Organic flower deep rich toner review

Dandelion, aloe vera and argan oil improve the skin's structure and give it freshness and intensive moisture, which can be felt immediately after application. Many of the nutrient-rich ingredients have been gently fermented in the WHAMISA signature process, making them even more effective and particularly well tolerated.

  • After cleansing, dispense onto hand or cotton pad and gently pat onto face.
  • Use daily, morning and night.
  • Follow with Whamisa lotion or cream.

Tip: For layering hydration, Toner Deep Rich is recommended as a First Essence after cleansing to rebalance and prep skin for better moisture absorption. Follow with Whamisa Toner Refresh or Toner Original depending on skin type.

Certification / Organic Factor

Consumers are becoming more conscious of the ingredients in the cosmetics and personal care products that we are putting on our body. Many cosmetic labels claim that products are “natural,” “healthy,” and “safe,” but the government does not always really define or investigate the use of these terms on personal care and cosmetic labels.

So, what can a consumer look for on a cosmetic label or personal care label to make an informed decision about ingredients? With this topic more popular than ever, we state exactly how organic a product is, if it is certified, and what that certification actually means.


Pregnancy Safe

Whether a product is stated as pregnancy safe here, this is mostly the opinion of the brand. Please always consult your Doctor if you want absolute certainty.


  • Yes


Here you can find if the beauty product you're looking at is vegan or not vegan. If it's not vegan, we'll also mention the reason why.


  • Fully vegan


As you can see, we don't sell 100's of brands. The reason for this is that we continue to carefully make a selection of the enormous amount of brands to end up with what we consider to be THE top-quality, high-performing skin care, hair care, makeup, and mom & baby products out there, with the best ingredients nature has to offer, and made by ethical & passionate companies. We hope this will make it easier for you to choose.

Still having trouble choosing? Feel free to send us a message with your wishes and we will suggest a product that might work best for you!

We continuously keep on trying other brands and products to see if they are good enough for Amazingy to sell them.

Love - Team Amazingy


Hallo, ist der auch sicher in der Stillzeit? LG

Asked by Birgit | 24.10.2023, 10:42 | 1 answer[s]

Hallo ihr Lieben, kann dieser Toner auch für den Augenbereich verwendet werden bzw. wirkt dieser evtl. austrocknend? Liebe Grüße:-]

Asked by Jasmin Martin | 24.03.2021, 10:52 | 1 answer[s]

Hallo, ich peppe meine Gesichtscreme [nicht von Whamisa] immer mit dem Soapwalla Serum auf und war bis jetzt damit sehr zufrieden. In letzter Zeit habe ich allerdings das Gefühl, dass es meiner Haut nicht mehr reicht. Wäre dieser Toner eine gute Ergänzung zu meiner jetzigen Pflege oder wäre es zu viel bzw. "vertragen" sich die Inhaltsstoffe? Lieben Dank für eure Antwort.

Asked by Britta | 23.02.2021, 18:39 | 1 answer[s]

Liebes Amazingy Team, Der Toner und auch die Double Rich Lotion enthalten Lakritz und teilweise auch AHA sowie neu auch PHA. Ist dies in der Schwangerschaft wirklich alles komplett unbedenklich? Vielen Dank!

Asked by Julia | 13.09.2020, 14:13 | 2 answer[s]

Hallo liebes Amazingy-Team, ich würde diesen Toner super gerne ausprobieren, allerdings ist er nicht als sicher während der Schwangerschaft gekennzeichnet [wie keines der Whamisa Produkte]. Ich frage mich warum [evtl. wegen dem Lakritz-Extrakt]? Würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen :-] Alles Liebe!

Asked by Lisa Marie | 19.03.2018, 13:54 | 3 answer[s]

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What does organic toner do?

Organic facial toner moisturizes, tightens pores, and reduces inflammation. Moreover, organic toner for face does not contain harmful chemicals, which makes the skin healthier and more radiant.

What is the meaning of Whamisa?

Whamisa means Flower + Beauty + 4. "Wha" means flower because flowers are present in all Whamisa cosmetic care formulas. "Mi" means beauty because Whamisa offers natural and organic treatments to sublimate women's skin and natural beauty.

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