Smash Ultimate tier list Reddit 2022

Might as well get straight to the point!

To address a few questions that people may have:

I haven't been following the Ultimate Tier List Series; what is it? The Ultimate Tier List Series was a series of 41 daily threads in which the r/smashbros community slowly constructed a tier list from the ground up. The primary goal of these threads was to promote tier list discussion, focusing on small groupings of similarly viable characters each day. A detailed summary of the voting format and thread pacing can be found here.

There were only 5 tiers yesterday - why does the final list have 8 tiers? The results of yesterday's tier reassignment poll allowed for the creation of these three new tiers [borderline, high-mid, and low-mid]. To explain how the results led to the creation of these tiers, I'll use borderline tier as an example. Prior to tier reassignment, Lucina was the last character in top tier and Roy was the first character in high tier [characters on tier boundaries were used for voting because they theoretically have the best argument for being a tier lower/higher]. On average, voters stated that they believed Lucina to be worse than about 4 characters in high tier, while they believed Roy to be better than about 3 characters in top tier. As a result, the four characters at the top of high tier [Roy, Pac-Man, Fox, Chrom] and three characters at the bottom of top tier [Lucina, Snake, R.O.B.] were reassigned to borderline tier. No changes in character order were made to the list through this process.

How badly did Pikachu beat Joker? Not too badly, actually! The vote ended up a lot closer than I expected, with Pika taking 55.1% to Joker's 44.9%.

Why isn't Sephiroth ranked? Sephiroth released in the middle of the thread series, so it was a bit to late to add him into the voting process. If Sephiroth were ranked, he probably would have ended up around the bottom of high tier; based on his score in one of yesterday's closing questions, he would've been introduced to the poll alongside Yoshi.

Do you happen to have all 40+ days worth of data compiled somewhere? YES! Check out this Google Sheet.

To end this post off, I'd like to share a second tier list. Here is a tier list based on how overrated/underrated each character is on the list. This tier list was made using the 100+ responses to yesterday's first two closing questions. Note that this isn't an incredibly accurate measure of over/underratedness, since voters were only asked which single character they considered to be the most over/underrated [to be accurate, the poll would've needed to ask each voter about each individual character]. Instead, consider this list to be a measure of how controversial each character's placement was, with most controversial characters lying near the top and bottom of the list. The only character who doesn't follow the top/bottom rule is Steve, who was a popular pick for most overrated and most underrated. Steve was also the #1 pick for the "Most Surprising Placement" question - go figure.

That's everything! Thanks to everybody on r/smashbros for making this happen; this wouldn't have been possible without your participation. It was a fun ride!

Welcome back everyone! I'm excited to showcase the first tier list of the new year. This time I plan on formatting the results slightly different.

The main thread[this post right here] will just have the tier list,raw data, and any new rule changes. In the comments below, I'll be going more into detail about some statistics.

TOP TIER Joker Pikachu Palutena Peach/Daisy [] Zero Suit Samus Wario, RIP Shulk Wolf Lucina Game and Watch Pokemon Trainer Snake Mario Roy

HIGH TIER + Fox Chrom Inkling ROB MinMin Pacman Greninja Young Link Mega Man Sonic

HIGH TIER - Sephiroth Terry Ness Wii Fit Trainer Olimar Cloud Link Diddy Kong Ken Yoshi Pichu Ike Captain Falcon Bowser

MID TIER + Samus Falco Ryu Steve Sheik Rosalina Luigi Marth Hero Mii Brawler Toon Link Corrin Lucas Byleth Pit

MID TIER - Banjo Robin Duck Hunt Mewtwo Zelda Meta Knight Villager Bayonetta Ice Climbers

LOW TIER + Mii Gunner Mii Swordfighter Ridley Bowser Jr. Donkey Kong Piranha Plant Belmont Jigglypuff Krool Kirby King Dedede

LOW TIER - Isabelle Lucario Incineroar Dr. Mario

BOTTOM TIER Ganondorf Little Mac lmfao



RULE ADJUSTMENT: There has been an outlier limit implemented for this, and future tier lists to more accurately display public opinion on a character. The outlier limit is currently 3.33%[as in, if a character's votes in x tier is less than 3.33% of the total vote, those votes are null] In simpler terms, if a character had 5 or less votes in a certain tier, they were not counted towards the character's final score. This only had an impact on a couple of characters, but it should more accurately reflect public opinion.

