Review trang 36

Trang chủ Lớp 6 Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức Trả lời các câu hỏi trang 36 Tiếng Anh 6 Review 1...

Trả lời các câu hỏi trang 36 Tiếng Anh 6 Review 1 [Unit 1-2-3]...

Hướng dẫn giải bài tập trang 36 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 6 sách Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống: Review 1 [Unit 1-2-3] Global success


1. Choose the word with the different underlined sound.

1. A. ears B. eyes C. lips

2. A. cat B. father C. calm :

3. A. lights B.pencis C. lamps,

4. A. notebooks B. rulers C. erasers

5. A. brother B.homework C.mother

* Trả lời:

1. C 2. A 3.B 4. C 5.B

2. Write the names of scchool things and furniture in the house which begin with /b/ and /p/.

/b/: book,.

/p/: pen,..

* Trả lời:

/b/: book, board,

/p/: pen, pencil, picture, pencil case,

3. Complete the words.

1. E_ _L_ _ _

2. h_ _ _w_

3. L_ _ _h

4. s _ _ r _ _

5. b_ _m_ _ _ _n

Now write the words in the correct


* Trả lời:

1. English

2. homework

3. lunch


5. badminton


4. Solve the crossword puzzle


1. She likes to meet new people. Shes

2. People cook meals in this room

4. You hear with them


3. Hes good at drawing. Hes very.

4. Its a side of the face, below the eyes.

* Trả lời:

1. Friendly 2. kitchen 4. ears

3. creative 5. cheek

5. Look at the picture of a classroom. Choose the best answer A, B, or C.

1 There is a blackboard and a clockthe wall

A. in B. on C. behind

2. A vase of flowers is on the . desk.

A. teachers B. teachers C. teacher

3. A boy and three girls are ..the classroom,

A. in B. on C. in front of

4. The window is. the big door

A. behind B Next to C. under

5. A girl her book now

A. reads B. reading C. is reading

* Trả lời:

1.B 2. A 3.A 4.B 5.C

6. Complete the sentences with thepresent simple or the presentContinuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 We cant go out now It [rain]..

2. What time you [have] breakfast every day

3 .. she [study] Englesh now?

No, she isnt.

4. My dog [lke].. my bed very much.

5. My mother [not cook]. now.She [read]. a book

* Trả lời:

1. is raining 2. do you have 3. Is she studying

4. likes 5. isnt cooking / is reading

    Bài học:
  • Review 1 [Unit 1-2-3] [Kết nối tri thức]

    Chuyên mục:
  • Lớp 6
  • Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức

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