \ PATNA ... Plrhahor, Alamgat\J, Khairja Kalan, Chauh Kalazit 31 al salami ... 102,210 7:>.7J.2 ft9,407 GAYA Gaya mufassal, Baudnagar 286,8 lyi.Nio 14,1, 50 fi 4hahabad ,1 rrah, Bhahua, 3Tahaula 696,014 222,001 502, JUS MUZAFFARPUR bhaqalpur MONQHYR PURNEA 8ANTAL PARQANA8 ... CUTTACK HAZARIBAQH LOHARDAQA MANBHUM 81NQHBHUM ORISSA TRIBUTARY STATES. 3tuznffnrpur, Siuhar, JiaHP' Vrotahgan,) Sura fgarha, Siknndra Maniharlf 3latlari ••• Beoghar lialejmr Bar hi, VhazMparan Karra, Khunti, Balkot, Balianganj Barabhum ChakradJ^arpur Bal Lalsara, Tigaria, Kandhpara 1,019,600 134,702 282,020 190,000 140,784 270,608 1 14,606 c 63, 820 136,923 80,964 103,633 37,636 491,172 GS.il’l i:w,'j07 i»7,o;j2 71,058 12s,2l»0 .W.IW JTT.MI r.s.i.vi 42.72'J 61,727 19,121 52SA25 00,301 14.1,959 95,SG7 69,720 142,242 59,500 lSO/400 0H,70H 45,215 51,H00 18,415 CHUTIA NAGPUR TRI- Udaipur BUTARY STATES. GRAND TOTAL ... 10,431.433 6,234*127 6,197,308 ( 396 ) TABLE A — Aokicultural.— ] B A-MALEB. DISTRICTS. Married. XiNMAUUlED. Widowers. Totu 0-0 10- 1.5- 40— Total. 0—9 10— 15— 40— Total, 0-9 10— 16— 40- Total. nitilr J*utna 303 1,483 18.8W 12,28(5 33,007 6,560 7.306 8,541 1,060 33,472 26 68 1,164 2.824 4,082 70,51 Oaya 04i 2.G68 20.6S8 13,568 37,066 17,687 6,983 6,132 1.217 31,010 46 10.3 1,476 3,545 6,166 74, OJ Shahahail 1(58 610 3,87t5 2,249 6,603 3,734 1.434 2,070 275 7,613 2 13 229 632 767 Jiarhhanya 007 1,435 1.5.020 8,0.54 27,216 13,040 4,884 6,151 602 24,677 44 61 680 1,9.56 2,741 «4,(J.l Mutaffurpur 562 , 1,578 14,511 0,8(13 26,464 15,527 6,431 6,318 605 28,971 2.3 133 710 2,166 3,052 Snr€tn 79 808 .5,509 3,463 0,449 5,933 2,192 2,367 302 10,704 2 24.3 873 IJI8 Champaran 29 105 1.081 1,118 2,036 1,641 617 873 1.36 3,267 1 4 118 288 411 0,61 HhttgalpuT 80 281 4,706 2.436 7,601 3,274 1,230 1,700 193 6,367 6 10 230 672 033 74,9.1 Moughyr 604 1.45S 30,167 14,7.35 47,064 30,845 6,713 8.113 9C4 46,674 28 71 775 2, .368 3,232 90,86 3*UTnea 2'.) 400 46.3 691 414 181 331 9(5 1,022 1 4 72 157 234 «,?4 Santal rarganas 34 1.38 874 444 1,490 705 196 150 15 1,076 ... 2 45 105 162 1?,7J liazaribagh 100 354 2,429 1,364 4,266 2, .370 700 820 77 3,976 1 13 164 342 620 KHA Mldnapur 1 Cuttack ... 101 JPmW 3 JialuHor 74 Trihutary Stalefft OriSMU 37 Trittutary States, Chutia Nagpur ... 1 175 114 291 152 ,3!)(J 37,543 28,303 00.433 43,086 001 665 1,609 904 577 22,804 15,323 38,778 22,881 169 ,8,21 4 6,058 1 13,478 1 7.871 3* IGl 10-4 260 1 200 87 72 31 1 21,217 23,701 366 89,209 50.5 707 11 2,127 12,164 11,024 143 47,112 4,101 4,4.31 03 1 6,496 1 91 73 4 368 6 14 1 1 20 1 5 855 3,618 4,478 I ... 29 90 1 19 1 3,81ii 9 576 2.103 2,760 8S,m 2 330 787 1,129 ... K i 13 21 657 RAJ Birhhuni 4 24 624 412 1.004 511 201 223 10 963 61 ion 167 9,174 Ulidnapur 1 17 677 370 1,074 553 291 .101 7 1,152 ... ... 41 vS6 126 3,359 Murshidabad 1 8 461 205 736 412 171 270 9 802 ... 28 89 117 1,714 Vatnn 206 471 7,403 5.:J67 1 3,637 7,156 3,114 4,413 767 16,460 4 17 494 1,453 •1,907 30i3^ Uaya 310 1,235 11,7.51 8 280 21,686 12,4'lfl 4,182 5, .541 700 22,881 3 45 910 1,864 2,828 47,994 Shnhnbad 671 2,886 22,271 10..373 30.201 20,026 0,305 6,730 710 34,077 22 CO 1,505) 2.863 4.454 75,539 Uurhhnnga 519 900 10,856 7,H.‘4.8 20, 1 73 10,340 4,025 7,1.14 1.021 22,620 52 44 703 1.802 2,601 ; 45,394 Muzaffarpur .301 O'Ki lO.OlS 8.506 19,961 9,109 4,41.1 6,028 m 20,334 5 12 705 1,874 2,696 43,851 Hit ran .325 2,086 30,666 21,257 64,333 34,606 14,217 14,651 2,067 66,64 1 5 38 1.484 4,611 6,038 135,919 Uhiitnparan 81 426 8,902 6,605 16,914 1 9,143 3,657 4,996 627 18,422 3 15 56.1 1,677 2.260 36,396 Hhagalpur 61 258 7,76:1 4,726 12,808 1 7,313 3,051 3,981 415 14,760 7 10 481 1,110 1,014 39,182 Wonghyr ... 147 454 6,683 4,807 12.091 ; 7,006 2,59!) 3,010 264 12,888 1 12 36 420 043 1,41 1 96,399 Purnea 6 20 887 680 1,493 678 239 GS6 102 1,606 1 ... 84 167 262 3,350 Santal Parynnas 11 .38 548 326 923 436 177 225 17 866 1 1 SO 68 ,100 j 1,878 'Juttack 1 3 fr40 472 1,016 486 288 2!)8 17 1,039 ... 1 17 77 96 1 2,750 l*uri 1 1 261 200 463 233 122 169 6 620 ... 14 54 68 1 ifioO Hataribagh . , 56 211 2,934 1,874 6,076 .1,003 1,245 1,212 77 6,642 1 0 171 415 696 ! 11,313 Lohardaya 111 802 4,207 2.863 7,633 4,015 1,711 1,617 265 8,408 1 3 1C 324 689 932 16,8:3 \IanbMim 19 45 7-10 384 1,188 716 282 264 24 1,286 2 47 107 166 j 3,630 Hnghbhum 7 18 .320 107 468 814 87 63 3 467 ... 8 29 38 rrl5tif«f7/ States, ChaHa Nagpur 2 16 423 200 636 1 440 161 200 24 826 ... i - 36 67 03 1 C 397 ) ,0E BY Caste. litary and Dominant. B.-PEMALKS. UNAlAliRiri>. 4,0i0 on, 102 12,053 21 1,115 211 8,708 30,012 7,031 075 »,S57 2,103 150 638 143 180 762 04 113 466 72 1,673 0,316 8,044 2,180 14,511 3,936 3.923 26,750 6,351 2.100 12,050 3,112 1,665 18,649 4,371 3,023 43,496 14.075 1,174 9,670 3,304 847 7,823 1,777 1,065 7,182 2,254 85 6SS 112 10^ 460 100 132 ' 704 174 23 301 71 687 3,371 872 784 4,873 1,8-42 160 743 148 65 315 64 43 461 94 r, 197 2 31 72 1 IO& 1 000 2,512 113 69,467 j 41 239 S,2.5S 31 ,004 39,602 1 172,232 119 6 1.468 ... 1 90 3!H 4BO 1 3,335 1.330 37 31,300 22 125 5.291 I7.2.-.2 22.700 ! b7,0S3 CiS -42 1 1,692 i -1 3J l,.53l 4,9 47 6,616 1 31,319 12 3 262 j ... 2

    25 : i 7' 07 ' ' 013 « 451 i 1 4 j 1 ' (I'.j i 1 000 1 401

    14 1 271 4'(» 1 000 ... 330 «2 1 i 239 4(1/ 700 ■40 0,770 1 31 49 2, (Ml? 1 ' 37 13,484 ,31 190 3,309 j h 157 11.607 j; 29 24,204 j 41 190 5.. M2 1 13. 19.', 18.048 1 29 1 10,707 : lOS 13'> j 3 r.9 j 1 1 7.33.5 1.031 65 1 14,400 1 49 -1 3 426 ' 1 8,-127 11,967 i 77 43,43'. 56 121 1 9,229 25,1j5 j 34,031 1 16 10.610 13 ■“ ! 1 1 97

    5.416 7,461 1 16 6,046 1 39 52 j 2 2:16 4 4 ,3 0.031 1 10 7,001 j 33 97 j 1,75!» 3,107 6.066 Ij 3 634 j 4 4 294 ■47 4 770 j| 1 424 ! 4 5 j 145 3i 6 ,60 :! 40,734 1I0,H04 32,7 fiO 23,70i 23,2/iU 1,005 2,252 UHO 11,256 nmi 2,520 950 ( 398 ) TABLE D.-Mij A— Agricultural.— 2 — Other Agricultural' AQI Jlarttirnn Bniikurn Jiirtthum IfttgH -=rr-

    A.- MALES. MAUttlKU. llNMAUttlKD. WlDOWKIlS. Total 0—9 10- 15- 40- Totttl, 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. tnalesi. 1 16 1,490 779 2.326 1,.306 &14 654 42 2,646 1 ... 81 2-19 331 1 1 3,20i 35 i.aso 877 2,297 1,‘iia 546 937 .36 2,738 ... ... 100 318 418 1 5,433 s 877 237 022 817 121 192 IS 646 ... ... 42 106 148 1,4H 1 8 600 410 1,024 518 219 276 14 1,087
  12. .

    ... 29 157 168 1 5,S9\ llardwnn iiankfirt$ lUrbhvm 3 ndnupitr tiugll Ifoxvmh i! 4 ~Varganu» Sudla Jessor ^inTshidabad lOiXtlna Jtojshnhl Ttavra Ftrldpttr Hautnt lUirf/niiUM Cttftnrk 3 Innhhn>n ... Jtordti’an ■ ■ ttankura ... Jiirhhtnn Midnnpur II null lloxvrah :}4~l‘nrganax Sdflht Ji'HHftV Murshidabnd Khxthm mnojpiir

    . J‘n(/»a Jlffor/t fnridpHv Bakhargnuj jHaimanHuffh Tipp^ra Patna Oaya Shahalml ... J)firhha»{ia 03 i:$ 47 21 20 11 53 n 10 10 4 1 273 15,057 113 253 120 112 37 271 42 01 JU) I 33 3 0 1 1 10 31 C.lKiO 8,581 8,108 10,308 3.801 0.178 3,101 2,000 4,0.50 817 205 109 400 170 ('4)7 001 9.352 4,01)0 4,033 4,871 G.0 .2 2,372 6,370 2,2iiC 1,120 2.205 4.51 1(51 119 230 101 3S7 240 26.144 1 1,167 13,616 13,189 10,682 l| 6.221 16,171 6,447 3.281 6,451 1,208 469 324 043 287 1,007 887 13.900 I 7,4 '3 7,070 8,173 9,3 Ul 1 1,307 10,130 3.106 2 , 10 H 3,017 210 lOO 355 172 720 400 5,515 4,146 i:» 23,604 1 4 4 480 1,966 2,400 2,901 1,990 23 12,317 161 549 710 2,431 1,25.8 19 10,784 1 8 299 733 1,040 3,313 3,185 67 14,768 1 5 2!)3 881 1,180 3.801 3,321 (jO 18,637 1 409 1,654 2,124 1,690 1,:«)9 18 7,471 1 ... IMl 378 476
  13. 7 '<3 3.131 135 17,470 2 2 SHJl 974 1,261 1,304 1,310 41 6,161 3 123 694 720 861 797 22 4,178 1 108 247 366 1.450 m 17 6.200 ! 2 131 395 628 216 171 13 1,106 1 ll 45 100 140 95 .53 1 1 400 1 ... 12 .30 42 47 37 3 263 2 12 14 158 100 3 616 1 20 44 66 60 41 1 274 3 11 14 321 234 5 1,286 ... 12 69 71 1.58 87 3 744 2 .37 45 84 !!4,U 3.5,34 14, U 34,01 12,5] 7,81 13,21 2 , 0 » 1.5 6 2.5 I 13 39.5 .33.S 740 j| 9 399 206 014 1 3 1(5 299 13S 460 1 2 7 52.5 2(59 003 i 1 190 131 328 I 1 1 294 19H 494 ! 4 17 5:16 567 1,124 1 255 183 439 4 12 083 62.S 1,627 1 9 211 116 330 ! 13 28 90:4 .'’•08 1,612 1 . 9 222

    121 363 1 .. 230 169 400 6 90 2,413 1,220 3,720 5 35 1,035 0.58 1,733 20 8.5 1,719 99-4 2,848 6 5.53 4-49 1,008 18 815 647 1.380 17 27 247 137 428 77 115 007 489 1,288 2.3 126 4.56 264 860 687 1 861 2.979 1,642 6.109 1 330 387 103 470 109 I 317 681 288 901 140 1,047 266 2.37 2.589 1,041 1,576 671 1,051 170 683 895 1,006 129 179 7 651 153 196 18 763 73 120 8 304 220 318 7 1,016 84 ai 6 374 144 181 2 044 366 243 20 1,213 134 218 16 006 •4C.0 502 33 1,059 59 115 12 336 a46 333 17 1,742 71 103 1 441 03 137 32 409 1,016 470 21 4,102 451 536 54 2,082 585 6.51 61 2,873 268 do: 76 1,661 432 399 14 1,806 59 49 23 301 127 03 14 817 125 78 0 604 106 04 6 1,002 27 29 32 2'! 8 7 2.1 15 70 13 40 19 21 37 67 08 35 22 8 62 8G 172 76 74 78 96 43 as 122 76 205 43 187 22 66 109 262 825 121 92 80 94 80 249 103 103 no 121 61 41 146 01 280 I 67 I 234 42 77 236 332 426 169 116 41 169 119 483 S 4 I i 3 3 1/ 8,3 B Bjr Caste — continued. -CULTIVATlNa— (»)— IN BENGAL, ( 399 ) B.-FEMALES. MAliOlEl] 1 l^WMARBlETi. Widows. Total fiMiialea. 10— 16— 40— 1 1 Total. I 10— j 15- 40— Total. 0-0 10— 15— 40- TdIuI. i 327 1,570 207 2,344 1,051 42 13 3 MOO 0 23 7s2 1,2.58 i 2,009 5 308 1,495 242 2,420 822 26 8 1 867 11 IS 7*U) l.V.)8 1,003 3,270 OR 433 67 660 280 10 1 1 298 2 5 220 317 680 i,3J4 1 11)7 021 lol 090 478 4JO 1 ... 601 9 :nr. .M2 oeo 9,337 [ 3,700 le.wa 2,719 26.407 n.GC7 427 200 82 12,370 1 1 00 ISO 1 5,019 9,812 16,083 323>3H ' 1,800 8,205 1,286 12,422 0,321 269 39 7 1 l' 0.030 ! 2.5 77 2,017 •1.139 0,280 : 23,3 iU 1,«« 0,4*<4 1,721 13,762 0,520 271 'M

    9 0,840 19 50 1,819 •1,350 G.200 2ti,H70 2,185 8,988 1.329 13,668 0,951 235 .3') 11 7,236 10 ir.o 3.179 .5,12s 8,vor 1 29,004 2.761 10,214 1.012 1 6. 1 00 7.304 15)0 40 18 7,624 42 1S9 1 4,7:)S 7,202 12,261 33,903 1,210 4.300 (JIG 6,703 3.876 113 25 0 4,021 19 45 1.72.> 2, 18;{ 4,272 14,900 1,971 10,120 1,822 14,672 8,702 47:. 234 41 0,632 38 l.ss .3, 290 .5,021 9,143 33,347 896 8.002 776 6,595 3,120 133 19 n 3,283 5 47 1,273 2,402 3,727 42,003 503 2,200 895 3,266 1,957 117 9 j 4 2,007 1 11 ;n (;3s 1 l,i:.3 l,C33 7,103 1,025 4,480 700 0,637 3.741 128 20 2 3,891 j 8 25 1 97h 2,291 3,306 43,833 291 707 110 1,181 070 47 10 1 734 1 5 3 I 21.5 308 9,343 43 370 47 474 200 20 4 290 I 2 5»2 15.5 260 4,014 ai 165 41 244 KJO 20 2 1 1 183 ... 20 50 82 309 70 602 77 672 432 54 0 ... 492 1 0 117 171 206 4,439 52 20S 3S 302 l(i5 18 4 ' 187 ... 1 51 8s (40 029 62 818 205 1,086 707 216 M 1 076 4
  14. si; ;;io 400 2,404 127 012 12fc 044 507 57 12 2 1 678 2 5 130 2.50 300 4,924 lOG 418 64 616 , 286 13 7 104 4G1 45 672 2611 9 ... (53 294 35 436 1.36 3 120 6S9 ! 68 860

    414 22 7 47 250 26 347 ' ISO ' 8 1 97 344 63 627 2.S.3 10 1 176 6‘40 181 097 674 25 5 GO 278 52 427 202 15 2 385 3,259 114 1,871 1,013 66 6 60 209 31 320 143 5 S.39 1,062 1?0 1,646 1 788 88 8 32 223 36 304 j 238 34 5 67 286 26 389 23.'i 10 1 820 2,009 886 3,991 2,615 lr.9 8 298 1,216 1.54 1.702 961 57 4 440 1,861 247 2,764 1.500 91 1 10 128 729 81 069 701 87 .3 182 1,089 88 1,403 939 161 5 74 i 297 87 483 183 32 6 172 760 243 1,279 1 681 82 13 150 630 199 027 i 515 118 K 777 8,196 991 6,048 j 1.300 W 7 308 3 1 U4 314 402 269 3 5 209 270 493 1 1 140 1 6 ]S2 2 r.s 447 1 443 0 12 211 371 • 630 , 1 190 2 4 112 l.Vi 270 j 5 209 1 5 103 229 337 1 606 6 9 290 276 631 210 1 4 IGO 299 470 ! 2 1,086 5 27 524 .M)7 1,363 1 1 149 1 1 121 313 1 886 4 20 2sl 4.'i5 760 277 1 44 103 100 1 247 2 3 no 1S7 308 5 2,687 2 27 (X)5 1,170 1,804 1 1,023 4 15 439 707 1.166 4 I.OM 5 21 1.014 1,028 2 793 6 322 .5r.s 880 1,106 2 3 2^41 470 716 j 1 222 1 28 105 134 2 678 5 4 112 3^44 ' 406 2 643 2 111 260 373 13 1,300 1 39 47 260 1.078 1,424 hist H(i7 j,ua 7itfi 3,290 740 f(,4H2 3,0H0 .'i,no5 3,224 fi.lO 2,429 l,94.< H,841 ( 400 ) TABLE D.-Mj A— Agkicultural.— 2— other Agricultural- s A.-MALES.

    DlhTllICTS. Makbied. UNMABEIKI). WlDOWEUB, Total nia 0-0 10— 15- 40- Total* 0—9 10- 15— -to- Total. 0-9 10- 16- •40- Total. Muzaffurpttr 221 33i) 1,317 832 2,709 952 2G3 151 15 1,383 9 19 65 152 246 Saran 7-t 237 1,700 1,033 3,1 13 1.015 621 250 16 2,431 2 6 73 ICO 248 a,7!n < 'ham pa ran St 2Hl 1,820 0t»3 3,000 1,351 301 2;io 18 1,063 2 13 111 211 337 ! Jihoyalpat 73 107 1)85 &4t 1,709 1 798 153 65 1 1,006 7 10 57 119 103 Monyhyr IjS 300 1,005 {)i)0 3.1 19 1 1,010 2S0 191 12 2,099 13 18 85 113 229 ! '5i44; Acumen 2t ' ' 43 1 000 311 1,068 171 154 170 5 803 3 09 120 102 1 am Matda :i 8 2Sfi 111 438 I 2;>o 70 101 5 429 1 17 42 60 ' i»« JSnIasor 7 317 107 621 1 325 138 129 0 698 14 30 60
  15. im BAI Itnrfftrnn SO 250 7,917 3,t)3S 12.147 7,7«5:i 2,883 1,490 36 12,082 2 6 229 149 686 94, on Ifankura 69 122 11,708 0,915 24,274 ' 20,5.16 8.095 1,129 79 32.849 2 4 307 798 1,1 M e/i,s3i liirhhum 32 201 4,(599 2,171 7.408 4,691 1,512 732 11 6,982 1 1 137 810 440 14, K7 ^HdHa'pur 1 20 839 437 1.306 890 374 300 5 1,678 ... ... 14 45 69 9,043 ilafjU 1 5 123 228 667 289 114 95 498 9 61 60 Wi Sadia 6 215 175 420 220 00 51 2 376 12 30 42 3Iurshidahad 4 21 151 220 705 .108 137 196 4 666 23 41 64 1,4S4 J*urh*ui 5 17 1 3S0 2S7 609 369 117 208 8 732 23 69 82 1/M ! 1 10,310 3,819 1,758 i 21 16,902 4 12 328 487 831 99,973 sa 1 2 ISO 135 318 j 210 105 100 1 1 410 1 6 10 10 750 CHANDAL OH
  16. Itardwan 5 30 I..571 1,0.56 2,671 .... 1,369 579 808 61 2,817 2 155 487

    644 6,139 Hanhura 7 117 87 211 101 51 118 1 274 ... ... 12 86 48 SS3 ttlrhhuin ... 8 1.M! UO 274 lU 60 41 1 233 ... ... 13 29 42 649 JA ulna par ... 20 68 3,2(jG 1,774 6.068 3,027 1,298 1,298 29 6,662 1 4 173 393 671 ll,90i IlHgtt 2 6 499 397 814 367 158 211 24 763 ... ^1 122 166 1 , 74 s llfurrah 4 IS 1,125 799 1,866 1,262
  17. 4ai , 13 2,279 ... 1 36 118 166 ; 4,999 24- I'arganus 20 69 2,121 l.OttS 3,818 2,989 687 881 30 3,684 6 4 172 877 669 ' 80 Sadia 11 40 2,!»07 2.295 6 166 3,918 1,174 1,695 81 7,108 ... 1 117 056 674 130
  18. 99 51 '0 16,120 12,092 31,823 21,862 9.179 8.111 220 30,372 8 21 888 2,970 3.890 750 Murshidabad 1.5' 1,802 1,194 3,076 1,860 617 730 18 3,231 1 1 1 80 229 317 6,693 Khulna 179 821 22..150 1:}.192 36,651 2I,9t»2 1 8,813 7,491 1 226 37,661 11 27 904 2,096 *3,638 770 AAtnft,i2mr 1 C 1 1 ;i2 693 120 1,167 67« 206 1 215 2.3 1.160 1 • •t 42 117 169 j S,0 Hajsfiahi 18 80 3,103 2,179 6,440 3..308 i 1,269 j 1,949 114 6,640 2 0 283 713 1,003 ' 130 Jiangpur 8 72 2,3(11 1,109 3.913 2,711 K67 1,211 49 4,838 • M 1 107 410 608 90 ttogra 8 31 l,:M)n SIC 2,191 1.38."> 427 n-n <46 2,624 ... 5 63 m 302 5,017 A‘abna 7 55 4,270 3,371 7,712 6,2(14 2,106 2,652 170 10,188 8 8 243 736 906 180 Jatpaigurl 2 1 3 139 84 228 193 60 70 3 316 ... 2 7 14 23 ,1 565 Oaccn 88 486 27,743 18,167 46,474 83,935 13,007 12,204 783 60,629 5 1C 1,101 4,184 6,260 1180 ( 401 ) iOE BY Caste — continued. ^Cultivating — (i ) — in Bengal — continued. 'y^^wclvded. IJ.-FEMALES. MARSIlil). 1 1 iNMiRRlED. 0-3 10 — 15 — 40 — Total. 0-9 19 — 15 — 40 - 3!»8 m 1,472 519 2,073 1 999 130 31 2 157 053 2,100 725 3,396 1,513 210 40 2 175 39(1 1,934 510 3,041 ' 1,291 150 :u 1 2‘22 272 1 , 9(10 253 1,763 097 29 9 uys 48(1 2 , 13.3 095 3,033 1 , 35 1 .S 9 8 1 85 98 G 59 191 043 113 52 13 4 ir. 43 232 37 348 223 12 1 1 2 !) 83 303 TiS 527 315 IS

    ' — — 11 . 207 1.270 9,291 1,099 12,467 1 7,578 1.121 129 12 051 3,070 20,817 4.21 1 28,701 1 20 ,s 21 3,151 2,88 41 2117 929 0,292 1,022 7.540 3.199 300 19 10 on 105 988 13 S l.oSI 899 01 U ' 17 81 310 01 472 i 219 n 3 1 1 11 (17 .305 57 440 1 221 17 1 1 1 :i 7 121 408 92 710 ' 121 20 0 1 ,1 1 .31 71 5 U 80 702 492 72 15 1 - 115 453 2 ,s 3 (l 087 4,121 2 . sir, 351 13 i “ r »7 C 9 (l 8,813 2,270 1 1,860 8,027 3 . ('95 190 ! 41 1 51 882 12,810 3.915 16,024 11,951 3 .S 17 .593 ; IS 40 ; ; 219 11 354 270 20 1 1 1,338 9,938 2,179 1 3,745 i 19,723 1,715 19 S 1 19 1 1 9 211 71 322 1 197 2(1 1 yjASUDRA. • 1 .3r)9 420 1,000 275 2,664 •12 33 138 2t^ 238 18 21 185 33 260 47S 022 3,012 431 6,140 77 117 493 07 764 173 325 170 2.029 279 070 2,212 HI 3,002 1 30.7 1,003 3,8:n 715 6,917 2,285 5.822 21,912 3,118 33, 1 37 221 450 1.993 320 2,900 i W23 • 5.2.50 21,000 2,691 31.070 51 115 779 100 1,064 303 810 3,441 401 4.060 20s 057 2,050 237 3.812 110 273 1,350 1.53 1,892 1 301 1.212 6,81S 917 7.770 13 22 181 33 260 1.304 10,029 30,891 4,873 47,097 780 37 0 2 5.3 1 99 2 1 3.1.50 151 32 3 398 3 2 j.ms 41 7 0 3,107 i.s:i 19 0 3,3‘8 139 23 7 19, .558 005 1.51 f.T 1.019 39 11 3 20,5.59 1.03.5 125 39 731 59 8 3 3,019 JCl 19 7 3,375 195 58 3 1,303 53 13 1 5,013 2S0 55 29 191 7 5 2 31,503 3,010 307 195 — Total. WiiK vs. 1,078 1,007 1,485 645 1,443 482 237 333 0,040 z4,30l 3,010 002 234 230 449 480 I 3.2 IB 12,253 10,417 oOO 1 2,055 367 I 021 54 ' 102 2.030 313 1,252 2,325 3,54 r 20,442 1,074 21,749 703 3,200 2.031 1,420 5,374 100 38,014 12 lOl (} 111 ) 21 10 (5 2 !) ■in: 27 2>:i in «7 1 221 It*n»al<-.s. lo- 15— •10— Tdtul. ll 128 512 606 .5 1'.>.5 85.5 1,066 f;,V.77 9 17s tl9.5 802 /S,4JS 11 171 559 762 17 is-i 700 027 s 170 321 609 JJU34 1 72 1.58 231 SUi 3 l»t7 290 1 die 1,170 39 1,171 3,393 4,810 iio.riH 91 3,1.59 S,3-».5 1 1,586 01,077 i 7.59 2,91.5 2,841 11, WO ! 11 2.5.5 410 714 •1,047 ' 3 113 1S8 304 t,OiO i ss 1 1.55 240 0‘i3 1 i i 1 139 ' 27.5 410 4,377 j 1 S3 1 3s9 372 ! 4,303 !| n 310 I 853 1,212 s,ntH ; 77s 1 3,513 4,307 1 ' 1 '' • 1,931 j i.r.o3 6,016 3S,H37 1 5 . 1 19 i 109 i 703 1 t 55 i,no ! 3,350 1 4,851 j 3 4,231 1 .31 1 . >7

    110 1 1 1, 35 Ksi; 1 . 1.39

    2,306 3,Sll 113 1.37 j 257 r,4! 1 on 113 ! '77 33t 1 1 .50 1 ,3:13 1,;('3 j 3, 1 58 10,0 1: 2 13 3>.5 1.5 V 1 754 1,S'J 1 1 t ; .59.5 710 j 1.271 li 4,33' 0 29 Of'O 1.33(’ 1 2,207 '1 S,40 1 ,7.', 1 'till c,7:»<> iT/n rtiG 2,2s:t lO.KlJj ii.< 1 , 02 ') 1(1,07 i ! I 000 2,K71 i.ivn K(2 4,311 77 llMUj 5,100 I 24,321 I 2,673 !l 17,800 i 004 j 5,043 : 2.476 1 ,633 6,693 : 1 18 I i 30,381 , i4,6a 7.VJ 7/,9S S^t 4, S.'S VJM fS(l 11Sp4U 2 D ( 402 ) TABLE D—Mai A — Agricultural. — 2 — Other Agrioulturah OHANDAL 01 Unmariiird. 10- 16- 40- 0—0 10— 15— 40— Total. Faridttur ... Bakhttrganf yinimantfingh Chittngong Noakhali ... Tipper a Pur Ufa ... Kuch liUtar m 1.131 83.800 18,716 63.361 | 37,441 14,600 10,412 220 859 38,915 23,460 01,464 | 39,778 15,375 17,800 80 143 10.610 6,709 17,664 ; 11,517 6,461 4,668 ... 1 235 140 370 j 232 02 101 5.3 3.079 2.006 6.162 i 3 748 1,313 1,341 3 748 1,313 1,341 196 13,026 8.807 22,074 \ 13.70;1 5,309 6.318 281 02,734 540 73,608 220 22.876 2 427 42 0,444 180 26.679 12 1.370 32 1,276 4.421 6,740 | .30 1,541 5,:303 0,887 UlM 5 529 1,460 1,006 | 4ll4U 9 28 37 1 m 2 105 405 614 j n,ltQ 883 1,281 514 n,UQ\ ,609 I 49, •34 1 101 ; i,m •Ji^Parganae ; 8 .818 230 666 401 200 1 247 16 864 ... 23 87 no i Mnrshidnbad 2 4 82-4 632 1,302 842 36,4 1 305 1 2 1,673 12 110 122 3IurBhidabad ! 3 261 166 430 308 1 146 ! 167 i 1 2 623 ... 11 37 48 tiardwau Bankttra Birhhum Midnapur .. Hugli Howrah 74~Pargfina$ Vadia •Jestor Mumhldabad Khulna JHnaJpur ... JRajBhahi Rangpur Bogra \ Jalpaiguri Baeea Taridpur ... Bakharganf 3tatniftn8tngh Chittagong ... Tippera Pumt-a Malda 3,301 3.862 1,403 105.022 ( 14,083 26.732 33,208 16,370 7,646 17,128 4.863 4,031 10,628 3,468 3,224 3,372 030 6,700 3,044 308 0,714 600 0,696 13,407 ; 3,703 502 121,326 97 •3,807 Cl 30,888 127 33,089 180 21,443 86 10,313 72 21,857 40 6,110 105 6,067 .138 •2,34^ 106 4,460 0,938 86 6,088 3 387 118 •1.836 792 123 12,270 121 I2,90^ 38 4,718 8,029 238^1^ 2,638 310 1,006 880 2,630 090 1,832 1,100 1,938 021 100 7t7 1,003 80 66 • 80 690 80 447 80 III • 638 i80 ( 403 ) iiagb w Caste — continued. (,)«.CULTIVATING — (*) — IN BENGAL — continued. IIAMASUDBA- •concluded. B.-FEMALE8. Marbibd • Urmaebiep. 1 Winows. Total femnk'i. (H9 10— 15- 40— Total. 0—9 10- 15- i 40- ToUl. 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. 9.845 30,080 6,136 66.603 34,103 1.427 209 62 30,161 209 533 12,707 1 19.990 33.446 2,337 8,173 44,204 6,318 61,121 40,534 3,075 299 73 44.681 150 303 1.3,379 22,344 36.082 Ut,7S

    707 2,383 11,800 1,313 16.263 10,925 987 122 27 12,001 68 132 4,182 7.004 11,376 3Ut7Qi> 12 43 282 SO 372 250 32 5 ... 287 ... 1 47 130 187 HUS 131 675 3,700 620 6,002 3,721 344 29 6 4,099 7 19 (W1 1,552 2,230 it, 430 499 2.003 16,:i33 1.893 20.328 14.077 1,501 108 30 16,842 1 C9 3,213 0,776 43,940 18 81 890 171 1,160 711 115 33 2 801 1 4 154 300 619 a,S70 40 02 323 31 469 300 13 10 1 384 6 10 228 234 477 1,320 OPA. GO 95 408 53 616 3S0 18 1 1 406 2 7 214 279 602 1,324 42 209 937 150 1,338 fill 30 2 1 860 1 5 295 027 028 3,110 TI. 20 04 3.31 47 1 1 402 1 ,s:«) 31 3 2 366 2 2 ill 21s 1 — — VTTA. 255 5.V4 312 on 122 217 10,513 1.404 2,706 2,004 5.371 2,00.’; 5.109 CIO 2,535 4S4 1..3oH m 2,754 253 027 227 669 455 449 200 671 112 400 .93 ' 614 21 62

    8 1,06 204 608 28 46 420 1.430 11 66 259 1.S88 .351 1,784 212 488 2.518 2,302 75,029 8.031 18,835 21,840 11,001 6.803 12,203 8,118 3,133 0,396 2,280 2,140 2,470 602 4,318 2,90li 294 0,825 367 7.361 9,610 2,013 :{24 420 150 10,301 1,123 2,719 3,027 l.OSl 804 2,003 379 302 780 399 190 310 65 GIS 422 42 788 62 911 1,573 869 3,661 3.061 1,338 108,874 13.603 28.989 32,710 16,827 8,449 17,608 4,377 4.221 8.086 3,460 2,914 3.396 630 6.271 4,268 409 9,433 486 0.820 14,223 3.672 1,503 1,771 525 57,210 0.120 15.955 19,723 9.522 4,777 10.SM19 2, M0 2.907 0,332 1,954 2,021 2,120 634
  19. Wi 2.510 240 0.418 331 0,791 0,371 2,522 — — 47 7 3 1 1,620 ; 11 32 1.240 1,928 3.217 SfJSS 40 5 u 1,824 7 29 sk5 l,n7 2,408 20 4" 0 667 j 13 310 n.v4 1.013 1 2,UOS 4,011 Vlu 102 61,804 191 90.5 21,754 39, 1.30 66.266 233,004 no 32 9 6,683 :i9 i:is i.,2or, 7.902 1 1.444 31,800 4«19 127 20 18.617 64 297 7,073 , 11,19.5 18,630 01,043 422 102 35 20,282 82 2S.5 7,n2,5 9,102 • 16.664 i 00,340 479 1 k:j 9 110.003 1! 25 124 4,104 N.712 13,266 30,IS.% 300 1 41 H li 6,126 .>3 h3 2,470 (•,197 8.600 , 22,274 003 10 I 1 .603 27 91 ■4, ''02 9.01)9 14,680 1 43,800 177 ,H 1 2,736 j 15 10 1,0S7 1 .Os!) 2,037 ! 1 0,030 218 74 9 3.238 ; 1 } 42 J,2M l.^l? 3,160 j 10,000 320 57 9 0,718 Ij 35 92 4,19.5 5,005 9.807 : 24,700 200 33 9 2,266 1 Oi> 17 1,11(1 l.O''! 2,863 ! 8,300 1.35 15 1 2.172 ji 1 » 27 920 1,411 2.367 1 7,433 V,H 20 7 2,311 j i ’ :i0 l.i'7H 1,931 3,040 ; 97 19 1 061 I i > 0 191 270 474 , 1,733 8.55 23 5 4,325 1 1 • .37 1,21 12 2,2:10 3.481 14J077 223 18 3 2,764 9 .31 1,951 1 ,959 3,062 i Uyi04 28 4 1 273 1 .3 09 174 247 1 02U 3.30 50 12 6,810 22 51 2.4;w .3,818 0,324 22,307 33 2 421 ... 2 70 1S7 268 1,174 664 84 15 7,664 12 40 2.2(HJ .3,804 0,068 ! 1 23,43\ 509 100 16 7.062 57 117 2,714 5,017 7.006 : 29Wi 2:0 48 . 8 2.867 20 44 1,027 1.793 2,084 i 1 1 0,4 li 2 1 2 ( 404 ) TABLE IX-Ma A— Agricultural.— 2— other Agricultural- Districts. tSo titnl Parganas Puitack Piirl JtnfnHor Jll nnhliHm ... Kurh Jlihnr Hankura Jtirhhum Miflnapur ... Murfthifiabad , Dficcn 31a t wia nH n gh Tipp^ra Sfintal PnrganttB Slnghblinm Itiidnapur ... Dacca Paridpar Dakharganj Malma nsi ngh Upper a Patna fiaga ShalMhatl Darbhanga Muzaffarpur ( 405 ) lUGE BY Caste— con^iwMcr/. j)—COLTIVATINa— (/)— IN BeNOAI.— , ^RTTA— concluded. B.-FEMALES. VNMAkElKD. 0—9 10— 15- «- Total. 0-9 6 33 101 26 266 200 4 62 773 200 1.029 099 8 98 839 198 1.143 812 50 369 2.702 634 3.761 2,319 72 116 419 77 684 311 64 130 372 41 607 375 1 0-9 10- 15- 40- «•« 3 97 155 ... 97 410 2 81 3.13 6 U 443 1,409 2 9 12.1 183 2 12 228 250 0,20.1 S0.493 1,m 1M,023 20,316 I i47»»76 7,637 43.279 18,510 87,523 40,629 1 15I4«7 1.431 17,856 9.081 48,122 21,113 27,380 49.426 m9,47H 119 881 2,169 455 3.1 14 240 680 8.040 6.59 4,631 15 88 244 41 338 164 428 2,106 382 3,140 6 26 132 19 183 10 33 ' 201 15 269 14 137 754 79 984 28 } 74 424 125 661 31 54 382 61 629 tALAKAR. 1,091 685 79 28 S 696 4 8 231 401 644 j 289 16.1 9 2 2 176 4 130 17H 312 1 473 278 13 2 1 294 6 90 213 314 1 236 117 9 ... 120 ... 1 55 Hi3 169 261 119 19 3 132 1 4 .50 9.5 161 1.663 703 70 7 841 6 12
  20. 003 1,121 873 686 73 9 1 669 1 3 107 3.35 1 606 1,221 533 70 20 1 4 633 1 3 80 321 411 1,608 668 i 18 2 780 4 1 0 L14 874 621 TOT 386 79 1 20 1 486 ... 52 171 223 2.309 680 34 4 610 9 16 92 408 614 2,337 056 19 ' 3 ! 767 9 16 85 850 460 ' _ 2 D 3 ( 406 ) TABLE D-Jn A— AoRicuLTUEAL.other Agricultural' Mali oi DiflTKICTS. A- MALES. Mark IE D. Unmarried. W IDOWERS. Tr.tal Qialcs, 0— a 10— 15- -W- Total. 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. 0—9 10— 15— 40— Total. Saran 24 132 830 510 I,6M 914 209 123 b 1,311 2 32 85 M8 Cltamparan 33 117 727 40H i.286 580 176 113 8 886 1 4 40 95 140 Ithagatpur 30 81 302 189 674 214 .30 22 1 273 5 2 34 49 90 7,057 Monghgr ! 69 1,150 2,502 312 4.089 632 167 79 D 787 S 6 43 03 146 Piirnea 12 23 400 2G6 706 ,'191 130 172 4 703 2.3 63 86 Snnt.nl Parganuh ... 7 227 115 349 231 70 24 1 329 2 2 GSO Cuttnfk 2 19 0.55 400 1.076 632 276 1.52 3 1,063 ... 1 18 61 80 Puri . i 1 35 1,8H5 1,172 3.093 1,535 820 523 4 1 2,882 1 52 184 237 6,913 Italasor ... 5 106 100 220 155 26 11 192 ... 1 ... 6 17 23 43S llaxaritHigh 16 37 lOS 12S 288 i 152 1 70 32 1 261 % 8 18 5C7 hnhardngn 3 12 180 OS 302 1 247 78 29 364 ... 1 11 13 26 GUI Trihutnry St JtcSf Oris

    ll I hn 12 83 1.574 815 2.614 1 j! 1,377 580 341 7 2,306 •1 62 no 176 i i 4fi9i Ml •Tnipniguri . ... 33 ' C9 2.060 1,705 3,033 ! 3,165 703 897 C7 1 4.832 • 1 2 G4 1C3 229 H,Dn p( Jffidnnpur 65 208 3,2.52 1,730 6,266 3,487 1,197 1,011 19 6.714 4 101 239 344 Howrah 4 3(i 696 896 r,l32 842 244 161 3 1,240 21 53 74 2,m Parganaa 231 1,008 29.246 1-4,410 44,896 29,285 8,903 6,030 151 44.469 20 77 840 2,002 3,639 92,fi9i Sadia .... 1 1 248 180 430 229 88 120 1 444 31 68 88 m Jtifisor .. 2 12 619 4.33 1,066 702 292 285 11 1,290 41 106 146 Khulna 134 424 11,605 6.278 18.631 15,944 3.ry47 3,33.3 107 23,031 4 16 278 1,113 1.410 Bi iitidnapur 33 311 8.857 4,274 13,476 7.04

    Bardwan 31 1G8 9,767 5,-493 16,469 7,840 3,688 5,566 285 17,378 5 1,127 2,780 a;oi2 36,749 Bankura 13 102 6,036 3, .500 9.667 6,472 2,440 3,472 74 11,468 ... 889 1,030 1,410 7H 445 11,727 5,765 18,016 8,469 3.194 4,418 212 16,323 4 20 1.842 3,084 4,460 38,19> MidnnpuT •10 190 11,962 6,966 19,167 11,057 4,935 7,654 97 23,843 3 8 550 1,414 •1,070 44,799 Jiugll 4 35 3,849 2,442 6,330 3.564 1,599 2,353 89 7,606 ... 2 275 1,014 1,291 18,2» Howrah 200
    1.58 368 263 125 128 6 612 ... 7 27 34 got 24-‘Pargana9 10 43 2,016 1,161 3,230 1,839 880 1,061 40 3,819 ... 1 87 482 620 7,0 Nadia 2 13 1,238 926 2,170 1,261 663 842 77 2.843 114 406 609 80 JmsBor s 6 382 281 672 388 183 238 27 836 ... 2 so 108 140 10 MuTBhidabaa 20 110 4.654 2,625 7,416 4,240 1.704 2,224 78 a266 1 ... 885 911 1,197 160 Khulna ... o 19 729 475 1,226 709 340 288 11 1,367 ... ... 30 103 133 8,719 Pumea 5 12 510 520 1,047 810 321 670 87 1,747 ... 1 33 103 137 80 ( 407 ) 5 BY (jiATH.—cmtirmed. Cultivating— () — in Bengal — concluded, AKAB ^concluded. B~FEMALES. Mabbibp 1 llNMAimiKD. li It \Vl DOWS. 10- 15— 40— Total . I 0—9 10- - 15— 40- Total. 1 0—9 10 - 15- 40— Total. 72 207 1,190 348 1,817 950 130 22 1 l.l 12 1 1 1 103 418 623 71 m 749 287 1,101 549 91 16 2 668 3 0 GO 218 296 85 75 1 357 93 610 104 7 2 1 174 ! 8 7 37 101 163 38 273 021 213 1.246 400 51 9 3 623 4 11 71 201 350 23 73 1 435 92 626 402 46 18 460 2 3 SO 178 263 10 61 237 42 366 202 11 6 210 1 29 99 129 7 137 769 194 1,107 682
  21. 15 3 739 ... 3 82 306 391 21 893 2,146 ' 639 3,000 1,810 2S3 14 2 1.800 ... 10 204 801 1,078 ! 8 1 14 1 129 37 188 132 22 4 168 1 ... 9 103 112 1 0 11 225 75 317 219 :io 5 204 ! 2 ... 31 R2 118 ; 11 30 205 70 316 274 10 R 1 329 ... 43 51 07 1 49 280 1,722 405 2.466 1.341 262 ;i3 9 1,046 i 2 10 1R9 593 793 j 309 2,874 031 3,076 1C3 41 170 I.W8 m ‘23« 0,4RS 79 24R 3.ni 3,702 K12 29,460 221 874 12,810 304
  22. U08 1.058 1.506 1.717 <)5S 21 175 109 88 784 85 30 440 107 4,217 65 119 1,358 6,103 1.200 44,073 406 1,41 I 18,067 2,601 1,647 8,817 6.845 1,203 1,077 2,609 10,043 1,090 1,676 6,504 969 2,738 11,538 1,653 3.04^ 13,231 i 1,630 1,059 4,473 616 81 270 38 662 1,878 391 388 1,460 240 213 1 776 99 1.273 4.657 881 211 781 109 (m; 747 134 14,670 0,063 16,360 10,106 17,624 1 0.626 6.603 410 2.006 2,267 1,177 — ; .