There are 5 general tiers; top tier, high tier, mid tier, low tier, and bottom tier. Users can vote characters into top tier, bottom tier, or +/- divisions of top, high, mid, and low tier. Based on the description of each tier in the poll, place each character where you think they belong, with top tiers being the strongest characters and bottom tiers being the worst characters.

Using everybody's votes, the stats will be run and a beautiful tier list will be made!

While you are filling out the poll, it is highly recommended that you use a tier list maker to better visualize your tier list [especially if you are ordering each character]. CLICK HERE TO USE SMASHTIERLIST.COM

In the comments below, you can find comments containing the names of each character.


These act as discussion prompts, allowing people to talk about said characters. They can be used to talk about how good characters are in the meta, how these characters are played, how to play against these characters, and really anything else, as long as it's about the character listed and how they play in Ultimate. Try to keep conversation constructive! No opinions are wrong!

There will also be a section to post your personal tier list, if you'd like to share your own views on the meta!

Last Month's Tier List Discussion

Last Month's Results

Voting ends Friday, November 12th. Results should be revealed shortly after.

head empty only marth

TOP TIER Joker Peach/Daisy [] Pikachu Palutena Zero Suit Samus Wolf Pyra/Mythra Game and Watch Pokemon Trainer Shulk ROB Snake Mario Lucina Wario

HIGH TIER + MinMin Roy Fox Sephiroth Chrom Inkling Pacman Greninja Young Link Ness Mega Man Sonic Captain Falcon

HIGH TIER - Terry Link Cloud Olimar Pichu Diddy Kong Steve Ken Yoshi Samus[Dark] Ike Bowser

MID TIER + Sheik Falco Ryu Wii Fit TrainerRosalina Luigi Hero

MID TIER - Marth Toon Link Mii Brawler Byleth Lucas Corrin Pit[Dark] Banjo Mewtwo Duck Hunt Bayonetta Robin Meta Knight Villager Ice Climbers Zelda

LOW TIER + Mii Gunner Ridley Belmont[Richter] Bowser Jr. Piranha Plant Jigglypuff Donkey Kong Mii Swordfighter Kirby Krool

LOW TIER - King Dedede Isabelle Lucario Incineroar

BOTTOM TIER Dr. Mario Ganondorf Little Mac lmfao



NOTICE: so somehow um, i messed up wii fit's votes for the jan/feb tier[made high+ votes top tier, high- votes high+ tier, etc..] just to be clear, if i had done her votes correctly, she wouldve been ranked 45th and placed between rosalina & luigi, putting her in Mid + Tier.

On an unrelated note, data from the combo/killpower questions will be used at a later date, regarding SWT data.

You guys voted correctly! Woo!!




What is the argument for Sephiroth being top tier?


Pit & Dark Pit

I'm seeing requests that we split these two characters up again, so next time around I'll make sure there is a question regarding this.

Get rid of the outlier rule you used last time. It only makes the tier list status quo, and it already looks like something out of early 2019.

Regarding the outlier rule, It's probably going to stay because it prevents miscellaneous and clearly joke/meme votes from impacting how characters are placed. This time around, a couple votes for bottom tier were put for characters that are universally agreed to not be, such as Joker, Mega Man, Mario, Pokemon Trainer, etc. These votes can greatly impact how they rank using our current system.

Tell everyone to stop playing Miis I don't want to learn that meta

guys stop playing miis they dont wanna learn that meta. play someone like olimar or sonic instead

Adding an "I DONT KNOW" option

This already exists; all questions are optional, thus you can choose to not submit answers for them.

Is cereal soup?


fuck you jordan


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