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\================================================= Character Damage Rate Settings \=================================================

DuelDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in duel. GensDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Gens. ChaosCastleDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Chaos Castle. IllusionTempleDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Illusion Temple. CastleSiegeDamageRate1 -> damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between different guilds players. CastleSiegeDamageRate2 -> damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between players from the same guild. CastleSiegeDamageRate3 -> damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege doors and statues. GeneralDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP. GeneralDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvE. ReflectDamageRatePvP -> Percentage reflected damage that will be caused in PvP. ReflectDamageRatePvM -> Percentage reflected damage that will be caused in PvE.

\================================================= Character Class Damage Rate Settings \=================================================

DWDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvP. DKDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvP. FEDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf in PvP. MGDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator PvP. DLDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvP. SUDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Summoner in PvP. RFDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter in PvP. DWDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvE. DKDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvE. FEDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf in PvE. MGDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator in PvE. DLDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvE. SUDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Summoner in PvE. RFDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter in PvE.

\================================================= Character Class X Class Damage Rate Settings \=================================================

DWDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DWs. DWDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DKs. DWDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against AGs. DWDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against MGs. DWDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DLs. DWDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against SUs. DWDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against RFs. DKDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DWs. DKDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DKs. DKDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against AGs. DKDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against MGs. DKDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DLs. DKDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against SUs. DKDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against RFs. FEDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DWs. FEDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DKs. FEDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against AGs. FEDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against MGs. FEDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DLs. FEDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against SUs. FEDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against RFs. MGDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DWs. MGDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DKs. MGDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against AGs. MGDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against MGs. MGDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DLs. MGDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against SUs. MGDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against RFs. DLDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DWs. DLDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DKs. DLDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against AGs. DLDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against MGs. DLDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DLs. DLDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against SUs. DLDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against RFs. SUDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DWs. SUDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DKs. SUDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against AGs. SUDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against MGs. SUDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DLs. SUDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against SUs. SUDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against RFs. RFDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DWs. RFDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DKs. RFDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against AGs. RFDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against MGs. RFDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DLs. RFDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against SUs. RFDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against RFs.

\================================================= Character Stuck Rate Settings \=================================================

DWDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage. DKDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage. FEDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage. MGDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage. DLDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage. SUDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage. RFDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.

\================================================= Character Damage Multiplier Settings \=================================================

DKDamageMultiplierConstA -> Energy divider of the Dark Knight damage multiplier. DLDamageMultiplierConstA -> Energy divider of the Dark Lord damage multiplier. RFDamageMultiplierConstA -> Dexterity divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier. RFDamageMultiplierConstB -> Vitality divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier. RFDamageMultiplierConstC -> Energy divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.

\================================================= Character Dark Spirit Settings \=================================================

DarkSpiritRangeAttackRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage carry out an attack in the area. DarkSpiritCriticalDamageRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage perform a critical attack. DarkSpiritExcellentDamageRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage doing an excellent attack. DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit. DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit. DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit. DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit. DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit. DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit. DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed. DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstB -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed. DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstC -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed. DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstD -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed. DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack. DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack. DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.

# FORMULA = [DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstA+[DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstB]+[PlayerLeadership/DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstC]] # # FORMULA = [DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstA+[DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstB]+[PlayerLeadership/DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstC]] # # FORMULA = [DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstA+[[DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstB]/DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstC]+[PlayerLeadership/DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstD]] # # FORMULA = [DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstA+[[DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstB]/DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstC]] #

\================================================= Character Dark Horse Settings \=================================================

DarkHorseDamageReductionConstA -> Constant formula of the Dark Horse damage reduction calculation. DarkHorseDamageReductionConstB -> Constant formula of the Dark Horse damage reduction calculation. # FORMULA = [[DarkHorseDamageReductionConstA DarkHorseLevel +] / DarkHorseDamageReductionConstB] #

\================================================= Character Combo Skill Damage Settings \=================================================

ComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage. ComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerStrength + PlayerDexterity PlayerEnergy +] / ComboDamageConstA] * ComboDamageConstB] #

\================================================= Character Skill Earthquake Damage Settings \=================================================

EarthquakeDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic. EarthquakeDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic. EarthquakeDamageConstC -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/EarthquakeDamageConstA]+[PlayerLeadership/EarthquakeDamageConstB]+[DarkHorseLevel*EarthquakeDamageConstC]] #

\================================================= Character Electric Spark Skill Damage Settings \=================================================

ElectricSparkDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of magic Electric Spark. ElectricSparkDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of magic Electric Spark. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLeadership / ElectricSparkDamageConstA] + ElectricSparkDamageConstB] #

