Radiation Safety in radiology department PPT




















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Safety Measures in Radiology Department

  1. 1. CBAHI STANDARDS  RD.8 The radiology department has a documented and implemented safety plan.  RD.8.1 There is a safety plan that indicates the periodic inspection, maintenance, and calibration of all equipment.  RD.8.2 The safety plan involves the management of radioactive materials used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, particularly with regard to handling, storing, and transportation.  RD.8.3 The safety plan involves posting of safety warnings on the doors.
  2. 2. CBAHI STANDARDS  RD.8.4 The safety plan involves checking female patients for pregnancy before exposure.  RD.8.5 The safety plan indicates monitoring of the staff for radiation exposure, at least quarterly.  RD.8.6 The safety plan involves the provision and regular testing of radiation protection aprons and thyroid and gonad shields for staff and patients  RD.8.7 Records are available indicating the radiation dosimetry tools and staff radiation exposure for the past twelve months.  RD.8.8 The safety plan is implemented as evidenced by the daily practice.
  3. 3. CBAHI STANDARDS  RD.10 The radiology department ensures the safety of diagnostic imaging equipment.  RD.10.1 The radiology department ensures the following tests are conducted at least annually: o RD.10.1.1 Automatic Exposure Control [AEC] test. o RD.10.1.2 Kvp reproducibility and repeatability. o RD.10.1.3 Half Value Layer test. o RD.10.1.4 Alignment of collimator and x-ray field. o RD.10.1.5 Mean glandular dose test [for mammography].  RD.10.2 The radiology department implements corrective actions accordingly.
  4. 4. JCI STANDARDS  AOP.6.3 A radiation safety program is in place, followed, and documented, and compliance with the facility management and infection control programs is maintained.
  5. 5. ANNUAL DOSE FROM BACKGROUND RADIATION Total US average dose equivalent = 360 mrem/year Total exposure Man-made sources Radon Internal 11% Cosmic 8% Terrestrial 6% Man-Made 18% 55.0% Medical X-Rays Nuclear Medicine 4% Consumer Products 3% Other 1% 11%
  6. 6. WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF ABOVE PERMISSIBLE LEVELS OF RADIATION? Physical Effects It May be immediate or delayed Genetic Effects Birth defects due to irradiation to reproductive cells before conception Teratogenic Effects Cancer or congenital malformation due to radiation exposure to fetus in uterus
  7. 7. RADIATION EXPOSURE  The risk of exposure should balance the medical benefits.  Optimize radiation doses by exposing the patient only to enough radiation to get a clear image.  There is a growing concern about the risk of giving the patient large doses of radiation
  8. 8. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION  Radiation may…  Deposit Energy in Body  Cause DNA Damage  Create Ionizations in Body oLeading to Free Radicals  Which may lead to biological damage
  9. 9. Remember to minimize your exposure at all possible times. 1. Minimize Exposure
  10. 10. 2. Measure Your Radiation Dose -Dosimeters-  Use to measure the occupational dose equivalent from x-ray, gamma, and high energy beta emitters.  Always practice ALARA [AS LOW AS REASONABLY ACHIEVABLE] some people’s DNA is more resistant or susceptible to damage, and some people have an increased risk of cancer after exposure to ionizing radiation.
  11. 11. 3. Three Effective Strategies -Time- Minimize the time and you will minimize the dose. Pre-plan the procedure to minimize exposure time.
  12. 12.  Doubling the distance from the source can reduce your exposure intensity by 25%. [Inverse Square Law]  Know the radiation intensity where you perform most of your work, and move to lower dose areas during work delays. 4. Three Effective Strategies - Distance-
  13. 13.  Position shielding between yourself and the source of radiation at all permissible times. Take advantage of permanent shielding [i.e. equipment or existing structures].  Select appropriate shielding material during the planning stages of the procedure. 5. Three Effective Strategies -Shielding-
  14. 14. 6. ROOM SHIELDING Lead lined plaster board Lead glass viewing window
  15. 15. 7. RADIATION PROTECTION IN X- RAY  Lead aprons attenuate scattered radiation by 95%
  16. 16. Recommendations [SUMMARY]  Shield thyroid & gonads, always wear lead aprons and use dosimeter to monitor the exposure.  CT scans should be more justified.  Patient education is important.  There should be a universal x-ray bank where patient x-ray can be accessible anywhere, from any hospital.

What is radiation safety in radiology?

Radiation protection is based on the three fundamental principles of justification of exposure, keeping doses [of ionizing radiation] as low as reasonably achievable [optimization] and the application of dose limits.

What are the 3 basic radiation safety principles?

ALARA means avoiding exposure to radiation that does not have a direct benefit to you, even if the dose is small. To do this, you can use three basic protective measures in radiation safety: time, distance, and shielding.

What are the safety measures in radiology?

Dose monitoring devices should be worn at all times. Use proper shielding [lead apron, lead glass, thyroid shield and goggles. Move away from the source if your presence is not necessary. Anybody not needed during a procedure should stay outside the interventional radiography.

What is radiation safety and protection?

Radiation protection aims to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure with a goal to minimize the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. [2] In the medical field, ionizing radiation has become an inescapable tool used for the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of medical conditions.

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