What are the 11 characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset by Orbis 2011

1Interdisciplinary Research Center for Finance and Digital Economy [IRC-FDE], Dammam Community College, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

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Syed Haider Ali Shah

2Business Studies Department, Bahria University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

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M. Sadiq Sohail

3Department of Management and Marketing, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Finance and Digital Economy [IRC-FDE], KFUPM Business School, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

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1Interdisciplinary Research Center for Finance and Digital Economy [IRC-FDE], Dammam Community College, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

2Business Studies Department, Bahria University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

3Department of Management and Marketing, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Finance and Digital Economy [IRC-FDE], KFUPM Business School, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Corresponding author.

Edited by: Jesús-Nicasio García-Sánchez, Universidad de León, Spain

Reviewed by: Erum Shaikh, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Shaheed Benazirabad, Pakistan; Irfan Ullah, Dalian University, China; Guojie Xie, Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou, China

*Correspondence: Syed Haider Ali Shah, moc.liamg@11hahsrediah

This article was submitted to Personality and Social Psychology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology

Received 2022 Jun 9; Accepted 2022 Aug 11.

Copyright © 2022 Al-Ghazali, Shah and Sohail.

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The big five personality traits and entrepreneurial mindset [EM] are crucial individual-level elements that determine entrepreneurial intention [EI]. This study examines the impact of big five personality traits and EM, on EI using the theory of planned behavior. Besides, this study examined the role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy [ESE] and attitude toward entrepreneurship [ATE] influences EI. To achieve the research objectives, a quantitative approach was used. Structural equation modeling [SEM] and path analysis were conducted using SmartPLS software. Data were collected from 270 respondents through online questionnaires. Findings of the study revealed that big five personality traits influence ESE and ATE which led to EI. Finally, the moderating role of entrepreneurial passion was also found to have strong effect on influence ESE and ATE. This study offers evidence and insights that academics, educators, and others involved in the creation or expansion of entrepreneurial knowledge can use as a reference point.

Keywords: five big personality traits, entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention


Entrepreneurship plays a critical part in a country’s economic growth and development [; ], Individuals can use it as a feasible career option. It provides unemployed youth with a key path to self-sufficiency by allowing them to start their own business []. In governments failing to create jobs in such critical times, it is critical to create new jobs for young people as a self-employment []. The act of starting a business is preceded by “EIs” as an individual involved in taking advantage of opportunities that are available []. The literature on entrepreneurship has emphasized the importance of intentions in deciding whether or not to start a new business [; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ]. The desire to pursue a career as an entrepreneur is seen to be a key factor in determining the success of new companies. However, very few studies have considered the factors that influence individual intentions in context of Saudi Arabia. To gain greater knowledge of the factors that impact entrepreneurial intent could help ventures evolve more successfully, especially for university students, who are more likely to pursue self-employment that has a large impact on economic growth than those without a university education []. According to the literature, researchers advocated that there is a link between entrepreneurial intent and personality traits []. Furthermore, personality traits are becoming a more prominent research focus in the entrepreneurial and psychology literature. However, there is mixed opinion on the significance of personality in predicting entrepreneurial intent []. Personality traits, which are shaped by values and beliefs, are crucial in guiding entrepreneurial decision-making. As a result, investigating this underlying relationship by combining various concepts will provide an insight into the relationships. Thus, the first research question of the study is what is the impact of big five personality traits [BFPT] on entrepreneurship intention [EI]? The first objective of the study is to investigate BFPT and EI.

The importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset [EM] has gained a lot of attention [; ; ]. Entrepreneurial mindset is conceptualized as the inclination for entrepreneurship is based on the way of being critical and abilities of being critical thinkers [; ]. Individuals that have a more EM are more likely to seek out and exploit new chances and innovations []. Nevertheless, impact of EM on entrepreneurial intention [EI], on the other hand, has to be confirmed further [; ; ; ; ]. Previous research has shown that having an EM can help in developing more dynamic skills and competencies. Very few studies have examined the role EM on EI. Therefore, the second objective of this study is to investigate the impact of EM on EI.