\================================================= Character Dark Lord Skill Damage Settings \=================================================

DLSkillDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of the spells of the Dark Lord. DLSkillDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of the spells of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / DLSkillDamageConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / DLSkillDamageConstB]] #

\================================================= New Character Skill Damage Settings \=================================================

NovaDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic. NovaDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic. NovaDamageConstC -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic. # FORMULA = [[NovaDamageConstA * [* NovaCount NovaDamageConstB]] + [PlayerStrength / NovaDamageConstC]] #

\================================================= Character HP Recovery Settings \=================================================

DWHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Dark Wizard]. DKHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Dark Knight]. FEHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Fairy Elf]. MGHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Magic Gladiator]. DLHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Dark Lord]. SUHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Summoner]. RFHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage [Rage Fighter].

\================================================= Character MP Recovery Settings \=================================================

DWMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP [Dark Wizard]. DKMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP [Dark Knight]. FEMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP [Fairy Elf]. MGMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery of MP [Magic Gladiator]. DLMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP [Dark Lord]. SUMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP [Summoner]. RFMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP [Rage Fighter].

\================================================= Character BP Recovery Settings \=================================================

DWBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP [Dark Wizard]. DKBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP [Dark Knight]. FEBPRecoveryRate -> periodic recovery Percentage of BP [Fairy Elf]. MGBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP [Magic Gladiator]. DLBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP [Dark Lord]. SUBPRecoveryRate -> periodic recovery Percentage of BP [Summoner]. RFBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP [Rage Fighter].

\================================================= Character SD Recovery Settings \=================================================

DWSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Dark Wizard]. DKSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Dark Knight]. FESDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Fairy Elf]. MGSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Magic Gladiator]. DLSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Dark Lord]. SUSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Summoner]. RFSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage [Rage Fighter].

\================================================= Character Skill Plasma Storm Damage Settings \=================================================

DWPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard. DWPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard. DWPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard. DWPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstD]] # DKPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight. DKPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight. DKPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight. DKPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstD]] # FEPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf. FEPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf. FEPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf. FEPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstD]] # MGPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator. MGPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator. MGPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator. MGPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstD]] # DLPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord. DLPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord. DLPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord. DLPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord. DLPlasmaStormDamageConstE -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstD]+[PlayerLeadership/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstE]] # SUPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic. SUPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic. SUPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic. SUPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstD]] # RFPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter. RFPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter. RFPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter. RFPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstA]+[PlayerDexterity/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstB]+[PlayerVitality/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstC]+[PlayerEnergy/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstD]] #

\================================================= Character Damage Settings \=================================================

DWPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Wizard. DWPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Wizard. DWMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage the Dark Wizard. DWMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [PlayerStrength / DWPhysiDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerStrength / DWPhysiDamageMaxConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DWMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DWMagicDamageMaxConstA] # DKPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Knight. DKPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Knight. DKMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of the Dark Knight. DKMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [PlayerStrength / DKPhysiDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerStrength / DKPhysiDamageMaxConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DKMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DKMagicDamageMaxConstA] # FEPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Fairy Elf. FEPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Fairy Elf. FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstA -> Constant minimum physical damage calculation formula with bow Fairy Elf. FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstB -> Constant minimum physical damage calculation formula with bow Fairy Elf. FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage with bow Fairy Elf. FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage with bow Fairy Elf. FEMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage Fairy Elf. FEMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +] / FEPhysiDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +] / FEPhysiDamageMaxConstA] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstA] + [PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstA] + [PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstB]] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / FEMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / FEMagicDamageMaxConstA] # MGPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Magic Gladiator. MGPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Magic Gladiator. MGPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Magic Gladiator. MGPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Magic Gladiator. MGMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage Magic Gladiator. MGMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magical damage Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / MGPhysiDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / MGPhysiDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / MGPhysiDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / MGPhysiDamageMaxConstB]] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / MGMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / MGMagicDamageMaxConstA] # DLPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Lord. DLPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Lord. DLPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Lord. DLPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Lord. DLMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of the Dark Lord. DLMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / DLPhysiDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / DLPhysiDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / DLPhysiDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / DLPhysiDamageMaxConstB]] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DLMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DLMagicDamageMaxConstA] # SUPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Summoner. SUPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Summoner. SUMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage the Summoner. SUMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage the Summoner. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +] / SUPhysiDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +] / SUPhysiDamageMaxConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / SUMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / SUMagicDamageMaxConstA] # RFPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of Rage Fighter. RFPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of Rage Fighter. RFPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Rage Fighter. RFPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Rage Fighter. RFMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of Rage Fighter. RFMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / RFPhysiDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerVitality / RFPhysiDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / RFPhysiDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerVitality / RFPhysiDamageMaxConstB]] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / RFMagicDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / RFMagicDamageMaxConstA] #