    =r- ' - - 2,!»21 431 228 25 3.303 2R9 20 4 530 0 2 2l,M)7 055 232 52 14« 1 722 18 4 « 4 12,091 200 78 20 0,400 398 108 11 4.705 3&4 28 7
  23. — — 0,70t 303 44 4,134 133 20 5 ' 7,014 194 26 H i 7,877 448 11 ! 3,004 147 22 4 1 225 25 ... i 1 2,046 87 11 3 i 1,104 36 9 1 i I 500 24 3 , 3,574 118 20 10 062 31 2 ... 766 1 131 8 2 3,606 3,714 638 22,746 149 748 12.461 403 601 195 20 12 3!>M 15 10 135 710 9,453 141 332 2,3a7 1,050 421 14, KOI 109 597 I.IM — — — 6,977 20 l3o 2, .532 4,. 531 6,004 10 7H l,s72 3.41 4 7,100 58 I'lO 0,0 47 8,974 4,202 :i.s 115 3,298 4,585 7,242 62 13,3 ».,;i.3.5 9,15.5 a402 39 191 0.l»03 8,710 3.177 22


    2,808 3,:h>7 1 250 I 3 123 180 1 2,147 1 6 23 823 1,002 i 1.160 1 0 3'' 878 1,402 627 1 2 9 358 609 3,722 1 32 74 2,128 .3,8t>.8 696 1 .1 14 281 411 910 1 ’ 5 240 591 1,016 747 24,850 328 068 7,027 7,213 6,374 16,276 8,036 16,076 14.043 6,014 306

    464 2,384 1,038 6.062 700 830 — — 2 D 4 Total fcmiiU'Y. iiJ4S 937 i,snt 714 9,937 0,936 4SR rtu 749 4,S04 Sft71 HH3 J,/f 7 38,4&li 2»t7m 90,43/ 37,610 ;^9,434 49,071 W^94 IMft 7,007 0.601 9,740 17,300 9fiOO 0,706 TABLE A— Ageicultural.— 2— Other Agricultural ta A-MALES. — — — — ' Districts. Marribd. Unmarried. Widowers. Tntu teak 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0—9 10- 16— 40- Total. Jiardwan 1 10 603 208 782 407 188 254 10 869 ... 36 93 129 1,7: nankura 10 45 2,20.9 1.33S 3.662 ?,288 931 864 22 4,106 ... 07 290 387 8,1£ Birbhum 2 4 235 121 c62 13U 67 09 8 304 ... ... 2'j 48 70 73 3IidnapuT 2 23 1.007 015 1,677 , 925 393 44) 27 1.796 ... e7j 187 264 8,7i Hugli oi ... 5 661 800 435 200 281 10 926 ... ... 34 127 161 JfV: Patna 12 44 239 172 467 !i 201 71 41 9 322 ... 2 19 33 64 S4 Oaya 30 134 084 649 l.40a 639 181 138 18 876 1 4 60 96 161 Jiarhhanga 71 135 005 412 1.286 ; 431 71 46 6 667 10 6 42 76
  24. 1,»; Phatnparan I.. 4 22 2.52 150 428 214 63 79 3 349 ... 1 13 26 40
  25. lUonghyr C!) 101 652 429 1.301 685 117 68 4 774 3 S 31 70 1 16 Santal Parganaa 5 19 193 95 312 197 69 46 2 304 ... ... 10 34 44 at JRalaaor 1 4 317 190 521 256 129 ! 123 6 614 1 ... 8 42 61 m f 'attack 6 287 159 401 2:18 67 1 79 1 386
  26. ... 3 28 31 Si Sianbhttm 5 24 655 284 868 470 189 172 1 832 1 1 21 144 tee 1 A Jiarhhanga 1,225 1,4'49 6,001 2,799 10,476 3,489 229 118 13 3,849 43 73 297 837 760 iSfiT, Muzaffarpur 151 241 834 428 1,664 323 64 33 6 420 9 26 101 136 1 9,91 Uhagnlpur 3SJ 889 1,31.1 623 2,707 875 55 24 2 966 21 19 108 120 268 3,Di Purnea 31 100 1,232 669 2,032 972 3l»8 343 3 1,626 2 6 60 143 210 3,96 E /ihahahad « Saran Chnmparan Bhagalpur 42 22 14 11 124 126 47 884 1,5,35 1,2;J3 23.J 791 1,082 607 112 1,841 2,706 1,980 403 885 1,861 1,037 200 363 680 400 42 262 279 827 21 14 5 12 1 1,624 2,826 1,778 264 1 1 1 3 2 61 73 120 28 126 143 172 25 180 217 296 66 3,S5 g,80 m 7« Palma 1 2 164 1.39 206 216 74 77 • » 371 8 14 22 ••• 38 68 2C1 232 689 476 128 40 2 645 2 1 4 23 30 Hhaltahad ... 69 168 861 619 1,607 1,096 280 197 1 1,674 1 4 60 70 » 126 3^ VarhtMnga ... 157 203 662 443 1,466 626 US 44 ... 784 6 9 83 60 107 ituxaffarpur 344 477 1,882 1,197 3,000 1,703 339 164 16 2,272 8 18 60 175 261 6,4J Aaran 80 800 1.641 1,327 3,367 3,094 877 801 8 4,280 2 8 52 226 287 tfl Ckamparan .. 123 410 4,167 2,261 6,961 3,506 1,160 638 18 6.321 1 11 180 871 663 97 Bhagalpur ... 16 36 256 189 406 343 67 28 ... 438 1 13 22 36 Monghyr ... 43 97 670 371 1,081 716 163 84 2 966 6 8 27 87 77 A dfl Purnca 17 84 1,363 730 2,194 1,204 366 24S 8 1,920 2 8 i 111 158 270 A Malda
  27. 6 1 70 1 1,2.30 709 2.027 1,346 414 883 2 2,046 1 I 1 1 SO 82 123 ;age tBY Caste — continued, \ 'ZV<7 ( 410 ) TABLE D^Mas A— Aoeicultural. — 2 — Other Agricultural^ CH A.-MALES. I DlSTUIClS. W urithidnbaU fCajWwi/ii Vutna Wntgalpitr . HoHghgr VuTnea JUalita MurithUlab€td Vntnii tiaya iu$rhhunytt . jnuzitffarjtur ... | HHran | Cham^ttran | Bhagalpur .. | Ittonyhyr i j Vurntut ... j Atalda Santal BnryannM Ifaztirihayh isuhardayn Makuied. " " UnaiAiiuiBi). WiPOWEBB. Total
  28. 10— 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 'W- Total. 0-0 10— 16- 40- Total. male«. 19 121 4,073 2,104 6,407 3,879 1,402 1,031 39 6,361 1 98 302 i 461 5 20 851 403 1,360 803 2H8 225 4 1.320 10 43 60 2,7i8 30 fi3 400 231 720 470 113 38 1 628 1 2 H 34 46 1,390 10 3V 335 213 601 438 114 JW 1 686 ... 18 40 64 ; 1,241 58 .300 200 676 351 73 40 473 1 1 2 11 20 37 ! i,m •t 14 202 118 338 139 60 65 204 17 17 34 1 630 n 175 6,(ao 3,029 8,876 0,291 2,087 1,637 16 10,031 j i 1 j 1 2 170 410 613 1 t9fil0 DHA
  29. — — ■

    21 67 5 412 t,l 13 I 779 215 209 2 1,236 > 18 17 66 9A13 233 57!

    3.e2Ui 2,452 7, 1 00 j 8,397 801 809 14 6,061 ! 5 17 2:14 3:15 601 i2,832 33 89 291 259 672 1 .130 80 61 7 684 ... 2 54 73 120 1,38S 0, m 5,488 23,923 12,803 48.660 1 13,941 1 , 22:1 699 109 16,876 219 .T15 1,274 1,607 3,446 67,970 1,292 1,867 6,ti8 3,2.53 12,860 6,250 1,20.3 6G0 11 7,160 j 39 79 102 8.37 1,417 21437 77 331 2.052 1,001 4.061 2,090 925 •137 6.5 4, 117 7 101 207 376 8433 76 215 1,756 923 2,070 1,370 455 .310 25 2.160

    4 120 198 324 6,454 1,837 I 3,168 15,'.»1*9 7, tti 28,448 12,425 2,353 767 :«) 16,676 j 102 168 901 1,368 2,629 46432 1 .37(‘ ! 1 3..3u(t ■5,7t5*» 9,256 20,602 1 11,145 2,667 1,038 ! 71 14,824 , 57 136 59:1 i, 2 :n 2,016 46,332 127 { 552 5,768 2,851 0.208 4,7.35 1,250 716 28 6,736 12 30 ,521 771 1,346 17,379 o 1 939 577 1,640 ; 1.685 330 362 6 1,788 i 1 74 104 180 3403 25 1 1 IWi 1,225 617 2,012 1,114 .310 125 K 1,663 1 2 4 35 31 125 3,700 1 lb 1 j 21 176 7J 202 2(H 65 30 280 ! ••• 3 7 18 28 609 6 12 1 161 70 240 lie 36 52 234 1 ... j 16 14 30 513 t*atnn 1.K31 2,G'15 15.2.'2 Gaya i,o:ii 2 , 22 s ll,fM/.l Shtthahad (m 1,813 9,259 tiarhhnnyti 9,8.16 9,161 37.751 Jtftnoffnrpur 1,N57 2,940 12,6S2 Sitran 609 1,7.32 9.91 S 723 1,7.59 12,174 BhttytUpur 1,433 2.176 11,070 Monyhyr 2.066 3,710 20.170 Furnt^a 175 199 4,:iii Malda 1 11 356 Santnl Parganas 47 lOj) 1,052 ii azariba gh ! :j2r, 594 2,696 Lohurdftga 143 622 3,310 .3 21 162 9,191 28.642 10,865 2,710 1,690 172 16,473 8,3118 26,670 12,177 3,521 1,8.31 283 (7.8(6 4,120 16,2(8 7,096 1,863 943 79 0,086 2‘t,r.7i 77,021 19,250 1,760 983 127
  30. 1 20 7,279 24.768 ll,r .28 2,838 1,322 194 i6.872 7,1.55 10,3(4 12,250 3.554 1,456 01 (7,324 7,616 22, ( 72 10,661 2,790 1,514 74 16,060 6,491 20, ( 70 8,464 1,391 4.36 20 10,304 t 9.956 36,032 11,726 2,144 675 lie I4,60( 1 .975 6,083 3,286 925 633 12 4,768 182 660 1 297 1 96 80 2 474 506 (.774 948 209 68 1 1,226 1,121 6.037 2,590 749 316 4 3,666 1,620 6,606 3,780 99.3 •188 21 5.282 97 283 142 46 28 216 DUS 39 70 809 1,519 2,443 46,438 21 67 902 1,060 2,060 46,333 35 09 625 7.38 (.407 27,071 4.33 507 1,682 1,961 4,683 104,394 174 710 1,168 2,148 42,778 6 22 806 1.040 1,424 38,009 31 06 820 1,303 2,226 32,407 67 93 570 740 1,^70 86 102 511 1,015 1,763 11 .37 280 380 723 12 23 36 tfiSX 3 4 45 62 114 3,tU 6 18 1.31 203 368 »fi30 9 82 183 228 462 it^nt 2 7 11 20 SI, ( 411 ) \GE cBY continued, ^^Cultivating — ( n)— I n Bihar— continued. B.PEMALES. Marhisd. r.VMARriED. Widows. Totjil f»*malt'. 0--i> 10— IB— 40- Total. 0—9 10— 15— 4f() Total. 0-9 10- 15-

    40- Total. 224 007 4.0H3 092 6,690 3,721 3S0 32 4 4,137 8 28 1,168 2,342 3,630 35 15C 999 100 1,290 ! 801 5o 120 602 195 1.046 4;i6 45 11 2 494 3 8 i)0 .3.50 461 i,90t CD 00 429 100 684 ‘V)2 30 5 1 438 3 C 85 IH9 283 it409 52 81 391 13!) 603 318 33 361 1 3 45 137 186 ifiMO 0 23 itc 27 204 145 21 3 ... 172 20 80 106 489 252 1,001 C,2K) 940 8,403 1 0,595 Slfl 80 7 7,408 17 50 1,800 3,261 6.128 9t.tl9

    UK. 41 128 875 100 h 1,207 1' 7S6 75 7 451 865 5,057 1,340 7.713; 3,2S| 361 80 03 93 137 660 li 45S 59 7 8,510 B,928 0,0B1 19,879 5.893 36,363 13,147 1,177 488 1,025 2,551 15,144 6,448
  31. 1 68 12,175 2,119 398 1,294 2,311 14,123 4,758 22,480 10,780 1,.578 .361 2,818 2,fto 11,982 2,090 20.273 7,415 328 47 8,641 4,100 18,181 5,835 31,763 10,700 Oil 1‘2I ' 684 874 4,102 028 6.288 2,769 177 22 ' 18 t 46 an 07 466 1 305 34 9 157 255 1,140 223 1,784 855 07 7 60.8 801 3,294 768 6.666 2,520 317 40 343 003 3,580 822 6,438 1 3,403 501 113 1 ' 40 170 51 293 113 12 2 1 B70 2 18!) 199 600 9,707 6 3,734 9 41 484 1,583 2,120 2 626 3 ... 67 ‘25.5 325 tjm 21 1 1,635 387 339 2,571 8,522 1 1,810 74,331 4 3,812 47 no 707 2,8.J0 3.700 99,697 5 3,669 2 7 359 1,087 1,456 10,497 H 1,058 3 11 115 607 760 3,3/3 8 10,966 178 231 2,1 n 7,340 0.880 00,084 U5 13,603 1 100 224

    2,117 6,616 0,117 33, CM3 8 i 4,260 1 55 90 1,427 2,723 4.206 17fi95 »i 1,120 C 15 427 619 1,097 3,000 1 1 1,102 5 7 206 .547 705 3,897 ! ».t| 1 - 7 19 60 86 094 2 20 49 00 079

    — — — ■■ 2!) 12,591 1 61 80 l,.i72 1,510 6,059 48,198 IS* 14,170 38 CD 1 2.120 5,700 7,027 47,809 10 8,379 1 30 ! .5.5 j i.-mo 3,626 6,186 30,900 111 18,188 618 1 417 1 2.914 9,861 13.840 ! 108,708 102 '4,914 . i;io 1.VI 1 1,510 4,7.51 1 0,678 1 1 00,840 21 14,716 ! 10 24 j 1 5,312 0,736^ 19 12,738 1 j :«) 78 ' 1,173 4,120 6,710 i 40,034 11 7,801 101 128 1.311 3,610 6,189 33,903 23 1 1,488 1 204 161 1,17!) 5,507 7.364 00,000 5 2,973 j 35 52 769 1,1.55 2.311 tt,079 348 2 i 3 104 166 276 1,080 920 1' « 9 1.57 378 662 1 3,900 0 2,809 ■| |! 1- 28 3.'i3 one 1,303 j 9,748 11 4,1 18 ii ,1 H 23 408 1,078 1,617 j 11,073 126 i i 1 28 1 54 83 1 001 ( 412 ) TABLE A — Agkicultueal.— 2— Other Agricultural gaj A.-MALBR. nsriiiCTB, Mthagulpur ... JUonghyr Purnea Malda 0-9 Marbiep. 10 - 1,713 209 191 7,977 1,351 2.323 391 40- 0.410 005 1,650 235 Total. 16.766 2,616 4^106 646 Unmarbibd. 0-9 10,523 1,410 2.240 439 2,291 270 733 119 15 - 1,131 73 871 101 40- 182 7 Total. 14,077 1,700 3,046 763 Widowers. Tota HaWi 0-9 10- 16— 40— Total. 28 62 476 1,041 1,607 32, U 4 7 56 143 210 m 1 8 179 807 406 8,S4 21 49 70 IM 2 18 4 ( 413 ) (IAGE by Caste — continued. [,)— Cultivating— ( w)— IN Himsii— continued. ^UTA. B.~ FEMALES. Marbijcd ! j IJNMAlUilEI). 1 1 1 Widows. 1 i i 1 Total IlMimloH. O-O 10— 15- 40- Totjil. 0-9 10— i:»- ■w- Total. ‘ 0-9 10- 15- 40- 1 Total. i 2,785 0.207 2,073 1 I0.Q74 1 9.308 400 51 14 0,809 1 09 lls 1.1122 (5,1 51 0,200 230 351 1,623 003 2,710 1,1 49 52 in :i 1,214 ' 7 13 l.Vi 73S 033 4,S,'i7 173 301 2,512 nori 3,651 2,1 S8 300 no 2 2,000 ' (’• 2.5 493 1 ,oss 1,012 7,HM 31 01 41S 74 047 ■4
  32. 36 184 883 lai 1.1 3H 203 40 927 2,401 12,678 3,798 1.920 3,707 18,795 7,144 1,502 4,051 21,450 4,371 0,743 6,C(I6 22,731 7.603 3,824 3,218 11,060 4,450 1.543 4,709 30,177 10.270 i,:no 2,018 16,416 6,110 2.820 2,845 11,108 2,698 1,863 2,610 10,626 5,892 606 776 8,050 532 201 241 1,041 220 1.319 1.640 6,095 1,320 614 030 4.013 1)98 120 153 640 187 384 123 8 9 1 140 1 j 11 f.:- 73 420 L'5‘2 49 12
  33. 313 1 17 '.19 1 10 1,237 792 50 17 J i 800 ! 4 ! 5 1 142 030 1 1 204 150 7 2 169 ■■ t ’ 55
  34. 100 i /;/3 19,704 7.8St 1,00.3 199 27 0,173 31 1 70 1 ,5-,. 3 4.351 0,006 31,660 1 1,259 l.SOO 291 S.3 1 6,409 .55 ! 124 2,27S 7.391 0,040 -77,9 /-l

    31.333 1 1.937 1,881 23.1 2.5 7,078 37 ; 112 2,1.34 7,1S2 0,405 57,'v.v; 42,803 10,098 21.5 GO 12 10,306 :t02 317 1 1 ,709 o.o-:4 0,112 23,461 7,094 031 120 30 7,881 13S 1 2('i<' 1 1,333 l.r.'io 0,.j27 1 37,rr>o L 40.699 22,907 3.S00 1,150 3S 27,001 23 1 C. 1 2,1 Vt 1O.O20 I2.J00^

    f»0,Ufi0 20.628 11,803 1,848 152 31 14,134 ,32 j 70 1.291 5.429 ' 0,022 ! 47,4Si 1 19.631 0,612 204
  35. 7 0,868 98 1 170 1 1,.575 4.3SJ i 0,226 1 20,090 10,924 754 119 (> 1 1,807 113 140 1,137 5,927 j 7,32.3 j 40,OVO 9 2.126 41 00 S4l 1..304 1 2,300 4.864 2,022 65 17 1 1 1,712 720 33 4 2 766 10 1 14 1.34 j '103 ' 601 1 1 10,200 4,937 419 81 1 6,438 30 1 49 041 j ! 1,749 2,009 1 18,IH7 6,466 ,3,s72 39 4 10 4,340 1 1 13 23 004 1,350 1 1,996 j rj,7fn 1,060 520 SI ! 4 661 j 0 1 .5 77 182 i 1 209 I 1 1 ( 414 ) TABLE A — Agricultural. — 2 — Other Agricultural KU A.-MALE8. DiS TRICT8. Marricu. ITnMAUUIBD. Widowers. Total UaU>g. 0-0 10— 15— 40- Total. 0 -9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0-0 10- 16— 40- Total. Parditan 3 20 237 119 379 112 62 26 3 193 ... ... 10 13 23 Bankura 14 82 1,918 1,063 3^087 2,146 911 363 3 3,423 ... ... 31 62 83 Midnapur .Si) 466 4.761 2.201 7,607 4,691 1,859 698 3 7,161 2 6 78 lOG 281 14M 24-Par gana 8 ... 13 396 203 672 192 172 134 2 660 ... 1 19 61 81 IM Murshiilabad ... 117 79 108 137 60 57 2 246 ... ... 13 19 32 47 Bangpt4r 1 6 306 193 600 197 60 125 14 306 ... ... •40 63 93 99, Bogra 3 29 388 230 660 217 46 93 6 362 1 1 13 14 29 1,04 Darc€$ • •• 5 403 255 763 58 61 94 2 216 ... ... 22 31 83 1,0% Patna .... 1,926 4,993 29,2.'i7 16,543 62,719 20.462 6.634 6,808 1,744 34^48 63 102 1,838 5,869 7,861 93,t2i tJftya ... 280 874 6,332 3,687 10,173 4,699 1,410 1,139 2)2 7,469 6 21 373 1,022 1,422 10, Shahahad 466 1,112 6,341 2,m 10.303 4,912 1,5.32 1,369 83 7,886 13 35 600 76.3 1,311 10^01 Barbhanga 1.831 2,134 9.400 4,426 17,814 6,446 684 .386 79 6,606 109 1‘46 613 778 1,546 23, 0& Mvzaffarpur ... 2,661 3,059 10,3.57 6,613 22,690 9,423 2,058 1,008 68 12,667 52 13.5 635 iwe 1,718 36,901 Satan 6U 2,0.30 15,315 10,033 28,619 16,181 5,227 3,010 200 23,818 9 21 614 1,966 2,610 34, 7t: Cltamparan ... 612 1,004 14,200 7,847 24,163 10,870 8,601 2,328 171 16,070 15 45 802 1,439 2,301 43,45> Bhugalpur 469 671 2,896 1,420 6.466 2,11! .T26 194 9 2,640 19 2C 101 278 484 H,58i Monghyr ... 258 601 3,646 2,091 6,306 2,6.58 617 661 87 3,913 12 21 143 380 ' 666 j 10,86i Purnea 36 127 1,431 603 2, 1 67 1 60s 160 1.56 3 027 ,3 12 170 105 360 3,43 MaUia 2 242 00 343 23 10 26 a 61 ... ... 15 13 28 43, Santot Parganau ... 154 441 2,150 1,02.3 3,760 2,094 665 125 4 2,788 5 9 no 134 108 6,73 Hazaribagh 758 2,013 10,268 4,763 17,782 10,901 2 ,as.s 1.0J9 33 14,841 .30 47 345 6.38 1,060 33M Lohn rdaga 307 1,002 8.478 4,084 13,871 8,869 3,(M)1 2,017 32 13,010 9 39 200 475 783 28,57, Manlham 082 3,105 3i,:w3 10,429 61,609 .31,794 11,391 4,435 133 47,752 28 1 90 892 2,016 3,032 , [m2, 30 Singhhhum 36 109 i,:jo2 725 2,171 1,305 558 250 8 2,127 2 1 30 62 08 1 4,59 MA Bhayalpur 1 3 27 326 187 643 3(K) 85 47 1 433 ... 2 10 :w 40 1,02- Monghyr • •• 8 6S 404 286 766 3»;i 122 38 2 623 ... 4 14 47 66 • J,34i Pnrnea 23 112 1,370 725 2,230 1.101 298 IOC 9 1,614 1 8 97 100 206 4fit{ Santai Parganag... 6 33 254 116 400 247 02 2C 1 336 ... 1 13 26 40 78, Vainn ... Gaya ShahnlrtlK Darhhanya Muxafforpur Saran CfMtnparan Bhagalpur Monghyr Purnea Santai Parganas ttazarihag'h ••• — _-_r — — — — 229 612 0,944 3,390 10,176 4,802
  36. 77- 7,332 • 4 21 837 608 404 9sn! 9,3(10 4,107 14.872 7,04.5 2,570 i,6;»9 311 12,066 6 23 m 1.441 51 204 1,839 742 2,836 1.277 372 440 12 2,107 2 1 40 04 1,716 3.422 11 ,.539 0,093 23,770 9,280 1,163 42.3 28 10,894 89 132 647 881 323 671 3,040 *2,327 6,367 2,347 751 4.S7 40 3,676 11 21 108 313 8 34 547 452 1,041 017 326 171 0 1,420 ... ... 34 63 76 200 6,445 3,448 9.218 5,648 2,108 ' 1,354 30 9,040 2 7 360 648 1.094 1 2,426 12,408 8,138 22,720 11,609 2.105 051 24 14,389 47 81 061 840 811 1,866 13,234 6,543 22,464 11,572 3,176 1..348 01 16,186 47 108 1,199 1.940 208 772 7,280 3,888 12,208 7,372 1,.522 698 19 9,611 17 87 487 614 74 257 2,237 1,118 3,686 2,793 710 237 7 3,766 4 6 76 lOS 10 85 748 440 1,283 m 289 142 2 1,337 1 6 46 61 070 2,106 113 |,040 613 87 917 1,610 3,303 1,166 .187 103 Mua 6,051 30,31 Wli3i 3^1 19, IV 30,7^ iifi^ 3,7S^ ( 4*15 ) giAOE BY Caste — continued. fa)— CULTIVATING(«)— IN BiHAE—

    HI. . B.-FE5IALES. Mabbied. Unmarrikd. "

    »Il>OW8. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-9 10- 15 - 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16— 40— Total. Total Females. 13 35 107 60 271 118 10 137 3 24 72 00 SOI 14S 478 2,422 463 3,601 2.071 205 .33 2,372 3 8 2C9 826 1,106 0,07B 560 1.077 6,362 903 7,972
  37. 107 0.30 70 7 5.120 11 38 505 1,627 2,171 15^3 25 4S 3!)5 61 619 250 42 1 1 3 no 187 370 1,188 2 29 180 10 230 IfiO 9 169 4 til 136 261 040 2 20 287 8 317 02 8 ... 65 2 7 100 105 274 038 25 42 152 37 260 170 17 4 ... 191 1 ... 29 <18 78 3.95 1 7 00 11 88 4.3 4 47 2 6 27 34 too 3.S10 6,840 30,6.H1 10,607 61,797 10,690 2.253 1,&13 668 23,040 307 285 0,303 16,560 22,026 98,308 536 1,21.3 6,071 2,802 10,042 1.180 123 74 1« 4,704 26 C3 1,082 2,780 3,000 19,933 704 1.321 0,140 1,061 10,216 4,507 012 05 0 5,260 22 74 1,288 3,301 4,086 90, no 3.004 2,223 9.763 ,3,1SS 18,108 1.105 211 49 3 4,728 171 IKi 9l»3 3,401 4.708 97,004 2,520 3,603 15., ‘W1 4,005 20,269 0,200 808 1.S8 20 10,222 Cl 100 1,3I>7 6AV2 7,303 43,784 1.478 8,310 21,301 7,114 33,299 16,071 2,601 I 451 41 18,703 48 111 3,3 U) 10,001 13.600 03,309 1,056 2,167 16,728 4,683 23,664 10,280 1,732 4Ci 29 12,606 33 65 1,440 5,3;i9 0,867 49,990 0112 735 2,074 731 6.346 1,720 53 7 4 1,790 40 iW 302 1,184 1,640 8,784 508 (Jm7 4.051 1,012 6,318 2,115 105 21 4 2,338 16 32 4H1 1,060 2,108 10,844 181 102 791 118 1,265 4.'10 18 9 2 469 0 15 212 400 636 9,300 03 Cl 301 68 486 108 8 2 1 208 2 2 .32 07 133 897 372 (VIS 2,100 682 3,700 2,022 158 14 I 2,104 9 20 104 711 034 0,830 1,688 2,045 10,010 2,058 1 7,007 10,305 1,202 187 25 1 1,069 .54 87 1,C37 3.770 6,646 33,394 721 1,044 0,212 2,117 13.694 0,303 I.VIS 250 43 1 1,110 1 15 42 1,172 3,176 4>404 99,908 2.070 7.370 34,014 8,120 63,089 31,201 4.201 570 161 36,226 ; 02 252 4.217 11,018 10,600 103,893 00 260 1,335 331 2,012 1.307 2.11 on 4 1,606 1 3 ICO .374 537 4,134 kandb. 3C 51 151 25 67 155 SOS 65 402 487 1,617 299 {)0 17(J 288 65 004 869 2,207 444 310 407 1,059 2.59 20 42 78 21 0 G 12 1 1 2 338 456 1,161 263 3 12 1 I 1 3 6 11 2 54 07 269 C3 177 ISl m: 1-42 237 269 837 208 1,179 1,084 4,933 933 Bar. m 837 6.071 2,205 i 9,600 6.246 1,0.59 266 22 6,693 n 24 449 1,596 2,081 18,974 643 1.G95 9,G42 3,402 1 6,472 8,218 1,217 232 33 0,700 2.5 49 1M3 ,1.(r27 4,044 99,410 63 210 1,026 387 2,236 1.632 306 6-4 1 1,803 2 4 ' lOS .391 607 4,030 3,781 8,220 12,991 3,622 23.629 8,448 sot 69 66 8,907 132 139 1,054 8,107 4,632 37,198 625 1,M1 3,643 1,108 6,477 2.798 309 124 48 3,277 18 . 37 360 B49 1,304 11,118 12 78 1,056 860 1.610 1,051 287 86 3 1,420 3 83 237 323 3,969 155 638 6,700 2,068 9.461 6,(i02 1.316 380 11 7,760 6 12 4C7 1,416 1,930 19,149 2,654 3,066 13,536 1 8,475 22,031 11,007 827 170 11 12,015 77 1« 1,0S7 2,798 4,084 39,010 736 429 30.673 .5,067 37,606 7.919 1,1.52 955 31 10,067 107 12.8 l,50tl 3,788 6,632 1 33,094 930 1,285 7,538 1,350 1 1,102 6,771 001 no 20 7,511 35 r.4 777 1,455 2,321 ! 90,934 20S 612 2,500 673 3,877 2,758 327 41 1 3,127 4 13 231 «,0 868 ! 7,809 40 164 870 269 ! 1,323 , I 953 156 22 1,131 j 1 3 113 ...j 360 I
  38. J 9,893 ( 416 ) TABLE Dt-l: A — A.geicultural. — 2 — Other Agriculturj a.-malks. Districts. Miirshltinhad Monghyr ... Bhagalpur ... Pttr^ica JHuhUi 0-0 10- 1 107 r»5 40 IS Hhagalinir ... Mlduapttr Potun ... ... Santal Parganan UnzariUngh Inliardagit ... Mtnihhttm ... 3 27 ‘210 3S 1 .-) & 01 Chn inparnn... Shahfihad iJurh/iftnya MuzarnJJ’jtUD' Sa rn n i'ha mpta rn n 11 lot rj 7S ITS Bankura Pnttach Puri BaJaBor Anyul <;r. 20 01 Marbird. IJSMARBIEP. 5 o KB. To
  39. l.l ' 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16— ‘40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40- Total, Dial 2 *203 107 1 403 1 :kMS 1G3 113 1 673 14 42 60 1.''j3 l,‘2Sli 7S7 2,331 1,‘213 221 80 10 1,630 4 11 67 04 too ■1 Ito osu 4S5 1,609 712 lil 53 2 008 ... 7 07 127 201 7H 4S3 170 780 340 4:j 20 1 404 1 7 07 68 133 8H ‘2,-01.'5 1,403 3,064 ‘2.751 H7J) 0‘27 10 4,570 to lOH 237 8, — —
  40. — — ■ — P — . — - ■=r- “ 1 1 1 03 053 511 1,670 1 1 1,011 1 1 2S5 1‘2« j i 1 1,428 2 20 C7 05 i 5, E S 215 in ~ 1 537 220 103 60 1 374 ... 8 18 20 1 S'.) 607 330 1,013 ISO 197 83 13 779 . 3 ‘•i 89 70 1 14 U 8»’.0 .5,113 3,31 1 9,812 6,0 10 1,7.54
  41. 80 7,747 9 33 651 021 1,514 J0,f 1C2 l.(Mi7 I csi 1,861 975 ‘275 115 4 1,599 2 1 70 99 172 3,- 15'.) 1,0G1 530 1,706 1,000 *287 91
  42. 1,444 j 3 ‘24 50 77 3,> 113 1 1.151 ri:{5 t.081 1,31.5 407 178 2 1 ,002 I
  43. 60 08 160 4,1 *27 j 203 111 cB2 ‘2s3 00 ‘24 3 400 j 1 8 13 22 13, 11-2

    1 1,103

    2,120 0,760 4,379 1.45S i',7 13 0.327 1 2 8 137 253 400 ! 1 — — 1 — ' - - — — —
  44. 1 1 O.GOO j II.MS ! 1,172 1 772 17 6,329 1 6 19 ' 3*27 720 1,077 1 1 1 ;1 _ j! — — —
  45. Tl 72 502 2.'!

    869 494


    m 429 I ,o59 819 104 GOS 1,270 694 ?.i'S 1,IS1 1,1*24 2,991 3,12S 4S1 3,000 3,050 6,521 3,2:w — L_ — — 1 203 1 12*2 4 023 : *2 ‘24 HO M2 J i:!3 1 100 4 1,080 1 3 7 23 70 Ml US 09 10 821 2 9 40 69 MO « 024 407 14 4,473 j 2 3 08 178 246

    OSl 55.5

    32 4,00 1«| 4 18 107 308 017 A — Agriculturai..— 2— Other A^cultui
  46. - ■r — -=r- — — — — _ .. — ^ — ■ 13 321 219 667 1 :).«) 1<»8 114 10 662 203 12.301 8.395 20,994 ! 1.3, ‘272 6, ‘277 .5,318 62 24,049 1 102 2S.:M52 21,18.5 40,776 j 30,433 15,63(1 15,951 148 62,108 1 81 2.500 1,721 4,382 ‘2,650 1,;U4 1,‘2(U5 Ifl 6.246 337 5.931 2,710 9,050 4,803 1,790 071 3 7,627 10 67 73 4 279 095 1,279 830 2,978 3,818 1 70 229 300 4 173 300 • 476 ( 417 ) age by Caste — { continued .') )— Cultivating — (m)— in Bihab — { concluded .) ab. B.-FEMALE8. ( 418 ) TABLE D,~Ma A— Agbicultueal.— 2— other Agricoltural. CH A.- MALES. Disteictb. Maiiried. llNMAUniED. WlDOWKEB. Total. mules. 0-0 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10- 16- 40— Total. Cuttack t 28 1.405 067 2,392 1,621 743 672 6 2,941 1 61
  47. 210 Balaaor 31 1G3 3.3S0 2,235 6,818 3,310 1,717 1,323 13 6,892 1 2 89 317 408 G( Cuttack 1 13 718 452 1,214 7f>2 330 270 10 1,372 rr 10 67 77 Puri 4 14 H13 503 1.334 750 303 2!»0 0 1,420 ... ... 34 1U6 140 Ualaaar 27 122 5,010 2,078 7,837 4,000 2,108 1,881 64 0,709 3 140 365 608 17fi5i KAi Cuttack 10 71S 405 1,199 70.5 320 244 3 1,272 19 80 106 3^76 Puri 3 812 201 610 240 133 138 2 619 ... 2 88 40 1,078 BalasQ$' 2 9 IDS 137 340 180 77 73 330 3 25 28 704 KAI Mldnujiur ... 11 73 3.319 1,979 6,382 3,390 i,coc 1,322 11 0.329 6 99 236 340 13,081 Balaaor 1 271 125 307 285 134 132 2 663 ... ... 3 14 17 967 KAN Cuttack 27 91 J),050 5,777 14,946 10,098 5,130 4,187 40 10,466 2 212 840 1,060 36,460 Puri 3 30 2,490 1.0 KJ 4,176 2,202 1,248 942 7 4,469 ... ... 102 323 426 om Balaaor 14 09 4,097 2.CGG 6.876 4,3i>7 2,171 1,745 10 8,320 3 108 282 393 • 18,698 ZM Midnapur 11 26 1,782 1,010 2.836 1,458 694 1,139 21 3,312 ... ■ 117 207 384 1 6,B3i ... • &

    1 i Cuttack 3 10 259 448 ! 802 127 77 2 608 11 26 37 993 Puri 1 90 . 115 212 140 71 63 3 277 ... 3 14 17 Balaaor 1 4 154 106 266 103 78 58 3 302 ... 1 2 7 10 ^ KHA Midnapwr ■ 10 335 245 601 293 161 138 ■ m ■ ■ 14 26 40 i^n Balaaor H SC 1,156 718 1,0(2 1,340 803 424 H H 86 84 (10 ■i ■1 Hi Hi m -- ( 419 ) biaoe ev Caste — continued. (a) — CoLTivATiNO — (ill ) — IN Oeissa — continued. KHA. ( 420 ) TABLE Dri— M a^i A — Agricultural. — 2— Other Agricultural tau Districts. A.-MALES. Mabriep. Ukmarrixp. WlDOWERB, Total. males 0-9 10— Total. 0—9 10- 15— 40- Total. 0—9 10— 16— 40- Total. A ng%U 3 2 602 281 788 mo 203 199 1 1.078 ... ... 8 24 32 im A — Agricultural. — 2 — Other AH Shahabad ... ' 1 1.905 1 4.184 23,047 10,921 40,717 2i,9:w i 6.903 3,697 2.37 3 1,670 64 160 2,081 8.023 6,328 77,7W Saran 2,511 7,201 3.5.00 i 24,221 60.635 3.5,118 9,758 6.113 323 61,307 78 08 17,287 4.083 2,156 t42ASH Loliardaga 474 1.809 8, ‘480 3,774 14,046 0.399 2,953 1,534 111 13,097 27 62 621 765 1 1.466 29A9S GA Cuttuek 30 239 13.3IW 9,895 23.632 15,923 8,177 7,169 85 31,364 1 8 369 1,433 1,806 38A93 Puri 18 71 0,837 4,171 1 1,087 5,008 3,386 2,498 29 1 1,911 ... ... 238 700 838 Balasor 45 200 8,514 6,834 14,163 8.079 4,473 3,825 66 17,043 3 6 262 864 1,134 38,330 Angut u'iih Muhalu Kandh 18 103 1,780 821 2,731 1,885 773 CIO 3 3,230 ... 2 88 123 213 8,m Singhbhum ... ... 3 15S 134 206 291 148 142 3 604 »»• ... 5 12 17 899 GOA Bardtpan ... 11 93 4.560 2,257 6,921 3,023 1,454 Bankura ... 39 369 0,318 5,090 14,822 8,088 3,385 Birbhutn 25 95 1.881 885 2,886 1,350 545 JMtidnapur ... 10 no -4,251 2,696 6,073 4,0.36 1.701 Bugli 4 31 2,2SC 1,195 3,616 1,622 735 Howrah ... 20 918 523 1,460 848 •431 24rParffana9 47 ICl 7,3!)3 4,330 1 1,033 6,323 2,.3«1 Sadia 11 116 7,011 4,998 12,136 7,201 3,004 Jr99or ... 9 53 3,008 2,301 6,371 3,262 1,595 Mur9hidaha d 25 117 4,235 6,846 3,979 1,615 Khulna 10 72 1,488 936 2,606 1,667 710 JHnaJpur ... 4 27 1,088 5^4 1,703 402 149 Bajshahi 2 23 1,032 596

    1,663 897 3(57

    Bangpur ... 1 14 882 429 1.326 297 134 Bogra ... 8 478 276 762 2H9 no Pabna 3 16 1.070 , 700 1.780 972 437 Jalpaigurl ... ... 3 525 222 760 86 .34 J)atca 13 178 3,673 1,JK)0 6,784 3,177 1,199 P'aridpur ... ... 8 63 1,206 659 1,936 947 378 BakluirganJ 10 25 489 204 818 353 142 Maiman9ingh 7 30 2,521 1,270 3,828 1,543 761 Tippera ... 0 46 1,70.3 989 2,747 1,388 535 NaakhaH ... 1 8 295 216 620 817 89 1,074 88 6,639 1 2 865 1,017 1,386 14,845 3,040 70 14,683 ... 4 427 1,179 1,610 SlfiiS 554 20 2,469 1 6 145 355 607 3,882 1,707 43 7,647 ... ... 180 64S 737 13,887 991 45 3,383 ... 1 146 477 624 7fi33 325 C 1,610 ... ... 30 119 149 3,819 2,534 135 1 1,293 8 8 399 1,179 1,604 84A90 3.869 235 14,419 ... 3 448 1,711 2,162 88,711 2,278 1G7 7,302 2 2 329 936 1,269 13^42 1,790 42 7,432 1 7 200 091 806 15,883 680 41 2,898 1 2 114 337 464 3^9 274 10 , 844 •A’ 2 61 60 122 Sftt COS SG 1,003 ... ... < 100 187 287 221 10 662 ... 57 57 1 14 212 16 633 ... 1 38 76 114 563 40 ; 2,012 1 ... 1 66 160 •217 4flt» 106 16 241 ... 1 34 26 60 tfilt 1,000 75 6,611 1 11 153 447 612 ItfiH 516 45 1,886 ... 2 67 176 234 224 41 760 ... 89 120 168 1,7* 1,193 89 3,686 1 ... 130 285 421 7,$3S 762 37 2,712 1 60 176 287 124 11 671 ...
  48. 11 66 • 66 ( 421 ) biage bt Caste — continued. (fl)—CiTLTivATiNa— (<■«)— IN Obissa —concluded. la. B.-FExMALRS. Mabhiei Unhabrikd. Widows. 1 0-!) 10— 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. j 0-9 ! 10- 15— 40- 1 Total. Tot Hi feumlos. 2 11 002 130 811 610 210 03 1 1 822 0 82 201 289 Lgfricultural —(b) — Pastoral.
  49. 2,838 5,781 20.270 7,950 46,848 19,407 2,236 28 3.728 8.803 1 64,183 18,105 84,810 30.:UJ9 0,327 1,216 820 1,887 1 9,082 2,310 14,106 9, 1!)6 1.430 .•}()9 JR. 104 45 271 87 3 2,301 1,243 1,645 371 14 19,990 8,074 12,200 1,041 976 4,750 1,798 2,917 411 80 27,241 11,160 16,033 2,810 1,07 1.5,3 13 0,212 8,33S 1,969 274 4,756 1,0.3S 3.18-1 600 93 802 136 408 116 92
  50. 822 i,i;n .3,101 661 6,716 2,318 78 25 1,667 2,481 8,441 1,.583 1 4, 1 72 6,318 23.5 45 330 4.34 1,072 261 2,703 1,013 .33 7 572 1,119 4,78.1 778 7.262 3,:wn 215 74 301 689 1,856 2;i8 3,047 1,252 '46 11 IGl 274 940 142 1,620 780 19 ... i,m 1,760 6.718 1,012 10,676 6,182 161 44 928 2,17* 7,630 1,292 1 I.Q76 6,062 ii;i 53 467 672 .3,.S.10 440 6,109 2..5.'il 113 20 588 1,117 4,243 753 0,701 3,-455 123 IS 214 429 1,051 276 2.669 1,403 93 12 35 62 385 68 1 640 301 37 6 102 242 049 no 1.403 790 44 5 10 42 188 19 269 270 17 (• 27 63 264 37 391 266 6 1 60 m ' 1,008 169 1,494 888 .30 3 4 5 09 11 119 68 11 3 292 06(i 8,290 440 4,988 3,002 178 55 108 2S0 979 123 1,448 804 69 8 83 88 3D8 46 615 269 14 193 468 1,675 r 170 2,400 1,343 74 7 80 322 1.477 163 2.032 1,256 143 11 40 7r 333 44 489 304 29 1
  51. -
  52. 280 21,961 64 147 j 3,263 10,902 1 I4,d70 i 114 44,020 58 128 3,320 15, ISO 18,692 j 32 1 1 1,266 1 3 12 2,433 38 117 2.199 .3,533 6.180 14,334 6 6,004 4,"; 4 45 .3,2.J4 .5,110 8.824 1 1,064 11 118 704 1,210 2,043 6,H00 14 3,722 18 66 l.IWO 2,720 4,440 13,423 7 1.310 9 48 T,J8S 1.015 • 2,060 7,223 ... 790 • •• 34 4.32 710 ! 1,170 3,405 9 6,396 60 119 2,090 4,308 7,177 33,248 18 6.270 34 li<) 3.508 6,. 548 10,290 28MI 8 2,092 21 109 2.0'>l 3,118 1 6,330 13,140 3 3,690 8 i>6 1,745 ,3,135 4,964 13,254 7 1,672 HI :ii 609 1.015 1,726 3,H0a 3 310 ... ! 2 150 221 373 j 1,350 1 840 10 25 60.'. SJl 1,461 I 3,710 1 294 1 10 97 118 220 « 779 ... ! 273 2 7 172 261 444 1,108 1 922 • 19 59.1 1.».'.2

    1,601 4/177 82 21 .5 4 75 376 3 3,238 10 37 1.31'} 1,952 3.342 it, 568 5 886 3 8 400 63.) 1,060 3,383 4 288 j 2 12 iso .311 606 J,»OH 4 1,428 1 2S 994 1.8-47 2,373 0,307 4 1,414 4 10 40*1 HIM 1,296 1 4,744 3 337 1


    1 3 92 147

243 II • 1,059 1 ; ' — , 2 E a ( 422 ) TABLE D.*-Mab A — Agricultural. — 2 — Other Agii GOA A.-MAIiE8. Districts. Mabrikli. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-9 Patna 4.0M 7,265 34,314 19.844 00.087 1 22,378 Oaya 3.101 6,616 36.114 26.025 70,919 1 64,653 Shahabad 334 694 ,5.832 1,618 8,378 ! 3,419 Harbhanga 10.63C 15,000 65,3:.o 34,947 132,433 > 34,644 Muzaffarpur 0,797 7,190 42,600 19,411 76,068 1 26,575 Saran 64 174 1,156 694 1,088 927 Champaran 1,248 3,570 25,527 14.612 44,863 21.516 Bhagatpnr 9.801 13,330 57,397 27,089 107,017 1 39,710 Monghyr 2,040 6,865 32,967 19,120 00,798 27.318 Purnea 681 1,881 17,0^16 7,692 27,230 13,343 3Ialda 14 82 2,229 1,163 3,408 2,049 Santal Parganas 360 1,075 7.877 3,720 13.038 6,718 JIazartbagh 731 3,382 16,582 9,200 20.806 14,715 fjohardaga «• 8 31 256 144 439 200 140 440 3,795 1,982 0.303 3,431 Singhbhum 47 187 4,119 2,478 0,831 6,814 TriOuta ry StateM, Oriisa 4,398 3.3ri8 7,806 Unmarried. Widowers. TnlAl 10— 16— .40- Total, j 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. umleg. 6,016 3.030 377 31.401 132 205 2,309 4,199 6.846 104^333 9,952 6,021 1,100 61,020 200 276 3,111 6,053 8.540 t31,0tt5 972 677 49 6,1 17 12 37 402 030 981 U,47C 4.027 2,530 2 81 41,402 710 920 4.209 6,403 1 1,248 i8/!,W3 3,690 4,707 121 34.093 412 303 2.211 3,698 0,624 tie, 773 238 153 3 1.321 2 7 68 132 209 3,3t8 6,347 4,789 317 32,909 64 99 1,786 2,976 4,914 3»,74« 6,939 3,172 177 60,004 385 73:1 4,784 5.451 11,363 t08,074 5,754 2,693 182 36,947 104 361 1,427 2.065 4.667 101,303 3,442 2,949 107 19.841 50 120 1,880 2,302 4.370 1 Sl^l 697 613 14 3,403 44 18 134 201 397 7,m 1,819 815 49 9,401 15 41 374 076 1,106 !i3,643 4,0-45 2,238 68

  1. 008 45 125 1,066 1.684 2.010 53,871 90 51 ... 401 ... ... 11 23 34 874 1,163 742 47 6,373 11 17 233 408 eeo 12, m 2,374 1,801 64 10,1 13 7 4 168 310 479 17,493
  2. - A — Agricultural. — 4— Forest am BATI -=r-, — — 2,.589 2,325 77 1 1,408 1 1 138 306 500 01 — .-.T- ■ ■ — Angul with Kandh Mahali Tributary Statei, Ori/tza Minghbhum Tributary StateZf ChuHa Nagpur ... 3 10 4 1 1 1 140 1 3 22 25 770 229 1,628 204 12,850 93 1,129 108 7,368 328 2,789 341 21.128 180 2.120 205 16,974 86 908 77 6,144 64 921 48 2,835 1 31 3 44 337 4,040 393 24,006 1 3 1 16 6 56 0 519 11 143 11 907 17 100 16 1,634 041 7,0SI 7« 47JS Puri 4 ngul 1 10 3 06 226 5,243 207 3.748 437 0,070 318 6,888 135 3,143 146 4,008 3 08 632 14,107 ... 2 SO 200 619 m -1 — — “■ * ( 423 ) biage • BT Caste — continued. cultUTfli”) "“P AStOBJUj!— concluded. .concluded.