A variety of factors influence one’s decision to pursue entrepreneurship as a career including self-efficacy [], social context [; ], education []. In addition, self-efficacy [SE] decides whether or not you want to be an entrepreneur []. Moreover, SE is the determination required to generate a result that is closest to action or action intentionality . Self-employment highly depends on these perceptions of self-efficacy [], which can be applied to predict the EI. In addition to that, SE has been identified as a critical antecedent in the creation of EIs in several research []. SE was found to be a significant predictor of EIs and/or activity []. Within the context of entrepreneurship, the role of personality traits in deciding on a career path is also studied within the attraction-selection-attrition [ASA] framework as this framework posits that people like to work in situations with others who have similar personality characteristics to them []. This study attempts to fill the multiple gaps. First, the BFPT, as well as entrepreneurial self-efficacy [ESE], are considered determinant elements in an individual’s EI in this study which are rarely studied together in literature and most of the studies have advocated to investigate the relationship among them [; ; ]. This study focuses on these personal characteristics based on a large body of evidence that the BFPT and ESE play a predictive role in EI []. Previous empirical studies produced mixed outcomes on the study of individual personalities and their EI [; ; ; ].

Psychological characteristics are linked to business formation and success, according to meta-analytic evaluations []. Such traits impact individual’s willingness to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Yet, several entrepreneurship studies initially concluded that psychological personality assessments were ineffective []. With the emergence of meta-analytic studies in entrepreneurship and big-five personality traits linked to entrepreneurial goals, this assumption changed [; ]. According to psychologists, attitude, which serves as the foundation for a person’s opinion and justification of conduct, has a significant impact on individual intentions []. As a result, it’s necessary to look into this link [; ]. After reviewing the literature, it has been found that attitude has a significant role in university students’ desire to start a business or enterprise [; ]. Personality traits have been widely addressed among individual variations; however, only a few empirical research have looked at how these traits effects on EI among students []. Education industry plays a significant role in the EI []. To fill this second research gap, this research study intends to investigate the role of BFPT and EM on EI among students. Another gap this study intends to fill is to investigate the role of EM on attitude toward entrepreneurship [ATE]. Similarly, entrepreneurial passion [EP] is very crucial in the EI []. Moreover, according to [], the EP is a strong emotion that has the potential to help people reach their full potential. Moreover, enthusiasm drives people to pursue their dreams of starting their own business which is entrepreneurial activities. Very limited number of studies check the EP as a moderator. Third, this study fills the gap by investigating the moderating role of the EP on the relationship between ATE, ESE, and EI. Moreover, studies have highlighted to investigate the above relationships in Saudi Arabia context [; ; ; ]. Therefore, fourth, this study fills the gap by extending the existing literature of BFPT and entrepreneurial mindset by providing the empirical evidence from developing country context [Saudi Arabia], and data were collected from students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [KSA] including both private and public universities.

The framework of this research study has been developed after a through literature review, in this framework, the impact of BFPT has been examined on EI directly and EM on EI directly and indirectly through the ESE and ATE. More interestingly, the moderating role of EP has also been investigated which were highlighted by multiple research studies. This framework in Figure 1, is unique of its kind that it has been developed by combining the holistic research studies and based on multiple research gaps which are discussed in the above paragraphs. In total 10 hypotheses are developed to test the framework of the study.

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Figure 1

Conceptual framework of the study.

Literature review

Theory of planned behavior

The elements of this theory of planned behavior [TPB], the first is perceived desirability, which refers to a person’s attitude toward entrepreneurship [ATE] or level of interest in it. When faced with a number of problems and options, a person can become overwhelmed and may decide whether or not to react based on an early assessment of the conduct [].

The big five personality traits and entrepreneurial intention

In order to describe major personality traits, a comprehensive model known as the big five models was constructed as human personality is complex broad categories []. The five factors received widespread support after the model was introduced-conscientiousness, openness to experience, emotional stability, extraversion, and agreeableness – proposed by the model causing the big five to be the most often used personality locus [].

A lot of research studies have focused on whether the BFPT have an impact on EI [; ; ; ; ; ]. A brief review of the literature is provided below to support the relevance of the BFPT to EI.

Conscientiousness. It can be referred to Individuals with usually having the qualities of working hard, planning well, remaining organized and ready when asked to perform duties and tasks [; ; ; ]. Entrepreneurship and conscientiousness are closely related. A person who has a strong desire to be successful and remained motivated toward achieving their set goals tend to have more traits of an entrepreneur [; ]. Entrepreneurs are people who dislike doing the same thing over and over again, who take personal responsibility for their actions and desire to see tangible outcomes of their choices, actions, and decisions []. In personality studies, conscientiousness was found to be a trait which actually differentiates managers from entrepreneurs []. The meta-analysis study conducted by highlighted that conscientiousness was found to be consistent and vital dimension that is closely related to EI. In addition to that, another study found no significant differences in conscientiousness between those who take the initiatives as entrepreneurs and those who do not take such type of initiatives which are non-entrepreneurs [; ].

