Windows Modules installer worker high CPU Reddit

We seriosuly need to pressure Microsoft to take care of this issue about the 'windows modules installer'. I set mine as manual startup in 'services' but after an update from Windows it has started up again, and it's burning up my laptop. If the laptop runs hot for a longer period it would suffer heatdamage to CPU [cooling paste dries out faster], graphics processors and batterylife is dramatically reduced, as batteries don't like heat.

To disable this service you need to search within 'services' then locate Windows modules installer and set it as manual startup. It shouldn't affect how your computer updates Windows.

I also learned that Windows10 update uses all computers on the local area networks and internet to share and retrieve updates from other computers running same operating system. Now my suspicion is that this could be the feature wich is killing the CPU. You can partly turn this feature off in advanced settings for Windows Update.

Hope this helps, but you might wanna check that this service stays in manual mode from time to time.

how do i remove this? is something wrong with my computer? why can i NEVER get rid of this stupid process that keeps sucking my cpu and completely destroying my game performance?

i have disabled windows update service.

i have disabled windows module installer service.

i have changed my ethernet registry thing value.

ive ran sfc scannow.

i've done everything yet this shit still bogs my computer down. what else can i do to fix this apart from reinstalling windows? can anyone help me with this mindbending issue ive had for the past few months?

thank you in advance

If you really want to stop it entirely, you can do so by opening services as admin and disable Windows module installer

You may find some functionality of the windows operating system stop working, so it's generally advisable to keep it on automatic.

But 0.7MB is a tiny amount of ram used so it's rather pointless to clear.

You'd be better off restarting your computer, and after logging in you will have a fresh session.

Posted byu/[deleted]11 months ago

level 1

Keep your system updated and you should be good to go. Crazy how everyone is encouraging OP to disable system services

level 2

Meh. It's OK to disable it if you manually update when needed.

level 2

that's not the fucking point and I don't get the idea behind commenting that on a post like this. I could give a fuck what it does, right now I just want it to fuck off and stop sucking up on my computer

level 2

thank you. I tried some stuff and am now running a chkdsk, I'll try it after

level 1

Unless you sleep with your PC I would just schedule TiWorker to do updates and house keeping late at night. It will turn itself on, do the work and then shut down.

Run task scheduler and work out when you want this work to be done. You can't beat the system if you're the problem, you need to tell windows to kindly F**K off till you're finished with the PC.

Just wait for it. Nothing you can do about it.

Win10 does that to me once a week. And sometimes at the worst times imaginable.

Is probably just another useless bloatware like the weather or a calander or hidden stuff for Skype and Cortana.

No, seriously: Why?

The effect is more noticeable when you have a fast internet connection and a computer with a [reasonably] fast hard-drive but a ULV CPU such as an Atom: If you fire up Task Manager, you will notice that very little of the update time is actually spent using the network or hard-drive. Most of it is spent with Windows Modules Installer Worker consuming 100% of a CPU core.

Even after reboot, after you have booted to the desktop again, Windows Modules Installer Worker still consumes 100% of a CPU core for some time [minutes or tens of minutes, depending on the CPU]. For.. good measure, I guess.

On a slow CPU, an update from a fresh install [say, Windows 8.1 official ISO] can easily take several hours. Again, most of it spent with Windows Modules Installer Worker consuming 100% of a CPU core, no matter how fast your internet or hard-drive is.

This is an insane amount of calculations, considering even the worst Atom ever made is equivalent to an 1GHz Pentium III. What is Windows Modules Installer Worker actually doing during all that time?

Just some clarifications:

  • No, I am not talking about a broken installation or anything like that

  • Effect is present even if you disable system restore

I know most people here may not have the answer, but I always wanted to ask just in case someone does.

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