kassandra là gì - Nghĩa của từ kassandra

kassandra có nghĩa là

Kassandra is another word for someone who is amazing
Kick ass
with out a doubt the most beautiful girl on the face of the earth
And she is the best girlfriend a guy could ask for
if I were to go on about how awesome this girl is
it would take forever
So in short a Kassandra would be the girl you are in total love with
No doubt


Nothing can explain Kassandra

kassandra có nghĩa là

Kassandra's are also super competitive and hate to lose but they are not sore-losers and they are all about the team and hate show offs. they also put everyone before them, and will do or give up anything to make somebody happy. they are very loyal friends and will always be their for you even when you are in the wrong. they aren't good at telling people what they really think and tend to stay in friendships,relationships, and situations that they are unhappy with because they don't want to hurt somebodies feelings. overall Kassandra's are honestly the best friends,girlfriends, you will ever have. they are kind, loving, considerate, intelligent, athletic, and are also amazing in bed... and i mean AMAZING! but they don't always stick with just one person or one gender. and can also get very jealous and expect a lot from their significant other, but it is way worth it to wake up in the morning and have them laying beside you to say i love you. *when a Kassandra says i love you they always mean it and they don't through it around like its nothing, love means a lot to them. and they do not deal well with a loss or death of somebody close. if a Kassandra is hurt or upset although they won't ask or want to talk about it at first, what they really want is for someone they love it just hold them while they cry and then talk about their feelings and thoughts. whatever you do don't let a Kassandra go out of your life. and if you are in love with one.. tell them before its to late.


I am in love with a Kassandra, and we have the most amazing sex.

kassandra có nghĩa là

Kassandra means she is an awesome person to be with. Kassandra's are also super competitive and hate to lose but they are not sore-losers and they are all about the team and hate show offs. they also put everyone before them, and will do anything not to give up anything to make somebody happy. They are very loyal friends and will always be their for you even when you are in the wrong. They aren't good at telling people what they really think and when someone is unhappy they will cheer them up and overall Kassandra's are honestly the best friends, girlfriends, you will ever have. they are kind, loving, considerate, intelligent, athletic, and AMAZING! but they don't always stick with just one person or one gender and they can also get very jealous and expect a lot from their significant other When a Kassandra says i love you they will mean it and they do not deal well with a loss or death of somebody close. if a Kassandra is hurt or upset although they won't ask or want to talk about it at first, what they really want is for someone they love it just hold them while they cry and then talk about their feelings and thoughts. whatever you do don't let a Kassandra go out of your life. and if you are in love with one.. tell them before its to late.


You know that Kassandra we will be great friends in the future.

kassandra có nghĩa là

Kassandra's are usually shy and quiet when they first meet people but as they get to know someone they will begin to trust them and be more comfortable around them. they are usually hilarious and can make you laugh or smile by just looking at them. they very cute and have super sexy bodies [ass ;] ] they are sometimes self conscious and need to be told that they are beautiful regularly. they don't like to open up to people even though they fall in love very easily. when something is wrong or bothering them they keep it inside and sometimes inflict self pain or find a way that doesn't hurt other people, especially that they care about. when they do talk to people about what they feel or are thinking about they tend to get emotional which is surprising because they don't show a lot of emotions.


person 1: i am in love with a Kassandra but she is shy and i don't know if she loves me back. person 2: just tell her, Kassandra's are super understanding she won't tell anyone if she doesn't love you. and if she does she will be the best girlfriend. just tell her.

kassandra có nghĩa là

The first time you see her you'll fall in love with her she gives you this amazing feeling that makes you smile gives you goosebumps and butterflies everytime you see her it's like the first time all over again. She has the most amazing laugh and her voice once you hear it you'll know what an angel sounds like. She takes your breath away so its hard to breathe let alone talk to her. She's that girl that you want to be with and that you'd do anything for. Being around her is the best from either sitting in class, driving around for hours or surprising her at work and the more you are with her the more you fall for her which makes you just want to be around her even more. She is so beautiful caring competitive funny smart and super cute, there are so many more words to describe her. Overall she is the greatest person you'll ever meet and is the definition of perfect. You'll want to thank more than God for having her in your life. If you have feelings for a Kassandra tell her how you feel or type it up on urbandictionary.com where anyone can see how you feel and have her read it like I have just done. I could go on and on about Kassandra but if I did it would take forever and I would rather tell her in person.
A little story I went to a cheer competition and was talking to another girl on the squad I wasn't aloud to be with her so I told everyone I was there to watch Kassandra. The thing is I was there to watch Kassandra I loved her and still do. I just wanted her to know that.


Most amazing person ever known
Absolutely Stunning
Kassandra is perfect!!!

kassandra có nghĩa là

1. A girl that gives great hugs. 2. A girl that you"ll fall in love with, the moment you hear her laugh. 3. A girl with those 30-minute eyes that you could stare into all day long. 4. A girl that gets so hyper she humps the air. 5. A girl with an amazing body. 6. A girl that say she loves you and means it. 7. A girl that is that one in a million, that satnds out in any crowd. 8. A girl "That is your flower of light, that gives you the strength and the will to carry on in the field of darkness." 9. A girl that will stand by your side through thick and thin; When you need her the most or just not at all. 10. A girl that isn't just a girl.


My girlfriend is such a Kassandra!!!!

kassandra có nghĩa là

german way of saying `cassandra`
There is also a ride in Germany called "Kassandra" which broke down while we went on it *grrrr* the doors wouldnt open! swear they were trying to lock us in! but the way they said `kassandra` was awesome!!! sooooo evil!


* in evil German deep voice*

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