    B.-FEMALE8. M4RBISD. Ukmasrikd. WiDowe Total 9-9 10- 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. 6,753 8,445 36,066 12,896 64,160 20,778 2,122 640 60 23,600 186 271 3,461 11,821 16,738 103,399 6.782 8,760 41,603 14,560 70.706 82,172 4,532 1,173 453 38.329 205 271 4,721 16,6-10 21.837 130,871 740 1,271 7,698 080 10,693 8,726 487 66 3 4.282 3 458 1,177 1,662 10,337 22,773 13,947 09,410 19,891 126,021 27.027 2,085 261 27 20.400 214 HS3 6,175 19,540 27.612 189,933 6.260 10,263 34,886 13,934 06,342 16,604 1,224 42H 90 18,400 750 411 4.061 18,936 20,068 103,800 98 238 1,260 308 1,904 843 92 9 1 946 2 5 119 589 716 3,804 2,518 4,730 27,426 9,215 43,888 20,091 8,222 633 42 24,688 54 150 2,476 8.656 1 1,342 79,818 18,589 14,963 62,302 16,667 10^621 82,041 i,:«»8 192 50 34.101 776 i):io 8,409 21,035 31,160 173,809 6,806 7,639 36,046 9,601 69,682 22,879 1,458 278 36 24,661 376 769 3,178 12,940 17,262 101,498 2,879 3,66i) 16,623 3.032 26,103 11,682 637 123 21 12.463 111 207 4,100 8,705 1 3, 1 23 51,089 179 460 2,079 325 3.043 1,918 137 18 2,074 9 10 664 1,198 1,890 7,007 1,190 2,031 7.660 1.647 12,628 6,828 296 63 7 6,184 48 60 1,081 2,868 4,063 99,708 4,014 4.804 17.439 3.959 30,216 12,040 1,277 193 16 14,126 168 327 3,450 6,534 10,470 84,891 23 47 176 181 427 237 48 9 ... 204 1 1 53 W 161 879 676 964 3,877 857 • 6.264 8,067 203 33 9 3,302 19 64 671 1,691 2.336 11,901 154 470 4,101 1,314 6,039 6, ‘409 1,740 1,256 105 8,670 13 14 495 1,876 1,903 10,819 Hill Tribes.— (i)— IN Obissa. UDI. 60 142 5,840 1.701 7.733 C.657 l,93fi 36 9,521 1,996 2,480 19,744 ND. Na.

    ■ 1,627 1 82 357 440 4,199 6 • 66 l,C08 803 2,062 1,206 288 124 1 — — ( 424 ) T ABLE A — Agricultural. — 4 — Forest and SAV A.-MALES. Districts. MidnapHT Cuttack Purl Marrtrd. Unmarried. Widowers. Total 0-0 10- ir.— 40- Total. 0-0 10— 16- 40— Total. 0—9 10— 16— 40— Total. males, 3 0 2tn 155 380 227 93 74 2 300 1 9 12 22 798 4 20 1.891 4.308 3,903 1,675 1.464 19 7,061 ... ... 99 316 414 11,783 9 0 2,036 1,363 3.414 2,992 1,196 998 0 6,106 1 94 177 272 S,88t A — Agricultural. — 4 — Forest and AGA Uazaribagh 8
  3. 155 118 300 j 225 [ 63 34 322 1 1 1 5 12 18 1 940 BHO Hftzaribagh Lohardaga 33 77 l.'S 186 1 1,36S 3,466 CIO 1,823 2,100 1 6,662 1 1,654 4,136 1 j 697 1,.370 292 771 6 35 2,648 6,3M 7 3 • 1 15 40 171 74 .362 122 661 1 4,839 19,414 BHU Uardtcan .6 .36 706 339 1,080 497 1.52 143 2 704 2 16 41 69 1 ' 1,039 Bankura 4 11 410 241 060 518 218 132 3 871 ... 1 7 23 31 J,668 Sfidnapitr 3 16 623 399 1,041 670 303 269 10 1,242 1 11 33 46 f*aga 292 7,344 4,452 13,012 7,435 2,658 1.257 76 11,326 9 34 375 768 1,170 25,513 Fl/i uga 1 pUT 47 269 3,423 2.231 6,070 4,123 1,452 742 6 6.323 1 8 93 208 310 19, m3 Ulonghgr 22 122 619 462 1,226 ! 616 267 129 6 1,008 4 .30 62 06 9,339 SartroF Vargauat 19 4.’i 7(44 648 j 1,376 913 298 148 2 1,381 1 2 28 71 102 9,839 Uazaribagh 173 650 9,188 5.18^4 1 6,406 11,629 4,065 1,917 .36 1 7,636 3 22 392 636 1,063 34,084 Lohardaga 103 456 7,811 4,092 1 2,462 10,282 2.977 1,820 65 16,144 8 17 442 617 ,084 98,890 8tanbhum 6 29 725 429 1,188 911 .367 198 4 1,470 ... 3 21 49 73 Hinghbhum 11 4-4 1,(>3«J 668 1,760 1,184 635 j 438 22 2,170 32 63 06 j 4,033 BHU Banhura 21 52 2,306 1,675 4,064 3,174 1,392 1,026 22

    6,614 2 60 168 220 i 0,888 j TBidnapur 16 78 .3,025 1,971 6,090 4,107 1,779 1.353 19 7,318 3 2 76 206 286 19,804 9d-I*argannz^ 3 24 721 582 1,330 688 286 187 IS 1,174 ... 1 42 62 106 9,609, Cuttack 8 674 319 00 i 364 214 70 2 660 ... ... 10 70 1,840 Manbhum 48 276 8,791 6,i00 16,216 11,223 6,334 4.390 180 21,127 2 7 476 814 1,209 $8,841 1 SingMhutn 39 91 4,820 3,475 8.426 6,861 .3,1.30 2,068 162 13,101 6 7 108 396 606 12,131 1 1 — ' OH® Lotuzrdaga 22 102 922 634 1,680 j 1,817 426 232 6 1,081 ... 1 63 81 146 3,704 ( 425 ) buoe pY Caste — conUnucd, gill TribeB_(i) — m Oeissa — concluded. AK. B.-FEMALES. Marbisd. Unmarried. Widows, Total 0-0 10- 15— 40- Total. o-n 10- 15- n 40- ToIhU 0-0 10- 15- 40— Total. 17 44 288 40 300 253 35 10 208 1 2 43 110 166 set 10 175 3,787 727 4,706 4,302 1,228 296 10 5,895 1 3 300 1.345 1,618 19,918 10 65 2,605 030 3.300 3,209 1,100 341
  4. 4,665 1 2 848 847 1,008 0,M9 ( 426 ) TABLE IX-lu A— Agricultural. — 4— Forest an C] ■ . .

    .... . . A.- MALES. 1DI8TBICTS. Mabbibd. Ubmabribd. WlPOWlBS. o—y 10- 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10— 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40— Total. lA>9Mrdaga 10 467 292 772 633 281 207 12 1,133 e 31 44 77 im GH4 Hazaribagh 23 06 502 236 849 639 181 89 3 912 i 22 46 60 hSU Lohardaga 18 137 1,968 l,oir2 3,216 2,728 932 381 U 4,066 4 94 133 231 7,501 Manbhum 8 39 423 210 710 519 166 83 2 770 2 24 29 65 IMS Sinyhbhum 3 15 262 224 604 397 141 85 7 630 8 16 24 i,m I MingMthum 5H lU 9.004 8,442 17,618 17,894 8,174 11,550 963 38,681 7 5 347 1,0M 1,446 57,644 KlHi Banhura 10 62 3, .322 2^17 6,941 4.268 l,6.H9 1,201 27 7,136 1 72 310 383 13,469 AngMl 1 4 410 250 666 486 190 128 1 804 ... ... 9 24 33 im lUanbhum 5 18 449 304 776 673 285 153 4 l.l 16 1 14 SO 46 1,M6 EHJ JUidnapur ... 2 7 220 670 607 152 38 3 800 1 19 45 66 im Lohardaga ... 24 125 3,403 1,821 6,373 5,051 2,091 939 46 8,130 1 131 290 422 ^inghhUntn ... 18 465 302 786 596 260 108 6 1,025 9 41 60 m • khai Jalpaigttri 2 138 106 246 210 86 109 7 411 11 27 38 (M Bhagalpur . . 17 !>9 S17 594 1.627 1,010 281 1.3{) 7 1,437 2 58 148 203 3,10 I*urn6a 10 34 32.'i 107 636 322 77 02 8 469 ... 1 29 60 80 Ifiti Malda 6 38 84:i 457 1,344 949 270 284 12 1,616 2 82 111 166 3fi0 Lohardaga 84 416 5,635 .3,158 9,292 7,032 2.176 1,277 29 10,614 5 12 316 516 848 »0M> Singhbhum ... 2 4 161 87 244 223 86 64 2 376 ... 4 10 14 • 1 • . » gd^Pargnnatt 5 27 759 418 1,200 1,095 385 166 9 1,646 ! 8 1

    105 148 Mald0 4 10 177 110 301 231 72 64 ... 367 11 18 23 W Hantal Targanaz 20 52 423 310 805 54H 207 134 1 890 1 6 7 48 66 1)1^ ■t »Jl4 Ilataribag 13 36 .319 162 629 478 138 67 1 684 14 89 43 — . ngt liinghbhum 47 85 4.674 4,224 0,030 8,781 3,851 4,657 483 17,772 38 20 191 616 . 666 t 1 ( 428 ) TABLE D^Maj A— Ageicultueal.— 4— Forest and Kor Bibtbicts. A.- MALES. Makeied. Unmakbied. Widowers. Total BialtHi. 0-» 10— 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-0 10- 15— 0 1 Total. I^ohard^ga 5 49 m 1,212 990 288 100 1,447 27 44 72 2,731 mah —

  5. ' —
  6. MMnapur 1 9 253 149 412 250 128 89 1 474 11 18 29 m Ijohardaga 23 100 1,250 778 2,166 1,706 522 811 23 2,662 3 53 84 130 m7 Manbhum 29 120 1,158 676 1.983 1,379 417 206 0 2,008 1 0 37 73 120 4,111 Singhhhum 3 8 354 74 439 352 6.404 4,724 50 22,070 2 4 272 873 1*161 39,€ft5 Purl 4 779 501 1 ,284 1,022 146 423 4 1,896 ... 38 90 126 3,307 Batator 38 188 6, .582 4,532 1 1,340 7,161 3,005 2,980 31 13,700 1 9 213 691 814 gSfiSi A ngui 26 41 2.775 1,395 4,237 3,951 1,782 1,189 9 6,931 1 111 120 232 11,400
  7. PARH Pohardaga 9 28 691 j 329 967 1 886 275 107 4 1,332 1 17 45 63 2f352 1 ♦ 1, — « • BAU Lohardaga 18 89 2,006 — — 811 2,924 1,605 774 526 10 r~ 2,916 1 2 74 116 193 6,0S3 Trllmtary Staten, Chutla S'agpur 1 28 453 1 318 800 605 251 156 0 1,021 17 35 62 1,913 -SAB Manbhum ••• 2 14 281 145 442 243 01 86 12 432 1 1 31 60 93 931 ( 429 ) tUGB OT continued. Jill Tribes— (it ) — in Chutu Nagpub— coMftn«erf. ( 480 ) TABLE A — Agricultural. — 4— Forest ai T A— Agricultural. — 4 — Forest and Hi SA — - JianJk'ura 8 18 1,3G0 1,107 2,e02 2,0*8 8(Kt 800 7 3.718 ... 25 63 88 6,Jl Jltthhum 13 60 2,135 2,4G5 4,073 2,632 1.693 1,50(5 27 6,048 1 2 80 183 266 10, m Mulunpur 60 141 8,273 0,404 14,878 12,661 6,500 4,(581 63 22.006 3 6 178 427 614 38, S\ MuTHhidahad 1 17 471 'U2 031 871 303 201 16 1,461 ... ... 10 3 63 S,4i Dinajpnr 8 21 680 091 1,386 94:5 288 342 11 1,684 ... ... 30 54 84 3fit Itoyra o 13 23* 188 437 3«11 107 87 ... 666 ... ... 6 11 10 1,(H Ithagalpur 22 86 2,330 1,811 4,249 3,703 1,537 1,323 23 8,588 4 5 101 10(5 306 11, U Monyhyr 42 141 2,20* 1,44*4 3,021 2,513 875 807 11 . 4,205 1 6 7!) 141 226 8,31 Malda 16 108 2,176 2,079 4.379 3,620 1,078 960 30 6,703 ... 41 70 166 240 103 \ Sontul Purganas 602 2.830 70,976 48,935 1,23,343 1,02,512 43,331 31,256 437 1,77.638 27 70 2,006 4,153 6,266 Pulasor 3 11 460 389 863 1 806 326 210 5 1,363 ... 4 24 28 Q q. Hotnrlbayh 70 249 5,305 3,:«51 8,086 i 7,767 2,857 2,167 21 12,812 3 2 220 46.3 688 is,4i JUanli/imn 06 403 10,035 12,628 32,262

    29.251 j 11,38!) 8,130 80 48.869 18 10 773 1,368 2,168 Sinyhhhum 2 2 425 228 667 ! I 551 250 310 c 1,120 ... 16 34 60 u A — Agricultural. — 4 — Forest ar GU ( 431 ) [AGE BY Caste — continued. ill Tribes— («■)— IN Cnuxu '^KG,v\s9.~concltulcd. [. b.-femalks. Habbibd. Unmabried. Widows. T.ital. 0-9 10— 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- , Total. 9-9 10— 15— 40- Total. 10 r>3 202 01 320 IKO :io 5 216 2 12 23 36 30fi 510 8,107 776 4,704 2.970 423 105 7 3,61 i 7 2t 201 701 1,060 1 23 211 905 299 1,628 I 1,290 222 47 7 1.600 3 SI 290 1 374 1 ribes— («0 — in Santal Pakganas. iL.

    - - — - -rr zz - . — . 13 137 1,961 490 2,697 2.233 511 2S0 12 3.006 li 6 237 566 811 0,474 39 227 2,854 1,080 4,200 2,950 1,2(>9 032 19 4,870 2 4 218 815 1,060 10,130 111 561 11,028 2,927 16,227 13,357 3,890 I.KIS 60 19,131 14 32 1,492 ,3,610 6,178 39,330 C 59 004 210 038 925 208 75 1 1,209 2 41 152 106 !if,349 21 50 910 211 1,108 1,005 201 133 3 1,342 2 2 58 150 212 0,739 2 40 304 74 420 3!»l 90 34 616 1 ... 0 50 67 099 45 232 2,902 1,075 4.264 3,993 1.208 745 14 6,020 4 10 251 761 1,022 11,990 57 189 2,123 085 3,063 2,959 019 282 3 3,763 1 3 17 459 I,3«55 1,844 ft, 060 63 247 2.785 997 4,084 3.S22 786 303 12 4,023 4 17 112 638 701 0,70H 1,223 7.737 86,300 32,155 1,26,483 1,00,28,3 33, H7 1 14.704 380 1,64,874 72 203 5,934 20,824 27,003 3,0Hfi30 0 39 030 189 801 808 254 125 2 l.lOO 2 83 179 284 9,337 121 500 0.005 1.884 9.1 10 8,370 2,105 979 21 1 1.476 I 13 IS t;22 1,628 2,281 99,600 2H1 1,009 24,309 6,890 33,096 30,452 8, 1 88 4)4 ! 402 I 4,073
  8. » • 6 40 1,818 500 2,453 1,440 012 692 5 2,749 1 120 3.55 476 1 3,678 iR s 25 1,660 457 2,146 1.328 1 475 284 8 2,066 ... i 82 231 1 313 1 . 1 4,333 ( 432 .) TABLE I>.— Mah A — Ageicultchal. — i — Forest and MUR Dibtbicts. A.-MALES. Marsied. TJnmabbikd. Widowers. Total males. 0-9 10- 16- 40— Total. 0-9 10- 16— 40- ToUl. 1 0-0 10- 16- 40- Total. arjeeling 4 25 8.073 1,388 4.400 3.237 1.462 1,632 30 6.261 3 67 130 206 10,947 NB arjeellnff ... 0 806 280 1,101 1 i 670 261 891 10 1.322 16 31 47 2A70 SUNU tarjeeiinff 3 COi 206 666 472 203 3:k) 4 1.006 ... 21 SI 62 A— Aoeicultueal.— 4— Forest and OA
  9. - ■ - — ■ ■ 120 0,310 OialnMnalngh 21 71 1,076 1.020 2,701 2,361 691 416 8 3.3G6 1 2 36 81 TIP rippera 291 205 601 386 IW 158 2 689 ... 15 24 30 1,229 B— Pkofessional.— BRAE ’iardvan ... 21 182 7,283 4.370 11,860 6.113 2,712 4,505 637 14,197 1 4 468 1,639 2,012 latiAiira ... ••• 42 206 9,911 0,413 16,694 io, B.-FEMALES, HaBBJBD • Unmabribo. Widows. 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 i 10— 15— 40— TuUl. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total. ... 64 3,562 1,024 4.640 2,052 1,201 83S 14 6,006 ... s 2iM 614 841 ..

    WAR. ... 22 622 1 171 1 816 1 600 1 240 m ... 878 1 48 90 1 138 j WAR.

    ... 17 (U2 177 1 830 j 167 102 2 762 ... 1 Si) 107 147 Hill Tribes — (t^)— in Eastern 13enoal. RO. — -r-; — 93 320 2,204 380 1 3,003 1 2.154 2.S5 92 6 2,637 4 12 170

    »ll 497 PBRA. 5 26 355 96 482 i 427 129 54 1 1 1 on 1 i .33 00 1 j Total lemales. t,13i 6/>3 5 — Priests, ( 434 ) TABLE D,— Mai B— Peopesbional.- bbae A.-MALES. Districts. Marriro. Vrmarrikd. WlDOWSHB. Total males. 0-9 10 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40— Total. 0-9 10— 16— 40— Total. 3Iatmansingh 10 85 8,106 1,991 6.142 2,4‘41 1,123 1,803 232 6.679 1 152 485 638 11,489 {'hittagonu 3 24 1,723 1,331 3,081 2.157 937 1,204 104 4,402 ... 64 .307 461 7,944 Konkhali 2 18 1,480 1,057 2.667 1,483 612 873 91 3.069 1 2 45 257 306 8,921 Tippern 8 43 2.9-40 2, .395 6,391 3.413 1,422 2,008 21^ 7,067 ... 95 553 648 is,m Patna 67 544 6.676 3,292 9,600 3.9:»7 1,593 1,921 377 7.820 1 4 407 968 1,380 18,817 Gaya 303 1,147 7,961 6,630 14,941 7,443 2,474 2..502 424 1 2,003 10 48 667 1,860 2,686 30,429 Sha/iahad 003 2,019 19.110 9, ‘48.3 31,823 17,146 6,299 6,826 706 30.975 12 54 1,421 2,589 4,076 06,874 JOarhhanoa Sit 1,913 25,274 17, son 46,429 24,048 9,716 13,604 1,08-4 49.061 06 07 1,394 8,335 4,892 99,372 Mutaffarpur ... ilG2 699 4,024 4.427 10,012 5.809 2,146 2.269 S29 10,663 11 45 3.33 890 1,270 21,844 Harnn 213 1,664 19,862 12,579 34,348 20.047 8,2.37 8.416 1,110 38,410 2 24 1,060 8,149 4,236 77,002 Vhamimran 68 642 10,430 6,0t>7 17,167 8,387 3,093 4,973 563 17,616 6 12 675 1.700 2,401 37, m Bhagafpur ••• ... 68 307 7.918 5,328 13,621 7.073 3,104 4,107 041 16,286 6 8 512 1,284 1,810 30,716 Monghyr ... 243 G19 14,537 4, 43!) 19.808 4.82:» 2,1.56 2,412 284 0,676 15 27 320 047 1,300 30,882 Puriva 12 87 2,893 1,908 4,000 2,443 1,210 2,346 2-40 6.239 2 3 .3.32 019 066 12,098 Maltia 1 14 1,210 081 1,906 805 360 615 74 1,014 ... 1 78 189 268 4,068 fiantat Parganaa 28 148 2,310 1,3:18 3,824 1.804 069 770 82 3,394 2 4 160 383 646 7,763 Vuttack 63 520 22,264 13,824 36,661 18,651 9,1-48 8,574 357 36,730 ... 9 7-14 3,069 3.822 77,213 Puri 31 202 13,148 8,112 21,493 10,869 6,333 6,000 406 21,608 ... 443 2.2.34 2,677 48,778 Balasor ... lOfi -444 15,770 10,767 27.093 13,798 6,621 6,738 447 27,694 1 10 677 2,847 3,636 68,222 Angtil and Kandh Mahala 1 17 604 .334 868 369 146 152 8 676 ... 13 32 46 1,876 Hataribagh 84 3.51 8,282 1,847 6,664 2,824 947 1.056 106 4,033 8 13 206 601 788 11,288 Lohardaga ... 159 611 4,252 2,064 8,086 3,730 1,300 1,286 106 6,472 c
  10. 275 4S3 783 14,241 Ittanbhum 123 451 0,079 .3,3«5 10,038 6,4:10 2,008 2,561 290 10,280 4 19 451 037 1,41 i 21,738 Singhbhtun ... 10 13 ‘ 498 288 800 378 170 169 16 733 ... 10 42 68 1,600 NAl Santal Parganaa C 22 110 913 672 1 1,717 1 i 1,3-47 445 17!) 8 1,070 3 4 19 54 80 3,776 B— Peofessional.- AT . =~

    • rr- 1 —

    — ■■ Shahabad 26 113 722 319 I 1,180 1 648 282 214 24 1,168 2 4 51 68 126 2,473 Mutaffarpur 2 20 170 110 302 1 243 64 55 ll 373 ... 6 82 38 713 Saran 65 297 2,087 1,305 3,764 3,104 872 670 170 4.866 3 93 270 372 8,992 Champa ran 10 103 1,459 906 2,644 1,333 573 543 100 2,665* 1 1 116 225 343 • 8,442 FJ {lAOB BY Caste— coM^/nMCf?. ( «5 ) HAN concluded, B.-FEMALES. Mabbied. IIKMABRIED. Widows. 0-9 10- 16- 40- Total. 0—9 10— 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 132 669 8,267 487 4.606 2.915 I 1 3:10 M 9 3,308 6 24 998 1.871 2,001 101 030 2,385 361 3,386 2.(K>7 221 15 9 2.342 3 35 720 1.623 2,281 76 324 1,677 246 2.223 1,388 118 9 5 1,620 0 10 403 806 1.22b 130 716 3,702 520 6,068 8,618 352 33 19 3,762 13 38 941 l,08:i 2,678 270 035 6,680 1.86S 8.663 3,972 5R0 157 27 4,742 12 65 1,130 8,170 4,373 689 1,877 8,027 3,351 14,444 7.052 1,277 201 30 0.223 20 90 2,137 6,109 7.426 1,172 8,631 20,061 6.531 31,208 10,301 3.013 301 20 1 9.647 4-1 ICl 5,000 12,807 18.681 2,460 6,185 28,017 7,759 43.421 28,252 3/205 311 61 26,862 1K8 291 8,802 20.6K2 20,063 439 1,177 8,101 3,173 12,800 6,022 1.107 702 22 8,613 48 U5 1,071 4,291 0,166 681 2.866 26.261 8,140 37,066 20,053 4,010 719 61 25,439 21 95 6.019 15,190 21,226 300 1,332 10,005 3,121 16,421 8,320 2,009 357 2 j 10.71 1 7 48 1,929 6,;wi 7.310 C04 1,604 0,166 1,900 13,170 7.305 983 SO 14 8,388 40 85 2,050 5,315 8,000 674 1,609 6.511 2,170 10,864 6,385 710 110 17 6,222 58 07 1,507 .3,002 5,340 116 835 2,820 398 3.660 2,432 421 GO ' 7 2.923 4 21 1,418 2,050 3,603 40 169 000 137 1,246 836 93 6 ... 936 0 10 420 851 1,287 217 439 1,094 417 3,067 1.507 121 10 ... 1,707 € 30 012 1,070 1.710 754 6.850 24,815 6,182 37,001 18,200 2,182 335 29 20,806 35 215 6,801 15,821 21,902 268 8,491 16,406 3,501 22,818 10,242 1,4-19 70 IS 11,779 6 141 4,116 9.173 13,430 097 4,040 19,016 6,103 28,910 13.768 2,062 208 37 10,066 21 205 -1,959 10,816 10.000 s 107 658 113 783 JllO 60 8 ... 398 0 79 192 280 479 798 3,101 75-1 6.132 2,090 235 33 Id 2,382 31 51 KSl 1,657 2.620 363 846 4,379 1,011 6.602 3.207 470 92 7 3,782 S 61
  11. 1,078 2,001 3,141 1,051 23 1,511 04 6,086 425 i,:k)7 80 9,966 622 4,378 329 as7 31 38 10 8 2 4,81 1 372 30 1 108 7 1,825 108 3.130 219 6,003 336 Total fonuilcB. 10,714 8,000 4,008 11,408 17,708 81^00 00,0110 100,130 87,838 84,000 33,450 80,048 88,438 10,088 3,408 0,408 80,300 48,036 OOjOHi 1,401 104143 13,628 10,850 1,320 YA, 59 179 1,275 491 2,004 1.616 277 84 j 4 1,880 7 W 1 _

    3(t7 413 !



    I — — 6 — Devotees- TH. 60 208 743 197 1,208 030 05 15 23 71 381 118 606 2.57 59 8 1( 690 8,884 1,262 j 6.888 3,243 Gia 85 64 197 1,C17 481 2,369 1,254 232 49 • 4 714 4 11 279 627 824 1 1 2,740 316 50 ITS «8j l,t3i 5 3,048 i

    23 797 2,190 3,0 laj 12,781i 3 1,638 i 1 e 7 229 717 064 1 4,881 ( 436 ) TABLE D,— Mas B — Pbopessional.— SAN A.- MALES. Districts. Ma.rbiei>. Ummasried. Widowers, Total maltis. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-6 10- 15- 44- Total J>arbhanga 26 112 990 518 1.646 869 306 188 34 1,367 2 4 48 123 177 Mutttffarpur 10 36 326 205 677 316 121 114 48 669 ... 2 27 85 114 h290 CuHark 3 16i 98 266 ! 209 1 74 127 20 430 ... ... 17 72 89 7H4 BAIS Itardwan 2 8 247 624 316 126 140 20 607 ... 1 24 85 no IMi Bankura 10 68 2,011 1,682 4,371 2,879 1,004 1,018 103 4.664 1 2 154 800 647 9,482 BWbhum 22 100 2,010 1,952 4.714 1,927 028 078 101 3.334 ... 2 190 603 761 9,809 Midtiapur 42 189 7,217 4,511 11,960 7.035 8.108 2,873 171 13,277 ... 5 291 021 1,218 96,4S4 F/f4^rM 6 13 801 13.5 1,418 723 20^1 280 43 1,310 1 ... 1 43 182 226 2,984 Howrah 1 19 686 381 1.087 710 346 218 11 1,321 ... ... 28 80 114 2,822


    29 lOH 1,9:W 1.405 3.636 2..371 873 005 51 3.000 3 2 144 300 600 7,944 Kadia 2 19 1,215 1,239 2,476 1 1,233 449 6S3 287 2.664 4 2 109 616 631 9,790 Tesaor r> 22 1,097 1,142 2,266 i 1,074 438 544 1.50 2,212 ... 1 00 297 388 4,806 bfurahidabad 6 42 l.CSl 1,202 2,994 1 1,563 &16 6.38 99 2,846 1 ... 120 490 61 1 6,481 lUiutna 4 31 769 638 1,342 1 005 247 274 40 1.106 ... 1 40 100 207 2,718 41 1,335 1,227 2.617 ' 1,389 8!)4 547 35 2,366 ... ... 118 252 380 6,862 RaJahaM 13 60 1,515 1,091 2,609 i i.uia 491 521 08 2,613 ... 3 109 227 339 6,834 7 47 2,016 1,290 3.360 j 1.570 446 775 129 2,030 1 2 275 481 769 7,079 Uof/ra 9 40 1,203 1,072 2.390 i l,23urnra 15 221 171 413 1 201 80 100 12 469 1-4 38 62 924 Malda ... 2 1.5 510 110 643 63^1 184

  12. '2

    27 967 45 122 168 2/178 )ontal Varganaa 9 25 313 [ 217 664 i 209 93 CO 13 441 3 1.3 33 49 1/184 hittach C 19 1,2.K5 (8)8 2,210 j 1,909 888 781 104 3,802 40 223 272 6,284


    ... 2.3.5 J85 420 ! 218 161 201 202 803 ... ... 9 5-4 63 1,376 iaiaaor 4 41 1,719 ^ 1,210 2,680 j 1,720 898 899 103 3,626 1 60 239 206 6,902 ^anbhum 13 63 950 653 1,686 I 1,020 406 2C>1 31 1,727 3 3 04 121 181 3,493 Hnghhum 3 23 .311 200 637 i 340 160 97 14 611 ... 3 10 84 63 1,201 'ributnry States, Oriaaa 1 12 .516 m 863 1

    ii 477 200 323 118 1,178 1 ... 38 67 106 2,146 4 • ' GO *atna 3 41 311
  13. 184

    672 220 89 145 73 633 2 2 28 82 • 114 i 1,219 taya 17 91 272 231 611 296 1-48 141 71 666 7 12 44 HO 162 1 1,419 thagalpar 23 38 800 209 670 305 102 60 7 470 4 18 85 67 1,103 longfiyr 10 27 153 72 262 164 40 67 11 271 ... 4 25 30 863 antal Varganaa 4 2i 197 ](i0 329 184 43 62 6 284 ... 11 15 26 639 laaaribagh 19 55 394 221 689 334 128 79 21 662 ... 2 20 40 62 j 1,313 .ohardaga 10 50 572 3-11 879 652 200 150 12 1.020 2 2 87 63 64 ' 2/193 'rihutary States, ChuHa 766 fiagpuT ... 6 189 88 283 207 92 68 11 378 ... ... IS 81 ( ) UAGE JBT Caste — continued. 3— Devotee8“C0Mc/M(72 19 ]l ! 1 Widows. Total (u males. Total. 1 0-9 15- W- Total. 077 9 1 ! 2S0 517 820 418 2 j 3 S2 150 243 i,y3i 320 10 1G9 210 j 7SH )

    NAB. 40 90 420 91 656 J 418 093 3,070 .502 4,740 j 290 691 3,100 093 4,680 1 C-11 1,087 9,129 1,316 12,806 1 133 220 815 118 1,316 ' 109 2I<0 601 97 I.2B0 321 587 2,3tl 377 3,600 110 315 1,720 .541 2,726 i 1 !lfl 278 1,802 ■109 2.686 1 197 •170 2,012 473 3,162 1 05 233 820 117 1,271 125 201 1,890 375 2,061 121 317 2,001 379 2,070 Vi3 390 2,091 613 3,243 lOfc 225 1,827 280 2,442 4*2 118 797 195 1,162 i j 23 53 .521 211 841 22 06 481 117 716 4 12 110 •to 172 9 60 ■459 ! 97 621 ,H 42 347 1’9 630 10 25 308 89 432 4 10 137 07 224 38 41 138 65 275 13 40 282 50 391 35 • 135 788 187 1,145 34 80 370 101 680 20 171 1,540 469 2,200 2 37 288 97 424 05 408 2,109 518 3,190 112 216 1,157 270 1,766 20 61 :i98 88 667 13 50 689 146 807 . — — 300 6 3 1 olO 1 2 2,050 85
  14. 9
  15. IB4 1 !) 1,552 66 6 0 1,020 j 10 6.193 531 100 .31 6,865 ' 22 631 16 4 654 : ;t (59S 21 3 722 ' 1 3 1,928 127 16 5 2.076 ! 1 Ifl J)9S 17 17 1 1,000 1 •» 985 .57 26 12 1,080 *1 1.292 52 15 .5 l,o64 8 019 56 13 ... 710 1 1,271 no 29 6 1,419 3 1,215 87 30 4 l.wOO 8 1,904 227 12 6 2,170 12 1.187 80 21 7 1,298 1 H 399 SI 16 .5 464 1 3 277 50 66 11 434 1 6 251 2' 26 6 306 1 • 80 20 37 IS 166 1 195 33 22 13 1 20J 6 no 12 27 21 170 129 31 19 16 106 5 105 22 9 8 144 1 |i ... 173 12 3 .t 187 295 :io 8 1 334 : 1 1 008 .50 16 3 677 1 3 1 303 IS 7 2 330 ! 1 1 1,817 602 123 11 2,010 213 83 21 12 329 . ... 1,691 327 62 2 2,085 5 982 106 15 3 1 , too !! H 3)7 16 16 374 1 486 1.37 30 068 '! 2 161 176 041 1,007 39 1,1 2,32S 3.626 10,400 23 1 .296 3.191 4.520 1 io,s':o 81 3.1139 4.9:i2 8,079 i 97,740 12 397 72.5 1,137 3,007 16 t07 697 1,123 1 3,090 41 922 1,371 2,c50 1 H,02S 19 1,135 3,IISl 4.640 S,33i 19 1,123 2,021 3, 176 0,S4O 22 1 ,3s 5 3.12il 4,641 0,057 1 8 2 s6 -136 731 9,790 IS 671 1.119 1,841 5,911 2,5 1 ,6.53 2,2S5 3,071 8,913 31 1 ,296 l,87t> 3,215 8,037 13 9(15 1,311 2.237 5,977 n 790 1.517 2.324 3,910 32 1,37

    2 .5.57 4.432 5,707 8 l.lt'S 1,.S27 2,043 3,904 o •169 7s7 1,260 1 J,5HO 12 501 720 1,222 1 9,100 1 193 520 717 1,493 3 ;>o.‘> .19 002 1, 180 1 26 125 162 1 590 2 ■12 i ns 162 094 1 69 1 ](',<) 231 i 950 M 73.5 I 1 1^2 1,838 3,000 i lOU ! ... 300 1,317 6 1.57 925 1,080 i 5,900 2 16 i T. 203 1,0 to 17 .52S j 1,3S0 1,030 7,905 6 317 1 TrUl 077 3,H3H 2 80 ' 21 1 298 1,999 3 112 ! .i.;6 467 [ IM^9 • SAIN.

  16. - i • 40 410 123 000 1 275 1 1 30 80 327 195 041 220 ! « 75 331 94 646 278 1 43' 68 218 61 370 155 18 45 191 43 207 124 94 101 397 92 684 288 37 109 707 192 1,046 591 1 1 ^ 12 180 48 242 177
  17. — I 42 8 3 328 2 • 4 33 8 10 271 8 38 3 2 321 2 2 29 6 2 191 1 1 13 1 138 1 2 31 2 1 322 7 . 6 121 23 1 746 4 4 55 2.1 1 250 4 60 ISO 262 1,180 76 i:)7 226 1,138 C:i 1.57 224 1,091 31 7:1 1 14 075 27 7.1 ' 103 538 80 106 268 j j 1*904 127 330 406 ! 1 1 91150 1 25 HI 1 N j Oil \ • 2 t a ( 438 ) TABLE D^Mi: B — Pbopessional,- £; A.- -MALES. ' Districts. Married. UXMARBIED. ■ Widowers, Total males. 0-n 10— 16 - 40- Totiil. 0-9 10- 16- 40— Total. j 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 3Iltlnapur 1 3 257 ins 429 203 92 77 1 373 14 24 38 840 Patna 9 31 177 110 330 100 70 106 6 281 1 19 38 68 609 Oaf/a 37 101 53 1 39S 1,070 420 206 203 29 860 e 2 43 116 166 »,ooa Shahahad \ 44 2S7 131 460 211 81 Cl 3 389 5 40 32 77 03J9 PhnyalptiT 3 10 213 117 373 199 71 88

    360 23 44 67 800 Parn 9 a 5 10 836 247 698 369 123 191 3 076 2 26 37 66 1,339 Manhhutn 3 21 256 117 430 1 240 101 88 7 439 1 2 27 42 72 941 B— Pkofessio NAL.— KA Cuttack ! I 10 I 41 5.nnt 3,!»:i5 1 8.000 5.5S3 3,025 3,2.50 108 1 1,076 14.5 731 876 SJ,841 Puri 1 . 1 10 3.277 3,153 i 1 6,441 1,967 3.226 160 8,000 1 ... 1.50 r>02 763 16,134 But a SOT »1 1 36 2.SS7 2.2f:i 6,102 ‘2..SS6 1,5.37 2,173 49 6,646 ... ... 101 417 618 18,336 KYA Hnrdican ... 12 29 2,325 1 j 1,666 4,0.52 2,620 1.15.5 1,17.5 72 6,322 5 104 416 656 9,909 Hankura 3 20 1,777 1 1,417 3,247 2,126 1,061 1,.501 51 4.759 1 81 333 415 8,401 \Hrbhum 4 19 ' 1,U9 ; 695 1 1.007 966 458 479 tio 1,958 ... 62 213 266 4,070 Ifldnapur ... 10 52 3,S9t ' 2,5.56 1 6,512 3,329 1,8.35 2,099 50 7,310 2 172 602 776 14,007 nuffli 1 13 1,156 985 2,165 1..3G9 621 71t 29 2,750 ... ... 39 260 209 8,190 Howrah 4 1 !• etc .518 1,212 900 4tl 435 13 1,780 ... 1.3 53 66 3,007

    4-Pargana8 39 U5 5,174 2,13;i 7,701 3..K69 1,521 1,.527 78 0,006 10 20 149 352 631 16,317 iadia 19 29 2,690 i 2 ,-i;i5 6,173 3,186 1.4.37 2,083 169 7,176 2 2 100 583 687 13,036 IuT8hldabad 1 It 1,003 i .80.5 1,023 1,081 618 016 64 2,208 ... ... 40 256 206 4,416 lessor n CU 4,337 3,937 3,346 ,5.:i:i2 2, .322 4.318 414 (2,446 2 4 281 1,036 1,272 88,1003 tl«t47na 22 W 4, .504 2,310 6,032 4, vet 1,11s 1,80.3 141 7,860 7 188 632 827 16,018 PfnaJpuT 1 15 cot 466 1,086 278 173 3.51 27 820 1 1 52 61 1 16 8,030 iajshuhl 4 3 942 61.3 1,562 662 .‘WO 759 83 1,843 ... ... 62 171 233 3,638 tuuffpur 1 9 472 .58 1 1,063 409 :i98 659 ' 43 ' 1,600 1 1 67 230 280 8,861 togra ... 2 540 3.58 800 417 1.89 ;18R 4-1 1,038 21 87 108 8,046 *abna ...

    C 28 2,368 2,098 4,600 3,028 1.314 2,003 3:15 8.680 1 141 623 666 11/146

    alpaiguri ...

    1 1 ;J02 3.3:1 437 158 86 196 6 446 ... ... 16 23 •39 981 )a<’ca 28 16.5 9,887 7,.316 17,306 11,68.1 6,280 5,766 431 23,024 ... 4 810 1,526 1,848 49/m ^aridpur ... 40 152 6.790 6,217 13,206 10.044 4,06t 5.419 825 20,062 1 6 360 1,806 2,162 36,319 Uikharganj 48 236 10,960 7,991 10,236 11,612 5,284 6.504 423 23.723 2 17 413 1,720 2.161 48,119 fatnansingh 11 C6 6,466 6,068 10,61 1 7,765 3,693 ri,.59‘2 603 17,663 ... S 380 1,309 1,701 1 89,966 hittagong ... 9 4S • 5,941 4,608 10,606 8,406 3,689 4,191 166 16,362 *». 3 146 924 1.072 98J030 '^oakhali n 51 4,S2.5 :i,S.84 8,772 6,486 2,706 3.419 184 12.706 2 0 132 786 925 88,498 'ippera ... 11 101 8.203 6,022 • 4,937 8,061 4.614 5.622 346 18,643 1 2 263 1,220 1.485 34,966 ( 439 ) iaoe by Caste — continued.

