the odd là gì - Nghĩa của từ the odd

the odd có nghĩa là

A very fun and simple game. What you do is you think of a stupid dare for your friend [or your "friend"] and try to get them to do it. You do this by making them lose odds. For example, if I said to my "friend", "Hey, odds you go up to that cute girl and lick her face like a dog?" He would then give a number, let's just say "1 in 20." On a count of 3, we would both say a number between 1 and 20 at the same time, and if it's the same number he has to go do it. It is incredibly fun if you have fun people to play it with. Couple of side rules:
-You can't "odds" yourself [e.g. "Hey odds I go hump the teacher's desk", no, if you wanna do it yourself just go off and do it]
-The person receiving the odds is the one who decides what the odds are, not the odd-giver
-If you lose odds and decide not to do it, you shall receive one full-out slap to da face


Kid - "Hey mike, odds you ask the waiter if she's pregnant." Mike - "Dude, our waiter's a dude." Kid - "Don't care." Mike - "1 in 50." Kid - "1, 2, 3, 47!"
Mike - ".........47!" Whole table - "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" *Waiter comes over* Mike - "Excuse me, I apologize for asking, but are you pregnant?" Waiter - "Dude, I'm a dude." Mike - "That didn't answer my question. Are you? Waiter - "Yes." Whole table - "OHHHHHH!!!!" Jim - "I love odds!" Mike - "Fuck me, right?" Jim - "Odds you fuck me?" Mike - "Fuck off, Jim." Jim - "K."

the odd có nghĩa là

Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Surprisingly, it's real. A fake ass 'disorder' pulled out of the asses of a small collective of psychiatrists working for pharma companies in order to maximize revenue. Of course, there is no 'authoritarian disorder', because the parents are the ones paying. Despite the seemingly 'funny' aspect of it, this is actually considered a real disorder by many psychiatrists, a scary happening and a looming indicator of what may come.


OMG, he has ODD, force drug him, it can't have anything to do with our ridiculously excessive punishments and restrictions!

the odd có nghĩa là

A dare game wherein a person issues an outrageous dare to another person, the recipient of the dare must say 1 out of a certain number, demonstrating the likelihood that they will perform the dare. A third party counts the other two people down from 3: i.e. 1,2,3. After the countdown, the darer and the daree must say a number through 1 and the certain number [if they said 1-15, it would have to be a number between that]. If both participants say the same number, then the daree must perform the dare.


Rufo Barbas: Odds are you only wear boxers to work tomorrow. Bob: Okay, 1 out of 30. Jésus: 3,2,1.
Rufo Barbas and Bob: 24!
Bob: Damn't!

the odd có nghĩa là

a number that is not divisable by two is said to be an odd number; whereas numbers divisable by two are said to be even numbers


1,3,5,7,9 are odd numbers - 2,4,6,8,10 are even numbers

the odd có nghĩa là

Things that are random or haphazard. No determinable plan or reason. Generally a kiwi coloquialism [but mayhap other places use it too]


There is the odd flower here and there.
We can go to the odd movie while you stay.

the odd có nghĩa là

Sort of a dare in game form. One person calls "odds on" the other performing some unpleasant or undesirable task. The other person then sets the odds by giving a number. One will then count down from 3, and both say a number between 1 and the odds number. If the two people say the same number, then the second person must perform the task.


A: Odds on eating a ghost chili?
B: 50
A: 3, 2, 1..
A+B: 37!
B: Dammit.

the odd có nghĩa là

Norwegian word for sharp .. like the edge of a blade is "odd".
Old viking name also.


i cut my self on the "odd"

the odd có nghĩa là

The Odds are a method used to describe the probability of an event occuring. They expresses the chances of a succes. Used werever you have to describe an event that is random. Usually , the odds are only used in a random event wich can have only two possible result, considered succes and failure. When counting the odds, you must first find how many possible result will give you a succes versus how many give you a failure.

Exeption - In poker Texas hold'em an event with a 1:1 odd, wich is a 50%-50% will outcome against you 9 times out of 10. This beeing an experimental observation.


When rolling a dice, you have an 1:5 odd of getting a specific face up.
When taking a card randomly from a 52 cards deck, you have a 1:51 odd of getting a specific card

Exeption: When getting all-in in texas Hold'em with two overcards suited against a low pocket, you are in a 1:1 situation. And the outcome of this situation, is ALWAYS you loosing, independently of you having one or the other hand.

the odd có nghĩa là

it is when somebody disagrees with you on something .


Those who you gathered in, who were your supporters are now at odds with you. They think you're in error

the odd có nghĩa là

Replied in response from being told something you don't believe. i.e "yeah i picked up last night"
" ah the odd mate, you did not".
Referring to the very odd chance of that ever happening .
Odd things come about very rarely, and this definitely isn't one of them.


The odd bro, you haven't got a chance with her.
The odd he did not.
The odd mate, that's not how it happened.

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