Tiếng anh nâng cao lớp 10 unit 1 school talks

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Từ vựng và Ngữ pháp Unit 2: School talks

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  • #1


    Writing a passage [in your own opinion] saying : -Which way of learning do you prefer, team-learning or by-yourself-learning? Why? -In your opinion, which way of learing is better for students? Why? -What do you need to organize a good learning-team? Now, after writing the passage, read the text [page 15] and do the tasks following :

    +Vocabulary :

    1.Research [n] : nghiên cứu => [to] research into/on sth : nghiên cứu một vấn đề nào đó. 2.Instructor [n] : giảng viên. 3.Effective [adj] : có hiệu quả. 4.Supportive [adj] : biết hỗ trợ/giúp dỡ [lẫn nhau]. 5.Achievement [n] : sự thể hiện. 6.[to] describe : miêu tả. 7.Cooperative [adj] : bíết cộng tác. 8.Strategy [n] [C] : Kế hoạch/chiến lược. 9.Diversity [n] : sự da dạng. 10.Essential [adj] : cần thiết.

    +Questions :

    1.Why is it essential to share notes right after class? 2.How does a small group help?

    3.What makes a team successful? Why are some teams more successful than others?

  • #2

    In my opinion,I prefer learning in team because while learning in team, I can share my ideas with my classmates and get a lot of new ideas from them. That way of learning will help students be more creative and independent to study and understand the lessons, not depend so much on teachers. The other thing is studying in a team let students learn from their classmates. To organize a good-learning team, we should find students who are similar to us because it's easier to work and study in group. Then, all individual persons in a group should prepare the lessons well, not think that " I don't need to prepare because at least someone in the group did that". That thought may make you become dependent on others and of course, it's not goog for you to study and work in the future. 1. We should share notes right after class because sharing notes can help you and your classmates understand the lessons more clearly and thoroughly. 2. A small group allows for more face-to-face interaction and you and your classmates may get together out of class easier.

    3. Seeking right teammates, forming teams with both genders and working in a small group make a team successful. Some teams are more successful than others because they have good strategics to form the team well and maximize the performance of teamwork.

  • #3

    Mình mới tham gia diễn đàn học tiếng Anh miễn phí này. Kiến thức tiếng Anh của mình còn rất kém nên mình muốn mọi người chỉ bảo thêm

  • #4

    ban j muốn mọi người giúp đỡ thì bạn phải chịu khó làm bài tập chứ^^

    Facebook Group Học tiếng Anh MIỄN PHÍ

  • #5

    Xin chào các bạn mình mới mới tham gia diễn đàn.Hiện nay mình đang học một ngoại ngữ khác nhưng vẫn muốn học cả tiếng anh vì vậy mong các bạn giúp đỡ

  • #6


    Gerund and to-Infinitive

    1. Gerund[ danh động từ ] Gerund là dạng động từ thêm -ing [V-ing] được dùng như danh từ.

    * Verbs followed by Gerund [ with no prepositions]: admit, deny, avoid, appreciate, consider, discuss, detest, dislike,escape, excuse, fancy, imagine, involve, finish, forgive, miss, quit, understand, give up [ = stop], keep [on], mind, prevent, practice, postpone = put off = delay, recall, report, recent, resist, risk, recall = recollect, save, suggest, tolerate [ = put up with ], like/enjoy/love, hate/loathe/dread, can't help, can't resist, can't stand, can't bear.

    * Verbs + prepositions: apologize for, accuse of, insist on, feel like, congratulate on, suspectof, look forward to, dream of, succeed in, object to, approve/disapprove of.
    * Expressions followed by Gerund: - It's no use / It's no good... - There's no point [ in]... - It's [ not] worth ... - Have difficult [ in] ... - It's a waste of time/ money ... - Spend/ waste time/money ... - Be/ get used to ... - Be/ get accustomed to ... - Do/ Would you mind ... ? - be busy doing something - What about ... ? How about ...? - Go + V-ing [ go shopping, go swimming... ]

    * Verbs followed by to-Inf: ask, agree, arrange, afford, aim, attempt, claim, choose, decide, decline, deverse, demand, desire, fail, hesitate, help, want, need, expect, happen, learn, manage, offer, plan, intend, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem [ = appear], hope, wish, threaten, tend, swear, turn out.

    - have to + inf - be able to + inf - be going to + inf - be willing to + inf - Would you like/love/ prefer/hate + to-inf? - dare + to-inf/bare inf Ex: I wouldn't dare [ to] talk to him. - dare not + bare inf - seem/appear/pretend + to be V-ing / to have done Ex: I pretend to be reading. You seem to have lost weight. - can't afford - can't wait - make up one's mind - take care - take the trouble - make sure

    * Verbs + Object + to-inf / not to-inf: ask/ tell, assist, beg, believe, cause, command = order, consider, convince, direct, drive, urge, enable, forbid, threaten, expect, force = oblige, hire, help, invite, need, want, persuade, remind, require, request, teach, instruct, warn.