    -Qeneologists. B.-FBMALE8. Married 1 Urmakried. 1 Widows. || 1 . J Totnl 0—9 10— 16- 40— Total. 1 0-9 j 10- 16— 40— Total, 0—0 10— 15- 40- Tt»t«l, 1 1 1 1 females. 23 75 237 36 i 371 296 11 1 308 5 76 in 102 871 2:) 86 123 87 209 61 35 12 15 126 ... 1 40 12.3 164 M8 60 120 627 312 1,146 521 103 31 2 059 1 2 8 129 327 400 9,970 9 Cl 368 89 617 251 10 4 271 1 3 5.“) 153 212 1,000 25 60 217 61 363 170 18 2 101 1 4 HK» 15S 263 807 84 48 430 74 606 3:w 61 24 416 4 2 76 260 342 { i,34S 63 65 265 54 437 189 14 2 1 200 ! j 5 5 6.5 165 240 883 9_Writers. BAN. — ■ - - 27 284 7,011 2,205 9,567 6,W5 2,735 713 29 9,502 4 119 4.7(6

    1,359 6,187 3,755 1,7.53 608 17 6,133 46 316 3,109 950 4,721 3,020 911 2S0 9 4,263 10 l.UH 5 0»S 10 OkM Ti/JoS 3,01 i.'t 2, 173 11 R Q80 I 4.048 3.434 : 9a,74H 10,309 fi,40H STHA. -- — — -

    200 757 3.319 680 4,880 ' 191 611 2,910 518 4,266 64 275 1,395 229 1,063 486 1.060 4,573 76i 6,881 7 311 1.819 .361 2,621 1 40 25)4 980 201 1,487 1 428 1,091 4,913 1,333 7,796 244 840 4,193 807 6,090 1 86 288 1,290 274 1,938 413 1.512 7,272 1,064 10,201 26L 1,026 4,371 482 6,129 9 99 382 39 629 16 130 794 115 1,065 32 107 600 262 1,001 21 85 412 49 ' 697 148 677 3,333 &11 4,699 4


    169 15 199 871 2,477 13,777 2,294 18,910 605 2,577 12,122 1.873 17,177 678 2,414 14,229 2,246 19.467 286 1,404 8,006 1.051 10,836 177 1.557 8.809 1,156 1 1,608 171 1,135 6,497 890 8.693 285

    2,007 10,520 1.627 14,330 — rr — — 2,35!) 201 20 7 2,600 12 2,0.36 171 9 1 2,220 o .S9S 50 I 3 062 3 ,3.0 12 218 31 0 3,200 1 IS 1.3!»2 129 5 1 1,627 1 .885 92 9 980 ' 2 3, .5 10 295 28 12 3,876 1 1.5 3,203 20.5 25 4 3,496 5 909 .50 5 1 971 2 .5,2 kS 727 .3.5 16 6,020 21 3,098 35-1 :i:i 9 4,394 '
  18. 20 303 ; 2 590 46 7 640 , 3 580 150 13 1 743 |l 4 377 13 2 307 i ... 2,838 282 2^1 9 3,163 5 llO 13 1 ... 160 ' j ... • 11,780 1,782 92 20 13,674 1 21 9,525 1,330 99 iM 10,978 31 10,913 1.811 83 32 12,002 ' 22 7,205 1 .041 61 16 8,520 ' 2 8,28C 041 73 30 9,341 j 9 6,416 827 16 13 7,331 9 10.298 1,653 73 22 12,040 12 33 1 1,‘»<'1 j 3.219 4.866 /?,V4/ 30 1,239 2,3.32 3,003 to,osy 4 4!t2
  19. 1 1,472 4,377 67 2,n!»9 .3.o;i.3 6,217 J3,3U4 2.3 hl7 1,6(L3 2,607 0,6S.% H 379 7s0 1,160 1 3,04-4 ki J,J.5l 2,'.»'‘2 4,203 j 13,963 3.5 1 1,876 j ,3'v.i
  20. JOG 1 iJi.SUO 17 577 1 1,934 1 1 4r*i4> KIO 3,606 ' 7 , ).'6 1 1.100 1 97,473 .58 1.116 ' 2.116 3,068 : J4,im C 1.55 , 21 ’.S 431 1 1,343 M 416 1 4 ! 1,329 .| 062 |! i '! 690 J • 3/AW 19 -1 r»:J7 4,690 1 2i'!i j 1 ...S V.) .1,176 1 G.I40 ! 14,998 1 .51 1 S7 1 ! 498 89 4.241 1 '.),S31 14,186 40,778 13.5 5,331 10.S1.5 10.316 44,470 71 4,305 9 218 13,040 , 43,979 17 HI 181 204 19,440 • 68 3,019 5 ,sr 28 0,024 30,003 3:1 2,612 3,100 6,054 94/178 4h 1 3,409 1 I r,,o;i3 10,402 30,787 " 2 V { ( 440 ) TABLE Df— M a B — PnOFESSIONAL.- kata A.-MAI,RS. Districts. Married. {)-I» 10- 15- 40- Total. 1 0-0 Ji Vutntt •JS l«s 2.W, 1,001 6, 136 ; 2,500 Gaya i y.oivj 9,632 ; 4,222 Shahabail ms ns.'i i 4.512 2.5;i:5 7,708 , 3,701 Darhhanga -u :i7(i I 5.1. *50 .*5,.52;5 9,276 4,758 Mitznr'apnr :Jii 1 cm j tJ.Sli 2.:52I 6,156 3,0S8 Sarnn :u , 2'’.o 1 lor. :5>17 9,630 . 0,030 Ghamiutran 1C.2 j 2,125 O.OiO 2.720 Montfhyr j 2 5'.'2 l.sso 4,91 1 2,200 Hhagalpur 171 .'J. ti 6,01 1 l,s‘50 Vurn‘a 2(i I j l.Ood r.:5o 1,576 1 020 1 " I 10s 470 275 Santfif PagannH 1 8 1 ;)(; I n:p, 311 690 1 137 Cuttack 1 1 s 025 i 321 966 1 113 J‘ari ■ 1 1 iTi: : 1 150 327 j ir>s Hatasnr j 1 1 201 I iso 447 0.1 >> liazarihagh 12 1 45 510 1 ».07l [' 813 LolMcdaga lu , 4s m:. 453 ' 1,161 ! f..55 Manhham in sn5 1 415 1,209 1 010 Stughimm 4 4 ‘•’2 1

    ““ 1 103 333 j 125 Unmarried. Widowers. Total males. 10- 13- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 1,000 800 15.5 4,696 2 10 105 584 800 lOfizi 1,774 1,230 310 7,636 14 35 480 1,001 1,610 tftfiOt l,r>l5 1.728 200 7,240 4 14 800 72 4 1,132 1.874 1 2,200 151 8,986 30 23 212 607 061 I.IH 1,51,5 210 6,893 B 12 IGl m 676 M3,7S4 2.C1S 2,017 5-15 1 2, 1 1 0 1 G 402 1,103 1.601 93,347 1,2SC l.flso 2t!*J 6,914 1 1 2 4 243 501 840 19,373 1.1S4 710 110 4,369 i 8 17 179 448 652 9,939 S.S5 1,‘>18 121 4.067 ! 2 3 101 335 601 9,369 280 01)7 GO 1,682 ... 0.5 153 248 3,408 02 172 10 668 20 48 74 1,108 ISO 221 12 860 ; 1 1 .34 70 115 1,H33 2 is 2 »7 7 SdS ... 20 IB 06 1,946 70 111 0 348 3 25 20 703 113 170 13 618 1 ... 10 40 60 1,026 331 3 El 20 1,640 4 m 165 220 1 3,431 237 203 H 086 1 3 45 88 130 9,983 200 381 24 1.366 1 1 1 3G 80 l>8i 9,743 70 7C G 277 1 8 22 30 1 040 B — Pkofessional. — BAI liar'licnn 1 1 4 22 S 135 308 1“ 1 200 OU 08 0 400 1 9 38 48 810 liankura 1 10 330 230 602 1 450 175 213 IG 864 ... 12 47 60 1,606 JTagli 4 1.59 lOi 205 1 1.51 GO 4G 1 268 ... G 22 28 561 Sadia

    80 78 166 1 105 40 m 5 287 33 29 42 494 Jt'ssor ' • ... 2 102 07 201 206 110 C2 9 477 ... 3 26 « 20 707 lUiulna 2 4 217 113 330 100 61 20 1 238 11 28 89 013 Dacca 2 12 9S7 710 1.747 ■ 1,40’J 530 .525 6.5 2.672 ... ... 21 1.36 167 4,478 Fartdjiur 1 , 1 .1 1 47 s 40S 889 1 718 203 250 .30 1300 9 79 88 9,977 HakhnrgnnJ

    2 25 1,200 1.007 2,300 i,g:u 723 600 121 3,147 1 31 195 227 6,704 ifnitimnftingh 3 105 125 293 ' 150 80 79 7 J3I ... ... 8 29 37 001 'hitfngong ... 43S 208 708 1 577 271 27;i 3 1,124 • •• ... 3 S3 36 1,808 Voakhail ... 5 IGS 115 318 1 181 82 83 14 360 • •• S 13 15 003 Vippera •• 4 501 40s 073 1 038 270 270 2.3 1.207 ... 13 (U 78 9,968 B — Pbopessional.'— JTO ■attack 1 35 l.tfoH 810 2,063 1,052 514 427 8 2,001 1 42 173 sie 4,980 *WTi ... ... 1 8 4:11 .30S 761 318 192 142 6 088 ... ... 17 6fl 73 1,619 (atu»or 1 4 10 549 801 000 505 228 m 7 ON ... ... 24 111 136 9,006 lAGE BY Caste — continued. — Writers — concluded. ( 441 ) J^’^concluded. R-FKMALKS. Mareieu Unm.arriei. Widows. 1 Total 0-0 10— 15— 40- Total. 0—9 10— 15- 40- Ti.tul. 1 0-9 lo- 15- 40- 1 Total. 1 feiiialoH. 170 506 3,BH8 1,401 6,726 2,584 000 91 19 3.360 5 ll 091 2,lll 2.861 : 11^36 347 1,049 o.():il 2,429 9,866 4,5SC l.Otm 125 14 6,780 12 •11 1.2S0 3,393 4,736 , 90,379 810 0,208 1,450 8.026 3,908 903 112 S 4,051 24 1,303 3..394 4,732 . 308 700 0,780 1,083 0,637 6,129 907 SO 2 6,104 29 03 1.(.05 3, SI 3 5,610 ! 91^31 403 517 6.458 1,508 7,904 3,402 1,413 174 4 4,003 .3 12 S07 2,100 2,062 15,879 74 626 8,M0 2,523 1 1,602 0,1 W 1,923 371 13 0.463 3 U i,s*n 5, 429 7,307 97,499 01 320 3,30.1 908 4.743 2,799 728 142 0 3,676 13 10 (A 5 1,702 2,340 10,75H 472 027 2.071 942 4,712 2,154 3.58 no 13 2,676 8 529 1,448 2,020 0,307 00 400 2,225 1,438 4,105 1,807 203 32 4 2,160 7 15 o:fi 1,408 2,050 8,387 30 88 788 100 1,000 030 187 12 7 830 ,3 17 374 5S3 077 9,810 10 54 298 44 412 210 15 2 I 204 2 0 127 280 416 1,091 39 108 520 99 766 410 39 1 ... 460 2 4 150 318 474 IfiOO 2 81 o87 13(1 806 392 103 15 j- 677 ... 7 no 423 670 1J969 ] 17 184 55 267 144 52 6 1 202 ... 1 01 105 227 088 2 60 209 60 371 201 35 6 ... 241 ... 133 231 304 070 &1 170 1,009 215 1,461 833 118 IS OOC 1 0 230 477 720 3,140 18 07 601 170 822 503 83 20 2 608 4 1 71 299 375 1,805 77 138 709 129 l.l 13 607 64 6 ... 620 5 3 221 370 006 9,344 6 24 149 20 204 120 28 3 0 167 1 1 35 102 403 ► — A — Physicians. )YA. 24 67 272 68 41 1 2o:

    10 3 19 120 687 100 832 430 39

    17 32 199 29 277 141 9 1 1 46 159 39 244 i:>4 17 6 2 33* 254 73 362 1 223 42 1 16 40 199 29 200 1 % ! 177 17 2 23 298 1,720 332 2,379 1 1,47S 208 6 13 141 893 208 1,265 1 737 101 6 35 314 1,968 439 2,740 1 1,519 292 7 6 38 108 28 239 1 104

    1 8 76 623 102 808 623 84 6 4 SO 167 29 226 ; 107 11 1 14 113 711 173 1,01 1 ' 1 665 104 1 218 4 131 212 347 078 1 472 ... 4 198 354 660 1,880 « 161 2 1 C4 113 180 008 170 , ... ... 47 170 217 837 1 267 1 2 2 57 )91» 262 881 1 107 j ... 72 .37 109 508 1 1,092 1 ... 13 406 1,211 1,020 5,700 4 i 848 1 4 209 57' > 1 789 9,809 1,818 ' 1 6 359 1,186 1,552 8,116^ 1 187 n 1 63 139 106 891 1 1 ! 013 1 1 126 305 433 1,854 179 ' 1 1 - 1 32 73 100 an 1 771 ' 1 ! 4 156 360 1 626
  21. ip- 9,307 iO— ^Astrologers. ns. SI 200 1,432 422 2.076 1,36.3 243 64 2 1,672 41 7 ... *7 2 135 60 681 214 723 200 4,470 1,400 0 so 00 lei 401 062 189 193 726 1.042 346 331 69 119 2 10 1 467 1 6 69 286 301 1 1»870 ( <42 ) TABLE C — COMMEBCUL.- aoa: A.-^MALE8. DI8TRICTS. Married. Unmarried. WlDOWBRB. Total mules. 0-n 10- 15— 40— Total 0—9 10- 15— 40— Tolal , 0-9 10- 15 - 40— Total. tiauf i(J 3.V2 229 633 303 109 99 20 637 2 24 74 100 i^7i ifaxaribayh 3 iiO 252 112 303 2«7 08 80 1 376 16 25 40 m AOKi Chatnparan 0 •i9 235 1 39S 1 1 1 209 1 00 58 0 342 1 i ... 9 17 26 706 Bhngatpur 73 200 1,108 772 2,613 1,271 318 272 15 1,006 : 0 3 !)K 195 298 4,717 Pitmen 23 91 831 189 1.437 Wl 227 211 30 1.310 1 29 03 152 247 3/103 BAl Bardwan ! 5 32 1 i,in 831 2,309 083 460 .'jSS 11 2,072 1 101 291 303 4,774 Bankura ... 8 ; 299 183 400 201 142 100 5 508 ... 19 48 67 1,125 M Ulna pur 1 9 ' 32S 179 617 254 143 1.52 10 660 ... ... 21 40 61 1,137 Dacca .. 3 i 111 SO 203 139 72 39 1 264 ... .3 27 30 487 Chittagong 2 2 123 102 229 2:1.3 57 117 5 412 ... ... 0 21 30 071 Vatna 17 70 0.18 381 1,1 12 472 l!»2 1.36 12 812 2 .3 28 81 114 2/13H iiaya 37 l(t2 1 529 319 1,017 501 200 87 1.5 872 1 11 .30 63 106 1/194 Huzaffarpur 15 01* :K)1 ICS 678 171 70 56 20 329 1 0 21 51 02 089 Saran 7 40 1 311 ! 213 674 1 373 131 31 663 ... 1 16 37 64 1,191 Chatnparan 48 110 1.310 j 725 2,266 1,073 (un 351 20 2.1 14 1 0 113 2:12 362 4,731 Bhagalpur 13 10 120 22
  22. :i5 2,326 5 108 296 460 6404 Santal Parganas 4 20 27 s l.Tl 444 72 7.3 3 372 2 10 38 60 875 Cuttack

    10 022 130 1.074 j 0!N) 20-1 215 s 1,177 ... ... 22 99 •21 2,372 Batazor 1 215 142 369 1 107 100 90 .8 371 1 11 20 30 778 JIazarihagh 9 20 180 91 oCO 1 200 00 .32 301 ... ♦ 1 7 12 20 627 Ijoliardaga 2-t 137 993 410 1,604 ; ' 9:17 276 101 4 1,378 2 8 58 100 168 3,110 JUanbhutn 2 21 %>•}() 111 373 ! i 170 62 00 2 oOO 14 20 34 707 rihntary Staten, Chulia 1 1 Nagpur 7 20 218 107 362 i 200 91 51 1 346 ' ... 24 15 39 737 Tributary States, Orissa 13 310 212 eol 1 298 120 113 5 645 I ... ... 14 29 43 1,180 GANDHA Bardwan

    1 1 V 323 109 602 ;ns 119 150 8 601 14 77 • 81 1,104 Bankura 0 1 20 1,202 739 1,973 1 1, 1.3:1 191 008 29 2,264 ... 1 76 180 266 4/m Birlthntn •1 57 1 ,450 879 2.397 1,025 128 511 48 2.012 ... 2 135 304 441 4,850 Midnapur 1 in 001 3.50 1,022 5:17 270 200 7 1.104 ... 31 06 87 2/923 Hugli 5 417 271 723 381 175 158 G 720 20 90 no 1,533 ^4-Parganas 1 1 15 , 2(W 30S 690 298 290 51 2 647 ... 13 44 67 1/294 Nadia 7 470 379 866 649 238 267 22 1,076 ... 129 18 147 2,079 JesHor 1 4 370 305 689 445 109 220 32 666 ... 21 100 .121 Murshidahad 2 1 21 838 536 1,307 820 352 398 22 1,692 ... 2 M 195 261 3/m\ « ( 443 ) ■iagb Caste — continued, 4 "-Traders. ^ALA. K.-KKMAI,K8. Married. Unmakkikd. Widows. Total j femaleH. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15 - 40- Total. 1 1 ' 0—9 ! 10 - 1 15- 1 -10- Total, 25 13.J 219 2C9 770 aw 72 3 7 426 101 239 340 1^47 21 58 270 61 406 2W 15 1 201 t> 70 108 1 187 844 SABI. 10 40 211 73 570 203 23 229 1 28 S3 1 1 1 7iO 21S) 311 i,i8;i 331 2,347 1,102 95 12 2 1,21 1 0 17 392 775 1,100 4,748 182 2:t;i 421 109 1,006 (593 29 3 726 10 31 555 832 1.420 3,148
  23. [YA. 100 3V7 1,191 230 2,231 870 39 6 38 82 350 00 642 202 12 3 30 83 311 71 631 220 IS 4 10 62 189 23 274 173 19 1 10 38 195 33 270 191 20 3 35 139 730 221 1,134 .523 85 11 67 195 020 370 1,268 007 73 21 53 102 295 222 671 150 .59 Cm 20 82 513 190 805 3',t0 85 0 98 200 1,089 658 2,646 1,3.13 210 30 05 100 451 128 744 .T.M 31 3 70 171 100 102 609 395 37 9 1.51 272 1,.520 235 2,178 1,252 119 20 IS 53 253 47 371
  24. 5 C 100 770 191 1,070 557 105 21 11 41 231 01 347 159 29 8 29 47 235 40 » 367 170 20 10 119 232 1,015 202 1,668 S.54 95 28 10 44 1 177 31 268 111 0 1 12 29 2.30 39 310 197 31 11 17 01 379 85 646 ji 329 72 13 banik.
  25. - 45 mi 44S 65 062 275 21 ... 163 312 1,421 213 2,109 983 20 7 154 400 1,513 201 2,328 8)11 32 G 69 176 0(K) 100 1,006 497 21 5 4i 153 615 79 701 423 12 1 S5 116 82!1 44 664 269 10 3 61 174 676 111 1,016 471 20 6 48 160 676 83 857 375 14 9 92 244 1,038 172 1,640 797 22 1 2 023 i 5 o> 82!) 1,315 2.171 4,394 217 1 7 IGl 423 J,t89 248 1 1 1 3 110 1 199 313 1,099 1 104 2 Gl) 112 174 €49 1 216 1 f)2 1 151 214 704 5 024 3 S2 i 2.30 1 321 9,070 4 700 15 103 ; 2SG 404 9,498 1 276 I e 17 1 52 60 1,014 , 482 ... 4!) 1 211 293 1,480 2 1,687 1 n 21G . 77 1 1.030 4,169 430 0 i 90 2 -’8 328 1,308 441 1 1 !» 71 l'> 212 1,109 28 1,466 18 11 021 1,1 130 1,600 3,310 « 209 2 3 71 13n 216 834 1 750 ... 3 121 407 631 9,431 a 108 1 71 137 212 737 200 .3 05 122 too 733 o 1' 079 ;i n 197 1.3 i 1 067 1 3,914 1 122 1 G 51 1 78 j 1 36 ' 396 • 246 4
  26. 108 1 162 ' 713 414 3 98 2.13 333 1,999 • 1 1 297 r, 2J) j iGtl 704 1 1,003 2 1,020 G 22 ri!)0 1 917 1,641 1 4,730 1 3 026 : 1 11 715 1,219 1,070 i 6,939 1 524 1 IS 310 4.52 787 9,310 1 437 2 7 213 473 726 1,953 288 3 19G 202 406 j 1,948 600 1 2 3 272 559 836 1 2,331 2 400 ■ 1 9 209 4,58 737 1 1 1,99i 020 ‘ j1 405 1 818 1 1,260 1 3,034 ( 444 ) TABLE Dv-Ma C — COMMEECIAL.- GANDH.
  27. -MALES. Districts. MaRRIKI). Unmarried. WlDOWUBH. Total umlcfl. 0-9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10— 15 40- Total. 0-0 10- 15- 40— Total. Dacca ... Ifi (1.14 ,391 1.061 721 281 200 21 1,289 .30 72 102 J'aridptir n IS .391 270 684 .504 1S2 17(5 23 886 ... 1 20 110 137 1,700 ItakhargnnJ 14 iss 115 317 210 118 88 9 41 1 • •• 1 7 18 20 7S4 Malmansingh 9 2 313 213 661 2J»7 127 1.5 661 ... ... 17 60 07 1^80 Xoaklutli 2 1 190 170 372 202 75 1.3.3 4 474 ... ... (5 27 33 879 Tippera ... n 303 .301 609 .378 1.S8 210 11 793 ... ... 8 52 60 ly-m Batasor ... 7 209 120 342 1.10 SO 77 (5 313 ... ... 7 37 44 609 Manbhmn 13 fvt 1,039 5S.1 1,701 813 :i34 3.51 22 1,660 3 94 161 228 3,479 KHA Bartiu'an 1 17.5 10(1 276 III 00 84 10 301 3 4 39 40 63?7 Banka ra 1 177 1S3 361 ' 1 16.5 115 129 20 429 ... 12 24 cO sn Mid na pur 2 4 397 203 606 ! '400 ISO 278 20 890 ... 16 62 78 1,084 Ttinajpur 4 27 570 404 1,01 1 I 701 107 279 8 1,216 49 47 06 Itangpur 2 1 157 125 206 1 198 77 117 4 390 ... 12 44 66 737 Vahna ... ICI 108 272 I 131 07 141 348 9 30 39 { 659 Malmansingh ... j 17 (lot .340 9G4 ' .544 1S4 1 313 12 i 1,063 1 30 77 1 14 1 if, 131 Dnrhhanga i 28 53 .519 ,31(5 916 452 1S.5 212 28 877 1 553 74 108 1,901 Bhagalpur ... 1 U9 120 115 2 49 069 253 27 10 4 1 300 9 ,30 36 96 1,364 Purncn ! 4 9 330 314 667 1(58 15(5 218 IS 860 1 • • 12 :» 47 1M4 Cuttack 1 0 s 700 1 .52.8 1,247 .879 410 1 .524 1 18 1 1,861 28 t>0 124 1 J, ;??.?# Mnnhhum j 1 11 100 j 103 281 199 79 5>0 1 1 'i 370 ! 1 1 1 4 10 22 42 1 1 699 Km Puri 1 3 242 1,59 404 ' 200 lls 80 2 412 15 .30 46 Tributary States, Orison 1 1 192 1(»7 304 1.39 82 22 1 244 i 14 21 36 RAI]
  28. -

    ' “

    iiaya 3 22 .353 237 616 .i:i 96 55 4 398 22 52 74 1J987 Shahabad 4 20 113 75 212 15.5 31 9 185 ... 1 5 9 16 422 Muzaff'arpur 94 1.5S .813 '420 1.491 4.50 1.31 99 24 704 12 26 40 C8 140 9,341 Saran 29 129 1,319 7.37 2,214 1,390 420 209 5 2,030 • ST 57 1.34 193 4,437 Champa ran 58 20(5 1,502 m A 2,626 1 1 1,.32.3 392 247 9 1,971 8 85 200 293 1 • 4,890 SUBABNi Bank%ira j ' 3 12 L027 544 1,686

    931 442 ! 326 8 1,707 15 90 1 14 3,407 Btrbhum 1 12 '408 24.3 004 301 128 136 1 666 ... 20 73 99 J,3S9 IUdnapur 1 l-i 723 478 1,216 ; 5W 208 ,333 I 23 1,173 05 130 204 9,393 Bugli 1 448 293 744 1 .548 .30.5 205 j 3 1,001 8 73 81 1,886 ( 445 ) iaob Bt Caste — continued.

    .^jptgi^fm—continued. \f’KTS.-~conelud€d» B.-FE MALES. Mabbibo. U5MARRIBD. Widows. Total females. 0-9 10- 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10— 40— Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— ToUl. 48 181 021 142 1,202 764 75 8 847 2 8 274 622 006 3,048 42 108 686 08 884 446 30 1 ... 477 1 4 216 419 640 9fi0t 14 41 316 42 412 208 30 3 ... 292 1 1 101 ISI 284 988 13 01 389 80 632 m 22 4 369 1 5 ISO m 486 1,380 S 02 266 44 376 253 2!) 2 ... 284 60 144 204 804 13 101 362 67 643 426 45 1 477 2 116 234 362 1,379 13 42 252 40 366 165 .34 5 1 206 1 2 U> l.W 227 788 170 275 078 220 1,662 76.3 .S3 7 1 804 6 11 S'.H 6.30 1,01 1 3,407 1 34 186 34 274 127 10 1 138 2 1 10. 1-46 264 28 324 30 407 191 31 3 ... 226 1 3 03 UO 246 87 408 GO 711 307 40 4 ... 361 4 9 2t>l 604 125 0!)2 119 1.006 603 44 16 ... 653 2 6 UO ‘i.',8 414 14 84 16 70 61 7 4 a 75 3 4 23 2H 68 33 101 12 212 106 13 3 ... 182 1 4 (MJ 144 212 164 609 61 876 628 28 2 1 669 7 10 246 421 684 1 113 022 1,V2 961 331 44 4 1 380 2 6 145 338 j 491 114 453 160 817 106 j ’ 1 204 14 6 31 101 212 2:1 434 136 699 402 { 108 28 3 641 ... 2 • 57 185 244 80 1,010 288 1,389 840 1 1 364 08 6 1.310 ... 6 104 651 860 35 198 20 280 j 101 1 1 20 3 220 ! ® 1 2 71 114 180 flee 87S i,BQ6 »,073 SOS 000 3,119 ltS39 1,S3S 1,380 3,BM 098 UTL — — --- — — - r--
  29. « "
  30. — 4 4 02 45 261 198 53 35 380 282 108 123 28 23 3 3 1 230 149 1 3 6 73 54 175 261 176 NIAR. ■- — —
  31. -

    16 61 419 94 690 9 40 180 57 280 145 247 753 302 1,447 63 266 i,m 638 2,088 95 ^40 1,070 433 2,444 banik . 90 294 UOO 198 1,791 33 08 481 77 689 94 .173 776 128 1,171 41 161 617 123 932 238 28 4 2 272 142 25 3 170 , 617 74 18 1 010 1 ,350 231 29 3 1,0 >3 1.239 184 38 3 1,464 860 31 4 806 1 315 20 1 336 j . 600 27 4 ... 631 1 j 686 44 4 ... 634

    — 1 4 78 2.71 334 1 1,190 20 11(» 130 i| 3 19 70
  32. 336 1 3,398 2 1 203 7h:i Ogo 1 8,990 3 6 178 621 808 1 4,710 •
  33. — - — i 1 414 727 1,160 3,840 1 4 302 226 632 1,387 1 9 333 603 840 9,849 7 1 237 500 744 ’ r 9,310 ( 446 ) TABLE D.~Mai 0-— COMMEECIAL.— SUBARNa Districts. 24~Faryana8 Nadia ... Je»8or MuTuhidahad Khulna liacca Faridp%tr C'hittaffon^ ... ,,, ,,, Nuakhali Manhhum Tributary StaU‘$, Orissa A.-MALES. Married. Urmabbird. WlDOWEBS. 0— u 10— 16— 40- Total. j 0-9 10— 16— 40- Total. 0-0 10— 15- 40- Total. Total tuales. 3 0 2GG 129 404 2S4 199 100 ... 683 23 135 168 ... 5 895 284 684 41S 169 176 11 767 ... 19 62 81 ifS32 •1 312 2U 660 335 1.55 222 17 720 1 SO 89 120 1^409 4 263 155 412 233 101 121 7 466 ... n 45 66 , 933 3 19 2S8 m 474 272 129 129 14 644 ... 1 37 58 ii 96 . hiu 1 9 Ss8 291 689 668 222 152 6 948 1 ... 15 51 69 ' tt709 1 9 :tio 305 666 482 li)6 189 14 880 ' ... 16 61 76 Ifilt 1 4 3.-i3 290 048 677 195 252 7 1.031 1 ... 5 48 63 1 i,73S 1 1 1R3 125 290 241 89 120 14 467 ... 2 22 24 78t 11 C2 .525 227 816 477 IKH 126 8 799 1 21 46 68 1 lfi89 1 0 250 101 368 131 84 72 2 289 ... 9 25 34 ! 681
  34. -J — _ VAI Bankurn 2 11 271 141 431 1 231 111 88 5 436 17 45 1 62 928 Mldnupur 3 230 177 416 i 216 123 175 18 604 ... 23 35 68 1,038 Iluyli 126 78 204 1 173 99 tXi 1 308 ... 2 14 16 : 628 Dacca 9 215 158 412 265 107 1.30 3 606 ... 8 .31 39 ' 966 Monghyr 101 157 895 612 1.768 850 250 184 20 1.304 5 22 66 164 267 , 3,399 Vuri ii 7

    183 128 320 1S3 104 50 21 361 8 14 22 703 Balasor 3 4 125 96 228 ! 117 61 00 2 270 8 23 31 ! 629 Manbhutn 3 17 305 152 477 1 1 253 108 104 5 470 ... 1 15 20 42 1 989 C — UOMMEKCIAL.— THO 17 4.3 60 1,696
  35. — Aeitban and Village SABNAKAB Bardiran ...C 5 18 625 290 830 375 174 222 16 787
  36. 1 34 113 148 1,773 Ittrbhum 4 23 677 353 1,066 4-tS 181 224 13 866 • •• 1 38 06 134 9,066 MUlnapur 2 7 :J68 2tl 618 3.S3 165 178 15 741 26 49 76 1,434 Hugli ... 1 30 4 220 625 311 127 136 6 679 14 78 92 1,196 Howrah 1 4 275 1.52 432 231 129 92 1 463 6 :)6 40 996 94-Farganaa 8 ‘M 818 580 1,440 48>1 157 261 61 063 3 30 140 173 9,566 Nadia ... 12 373 280 666 3(K) 164 161 12 703 1 19 88 108 1,476 Murshldabad 1 13 425 249 688 .396 176 179 6 767 15 70 86 1,630 Fatua ... 57 290 2.750 1.788 4,891 2, .342 801 616 91 3,940 1 4 145 417 687 0,398 111 284 2,0.30 1,31.3 3.738 1,898 079 :)86 103 3,068 • 6 3 168 433 609 7A1S hhahahatl ... 91 2-47 1.514 036 2,788 1.562 725 4.37 27 2,761 4 112 822 038 6,877 JJarbhangn... 255 390 2,490 ! l'.448 4.689 1.801 646 307 16 2,760 16 21 195 266 487 7,836 Musaffarpur 259 546 1,994 1,.3.34 4,133 2,o:)4 632 299 S3 2,888 3 16 106 SOI 426 7,446 Saran 45 289 2,971 1,763 6,068 3,660 1,079 694 26 6.269 3 6 146 877 632 10,849 Vhumparan... 74 247 2,215 1,240 3,776 1,643 673 448 25 2,680 2 2 144 266 414 0,879 JthayaipuT ... 09 108 1,630 870 2,637 1,419 461 331 8 2,222 1 10 07 161 268 6,118 IHongltyr 48 221 2,390 907 3.666 1,371 389 270 18 2.048 6 7 82 105 290 6,904 Furnca 11 51 753 368 1.183 489 171 175 4 839 1 • •• 67 76 134 9,166 Malda ... 3 10 188 108 300 160 1 68 61 2 281

1 7 24 33 633 ( 447 ) lAOE BY Q\^T&—continticd. 4 — Traders — concluded. iANIK— B.-FEMALES. Married. Ummauribu. IViDowa, Total fcmaU«. 0-9 10— 15— 40- Total. 0—9 10— 15— 40— 1| Total. ! i| 0-9 16- 16- 40- Total. j 87 84 03 81 246 224 u 4 239 3 6 189 421 618 42 130 487 87 746 391} 29 1 ... 426 8 2.31 475 714 ifSHS 30 133 454 55 672 32.') 10 3 ... 338 1 12 258 445 710 17 82 296 49 444 213 13 3 1 230 3 2 116 207 388 i,069 22 76 829 84 461 197 31 2 230 4 122 190 316 1 1,007 22 1B9 663 110 934 609 68 5 1 683 1 2 U2 363 608 1 9,09a 25 128 618 101 872 482 74 6 1 663 2 7 158 444 on 9,040 11 93 609 83 796 652 79 3 626 1 178 372 061 1,979 10 46 270 ilS 351 28.3 62 ... 1 336 4 7.3 1.5G 233 090 94 145 626 no 876 410 15 3 428 5 IH 351 208 672 ij97a 4 65

  1. 43 330 18.3 29 4 1 217 2 40 137 186 73S SYA. 62 84 298 60 484 211 9 y 1 220 1 5 95 202 303 1,010 22 66 348 47 403 300 65 ISO 70 621 ... 0 168 107 341 1,440 4 00 199 36 289 178 28 1 ... 207 ... 3 70 131 210 709 11 65 301 56 433 226 31 4 ... 261 ... 3 73 107 242 070 182 267 1,140 367 1,896 703 71 20 2 796 6 17 181 491 696 3r797 1(1 62 200 117 396 117 72 4 2 196 1 ... 75 118 194 704 4 26 106 240 126 36 G ... 168 ... ... .35 H7 122 070 20 66 219 77 1 388 23.5 20 6 2 202 1 5 ■ 96 180 282 079 . 15 — Pedlers. BIA. 880 j 482 j 143 or, 1 061 1 : -

    1 6.3 1 3:'.f' 401 1,048 Denial. — 17 — Goldsmiths. ( ) TABLE Di— D — Abtisak and Village Menial.— sabnae:ar os A.-MALK8, DI8TBICT8. Mabbiko. Ubmarribd. WiDOWBBO. males. 0-9 10— 15— 40- Total. 0-0 10— 15— 40— ToUl. 0-9 10- 15- 40- ToUl, Bnntal Parganaa B 38 305 172 622 248 81 67 3 399 1 18 42 61 982 Pwri 2 10 778 486 1,276 534 305 243 15 1,102 ... ... 27 144 171 9,849 Baiaaor 2 34 705 433 1,174 591 304 248 5 1,148 ... 1 19 04 114 9,436 liatarittagh U 47 673 371 1,106 778 250 186 0 l>223 1 ... 3 34 80 M7 9,443 Lohartlaga 1 48 330 137 647 364 152 45 4 666 ... ... 20 38 68 1,170 Manhhum 10 19 228 03 360 191 56 49 3 209 !, ... 1 12 1 13 ,1 26 i €73 D — Artisan, &c. — 18 bhan Cuttack 6 81 4.4:15 2,060 i 7,482 4,318 2,163 1,583 22 a 086 2 134 440 670 16,144 Puri 4 44 3,130 2,0.39 6,226 2,583 1^369 1,014 10 4,970 ... ... 93 SIO 402 10,604 Jialaaor 11 62 2,286 1,468 3,827 2,095 1,108 1M)1 22 4,120 ... 4 80 235 310 A, 875 Angul Irihufary States, Oris- ... 8 155 81 244 106 67 47 310 ... 10 3 13 367 aa 16 71 2,113 1,181 3,384 i 1,806 947 624 9 3,386 2 84 140 232 7fi09 HAJ Maimansingh 1 15 1,275 557 1,048 1.688 485 578 18 2,769 80 118 198 4,813 Patna ... ... 300 579 3,6.36 2,086 6,610 2,929 808 467 43 4,247 1 10 200 408 619 11,376 Gaga .. 316 86)6 , 4,4,32 3,177 8,701 4,278 1.387 746 121 0,636 5 18 296 772 1,091 16,417 Shahabad ... ... ... 14:1 448 2.247 1,168 4.000 2,814 666 3:12 14 3.826 3 8 100 210 381 8,213 DarhJianga ... 1,206 1,529 5,448 2.707 10,980 3,025 278 31 3,730 47 61 2:10 483 830 15,540 Muza ffar pur 584 989 4,786 2,264 8.623 3.299 1,130 347 46 4,822 i;i 27 140 4.30 619 14,064 Saran ... 113 648 4.612 2,611 7,887 4,861 1,567 667 29 7,127 .. 10 161 403 674 15fiHH CJatmparan ... 133 441 3,,39fl 1,793 6,757 2,712 909 508 23 4,162 2 10 205 356 673 10,482 Jifu$yalpur ... ... 483 78 4 4,191 2.127 7,686 3,.327 729 260 11 4,350 10 20 183 377 696 12,511 Monghyr ... 478 9J 7 7,432 2,957 11.064 3,825 914 360 42 6,141 15 39 102 453 699 17,704 Purn*‘a •% 23 117 1,461 847 2,448 1..3SI 437 456 23 2,300 3 6 119 228 • 386 5,134 llazaribftgh ... ... 104 :j()8 1,803 897 3,1 12 1,701 -KVi 2:12 4 2,400 6 9 91 125 234 5,842 Lohartlaga ... ... ... 4.5 i.iri 929 428 1,657 1,005
  2. 324

    101 1 1,434 11 53 73 144 3,115 « NA llartltvan 6 28 1,410 8.31 2,278 1,037 432 587 21 2,117 4 116 310 436 4,830 Jianh'ura ... 13 61 1,.59H 065 2,6 cd 1,413 661 691 33 2,620 ... 1 85 226 312 6,776 Blrbhum ... ... 2 48 1,106 Wj7 1,823 791 297 306 32 1,419 1 & 90 233 326 3,568 Midnapur ..f ... ... 14 93 4,340 2,373 6,819 3.817 1,680 1,621 50 7,108 ... 1 192 508 701 14,688 Mugll ... ... 23 892 675 1,490 777 361 372 19 1,629 ... 1 47 2)5 • 263 3,262 Uowrah ... ... 4 23 815 469 1,301 881 393 296 10 1,680 ... ... 20 89 109 9,990 24*Parganaa ... ... 7 70 3.418 1,304 3.869 2.307 976 770 56 4,109 ... 3 112 399 614 8,489 Nadia ... ... 1 15 1,486 1,170 2,672 1.577 G40 757 63 3,027 ... 2 109 863 464 0,183 Jeaaor ... ... 8 Cl 2,:i.34 1,576 3,879 2,341 1,106 1,385 72 4,903 2 S 164 580 749 9,831 Murahidabad ... ... 2 29 V.3H6 839 2,246 1,336 518 582 18 2,464 ... ... 77 241 318 3/118 Khulna ... ... ... 7 78 2,171 1,366 3,622 2,258 967 821 35 4,081 1 ... 136 380 .626 0/299 Jtlnnjpur ... ... ... 8 20 985 607 1.620 1,120 860 478 13 1,961 2 68 160 221 3,809 Kajahahi ... .n 18 844 612 1,377 826 332 486 37 1,680 ... 1 85 171 267 3,314 WAGE CASlE—COW/merf. 17 — Qoldsmiths — concluded. ( 449 ) ( 450 ) TABIiS D,— Mai D — Artisah akd Village Menial.— Ni A.-HALK8. Districts. Married. Unmarribd. WiDOWBBS. Total iitales. 0-^9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0—9 10— 16- 40- Total. Itangpur 2 0 730 ^8 1,109 791 293 871 13 1,468 1 ... 84 206 291 Bogra 185 222 363 219 63 01 6 398 ... 1 23 24 788 Noakhali ... 1 3 258 163 426 273 118 100 8 404 1 12 84 47 900 Tippera ... 2 10 705 497 1,214 761 295 805 19 1,400 1 ... S3 116 .160 9,894 Barbhanga ... 1 ... 212 263 892 405 1,862 453 88 101 0 661 8 10 61 67 146 9,680 UOE BY Castes — continued, 8 — Barbara — concluded. \'[^coneludedt ( 451 ) B.-fEMAI.KS. Mabbied. j Unbakkikd. ii i| M Widows. Total 1 (ouialra. 0-9 10— 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-0 10- ! 1 15- 1 40- Total. 1 68 203 771 86 1,117 794 44 8 1 847 i 8 23 320 472 820 9.783 61 116 686 69 820 000 28 3 1 632 ' 2 8 2^4 m 602 9,054 02 204 1,089 181 1,696 983 78 7 1 1,019 1 4 1.3 432 8('0 1,265 3,870 10 60 430 68 567 42H 77 11 4 620 . 2 2 107 212 323 i,4tO 107 747 3,265 643 4.742 2,879 270 17 3 3,176 1 10 38 1,051 1,920 3.019 70,830 230 605 2,72i) 412 4,036 2,351 201 10 4 2,666 1 10 38 1,060 1,022 2,736 8,333 645 1,177 4,064 704 7,380 4.083 :{()n 3.3 8 4,429 1 21 05 1,701 2,700 4.653 i6.3«9 160 611 2,333 281 3.283 2,110 176 23 6 2,314 8 18 851 1,129 2.306 7,803 46 424 2,198 245 2,913 2,058 201 22 8 2,209 ' 6 21 CsO 1.289 2,001 7,903 114 462 2,233 266 3,074 2,183 175 18 5 2,381 j 0 13 0.50 1,253 1.928 7,3*3 100 666 3,508 434 4,767 3,125 373 24 10 3,638 1 6 10 !)47 1,0.30 2.604 70,388 26 132 326 156 630 454 87 11 ... 602 ... 1 46 146 192 7,333 41 70 3U2 86 689 34:} 33 7 ... 383 .3 ... 40 108 167 7,198 134 2‘49 1,078 390 1,860 1,025 140 25 1 1,191 3 3 77 415 498 3,338 70 153 804 155 1,191 713 98 15 2 828 8 13 179 382 682 9,007 02 227 093 146 1,467 023 60 10 2 t.ool 1 4 17 3.52 061 1,024 3.439 SM 576 2.349 863 4,122 2,760 850 04 5 3.206 1 5 20 :}:i2 829 1,180 3,3/3 240 340 1,255 274 2,127 1,007 75 8 ... 1,090 9 9 141 370 6J6 3,739 73 134 734 180 1,121 708 100 20 3 831 3 4 90 2-15 342 9,284 306 574 2,224 463 3,626 1,712 118 10 3 1,843 1 1 8 44 444 KH5 1,381 0,330 18 61 270 73 422 248 79 18 1 346 j ... 2 69 118 170 1 847 6 35 261 51i 356 262 60 10 2 339 ... 24( 00 02 1 7*0 40 70 372 34 622 1 370 31 1 2 1 ! ! 2 1 5 • 182 2:iH 427 j i..738 19 — Blacksmiths.

  3. 169 300 1,481 208 2,214 930 53 11 385 757 3,117 001 4,860 2,108 165 25 00 201 902 151 1,413 621 87 10 123 254 973 128 1,478 713 31 3 30 69 204 46 399 221 12 15 246 674 2,3a3 313 3,636 1,764 190 14 143 308 1,498 267 2,276 1,099 7S 8 91 178 702 111 1,082 654 26 2 67 284 897 ISO 1,374 799 70 6 32 63 371 02 628 345 31 15 49 149 675 97 970 623 40 2 11 SO 200 20 ! 276 223 21 8 23 55 219 27 324 193 16 4 87 • 167 683 120 947 656 30 14


    !o 142 26 193 138 20 11 148 668 2,381 395 3.492 1,809 161 13 87 327 1,341 194 1,049 1,050 65 6 67 844 1.736 274 2,421 j,m 118 5 71 226 800 103 1,200 817 43 8 1 e 80 832 32 400 222 88 2 23 69 265 23 370 268 12 ... 27

    168 810 106 1,101 769 88 3 S66 260 907 376 1,908 455 10 2 4 1.004 10 11 755 1.110 1,892 1 n.iiu 4 2 ,602 4 'M 821 l.llO 2.303 U,70S • 668 3 10 39:> 699 1,017 747 1 2 12 531 098 1,243 248 1 ... 2 89 18? 278 yidx •J 1,970 1 20 •VO 645 874 1.486 a,yoo 6 1,186 1 1 10 004 1,109 1,700 1 683 2 6 259 554 861 8 877 4 15 286 ' 498 803 J,Oi74 301 3 H 135 i:}0 276 4 569 1 2 15 296 4.53 1 700 »,3oa 265 ! 3 .8 81 141 231 701# i 213 1 1 1 3 8U 140 224 70/ 3 009 3 268 541 892 176 30 62 491 1 ... ••• 1 1,074 1 17 708 1.280 2,000 7,479 3 1,124 7
  4. 409 742 1,173 ! 4,f649 5 1,474 4 4 400 821 1.220 1 t 5,1}94 3 071 2 12 381 647 142 I 1 3,Si03 4 260 • S 99 139 241 1 901 2 282 1 77 128 200 859 3 863 2 0 223 474 704 ! ! 9t56S 2 476 8 7 112 887 465 1 0,040 _ - 2 V 2 ( 462 ) TABLE IX-M/ D — Artisan and Village Menial.- E A.-MALES. DlSTBICTS. Married. UiriCABBIBD. 1 0—9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0-9 16- 40— Total. 0-8 10— 16- 40- mi Champaran 0 31 253 183 473 838 106 61 ■ 418 10 42 04 Monghyr 40 186 C40 423 1,301 832 44 1,026 8 7 41 98 148 »,47i Bhagdlpur m 804 3,704 1,954 6,080 2,760 471 178 ■ 3.404 10 812 760 JLhUi Purnta 01 103 1,705 1,052 3,044 1,621 460 464 21 2,670 5 16 177 480 6,701 Mnlda 7 18 690 322 037 586 161 INI 6 034 ... ... 26 72 08 h99[ Santal rargana9 48 140 1,815 910 2,013 2,162 690 309 9 3.170 2 6 54 178 Cuttack 2 22 1.815 1,107 2,846 1.622 776 10 3,064 ... ... 36 208 eaii Puri ... 0 1,080 690 1,776 864 466 .324 6 1,660 ... ... 40 132 Balator 0 62 1,521 991 2,673 1,440 723 683 14 2,760 1 S 50 216 5,m Angnl 2 3 171 95 271 213 90 72 ... 376 ... ... 14 24 38 604 Ifazaribagh 32 82 018 .345 1.107 783 256 101 ... 1,140 2 1 31 35 60 HtSli lotMrdaga 4 13 151 86 2S4 189 70 44 2 306 ... ... 6 13 10 3711 Jtfanhhum 60 230 2,414 1,318 4,018 2,809 443 15 4,224 1 9 78 167 266 M03 tiinghbhum 8 27 620 379 1,040 705 333 193 7 1.238 ... 1 16 .39 66 9^4 K Darjeeling ... 20 1,063 457 (.640 1,158 479 358 G 1 ... 18 89 68 L( Bardwnn 2 10 382 210 604 298 111 74 1 484 1 14 35 60 Bankura 12 70 2,801 1,721 3,314 1,241 780 11 6,362 1 ... 50 244 10,939 Birbhum ... 18 470 255 326 124 63 1 604 ... 1 13 60 1,303 Patna ... ... 64 169 953 028 801 102 12 1,026 3 2 38 146 9,975 Gaya i;j9 423 2,118 1,392 1,848 057 322 47 2,874 3 8 136 469 7^05 Shahahad ... 187 625 2.872 1,495 6,070 2,576 945 463 22 4,006 7 11 221 828 670 UfiB5 DarhfMinga ... 290 376 1,.366 710 2,741 1,053 108 48 6 1,216 9 20 66 114 199 4,m Musaffarpar ... 624 1,4.34 4,260 2,277 8,606 2,970 571 338 23 3,008 17 .24 185 340 676 13019 Saran ... « 229 922 0,595 4,4nghf»hum ...