Openness to experience. This big five model dimension is defined as well as a person’s inquisitiveness for taking initiative with new ideas, concepts, and the value system as well as their desire to strive for novel, unusual, and unique [; ; ]. Those individuals with a high amount of openness to experience score are likely to be more in terms of creativeness and imagination while thinking in a different way to try novel things [; ]. An entrepreneur is a person who is efficient and innovative, according to . Openness to new experiences shows the clear distinction between the professionals and entrepreneurs as it is based on emotional stability and extraversion which is referred as vital element []. Openness to new experiences was the second most strongly linked personality trait to the desire to start a business [].

Emotional stability. When individuals are in state of relax and remained clam during the tough time or the inconvenient times, they are considered emotionally stable. Emotions that bring the negative energy in form of anxiety, fear of loss, or fear of unknown lead to the emotional instability []. Scholars and practitioners highlighted that in order to start the new venture or any type of the business, the confidence level, ability to handle the pressure, and resilience to perform different activities in difficult times are based on emotional stability [; ; ]. Regarding this particular trait, there is a variety of results. A study highlighted that they did not find a significant difference in neuroticism between entrepreneurs and nonentrepreneurs, according to the study conducted by .

Extraversion. Individuals with high level of extraversion tend to be more pleasant, friendly, gregarious, lively, moreover, they have the tendency to be dominating and assertive in social circle. Assertion means claim and persuasion in terms of influence are typically displayed by those with high-level communication capabilities and social impact [; ]. Entrepreneurs need to organize and manage their subordinates and teams, in order to encourage their innovative business concepts to employees and customers [] and extraverts are more likely to find this easier than introverts. Despite this, earlier research on the trait of extraversion in entrepreneurs has been inconclusive [; ]. In addition to that, in a meta-analysis, no significant difference was found between managers and entrepreneurs [].

Agreeableness. Individuals with higher level of agreeableness tend to be having the attributes of trusting, altruistic, compassionate, and quality of forgiveness []. In addition to that, entrepreneurs are considered to be more cooperative and supportive yet for such attributes, the level of high motivation and energy is required [; ]. Another study highlighted that one of the main attributes of the entrepreneur is to develop trust building measure with team members as well as with all stakeholders [; ], further, they highlighted that entrepreneur also must build trust with their customers. According to empirical research, being agreeable is related with a lower likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur []. Despite the findings of in meta-analysis, there was no evidence of a link between the Big Five model’s agreeableness construct and entrepreneurial intent. As a result, we suggest the following hypothesis.

H1: BFPT is positively associated with EI.

Entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial intention

One of the most significant predictors of entrepreneurial behavior has been identified as EI resulting in the establishment of new enterprises [; ; ; , ; ; ; ]. Entrepreneurial intention, according to , is the entrepreneur’s natural knowledge, propensity, and behavioral proclivity to start a new business. Study by , EI is the belief that entrepreneurs want to start a firm. To put it another way, entrepreneurs are the individuals whose intentions are primarily focused with entrepreneurial outcomes which are only business centric [; ]. Other researchers claim that mindset and mentality are a broader vision that is used to make new recommendations, assess risks and opportunities related to have new business initiatives depends on the border perspective of individual perception rather than in a particular way or features [; ; ]. Previous research has found that the association between entrepreneurial attitude and ambition to be an entrepreneur has a beneficial effect [Burke and Aldrich, 1984; ; ; ; ; ; ; ]. As a result, this study suggests the following hypothesis.

H2: Entrepreneurial mindset is positively associated with EI.