\================================================= Character Attack Success Rate Settings \=================================================

DWAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks. DWAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks. DWAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks. DWAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*DWAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*DWAttackSuccessRateConstB]/DWAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/DWAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # DKAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack. DKAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack. DKAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack. DKAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*DKAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*DKAttackSuccessRateConstB]/DKAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/DKAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # FEAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack. FEAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack. FEAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack. FEAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*FEAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*FEAttackSuccessRateConstB]/FEAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/FEAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # MGAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack. MGAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack. MGAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack. MGAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*MGAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*MGAttackSuccessRateConstB]/MGAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/MGAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # DLAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack. DLAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack. DLAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack. DLAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack. DLAttackSuccessRateConstE -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*DLAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*DLAttackSuccessRateConstB]/DLAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/DLAttackSuccessRateConstD]+[PlayerLeadership/DLAttackSuccessRateConstE]] # SUAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack. SUAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack. SUAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack. SUAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*SUAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*SUAttackSuccessRateConstB]/SUAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/SUAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # RFAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack. RFAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack. RFAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack. RFAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*RFAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[[PlayerDexterity*RFAttackSuccessRateConstB]/RFAttackSuccessRateConstC]+[PlayerStrength/RFAttackSuccessRateConstD]] #

\================================================= Character Attack Success Rate PvP Settings \=================================================

DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard. DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard. DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard. DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] # DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack. DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack. DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack. DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] # FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf. FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf. FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf. FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] # MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator. MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator. MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator. MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] # DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord. DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord. DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord. DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] # SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner. SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner. SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner. SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] # RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack. RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack. RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack. RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA]/RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC]/RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD]] #

\================================================= Character Speed Settings \=================================================

DWPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Wizard attack speed. DWMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Wizard attack speed. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DWPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DWMagicSpeedConstA] # DKPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Knight attack speed. DKMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Knight attack speed. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DKPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DKMagicSpeedConstA] # FEPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Fairy Elf attack speed. FEMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Fairy Elf attack speed. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / FEMagicSpeedConstA] # MGPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Magic Gladiator attack speed. MGMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Magic Gladiator attack speed. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / MGPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / MGMagicSpeedConstA] # DLPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant formula calculating the attack speed of the Dark Lord. DLMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant formula calculating the attack speed of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DLPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DLMagicSpeedConstA] # SUPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Summoner attack speed. SUMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Summoner attack speed. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / SUPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / SUMagicSpeedConstA] # RFPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of Rage Fighter Attack Speed. RFMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of Rage Fighter Attack Speed. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / RFPhysiSpeedConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / RFMagicSpeedConstA] #

\================================================= Character Defense Success Rate Settings \=================================================

DWDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DWDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # DKDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DKDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # FEDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / FEDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # MGDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / MGDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # DLDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DLDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # SUDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Summoner. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / SUDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # RFDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / RFDefenseSuccessRateConstA] #

\================================================= Character Defense Success Rate PvP Settings \=================================================

DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard. DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard. DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] # DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight. DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight. DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] # FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf. FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf. FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] # MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator. MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator. MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] # DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord. DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord. DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] # SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner’s defense. SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner’s defense. SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner’s defense. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] # RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter. RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter. RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [[[PlayerLevel*RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA]/RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB]+[PlayerDexterity/RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC]] #

\================================================= Character Defense Settings \=================================================

DWDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DWDefenseConstA] # DKDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DKDefenseConstA] # FEDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / FEDefenseConstA] # MGDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula the defense of Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / MGDefenseConstA] # DLDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DLDefenseConstA] # SUDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense Summoner. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / SUDefenseConstA] # RFDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / RFDefenseConstA] #

\================================================= Character Elemental Damage Rate Settings \=================================================

DuelElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in duel. GensElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Gens. ChaosCastleElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Chaos Castle. IllusionTempleElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Illusion Temple. CastleSiegeElementalDamageRate1 -> elemental damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between different guilds players. CastleSiegeElementalDamageRate2 -> elemental damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between players from the same guild. GeneralElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP. GeneralElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvE.