    ... 3 15 214 223 466 490 226 176 12 804 1 ... 15 81 86 1098 D — Artisan, i&c, — 20- BAI Gaya 2!)4 810 4.388 2,753 8,246 4,199 1,228 732 117 0,276 106 32 282 689 1,009 18030 Shahahad OR 221 918 613 1,740 1,086 3<» 170 7 1,612 1 8 58 97 164 3010 Muaaffarpur 191 375 4.073 2,606 978 239 66 7 1,280 8 12 47 201 8087 Saran 48 193 1,0M 847 2.734 1,322 482 250 10 2,014 3 72 218 4000 Champaran 37 114 1,188 594 1,033 856 303 180 10 1,366 1 ■ 140 3099 MAGE *BT Caste — conlinuad. [ 9— Blacksmiths. — concluded,

    fii'R r~concluded» ( 453 ) B.-PEMALE8. Marrikd • Unhabuikb. Widows. i Total 0—0 10- 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15— 40— Total. 0—9 10- 15- 40- Total. tfiiialrs. 15 66 274 111 406 260 53 16 1 330 1 1 44 102 148 M 167 230 728 282 1,307 669 41 10 2 726 4 8 101 443 666 1,014 003 3,647 031 0.646 2,21>2 70 15 4 2,301 89 49 419 1,2!»3 1,800 263 868 1,820 304 2,756 1.378 153 34 6 1,671 20 28 411 820 1,286 Rjait 80 156 720 121 1,082 690 59 10 1 789 9 8 19;» 370 589 ;9,4iO 128 838 1,987 006 3,018 2,173 38S 89 6 2,666 3 IS l.'-.S 651 726 16 234 1,936 619 2.804 l.tioo 609 110 0 2,228 ... 11 103 895 1,009 fijot 6 180 1,248 298 1,732 S78 236 13 . 3
  5. 130 ... P 112 629 040 46 826 1,884 483 2,738 1 252 350 57 2 1,001 ... 1.S 827 895 1,236 2 6 213 58 279 j 203 01 22 1 286 ... ... 28 45 73 ftS/t 60 164 704 177 l.lOO 729 119 17 806 2 5 0-4 191 262 14 30 186 39 268 209 36 9 264 ... 1 21 80 102 0‘J4 239 024 2,744 664 4,171 2,475 362 66 13 2,010 6 17 335 K4« 1.200 48 1)6 1 842 193 1,179 815 177 75 6 1,073 2 8 93 218 340 1 MI.
  6. :r-. r — — ' - — = — — ■ r
  7. j 4 49 1,250 3U5 1,608 1,172 291 79 4 1,640 1 1 85 108 264 1 HAB. 23 94 394 75 586 207 707 ,3,58.8 620 6.272 31 97 487 107 722 118 246 1,084 411 1.809 255 642 2,148 1,007 3,662 208 C60 8,109 on 4,888 878 385 1,435 479 2,677 755 l,3tr4 6,522 2,408 10.099 351 1,331 8,876 2,{)01 1 3,468 311 694 4,2'J3 1,338 6.600 60 131 309 297 BOO 21 32 227 53 333 31 92 402 138 003 91 128 584 146 049 177 667 4,622 1,402 6,808 102 264 1,091 252 1,709 9 21 173 351 564 209 i 20 11 300 3,023 208 40 6 3,283 11 .321 11 3 330 723 101 20 2 840 3 1,982 254 50 8 2,300 3 2,757 340 54 «2 3,163 7 710 ,36 6 2 753 21 4,120 338 49 33 4,531 30 6,s28 1,0H7 203 12 8,130 2 3,094 4.31 82 0 3,013 H 210 46 61 21 344 1 2 2-’9 23 G 268 1 428 79 10 623 1 - 620 51 6 1 684 ' 1 6,790 1,008 204 19 7,147 12 841 119 24 2 080 5 403 163 102 13 71 4 07 216 310 23 8:4

    1,751 2,040 2 108 2 r .2 362 8 159 357 627 11 238 sni9 I.IOI 7,433 18 301 1,18.4 1,670 j OMIl 14 Ot) 386 619 1 3,fP4» 63 m 1..574 2,166 1 10,7 SS 21 0,88 2,891 3,002 1 23,100 15 388 1,700 \ 71.945 10 55 10 235 1 J,3S5 3 39 70 1 10 j 710 2 58 112 172 1 i,3nH 4 07 211 283 l,HIO 20 399 1,287 1,718 13,733 10 191 431 037 3,332 1 41 93 1 ys 1 1,430 Oarpenters and Turners. HI. 670 1,162 6,166 1,918 8,800 4,202 679 118 89 237 1,087 292 1,706 1.077 129 16 320 410 1,132 434 2,290 SS2 74 12 94

    262 1,904 608 2.848 1,300 287 44 71 162 1,200 841 1,783 802 176 25
  8. — — 1 4,909 10 29 619 1,7.67 2,416 ' 10,130 1,227 1 ^ 5 114 436 660 3,490 021 7 16 91 881 406 1 3,719 1,691 1 9 152 671 833 1 6,372 1,002 1 2 4 104 888 468 i ! « ! 3,983 — — • —
  9. *1 2 o a ( 454 ) TABLE D;-Mar D — Artisan and Villaoe Menial bar A.-MALE8. DiSTBIfTS. 31aRBI£D. Unmirried. Widowers. Total luakii. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. Monghffr 448 871 3,313 2,251 6,884 3,3.58 721 4<.>G 22 4,607 21 41 171 421 667 J»,04a llhagatpur ... 88 Ut 672 301 1.095 312 49 20 2 419 3 4 45 C9 121 1,035 MahJa a 13 361 223 602 383 146 106 3 698 ! 11 53 67 1,307 Santal Farganas 22 64 383 1S3 661 317 59 22 1 399 1 25 43 1,093 C attach 0 48 2,502 1.078 4,294 ‘2,377 1,1.59 01» 18 4.464 ... 1 08 302 371 0,139 Purl 4 15 1.742 1,157 2,918 1,143 753 f.lO 8 2.850 ... 41 181 226 6,993 JIazaribngh R4 218 1,()S5 615 1,902 9.50 282 143 1 1,376 ... 3 41 81 128 3,400 Lohardftga 35 lie 1,076 533 1,792 1,120 i 827 ! 181 4 1,632 2 8 47 1 63 120 3f644 KAR BUtlnapnr 3 19 58' » 389 991 C20 2.5‘

    2' 17 (; 1,085 1 19 C7 87 1l,W3 Itowrnh 4 11 321 140 482 321 128 4‘» 1 ... 601 1 11 20 38 1,031 Varga nas •22 107 91 282 1,59 59 31 3 265 1 2 3 12 18 655 SUTRA Harfttf'an ... •« 8 21 80S 4S6 1.383 565 ‘258 386 10 1,226 1 40 182 220 2,837 Banh'ura 1 2S 819 47'.> 1,567 725 337 371 9 1,445 1 4.5 129 176 2,977 llugll 1 o 330 213 640 347 145 12S 7 627 ... ... 0 71 83 1,250 24-Varganaa 5 182 115 302 lfi2 • 90 60 4 262 ... 9 31 40 004 Karlin 1 11 76.1 007 1.584 928 357 .3(;2 1‘2 1,069 ... 32 135 167 3,310 Rajshah i 2 12 489 3.5,5 868 489 •201 219 10 949 1 ... 38 70 109 1,910 Itnngpar 1 3 2(»0 119 323 i»'i7 r»n 101 13 371 1 17 28 46 740 1 Itogra 4 232 139 376 185 77 IIS 7 417 ... 0 49 68 850 Pahna 2 IS fi0:j 420 1.103 75G 2SS 2.57 15 1.316 ... ,31 9.5 126 Ilnrca 0 27 9!t.5 (::.5 1,003 i.os;! 4«)2 402 ;i.5 1,982 ... 47 10.3 210 3,865 Parltipnr ... 8 433 319 700 526 223 211 20 1,016 ... 22 103 125 1,901 Maimanslngh • 7 30 2.205 1,551 3,703 2,509 1,089 1,520 111 6.236 7 24 123 412

    666 0,694 Koakhali 2 11 .58.3 377 976 j 652 ‘213 309 19 1,103 ‘2 29 1.39 170 2,339 Tlppcra 6 2«5 1,681 1,145 2.802 1,8,52 790 875 .38 3,655 01 240 301 0,718 D— Artisan, &c. — 21— KAN Itagli 1 173 n. 313 151 77 71 3 306 10 31 41 059 Kadia 2 142 112 250 191 C9 83 4 360, ... Of 14 33 47 053 fJuttach . 1 10 331 ‘210 658 ;i31 2 10 197 161 360 18.5 OS OG 1 360 ... 1 25 35 ei 771 KA ' Ulidnapur ‘2 18 023 283 026 540 252 219 1 1,012 1 24 58 83 9,0,0 Patna *4 35 45 427 262 769 340 95 49 6 490 1 2 17 30 60 ( 455 ) tiAGE BY Caste — continued. [0 — Carpenters and TMcnetB— concluded. j^^concluded. B.’FKM\LKS. Makrikd • 1 JjfMARRlLD. WinoWB. Total fomiiU'H. 0-9 10- in- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total, 0^9 10- 15— 40- Total. 887 1,128 4,040 1,616 7,671 3.228 204 111 R 3,011 46 47 361 1,3.87 1,841 162 IGC m 168 1,061 273 10 1 284 7 1 42 203 263 JdS9S 39 86 413 74 612 411 2

    2 1 436 3 6 152 268 420 1,477 74 OG 372 97 639 291 16 5 312 1 2 42 118 103 1,t14 28 339 3,118 013 4,300 2,276 704 112 7 3,099 16 231 1,175 1,427 8/JS4 9 204 2,056 484 2,042 1 ,398 370 17 2 1,707 ... 7 185 827 I.OlO B,a48 233 296 1,184 279 1.902 936 8.6 U 1.034 12 1S2 3.33 536 8, Ml 83 209 1,108 369 i 1,769 1,120 U.l 28 1 1,310 2 1 7 133 379 621 3,000 lnga 67 132 794 117 1,110 526 3S 6 1 G70 o 6 [ 200 334 641 41 78 322 37 470 211 7 3 261 1 3 03 106 203 03S9 42 no 160 38 290 151 6 157 1 62 67 130 B77 HAR. 105 194 765 112 1,170 634 17 6 2 069 2 15 384 698 1,000 11,834 153 230 85)8 133 1,422 570 11 1 1 603 7 15 372 (164 1,058 1 3,003 S3 95 393 70 696 281 7 2 1 291 1 5 18.3 2.57 440 1,35% 2 22 151 9 184 146 3 3 ♦ 162 ... 29 48 77 413 85 263 1,029 167 1,644 7S7 :i;» 4 1 831 3 11 3S2 072 1,008 3,443 41 123 560 65 709 437 25 .5 2 409 5 10 203 309 707 1,083 13 40 1.56 19 220 124 7 4 ... 135 3 1 67 06


    630 13 2t) 185 10 242 162 10 1 173 6 79 117 202 017 54 171 7ti8 118 1,11 1 663 27 6 1 090 3 9 205 -HV) 077 i 2,484 99 295 1,172 175 1,741 1,040 G9 9 1 1,1 19 5 14 3!; 4 778 1,101 4,051 35 126 553 63 777 412 39 7 469 •'i 5 20S .368 604 1,820 127 1 596 2,528 334 3,605 2,552 336 40 8 2,936 5 36 1,047 i,6:5i» • 2,710 0,9>H 60 142 670 81 943 .554 .58 3 3 618 2 2 .312 S».3 070 2,240 01 331 2,064 289 2,746 1,834 309 3l» 4 2,177 1 4 7 515 1,0(1 1,608 0,400 3ra8s and Copper Smiths. 5ARI. 4 48 101 42 286 105 19 1 126 13 59 1 159 231 041 19 62 218 45 344 1.51 2 1 163 1 109 252 303 800 2 43 413 127 685 283 84 11 31 i. 1 34 150 1,148 7 70 485 127 696 296 68 3 2 o60 1 2 • 25 1 too 1,224 6 20 254 60 346 139 1 no 19 270 31 113 144 j 708 IBRA. 27 144 774 „„ ■ — ^ 71 1,010 470 48 S 1 622 2 ■ 6 157 434 ll |; 1,072 69 107 467 177 810 285 40 8 2 336


    4 30 131 177

    A A i, ll ( ) TABLS D.— Mab D — Artisan and Village Menial.-, tha A.-MALGS. Districts. Maurird. XJnmarrisd. WlDOWSBB. Total males. 0-U 10— 15— 40- Tiitttl. 0—9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40— Total. Vatnn 7 23 237 107 434 217 69 35 4 316 ... 0 20 26 m Gaya 7 10 ir.2 101 280 16-1 C9 43 IS 279 ... 7 83 40 m Shnfiahad u 4.3 22 1 119 400 248 48 81 2 329 1 1 17 23 42 711 Jiarhhaugn 105 410 2(50 870 324 67 43 1 436 2 4 26 40 76 i,3H9 Muznffarpur 15 34 14V 82 276 127 42 87 41 207 ... S 18 14 30 eon Bhaynlpur 20 on 652 200 007 404 119 49 3 666 1 2 SB 43 84 7,716 Monghyr It 62 238 lOG 470 2.38 72 39 6 364 ... 6 22 45 72 890 Burned 2 IS 321 1(51 606 204 87 79 ... 460 1 14 27 42 1,007 D — Artisan, &c. — 22 — A— GU Cutiaek 12 U7 7,840 5,030 13,036 1 7,204 8,402 2,763 in 13.683 172 7W 916 « 7 , 5.74 Pari 12 48 3,83.5 2,303 6,288 i 2.8S6 1,. 5.5(5 1,070 11 6,629 ... 1 136 457 696 13,415 Jiala»or 16 66 1,79 V l.OhS 1 2,003 1,(513 or C.I 590 8 3,060 ... 3 40 176 224 6,353 Tributary Staten, Oris- sa 11 02 2,01(5 1 . 72:1 j 4,742 2,U6 1,051 on 14 4,166 1 99 253 363 9,350 HAL Nadia 119 9V 243 1 j 14(5 61 71 281 ... • •• 7 26 33 657 Patna 19 113 1,0S3 593 1,808 i 873 2S0 170 10 1,339 1 4 56 129 190 3,337 Ga ya G1 228
  10. M58 95(5 2,673 1.352 476 2H5 41 2,167 ... 6 141 290 440 5,370 Darbhanga 1.317 1,803 6,580 3.710 13,630 4,120 413 257 31 4,824 63 R2 372 625 1,132 19,480 Muzdjjt’arpHr 15(j 459 1,000 8:53 2,467 8H 128 89 4 1,016 7 21 69 1S8 286 3,757 < hnmparan (5 30 4.52 227 724 3:tii 14.5 102 7 600 ... ... 26 73 99 1,413 HUagalxmr KS8 f,V9 3,411 1,710 6,668 2,i:>3 409 302 IH 3,272 20 28 259 367 674 10,604 Monghyr 115 370 1.902 1,432 3,918 2,046 68.5 221 20 2,072 7 16 93 264 380 7,370 Pitmen 28 87 1,J28 6 tv 1,087 Ml 296 2.59 H 1,374 ... 1 96 115 242 3,603 Santat Parganas ... 1(5 6.5 (502 .310 993 5(50 1 w 7.5 781 ... ... 26 67 . 83 1,867 Jltizaribagh 9 28 175 103 316 157 .55 31 1 244 ... ... 9 13 22 581 i.ohartlaga 7 45 2Sl5 236 674 ! 273 93 5.5 5 426 ... 1 2.3 55 79 1,079 KAN parra 4 10 216 115 376 120 82 45 3 200 11 32 43 618 Patna 2(51 770 3,!W0 2, .301 7,402 3,141 031 480 35 4,616 6 18 210 m 681 13,699 Gaya . , 122 532 2,4.31 1,600 4,007 2,2.33 713 4.33 4.3 3,422 4 16 103 410 623 9,043 Shahabad .388 1.060 (5,8(52 3,162 1 1,772 5,055 1,H1‘J 9.35 170 8,898 7 26 448 712 1,193 31,863 Parbhanga 701 1,162 6,150 8,213 10,261 3,713 702 332 30 4,867 32 66 303 661 l,cAl 16,109 Mnzaffarpur 700 1.779 7,073 « 4,997 14,639 .5,842 1 445 690 65 7,932 18 69 350 627 •i,073 3,644

    Saran 3s9 1,.597 11,999 7,753 2r,738 13,100 4..355 2,080 81 19,622 7 20 611 1.287 1,831 43,191 Chatnpara n 370 1,215 9,666 6,(511 16,862 7,(a3 2.722 1,670 180 12,160 6 84 683 1.022 1,646 30,657 lihagnlpur ... 2il 601 .3,2 W 1,727 6.708 2,4.80 614 170 7 3,171 6 16 146 264 430 9,309 3Ioughyr 831 1,932 7,5.56 4,601 16,013 5,939 1,04.3 650 43 7,684 64 80 297 680 1,1 17 33,714 Purnea 26 IIS • 847 42.5 1,411 538 inS 9.3 7 801 2 11 81 98 192 3,404 Malda 3 6 207 120 336 151 58 44 8 266 ... ... 8 22 30 €33 Hazaribagh 6.) 128 675 322 1,004 520 155 62 ... 737 3 4 22 44 ■ 73 1^04 Lohnrdaga ()‘2 i;i6 908 503 1,609 921 218 106 4 1,248 2 8 44 73 127 3,984 • f ( 457 ) BIA.6E BT Caste — continued. 21— Brass and Copper Smiths — concluded. thbra. ■■ B.-FEMALES. Mabbxed. Unmarbied. Widows. Total fomales. 0—9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Tot&l. 0—9 10- 16- 40- Total. 14 03 272 109 458 241 39 4 ... 284 i 2 20 104 120 803 37 61 254 110 452 144 89 2 ... 105 ... 1 14 68 83 790 18 40 233 113 404 231 42 21 2 206 1 1 21 28 61 751 126 133 66:i 179 1,000 301 30 3 ... 337 1 9 63 180 263 1,500 33 31 167 02 283 119 11 1 ... 131 1 2 7 67 67 4H1 110 118 655 127 I.OlO 425 20 14 ... 459 6 5 108 253 372 1,851 (>1 102 323 100 688 221 20 0 1 263 ... 1 42 111 164 005 41 60 .300 25 482 255 13 2 ... 270 1 3 88 151 240 008 Confectioners. BIA. 122 1,284 9,020 2,912 13,888 7.202 2.301 817 25 0,846 2 35 1,117 4.550 6,704 90,457 27 729 4,337 1,109 6.202 2.939 65 1 26 15 3,031 1 21 370 1.H46 2,237 19,070 62 870 2,215 567 3,230 1,6 18 417 67 2 2,024 17 417 1.231 1,006 0,010 67 S41 3, 111 712 4,431 2,384

    450 67 6 2,907 14 327 1.400 1,741 0,070 WAI. — — - — _
  11. . — - 6 49 ICO 29 260 12fi 16 6 10 ! 167 • •t (i 46 121 173 580 56 208 1,131 385 1,780 9S5 138 20 1,143 ' 2 12('. 402 826 5,548 174 344 1,7(57 673 2,060 1.339 235 37 6 1,010 5 230 744 098 5,579 2,139 1,717 7,325 2,091 13,306 3.318 112 30 5 3,406 ; lOl 85 616 2, -106 3,21 1 20,011 318 449 1,345 3-49 2,461 653 102 21 ... 770 3 G 71 319 4.52 3,000 10 11 4G1 1U 069 302 72 8 ... 442 1 ... ... (;;i 102 266 1,500 763 837 3,456 854 6,909 2.100 J20 16 7 2,252 ! 1 20 4H 53f) 1.JT7 2,076 10,230 304 036 2,4!)0 715 4.074 1,908 1S,5 41 8 2,202 ' 1 7 42 414 1,028 1,401 7,707 110 196 1,0 iO 134 1,480 798 81 23 006 . 7 14 201 652 837 3,258 76 116 Go8 145 046 535 44 5 684 ' 1 7 111 230 340 1,878 20 42 186 48 290 119 17 1 ... 167 1 ... 5 37 *71 1 13 570 26 49 263 (56 404 1 280 39 13 2 334 1, 1 ... 1 49 149 109 037 143 2.366 1.667 3.313 5^661 4.106 8,743 4.614 1.034 4.312 662 163 405 488 SOI 13^72 9^73 91,009 17,293 20,429 52,442 29,H3H 10,111 2H,422 2,111 SHI 9,109 9,944 ( 458 ) table D — Aetisan and' Village Menial.- D18TRICT8. Hard wan Jianit'ura Blrbhum Mtdnapur ... ntif/ti !i4-rarganaft Nadia JWur»h idahad Maiman»lngh Santnl Varganag JUanhhum A.-MALES. MA] Maukied. Unmarried. WiDOWEEB. 0—9 10— 15- 40— Total, 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— 9 BO 1,0 JO 5-24 1,629 75-J 314 377 26 1,471 1 91 216 3 8jr> 4tl) 1.32! no 304 334 8 1,426 SS 124 1 38 115!) 491 1.489 G12 230 327 33 1.202 ... 91 313 ... r> 453 2J7 700 417 209 219 11 880 25 69 ... G 523 357 886 440 191 209 « 846 7 30 05 ... 4 178 1(*4 346 124 U 50 1 248 ... 11 22 1 3 C52 413 069 012 282 2.53 23 1,170 147 1 8 ISO 80 276 132 68 54 7 261 ... 17 43 ... 0 32.5 2.‘{5 606 371 138 270 10 706 ... 19 60 !>o UG 773 3 JO 1.314 722 190 IJO R 1.046 3 6 45 R9 79 10(3 I.CjO 712 2,407 1,204 370 27.5 22 1,877 2 10 80 ISO Total. Total males, 308 162 304 SdiOS 94 132 33 car ISO 2,Vj

    60 79 142 2,502 278 4,rm D — Aetisan, &c.— .

    CHAP ■
  12. -■■■■ 1 — JPurnva 5 30 827 1 0G3 1.634 1,024 312 3.31 11 1,081 1 1 39 109 1 1 1 I •hscs Bard wan 5 23i 17: 414 ' 22 10 ) IK 11 481 ■| ItirhhHtn ... If ir 316 n: 4 Oi 259 JUldnnpur 1 1,' 42] 22, 601 j 411 17, 12(i 2 712 Uuglt IIG 1U(] 247 IK G( .55 7 238 24-l*araaHa» IS 61 1,710 871 2,609 1 1.554 5H; 610 3.3 2,784 Nadia 3 2.5 • 6.32 5S7 1.247 i 724 2!)fi ,395 32 1,449 tTessor *> 27 952 81.3 1,704 1,1.51 4.5!) C!)0 44 2,344 Aiurghidabad 3 31 411 282 727 3!)0 118 259 21 818 Khulna 9 56 1,611 9S.5 2,601 1.197 560 540 113 2,422 J>inajj}ur C rj 36-1 214 607 -m 135 146 7 722 ItaJ»lMhi 2 11 2S5 19.3 491 1 329 81 145 12 667 Jtnngpnr 3 13 437 250 708 1 CIO 2Ul 201 9 027 Itogra 3 17 .528 .308 856 53S 1.59 236 9 942 dalpatguri 4 6 178 119 307 I SI5 77 8!) 4 416 Ihioea 1.3 NO 2, .370 1,.570 4,0o9 2,193 1 J)0G 807 C7 4,063 Naridpiir 3 27 f»«9 471 1,1 lO j C22 275 1 202 ,3.3 l,lo2 BahharganJ 4S 1.54 2,7li9 1,891 4,806 2,143 853 1,1.31 125 4,266 Maimanwingh t 7 5.5 3, 1.58 2,712 6,232 3.J)58 1,549 2,520 18!) 8.216 • Chittagong 9 37 2,899 2, .312 6,287 4,150 1.511 1,871 53 7,619 Noakhall 3.3 117 5,175 .3,872 9.227 0,45!) 2,3JG 2,:J91 147 1 1,323 Tippera .34 109 8,.30l 6,481 14,046 ' 7,886 .3,310 8,007 209 16,017 Vatna 18 20 1.57 92 203 117 53 22 3 106 Caga 21 , 3:1 213 178 446 ! 224 9!) 49 16 318 Fnrnoa 13 10 51' .373 814 712 429 65 11 1,217 Bafda 10 4S 1,.T>(} 94.3 2,367 2,031 677 903 70 ( 3,647 Cuttark 1 10 813 Gi'} 1,370 «35 ;i92 335 8 1,570 ttala.Hor « ... 6 20.5 176 387 213 89 08 ... 370 JU 1 .=rr— ... 3C 93 127 J,02a 1 1 27 4C 76 j 649 ... ... 11 3^1 45 l,4t8 ... 9 43 i j 628 2 7 122 288 419 i 6,872 ... 1 68 179 238 2,934 1 2 101 297 401 4,639 " ... .35 87 122 1,067 2 3 145 301 611 6,694 " 27 58 86 1,404 1 19 47 67 l,t26 • ... 37 84 121 1,766 41 77 121 IfiiS 1 ... 13 31 ' 46 767 2 116 401 661 8/f63 1 29 200 236 2,478 4 10 167 003 774 9,834 2 3 189 062 866 16,303 1 1 08 4.38 6(t8 13,414 3 148 875 1,026 21,676 1 1 281 1,090 1,378 30/444 , a 64 18 74 j 662 3 89 03 106 1 868 3 34 72 109 2,240 1 6 163 328 4^7 0,494 ... 10 76 92* 3,932 ... 12 22 34 791 I ( «9 ) 22— A — Oonfectioners— coMcfei^c^/. RA.
  13. I B.- FEMALES. Maukiei). Unmarried. Widows. i Total 0-y Id- 16- 40- Total. 0-9 1(1— 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10- 13— 40— Total. fi' mu It'S. 83 230 97«) 149 1,432 ; 597 28 15 9 649 9 4S4
  14. '8 1,263 3,534 104 23‘4 04S 10!) 1,455 704 22 3 729 4 15 .927 f)52 808 3/189
  15. 23-4 9:i9 114 1,440 523 10 2 641 C 0 542 S.32 1,406 3,303 33 9H 504 68 098 348 13 4 365 1 9 232 3.'; 4 690 1,639 r>3 127 533 90 803 374 10 1 386 2 7 22S 419 656 1,844 42 49 113 27 231
  16. 1 ... 78 ... 40 90 130 440 44 ISH 754 204 1,100 ! 0.") 19 2 674 ... 19 2.37 OiS 014 2,678 44 43 177 31 206 1 1 115 1 1 ... 117 2 7 99 1.59 207 €79
  17. 93 410 44 560 ; 34 o ... 378 1 1 4 157 O’)'.) 621 1,465 188 210 781 104 1,349 ; 590 39 12 3 644 12 19 2S4 419 734 2,727 307 422 1,‘400 270 2,406 991 57 14 .3 1,066 10 IS •130 703 1,203 4,673 23 — Weavers. UAL. — “ 78 167 1,142 223 1 ’ 1,600 1 927 118 12 1 GI. 47 G6 292 47 40
  18. 193 31 29 132 502 C3 16 45 lOli 29 223 424 1,502 221 108 189 7Gl 167 218 307 1,429 205 90 161 439 83 198 332 1,2S0 307 .38 83 436 50 34 73 310 38 105 119 460 92 63 116 683 09 10 38 238 28 263 647 2,789 430 78 211 796 148 408 707 3,041 471 297 1,047 4,312 537 -B16

    897 4.320 578 414 1,393 7.137 977 470 1,092 9,997 1,402 27 82 21A 72 28 75 306 205 89 68 633 190 97 190 1,895 211 17 148 l,(i06 277 e 44 264 60 462 154 8 4 ... 207 SO 4 3 1 720 410 13 ... ... 264 'JO r 1 ... 2,430 1.273 51 12 7 1,226 599 U 0 2,219 1 903 41 7 3 773 277 13 3 ... 2,137 1.190 128 IS 8 627 358 22 5 3 401 209 10 3 2 770 433 37 2 821 497 .30 7 314 234 .33 9 4, 119 2,093 173 21 3 1,233 5t3 00 41 ... 4.027 1.901 112 2.3 6 6,193 3,580 201 21 10 6,010 3,S17 2.’>9 .32 H 9.921 6.183 580 49 29 13,801 7.871 717 71 18 346 113 .3.3 8 1 674 233 49 5 ... 930 020 111 24 2 2,390 2.008 258 U 6 1,447 7‘i3 2.31 20 3 373 1 189 43 .5 ... 1,068 I 4 100
  19. 04 2 4 459 ... 9 102 1 4 1,340 12 ■«) 819 0 19 967 17 •19 293 1 7 1,344 10 .30 388 I ... 2 283 1 3 488 1 1 19 640 j 2 4 290 3 2 2,203 1 0 21 644 1 ... 17
  20. 06 ‘ IS 38 3,876 , 17 50 4,146 . 19 ■n 1 6,849 1 10 •16 8.690 ' 1 35 92 1 166 ... ... 287 1 2 767 2 • 10 2,300 4 12 1,003 i - 7 237 i 2 ... . . — — 171 510 j 7J7 ll 109 330 608 1(11 2(10 310 7S 170 203 (;o 113 214 021 97.) 1,062 :((;;> 7k) 1,128 ^22 1,27.') 7.103 2(11 12“, 6ol • O.'O Sii!) 1,401 91
  21. o03
  22. 21 . .T43 122 :;i() 468 201 .312 662 .53 li>7 106 S9l 1, '■.!() 2,660 2)3 l-L' 747 ,(IIS i,s;(; 2,000 • 1,713 2,9 (0 4,710 1,011 3,- 132 ' 4,007 1,729 .3.510 6.331 2,797 4,914 7,830 32 11.3 147 1 72 110 216 ! 108 293 413 0.3.3 1,210 1,880 97 410 620 89 128 100 1,120 701 1,448 S70 0,428 2,072 0,0.10 1,007 4,002 1,1 iS 1,087 1,702 l^hS 770 8,062 2,024 0 , 6.12 14,784 14,800 22,101 50,189 €48 1,176 2,100 OjiOt 2, mo 770 ( 460 ) TABLE D.-Ma: D — Artisan and Village Menial. KA] A.-MALES. DlBTRlCTS. Married. Unmarried. Widowers, lualtsB. 0—9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. Hottrah ... 1 4 160 93 260 169 64 37 2 272 2 17 18 648 94"Pargana$ 6 35 1,119 €15 1,774 889 263 359 28 1,639 1 4 65 151 221 3»li34 Nadia 2 8 623 608 1,141 746 350 373 11 1,480 ... 33 134 167 2,786 Jessor ... n 62 2,750 2,008 4,843 3,003 1,882 1,622 77 6,084 1 1 199 66S 780 1it7U JKhulna 20 112 2,215 1,140 3,617 1,951 81H 1,028 29 3.820 ... 4 98 262 364 7,697 Pabna .m 4 3 482 82.5 764 651 226 276 14 1,167 ... ... 23 61 84 2,016 Jalpaigari ... 3 179 13.5 317 202 62 119 6 409 ... 6 23 29 766 Dacca ... 14 96 2.8.37 1,6.30 4,583 3,531 1,038 860 34 6,463 1 1 83 370 466 10,801 Naridpttr 1.3 48 1,517 881 2,460 1,340 692 606 16 2,863 1 69 208 288 8,68(1 Sak/MirganJ 4 33 1,009 637 1,683 1,030 412 395 20 1,867 1 ... 57 179 237 3,77: Maimansingh ... 3 11 701 638 1,263 918 350 686 68 2,022 ... ... 41 135 176 3,461 1'ippera S 22 1,137 713 1,906 1,367 602 693 28 2,680 ... 27 1.38 186 4fi6(l SI 9Udnap^ir ... •00 13 60 2.277 1,419 3,769 2,197 1,OS0 1,188 14 4,485 ' 112 288 1 400 8fi64 Dowrah ... 81 196 90 316 144 67 84 17 312 ' 1 ... 1 10 86 47 676 TAIi Hard wan ... 2 30 1..377 823 2,232 1,018 3S9 618 67 2,152 ... 7 124 .369 500 4,884 Bankura 10 133 4,241 2,574 6,967 .3,479 1,478 1,806 92 6,855 1 6 251 73.3 990 14,809 Birh/Mtm 28 80 ‘ 2,200 1,175 3,496 i.m 510 880 95 2,992 ... 3 219 582 804 7,291 Midnapur 47 242 10,(584 6, .377 17,350 O.sli 4,495 1,50.3 140 19,012 5 4 491 1,.3H8 1,888 38,200 Jlttgli 4 24 1,638 991 2,667 1,311 605 2i 82 2,820 ... 2 148 619 669 6,146 Jlowrah • •• 6 20 1,030 785 1,847 1,197 526 451 10 2,184 ... ... .37 140 177 4,208 24-Paraana$ 11 52 9(50 667 1,690 688 297 802 19 1306 1 S 68 187 190 3,096 Nadia 6 16 763 6(58 1.463 803 .335 .3!»0 70 1,608 ... 1 67 252 310 3,361 Jessor 3 19 882 671 1,476 789 390 485 80 1,700 ... 1 91 219 311 3,486 Mtirshidahad ... ... 8 67 1,363 7.35 2,163 1,003 417 4 IS 44 1,907 ... ... 72 284 366 4,426 Khulna 1 6 121 85 212 80 49 103 13 246 ... 20 66 02 649 tlimAjpur 3 87 628 S4S 1006 646 20») 317 R 1,171 .. 1 09 76 146 2,323 Bogra 2 2 219 12H 361 211 68 166 12 447 ... ... 10 37 63 861 Jalpaigari 6 14 626 478 1,134 887 2S9 361 20 I.66J ... ... 43 116 169 2,866 Dacca 3 27 2,206 1,177 3,413 1,208 66.3 470 12 2,243 ... 1 62 163 216 8,872 JHaimansingh ... 1 14 577 310 902 546 196 181 10 939^ ... ... 20 55 76 1 1,916 Chittagong ... ... 1 104 06 201 132 60 88 4 280 ... ... 7 22 20 1 810 Patna 26 46 229 200 601 191 48 32 6 276 1 3 25 S4 «, 63 1 830 (ihalashad .30 119 706 398 1,263 618 244 1?() 21 1,003 ... 6 44 80 129 "2388 Darhhanga 438 687 1,070 1,808 4,903 1,190 259 10 3 1,763 19 32 83 162 296 6^0 Monghyr 104 184 1,119 605 2,012 1,20.3 21,3 158 7 1,683 7 14 08 133 232 3,827 Purnea 6 188 i 102 386 290 10.3 178 4 676 ... ... 19 .36 64 1,014 Malda 2 26 /509 371 1,098 623 264 186 11 1,023 ... ... 33 75 no 2,231 Santui Parganaa ... 11 23 330 190 664 212 93 78 7 420 1 1 17 42 61 1,035 Cuttack ... 65 446 6,766 3,500 9,767 6,776 2,876 1,380 42 9,874 1 2 183 726 012 20,883 Puri 6 36 2,179 1,368 3,689 l,7fiB 865 669 6 3,302 ... 3 81 247 331 <7,222 « ( 461 ) BIAGE By Cabte — continued. ; 23 — — continued. ALI. ( «3 ) TABLE D— Aetisan and Village Mt8wti| , ta A.-HALBS. Districts. Married. Unmarried. Widowers. Total inalos, 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40— Total. Baiasor GO S22 6,370 4.221 10,879 0,020 2,947 2,484 62 1 1,603 2 8 172 640 817 Lohardaga.., 4 11 149 89 266 162 CO 42 ... 273 ... 2 11 12 25 M Mnnbhum 13 51 921 726 1,710 1.006 420 280 16 1,721 ... ... 60 02 142 mnghbhum 21 03 2,631 1,6.% 4,281 3,601 1,681 1,127 62 6,381 5 7 66 128 206 ta Patna 174 367 2,740 1,614 4^706 1,704 602 827 35 2,568 5 17 127 258 407 7p77( Oaya 26 05 605 369 906 620 141 68 14 738 2 1 63 86 142 lpS7i Darbhanga 8,111 3.177 8,976 6,666 20.830 4.1«45 874 318 67 6,694 110 171 624 661 1,466 27,991 Mu$affarpur 818 1,282 5,063 8.898 11,061 .3,190 816 8<10 36 4.686 46 68 205 413 722 J0,4Gt Saran 27 117 829 610 1,680 1,100 886 160 6 1,642 ... 8 84 104 141 3^7i Champaran 189 688 4,101 2.667 7.476 3,417 997 622 27 4,993 8 17 247 408 680 13,i4i Monghyr 68 235 1,279 903 2,486 938 870 192 72 1,672 2 11 66 121 109 d,25i Bhagalpur 282 861 1,433 671 2,747 976 166 60 8 1,163 16 20 60 86 187 4,W Purnea 80 72 729 i 292 1.132 |i 870 74 69 1 614 8 e 39 60 108 J,7d4 D — Aetisan, &a- DH( Bardwan ... ... ... 2 11 314 227 664 281 78 128 6 493 23 61 84 7, 131 Bankura ... ... 2 21 557 3.V2 032 652 233 253 18 1,066 ... tat 20 79 69 2,087 Birbhum M. ... 1 15 2 VS l‘V4 408 180 61 80 0 339 1 ... 13 67 71 818 MUlnapur ... 17 100 3, .31 8 2,083 6.618 3,128 1,426 1,303 31 6,888 1 3 133 346 482 11/188 Ungli 3 9 620 431 1,063 617 211 178 11 017 • It 30 96 134 2,114 Howrah 2 17 687 357 863 B97 2-43 180 7 1,027 ... ... 25 66 81 2/771 24‘Parganas

    ... 10 130 1,869 1,584 3,699 1,406 734 6<4!) 44 2,922 1 2 109 235 347 6/i68 Badia ... 1 10 6Ml 484 1,176 621 282 437 22 1,362 07 166 222 2,700 Murohidabad 6 16 331 852 706 36,3 182 101 3 739 ■» ... 17 60 ‘ 86 1/iZl doMtor 2 22 742 603 1,289 686 335 495 37 1,663 ... 02 196 288 S/LtO Khulna 1 18 200 1H9 607 26s 112 126 8 614 2 14 70 86 1,107 Pabna ... 3 1.50 105 207 153 61 78 6 297 1 16 48 64 098 Dacca 6 62 1,522 887 2,477 1,598 671 434 33 2,736 ... 2 40 219 270 6,483

    Wridpur ... 8 61 1,110 733 1,002 1,180 600 485 28 2,202 • •• ... 68 269 337 4,441 BakharganJ 23 98 2,618 1,095 4>434 2,606 006 1,203 88 4.983 ... 4 212 571 787 10,904 Maimanuingh 4 16 1,303 073 2.296 1,208 1 667 1,003 75 2,933 1 2 88 289 380 BfiOO Chittagong 11 1,036 740 1,780 1,479 665 683 11 2,638 ... 1 28 186 216 4,042 Koakhalt 6 46 2,1.38 1,632 3,721 2,713 0.56 1,116 65 4*849* 1 " 3 79 406 480 o,oso Tippera ... 63 2,2;V4 1,639 3.837 2,423 1,044 1,173 70 4,716 1 96 890 ,486 9,039 Patna 174 848 l.OGt •1,046 3,232 1,418 311 191 44 1,964 6 17 106 260 378 11,574 Caya 280 460 2,066 1,317 4,113 1,763 649 1 330 40 2.687 8 12 165 887 672 7,379 Bhahabad ... ... 172 4.36 1,688 869 3,066 1,368 663 ' 202 25 2,138 7 10 1.39 168 314 5,507 Daidthanga n% 1,061 1,104 4,015 2, .328 8,503 2,261 207 137 32 2,637 36 82 251 800 768 11J988 Maoaffarpur 668 970 2,986 1,801 6,300 1,888 481 260 13 2,642 16 36 215 620 796 9,747 Baran ... 148 489 8.020 1.717 6,380 2,938 730 300 6 3,989 4 4 98 £48 364 9,793 f^amparan ... 228 614 2,923 1,727 6,392 2,660 602 364 20 3,626 1 V 12 161 332 604 9/129 Mbnghyr ... ... ... 320 617 2.101 1.446 4,483 1,870 302 104 87 2.483 23 24 167 277 461 7,437 biaok By Caste— confeViuei’. 03— ^eftvsrs —conehtded. ( 463 ) B.-FEMALES. MARBIB]}. liRMARBlED. Widows, Total (emaltfs. 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-0 10- 16- 40- Total. 0-0 10- 16- 40- ToUl. 230 1,291 7,803 2,013 11.337 6,921 1.669 220 11 7,711 5 69 1,083 3,847 4,994 94,049 15 26 187 69 286 172 SO 14 2 227 1 24 89 009 93 165 1,107 868 1,723 038 176 3t 1 1,146 10 100 603 703 3,471 86 233 3,230 926 4.474 8.494 047 653 29 6,023 12 10 .S27 040 1,298 1 10,705 WA. 338 763 3,213 1,006 6,310 1,8.30 241 61 11 2,143 12 22 336 085 1,304 n,7g7 46 162 GU8 235 1,041 601 47 0 ... 667 2 3 08 241 344 9f949 3,032 2,734 10,450 3,584 20,709 4,410 145 35 16 4,61 1 185 186 974? 8.000 4,206 99,015 1,292 2,025 0,148 2,067 1 1,632 3.540 3S0 54 4 3,978 40 69 40.3* 1,722 2,314 17,894 61 227 1,480 m 2,312 1,139 186 87 7 1,360 1 4 169 620 800 4,481 425 046 4,660 1,607 7,428 3,384 408 05 e 3.683 8 26 378 1,5 to 1,068 13,388 170 368 1,869 m 2,377 066 177 92 7 1,172 4 8 150 400 668 4,807 422 384 1451 408 2,666 871 80 6 916 15 10 164 488 686 4,987 114 124 499 78 816 302 17 4 4 327 0 13 85 176 283 1,498 24 — Washermen, PA 42 104 32 412 4A 80 2C4 80 43 04 27 7 143 128 093 93 42 137 138 ac:> 1,483 931 241 419 680 62 130 67 027 139 206 460 184 78» 205 84 436 820 668 866 291 646 608 t 489 628 472 1,246 883 678 661 764 367 C31 249 3,006 696 G65 1,744 717 418 801 80() 172 1,663 1,367 2,362 1,633 1,496 2,738 2,701 1,961 2,284 1,737 4.610 8,302 8,886 8,370 2,123 48 110 39 633 96 86 366 146 110 90 198 438 1H5 198 318 348 626 1,026 683 1,409 1,018 1,227 1,119 875 4G9 1.006 377 6,778 876 1,046 2,823 1,127 768 1,190 489 261 2,414 2,008 4,441 2,166 2,027 3,738 3,696 3,298 4,220 3 ; 180 8,747 6,224 6,032 6.660 4,342 m 6 1 100 3 1 m 13 6 2 418 8 7 127 12 1 ... 140 ... 4 2,736 100 50 6 2,081 16 60 480 33 1 1 616 4 1:1 677 11 8 ... 696 10 1,671 08 47 1,720 17 60 628 17 1 ... 646 1 22 413 21 ... ... 434 4 6 612 44 2 1 660 4 20 225 U 4 2 266 ... 4 143 12 3 ... 168 ... 3 1,657 140 15 1 1,713 0 Ifl 1,081 113 9 2 1,206 5 17 8.479 235 22 9 2,746 22 36 1.364 141 18 4 1,617 8 n 1,483 168 21 2 1,664 1 10 2.601 271 24 8 2.88

    8,461 1 723 1,207 1,964 8,448 167 662 847 8,884 .324 UlO 1,269 7,860 238 842 1,002 6,898 353 1,400 1,877 19,669 245 946 1,234 0,400 281 1,142 1.441 lUOOl 280 962 1,270 1 0631 222 880 1,160 j 7613 ( 46^ ) TABLE H.— Maj D — Abtisan and Village Mehial.— dbg A.-HALEB. Districts. Marribd. UVMARBIBD. WiPOWBRI. Totsl males. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40- Total. Bhagalpur ... SOS 653 2.328 1,233 4,422 1,893 343 104 6 2,346 11 21 182 227 S9I 7,m Purnea 60 137 1,606 708 2,401 1,200 870 262 18 1,840 4 12 148 260 424 Santal Parganaa ... 17 63 608 322 806 664 155 65 2 778 2 3 24 44 78 1,784 Cuttack 10 07 4.369 2,546 7,012 4,864 2,001 1,818 a 12 7,896 ... 3 96 416 614 18, m PuH 2 81 2,830 1,421 3,784 2,026 1,049 656 4 3,736 ... ... 67 217 274 7,798 Batacor 26 06 2,809 1,683 4,702 8,001 1,456 1,162 16 6,826 ... S 86 281 320 10M1 Angul ... 2 18 317 179 616 346 120 .88 2 608 ... 1 12 19 82 1J984 Hanaribagh 122 269 1,810 714 2,416 1,226 862 141 10 1.739 3 7 60 78 138 4,982 Lohardaga 41 166 1,284 668 2,069 1,362 409 176 9 1,946 1 2 68 86 147 4,181 Manbhum ... 64 186 1.202 647 2,088 1,227 363 161 13 1,784 ... 4 40 96 139 3,9»t Singhbhum ... 2 27 378 181 683 348 134 110 6 697 ... 1 27 43 1,998 D — Artisan, &c.— 26— GABBBI OB Patna 99 26i 1,082 829 2,262 663 303 152 23 1,441 ... 4 77 162 243 3,946 Oaga 83 191 716 623 1,613 761 200 189 27 1,177 2 6 50 104 161 9,981 Shaltabad 48 200 on 337 1,602 606 100 147 19 1,062 ... 4 01 106 171 9,798 Darbfianga 349 302 1.308 042 3,081 1,046 111 54 7 1,217 24 29 107 127 287 4,888, Xataffarpur 146 252 1.009 635 2,131 824 200 77 9 1,110 6 19 72 144 240 3,481 Saran 64 201 1,660 943 2,748 1.427 451 205 16 2,169 2 9 82 212 306 8,919 Champaran 21 s 00 1,061 623 1,796 894 324 215 11 1,444 ... 3 62 136 201 3,440 Monghyr no 216 678 336 1,246 523 120 84 6 732 3 8 39 83 133 9,im Bftagatpur 86 151 675 342 1,164 456 73 63 5 687 7 8 41 71 127 i,m Purnea 22 74 766 391 1,242 6'.n) 170 154 5 928 2 6 67 88 162 9,399 Lohardaga 53 155 687 290 1,086 678 145 63 4 880 ... 4 33 68 106 9,080 D — Artisan, &c. — 27— EA Bardwan 17 100 1,713 892 2,722 l,.32l 652 667 61 2,691 1 1 142 831 475 8,788 Ttit>ikura 14 125 3,299 1,779 6,217 2,H79 1,164 1,012 29 6,084 ... 1 107 307 606 10,906 Birbhum 19 172 3,073 1,345 4^809 2,085 776 943 80 3,863 ... 7 810 662 069 o^ot Midnapur ... 11 415 252 678 880 191 203 9 783 .3 2 19 46 69 1,830 Bugli ... 9 565 3.36 9i0 462 203 240 10 016 ... ... 82 100 132 ijom Mlowrah | . 1 7 192 126 326 249 116 88 3 46l ... 2 21 23 900 94~ Pnrgunaa 4 15 764 62S 1,411 679 244 268 24 1,210 1 ... 88 00 136 9,786 Nadia ... 32 1,127 '■ 815 1,974 1,154 459 530 28 2,171 1 1 68 287 297