    * Verbs + Object + to-inf/ V-ing: advise, recommend, encourage, allow, permit, love, like, hate, prefer, begin, bother, cause, start, intend, continue, go on, mean, regret, remember, forget, stop, try, need - go on + to-inf: chỉ sự thay đổi của hành động go on + v-ing: chỉ sự liên tục của hành động - mean + to-inf: chỉ dự định hoặc ý định mean + v-ing: chỉ sự liên quan hoặc kết quả - regret + to-inf: lấy làm tiếc về điều đang làm hoặc sắp phải làm regret + v-ing: hối tiếc về điều gì đó đã xảy ra trong quá khứ - remember/forget + to-inf: chỉ hành động xảy ra sau khi nhớ/quên remember/forget + v-ing: chỉ hành động xảy ra trước khi nhớ/quên - stop + to-inf: ngừng lại để làm việc gì đó stop + v-ing: ngừng làm việc gì - try + to-inf: chỉ sự nỗ lực [ cố gắng] try + v-ing: chỉ sự thử nghiệm - need + to-inf: cần/phải làm điều gì need + v-ing: cần/phải được làm điều gì [ dạng thụ động] Note: want/need + v-ing = want/need [ passive meaning] Ex: Your hair is rather long. It needs cutting. [ need to be cut]

    Trên đây là tài liệu về ngữ pháp của unit 1 chương trình nâng cao mà mình sưu tầm được. Hi vọng sẽ giúp ích cho các bạn. ^^

    Facebook Group Luyện thi TOEIC mỗi ngày

  • #7

    I prefer learning individually. Learning by myself allows me concentrate and do all my homework by my own ability. Even though I like learning alone, I think learning in a group is better for us students. If we can take part in a good group, we will be able to learn as much or more from the other teammates as we do from teachers and books. In order to form a good team, we must seek the right teammates from both genders with shared interests and lifestyles. We also have to keep our group size small. A small group is better for us than a big one. 1. It is essential to share notes after class because one of the teammates may have understood something the others missed or vice versa. By sharing and comparing notes, they can understand the lessons thoroughly. 2. A small group let the teammates have more face-to-face interaction and members of small group can get together outside of class much easier.

    3. There are many things that make a successful team. One of them is forming the team. If the students form a good team, the team will be effective. In contrast, if the students form the team badly, it won't help them anything in studying.

  • #8

    Đây là bài viết khá hay, rõ ráng về TEAM LEARNING mootj topic trong SGK 10 . Các bạn côs gắng điền các từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống và trả Cau hỏi là " What do you infer from this article " [ Bài tuy hơi dài nhưng khá hay , bổ ích khoong chir cho cacs banj lowp' 10nên mình mói post , các banđừng lười nhé ] Introduction Many organizations have tried to focus..[1]..... teams. Self-managed teams offer the potential for downsizing organizations and the prospect of improving productivity. How many organizations can claim to have really succeeded in their attempt? Meeting people from all around the world, I hear the same comment, "Oh, teams, yes we tried that but it didn't work." It is not possible ....[2]...wave a magic wand and create a high-performing, self-managed team overnight. A self-managed team needs to develop a culture of lifelong, individual and team learning. The Learning Organization The latest 'buzz' word being talked about in Australia is The Learning Organization. This concept is the synthesis of a number of ideas about managerial learning brought together and popularized by Peter Senge and others in their books about the Fifth Discipline. Five disciplines comprise the learning organization concept. They are: Systems Thinking Personal Mastery Mental Models Shared Vision Team Learning Many people I talk ...[3]...are impressed .....[4]....these five disciplines and want to introduce them to their organization 'overnight'. The question they always ask me is, "Where do I start?" My answer is, "Start with Team Learning. It is a process you can commence tomorrow and it just may help you prevent your self-managed team strategy from failing." What is Team Learning? Team Learning is an adaptation ....[5]....action learning originally proposed in the UK by Reg Revans many years ago and recently re-discovered by organizational development consultants in the USA. It focuses on providing solutions to business problems by developing an open approach to questioning. As Reg Revans himself once said, "The mark of a leader is not the answers he gives but the questions he asks." The business world is changing at such a pace that the solutions to problems are not found in books or journals, nor in the mind of 'the expert'. They are found by team members themselves, who, through the process of Team Learning, identify the key questions to be addressed. They then seek to use their resources to find the answers, often through trial and error. The concepts of team-learning can be broken down into four key components: Questioning Valuing Diversity Communicating Learning Review Questioning

    When faced ........[6]..... a problem, a new project or an opportunity, it is a good idea to focus on the nine key success factors which make the difference between a high-performing team and a low-performing team. These factors are arranged in a model of team tasks, known as The Types of Work Wheel.