\================================================= Character Class Elemental Damage Rate Settings \=================================================

DWElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvP. DKElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvP. FEElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf in PvP. MGElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator PvP. DLElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvP. SUElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner in PvP. RFElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter in PvP. DWElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvE. DKElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Knight in PvE. FEElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf in PvE. MGElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator in PvE. DLElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvE. SUElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner in PvE. RFElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter in PvE.

\================================================= Character Class X Class Elemental Damage Rate Settings \=================================================

DWElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DWs. DWElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DKs. DWElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against AGs. DWElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against MGs. DWElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DLs. DWElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against SUs. DWElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against RFs. DKElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DWs. DKElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DKs. DKElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against AGs. DKElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against MGs. DKElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DLs. DKElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against SUs. DKElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against RFs. FEElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DWs. FEElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DKs. FEElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against AGs. FEElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against MGs. FEElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DLs. FEElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against SUs. FEElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against RFs. MGElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DWs. MGElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DKs. MGElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against AGs. MGElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against MGs. MGElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DLs. MGElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against SUs. MGElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against RFs. DLElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DWs. DLElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DKs. DLElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against AGs. DLElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against MGs. DLElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DLs. DLElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against SUs. DLElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against RFs. SUElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DWs. SUElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DKs. SUElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against AGs. SUElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against MGs. SUElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DLs. SUElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against SUs. SUElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against RFs. RFElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DWs. RFElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DKs. RFElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against AGs. RFElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against MGs. RFElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DLs. RFElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against SUs. RFElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against RFs.

\================================================= Character Elemental Defense Settings \=================================================

DWElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DWElementalDefenseConstA] # DKElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DKElementalDefenseConstA] # FEElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDefenseConstA] # MGElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / MGElementalDefenseConstA] # DLElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DLElementalDefenseConstA] # SUElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Summoner. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / SUElementalDefenseConstA] # RFElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / RFElementalDefenseConstA] #

\================================================= Character Elemental Damage Settings \=================================================

DWElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Wizard. DWElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DWElementalDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / DWElementalDamageMaxConstA] # DKElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Knight. DKElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [PlayerStrength / DKElementalDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerStrength / DKElementalDamageMaxConstA] # FEElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Fairy Elf. FEElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Fairy Elf. FEElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Fairy Elf. FEElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / FEElementalDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / FEElementalDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDamageMaxConstB]] # MGElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Magic Gladiator. MGElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Magic Gladiator. MGElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Magic Gladiator. MGElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / MGElementalDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / MGElementalDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / MGElementalDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / MGElementalDamageMaxConstB]] # DLElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Lord. DLElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Lord. DLElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Lord. DLElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / DLElementalDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / DLElementalDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / DLElementalDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerEnergy / DLElementalDamageMaxConstB]] # SUElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Summoner. SUElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Summoner. # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / SUElementalDamageMinConstA] # # FORMULA = [PlayerEnergy / SUElementalDamageMaxConstA] # RFElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Rage Fighter. RFElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Rage Fighter. RFElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Rage Fighter. RFElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / RFElementalDamageMinConstA] + [PlayerVitality / RFElementalDamageMinConstB]] # # FORMULA = [[PlayerStrength / RFElementalDamageMaxConstA] + [PlayerVitality / RFElementalDamageMaxConstB]] #

\================================================= Character Elemental Attack Success Rate Settings \=================================================

DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard. DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard. DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard. DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight. DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight. DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight. DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf. FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf. FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf. FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator. MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator. MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator. MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord. DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord. DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord. DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner. SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner. SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner. SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] # RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter. RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter. RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter. RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [[PlayerLevel*RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA]+[PlayerStrength/RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB]+[[PlayerDexterity*RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC]/RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD]] #

\================================================= Character Elemental Defense Success Rate Settings \=================================================

DWElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Wizard. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DWElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # DKElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Knight. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DKElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # FEElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense Fairy Elf. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # MGElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Magic Gladiator. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / MGElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # DLElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Lord. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / DLElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # SUElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Summoner. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / SUElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] # RFElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Rage Fighter. # FORMULA = [PlayerDexterity / RFElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA] #

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