Big five personality traits and entrepreneurial self-efficacy

It also necessitates success in responsibilities such as invention, marketing, management, and finance that are associated with the start-up of a new enterprise [; ; ; ]. Individuals’ personality traits have a significant impact on their self-efficacy []. The BFPT have been linked to SE in various studies [; ; ; ; ], Extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and responsibility are positively associated with SE, while neuroticism is adversely correlated []. Some researchers found that individuals who scored better on conscientiousness had stronger self-efficacy views [; ]. Openness transforms requests into challenges to be met, resulting in increased level of engagement in different tasks and their self-efficacy [; ]. According to research, agreeableness might lead to higher self-efficacy []. Individual SE is positively connected with extraversion and adversely correlated with neuroticism, according to some studies []. revealed that conscientiousness can be referred as a vital predictor of teacher’s SE, although another study by highlighted that the association between the conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism is closely related and positive. Additionally, other researchers advocated that conscientiousness and extraversion lower down the neuroticism and enhance the self-efficacy []. As a result, this study suggests the following hypothesis.

H4: BFPT is positively related to ESE.

Big-five personality trait and attitude toward entrepreneurship

Individual persistent aims toward entrepreneurship are referred to as attitudes; which could be either have a positive or negative status and be influenced by the environment. According to , there is a positive association between [Agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness to new experiences are some of the Big-Five personality traits.] Neuroticism has a detrimental impact on entrepreneurial attitude [based on experience]. Previous research has found to be one of major predictor of EI is one’s ATE [; ; ; , ; ]. Personality traits can have an impact [; ]. As a result, this study suggests the following hypothesis.

H5: BFPT is positively associated with ATE.

Entrepreneurial mindset and antecedents

It can be referred as taking unusual decisions in uncertain circumstances which require different and unique kind of thinking and judgments []. Moreover, EM, according to , highlighted that it involves not only the related experience, creativity in solving a problem, identifying the new ways of doing it along with identification of opportunity, but it also contains the way the entrepreneur thinks or thinking. Psychology, particularly personality psychology, is intrinsically tied to the EM []. The creation of an EM was discussed by , who affirmed that it is related with the ability to think creatively, to look for possibilities rather than problems, and to provide solutions rather than complain [; ; ; ]. Examining an entrepreneur’s level of ESE is one way for them to better understand their own motivations, capabilities, and limitations, because ESE allows them to assess their own competency in carrying out entrepreneurial activities [; ; ; ; ]. As a result, based on the information provided, the hypotheses are:

H3: EM is positively associated to ATE.

H6: EM is positively associated to ESE.

The role of attitude toward entrepreneurship on entrepreneurial intention

The level of being attracted toward entrepreneurship behavior and the belief system that allows one to take certain actions that will result in a positive outcome is referred to as one’s ATE. This was defined by as preferences and benefits or downsides, respectively. Whereas others described It’s a mindset for becoming an entrepreneur []. One’s attitude toward entrepreneurial behavior, according to , is a general assessment of that behavior, or whether it is favorable or not. Previous studies have revealed a statistically significant link between EI and ATE. Demonstrating that students see entrepreneurship as an enticing, desirable career option, and that if given the opportunity and resources, they would pursue entrepreneurial companies [, , ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ]. Based on previous studies, this study proposes the following hypothesis:

H8: ATE is positively associated to EI.

The role of self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intention

ESE has been described in a variety of ways by researchers. The idea of “self-efficacy” was defined by as an individual’s belief in their talents Matsu aptitudes to execute specific tasks or assignments. The actions which are based on self-motivation, environment, and perception are depicted in this idea. It is a person’s belief in their potential to start a successful business enterprise []. ESE, according to , is an individual’s ability or talent to improve motivation, cognitive resources, and particular set of action plan that are essential in order to be successful in particular profession. As a result, ESE is an important cognitive predictor of entrepreneurial purpose and activity []. Previous research has demonstrated that it helps people become entrepreneurs [; ; ; ; ; ]. Based on above information, this study presents the following hypothesis:

H7: ESE is positively associated to EI.

The potential moderator effect of entrepreneurial passion

EP is the inspiration that drives people to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors [; ]. It’s also a powerfully good emotion that has the potential to help people reach their full capacity [; ]. EP instills the courage to take risks and overcome challenges as a result of a love for business that expresses both emotionally and cognitively [; ]. EP has the power to influence entrepreneurship thoughts, i.e., it has a significant impact on ESE [; ; ; ; ; ; ; ]. Furthermore, enthusiasm has been shown to enhance confidence and competence in the context of particular activities and aims [; ; ]. Few research studies have looked at the role of entrepreneurial enthusiasm in moderating cognitive antecedents. In undergraduate level students’ persistent EI, entrepreneurial enthusiasm showed a significant positive moderating influence on AT, perceived appeal, and perceived feasibility []. Individuals with EP may have a good perception of the outcomes of entrepreneurship. Hence, the following hypotheses are formed:

H9: EP moderates the relationship between ESE and EI.