    This Wheel describes nine essential team activities as: Advising - Gathering and reporting information Innovating - Creating and experimenting with ideas Promoting - Exploring and presenting opportunities Developing - Assessing and testing the applicability of new approaches Organizing - Establishing and implementing ways of making things work Producing - Concluding and delivering outputs Inspecting - Controlling and auditing the working of systems Maintaining - Upholding and safeguarding standards and processes Linking - Coordinating and integrating the work of others These factors form the basis for a methodology of questioning. When faced with a difficult problem, the starting point for team discussion is Advising. What information do we need? Why? Where will we get it? Who will get it? When do we need it? How will we get it? This ensures that all currently available data is gathered for consideration. The Innovating sector ensures that the team will spend time discussing ideas around the problems being faced. Most successful innovating sessions follow a procedure designed to ensure an open and diverging discussion. Such sessions should be free from any commitment to make a decision. That comes later.

    Promoting has two aspects ......[7].... it. Each team member needs to learn how to present ideas and solutions in a way that will influence other team members. Equally important is a focus on the key stakeholders outside the team. Who outside the team needs to be persuaded if the idea is to proceed?

    Many ideas are impracticable and can never be implemented, due to organizational and cultural constraints. Developing sessions focus on which ideas are likely to work and how can they be tested for verification. Organizing is action oriented and ensures that the team will implement agreed solutions and assign accountabilities and responsibilities. It is predictably colored red - the color of action.

    Producing addresses the output aspects of any decision. What are we producing? To what quality levels? To what standards? When? Producing defines the bottom line on which many teams are evaluated.

    Sửa lần cuối bởi Xgirl_1418712 : 11-09-2007 lúc 03:33 PM

  • #9

    How many ideas fail because the detailed aspects were not thought through? Unforeseen contractual problems arise, financial difficulties occur, security issues eventuate, computer errors appear. Many ....[8].... these Inspecting problems can be eliminated by focusing discussion on this aqua-blue aspect of work. Blue is the color ............[9]...cool, clear, detailed thinking. Maintaining the agreed decisions and the team processes will ensure that the team stays together and learns together. Your car will fail if it doesn't have a regular 10,000 Km service. Your team will fail if it is not maintained. Maintenance involves regularly reviewing mistakes in a non-recriminatory way and establishing guidelines to prevent them from reoccurring.

    Linking is ......[10] the middle of the model because it is a shared responsibility of every team member. Each person working on a team task must undertake to link with other team members so that everyone is fully informed.

    This model should be the basis for any Team Learning processes established in your organization. It provides a structure and a language to ensure that the essential activities for excellence in teamwork are continually implemented. Many successful learning teams structure their meetings into four basic sessions, rather than attempting to cover everything in one sitting. Green meetings focus on information; yellow meetings concentrate on opportunities, red meetings implement plans and blue meetings check details and review progress Valuing Diversity

    Diversity of thinking is one of the hallmarks of learning teams. Problems need to be viewed............[11].. different angles if the best solutions are to be generated. If everyone looks at problems in the same way then group think can occur. If diversity is allowed and encouraged, then better solutions will result.

    However the downside of diversity is conflict. Different viewpoints will inevitably lead to disagreement and it is only the committed learning team that can use the diversity of views in a positive way. Many of the work content issues of diversity can be addressed through a preference model like the Team Management Wheel. This model highlights the different ways that team members like to approach work situations. The model is summarized below: Reporter-Advisers enjoy gathering information and putting it together in a way that makes it easily understood. Usually they are patient people who prefer to have all the information before they take action. Creator-Innovators enjoy thinking up new ideas and new ways of doing things. Usually they are very independent and will pursue their ideas regardless of existing systems and methods.

    Explorer-Promoters like to take ideas and promote them to others, both inside and outside the organization. They are often advocates ......[12]..... change and are highly energized, active people who like to have several projects on the go at once.

