time machined là gì - Nghĩa của từ time machined

time machined có nghĩa là

It will never happen and if it does are you sure you would want to change your past?


"This icecream flavor sucks. I wish I had a time machine to go back and pick a different one."

time machined có nghĩa là

Going through all of a person's facebook pictures, starting with the oldest, to the most recent.


I time machined Morgan's profile pictures last night, she used to use some crazy myspace angles.

time machined có nghĩa là

1. A machine, usually imagined as a vehicle that can travel through the dimension of time. Something that has been sought after since the dawn of science, a few scintists believe we are on the verge of actually coming up with a working machine for sending messages back through time using high intensity lasers to warp space in a similar way that black holes do.

2. Possibly the most famous sci-fi time machine was driven by Marty McFly in the Back to the Future trilogy, it was made from a DeLorean, one of the most useless cars ever made [presumably to be ironic], which has gull-wing doors and looks a lot like a Lotus Esprit.

The Time Machine was a novel by H.G. Wells in the 1800's, it was one of the first works of science fiction to inspire real scientists to begin studying time.

Side effects of time travel include paradoxes like if you killed your own grandfather before he concieved your father you wouldn't be able to return to the same future you came from, causing alternate realities.

3. Time Machine is also a term that can be used for a bottle of vodka or other high volume spirit. If downed quickly it can create a memory black out, so the next thing you remember after beginning to drink is waking up the next morning. This creates a sense of "what the, who the, where the, did I just?" in the subject, a lot like if you had just travelled through time.

Side effects of time travel include soiling your underwear, excessive vomiting, causing a public scene, trying to grope your best mate, coming back from the toilet with your trousers still down, falling over, attempting children's playground obstacle courses, getting arrested and of course waking up in a police cell with no money and having to walk home with a turd in your underwear. You are also likely to wish you'd travelled a little further into the future, since no one who saw you will let you forget it for about a year.


1. Dr Mammet is currently building a time machine for sending messages back through time, no one is currently completely sure if it will work, what they are sure about is it's going to be an extreemly expensive laser light show if it doesn't.

2. Doc Brown built a time machine from a DeLorean, a nuclear reactor and a flux capacitator. The flux capacitator is about the size of a VCR and looks a lot like the prop man just put three neon tubes in it, slapped a cover on and went for his tea break.

3. "Ooooh dude my head, what happened last night? I remember buying a time machine, next thing I know my heads in a toilet at Wycombe police station!"

time machined có nghĩa là

When you fuck up and you can't take it back, when you make a horrible mistake but you can't go back and change it. With a time machine you go back in time and fix your mistakes. You can take back things you said or did that have created problems in your future or present time. You can travel back in time and change something you did that affects your future a lot. Without a time machine your just screwed over and stuck. There nothing you can do but suffer and hope everything will work out.


1.]When your "with" a guy but not technicaly dating yet and he ends up fucking with your feelings and screwing you over.telling you he likes you so much but can't go out with you but goes out with another girl the next week. lieing to you and making you cry. dreading every minute you wasted with him.wanting to die rather than hear him talk about this new grilfriend or see them together. with a time machine,you can go back in time and advoid meeting him and having feelings for him.

time machined có nghĩa là

A girl walking in public with her mother, or multiple generations of women in her family; providing a glimpse into her future appearance.


That girl's time machine looks promising. Mom's a real "cougar

time machined có nghĩa là

A sizeable stash of pornography built up over several decades, enabling you to relive the experiences of people who masturbated in those times.


Will Ferrell: "I still hate you, but you've got a pretty awesome collection of nudie mags." John C. Reilly: "Yeah, I got them from the '70's, '80's and '90's. It's like masturbating in a time machine."

time machined có nghĩa là

a car which is older, or anything vehicular that would be otherwise called a classic;


Victor: Hey Brian nice car, what is that?
Brian: Oh that's my Cadillac
Victor: Oh, nice time machine

time machined có nghĩa là

when you drink too much and black out and wake up not knowing where you are and how you got there....


How did you get home last night? I have no idea I took the time machine home.

time machined có nghĩa là

The act of, when heavily drinking [usually hard alcohol] and having a good time at night to, without warning, suddenly be in your bed the next morning, wondering how it was that you got there so fast, as though you had stepped through a time machine. Most likely to be accompanied by a drunk hookup in your bed the following morning.


It's too bad that I time machined last night, because there was a cute looking girl in my bed when I stepped out.

time machined có nghĩa là

A virtual machine that is used to calculate time that advances Science exponentially.


They used a time machine to figure out the location of the nebula

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