H10: EP moderates the relationship between ATE and EI.

Research methodology

In this study, the hypothesized relationships were checked, the type of the study is quantitative through deductive approach while laid the foundation on the philosophical perspective of positivism. Additionally, respondents were students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [KSA] including both private and public universities. The authors drew students from a wide range of academic disciplines, including business, economics, accounting, MIS, finance, and computer science. The authors contacted them via an online questionnaire with the help of faculty members. A survey link long with informed consent was provided via email to 390 students. The authors stated unequivocally that all information provided by our responders would not be disclosed. The samples were randomly selected. Emails of reminder were sent to all respondents who did not respond within due time of 3 weeks of receiving the survey link received. Finally, a total of 270 respondents responded to the questionnaire. Resulting in a response rate of 69%. Males made up the majority of the responders 65.63% and females 35.37%. Furthermore, 45.17% of the respondents had only temporary employment experience, while 54.83% were students.

Instruments and measures

For data collection, the survey approach was sued and it was the primary source of information. This study adapted the scales which are already existing to measure the concepts because prior research had demonstrated them to be valid and reliable. The BFPT were measured in this study using [TIPI] by , agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience, and emotional stability. To measure EM, the six-item scale is used by researchers which was introduced by . To assess the ESE, researchers used scale which were introduced by , and . Moreover, four-item scale was used and adapoted from to measure ATE. While to measure EP, researchers used five-items introduced by . Lastly, to assess the EI, researchers used the scale introduced by .

Data analysis

Students’ demographic characteristics

According to the data gathered on gender-based received from students, males made up more than three-quarters of the total population of respondents [i.e., 65.63%], and females made up the rest of the group [i.e., 35.37%]. As of age wise of students grouping, the majority of them are young age. The age group of 20–29 years accounted for 56.08 percent of all students. While the next largest category was found to be students above the age of 18. Only 17.03 percent and 4.97 percent of those aged 30–39 and 40–49 years, respectively, were found. When it comes to the students’ educational qualifications, Three-quarters of the population was expected to have a bachelor’s degree. Furthermore, more than 63 percent of all respondents took the subjects which are related to management and business as per their regular teaching course load according to their higher education requirements at various Saudi Arabian universities.

Assessment of measurement model

Convergent and discriminant validity were investigated using a series of confirmatory factor analyses [CFAs; ]. While estimating the measurement model the four procedures be followed namely, internal consistency, composite reliability, indicator reliability, convergent, and discriminant validity. For internal consistency, composite reliability values were larger than 0.80, exceeding the minimum criteria of 0.70, and indicating internal consistency []. All of the items had loadings over the cutoff value and they were all retained. The average variance extracted [AVE] of each component was examined using a threshold value of 0.50 to determine convergent validity []. In this study, results supported the convergent validity as range is within the threshold as shown in Tables 13.

Table 1

Descriptive statistic.


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ESE, entrepreneurial self-efficacy; BFPT, Big-Five Personality Trait; EI, entrepreneurial intention EE; EM, entrepreneurial mindset; ATE, attitude toward entrepreneurship.

Table 3

Discriminant validity.


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Diagonal elements [in bold] are the square root of AVE. Elements below the diagonal are the correlations among constructs. ESE, entrepreneurial self-efficacy; BFPT, Big-Five Personality Trait; EI, entrepreneurial intention EE; EM, entrepreneurial mindset; ATE, attitude toward entrepreneurship.

Table 2

Evaluation of the measurement model.

Construct itemsNumber of dimensionsFactor loadingAVECRCronbach’s alphaBig-Five Personality Trait [BFPT]BFPT 10.710.7120.8310.85BFPT 20.72BFPT 30.81BFPT 40.72BFPT 50.85BFPT 60.63BFPT 70.75BFPT 80.80BFPT 90.79BFPT 100.83Entrepreneurial mindset [EM]EM 10.810.7090.8570.82EM 20.83EM 30.74EM 40.78EM 50.74EM 60.71Entrepreneurial self-efficacy [ESE]ESE 10.870.7550.8410.81ESE 20.82ESE 30.72ESE 40.61ESE 50.69ESE 60.77Attitude toward entrepreneurship [ATE]ATE 10.710.6820.8800.88ATE 20.79ATE 30.68ATE 40.81Entrepreneurial passion [EP]EP 10.800.7310.8120.89EP 20.79EP 30.73EP 40.75EP 50.82Entrepreneurial intention [EI]EI 10.880.7420.8150.82EI 20.85EI 30.75EI 40.71EI 50.73EI 60.69

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AVE, average variance extracted; CR, composite reliability.

