Simon sinek start with why review năm 2024

Simon believes that “There are only two ways to influence human behaviour: you can manipulate it or inspire it”. The fact is that not everyone in a position of authority is a leader. Some people will manipulate people, which only works for short amounts of time. A true leader is “able to create a following of people who act not because they are swayed, but because they are inspired”. And how does one inspire people? Through ensuring their WHY is at the centre of the communication.

The central concept of the book is The Golden Circle. The Golden Circle starts with WHY in the middle, then the next layer is HOW and then the final layer is WHAT. The belief is that “The Golden Circle provides compelling evidence of how much more we can achieve if we remind ourselves to start everything we do by first asking why”. Simon absolutely believes that for any leader, and business, to be successful they need to know there why and it needs to be at the centre of everything they do and say.

This is true to inspiring people at multiple levels. From a sales point of view, Simon states that “People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”. From an employer perspective “Companies with a strong sense of WHY are able to inspire their employees”.

A part of the reason why having a WHY is so important is it allows others to feel like they belong and “Our need to belong is not rational, but it is a constant that exists across all people in all cultures”.

Apple is spoken about numerous times in the book. Steve Jobs was an inspiring leader with a clear WHY, which resulted in customers and employees buying into his vision. Part of the reason why products with a clear WHY are successful is because they “give people a way to tell the outside world who they are and what they believe”. Products with a WHY become a symbol and buy using that product a consumer is making a statement about themselves. Steve Jobs would be described as a WHY-type. However, a business can’t be formed with just a WHY-person. For a WHY-person to be successful they will need to find a HOW-person. Someone who will help turn the vision into a reality.

A chapter I really enjoyed was How the tipping point tips. This explored the Law of Diffusion, which is a popular law used by marketers. By following that law, you aim to penetrate 15-18% of the market. However, Simon believes that “If you have the discipline to focus on the early adopters, the majority will come along eventually”.

Overall, I enjoyed Start With Why. The Golden Circle wasn’t a concept I had come across before and I can see the benefits of how knowing your WHY is useful in both life and business. I definitely believe there is value in reading the book, over the TED Talk. However, some examples are drawn out a little out.

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe. "Amazing quote by Simon Sinek. He writes about this subject a lot and his book Start with why explains this quote. Amazing book, by an amazing writer. Let's move on.

1. Why this book?

The first time I saw something about Simon Sinek, was on a TED talk he had. I was really inspired because of what he said. He actually made a whole business model based upon one word: "Why". Everything he says is true. Like in the quote above, he really makes a point when he says: "People buy why you do it". This is really important for new or already entrepreneurs.

I saw that Simon Sinek had two books. One of them was called: "start with why".I really wanted to buy this book because I was really interested in becoming a better leader and I am very interested in becoming a better entrepreneur. This book was ideal for me.

This book is really related to how you can become a better leader and what you need to do in order to become a better leader. Even if you are not planning to become a leader, I am very sure that this book will help you improve yourself. So it has definitely something to do with personal development.

The main reason for me to buy this book was because I really want to know how to inspire people with the vision I have and because I am very into entrepreneurship.

Hereby another great sentence from the book: "There are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold a position of power or influence. Those who lead inspire us"

2. What is this book about?

As I said before, this book is mainly about how to become a better leader and also about the fact why some businesses are doing better than others. There are a lot of examples of Apple. The reason why I like this comparison of Apple versus some other business is that Apple has set such a great foundation in their "why", it is just amazing to see.

They have this foundation without you or me noticing it. An example is that when somebody buys a MacBook or any Apple device, they feel different. Without us noticing, we are led by their ideas and we feel inspired by it. Weird right?

2.1 The golden circle

Simon talks about something called the golden circle. In the image below you can see how it looks like.

So what is this golden circle about? Let me explain it to you. Let's start with the "WHAT" in this circle.

2.1.1. WHAT

"Every single company and organization on the planet knows "WHAT" they do. Everyone is easily able to describe the products or services a company sells or the job function they have within that system."

2.1.2. HOW

"Some companies and people and people know "HOW" they do "WHAT" they do". "HOWs are often given to explain how something is different or better".

2.1.3. WHY

Very few people or companies can clearly articulate "WHY" they do "WHAT" they do. When I say "WHY", I don't mean to make money that's a result. By "WHY" I mean what is your purpose, cause or belief?

Why does your company exist?"

As you can read, the book gives a very simple explanation from these 3 very important things.

3. Little example

One of the greatest examples this book gives is with a marketing message from Apple. It goes as follow:

"A marketing message from Apple, if they were like everyone else, might sound like this: We make great computers. They are beautifully designed, simple to use and user-friendly. Wanna buy one?"

Simon Sinek gives such a nice example, by putting Apple in the spotlight, because this is really how it would sound if the were like any other company. After this example, Simon Sinek gives the answer to Apple in really does it.

"This time, the example starts with "WHY". Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user-friendly. And we happen to make great computers. Wanna buy one?"

Such a great example. Really like this book.

4. Most important lessons

The most important lessons I have had from this book are:

  • The golden circle [Which I just explained]
  • And the fact that if you want to truly want to become a great leader, you need to be able to inspire people. Not just lead them.

5. Summary

Well, in this post I have given all you book freaks, a little book review about "Start with why" written by Simon Sinek. Great book for all you personal development freaks. I will put a link here so you can buy this book too.

Is start with WHY still relevant?

Starting with WHY is more important now than ever before. "Why" resonates on all levels and is leading a lot in our life [even if we don't realize it...]. Purpose is driving you and when people work together and share common purpose, it is like a solid ground on which we are all stepping...

What is Simon Sinek's start with WHY?

Start With Why is about a naturally occurring pattern, a way of thinking, acting and communicating that gives some leaders the ability to inspire those around them. The more organisations and people who learn to also start with WHY, the more people there will be who wake up feeling fulfilled by the work they do.

Why start with WHY review?

This book is definitely worth a thoughtful read, and I will likely re-read it several times in the coming years. Sinek cuts to the core of why certain companies and leaders are successful.

Should I read start with WHY?

Should I read Start with WHY or Find Your WHY first? For the deepest understanding of Simon's work with The Golden Circle, we recommend reading Start with WHY first to gain more context into what the WHY is and why it is so important.

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