    ,449 Murahidabad 1 6 261 120 387 247 109 197 10 663 ... 1 ... 20 69 79 1,098 Jeaaor 2 12 330 264 608 366 176 208 19 768 ... ... 44 86 130 1,496 Khulna 3 22 ! 219 266 609 391 138 120 4 663 ... ... 80 76 106 1,968 Eujahahi 1 ... 8 146 77 226 167 73 89 ... 209 ... ... 6 8 14 BOO Jkacca ... 8 289 134 431 268 109 55 ... 432 ... 1 ... IS 88 30 999 Santal Parganaa 186 385 1,874 803 3,248 1,642 846 160 6 2.140 9 15 76 I 164 263 8,080 ManKhum 244 G27 2,921 1,714 6,60e 2,878 885 630 26 a.aio 10 86 171 879 M6 0,910 . ( ( 465 ) biage *by continued. 24 — Washermen — concluded. PA. — concluded. B,- FEMALES. Married. irSMiRRIKD. Widows. Tola], feuiaUni. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40- Total. 029 017 2,648 590 4,384 1..599 73 8 1 1,681 17 28 291 893 1,228 248 310 1,533 214 2,310 990 59 13 ... 1.062 16 23 399 939 1,377 4,74tP 79 154 581 153 007 405 41 5 61 1 2 3 9.3 325 323 J,801 47 541 6,085 1,,323 7,590 4,190 1,345 232 19 6,002 1 11 494 2.126 2.632 j 1(1,330 14 320 2.251 552 3,137 1,7.35 •1.H5 31 3 2,264 1 7 177 8,36 1.021 1 1 0,413 127 .555 3,767 800 6.200 3.0 12 8r.« 1.59 11 4,072 2 21 621 1,9:’2 2,600 11,937 12 60 380 98 562 3(58 74 ](> 462 1 •U) 87 120 1,139 2S2 371 1,525 350 2,520 1,210 120 20 1 1.363 1 9 12 195 460 076 4,307 131 314 1,313 381 2.168 1.212 107 39 4 1,482 6 6 1S9 •1.5S 060 4,300 219 329 1,300 27 1 2.128 99.5 81 16 3 1,006 9 16 231 5tl 800 4,0‘d3 29 03 408 107 607 .371 77 12 ‘-i 402 2 56 112 200 Shepherds). BHBBIHAB. 167 280 1..57.5 439 83 193 938 .581 60 197 1.251 259 .592 453 1,572 681 295 4.53 1,221 4.50 86 302 1 ,829 615 58 170 1,227 413 12.5 214 546 276 175 151 701 210 100 153 779 129 103 184 710 189 2,461 1 781 1.5.3 I>l5 1,798 1 KOI 118 21 1.773 1 1,3.52 1.31 9 3,207 1 805 23 7 2,423 ; 885 78 21 2,862 1,351 287 51 1.868 ; 878 150 37 1,101 1 380 46 16 1,249 1 373 17 7 1,107 ! 5.30 65 17 1.186 j 653 89 7 5 001 j 7 9 7 1,010 ' 1 2 1,497 3 5 856 1 IM 4 080 10 2.3 4 1,095 4 A 1 1,000 1 4 8 460 1 3 0 1 590 1 15 3 006 i r, 7 1 760 i 0 8 « 172 .522 1 710 j 4,103 116 357 474 1 3,383 130 320 460 ■ 3,73H 118 .550 727 1 4,S30 146 416 026 I 4,030 15.5 741 004 5,400 129 478 oil i 3,343 71 238 o2l 1,03H 91 333 452 3,009 170 •61 640 3,3 IH 88 231 555 3,300 Oil-Pressers. LU. 261 467 1,711 239 471 ai.5 3,4.32 621 461 706 2,987 370 75 103 627 66 76 164 691 86 40 . 70 241 61 70 ,27* 650 89 398 1,290 228 43 116 279 ' 25 48 79 318 37 40 91 890 74 9 20 187 13 10 66 277 31 460 664 1,869 388 86.3 084 2,802 748 2,71 1 1,100 ;j9 21 6,372 2,3G6 101 16 4,650 1,639 23 8 771 307 0 4 907 41.3 20 6 405 196 10 1 1,006 ' 511 37 <1 2,007 912 33 28 463 1 190 5 2 482 ; 210 8 601 386 29 1 238 149 6 ... 387 268 2.3 •• 3,290 1,362 64 13 6.397 2,256 1.33 29 1 1 1,101 1 7 8!» .3 2.480 , n Titl 3 1,673 j 17 .39 1 340 2 6 A39 , 3 8 1 .,108 1 ... 4 3 692 ... K 1 1 1,004 • 4 21 197 2 4 ' 281 6 11 4'9 4 ... IE6 1 . » 291 2 2 1,429 20 26 4 2,422 43 57 970 1,356 2,572 0,244 1.135 1,796 2.904 1,592 1,931 5,682 9,785 l!tO 326 624 1,043 3w7 J 461 778 \ 3,134 97 113 «44 ! 857 2:;8 481 730 3,4i7 667 1,099 1,701 4,883 1.37 239 378 1,018 140 2.39 406 1 1,148 S8 13.8 250 1,347 52 IH) 144 SXl 26 93 123 801 270 612 668 3,077 760 9.56 1,816 • 0833 2 It ft ( 466 ) TABLE D.-!— Mar D— Artisan and Village Menul.— TB A.-MAL13S. DisTKicra. Married. Unmarried. Widonverb, Total males. 0—9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40- Total. 0—9 10- 16- 40- Total. Jlardivfin 8 so 1.786 988 2,817 1..515 695 822 28 3,060 1 3 112 401 616 e,303 Jtankura 38 384 10,092 6,368 16.472 8,338 3,433 4,293 88 16,162 1 7 738 1,707 2,613 33,137 Itirhhum 2 25 400 188 621 280 93 61 0 449 ... ... 21 60 81 1,131 Midnapur 36 170 7,217 8,905 1 1,334 0,646 3,005 2,903 72 12,626 1 a 307 004 1,276 93,134 Hufjli 8 67 2,793 1,000 4,468 2.277 1,040 1,439 48 4.804 1 1 220 646 868 10,130 nottrrah .«• 1 8 .3.30 210 666 .362 200 131 3 686 ... ... IS 66 71 1,319 24-ParaanaH 6 21 072 6.37 1,236 1,864 313 298 29 2,404 1 ... 40 111 162 3,881 NfoHa 3 1 00 80 174 IGl 65 79 7 302 ... ... 7 36 43 319 Murahidabad 10 65 1,009 676 1,760 992 30Q 4(9 20 1,867 ... 1 57 199 267 3,834 Jesaor • •• 2 17 743 534 1.296 841 368 605 49 1,763 1 ... 42 174 217 3,376 Khttlnn 11 24 818 472 1.326 677 308 855 29 1,369 1 1 01 158 221 9,913 JtnjHhahl 2 231 133 306 211 110 143 20 484 ... ... 10 67 70 096 •inlpatguri 3 6 105 09 272 150 71 86 1 308 ... ... 18 42 039 Dffccn 12 87 1,370 710 2.186 1,481 605 .354 16 2.466 ... a 40 130 188 4,839 JFnridpiir 8 62 080 477 1,233 1,007 301 215 34 1,667 ... 1 31 120 168 9,048 BackhargatiJ 5 61 1,318 701 2,136 486 276 432 63 1,256 ... 4 71 200 281 3,079 AtalmanHingh 9 65 l,4.'i3 063 2,170 1,.300 602 344 25 2,171 ... 1 70 90 170 4,311 Vhlttngong ... 1 231 150 382 870 110 125 1 612 ... ... 10 26 36 1,030 Noukhali 6 25 OIW 405 006 635 219 300 61 1,106 1 1 25 107 134 2,934 Tippt'ra 1 10 40.3 380 890 602 206 259 30 1,003 ... 2 17 65 84 9,037 Batna ,,, 311 093 7,.303 6.()<52 13,669 0,409 2,029 1,610 82 10,096 15 21 406 862 1,364 93,190 Oaya 3.'0 1,267 6,084 4,308 12,069 6,206 1,895 059 88 9,238 14 28 .322 715 1,079 99,386 Shahnbad 231 834 4,401 2,218 7,777 4.127 1,122 622 45 6,816 11 10 290 SSI 701 14,904 Ht Mzaffarptir 1,611 2,348 8 7,017 4,240 16,822 6.904 1,085 418 27 7,494 43 103 419 757 1,316 24,033 baran .314 1,414 0,552 6,068 10.048 O.GOO 2,793 1,260 61 13,760 4 14 309 981 1,318 33,090 t'hnmparan 433 1,426 8,95S 4,001 16,607 6.857 1,773 1,220 64 0,914 9 42 480 001 1,432 90,833 Jttonghyr ... 765 1,463 7,051 4, .578 13,837 0,704 1,476 751 48 9,000 28 05 308 080 1,081 23,087 iihngaJpuT l,8Gl 2, .573 11,090 6.478 21,602 10.715 1,215 546 20 12,606 01 127 820 1.057 2,101 SOflOa JPUTHOa 136 45*8 4,731 2,410 7,781 3,827 1,174 1,015 29 6,046 0 69 44S G30 1.149 14,975 Malda 6 47 043 487 1,483 i jl 949 292 310 8 1,666 ... ... 61 111 162 3x910 Suntal ParganaB 230 464 2,25)1 1,015 3,000 1 1,077 358 163 11 2.499 9 17 70 159 261 6,730 Catfnek 22 23-i 7,192 4,283 1 1,733 ! 7,016 S.426 2.451 40 12,931 ... 2 176 G05 783 23,447 Purl 8 129 6, COO 3,214 8,867 i 4,022 2,187 1,200 12 7,61 1 ... 1 207 603 811 17,279 BalaHOr 29 270 0,523 3,702 10,614 6,020 2,864 2,259 116 1 1,268 1 8 103
  23. 826 22,708 A ngut 1 35 795 4^0 1,241 333 127 113 671 1 2 21 80 63 1,873 JJaznribngh m 1,241 6.879 2,003 10, 166 ii,m 1^303 582 14 10,476 10 82 247 401 729 91,360 Lohftrdaga 2S4 740 3.935 1,043 6,602 4,001 1,003 447 22 6,633 5 22 214 828 669 19,704 3Innhhufn 84 188 1,011 473 1,766 814 209 118 13 1,164 6 8 41 79 134 3,044 StngJihhum a 29 450 21.3 006 384 163 121 6 664 ... 1 13 89 63 1,419 D — Artisan, &c.— . KUM

    Bardwan 8 41 1,05-t 328 1,431 185 309 S.H8 18 1,460 73 249 • 322 3,203 Bankura 16 61 1,378 788 2,243 1,236 623 470 18 2,246 ... 80 197 277 4,700 Birbhum 3 36 982 468 1,489 724 283 313 16 1,336 a 73 193 268 3,003 Mldnapur 30 179 3,‘481 1,931 6,627 8,246 1,741 590 60 6,626 5 106 906 1,066 19,319 Jlugli 2 10 743 486 1,191 660 248 250 7 1,066 ... 41 140 187 9,443 Hmcrah 1 ... 7 304 177 488 375 143 128 ... 646 ... 8 47

    6 b 1,189 ( 487 ) aiAGE»BY Caste — continued. 27 — Oil-Pressers — concluded,
  24. B— FEMALES. Unmauiuku. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-0 10-r 16- 40- Total. 0-0 10- 15- 40- Total 2,792 12,1 18 412 7.462 4,034 505 808 336 1,308 1,184 603 421 146 1,470 1,100 710 1,007 478 760 601 6,137 4.601 2.400 4,658 6.400 3,603 4,258 6,866 3,000 1,104 1,038 0.422 3.100 6.030 148 2,078 1,000 608 334 ' Mi JMO/ 1*131 94/ifil 11*137 U473 774 3Mt i»,374 y3u 55H s,Hm 4,M3 4*8m y,071 ifUyy iSdtHOU 24,30ii i3 , Vil7 ii7,3Hi 37*248 iHl*4U4 38*138 33,340 14,048 3,783 0,805 29,245 17*014 23,990 1*007 19,401 ^orfitoo 3/»39 1,393 28 — Potters. HAR • 10 22 608 778 10 35 628 808 3 15 \h2 770 21 • 8C 1,.300 2,778 4 16 801 536 ... 1 104 217 4,to8 ts^tn 0 1 8 9,481 2 H 2 ( 468 ) TABLE D.Mar D — Artisan and Village Menial.— KUM a.-maIjEs. DiSTKICTfi. Makried. UNMARKII'D. Widowers. Total iuulu.s. 0-9. 10— 15 — 40— Totul, 0-9. 10— 15— 40*- Total. 0-0. 10- 15— 40- Total. •J 4 ~l*nrgnnas 8(1 71 1,197 830 2.434 1.550 617 542 28 2,743 2 80 262 344 StS’ril 2 1!) 1,4S4 1,0.36 2,640 1,80.5 005 710 50 3,236 ... ... 90 3.52 442 ,Te'sor N r.i 2,010 1.2S3 3,386 2,008 907 R42 37 3,704 ... 5 1'4S 414 667 7,71G ]tf iirshitlohatl G 31 1,117 6S1 1,741 1,010 4.30 444 24 7.814 1 1 59 232 293 3,94S Khtiluti 18 62 1.271 813 2,179 1,145 680 880 33 2,144 4 84 237 326 ninoJiHir 1 16 4(H 219 734 433 130 198 2 763 80 48 78 J,67r, linjshnhi 2 30 1,010 .691 1,839 935 300 438 21 1,767 1 4 63 198 260 3,6G!i Banypur 1 9 33S 209 657 300 14.5 173 10 634 2 37 88 127 1,318 ^hyrn 2 Jj 653 310 882 598 174 230 15 1,017 41 119 160 Vahna :i 16 1.07! 6S1 1,771 1,133 441 4M 43 2.101 ... 1 70 203 274 4,146 tfalpaiyuri 7 397 268 662 475 217 207 10 060 ... JJ2 06 148 1,779 Jiacca 2V i:.2 2.3S4 1.171 3,731 2.3.39 763 .532 42 3,666 1 3 H7 320 41 1 7,808 Fa rid pur 9 03 1,031 1.017 2.773 1,703 001 047 58 3,129 4 1 8.5 .304 464 G,356 Unhharganj 1« 80 1,169 055 1,910 1,02s 302 422 19 1,831 2 3 04 173 242 3,983 Maimanulnyh s 21 1,061 liTiO 1,760 416 651 40 2,363 2 80 200 288 4,401 Chittayony 1 1 110 90 214 1.57 63 m» 1 31 1 ... 3 10 10 444 NoaJchali ... 12 602 3S2 896 554 260 353 ,30 1,107 0 29 135 166 a, *449 Tipprra n 10 l.lSl 800 2.01 1 1,200 5;i.5 048 35 2,424 ... 64 200 270 4,0 05 Patjia ‘iSO 022 3,111 1,919 6,962 2..3.51 .599 .375 48 3,373 5 12 172 881 670 9,904 Ofiya 391 (;63 ;;,293 2,2.60 6,603 2.802 790 130 71 4,003 3 24 183 478 688 11,384 Shalmbad 290 66.1 2, wo 1,197 4,602 1.930 514 376 50 2,870 14 28 205 .332 679 7,941 Darhhauya . . 1,63:. l/.H 6,700 3.288 12,267 .3.176 277 154 44 3,861 53 48 382 023 1,106 17,094 3fuzaffarpur 6-21. 960 2.861 1,783 0,218 1,894 317 IJIO 15 2,446 23 01 188 :«o 608 9,979 ♦S'rt ran 121 4h2 3,070 1,900 6.063 3,S27 1,098 450 24 6,406 3 7 117 305 432 11,400 Champa ran . IS!» 662 1 3,792 2,019 6.682 2,030 1 728 423 .30 3,817 4 1.5 201 380 066 11,0G5 Jihnyatpur 6.3S 909 4,60.S 2,2.33 8,348 3,2(W 1 484 203 10 3.061 20 49 249 44-4 768 13,077 3Ionyhyr •lU 911 3.3S5 2.21 1 0,067 1 3,009 580 2!).5 19 3,903 40 37 1.55 403 636 11 >495 Purtiea 41 127 1,322 782 2,272 1.284 a45 414 10 2,069 4 14 1.30 225 370 4,710 3Ialda .3 j i 7 3NS 190 694 323 99 IKl 3 668 ... 2 15 45 62 1,994 Santat Paryanas 167 1 422 2,030 1,002 3,641 1,812 385 144 5 2,346 C 10 80 1.50 262 6,939 «i Cuttack 6 103 3,111 1,898 6, 1 1 8 2,571 1,214 818 12 4,618 ... 2 72 335 409 10,148 Purl 3 <12 1,402 06.3 2,100 90S 441 220 C 1,676 ... ... 82 244 326 4,001 Balaaor 10 iSO 1.6S9 i 965 2.760 1,351 721 •409 5 2,646 2 65 129 186 8,482 Anyul u'ith Ha ndh Ma- hal

    3 3S 3H9 173 603 4,37 135 74 1 647 ... ... 27 19 46 1,990 Ilaz^fhhayh 329 601 2.803 1.318 6,064 2,0,1 4 070 ‘22.5 9 3,468 11 12 120 191 334 8,816 LoJuzrdaya 90 331 2,2S6 1,117 3,829 2, .5.57 791 S30 10 3,694 2 7 113 180 302 7,898 3tanbhutn 172 612 3.939 1,817 6,440 4,029 1,032 342 8 6,41 1 0 11 113 282 412 19,963 aiityhltham 3 33 84G 45(» 1,332 958 443 294 10 1,706 3 1 39 03 106 3,143 Tributary Stalf*, Oris- sa 29 179 3,097 1,01 4 4,910 2,002 1,306 839 25 6,131 1 4 137 261 40;» 10,483 Triltutnry States, Chutia Nay par 17 83 1,425 ‘741 2,206 1,663 C68 299 58 2,688 1 59 129 < 189 ^8,143 U — Artisan, &c. — 29 — A — SAN Paeea 6 24 ■» 401 2:19 670 370 147 77 4 608 4 ■ 40 44 { 1,312 Cuttack 1 11 150 116 1 278 120 58 53 2 239 16 31 46 863 < ( 469 ) maoet by Caste— 28— Potters — concluded. HAS — concluded. I B.-FEUALKS. Mabbibo 0-9. 10- 15- 240 445 1,488 106 450 2.009 34» ryiS 2,231 188 ' 288 1,085 115 282 1,233 27 58 438 123 235 1,061 20 76 347 48 00 536 81 276 1,174 6 85 510 281 664 2,404 170 587 1,800 172 311 1,318 73 227 1,103 14 41 161 53 120 607 74 829 1,3U 485 801 8,398 516 848 3,273 427 (’>21 2,652 2,350 1,016 5.H02 002 1.043 3,563 247 700 5,104 894 658 3,791 1.258 1,3{J3 4.437 041 1,219 3,826 285 2:11 1,284 23 62 801 471 2,082 48 508 3,509 18 404 1,090 66 876 ! 1,917 21 81 410 684 860 3.026 205 . 540 2,213 681 956 4,030 24 101 078 110 • 406 3,611 . 62 • 190 1,600

    Bracelet-Makers. KHABI. 88 n 126 414 88 177 Unmaruibi>. Widow?. Total Fomaloa* 40- Total. 0—9. 10- 15— 40- Total. 0-9. 10- 1.3- 40- Total. 220 2,399 1,251 75 8 1 1,336 15 81 430 878 1.354 If, OSS 310 2,066 1.023 79 4 2 1,708 4 19 i 786 1.6S3 2,492 7,16Jf 2{)7 3,614 1.681 GO 9 7 1,757 11 65 1.059 1,597 2,736 n,ooe 177 1,738 781 11 fi 1 802 3 21 446 975 1,446 140 1.770 1,371 78 16 2 1,467 3 17 330 615 1 095 4,!S5i6 48 671 .391 51 17 ... 459 2 5 151 ‘207 306 l

    130 1,630 912 26 4 2 044 7 16 416 8*20 1,280 3,77J 46 406 381 28 9 ... 418 1 3 140


    417 1,330 66 749 582 28 2 ... 012 4 12 216 t78 610 t,fi7t 185 1.716 1,031 59 K ... 1,008 4 •jO ♦ 4!)8 8S0 1,404 4,917 78 629 49J) 127 44 1 671 ... 1 111 2.35 347 J,«47 304 3,713 2,161 96 15 3 2,276 9 25 650 1,187 1.861 7,839 267 2,783 1.618 108 8 0 1,736 6 29 084 1,155 1,874 0,303 198 1 1,099 1.02t 77 5 8 1,109 5 19 388 821 1,236 4,344 130 1,693 1,142 70 10 1 1,229 3 6 399 800 1,207 4,090 17 223 158 9 8 17^ 1 2 7.3 105 183 370 85 866 557 32 1 3 603 2 6 251 401 C03 9,191 104 1,911 1,238 149 10 1 1.398 2 20 7.31 1,307 4,010 1,195 6,879 2.3r.2 251 32 12 2,647 10 89 2.38 1 ,225 1,662 10,080 1,094 6,331 2,767 41S 89 65 3,339 21 52 429 1,366 1,068 11,530 779 4,470 l.nf»8 19.3 .35 3 1,031 19 .37 .376 1.325 1,767 8,107 2,118 1 1,076 2.641 07 47 6 2,790 92 87 507 1,902 2,580 17,354 1,2W 6,841 2,029 175 37 9 2,260 ,32 213 897 1,185 10,970 1,0.37 7,688 4,1)30 682 103 6 4,821 3 6 411 1,810 2,203 14,009 1.043 6,806 2,662 im 81 5 3.080 21 40 372 1,153 1,580 10,057 1,434 8,462 2,9*21 99 20 7 3,047 51 80 483 1.437 2,064 13,003 l.UJG 7.422 2,810 291 47 13 3,101 52 40 463 1,170 ! 1,731 19,314 242 2,046 1,162 146 5*2 5 1,366 5 11 280 677 070 4,380 49 628 .3.58 ‘2.3 4 f 385 3 2 130 220 356 1,908 473 3,672 1,623 10.3 19 (1 1,747 12 19 202 61.5 078 j 0,907 1,005 6,160 2,620 752 106 5 3,483 1 11 *230 1!336 1,578 10,991 5.56 2,077 401 ,313 15 750 3 118 721 872 3,700 426 2,786 1,412 341 47 2 1,805 ... 10 2s2 881 1,176 5,700 81 693 471 95 1.5 3 584 2 4 :i6 123 IOC 1,349 659 6,230 2,416 1m5 .37 4 2,042 [ 19 29 3fH 809 1,158 735 3,693 2,46.3 .31.3 75 11 2,804 6 1.3 313 789 1,121 7,709 864 6,631 3,415 305 .57 7 3,784 15 .3*1 498 1,310 1,866 19,170 237 1,340 1,049 249 91 6 1,398 3 4 111 3'W 460 3,104 811 4.920 3,085 711 176 5 3,079 6 17 .3,»1 1,077 f.42l 10,390 j 369 2,227 1,691 356 91 8 2,149 1 •2 8 IWi 4<;2 066 6,031 1' 608 &53 21 3 2 287 123 32 6

  25. -



    1 370 3 5 84 194 280 ' 1,303 160 ... ... 20 88 108 1 1 ll 955 2 It 3 ( 470 ) TABLE D.— Mah D — Artisan and Village Menial. — NU A.-MALES. Districts. Married. Unmarried. WiDOWXBB. Total 0-9. 10— 15— 40— Total. 0— D. 10— 16— 40- Total. 0-9. 10— 16— 40- Total. muluB. liinaipur 4 35 as3 ^40 97 1 186 101 101 10 467 1 1 12 23 37 1,465 Rangpnr ... 7 610 275 802 191 77 167 34 469 1 38 66 106 1,406 nogra 2 35 8.'15 322 1,104 93 65 140 7 206 ... ... 26 21 47 1,530 Tlppera ... 20 52.3 106 700 46 37 74 3 150 1 10 9 20 888 Patna IHll 358 1,900 1,140 3,603 1,79.5 418 277 '25 2,616 2 6 90 287 386 0,493 Gaya 187 302 2,142 1,313 4,004 2.008 720 401 59 3,308 6 17 154 350 632 7,844 Shalhabad at 2.87 1,701 937 3,060 1,801 530 291 22 2,704 2 11 153 173 330 0,112 jDarbhanga 1,224 1,328 3,929 2,27S 8.769 2.H19 209 141 13 3,242 47 62 170 276 666 12,560 Mutaffarpttr 1*21 1,830 5.897 3,800 1 l,66i 5.040 1,130 351 22 6,662 18 41 206 428 693 18,890 Saran 275 1,213 7.802 0.005 16,206 12,406 4.0H4 1,. 5.3.9 69 18,148 3 6 235 849 1.093 34,530 Champaran 251 779 7,473 4,308 12,871 6,493 2,119 1,271 60 8,933 7 31 429 717 1,184 23,988 Bhagalpur 80 2.59 128 630 289 43 18 361 3 4 13 16 36 917 Monghyr 78 170 010 400 1,364 5.83 109 89 10 861 4 8 38 100 160 2,355 Purnea 30 112 1,58.1 829 2.663 908 285 2.3S 14 1,606 2 ... 95 146 243 4,311 Hataribagh 12 28 150 71 261 149 4!) 14 ... 212 ... 1 4 12 17 490 Lohardaga ■< 20 38 9", 2 128 438 217 77 20 2 352 ... 3 17 22 42 832 Kwh Biftar ... 10 21 374 146 661 8^4 33 IJl 7 236 1 10 16 27 813 D — Artisan, &c. — 31— BAITI nugli 1 3 V 170 109 209 151 47 60 5 263 13 34 47 599 24-Pargana9 3 9 61 104 237 156 74 62 282 ... 4 30 34 553 Cutiaeh D — Abtisan, &c. — 32 — Goldsmiths Nrr 4 160 72 226 15.3 01 79 2 326 ... ... 4 11 16 500 D — Aetisan, &c.— 33 — JHO V JjOhardaga 76 52 226 169 612 278 129 56 2 464 • 7 14 21 997 THbuUiTry 8tate$, Ori$$a

    5 253 1P7 426 26S 1.38 120 2 623 ... 8 11 27 4o . 9^ D— Aetisan, &c, — 34— AS 2 8 265 174 499 1 102 63 n 654 ■ ■ 10 11 ■ ItOtO Tjohwrdaffa biaoe. by Caste — continued. 30 — Salt-Workers. NIYA. ( ) B.— FBMALES. Mabrixd. UNMABfilBP. Widows. Total fciualus. 0-9. 10— 15— 40— Total. 0—9. 10— 15— 40— Total. 0—9. 10- 16- 40— Total. 12 1 67 300 48 427 117 15 11 173 2 1 i 26 W 72 070 8 38 117 14 177 80 11 4 1 06 ... 1 27 42 73 J40 2 32 156 25 216 70 10 4 ... 84 ... 16 11 30 2 16 83 15 116 28 5 33 ... ... 9 5 14 193 206 410 2.047 719 3,472 1,702 291 41 13 2,063 4.5 23 319 062 1,070 9,904 300 502 2,651 1.364 4,817 1,894 270 52 17 2.233 10 10 275 770 1,071 198 443 1,890 579 3.1 19 1,933 268 31 3 2,236 5 11 283 095 094 9,349 1,742 1,372 4,867 1,GG2 0,643 2,-115 116 23 3 2,667 56 70 400 1,531 2,060 I4fii90 1,212 1.751) 6,909 2,033 12,613 4,895 610 8.5 13 6.003 33 51 492 1,791 2,367 iiO,4H3 602 1,916 14,685 6.327 22,630 12,981 2,491 472 31 16,078 11 31 1,298 4,777 6.1 17 44,923 -484 1,200 8,1-10 2,761 12,048 6,832 1,110 213 8 8,103 13 41 757 2,558 3,372 94,913 104 00 697 122 1,013 273 9 3 ... 286 3 6 28 150 187 1,493 lfi2 224 849 204 1,610 475 70 10 ... 666 10 13 80 178 281 9,335 127 242 1,062 261 1,682 788 103 25 1 017 1 12 128 3)7 480 3,097 27 55 168 34 284 148 12 2 1 163 1 1 19 (J3 84 331 31 46 255 77 409 207 31 7 1 330 2 I 27 88 1 18 909 20 21 126 16 183 41 9 19 72 ... ... 17 22 30 904 Lime-Burners. OB OHUNABI. 81 40 176 18 266 122 4 128 1 1 2 87 120 216 Oim 22 27 123 10 182 115 2 117 1 87 84 172 471 BeAise-OoUectors. ARI. 1 26 213 36 1G2 32 30 ... 1 38 »! 1 Gold-Washers. BA. 8 • 25 270 47 360 300 70 22 1 309 2 1 ::9 • 1 176 3 • 7 326 87 422 323 113 . 39 1 476 21 102 123 Iron-Smelters. UB. 6 j 298 185 460 315 90 25 8 463 ... • 16 < 69 i 970 1 ' T 2 H 4 ( 472 ) TABLE D.i-Mar D— Artisan and Village Menial. — 36— gon
  26. -MALES.

    Dl&THlCTS. Married. Unmarriid. Widowers. Total 1 males. 0—0 10— 15— 40- Totul. 0—9 10- 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. Shahabad 4 21 1.35 99 269 1.34 46 28 208 1 1 4 8 14 481 Haran 219 1,002 6.793 3,740 10,764 7,550 2,297 963 30 10.849 1 17 211 650 879 92,483 Chnmparan 12S 4C0 .3,702 1.939 6.229 2,906 1,001 580 27 4,613 2 7 203 351 663 11,40& Darhhnnga m 457 1,933 1,320 4,099 1,123 198 ISO 31 1,482 25 20 lie 177 338 s,yio Mutaffarpur 82 257 1,122 772 2,233 920 209 126 12 1.266 8 9 63 106 186 3fi8d Bhagalinir c:.i 89.5 4, (5.15 2,123 8.614 3,283 661 348 12 4,306 28 41 335 519 918 13,838 JUonghyr 72 1.84 1.249 766 2,260 1,236 277 08 10 1,621 6 9 CO 126 200 4,081 Purnea 90 2.51 2,323 1.215 3,879 1.648 412 277 8 2,376 0 25 224 302 660 6,814 JUalda 3 17 391 2,58 669 477 119 123 7 726 ... 2 18 62 72 1^07 KA JlHf/fi ... 4 205 111 320 i 115 61 67 3 276 ... 2 6 22 30 626 gd-PargattuH 3 225 113 341 1 187 117 83 6 392 ... 7 30 37 770 JUttrshidabad ... 3 10(5 95 264 150 60 65 ... 265 ... 1 4 12 17 346 Kfiufna ... 4 1(5.3 106 273 171 53 35 1 263 ... ... 11 19 30 366 Dacca ... 9 311 177 407 163 65 67 2 307 ... ... 9 23 32 836 Patna Gift 1,609 11,996 6,928 21,076 8,851 2,665 1,5S5 1.59 13.260 12 63 cso 1,180 1,836 36,171 Gaya Clfi 1,893

    11,242 8,042 21,796 11,700 3,587 1,(521 438 17,340 64 51 810 1,544 2,469 41,610 SItahabad 2r4 981 6,991 3,125 1 0,364 5,490 2,112 084 69 8,661 13 33 410 540 086 20,011 Darbhanga 77 145 8.54 413 1,489 486 90 43 3 628 1 0 40 54 )0I 2,218 Muzaffarpur 2(57 G(i.3 2,114 1,3.36 4,320 1,871 410 129 7 2,420 8 28 105 105 S06 7,046 Saran 103 427 3^05

    1,5)29 6,513 3.498 1,100 462 26 6,084 2 G 115 304 427 11,034 PlMmparan ... 45 108 7(58 359 1.280 576 145 80 7 814 1 1 39 75 Mo 2,210 Bhagafpur 19.5 021 4,072 1,978 6,766 3,430 81.8 2!»4 6 4,648 5 27 169 253 464 11,768 3Ionghyr yis 801 4,911 3,002 9.126 4,.3Hr> 1,306 490 35 G.226 7 47 202 377 633 15,083 Pur-nea 17 77 1,23.1 763 2.081 1,101 a»6 365 11 1,823 3 3 96 120 222 4,126 JUalda 1 6 415 2.32 663 402 148 167 3 710 ... ... 21 82 B3 1,416 Sautnl Parganaa ... 131 272 1,718 m 2,066 1,697 301 100 2 2,000 3 11 46 100 160 3,126 JUazaribagh lS(i « 469 3,413 1.799 6,867 8,;W3 1,180 477 14 6,004 8 18 169 275 470 11,331 LoharUagn 143 439 3,309 1,667 6,468 3,27!) 1,103 401 20 4,803 6 14 181 234 434 10,603 Tributary Statea, Chutia yaupur 4 9 190 61 264 160 61 40 1 261 ... 2 10 22 34 339 •*s. KB liardwan 13 310 i;i8 176 79 01 2 321 IS 43 66 i 838 Jtankura O 8 255 142 407 197 133 113 8 461 •9 1

    13 36 60 908 Birbhum ...

    8 41 598 347 994 428 119 lOG 8 061 ... 1 37 63 101 1,736 Mi^tMpur ... 1 1.57 93 261 146 82 69 2 269 ... ... 10 8 h8 , 368 Harbhanga 2,377 3,008 11,362 6,130 22.067 7,315 674 198 28 8,M6 90 133 404 661 1,287 32,369 Mutaffarpur 807 4!)7 1,009 600 2,413 639 141 38 9 821 12 23 63 90 188 3,422 Champaran 15 00 1,008 532 (.624 623 208 169 6 1,006 2 6 102 102 212 2,842 Bhagatpur 1,927 2,341 8,973 4,012 17,268 6,671 481 208 24 6,384 60 83 809 1,449 2,401 26,038 Monghyr 4.1 74 .38^ 234 737 536 99 34 5 674 2 6 23 64 84 1,493 Purnca 105 313 2,931 1,477 4,826 2.386 642 396 C 3,330 8 22 280 826 631 8,787 Maida ... 2 . 292 100 499 496

    125 96 4 721 1 0 14
  27. 1,244 Hantal Parganaa ... 3 32 247 140 422 242 86 41 1 360 1 12 23 36 827 [iGB BS continued. [shermen, Palki-Bearers, &p, ai< t «3 ) B.— FEMALES. Married. Ukmarrikd. Widows. j Total femalut. 0-9 10- 16— 40- TotAl. 1 I 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total, 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. 31 47 478 4;i 699 180 70 3 2 261 08 132 1 099 40C 1,503 9,616 3,(Vt5 14,670 7.942 1,315 227 22 0,630 0 19 861 8,222 4,108 ' 98,914 237 608 4,2 W 1,235 6,320 3,008 471 105 13 3,600 3 11 320 1,116 1,463 It, 813 .. 638 665 2,285 846 4,434 1,020 71 I 30 H 1,129 36 57 191 ooo 887 €,430 223 869 1,271 408 2,261 m 87 16 10 977 4 28 125 313 470 ; 3,708 1,103 1,270 4.6-M 1,294 8.406 2,923 171 26 6 3,120 48 Cl 601 1,700 2,410 13,039 258 334 1,497 463 2,662 1,197 81 7 4 1,289 11 17 176 602 708 4, €30 303 430 2,238 416 3,386 1,619 90 13 5 1,627 20 41 430 892 1,383 , €,30€ 30 04 5:16 89 740 431 73 6 3 613 6 7 132 201 436 ! 7, €07 AR. 13 42 03 32 ISO 128 8 ... 1 137 ... S 56 134 109 310 7 4.3 208 17 276 101 5 1 ... 167 2 .35 65 102 344 17 47 183 35 282 133 6 ... ... 139 ... 47 100 169 674 15 31 203 28 270 105 10 ... ... 176 ... 28 52 80 331 7 3C 158 40 241 159 16 1 ... 170 ... 1 28 Cl 80 307 1,098 2,2.53 13,783 4,219 21,363 0,219 1,815 2.52 49 1 10,836 20 53 1,435 5,195 8,703 38, HOI 1,257 8,214 16,433 5,616 26,660 12,226 1,786 26.3 259 14,634 70 187 2,040 7,407 8,779 30,837 48b 1,255 7,720 1,1H2 1 1,403 6,165 829 Ci 7 6,066 20 24 1,205 3,018 4,267 91,733 100 182 8.34 289 1,496 601 40 16 1 667 17 U 7.3 2CS 371 9,433 442 801 2,560 063 4,866 1,765 192 28 6 1,991 21 20 230 f 890 1,170 8,017 298 712 4,990 1,724 7,724 3,808 635 98 12 4,653 8 474 1,966 2,456 14,759 88 148 759 227 1,222 557 76 22 1 666 1 0
  28. 240 337 9,915 635 901 1 4,3S2 991 6,969 3,280 227 21 8 3,531 22 45 5.3.5 1,060 2.268 19,788 752 1,243 6,477 1,816 0.288 5,151 377 88 3 6,619 22 32 C94 2.:yM) 9,078 17,083 03 180 1,217 177 1,667 990 144 83 5 1,172 0 0 229 505 762 3,391 16 63 452 64 606 418 52 6 ... ’ 476 ... 1 137 283 421 1,409 306 450 1,855 404 9.014 1,871 88 16 .3 1,478 11 17 192 640 866 3,138 442 0.32 ' 4,337 978 6,680 3,316 414 72 7 9,809 13 15 676 2.620 13,018 859 €71 .3,81.3 922 6,766 3,120 509 74 8 3,71 1 5 35 441 1.439 1,020 11,30€ 2 20 109 24 216 1.50 45 11 ... 206 ... 32 6.5 87 318 ^AT. ( 474 ) TABLE D.~liLi D — Artisan and Village Menial.— S.B\9 A.-: MALES. ...... i DlSTKICTS. AIabbied. UlTMAKRlED. WiDOWEEB. 1 1 Total malwk 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10— 15- 40- ToUl, 0-9 10— 16— 40- Total. Cuttack 14 1U9 6,149 4,033 1 10,306 ! 1 6.621 3,279 2,007 28 12,636 1 1 165 623 600 Vuri 3 01 3,776 2,207 6.097 3,4ri9 1,674 1,219 14 6,366 1 126 368 404 12,057 Angul tciih Kanflh Mahals 1 10 421 221 666 S-IO 127 108 2 677 15 26 41 1*274 liazaribaf/h 19 02 29!) 137 607 289 93 41 2 425 1 2 13 26 42 074 Jttanbhutn G 10 179 88 200 167 41 28 3 239 2 13 18 33 661 Tributary States, Orissa 20 190 4,970 2,GV5 7,826 4,223 1,8!)6 1,312 21 7,406 4 173 322 400 \ Tributary States, Vhutia Xagpur 10 03 090 410 1.187 { 713 306 135 r.9 1,213 1 27 67 86 2,455 KHA ruH 1 1 91 12-1 216 166 03 1 327 i 3 26 20 672 MA JHrhhum ... 19 83 569 414 1,086 6-13 36 113 2 704 40 143 183 2,063 Nadia 12 37 2,193 1,B74 3,816 2,5.31 1,00.3 1,214 ■1.3 4,701 1 ... 03 363 467 0,064 desMor 4 22 1,159 869 2,054 I,3l6 551 624 18 2,639 3 4 66 232 304 4,m Murohidabad 2 27 870 497 1,406 469 215 .327 9 1.020 2.3 71 04 2,610 Khulna 8 .29 1,411 802 2,260 81C 370 420 16 1,646 64 173 237 4,132 Kajshahi 1 6^ 635 362 1,004 418 211 3-11 8 078 2 30 7.3 106 2,087 Bogra 1 31 709 418 1,162 709 202 2^11 8 1,160 1 35 76 1 1 1 2,433 Malda 3 13 415 250 717 411 111 173 2 760 ... OH 68 106 1,683 Santai Parganas 6 18 371 258 663 45'! 1.30 .50 3 637 2 24 37 1,337 MUBJ . - 24^Parganas 1 1 111 107 220 232 88 19 339 6 19 26 684 Purnea 5 13 349 279 646 4.3b 133 03 3 864 1 3 61 83 137 1,447 Malda 2 8 174 121 306 201 61 47 ... 309 10 16 26 639 .5^ NA 2 5 2.',8 2U0 466 361 1C* 137 1 663 • 18 26 43 1,17/ • SUBA Bhagatpur 8 26 , 22* 121 370 142 41 17 200 2 4 11 17 606 Menghyr 28 111 63* 271 944 448 161 49 2 660 1 4 SI 83 68 i,m» Malda 3 20 691 800 020 178 80 114 8 374 ... 1 6 24 1 siAflE BY Caste— Fishermen, Palki-Bearers, &o.conttmed. — concluded. ( 475 ) B.-VKMALES. Maraibd. Unmaruied. Widows. funialoN. 0-a 10- 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15— ■to- Total. 0—9 10- 15- 40- Total. G3 759 7,840 1,908 10.636 7,101 2,100 305 9 9,636 1 19 093 3.4n
  29. . ' I ■ — .. . 101 169 605 273 1,138 <124 no 21 3 658 3 5 28-4 307 590 2,905 200 692 2,690 400 3,704 1 2,223 104 14 5 2,346 6 19 901 1,813 2,730 0,870 137 370 1,493 225 2,226 1,207 54 10 4 1,336 10 20 66.1 933 1,628 5,088 68 121 510 88 787 43S 14 ... 1 463 1 0 2.50 472 720 1,000 111 246
  30. 128 1,435 811 40 17 1 876 4 2S / 308 543 883 3,10^ 42 1L3 470 O'J 094 354 22 1 1 370 3 210 429 648 1,790 80 149 684 90 1,009 710 30 4 760 4 0 2.52 32S 500 9,340 83 152 053 80 074 4S1 29 3 613 3 3 242 403 061 9,138 25 102 457 113 697 434 1 37 9 ... 480 ... 57 IKG 243 1,490 fABI. 7 59 108 174 20S 30 3 3 310 1 2 27 30 66 340 42 81 497 72 692 404 38 8 ... 460 1 5 1.30 270 406 1,348 13 86 290 41 386 324 47 15 ... 380 1 1 56 *02 218 oo 27 • 388 88 612 361 129 41 ... 631 1 1 ... 1 • 49 163 212 IIYA. 8 80 166 32 226

  31. 100 9 109 2 • 1 30 97 130 433 66 186 602 267 1,061 649 68 22 ... 630 1 3 117 261 382 9,000 1 •29 206 21 267 166 12 6 .» 184 1 1 50 94 146 383 ( 476 ) TABLE D.— Mai D — ^Artisan and Viixade Menial. 36 - Tn A.-MALES. Districts. Married. Unmarried. Widowers. Total males. 0-9 19- 16- 40— Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10— 15— 40— Total. JUUlnapur 3 16 820 420 1.260 700 289 210 3 1,301 ... 21 65 76 59,636 llUffti ... 2 209 118 418 180 52 74 ... 312 ... ... 8 30 38 709 Howrah 2 20 1,218 725 1,966 1.5i)4 629 410 21 2,660 ... ... 18 113 131 4,036 24‘Pargana$ 27 107 6,030 3.007 8,321 5,526 1,610 1,430 48 8,623 16 14 196 GOO 916 J7,m Nadia 2 8 249 198 467 201 83 83 3 370 ... n .38 49 870 Murshidabad 15 35 2,148 1,308 3,606 2.130 732 653 10 3,431 1 3 60 103 266 7,m Khulna 3 25 806 295 1,128 642 211 2.35 8 1,006 ... 1 S4 108 143 2M7 IHnajpur 1 5 188 08 292 104 43 80 6 282 ... ... 15 22 37 021 Jtajuhah i G 11 297 173 487 301 112 141 12 666 ... 1 18 45 64 i,ny Dacca 1 12 694 303 910 384 148 101 8 720 ... ... 33 78 1 1 1 1,730 Maimansinyh 1 16 005 .307 028 438 186 265 21 810 ... 23 102 126 1,903 Patna 8 32 120 53 221 156 G3 26 1 246 ... .3 27 22 62 BID Surun 2 2 42 33 79 101 22 7 ... 220 ... ... 2 8 10 309 Bhagalpttr 40 80 091 377 1,188 676 i;i8 79 1 704 ••• G 35 59 100 8,0H2 Monghyr 209 6S7 2,401 l,C:i(5 4,083 2,.302 420 28 0 2,766 9 14 116 244 383 8,13 1 Purnea 23 138 2,013 1,230 3.434 2,071 (528 469 7 3,176 ... 11 119 212 342 0,95t Malda

    8 39 1,004 1,125 3,076 2,203 C58 ; 718 7 3,686 ... 1 83 167 261 . 6,913 Cuttack ... 1 119 08 247 153 GO 84 2 249 ... 6 14 20 610 Puri 1 1 123 OS 223 105 111 72 378 12 14 26 697 D — Aktisan, &c. — 36- KAI Patna G 64 622 422 1,104 562 203 147 6 918 39 72 [ 1 1 1 2,133 Qaya 5 36 188 125 364 193 68 29 11 291 J 14 27 42 087 Shalhobad 226 500 2,619 1,561 4.990 2,901 G78 m 41 4.061 4 9 204 27C 403 9,540 Darhihanga 213 278 2,023 l.OIW 3,682 1,288 312 16H 16 1,784 12 9 72 1.53 246 5,019 Muxaffarpur 3.32 639 2,583 1,779 6,233 2,1CG 719 4[K) 38 3,363 7 24 172 366 669 9,105 Saran


    23 242 2,SH6 1,854 6,005 2,006 1,028 G12 27 4,003 1 6 Uli 357 • 607 10,110 Champaran 122 4(56 4.767 2,(560 8.016 4,021 1,3.33 1,107 52 0,610 3 16 270 406 701 13,399 Bhagalpttr 2SS GU 51,727 1,913 6,660 3,85.3 675 471 18 4,017 11 27 252 376 666 11,239 Monghyr 101 2.37 1,297 071 2,606 1,3.33 482 257 44 2,110 8 17 04 214 333 6,055 Purnea ... 20 71 1,029 565 1,686 022 239 281 11 1,163 1 4 03 134 232 3,070 • Santal Pargnnaa ... 10 49 575 321 066 60C 16G 115 2 770 1 1 40 .07 109 1,845 Lohardaga 0 63 370 100 622 352 02 75 ... 610 1 1 22 41 66 1,806 Tributary States, Chutia Nagpur 14 55 331 108 60 1 123 87 4 656 2 » 2 32 39 76 1,231 PA Patna 351 654 4.240 2,663 7,008 6,545 Oaya 377 787 4,622 3,001 8,787 4,525 Shahabad 63 151 94t cat 1,792 1,096 Darbhanga 176 352

    1,768 1,10 1 3,400 i,at5 Musaffarpttr 37 9!) 533 ,328 007 361 Saran 17 00 668 417 1,162 €91 ( 477 ) biage by Caste — continued. Fishermen, Palki-Bearers, &c.~concluded. AB- I It.-FKMALrs. Mabribu. 1 , Unmauuild. WimiWH, Total 0-9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10 - 15- W— Tomi. U— 9 10- 15— 40— Totiil. toinaluN. GO ICO 001 108 1,236 091 13 8 2 ! 744 1 V 10 200 35.5 600 U 4:1 180 31 274 177 0 ... 2 185 ... ... 09 lOl 170 029 125 329 1,411 220 2.121 1,3GS 30 5 1,403 ’ 2 10 117 I.M9 4,643 M2 1,050 4.94^1. 707 7,309 4.927 181 27 9 5.147 ; 19 59 l.SOO 2,001 4.000 17,064 17 85 100 51 340 100 7 1 ... 108 ; ... 4 71 1.59 234 7M 190 , 514 2,202 403 3,376 1.930 81 15 4 2,030 7 21 712 2,234 7,639 108 180 551 137 070 588 19 7 1 015 j rj 13 187 411 019 2,210 15 207 25 201 155 12 3 .. 170 1 2 0 SO 12t 212 663 41 70 im 41 406 259 13 2 ... 274 1 3 12 109 251 436 1,194 12 75 395 01 643 379 45 2 420 1 1 1 1 ' 1 133 210 346 1,314 51 189 308 59 007 400 23 9 4 442 1 1 8 210 313 602 1,701 15 • 51 374 117 667 203 4H IL 1 204 ; 1 1 17(1 242 1,Mi3 7 27 329 125 488 250 U 3 1 304 ! 1 2 30 138 170 062 {)5 157 758 193 1,203 520 41 0 1 671 1 0 10 123 297 430 2,210 G94 732 2,755 1,172 6,363 2.il5 221 31 3 2,070 23 21 28'. 87 s 1,207 9,236 211 470 2,437 402 3,620 2,0 U 212 41 7 2,304 1 5 32 ir.7 1 ,009 1,66'{ 7,3S7 69 272 2,280 348 2,076 2,Ut 257 92 2 2,406 ' 3 18 r.7i 1,100 1,760 7,228 17 195 49 261 150 Ot 4 1 226 ... 11 47 60 614 1 0 210 32 249 171 88 11 ... 273 j 1 2t 100 622 Distillers, &c. WAB. 10 114 710 17 48 303 370 7441 3,817 300 403 1,955 287 GOS 3,748 98 &2« 4,430 287 701 6,150 720 855 3.852 301 354 1,401 72 111 703 35 109 633 25 73 410 28 77 339 SI. 615 1.021 6,689 G20 1.234 6,191 82 276 1,113 327 433 ! 1,901 72 90 1.474 41 • 108 707 215 1,066 473 100 8 2 583 1 2 105 H2 1 610 1 2,167 120 488 251 3 k 3 288 j 1 .30 151 101 1 967 1,032 6,002 2,870 382 2t i 3.277 1 3 10 500 1,01.3 2, ! 00 1 11,426 001 3.310 j;i2o 131 2t 3i 1,404 j 10 •J3 175 705 910 6,722 998 6,641 2,327 303 50 3 2,080 1 10 10 23.3 l.<'2t 1.277 1 9,607 1,405 0,460 3.035 .570 SS 0 3,706 1 5 5 4tS • 2,625 i 12,689 i.on 7,842 3,873 05.5 129 11 4,608 1 1 29 5.50 1,957 2,637 ; 1 16,017
  32. 0.427 2,512 213 33 0 2,764 1 21 4H 500 l.0'>9 2,170 ; 11,369 6341 2,040 1,251 200 19 0 1,486 1 9 IS 201 rj7 8 ~G 1 6,069 40 11 600 ! 1 7 isl 37 s 667 2,209 150 1,042 618 1 137 014 492 57 3 1 663 ‘ j 1 r.i) 2‘’0 202 1 j,(n9 93 601 317 58 r, 1 301 1 3 4 HV 210 337 j 1,319 50 1 343 ' 1 3 117 214 ! 1 1,064 63 497 28 l 5 1 . . '

    i' —

    _:rrr 1,727 8.060 3,809 652 93 9 2,291 8.330 4,110 761 180 17 m 1,847 1,110 160 29 3 G59 3,320 1,401 131 10 3 181 1,826 384 67 22 1 253 1,169 704 147 22 3 1 4,403 11 24 519 1,529 2,081 16,194 6,068 20 39 505 1 ,8S0 2,610 16,914 1,304 1 3 lit 4^12 1 680 i ii 3,731 1,661 17 •17 170 O.SO 1 090 1 1 5,761 464 7 4 31 109 2'3!| 2,603 870 i 1 1 1 .3 i 55 j 2.70 309 1' j'- 2,364 ( 478 ) TABLE D«— -Hab
  33. — Artisan and Viixade Menial— PASI- A.- MALES f— ; — D18TBICT8. Married. Unmarried. Widowers. . Total niales. 0-9. 10- 1 15— 40- Total. 0—9. 10- 15- 40— Total, 0-0. 10— 16- 40- Total, Chumparan 14 m 300 181 631 1 2C5 73 47 1 1 1 1 386 1 2 17 83 62 069 Bhagalpur 18 S5 74:1 420 1,272 684 102 107 3 086 2 36 60 87 Monghyr 127 3;i2 1.597 1,012 3,068 1,4W 451 245 14 2.163 7 10 101 201 319 B,540 Hataribagh 47 H7 B0.3 241 878 510 133 69 2 743 2 8 24 85 69 SUN Bardwan Bankura Birhh.m