    Assessor-Developers usually display a strong analytical approach and are at their best where several different possibilities need to be analyzed and developed. They are often sociable, outgoing people who enjoy looking for new markets or opportunities. Thruster-Organizers are people who enjoy making things happen. They are analytical decision-makers, always doing what is best for the task, even if their actions sometimes upset others. Their great ability is to get things done, and for this reason they are often found working in project management positions. Concluder-Producers are practical people who can be counted on to carry things through to the end. Their strength is in setting up plans and standard systems so that outputs can be achieved on a regular basis, in an orderly and controlled fashion. Controller-Inspectors are quiet, reflective people who enjoy the detailed side of work, such as dealing with facts and figures. They are usually careful and meticulous and can spend long periods of time on a particular task, working quietly on their own. Upholder-Maintainers are people with strong personal values and principles which are of prime importance in their decision-making. Usually they have a high concern for people and will be strongly supportive of those who share the same ideals and values as they do.

    The Linker role is a shared role that is held .....[13]..... conjunction with the other roles. It comprises key skills focusing on the linking of people, linking of tasks and leadership linking.

    It is immediately obvious that this model is related to the Types of Work Wheel. Someone with a preference towards being a Reporter-Adviser will most likely enjoy Advising work and can be assigned responsibility for the information processes. Someone with a preference to be a Thruster-Organizer will most likely prefer to work in the sharp end of the team, organizing and making things happen. The Wheel highlights the diversity problem in a team. The Explorer-Promoter, for example, will look at situations totally differently to a Controller-Inspector, which may cause frustration or conflict. However, once team members understand their individual work preferences, they have a language for discussing potential problems that might occur. It helps everyone understand, for example, why the Thruster-Organizers in the team may get impatient when too much time is spent in green or yellow meetings.

    Team Management Wheel role preferences are measured by the Team Management Profile Questionnaire - a 60 item profile questionnaire focusing on Relationships, Information, Decision Making, and Organization. Feedback is a 4000 word report .....[15]..... individual work patterns.


    Communication is the essential process that links a team together. In Senge's books the authors talk about dialogue or skillful discussion. In Team Management Systems, we prefer to talk about the seven key influencing skills that ensure team processes are at an optimum.

  • #10

    The Influencing Skills Model can help achieve this. Pacing, Enquiry and Diagnosis are shown as problem-centered skills, as they are commonly used when the discussion focuses on problems. Leading, Proposing and Directing are solution-centered skills as they are commonly used to move discussions towards solutions. Summarizing is in the middle as it can be used in either situation. Communicating within the Team Learning discipline is a dynamic process which constantly moves through all seven skills. Pacing is the technique of varying your communication style to match that of other people. When dealing with a Controller-Inspector, for example, you may need to focus on the details, slow down your rate of speaking and make the connections between the past and the future. With an Explorer-Promoter you need to be future oriented, enthusiastic and full of ideas. Pacing establishes a rapport with the other person, enabling an open and honest dialogue to take place. Enquiry is listening carefully to what people are saying and asking questions to fill in the gaps. Knowing when to use closed-ended enquiry or open-ended enquiry and when to focus on the facts or the feelings are the skills associated with this sector. A joint diagnosis of the root cause of a problem is essential before any discussion on solutions is attempted. Many a team implements a solution to the problem they think they have, rather than to the problem they actually have! When team discussions are complex and long, everyone will lose track of the important points. Summarizing is therefore essential to ensure that everyone has the same understanding.

    Leading is one of the most critical solution-centered skills as it can focus the conversation ......[16].....the important issues. It is a process of transmitting information in a way that leads people to talk about possible solutions rather than your imposing solutions upon them. Leading can be done overtly [simple leading] or covertly [complex leading] and can involve advanced techniques like storytelling.

    Proposing involves presenting possible solutions as a choice of options. The number of choices will often depend upon the various role preferences of the team. Directing is the technique that managers use without thinking! It involves telling others what to do. There is a time and place for directing which should be done only when: you know what the problem is you know what the solution is you have good reason to believe that people will accept your direction Learning Review Learning is an iterative process that takes place through feedback. We are all used to performance reviews and individual feedback, but rarely do we experience team feedback. At the end of each team meeting [or at the start of the next], it is a good idea to review how the meeting went. Was the questioning process adequate? Did we value diversity? How well did we communicate? If conflicts did arise in the meeting everyone should be encouraged to personally review what went on. A useful technique here is the three position process. Review how the interaction seemed from your position, replaying the scene with dialogue. Now transpose yourself into the body of the other person, listening and feeling the interaction from their perspective. Finally 'zoom' out and take a position outside the group and observe the interaction from a distance. Notice how it would seem and feel to an observer. These three positions will give you valuable information on how the discussion should have perhaps gone. Conclusion Team Learning is fundamental to the performance of a team. Without it, a team can never achieve its potential. Team members can attend strategic planning sessions, learn techniques of quality assurance or learn how to run a meeting, but unless the principles of Team Learning are fully implemented, improvements will be short-lived.

    Copyright © Dick McCann. All rights reserved

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