The Fornell-Larcker criterion [] and the Heterotrait-Monotrait [HTMT] ratio were used to assess discriminant validity []. Moreover, all of the AVEs on the diagonals in Table 3 were bigger than the corresponding row and column values, showing that the measures were discriminant. All HTMT ratio values in this investigation were less than the crucial value of 0.85, as determined by the cut-off value of 0.85 for proving discriminant validity. Results confirm the measurement model.

Multicollinearity and common method bias

This work used the software PLS to perform a full collinearity test [], to analyze collinearity simultaneously [; ]. In Table 4, all of the values of VIF are less than 3.3, and all values of tolerances are greater than 0.10 which means they are in acceptable range. The whole collinearity test process appears to be successful in identifying common method bias [CMV]. In addition to that, currently, the most used technique for examining CMV is the Harman single-factor test. According to our research, the characteristic root of the common factor with the highest explanatory power in the absence of factor rotation is 10.256, which accounts for 40.145 percent of the total variance. The majority of the covariance between independent variables and dependent variables cannot be explained by a single factor. It demonstrates that this study is free from significant CMV [; , ; ].

Table 4


ConstructsToleranceVIFBig-Five Personality Trait [BFPT]0.7141,554Entrepreneurial mindset [EM]0.8372,354Entrepreneurial self-efficacy [ESE]0.7711,358Attitude toward entrepreneurship [ATE]0.9251,256Entrepreneurial intention [EI]0.6541,365Entrepreneurial passion [EP]0.7212,258

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VIF, variance inflation factor.

Hypotheses testing

The hypotheses were tested using PLS-SEM. The structural model was examined using the coefficient of determination [R2], path coefficient [β], values of p, and effect sizes [f2] with a bootstrapping approach involving 5,000 sub-samples suggested by . In addition, in response to recent critiques that simply using values of p to test hypotheses is insufficient, this study used values of p with confidence ranges and effect sizes as additional criteria []. As a result, reliable and adequate criteria were developed to assess the hypotheses, as illustrated in Table 5.

Table 5

PLS hypothesis testing.

HypothesesβSEt-valuep-valueLLCIULCIResultH1: Big-Five Personality Trait → Entrepreneurial intention0.3670.0723.2540.000*0.0620.335SupportedH2: Entrepreneurial mindset → Entrepreneurial intention0.3330.0612.5870.002*0.0540.451SupportedH3: Entrepreneurial mindset → Attitude toward entrepreneurship0.2520.0623.5620.000**0.0610.363SupportedH4: Big-Five Personality Trait → Entrepreneurial self-efficacy0.2580.0594.2580.003*0.1630.314SupportedH5: Big-Five Personality Trait → Attitude toward entrepreneurship0.2620.0693.8970.000**0.1840.391SupportedH6: Entrepreneurial mindset → Entrepreneurial self-efficacy0.2710.0452.9850.002*0.0910.299SupportedH7: Entrepreneurial self-efficacy → Entrepreneurial intention0.4720.6613.3240.000**0.2240.399SupportedH8: Attitude toward entrepreneurship → Entrepreneurial intention0.3020.0554.5620.002*0.6420.301Supported

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ESE, entrepreneurial self-efficacy; BFPT, Big-Five Personality Trait; EI, entrepreneurial intention EE; EM, entrepreneurial mindset; ATE, attitude toward entrepreneurship.

*p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01.

The value of R2 for two endogenous latent constructs are 0.358 for the ESE and 0.337 for ATE which are in the range of acceptable and are moderate values []. Furthermore, this study used a blindfolding process to test the predictive relevance. As shown in Table 5, all of the effects are positive and significant at the 1% level or higher. The values of f2 can be small, medium, or large with cutoff value range is 0.02, 0.15, or 0.35 [, ]. In terms of relationship of BFPT on EI, the H1 states, there is a positive relationship of FBPT on EI and was found to have positive and significant effect on EI [β = 0.367, f2 = 0.041, p 

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