    Midnapur IftigH limvrah ... 34-Parffanaii Nadia •feasor Murshidahad Khulna Banapur Bogra Barca BakharganJ Maimansingh Batna Oaya Shahabatl Jiarhhangn 4 Mutuffarpur 8aran Bhagalpur J 3Ionghyr

    PurnSn ... MtUda Santal Parganas Cattack Balaaor ...« A ngul Ilasaribagh Lohardaga Manb/ium Singhbhnm Tributary Slfiivtt, Orh- sa Tributary States, Chutiu Nagpur 10 8.5 1,678 871 19
  34. 3,285 1.936 22 128 2,.1S3 1,281 6 6.50 277 ... 7 3^7 238 1 4 123 88 11 27 7.31 379 ... It 408 310 6 23 1,433 1,102 3 12 332 222 3 13 32 201 ... 5 , 152 126 1 3 231 172 1 7 291 180 4 2t 735 484 17 46 1,213 708 10 76 002 4;i8 32 132 8*7 415 4.5 1*7 892 519 .soo 1,843 3,377 2,084 1,380 1,480 4,32.5 2,733 0 23 197 139 127 290 1,806 1,050 54 ICO 957 688 34 121 1,4*9 825 1 13 194 117 79 302 2,319 1,101 5 7 411 278 1 18 2!>3 13* 28 71 389 228 191 398 i 2,2.39 1,093 37 173 1,008 491 no 300 .3,104 1,408 4 12 193 13* 11 86 1, 723 1 41 397 201 2,644 1,088 V)3 415 6,373 3,077 1,219 1,025 3,814 1,090 CC9 9*6 839 422 210 222 692 3*2 l.0 13C 216 123 58 43 1,148 552 174 163 798 tlOl 148 22

    2,024 1,513 733 1,006 669 228 85 84 601 302 103 185 283 1.32 88 72 407 179 77 130 486 1.52 71 151 1,247 090 203 285 1,884 1,043 420 379 1,182 691 222 111 1.420 C!)l 293 140 1.603 802 285 183 8.704 2,931 256 172 9,924 3,281 407 258 366 205 78 22 3.273 1,388 346 250 1,766 816 208 1.30 2,420 1.2*8 401 413 326 23* 06 09 3,861 2,209 &4S 302 701 421 196 197 446 210 102 07 716 400 13* 06 3,921 2,205 680 880 1,709 982 258 181 4,932 8,128 1,001 1 617 343 191 77 56 2,180 1,300 531 870 630 3S8 155 06 50 1,968 2 2 36 6.367 1 7 53 3,364 2 3 9 863 ... 6 693 ... 1 226 ... ... 15 904 ... 8 774 ... 113 3,466 2 4 401 ... 32 682 ... C 298 ... ... 10 402 ... 11 386 1 23 1,267 ... ... 20 1,874 ... ... 15 939 ... 2 1* 1,138 1 5 14 1,284 1 8 24 3,383 83 59 40 4,062 28 82 2 307 ••• 1 19 2,002 9 7 10 1,163 1 2 7 11 2.163 5 10 S 372 2 ... 22 3,206 5 4 4 817 • •••


    4 413 ... ... .. 630 4 4 10 3,341 6 26 6 1,426 4 4 26 4,772 2 12 fl 330 ... 1 13 2,214 tM

    4 623 ... 1 83 208 306 4,867 125 802 626 tl,U8 2.35 541 781 7, mo 19 72 9r 1,703 20 08 88 1,303 a IN 21 409 47 165 212 9,904 22 111 133 1,706 109 83.3 444 6,6»3 18 50 68 1,038 27 . 76 103 lf3M 22 37 69 640 12 50 62 871 11 33 46 016 26 105 131 2,046 88 130 174 4,032 51 94 147 9,278 43 130 179 2,743 51 90 160 3fi37 201 393 746 19,833 255 439 804 14,780 4 25 30 709 100 202 318 6,603 40 147 196 3,124 122 163 300 4,802 11 17 30 797 102 210 321 7,478 12 40 62 1,570 0 81 40 800 27 85 • 70 1,410 106 168 300 7;m 61 76 146

    3,980 140 294 448 10,162 9 20 28 709 66 91 148 4543 21 28 l^OS ( 479 ) biage Ck&t^^contimed. 36— Distillers, &c. — concluded. cowluded. B.-FEMALE8. Mabbibd. Unmabried. Widows Total foujulos. 0-0. 10— 15— 40— Total. 0—9. 10- 15— ‘W- Total. 0-9. 10— 16- 40- Total. 27 52 822 127 628 283 28 7 1 319 1 91 1 14 061 118 181 891 170 1,366 712 OS G ... 706 7 7 100 .320 446 »,S»8 2W 406 1,721 (U2 3,062 1,525 202 30 1 1,764 15 12 209 083 010 6,746 98 121 543 IM 896 408 55 14 637 i 1 4 47 155 207 1,040 RI. 219


    1,481 287 2,416 890 18 19 1 037 0 23 C57 1,00 1 1,760 0,103 418 885 3.521! (159 6,486 2,513 140 45 4 2,738 11 52 1,012 1,700 2,776 10,009 S78 6.59 2.fl3t 877 3,648 1,310 30 9 ... 1,361 11 25 ],2l!t 1,995 3.236 H,»44 64 119 674 78 826 .398 20 10 1 436 1 4 222 329 666 1,H10 33 100 400 78 623 229 8 2 ... 239 2 1 202 327 636 1,307 10 47 177 21 266 131 5 2 1 130 ... 2 «l 111 177 071 92 159 m 79 877 494 11 2 0 613 .'i 20 177 388 680 I,97H 33 162 510 80 781 201 72 2 2 337 10 8 273 376 667 1,700 122 460 1,032 299 2,800 l.-kss 131 7 1 1,027 7 03 1 1,577 2,666 0,009 41 71 312 54 478 237 13 5 1 266 1 1 129 20.3 304 1,198 51 07 285 79 612 203 27 ... ... 320 1 7 17:i 222 403 1,330 38 42 83 8 171 lot 14 .3 ... 121 t It 99 1:13 260 049 25 40 209 25 209 101 8 1 170 ... 4 103 100 267 700 11 37 108 30 246 15 1 17 ... ... 171 ... 1 49 107 167 074 47 237 930 148 1,368 020 03 2 686 2 6 21-t •184 736 9,780 120 818 1,127 111 1,706- 951 33 7 2 003 0 19 391 790 F,2I2 3,011 37 177 883 292 1,389 517 105 15 1*1! 640 1 12 120 lit 647 3,070 77 182 871 823 1,463 702 ito 28 2 870 4 9 1.50 .527 690 3,091 74 242 1,183 287 1,786 813 112 20 1 946 3 4 131 IKO ■ 018 3,300 1,447 1,173 4,989 1,280 8,806 2.327 06 21 9 2.423 127 80 131 2 . 10.3 2,747 14/100 1.822 1,504 6.220 1,795 10,341 2,801 171 4t 5 3,021 87 71 412 2,491 10,803 9 62 250 102 419 203 St 6 1 243 ... 1 25 127 I'i3 810 330 897 2,031 402 3,226 1,201 127 17 2 1,407 30 19 3.52 I 1,028 1 1.429 0,003 100 196 003 237 1,442 016 lOi 22 5 743 3 8 119 1 .307 1 437 jt/n3 211 812 1,532 258 2,313 1,182 131 19 2 1,334 11 24 522 j j 1 .079 1.636 0,983 220 8t 3 267


    1 129 leo 1 7H8 27 45 233 28 333 ... ... 7,043 861 827 2,377 662 3,007 1,947 163 19 1 2,120 19 33 i2t ' i.oto 1,610 1 40 650 170 770 427 177 37 2 043 ... 1 4t 221 260 • 1/189 14


    331 69 461 184 39 7 2 232 ... 3 30 111 1 IB3 870 48< %01 407 103 710 305 42 11 1 410 \ 5 3:1 1 132 1,970 309 • 834 2,563 015 4,21 1 2,131 208 35 3 2,437 15 2.3 ,387 1 784 1,209 j 7j807 105 101 1,048 286 1,629 892 120 80 6 1 1,048 5 7 104 1 4t5 621 3,908 452 17 768 80 8,110 249 717 46 6,037 348 1 2,748 1 183 211 37 27 7 4 1 2,090 228 13 49 • 72^1 41 l,atl i 88 2,027 129 10,004 700 62 180 1,488 SSI 2,000 1,268 288 40 8 1,606 1 9 160 ! 509 1 679 0,340 1 17


    416 96 687 1 360 70 16 2 466 1 2 63 ' 162 228 » ^ 1,971 ( 480 ) TABLE D:~M D— Artisan and Village Menial. ci A.- -MALES.

    Bistkicts. Makrifd. Unmabrikd. WlDOWKBS. Totn nmL " — — 0—0. la-- 15 — lO- Total. : 0—0. 10— 15— 40- Total. 0-0. 10- 15— 40— Total. liartlivttn ... 2 17 107 05 31 1 181 21 9 214 0 8 14 3; Hirbhnm • 27 428 200 666 ,382
  35. 40 ... 641 ... 6 24 30 1,2i jlfitrfihidnbttd

    17 413 215 646 374 12.5 83 4 680 ... 8 21 29 Ifii Daren 10 22 830 .588 1,469 1.0.53 30.3 8S1 1 1,831 ,,, 27 01 88 5,3; JUaimanslnuh ... G 15 321 151 499 io:j B5 42 5 206 ... 11 10 21 7 Tipprrn ... .'{ 208 TOO 470 450 101 201 5 943 ... 6 11 17 Vnfna .''iVt 1.21.3 7.0'JO 5,3,5 14,058 C,.5.5‘) 2.025 1,100 102 9,882 12 .31 390 833 1,266 SGM Oayn 715 1,020 0,7SS 0,510 18.708 0.316 2,002 1,303 217 13,618 ' 21 00 063 1,523 2,297 Shahnbad 1.103 2,01(1 8,721 4,. 505 16,492 10,310 2,028 1,012 82 13,468 30 70 433 6(U 1,216 31, n Dnrhhanffft 0,174 r.,ii3 15,021 8,301 34.645 1 1 0,0.38 001 40.3 01 11,158 172 253 822 1.013 2,200 47, Uh jfluzntfarx»ur 2,i:n 3.S31 10.470 7.102 23,843 ; 0,r.l!) 2,410 1,055 137 13,167 40 110 400 810 1,607 38,m Sara a 50S 2.20(1 13.0M 0,017 20.069 j 10,1.50 5,807 2,01.5 81 27,1 19 ; 0 40 .39.3 1,263 1,702 64,S9 Vhnfnjiaran SU) 2.277 18,010 10.002 32.437 1.5.702 4.778 2.102 100 22.832 22 70 l.OSM 1,511 2,033 r,7,0fi Ithuyall^ur 1,572 2, 107 13 .51(1 0,(»51 23,666 ' 10,031 2,100 711 1.5 13.406 i 83 on 518 774 l,39i 38, Monyhyr 750 1,.33S 0.301 4,015 12,404 0,302 1,1.S3 711 48 8,004 1 31 02 283 500 0o6 2t,U4 J*urnra \H 252 2, ir>3 1,3.50 4,106 1,710 418 322 23 2,539 5 15 173 200 399 7,m Mnlda 3 10 .381 100 696 308 120 70 1 004 ... ... 10 14 24 l,22y Santal Parynnas ... S5 230 1 ,.., . 039 2,251 i 1,277 201 0,5 2 1,635 2 11 47 57 1 17 3,98: CttUark 4 41 1,231 S!3 2,102 1,4.51 057 470 7 2,686 ... 1 23 110 140 4ySr. Puri ... 2 100 100 268 121 57 31 2 211 ... ... 7 25 32 nil Jtalnsor 0 3S 071 027 1,646 1.054 524 370 0 1,064 1 ... .. 10 77 03 Jfataribnyh ... 370 412 4,007 2.458 7,866 5,191 1,.5S2 .507 5 7,676 0 31 175 200 481 Lohardnya 1 178 o;}(i 3.210 1,710 6,700 3,002 1,170 514 12 6,664 1 7 14 100 217 398 J1,SS€ Tributary States^ Orisna 1 0 208 117 422 r 313 127 01 1 636 ' «.. ... 3 11 14 97i Tributary StotrSf Vhutia Noypur 8 77 .S(i3 .380 i| 1,274 1.133 1 300 1 122
  36. 7


    _ 1 2 43 70 123 Ml Dordirnn • 39 206 5,316 2..813 8,404 .5,126 1,S.S9 061 30 8,00p 2 4 170 328 604 76,017 Jtunkurn 10 19 .506 372 037 5.50 420 40 .3 1,013 1 2 S3 79 1 16 9,0(iS ilirbhum 78 370 0,017 3,116 9,631
  37. 123

    1, 0.3.3 552 8 7,616 .3 6 105 202 400 17fi53 Midua pur 10 55 1,070 67>S 1,793 97 1 m 303 2 1,689 2 37 69 108 3,690 Dtiyll 6 12 l.si)7 1,020 2,076 1,7(M) 1V.2 308 3 2,663 1 44 105 240 3,778 11 o if rah 1 11 3:(5 JOl 694 321 140 4.3 613 ... ... 8 23 31 1,138 2i-Pnryantfs 60 177 4,008 3,1. 5.5 7,499 4,1.31 1 ,553 1..3-13 47 7,374 2 4 201 JJ58 665 16,438 yttdiu 20 199 4,u6S 2,931 7,718 4,078 l,.53o 015 12 7,444 3 8 107 342 460 13,632 Murshldabad 30 IM 2,967 1.486 4,627 2 998 88 1 378 20 4,280 2 ^4 53 108 166 9,073 fJesHor 7.5 3116 6,85.1 4,193 1 1,429 7,208 2.378 1,6.31 ;i6 11,268 0 12 231 518 770 33,435 Jihaliia 50 22.5 3,877 2.197 6,349 1 4,374 1,383 003 21 0,080 3 10 154 457 s 624 13,653 IHnajpur 8 10 6.31 315 1,006 ! 168 40 07 11 325 ... 17 27 44 1,375 1 lUt^jHhahi 10 42 877 491 1,423 816 260 152 3 1,240 2 20 30 62 3,715 Pony par 11 630 36,3 1,017 3u() 121 1-40 4 668 ... 25 39 64 1,649 Ttoy ra 111 17 319 392 1.068 2.34 47f E5 6 372 ... 21 26 47 1,487 Pahna 10 .35 » Obi • 567 i,693 907 2.5.5 100 5 1,367 ... 10 30 49 3,999 Darra 8 59 1,^76 1,381 3,327 2.587 804 812 11 4.214 4 50 120 183 7,734 J'nridpur 2 20 307 270 608 411 144 150 1 712 ... 20 60 jBO 1,490 DaJiharyattJ

    8 282 1.50 440 84 47 54 S 100 1 26 28 64 € i L I ( 482 ) TABLIj D — Aetisan and Village Menial.- MUGHI- D — Abtiban, &c, — 39— BIAGB fiV CaSTB—
  38. • 76 344 74 629 210 10 1 133 . 390 1.227 240 1,899 1,021 37 6 180 462 8,620 491< 4,762 2.442 298 85 61 161 766 90 1,006 616 34 7 20 70 800 47 642 351 40 16 luo 230 1,353 120 1,814 1.024 46 120 1,044 146 1,386 827 17 • 117 647 69 860 600 8 • 11 1,610 0 21 407 1,016 1,463


    1 1,001 1 15 208 517 741 8,490 2 2307 11 90 098 1,9U) 2,092 19,190 1 2,679 7 30 1,267 1,903 9mn 2 82 6 10 209 €82 067 3^80 691 12 2 306 259 • 670 9,460 1 228

    1 0 127 243 377 1,184 1 1,084 4 11 298 780 1,003 4/169 4 2.829 12 20 005 1/243 1,880 9,401 1 667 1 6 323 473 803 9A90 2 409 5 152 190 347 1/898 1 1,090 • 9 303 613 826 8,788 6 1,008 4 6 201 348 668 9,991 2 672 ... 4 180 281 486 1,987 2 I 2 ( 484 ) TABLE D.— Mab D — Artisan and Village Menial.— HABI-. A.-MALE8. Distbicts. Mabbibd. Unmabbibp. WiDOWBBS. Total. males. 0-9 10— 15- 40— Total. 0-9 10- 40— HR 10- 16- 40— ToUl. Tippera ... 1 126 100 227 169 63 09 3 324 4 16 10 670 Monghyr 17 63 151 76 296 117 63 11 1 182 ... ... 7 23 30 608 Bhogalpur ... 46 77 341 205 669 401 82 33 2 618 2 6 16 36 68 1,946 Purnea 93 320 6.737 4.421 11,671 7,656 2,567 2,419 86 12.727 6 16 338 036 003 9S,90t Matda 22 64 l,6l2 013 2,631 1,867 543 664 4 2,968 1 2 04 136 233 S,8S» Santal Parganat ... 22 72 450 272 816 677 164 60 ... 701 ... 10 81 47 1,964 Cuttack 5 17 696 379 097 792 832 224 12 1,380 ... 17 67 84 9,441 Puri 0 0 ocn 071 1,062 1.438 678 481 7 2,604 ... 34 86 120 4,376 Balator 4 25 643 880 061 696 291 228 6 1,120 ' 14- 43 57 9,138 Angul 2 2 410 215 629 624 211 1.54 2 801 4 13 17 1^37 Hataribagh 11 39 255 118 423 277 75 37 ... 380 1 1 1 21 830 Manbhutn 45 102 1,600 801 2,61 1 1,887 647 238 11 2,783 4 4 47 89 144 6,638 Singhhhum 3 11 195 116 326 18.1 106 68 13 371 ... 1 8 21 30 796 E — Vagrant Minor Artisans and BEL Patna 262 662 2,403 1,643 4,870 2,066 ■ 321 41 2,947 C 16 138 311 470 8,987 Oaya IM-l 478 ,2.056 1,723 4,440 2,006 366 32 2,083 6 16 167 870 664 7,877 Barbhanga 431 3GS 1,0.50 676 2,424 673 92 21 4 700 49 23 78 ISO 280 8,484 Muttaffarpur 38 67 251 126 481 168 35 2 ... 190 1 4 14 14 33 704 Monghyr 189 381 1,005 918 3.093 1,832 642 216 S3 2,822 4 6 73 194 277 6,999 Bhagalpur 01 93 2,251 716 3,151 1,271 28-4 116 7 1,677 G 6 01 113 186 6fil4 Purnea 36 102 1,347 780 2,204 1,160 368 201 1 1,710 1 13 72 142 228 4,909 Malda ... ... 10 30 367 221 027 289 73 66 6 422 1 18 20 48 I 4A87 Hasaribagh 9 1 10 116 102 243 136 62 33
  39. 222 1 C 10 26 • 491 KO Bankfira 4 13 303 285 605 683 269 08 1 061 1 23 34 1,680 Birbhum 2 12 472 328 814 40-i 147 126 2 678 8 ... 62 1,689 Midnapu/r 1 3 174 308 182 110 48 ... 349 • •• H 9 660 Santcl Parganat 0 44 362 698 483 108 83 1 626 ... 1 m 24 H 1,964 Angul ... 1 128 8U 200 197 78 43 2 320 • .„ 1 .,. r n 10 ■9 641 Manbhutn 10 44 711 462 1,217 936 377 147 4 1,484 1 9 20 48 H 9,747 E— Vagrant, &c.— BAN Hiirbhanga . 140 822 161 10 20 203 10 90 60 / i BiAOS^BT Gi&ttr— continued. 39 — SoaTengers — concluded. ( «5 ) concluded. ( 486 ) TABLE D.-^Mia E — Vagrant Minor Artisans and DO A.-MAIiES. DlSlEICTS. Markied. UXMARaiEP. 1 Widowers, Total raaleu. 0— a 10— 13- •W— Totul. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40- Total. Bardtvan 27 140 4, 408 2,243 0.887 3,270 1.328 792 80 6,429 2 167 435 604 19^20 Bankura 2» i:jn 2,727 1,626 4,407 2.473 1,056 571 11 4.1 II 6 71 181 261 8,779 Birhhum ... 73 234 6.022 3,359 9,738 4,837 1,609 761 24 7,261 2 8 221 471 702 i7,(S9t JUitJnapur ... 11 04 1,8.14 1,102 3,031 1.707 767 637 10 3,21 1 2 2 77 187 268 6,/SlO llUffli 1 18 1,008 678 1,606 776 316 237 12 1,341 1 83 104 138 3,084 Howrah »> 160 00 264 146 5!1 53 2 260 1 7 14 22 346 Par If anas 3 0 208 138 366 179 70 1>2 4 345 ... 19 69 78 778 Karita ... 1 155 103 269 124 60 51 2 233 ... 0 20 38 630 JI urslUdahnd 8 35 805 640 1,478 719 245 164 4 1,132 • •t 36 72 107 2,717 Chittagong ... 2 17 840 C33 1,492 1,17.1 404 410 17 2,016 ... 40 1.13 193 3,700 yoakhali ... S 103 133 335 263 93 1 461 ... 9 23 818 Patna ... 30 W ri07 303 964 506 150 91 6 762 1 2 10 73 96 i,811 Oaffa 72 144 584 436 1,236 71.3 225 125 21 1,084 2 2 64 124 182 2,S02 Shahabad 12 89 668 318 987 520 150 150 10 830 1 1 48 237 287 9,113 Barhhanga ... ... 43 128 731 6.36 1.428 755 177 !»7 8 1,037 6 16 48 00 169 2,024 3lttzaffarpur cri 111 620 421 1,116 423 130 G1 12 626 2 6 60 115 173 1,015 Saran .10 IC.S 1,208 ! 1,008 2,443 1,24.4 453 231 10 1,038 ... 6 Cl 164 221 d,602 Cham2taran ... 03 US 1,007 706 1,974 000 290 201 10 1,401 1 3 Cl 118 183 3,658 3fonghffr 112 210 1,189 870 2.390 1,3U 464 ISO 11 2,008 12 16 65 148 241 4,639 Bhagaljntr ... ... 89 218 1,635 1,40.1 3,437 1,077 647 2.18 7 2,789 ... 0 88 143 240 6,466 Purnca 6 O.T 202 IGS 488 267 93 52 4 416 2 2 32 28 04 968 3tahin 4 10 ,215 103 332 207 60 29 ... 290 ... ... 10 20 30 658 Santal Pargauat 101 305 .3, 2.32 1.810 6,638 3,019 1,1.10 305 6,176 4 S 103 158 273 10^86 Cuttack 1 IS 421 200 700 442 206 no 1 708 ... ... 7 43 50 1,618 Puri ... 4 4 206 214 618 866 167 144 1 678 ... ... 12 28 40 1,936 Bala 80 r
  40. 16 268 150 448 234 00 67 ... 391 ... ... 7 21 28 867 Uazarihagh 44 127 856 603 1,630 1,002 2.36 128 3.3 1,399 1 6 25 68 00 3,019 Tohardagn ... ... 8 3.1 462 280 786 67.1 211 114 3 903 ... 1 23 32 66 1,744 3Ianlfhum 84 236 2,384 1,203 3,907 2,692 835 30.3 11 3,841 2 11 93 163 269 8,017 Slughbhum ... ... ... . 8 10 248 167 442 346 138 IH) 3 677 ... ... i 10 10 ' 20 1,059 PAT «• Dacca 1 0 137 66 203 1 184 61 40 276 ... ... 6 19 26 603 E — Vagrant, &c.— • BED 94-Parguna» JTataribagh 7 83 40 168 406 1,3CS 463 010 016 2.169 725 1.654 2.12 607 100 202 8 5 1,060 9.648 7 1 7 40 26 74 32 122 ’ 2,007 4,830 t GUIi Tributary SiaitB, Orista « 1 4 355 277 637 424 166 1G6 3 769 ... 8 9 19 31 t / • biaoE’BT Qk&tz— continued, Pebfobmees. — 43 — Mat-Makers — concluded.
  41. ( «7 ) B.-FEMALKS. 0-0 Maruiso Urmabkird. Widows. Total 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— 1 Total. (oinalos. 453 030 4,684 717 e.784 2.802 131 SO 7 2.970 12 23 809 2,125 2,960 1»,793 404 622 3,108 505 4,699 2,152 118 13 4 2.287 11 21 KM 1.272 1,834 572 1,240 6,700 1,334 6,866 4,2‘JO 100 39 4 4,623 14 24 950 2,059 3,647 J8,095 240 412 2.263 315 3.230 l.;i33 134 38 2 1,707 4 22 525 900 1,611 6,43i 131 238 1,065 129 1,663 on su| 1 1 1 633 1 17 375 1110 1,033 3,9:99 19 46 100 30 264 122 8 2 : 132 111 102 166 309 21 1 204 23 298 iss 2 ... ... 140 1 ... 95 172 268 700 31 43 180 :j6 209 109 4 ... ... 113 1 2 C4 124 191 003 103 107 98.4 200 1,484 659 18 S 2 681 0 8 200 507 037 3,009 40 221 1,284 ie<*. 1,711 1.188 104 11 a 1,305 2 .8 210 529 743 3,739 20 48 251 55 374 252 8 1 1 262 1 4 05 118 218 HS4 40 113 637 223 1.023 481 93 1 24 3 601 2 3 50 100 216 1,339 i)8 130 049 4()7 1.284 6U 121 31 8 774 2 120 ;)oo 433 9,49t 29 74 697 249 1 849 302 130 22 644 2 9 112 583 706 9,199 117 159 859 328 1,463 72H 09 18 5 1 82C 4 6 93 281 307 9,070 108 246 739 270 1.308 440 73 9 2 633 1 1 40 ISO 234 9,130 78 1 237 1,633 770 2,718 1,320 03 3 1,063 2 3 78 411 407 4,H7H 04 186 1,303 4G3 2,048 940 182 .35 3 1,160 0 0 109 310 461 3,007 224 413 1,604 507 2,760 1,212 212 30 5 1,468 11 12, 150 .582 766 4,973 183 1.459 1,339 071 3,602 2,003 234 40 2 2.286 2 11 227 003 842 0,799 36 68 322 50 482 23 1 40 ... 274 1 1 30 87 126 HHt 27 67 203 34 300 193 21 3 217 2 58 127 187 784 200 716 3,878 1,070 6.963 3,803 481 j 09 12 4,505 10 28 ;hio 931 1,276 11,001 8 61 467 140 678 407 1 13 ; 19 1 630 1 5 60 n;; 109 i,ms 9 21 i 407 89 626 371 i.'iri 38 ... 644 ... 28 118 140 1,913 11 58 312 65 446 221 1 02 1 291 ... 1 1 27 90 124 HOt 120 226 1,063 285 1,084 9S3 no 23 4 1,120 10 4 85 239 338 3,t42 33 65 646 163 806 GO 4 125 21 "3 763 2 1 ... 32 1S5 16 1,72H 23B 484 2.653 1 608 4,041 2,035 300 58 7 3,006 i

    18 277 735 1,037 S,OS4 17 •31 336 65 449 339 88 30 1 468 !' - 2 40 ,99 141 4,0 iH lAL. — = —

    i • 36 66 209 29 340 189 Sti 1 216 2 41 5S 104 1 • 039 44 — Hunters, &c. ITA. • —

    • 3 2 5 21 220 70 489 !l M 102 j 4,779 723 ,i 3,987 l| ‘ 17 120 C2 241 029 1,651 46 SOI 1,064 2,273 501 1,773 92 411 17 103 10 4 623 2.291 gull • 241 2 1 4 «


    50| . 148 682 520 151 j 8 2 714 ... 4 W 173 4,037 ( 488 ) TABLE D.^Mab E — ^Vagbaht Minob Abtisans and na HiSTKicrs. A.-MALES. Maruikd. Unmabrird. WXDOWBRB. Total tnaleg. 0-9 10- 3 15— 40— Tolftl. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40— Total, Xoakhali 98 80 181 137 38 41 0 226 ... ... ... 25 26 431 E— Vageant, &c. — 45 — Miscella BA Pa inn Shahnbntf HutaJJ'arpur Saran ... Champa ran 15 22 30 17 1 85 BS ftC 111 23 2.30 419 3S1 715 29(1 152 28S 161 4.31 144 438 847 048 1,307 : 464 162 m 130 609 101 50 203 28 208 6B 50 146 8 02 40 6 16 2 4 2 266 740 168 1,003 301 1 1 2 17 60 0 30 12 26 50 32 79 26 43 1 10 43 III 38 • ••» 747 i,eo7 839 2,49t 803 F— Races and Nationalities.— 48— BHU Darjeeling 1 6 897 695 1,000 821 375 CIS 53 1,862 ... ... IS 76 88 SfiSO MA HakharganJ 8 1 7.V2 628 1,284 ! 913 380 ' 423 2 1,748 ... 70 103 173 3,205 Chittagong 16 41 < 1 4,739 i 4,135 8.031 1 8.668 3.6-18 3,686 105 18,007 ... 1 1C2 481 644 23,582 Hindus, ketubned by BU Nartia 10 61 1,571 J.nsi 2,723 1..815 735 335 10 2,896 1 65 153 218 3,837 JfesHor . 10 37 1.316 929 2,292 1,4.50 619 366 16 2,371 • •• 1 53 170 . 224 4,887 tHnajpur 12 387 219 018 26.5 102 69 1 437 ... ... 9 20 29 Xf084 Itajithahi 3 21 631 911 1,002 670 1N1 liO 2 602 1 ... 21 20 42 3,948 Dogra 18 .57 903 652 1,030 1,002 291 209 8 1,606 1 ... 23 62 86 3,221 1‘abna 49 89 8S0 605 1,623 1,165 914 221 3 1,703 3 2 35 76 116 3,442 Dacca 1 8 186 147 342 272 66 60 2 400 ... ... 10 12 22 764 Puri 1 19S 147 346 290 110 95 1 436 6 23 29 811 • MA Hardu'an 3 3 266 131 f 400 257 191 142 680 ».« 7 13

    »20 3J616 Midnapur 4 1 1 12 465 337 818 48-1 208 132 S 827 1 2 24 66 83 1,728 Howrah 1 1 I 7 413 283 704 673 260 151 ' ... 1,084 ... 9 25 34 1,822 Manbhum 4 1 i 1 29 i 423 225 081 602 162 76 2 742 ... 1 22 SO 63 1,476 a NAO Trlb^ttarg States, Chutia Nagpur ... 1 - 4 613 431 1,060 876 829 205 7 1,417 ••1 ... 17 08 rb 1 S L— — ( 489 ) biaoe by Caste — continued . Pebfobmehs. — 44 — Hunters, &c. — concluded. ( 490 ) TABLE D.-IL Hindus, returned by Titl
  42. A.-MALES. Districts. Married. Ummakiuei). Widowers. 0—9 10- 16— 40- Total. I 0-0 10- 16— 40— Total. 0—9 10- 18- 40- Bankura 3 20 1,203 808 2.034 1,610 683 473 3 2,668 1 1 18 C6 JlUdnapur 4 7 048 876 1.036 1 813 200 316 1 t,428 1 17 47 Furi ... 4 1G8 110 208 1 140 65 65 1 261 6 2C Total luulfs, Total. 4,7Hh OB 32 ast Cuttack Barthvan Jiirhhum Vadla JUurthidabad Vinafpur Bogra Jalpaigurt 3iaimanafngh Santul Farf/anas ... Bankura PRI 3 i 28 1 2,08U 1,477 3.587 2,477 1,604 1.1 4J> 10 6.206 j ... ... 85 301 388 » RA. 2 ‘8 200 180 462 312 97 72 2 483 1 0 29 rfii 981 3 SI 390 242 666 897 119 09 1 686 ... ... 1 22 23 9 23 1,230 870 2.147 1,575 603 C88 39 2.866 1 51 2.38 200 4 27 1,023 02.3 1.676 1,205

    401 390 7 2,072 1 35 112 148 3,890 49 185 8.000 6,101 14.401 10,890 3,143 4,10.3 113 18,309 4 7 478 091 1,480 34, m 1 377 200 378 270 97 197 10 674 ... ... 15 48 63 1,0tS 3 17 091 691 1,602 U30 340 074 35 2,186 41 115 169 3,940 3 IS 1,099 ,588 1,708 1,220 397 55.n 21 2,193 1 40 124 171 4,072 3 148 119 270 1 161 71 47 ... 270 ... 1 4 j 11 10 60S « SAMi ... 1 7 1 I Cl 4 421 1 1,042 773 349 332 12 1,466 ... 20 49 69 2,S77 SUD Dacca 7 4.5 2, .5.50 1,933 4,635 3,50.5 1,534 1,400 120 0,559 2 105 455 . 662 11,0S6 Farid pur ‘ ... 4 351 2Sl 636 401 199 221 23 004 1 24 100 126 4,003 Bakharganj 3 n 097 519 1,260 713 333 4.S5 45 1,676 2 37 142 181 3,017 Maimanaingh 7 16 1,242 973 2,237 1,371 031 1,009 89 3.161 1 68 270 338 6,737 Chittagong 4 47 2,007 1,903 4,681 4,152 1,73S 3,770 02 7,728 1 GO 453 614 12,9S3 Voahhalt • 3 1.5 402 327 807 41S 205 2-10 20 013 1 ... 14 89 104 4,824 T^ppera 4 8 958 700 1,736 890 459 700 41 2,086 ... 28 152 180 4012 Cuttack 20 77 4,6!)3 2,973 7,663 4,283 2,318 1,051 22 a274 ... 1 77 SGI 430 16,376 Puri TrUmtary States, Oris- 14 81 5,070 3,790 8,655 5,519 2,911 2,642 49 1 1,021 1 ... 141 516 668 21,234 sa 1 3 19 1,273 821 2,1 16 1,248 070 515 7 2,446 ...

    1 33 99 133^ 4,696 Hindus, returned BAG Bankura 1 6 ]99 Ill 317 22G 86 GO 6 377 14 16 30 724 Midnapur 8 31 789 498 1,326 931 428 245 4 1.608 3 15 42 60 2,994 Manbhum — ... 6 10 2S.3 98 362 243 87 41 8 374 ... 5 19 24 760 Singhbhum ' 3 26 735 487 1,261 863 395 278 18 1,664 ... 1 27 j 44 72 2,877 • : — / • ( ftOl ) \ iiAGB BY CiiSS^contmted. jB Common Sub-Caste — concluded. [K. m.-pumales. Maubied Uemareikd. 1 j IVlDOWS. Totnl 0-0 10— 15- 40— 1 Total. 0-0 10- 1 1 15- 40- Total, j 0-0 10— 1 40— Total. foiUUluB. 60 8!)8 1,752 264 2,383 1,(J00 157 10 si 1,779 j i “ 15 4'JO S.3S 1 1,286 3,4-17 S4 145 H52 120 1,180 i 1 805 , 53 14 2 874 ' 2 4 217 370 002 1 »9 232 62 334 j 153 45 3 201 23 112 130 an DHAN 10 360 2,601 868 3,867 j 2,314 560 179 1 1 3,068 ! . 17 m l,riS3 2,086 O/iOO 3ANSI. 53 « » 63 :132 75 623 280 29 11 1 j 321 7 87 111 '1 236 !| H t,070 31 86 m 82 844 358 23 4 386 5 .3 1(11 344 1 l,37J 158 ^18 1,409 204 2,360 1,377 40 9 1,432 1 0 ;5i) f)n 1,262 1,042 4,74J 83 268 1,270 207 1,830 1,152 89 10 2 1,263 ‘ .3 10 1.^4 817 1,200 1 4,370 419 1,491 11,303 1,772 16,076 10, .307 1,1(58 SOI 15 I 1,884 18
  43. 1,800 4.U5 0,102 33,001 8 45 268 49 370 202 7 2 301 3 4 13.5 218 300 ' 1,031 41 118 • 1,155 148 1,402 1,0(12 117 51 3 1,266 ... 0 211 III 004 ! 3,4?9 73 234 1,2'40 120 1,670 1,137 48 0 4 1.196 4 0 OSl 1,030 1 3,007 13 18 189 41 260 187 27 4 ... 218 1 37 HI 122 1 000 NTA. 22 88 790 16.5 1,066 j 7S5 1 117 11 RA. 120 014 4.326 747 6,104 3,617 489 ; 29 86 142 535 83 706 413 50 6 45 193 027 163 1,328 724 09 7 46 323 1,691 219 2,179 1,311 163 11 124 060 4,096 548 5,733 •4,011 353 .30 34 118 543 70 774 464 68 .3 28 207 1,164 170 1,675 070 133 9 69 740 5.896 1,535 7,740 4,206 i,;wi 160 1 60 761 6,681 1.50-4 0,006 5.375 1,633 141 25 • 149 1,638 a45 2,167 1.340 407 81 9 3 915 ... 2 227 374 003 2/ifi3 9 0 — 4,141 5 33 1,2‘<5 ;.(>s() 1 4,403 i 14,0iH 3 477 5 7 2', 5 1^7 764 i 1 2 832 7 324 fi'-'O 1,020 j 3, ISO 3 1,488 2 7 726 7/113 1 2, ’ 40 j 3,8 i 3 n 4,406 9 42 1,510 3, (1.30 4,641 1 1 14,770 635

    109 3(',«: { 641 1 1,0.70 • 1 1,1 13 7 37 : h .30 1,230 1 3,018 11 6,768 3 U 4,33 2,011 j 2,401 1 13,030 11 7,160 ... 12 .396 2.S72 3,480 10,7^0 22 1,069 1 7 isi 61-4 •003 ! 1 1 4,810 BY Actual Occupatxon. AL. 17 39 254 42 352 30 02 1,043 246 1,420 ' 20 • 87 243 65 1 366 22 89 043 180 1,243 205 28 4 237 4 950 2-43 60 1 1,264 1 250 41 12 1 304 1 911 226 71 11 1,210 4 • 6 CH 105 183 779 3 11i5 374 623 3,107 2 33 89 124 793 3 130 343 480 • 9,049 ( 492 ) TABLE D:— Mab Hindus, betubned bt Bab ( 493 ) biaoe jn Caste — continued. Actual Occupation — continued. DAI- ( 494 ) TABLERi-lLm Hindus, bbtubned iiy JALIYA A.-MALEB. DlSTBlCTS, Mabbied. Ukmabribd. Widowers. Totnl males. 0-» 10- 16- 40- Total. 0—0 10- 16- 40— Total. 0-9 10- • 16- 40- Total. Maimanningh 18 7fi 5,311 3,764 9,160 0,252 2,323 3,630 241 12.440 2 2 208 038 1,240 CMtUtgong 6 8 881 637 1,632 1,060 297 493 27 1,877 ... ... • 47 166 203 3,019 Ifoakhali 9 26 1,361 069 2,366 1,776 660 649 34 3,018 ... ... n 283 360 3,743 Tlppera 2 4 21)7 179 482 276 141 16.5 13 686 ... ... 10 41 61 4,118 Kuch Bihar ... 9 145 74 228 212 67 42 ... 31 1 ... ... 11 23 34 378 KAB Muuoffarpur 172 320 1,438 1,024 2,864 1,210 361 2.15 106 1.908 3 16 68 136 223 3,385 RAM 3aran .i, 41 200 1,583 0.53 2,779 1,991 C70 2S2 12 2,856 1 3 59 145 m 3,049 Chumparan 31 162 1,713 854 2.760 1,242 46S 288 17 2,006 1 4 123 204 332 3,087 KO IBurshidnbnd ... 1 172 112 2 BB 153 65 68 3 279 ... 0 46 64 018 KBIS Lohardaga 3 38 698 367 1,006 1 877 242 136 6 1,260 ; ... 1 84 66 1 81 9,337 LAH Jlarbhanga 30 114 330 282 774 286 41 4 444 2 3 27 96 127 1,343 MACH Midnapftr Jlatpaiguri Chittagong c 33 1 3 09 206 2,066 139 00 1,705 104 289 3.933 244 153 8,163 ito 69 70« 51 109 897 84 07 1 321 4>832 326 ... 2 1 64 4 27 103 18 28 229 22 048 8,004 301 < MA Banhura 2 0 433 271 712 480 188 104 4 842 ... 10 40 66 1,010 Patna 173 .321 1,828 1,008 3,330 1,682 452 252 18 2,304 2 9 01 212 314 3,048 Oaya 78 2.39 1,0.51 796 2,104 1,186 349 160 88 1,722 8 ^ 00 168 267 it 4,143 Darbhangfv ... 4,825 6,193 17,690 10,264 37,872 12,692 1,226 408 73 14,389 140 216 807 1,281 2,462 34,713 Muznffarpur 1.732 2,322 7,315 4.,'^66 16,164 0,424 1,007 697 39 8,067 17 06 860 668 I'ose 03,007 Saran 39 255 2,357 1,398 4,049 3,474 1,002 399 8 4,883 1 7 63 104 286 9,017 Champnran 201 907 8,923 6,016 16,100 7,819 2,080 1.482 67 12,038 8 36 419 686 1,148 08j009 Bhagdipnr ... 406 338 1,217 013 2,673 603 53 83 6 766 9 11 68 98 181 3/iOO Monghyr ... 130 307 i.m 876 2,724 1,808 810 168 18 1,804 0 12 02 108 188 4,710 Purnaa 22 40 82(4 012 1,644 734 268 840 43 1,376 ... 1 44 103 148 3fi67 Xfa»aribagh «• 10 21 216 119 306 2{i0 77 38 8 363 ... ... 0 19 28 730 Jjohaniaga ... ... 20 108 764 413 1,304 987 269 180 3 1,384 2 8 83 76 0,007 t • < 495 ) tiAOB Caste — continued. Actual Oocopation — continued. ^concluded. ( 496 ) / TABLE D.— Mar Hindus, betcbnbd by ( «r ) N biagb*by Caste — continued. Actual Occupation— B.-FEMALEB, Mabbied. 1 Unmarried. IVlDOWB, Total 0-9 10- 15— 40- Total. 0-0 10- 15— 40- Total. 0-0 10- 15— 40- Total. fenulea. VA 021 4,018 070 6.063 8,220 186 lift 7 3,466 7 42 1.142 1.061 3.165 V,974 405 0!)8 6,760 816 8,016 4,843 G83 2(K) 1ft 6,740 13 59 1,510 2,726 4,347 1H,tS 41 120 420 81 671 360 11 4 376 1 8 170 310 408 1,544 as 03 378 42 661 318 22 3 338 2 4 183 250 430 7,198 78 60 204 65 387 95 ... 1 1 07 2 1 21 HI 106 5SO 61 03 708 141 1,081 C32 61 26 1 720 I 2 74 217 323 9,194 10 43 273 18G 612 361 81 32 2 470 ... 3 81 162 106 1,184 23 81 42 ft 168 686 616 88 21 1 726 38 111 170 1,501 18 63 682 260 091 625 2ft5 124 4 098 3 50 123 182 9,171 4 46 203 120 433 31ft 157 64 8| 630 1 1 32 1(16 140 1,101 3 29 • • 207 48 287 221 41 8 ... 276 13 45 8 091 lYA. % 34 125 792 76 1.027 718 42 6 706 2 91 167 263 9,055 3 10 198 47 264 160 3ft 6 200 2 37 97 130 1 000 1 1 15 402 87 606 4.51 l-t3 Oft 3 GO I • 40 l.'iO 106 i i 1,09 DT. 63 176 1,099 328 1,066 1 1.313 207 32 1,652 2 2 122 478 S,OOH 10 106 812 203 1,131 595 117 IS 2 732 6 120 tft.1 • 671 9,414 4 22 180 42 248 180 40 11 1 232 2 4 25 7o 101 5H1 TNI. 76 242 423 104 846 874 10 8 808 7 5 259 377 848 1 9,101 SO 86 32S CO 613 277 10 1 1 280 1 131 2()S 407 1,900 10 40 150 37
  44. 112 9 2 ... 123 1 2 72 15S 233 505 29 • 02 200 59 410 215 19 3 2 230 1 G IIH 223 ^8 007 17 45 176 40 277 137 22 1 160 1 4ft H7 132 609 11 83 142 26 21 1 71 37 21 129 5 102 108 216 555 33 80 422 67 602 32 ft 20 6 2 351 3 9 ISO 339 631 1,484 82 138 671 117 068 673 75 15 3 666 1 S 2(V> \m 734 9,158 18 78 373 63 522 304 43 4 1 362 2 9 152 252 i 1,980 05 100 402 08 636 316 24 11 1 351 .5 • 6 198 230 437 1,491 45 279 1,488 167 1,970 1,210 14S 7 4 1,376 1ft C75 907 1.590 4,050 35 84 898 68 676 364 21 1 386 1 4 82 221 308 ; 1,900 47 175 1,088 127 1,437 K4S 150 1 19 2 i.OlO 7 1

    293 1 1 523 832 I • L\ 1,988 ( 498 ) Table D.— Mar Hindus, betubned by PAT A.- MALES , Districts. Marrikh. Unmarried. Widowers. i Total malos. 0-9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0—9 10- 15- -10- Total. 0-9 10— 16— 40- Total. Gaya 12 49 365 242 668 299 69 40 4 432 1 24 63 03 1,193 Darbhanga 177 ir,i) ri3(i 3)0 1,172 3S9 48 29 1 437 10 12 43 70 136 1,744 Hazaribagh 30 49 ir>s 71 314 172 81 21 227 ... 0 11 16 S56 SIY FuH 1 rT 1 417 281 ! 704 !| .Tsn 1 222 i 1 i 780 1 1 li 43 67 1,6S0 UJ



    • Halasor 3 16 1 409 1 290 1 1 784 535 29:3 181 1,009 12 20 32 1,835 Hindus, betubned BBN tJuttack 1 1|G 115 302 116 69 02 4 271 6 S3 38 611 Balaaor 3 8 U3 80 234 127 62 51 4 244 ... 11 24 36 613 • HINDUS I

    Jalpatyarl 11 411 111 633 ! i 171 114 ISO 7 ' 478 ... 28 17 46 1,055 Lohftnlaga 3 18 310 21U 641 1 417 121 08 3 639 20 32 62 1,932 PAHA Santal ParganaB Cd 1 1 291 9,026 1 .'i,.593 1 1 14,974 j 3,074 8,00.5 595 93 11 21,767 1 6 13 415 703 1,137 37,878 UE C Midnapttr 13 90 3,108 2,0.57 6.268 3,206 1,627 1,655 61 6,499 ... 6 112 324 442 13,809 Balaaor 8 14 m 470 1.229 700 379 385 6 1,529 ' I ... 31 77 108 3,856 I^ohardaga o 19 m 325 1,184 1,176 386 200 2 1,770 1 • 1 28 60 86 3/139 1 Tributary Statra, Oriaaa 8 18 618 368 1.007 663 434 137 2 1,136 1 1 ... 1 30 60 01* 1 3/134 Hindus, betubned shagibp 2 2 no 78 108 les 96 92 1 366 ... 1 ... 7 16 23 577 1 4 365 289 668 439 248 262 8 067 1 1 ... 11 40 62 1,567 Midnapur J3ata$or ruge by -continued. AcTUAi/ Occupation — concluded. UA. ( 499 ) ( 500 ) TABLE D.-2-Mae MusALMANS, SB SUN A.-M.\LE8. District. Marsird. Unmarried. Widowers. Total males. 1 0-0 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. • 1 Bardwan 3 12 720 212 047 419 268 100 12 870 4 31 58 03 Jt919 Midnapur 1 5 ICO !)2 264 210 48 32 ••• fiOO 6 7 12 Me McSALMANS, EE AT 24~Pargana» i 3 12 0S5 408 1.468 52S 2G3 133 1 027 ... 21 84 106 9,BeO BIS Khulna 17 683 408 1,008 flOl 239 107 3 I.OlO 1 ... 22 59 82 9,m GA Khulna 8 253 9 lor, 428 219 100 54 403 ... 18 10 37 sen GHA Khulna ot 216 O.OfW fi,0!)2 16,408 1 1 10.172 I 4.197 2,097 79 17.146 9 308 882 l.lOO 33,S42 KH 24-Pargana9 10 2C .581 732 1,362 2,238 as9 621 20 3,788 ... 47 216 263 ^5,383 Khulna 8 19 688 357 072 629 227 148 4 1,008 • 1 40 88 120 9,109 JfaiU’a 2 7 359 217 016 : 471 206 167 9 863 20 7 27 ly4»3 Tdaimansingh 5 30 1,576 991 2,608 1 1 1,775 069 68.5 12 3,141 43 100 143 5,899 M 94- Varga nil $ \oakhali 4 13 13-1. 148 a 59 128 310 278 354 246 101 102 236 54 3 697 402 10 2 20 8 « ’ 1/109 • 710 , MO a Miitnapur « 3 5 253 207 468 388 190 84 1 663 ... 8 26 34 1 i,l«i ( 501 ) BIAOE*by Qksm-— continued. iCBMED BY Sect, Nl. B.-FEMALHS. Mabbibd. Unmabkibd. j Widows. i Total 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0— 1) 10- 15— 40- Total. i fuuioleS. 41 112 577 117 847 420 31 8 2 481 4 IW 321 474 i,789 28 81 207 33 209 179 12 8 1 200 4 21 6S 80 08S TOENED BY TiTLE. RAF. no 251 402 210 1,030 541 0(1 0 1 Oil 1 2 1 17N U)l 076 WAS. i--
  45. - — — — —
  46. ■ ■ i ■ 69 129 715 127 1,030 627 :i9 3 600 0 109 209 380 1 1 1 l,OHS IN. 22 01 328 53 407 231 14 ... 245 0 » 27 191 227 U39 ZI. 1,093 2,677 10,808 1,321 16,869 9,009 im 70 IS « 10,000 2S SO 1 2 ,o:jr> 4,807 7,01H 311, 04t 1 AN. • « — — — - — •• Vjp 172 439 130 861 1,921 ■■ j 2 1 1 1 1,959 ’ .1 1 s 039 2,121 1 <7,941 33 134 014 09 880 501 .51 2 667 1 0 90 2^50 367 j 1,794 7 82 501 81 051 489 111 0 000 1 1 111 201 380 { J,040 77 326 1,714 258 2,376 1.010 217 32 s 1,873 3 j| » IHI .V>l j 780 |l smn r IB.
  47. 206 5 • 109 31 ' 518 207 74 60 900 293 32 229 0 47 12 3 1 61 270 • 2 1 17 20 30 09 65 81 HUL. 16 79 379 72 646 339 17 ... 360 67 24S 200 ' IsItOt \ K ( 502 ) TABLE D.'—Mau Musamlahs, eeturned PAT A-MALES. districts. Married. Unmarried. Widowers. . Total. • 0-9 10— 15— 40— ToUil. j 0-9 i 10— 16- 40— Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. males. liartlwan 2 17 739 428 1,186 371 202 262 8 933 2^1 ai 88 Birbhutn 7 17 1,009 CIO 1,662 900 331 333 G 1,578 1 ... 22 63 88 3t3n Midnapur ... 19 30 1,01.5 1,2S7 3,281 2.38^1 oil H20 11 4,126 ... 1 43 120 172 7,579 Uugll ... 4 278 1S7 469 242 108 114 ... 464 14 80 60 Howrah O KJ 0.59 420 1,103 852 .31.3 101 1 1,387 ... ... 11 36 40 !S4’-rarganas 72 229 2,70 V 2.087 6,162 2,052 1,080 897 10 4,054 G 22 121 200 439 0,045 Nadia 4 20 0.50 708 1,691 1,001 439 42.3 11 1,934 ... 25 95 120 3,745 Jcssor 11 .31 1,233 897 2,172 1.288 615 008 11 2,622 ... ... 34 112 140 4.H40 MarsMdabad ... G 25 1,233 729 1,093 1,303 .5.50 4:11 9 2,364 ... .37 03 100 4,457 Khnlnn .S.') 55 1,408 on 2,469 1,290 509 :iC8 10 2,249 o ... 72 1.S2 260 4,974 Hinojpar 4 G 301 173 484 310 93 113 2 624 ... ... 2.3 34 «7« *4,065 Kajshahi 2 811 491 1,329 009 2.55 221 :i 1,178 ... 2 27 31 60 il,6n7 Jtangpur 8 21 528 311 801 4.5.5 lU) 188 0 801 ... 2 33 SS 76 1,777 Jiogra 4 27 ,500 281 812 488 13.5 91 3 720 ... ... 14 20 40 i,57i J€tbna ... 2 15 820 002 1,506 900 375 310 2 1,677 ... 17 43 60 3,2P4 Jaljtaignri ... ... 8 351 102 621 250 87 13:1 3 479 ... 10 24 34 1,034 Dacca 27 1,003 1,018 2.108 2,021 4&1 332 0 2,849 ... 1 27 no 138 3,095 FarUlpur ... 3 10 305 291 699 421 159 151 0 743 ... 1 n 21 33 1,475 JHalthargauj 270 719 1V.351 8,190 23,860 15,107 5,117 3,002 41 23,067 33 48 48.3 934 1,477 40,3f)0 Mahnan/iliigh C 37 1,,5C5 V)50 2.568 1,011 678 001 0 2.992 ... ... 42 82 124 5,074 Chittagong ... ... 2 2 VS 202 462 .351 141 123 1 622 ... 6 15 20 1,094 NoaklMll ...1 ... ... . 173 113 291 273 00 57 ... 422 ... 1 1 14 18 7?9 Tippera ... 2 4 3<.)0 2.52 648 432 107 203 4 800 ... ... 11 14 26 1,479 Patna 18
  48. 087 789 1,874 1,101 454 :i;{9 50 2,007 1 7 52 143 203 4,0S4 Oaga 117 4(’.5 2,700 2,117 6.465 2,089 1,27G 7SS 00 6.1 13 13 23 IGI 489 688 llf'HiO ahttliobad 55 H-.7 1,770 1,100 3,168 2,300 097 421 11 3,489 ... 4 04 165 203 0,910 Darhhnnga 88 1 ,K52 1.337 3,312 1,874 7.37 582 13 3,200 1 7 71 174 263 0,771 JHuzaffarjmr IV.i 102 1,051 f.:)0 1,792 809 310 270 :i 1,437 3 U 40 104 166 3,3S5 Saran ... 11 71 2,032 1 ,55j O.070 2,723 1,075 008 42 4,630 ... ... 64 230 294 H^OH f'finmparan • 21 78 1.8'H 1,117 3,064 1,053 045 619 2.5 2,844 0 B 90 216 320 Ithagalpnr ... IV G9 1.102 878 2,123 1,302 674 4*15 10 2,331 4 64 79 240 377 4,831 Monghyr 29 88 1 1,007 002 2.086 1,293 600 3.37 0 2,241 17 2 49 119 187 4,514 Purnea 12 IS 1,012 923 2,026 1,120 395 478 20 2.010 1 .3 62 136 191 4,35

    3 28 7.37 405 1,173 800 218 189 i! 1,247 ... ... 19 35 64 2,474 Cuttack 5 21 1.708 1.323 3,067 2,621 1,248 1,220 16 6,016 2 1 86 120 106 n,23» I*uri 5 9 j 1,273 809 2,180 1,381 G.33 088 8 2,710 ... ... 47 70 117 3,013 Dalasor S 20 1,121 701 1,863 2,109 470 600 13 3,1 10 ... 1 27 78 106 3,009 Hatarlbagh 1 20 031 403 1,064 012 233 175 8 1,068 • 6 2 33 05 106 2,227 Tjohardaga 1 17 1U7 787 452 1,363 979 330 182 11 1,602 1 3 45 67 lie 2,981 Manbhum ... 1 11 301 218 631 258 121 100 4 488 ... 1 10 17 . 1,053 Tributary Statru, Orinfia 6 12 GIO 512 1.139 470 201 209 17 1,066 ... 82 37 69

    2,264 SAB 53 240 0,314 3,728 10,340 6,273 2,388 1.070 47 10,387 3 9 « 177 678 767 21,300 K/tullitt ( 504 ) TABLED.Mar MuSALMANB, JBETUBNEI) SAY A.-MALES. DiaTRicia. Married. 1 Ummarbied. W 1 DOWHB 8 . Total males. 1 0-9 10— 15— 40— Total. 0—0 10— 16- 40— Total. 0-0 10— 16- 40- Total. Hardwan ,9 6 40 467 329 841 i 43 s 181 102 4 8IR 6 3 21 66 86 1,742 Birbhum
  49. 1!) 50.3 382 1.003 565 191 158 5 910 ,,, ... 17 40 66 1,988 JUidnapur o 22 608 415 1,047 79.3 351 250 4 1,308 ... ... 12 40 68 Hugti 2 4 16.“. 112 283 164 78 6k 2 308 ... 2 28 20 €21 Howrah 6 137 98 241 225 83 61 1 370 ... ... 6 10 16 6SG ^4~Parganas SO 21k 4.047 2,293 6.642 3,fJ90 800 8.59 47 4,801 4 0 78 287 378 11,891 Sadia 3 11 .513 329 866 671 2k3 176 5 094 ... ... 25 04 89 1,939 JeMBor ... 0 37 S39 589 1.474 1 mb 468 366 4 1,833 1 18 63 82 3,389 Murshidahad 2 1.5 .5 IS 3.30 896 j 612 206 2k9 7 1,074 t.t 14 80 60 9,019 Khuhia 1 1 6 511 242 760 ' 3k6 188 123 .3 660 ... 1 80 117 167 1,377 JHnaJpur ... ... lu 105 92 207 1.59 66 69 1 284 1 13 15 29 380 llajBhaht 2 in -1 k6 266 733 499 151 113 2 766 1 1 11 13 26 1,894 Jiogra m. 2 10 287 125 424 323 86 54 1 464 3 17 908 Prtbna 7 260 195 468 292 12 k 117 4 637 ... ... 4 0 13 1,018 Dacca 8 27.” 210 496 40k 162 171 8 740 ... ... 12 35 47 1,983 Fnridpur 2 9 ,343 290 64 4 4k9 104 160 4 806 ... 1 16 23 40 1,490 DackhavgnuJ .w

    81 1,079 l.lkD 2,938 1,039 683 536 11 3,160 1 2 80 100 148 €,986 Mnimansingh ‘ .8 371 277 660 409 174 163 7 763 ... ... 0 23 32 1,446 Chittagong 4 17 703 610 1,334 1, 2.3.3 45 k 414 8 2,100 ... 21 62 73 3,816 Tipper a 1 C 2S.S UJJJ 650 380 IQii 107 2 712 ... ... 8 17 26 1,987 Patna 11 40 1.041 1,000 2,096 1,333 618 467 35 2,463 1 1 47 12.5 174 4,799 Gaya 49 i:i.'j 1,0S2 1,089 2,376 1,252 4S6 395 47 2,180 2 5 110 242 365 4,920 Sfiahahad ... ••• ... 17 47 <444 312 820 .5kk 215 143 7 000 ... ... 3k 67 81 1,890 Darhhanga 27 07 ' 76(1 681 1,636 Dkk 370 269 4 1,690 1 2 1 51 115 169 3,300 MazBiffarpur 4 37 203 2.3S 672 302 110 77 6 604 2 33 70 105 1,181 tin ran ... 1 19 57'> 481 1.083 750 320 220 10 1,316 ... ... 27 78 106 9,603 i'hamparan .'i 20 •49S 26s 791 4k9 150 101 7 707 16 83 00 1,897 Dhagalpur 292 369 <132 117 1,710 794 1,100 719 10 k 2,723 1 I 8 I 1 470 839 1,600 8,933 Monghyr 22 .56 9S0 (m9 1,717 1,133 12k 220 11 1,780 27 3 30 101 167 3, €73 Parnea 7 19 5.53 1 317 896 603 192 193 0 897 ... ... 20 62 78 1,871 Malda 2 12 347 ' 19 4 665 37.3 115 100 3 621 1 ... 4 10 . 24 1,900 t attack

    1 316 1 170 403 282 126 112 6 626 ... 2 13 16 1,034 JtalaBor 1 C 2 49 j 112 398 246 12k 107 18 406 ... 1 3 16 19 913 Lohardagn 16 44 .si 231 709 401 178 123 2 704 ... 1 17 30 48 •1,461 • . SHA Jiardwan 14S 3.19 j 1 22,0<4S 1 11,071 ! 37,240 19, .537 8,146 9,547 198 37,428 28 20 881 2,158 3,087 77,761 lianknra 2S 4,3.V2 2.771 1 7,243 4.7 kO 1,8,55 1.967 17 8,670 • 2

    150 371 623 10,346 JUrbham \ 106 K20 ' 20,1S7 11,201 1 32,374 19.022 6,212 4,319 6k 29,017 4 10 414 1,035 1.463 €3,464 Midnapur ... 5k 26 Kliulna 415 l,41S 42.049 2 k, 333 68,245 42,.S6fl 15,033 16,405 301 76,666 26 CO 1,618 3,138 4,748* 148438 Dinajpar t 466 1 1,702 57,069 31,877 01,1 14 61,782 10,335 1 21,aM)1 393 102,811 24 70 c 2,808 4,661 7,648 801,474 ( 605 ) RTAflE «BY Caste — continued. by Title — continued. YID. B.-FEMALES. Mabried. Usmarrikd. ! 1 IVlDOWB. Total* 1 fenialoA. 0““9 10- 16— 40— Total. 0-9 10- 16— 40- Total. 0-9 10- 16- 40— Total.
  50. 28 06 657 100 880 4.52 65 12 629 2 174 323 499 7,909 48 111 635 123 017 627 47 0 1 681 1 2 127 858 488 /,040 S3 141 786 170 1,129 719 79 11 ... 809 1 7 1.5-1 405 667 12 33 216 30 290 128 13 1 ... 142 2 77 131 213 645 8 41 186 29 203 1.54 14 2 ... 170 1 1 32 Ot 128 56t 422 717 4,018 074 6,931 2,713 231 69 16 3,019 22 37 050 1,175 2,104 iJ,034 C3 138 676 103 1,030 662 43 3 1 609 ... 8 143 388 639 »,ias 110 229 1,132 176 1,661 905 95 10 3 1,013 3 9 223 680 B20 3,464 40 178 (48 130 1,002 605 100 20 ... 686 1 4 140 357 608 25 87 389 61 662 324 3(1 5 1 300 1 1 OS 113 103 t,tOi 10 18 108 43 230 132 15 3 ... 160 ... 1 33 69 03 46*4 32 106 60.5 72 774 414 3(1 4 ... 454 1 4 82 213 300 J4f46 ty • ’ H 310 48 431 254 43 4 301 ... 03 122 186 yj7 IS 63 337 65 468 291 40 2 ... 333 2 3 07 153 226 Ij0i6 3 39 400 95 643 370 83 21 ... 474 ... 2 51 181 237 1/454 68 lie 512 105 831 485 72 8 3 608 3 2 01 250 316 1,713 202 330 1,084 220 2,441 1,703 180 24 2 1,918 15 4 107 510 090 5,033 21 77 424 89 614 425 48 12 1 480 1 1 48 131 181 1,461 10 117 1,269 209 1,604 1,232 290 40 ... 1,671 ... 0 131 48S 628 3,603 10 61 437 89 687 429 75 3 607 ... 0 41 132 170 1,473 25 134 1,617 617 2,303 1,223 4.56 117 10 1,806 2 8 290 913 1.210 5,417 187 275 1,3.57 9h0 2,806 i,m 390 90 4.1 1,622 9 5 335 1,000 1,366 5,764 20 80 673 188 070 52, 1 1.33 27 2 086 ... 1 115 3il 467 4,114 65 170 1,119 304 1,668 891 214 53 2 1,160 1 8 220 r.ii 740 3,556 66 112 421 233 822 373 1.34 34 4 045 4 2 73 170 266 1,G44 12 68 09.5 290 1,366 760 234 04 4 1,002 8 1 147 5.1<» 681 3,106 15 61 403 ;j;w 812 2S6 87 17 4 304 ... 81 197 281 1,467 16 161 860 809 1,836 63.5 610 (573 601 2,379 ... 75 439 1,039 2,163 0,367 70 187 1,197 401 1,921 1,268 259
  51. 0
  52. 1,690 3 9 238 818 1,008 4,570 41 97 •617 07 722 484 82 21 1 680 3 2 128 231 360 1,070 80 89 397 52 658 337 60 4 ... 397 2 2 11.5 215 • 334 1,460 8 39 288 101 430 20G 7'4 17 1 368 ... 1 33 101 136 043 3 41 308 02 414 2.50 08 11 20 340 1 2 2 57 13(1 107 000 01 480 103 704 394 74 22 8 L 400 ... 3 95 315 4!3 1 1,073 IKH. • • 1,961 4,035 26,866 3,823 37,666 17,880 1,289 231 40 19.448 '1 1 75 1 1H8 7.315 ! 1 11.577 22,186 70,106 611 m 6,824 80S 8,089 4,122 201 44 9 4,437 , 10 3t 1 3.12 1 2,885 4,261 • 10,767 1.823 4,242 20,000 3,705 30,730 17,3.54 1,109 161 32 18,040 ; 1 45 107 3,S23 10,779 14,764 04,130 716 1,676 11,439 1,639 16,308 8,993 814 118 10 9,941 1 63
  53. 91(5 4,380 8,373 31J064 470 1,688 8,787 1,421 12,210 6,812 618 02 13 0,406 j 31 71 2.310 5,120 7,632 20,133 496 1.905 10,808 1,721 16,1 10 0,815 978 90 11 10,894 16 65 2.083 4,880 7.034 33,036 • 6,390 14.869 74,086 ll.0<42 100,337 67.958 2,772 (573 170 61.670 ' 210 .IsO 10,585 25,7:18 36,013 904,646 6,636 84,643 113,224 18,688 103.091 100.201 f),C0(5 1,108 194 108,109 209
  54. 2-1,394 57,630 03.003 354,353 13,16.1 38,670 184,156 24,392 200,280 144,013 10,0.12 1,318 280 156,843 589 f,326 38,824 86,365 126.100 543,490 7,484 10,380 86,003 13,000 124,807 76,879 4,028 725 140 80,772 2rin 702 20,411 43,703 06|t90 470,773 8,389 • 4,542 45,569 10,628 64^138 37,956 2,384 266 60 40,646 122 268 9,093 17,687 27,070 131,853 4,880 1W4 67,002 i 7,702 ' • 01,167 66,0C5 4,360 889 88 61.992 1G4 299 10,421 22,163

    33,037 165 ,566 ( 506 ) TABLE).-,-Mab

    Musalmans, returned SHA A.-MALES. Distkicib Married. I Ukmaurird. Widowers. Total

    males. 0-1) 10- 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total, Jtajshuhi 81 Jl 5,131 150,003 70,100 236.713 1C2.048 .50,707 30,998 200 ^243,963 32 155 8,231 5.149 8,666 48fl,239 ilanopur 1,353 4.981 112,020 72.815 101,109 128,529 40,905 38,850 1,219 200,633 38 113 4,432 8,301 12,044 413,6d(i Bogra ... 031 4,205 100.730 53,494 169,469 110.221 32,970 18,107 189 161,656 18 87 2,801 4,010 7,616 399^31 I*uhna 301 2,055 80,757 58,806 1 60,078 112,877 38,012 25,597 250 176,772 5 29 1,45)3 2, 58.3 4,1 10 331,860 JJarJef‘Ung ... 1 8 020 134 822 91 58 112 4 266 ... ... 13 12 25 1,113 Jatpaiguri ... Vl'2 CG5 25,057 17,6.59 44,303 33,007 12,002 1.3,138 329 68,836 0 25 1,6G7 2, 9.^1 4,646 107,684 Dttcea ... 1.1 12 48,820 120,370 100,427 270.766 212,3^15 77.309 48.-4(n) :i95 338,458 35 05 3,082 7,314 10,476 010,099 FarUlpur • •• 1,75-1 5,100 121,872 78,400 207,291 144.522 .51.;J27 .T3.255 372 *237,476 54 ICO 2^01 7,028 9,803 434,370 Bnhhargitn} ., 3,13.'. 0,00 1 188.721 107,700 308.020 198,087 C9,0S5 47.773 3G5 316,016 135 418 0,112 11,745 18,410 1643,931 Hhiftngong ...
  55. 515 80,151 00,818 141,716 11.3.C09 .5.5,273 45,157 ■105 244.444 9 8 1,82G 4,0S9 6,632 1309,099 NoahhnU ... ... 102 1,110 02,0:57 (51.879 166,328 1:55,704 47.889 3:1.050 170 216.819 18 30 2,051 5,275 7,374 1380,391 Tipptra 057 3.017 107,137 00,4ns 270.649 201.4511 78.204 01,480 402 341,617 29 48 3,112 0,758 0,047 092,013 Patna 192 410 7,109 6,021 13.371 7.915 2.01c 2,033 91 12,065 7 10 337 1.011 1,306 97,721 Gaga 707 1,778 13,0(50 10,302 26.863 15,253 4.G41 2,401 294 22,662 42 49 000 1,976 3.020 31,331 Shahahud 100 203 2 273 1,40.3 4,136 2,508 823 409 14 3,760 0 118 2-40 367 8,961 Darbhnnga ... ... 513 1,3S2 10,002 1.3,173 36,030 20,522 7,153 4,170 no 31,961 74 81 C94 1,701 2,610 69,001 Miiznffarpar 301 (325 7,87(5 (5,304 16.103 0.12s • 3,241 1.733 124 14,626 72 C7 837 025 1,401 31,030 Snran bO 403 7 020 6.373 12,894 H,t‘70 3,412 2,:i74 01 14,866 ... 9 280 900 1,108 98,048 Champa ran ... no C07 8,703 5, .507 14,036 7,91.5 2,S27 1.809 97 12,738 5 18 454 5)31 1,41 1 90,085 Bhagalpur ... 42 «2>w .3,1(50 2.401 6,865 4,180 1,031 054 30 6,804 8 10 180 371 676 13,934 Monghyr ... 173 573 8.878 0,207 16,741 8,9.55 3,315 l.lbO 58 1 3,644 DC 83 315 771 1,175 30,400 Purnea 550 2,377 85,300 67,575 146,001 111,821 'i2.:io.5 47,571 70c 202,463 23 72 3,745 7,D29 1 1,369 359,733 Malda ... 3^9 2,103 45.003 22,407 70,662 52,974 15,817 8.784 75 77,660 17 47 G7l 1,5-40 2,287 130,899 Santat Parganas 200 0.S1 O.IM 6.419 15,81 1 S,2t0 2,001 1,823 CO 12,726 14 30 300 800 1,204 29,741 CnttacU 4 10 1,313 807 2,200 1.450 722 075 13 2,066 ... ... 35 70 114 3,180 Pari 1 ... 447 55 15 703 683 237 234 4 1,168 ... 1 15 32 48 1,090 italaaor 3 20 1,903 1,092 3.027 1,878 84-4 811 23 3.686 ... ... 4G 101 147 0,760 nazarlhagh ... 1,047 1.701 S,700 4.S42 16,083 8,M)S 2 2^2 880 20 1 1,096 S4 47 SCO 023 1,003 90,149 Lohardaga 440 1.310 8,(505 4,702 16,276 9.019 2,072 1,093 72 13.486 15 37 327 038 1,007 20,899 Mfinhham ... , 230 808 1 7,038 3.411 1 1,677 8,OGO 1,039 558 27 0,690 B 27 229 470 ’ 731 91,998 Slnghhhum ... 0 18 312 139 606 177 C3 CG 7 313 ... ... 16 15 31 840 1 Tributary Statea, Vrlssa 4 9 170 113 302 167 81 69 1C 323 ... ... 2 11 13 638 Tributary States, dtutia ‘ Nagpur ... 0 35 200 103 440 303 1 74 DC 4 436 ... 0 29 38 914 KurhiJtihar ... 100 COO 22,378 11,:559 37,660

    9,555 10,4C5 2151 46,823 G 27 1,1C9 2,471 3.673 88,069 SHA •

    Khulna ... 6 30 540 319 896 C03 185 77 2 867 ... 1 18 45 64 r 1,896 Musalbians, betubned I II .-.L BADYA 1 ^4^Pargana9 — 1 ■ ■ 220 146 380 430 ■ ■ 462 ... — .... i:-. 0 ... 0 « 851 ( 507 ) wage* by OtAi'E— ^continued. BY Title — concluded. IKH — concluded. B.-FEMALE3. MAUKIBI). UKMAllBlED. Widows. ToMl fcMiialus. 0— 10- 15- 40- Total. 0—9 10- 15- 40— Total. 0-0 10- 13— 40- Total. 11,054 33,432 lfiO.839 19,673 243,898 147,971 7,219 963 207 150.393 IK) 993 29,719
  56. 105 100,677 S00,9it8 1».9‘27 28,514 137,787 17.835 198,063 112.500 7,574 2,-100 .301 122,836 451 630 22,S00 .52,18.') 76,064 3U0,9a» 8,493 21,030 117,276 14,280 161.079 101,559 6,790 750 110 1 1 1,216 275 500 11,655 36,6S7 49.123 3fJ2,0i7 4.B19 £1,013 113,169 18,005 168,266 103,496 7,6:,9 1,019 ISO • 17,364 102 613 15,490 10,097 62,088 33S,nOH 1 12 165 25 203 99 12 6 ... • 17 ... ... 7 23 30 330 1,572 4.822 33,557 6,182 46,133 31,151 4,512 122 Cl 56,879 61 128 1,861 11,092 10,068 07,070 7,861 3n,G()7 207,548 3,'{,574 286.690 210,186 29.037 2,171 2C2 241,658 317 1,029 ‘25,037 7:).990 100,403 027,040 12,181 36,023 169,101 21,543 242,46 1 152.-UI3 1 1,052 1,1SG 215 168,646 COO OL'S 22,98 1 60,100 00.084 001,081 17,413 46,608 238,011 33,241 336,276 209,411 21,778
  57. 6:1.5 2S1 236, 1 36 7.33 913 22,791 75, 179 00.640 070,000 837 13,907 139,361 25,002
  58. MO 130,113 iJO,.5l7 4.199 402 174,691 107 470 17,7hS 50,025 74,000 428,001 » 132,387 21.829 176,217 133,501 22,221 l,6Cl 231 167,620 110 4.50 9,03 1 31,;i

    44,307 377,144 4,869 28,128 720,94-1 30,309 271,260 202,751 30,331 3,053 353 242,093 231 492 19,010 59,378 70,741 002,984 r.s8 536 6,713 3,599 n.466 7,601 1,910 500 62 10,106 16 31 1,611 5,S55 7,610 20,090 1,008 4,204 19,836 8.310 33,952 15,2!t3 2,205 515 279 18,292 17 1.57 2,99.5 9,.5I9 12,008 61,802 181 5H<5 3,309 891 6.030 2,491 461 72 16 3,043 6 19 r,a) 1.75.5 2,280 10,302 1,350 3.391 2-1,307 7,103 36,304 19.711 2,935 695 94 23,066 71 119 4,2S7 11,918 10,206 70,004 485 1,465 10,561 3,220 • 6,731 8,311 l,S7ft 373 52 10,1 17 71 71 1 .920 5,2:)6 7,o07 33,100 227 ItO-s? 10.,53;i 3.GC9 16,610 9,027 2,121 521 41 1 1,710 6 25 ],o:.i 5,732 7,413 34,048 359 1,357 9,764 3,512 • 4,982 7.911 1,1(19 all 27 0,721 63 57 1,501 •1.211 6.866 30,008 271 809 3,301 1,007 6.448 3,552 42H 87 11 4.078 18 11 851 2,1 6J 3,076 12,001 481 1,501) 9,297 3,262 14,640 9,327 1,496 271 4:1 1 1,137 45 79 1,!)36 5,5:11 7,601 30,277 5,611 14,866 112,457 19,550 • 62.474 1 107,185 16,219 3,312 202 127,008 I 262 rrs J 8,100 .50, 15.') 00,304 348,870 4.1S2 12,357 58,830 8,535 83,004 1 08,008 3,256 502 91 01.020 1 1.58 565 1:),511 27.201 41,430 187,202 901 1,025 11,392 2,591 • 0.609 8,019 1,183 lOO 21 0,383 1 32 hO 1,907 4.591 0,010 1 32,r,02 11 138 1,714 331 2,197 1.010 3.51 62 8 2,067 4 319 1,261 1,587 0,801 27 008 130 771 018 207 •19 2 006 ... 77 271 348 2,026 21 221 1 2,235 387 2.867 1,769 •162 63 3 2,207 1 0 :j97 1.072 1,476 0,010 1,977 2,523 9.733 2,400 10.003 8.100 781 i:i7 9 9,117 51 91

    1,1. 5.5 2,873 4, 173 20,983 877 1,963 0,362 2,760 14.962 9,098 1,081 206 26 10,414 31 51 1,1:51 2 ,s:j;) 4,001 1 29,437 855 • 1,567 0,891 1,572 10,886 6,076 6.31 100 7 0,014 31 53 S79 2^29 3,001 1 20.790 6 32 252 29 1 319 175 35 13 1 224 ... ... 30 192 132 070 25 187 49 209 j 169 36 9 ... 214 ... ... 24 69 03 1 670 10 37 230 89 1 300 1 216 70 19 3 0 O 8 ... 5 55 115 176 ' 1 1 819 1 « 8,0G1 6,023 26,889 3,360 38,042 ] 1 2.3, -130 1.551 2.31 B1 26,266 1 Ill 172 r.,:):5s L ' 19,411 10,005 1 1 ! %8ff,202 NA. -- A 58 \1B 087 1)9 969 676 63 6 ... 636 *’ • 1 i 91 j ‘210 306 1 ' 1 ;! 1,900 !i BY Actual Occupation. KAR. 13 61 201 170 460 3.92 75 8 470 i 1 1 1 2 ‘2 6 10 030 t J • — ' 1 ( 608 ) 0 TABLE D.— Mab Musalmans, betubnbd BQ Shahabnd ... Saran 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15— 40- Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. luulea. 9 42 087 469 1,207 741 205 141 8 1,178 3 41 100 144 BHA 10 4-i ' 203 114 371 201 02 37 0 306 12 36 48 785 1 7 281 118 440 198 89 U 3
  59. 1 10 SO 41 780 Shtiluthad .. Saran Chnmparan OHURI 10 38 287 144 470 247 84 22 1 364 ... 1 11 18 30 883 11 41 4.33 277 762 491 165 49 3 701 ... 1 11 50 62 1,395 27 W 03!) 400 1,156 706 239 119 7 1,071 2 4 73 853 432 2,GS9 DAPA 0 C2 63 ItSlO Shahabad ... Darbhariffa ... Muzaffarpur Saran r:ftatni>aran... nhagalpar ... 94^ParganaH 1,381 1,005 Darhhanga ... diuzuffarpur Sfiran . I'fHtmparan... Ithagalpar Monghyr 366 1»727 1,096 3,277 1,736 269 1,389 937 2,884 1,804 22 24 47 ifii9 45 81 131 3,046 8 20 34 9f» 23 76 100 3,944 37 08 163 3,394 DBA 4 11 16

    498 dhj 16 • dhc 340 2 4 17 40 63 ,,ii» 842 6 7 24 79 116 »,»«» 2,372 3 6 60 167 215 6/i64 1,048 1 8 83 166 247 3,079 340 1 3 16 37 66 867 440 1 6 c 10 80 56 t h084 ( 509 ) [UQE TJY Caste — continued. IT Actual Occupation. IARA. B.-FEMALES. MaRKIET). Unmarried, Widows. Totrtl females. 0-9 10— 15 — 40- Total. 1 0-9 10- 30 15- 1 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15— M)- m Total. 143 215 900 164 1,421 1 C36 668 3 10 15N 470 j 9M7
  60. 25 69 204 85 373 187 49 13 1 260 1 S‘2 123 740 19 64 309 115 667 256 77 31 303 2 1 61 106 170 i,09O BLAB. J./ 17 71 315 HI 484 239 30 11 1 287 ... 1 47 125 173 044 29 692 199 004 537 70 13 1 627 2 2 31 201 239 7.770 47 106 m at5 1,182 679 111 28 2 720 1 8 59 221 280 9,W1 Lil. 48 110 630 124 012 367 13 4 3 307 2 92 203 207 7i406 SI. RL 2St. 21 48 311 97 1 477 216 41 10 1 208 0- 38 1.56 106 070 62 166 966 »»2 1,476 781 107 11 2 904 3 4 137 450 694 0,073 97 79 357 112 646 195 ;io 3 228 1 2 23 90 1 10 9S9 64 205 1,380 438 2,006 1,039 189 20 2 1,256 ... 5 121 1 470 586 3,948 69 142 676 267 1,144 656 79 21 2 ; 067 1 3 i 6 82 j 229 320 ii,tm =rr-=: 7=rt. _ -- r ■ 48 212 49 334 163 25 4 ... 192 2 2 27 106 137 1 OGH WA. PA. . 1S3 620 163 016 104 17 ... 1 lie 103 445 131 708 231 10 fl ...
  61. 169 189 842 424 1,624 612 104 21 2 179 412 2,369 796 3,746 1,810 256 54 4 171 346 1,682 636 2,834 1,357 208 41 7 47 76 306 82 600 219 23 I 2 1 84 40 413 120 663 225 23 3 1 122 266 630 2,124 1,013 245 202 10 71 ,n 167 1 1 1,’ion 21 117 148 52 221 284 192 800 1,006 1 0,H75 145 743 900 B^SSO 89 lOS 147 001 42 143 189 1,t04 ( 510 ) TABLE D.'— Mak Musalmans, returned b? DHU A.-MAL];S. I Disibict. Mabried. UXSffARRIEP. 'W'lDOWERB. Total males. 0-0 10- 15- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. Patna 21 07 625 403 I,t46 692 201 140 13 846 1 0 34 82 122 njau Shahattad 4A 140 754 403 1.349 756 265 82 7 1.099 1 2 36 07 106 2,564 Darbhanga 700 1.324 6,077 3,657 1 1,867 4,608 OIS 291 21 6,838 21 43 206 394 664 18,359 Muzaffarpur 311 634 2.431 1,646 6.022 1,974 625 222 18 2,739 6 10 67 160 242 8,W3 Saran lU 373 2,078 1,237 3.802 2,622 1,190 449 13 4»I74 3 6 80 281 369 8,345

    Vhamparan 109 r.i5 3,720 2,817 6,761 3,385 9C2 D58 20 4>926 13 22 233 443 711 12,387 Bhagalpur 20(3 495 3.107 1,689 6.667 2,678 560 171 8 3,417 11 32 120 202 371 9,345 TUonyhyr 01 220 1,353 907 2,670 1,248 419 208 9 1,884 2 10 /44

    133 189 4,543 Purnea 33 109 1,266 628 2,034 1,115 311 150 4 1,680 3 0 89 103 200 3,814 Jlatda 2 20 310 196 637 I 431 no 76 ... 617 6 1 6 15 27 “r — T 1,181 PA ■ — —
  62. Khulna ... ... 1C2 114 278 131 59 45 1 236 ... 4 S3 37 54 Jincca •44 •## 3 6 102 147 348 209 63 51 ... 326 ... 4 26 30 703 Darhhanga ... 63 161 890 718 1,824 836 240 132 24 1,238 2 5 40 101 148 3,210 jHuznffarpur C3 142 540 331 1,070 48.3 182 66 23 764 1 5 28 65 89 1,999 8arftn 22 127 1,0.30 767 1,066 1,150 464 211 18 2,143 1 3 89 123 166 4,974 Champaran.., 40 196 1,483 078 2,697 1,:)06 413 257 18 2,086 4 6 95 175 280 5,063 Monghyr 0 29 171 104 309 1.32 69 4:1 2 200 ... 6 27 33 608 Bhagalpur ... 9 22 2W 1.33 448 ' 202 64 62 1 319 1 19 28 48 815 OA C/tamparan 21 bl 688 377 1,167 568 181 109 8 806 ... ... 56 133 189 9,999 HAJ Maimanttizigh 2 114 06 182 179 43 67 3 292 ... ... 8 16

    24 1 498 Patna 9 30 299 146 484 201 50 42 3 296 ... 1 12 24 37 • 817 Shahabad 8 4S 236 130 442 250 81 17 1 349 ... 8 21 30 891 Darbhanga 43 69 419 316 846 423 117 82 2 827; 1 34 58 83 1,505 Mutaffarpur 18 51 301 207 677 280 81 43 6 416 1 2 6 23 64 86 1,088 Saran 69 216 1,368 888 2,621 1,642 475 174 4 2,196 ... G 42 130 178 4,394 Champaran 30 I 83 736 382 1,263 621 18.3 105 11 922 ' 1 • 4 ! 45 k_,-. 89 138 2^13 ... , .
  63. • t' JOL 94 Parganas g 13 375 482 876 647 187 124 3 861 ... 1 13 37 61 1,787 Murshldabad 3 12 436 224 676 39:s 189 no 1 643 ... ... 0 36 42 1,W KJ^ulna 37 128 2,846 1,814 4.825 2,987 1,05-4 528 12 4,681 1 4 106 271 382 9,788 Bajahahi 6 9 459 285 768 520 109 108 ... 797 1

    20 22 43 1,598 Dacca 4 32 1,116 769 1,911 1,387 617 329 4 2,237 ... 1 85 91 127 4,975 Paridpur 3 7 2.39 172 441 228 102 50 366 ••• 1 12 25 38

    865 Jkluimanzingh ... , ... ... 4 148 113 266 163 60 46 268 ... 1 6 11 •16 539 biaoe: by (Jaste — continued. Actoal Occupation — continued. ( 511 ) NIA. B.-FEMALES. Habeied. Uemaeeied. Widows. j Total 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40 - Total. 0-9 10- 15- 40- Total. 1 i females. 61 176 840 304 I 1,309 700 ( 116 31 10 8S7 3 1 ini 350 I 468 2,704 90 IfVt 1,045 285 1,604 735 no U 2 807 0 7 100 408 641 3,112 1,100 6.900 2,162 1 1,866 4,357 316 90 19 4,782 47 60 447 2,025 2,675 19,923 690 897 2,776 1,391 6,764 1,709 270 73 8 2,000 SO 30 256 908 1,227 9,030 ,, m 311 1,300 265 2,079 933 52 10 ... 1,016 8 11 162 4S0 667 3,701 309 767 3.979 1,043 6,768 3,306 617 no 14 3.047 15 25 320 1.387 1.763 12,432 705 015 4,020 1,113 6,763 3,078 (Mil 29 17 3,786 20 25 258 723 1,026 11,304 256 441 1,638 005 2,036 1,172 185 47 6 1.400 6 10 225 705 061 5,293 227 303 1,310 US 1,004 911 62 10 1 974 R 4* 270 550 842 3,810 21 82 372 05] 640 390 30 6 2 427 3 5 118 368 1,335 Km: 0 • 42 1.64 45 260 140 7 8 160 20 75 96 493 13 64 251 35 363 184 0 4 107 1 1 1 31 121 164 704 167 242 019 437 1,016 820 120 30 1 .077 . 2 11 152 440 01 1 3,403 72 132 679 455 1,238 504 80 32 6 621 1 2 4 Cl 188 265 2,114 73 224 1.029 611 2,637 1,434 204 60 6 1,763 ' ... 7 152 017 776 3,000 102 251 1,693 061 2,609 1,200 1!)6 47 6 1,608 ' 1 1 3 148 0.30 788 4,905 13 73 182 108 376 1-47 41 9 4 201 ; ... 4 38 91 133 710 21 66 272 79 427 202 32 6 I 230 ! 1 m 32 103 IcO 802 DI. '

    ■" —

    — . . _ 61 103 743 220 1,217 640 65 27 1 653 1 1 1 3 80 247 337 JAM. ■■ ~

    • 3 21 1.38 22 184 172 2.3 3 2 200 1 10 37 72 120 304 14 62 309 04 629 212 43 4 ... 269 ... 1 28 108 136 924 17 49 271 92 420 247 39 0 1 293 1 m 97 136 832 06 131 040 103 1,006 389 47 4 7 447 2 6 04 193 203 1,715 60 103 359 245 767 314 78 6 ... 307 4 8 43 175 230 • 1,394 125 369 2,065 GIO 3,168 1,690 203 37 4 1,834 2 1 108 724 806 5,207 09 129 8^4 239 1,261 044 104 27 1 776 2 1 78 278 369 , 1 2,395 AHA. • • . % . .
  64. 66 • 100 397 72 636 .330 12 4 1 363 3 10 128 224 366 1 1,353 65 107 661 75 808 338 14 6 2 370 3 1 00 273 373 ifim 899 762 3,053 479 4,692 2,504 107 22 4 2,037 10 24 608 1.211 1,763 ; 9fi82 28 07 621 80 826 495 21 1 2 619 ... • 3 100 250 369 1 1,704 63 307 1,400 241 2,091 1,249 114 13 2 1.378 4 14 348 053 1,019 ! 4,428 23 1

    69 817 43 442 235 6 ... ... 241 2 1 .33 143 170 j 802 6 ■ 170 22 i 234 161 19 1 1 ... 180
  65. ... 22 00 68 ; M 502 ( 512 ) / TABLI? D^] Musalmans, returnei A.-MALES. Disxnicr. Mabkiso. Unmarried. Widowers, T( ui 0-9 10- 15— 40— Total. 0-9 10— 16- 40- Total. 0-9 10— 15- 40- Total. 2*ntna 1(18 482 2.915 2,437 6,002 3.1»4 956 391 31 4,562 9 81 135 437 612 11 Onya 47 189 651 338 1,125 690 167 74 3 834 1 29 07 127 » Slinhahatl 242 811 3,948 2,272 7,273 4,310 1,437 547 79 6,373 5 17 183 441 646 14 l^orhhanya 472 1,038 5,897 3,980 11,387 6,284 1,286 381 91 6,972 15 28 259 500 808 10 ^tuzaffarpur 1,110 1,776 9,3:18 6.461 18,088 9 .:ioo 2 . 09:1 1,059 47 1 2,499 S3 58 390 640 I.I2I Si Saran 652 l,9S-t 11,728 9,138 23,602 15,25)6 4116 1.6S3 09 21,164 15 87 414 l,:i74 1,840 4€ Chntnpnran m 1,528 11,603 7,121 20,686 9,721 3.000 1,690 85 14.602 3 71 738 1,024 1,836 S7 Monyhyr 226 555 3,995 2.914 7,690 3,945 1,047 442 I 24 6.450 8 30 87 404 629 U Jihaynlpur 665 785 3.665 1,919 7,034 2,587 463 149 6 3.205 25 42 164 S70 601 10 t*urnea 23 5)3 1,148 602 1,006 903 25)0 123 1 1,317 3 9 66 190 274 3 Jlasartfiayh n(‘>5 600 2,938 1 ,.555 6,458 3,067 797 281 3 4.138 7 19 123 218 i67« I^ohnrrlaya 10 3H 178 78 304 253 88 9 :i 363 1 1 1 3 9 14 24-Pf(rgrtna» 8 41 1,152 976 2,177 1,.561 485 239 6 2.291 4 46 124 174 4 Murshidabad « 308 270 684 416 165 138 3 722 ... 14 M , 77 1 Kliutna 1 8 182 104 206 1 165 67 55 7 294 ... ... 6 24 20 JUaimansingfi 2 :w 989 427 1,467 j 879 A'ili 177 8 1,387 ... 1 45 44 80 € E Khulna Farid pur 12 32 21 200 4S2 3,s:5s 2.V1 2,438 708 6,508 46.3 3,894 1.59 1,:J57 77 906 2 9 701 6,160 1 3 2 7 42 143 64 323 100 476 13 • £ Tatna 23 908 70 4 -498 2,133 766 254 135 8 1,103 ... 9 50 82 141 i Durbhanga ... 1,164 1,325 5,6:w 2,999 1 1,021 3,688 471 182 11 4,362 30 34 229 878 671

    H Masnffarpur 33 .52 314 124 623 215 77 29 321 2 2 5 18 27 Samfn^ 42 89 772 491 1,304 961 208 115
  66. 1,324 1 2 29 80 112 Champnrnn 8 53 4.55 266 782 407 117 87 3 614 1 1 42 115 I6Q Bhagalpur 301 (141 3,095 1,.59S 6,035 2,928 424 182 4 3.638 10 15 108 211 344 i Monghyr 1.56 455 2 129 1,8H5 4,026 2,558 702 318 10 3.688 7 11 90 2.39 347 i Vurnea 41 138 1,078 .567 1,824 872 214 104 2

    I , 1 02 *2 0 71 105 187 • i Malda , .

    2 6 192 91 291 225 70 46 2 343 1 2 10 13 ! — 0 • •

    ■ “ - - ■ Jlarbhanga :n 79 330 226 672 262 64 27 S 366 1 2 16 66 76 Muxaffarpur 35» 79 •344 190 662 851 114 41 2 608 2 2 13 55 72 1 tiaran 6 28 139 101 274 258 68 10 1 336 ... ... 28 28 Jihagalpur 6 2.1 109 75 303 142 40 10 2 194 ... 8 26 ^33 • /