How do you use reviewed in a sentence?

  • Shall we review what you've learned?

  • So let's review my key points to see if they are compelling.

  • As I review these points, none of them seem particularly like "stretches" to me.

  • Did you hear of the last event at the review in Petersburg?

  • He soon, however, turned his attention to metaphysics and psychology, and for the North American Review and later for the National he wrote philosophical essays on the lines of Mill, Darwin and Spencer.

  • At the review next day the Emperor asked Prince Andrew where he would like to serve, and Prince Andrew lost his standing in court circles forever by not asking to remain attached to the sovereign's person, but for permission to serve in the army.

  • They are not put forward as the result of an independent review of the evidence.

  • The Guards, just arrived from Russia, spent the night ten miles from Olmutz and next morning were to come straight to the review, reaching the field at Olmutz by ten o'clock.

  • At the next review, they say, the Emperor did not once deign to address him.

  • See Lord Acton, English Historical Review, i.

  • The first volume was attacked in 1733 for unfairness and inaccuracy by Isaac Maddox, afterwards bishop of St Asaph and of Worcester, to whom Neal replied in a pamphlet, A Review of the principal facts objected to in the first volume of the History of the Puritans; and the remaining volumes by Zachary Grey [1688-1766], to whom the author made no reply.

  • See the Quarterly Review [April 1892].

  • From 1870 to 1877 he was assistant professor of history at Harvard and from 1870 to 1876 was editor of the North American Review.

  • In the work of this review his chief collaborator was Giovanni Gentile, but Croce contributed most of the literary and much of the philosophic criticisms.

  • In1834-1837he edited the newly-established Literary and Theological Review, in which he opposed the "New Haven" theology.

  • An article by Thomas Carlyle in the Edinburgh Review [July 1832] is the best criticism on Elliott.

  • Comte's special object is a study of social physics, a science that before his advent was still to be formed; his second object is a review of the methods and leading generalities of all the positive sciences already formed, so that we may know both what system of inquiry to follow in our new science, and also where the new science will stand in relation to other knowledge.

  • If Tennyson had died of the savage article which presently appeared in the Quarterly Review, literature would have sustained terrible losses, but his name would have lived for ever among those of the great English poets.

  • At first his literary activity was limited to sectional publications, and he addressed his public, now as editor and now as leading contributor, in the Monthly Repository, the Christian Reformer, the Prospective, the Westminster and the National Review.

  • The Memoirs of Literature, the first English review consisting entirely of original matter, published in London from 1710 to 1714, had for editor Michel de la Roche, a French Protestant refugee, who also edited at Amsterdam the Bibliotheque angloise [1717-1719], and subsequently Memoires litte'raires de la Grande Bretagne [1720-1724].

  • The last named was continued in 1737 as the History of the Works of the Learned, and was carried on without intermission until 1 743, when its place was taken by A Literary Journal [Dublin, 1 744 - 1 749], the first review published in Ireland.

  • Dodsley united the character of a review of books with that of a literary magazine.

  • The Tory party and the established church were defended in the Critical Review [1756-1817], founded by Archibald Hamilton and supported by Smollett, Dr Johnson and Robertson.

  • As far back as 1755 Adam Smith, Blair and others had produced an Edinburgh Review which only ran to two numbers, and in 1773 Gilbert Stuart and William Smellie issued during three years an Edinburgh Magazine and Review.

  • Brownson's Quarterly Review began as the Boston Quarterly Review in 1838, and did much to introduce to American readers the works of the modern French philosophical school.

  • Other serials of this class are the Protestant Episcopal Quarterly Review [1854], the Presbyterian Magazine [1851-1860], the Catholic World [1865], the Southern Review [1867], the New' Jerusalem Magazine [1827], American Baptist Magazine [1817], the Church Review [1848], the Christian Review [1836], the Universalist Quarterly [1844].

  • There is also the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, American Historical Review, issued quarterly.

  • The first Canadian review, the Quebec Magazine [1791-1793], was published quarterly in French and English.

  • The Sydney University Magazine [1855], again published in 1878-1879, and continued as the Sydney University Review, is the first magazine of a high literary standard.

  • Of contemporary magazines Dalgety's Review is mainly agricultural, the Australian Magazine [1909] and the Lone Hand [1907] are popular, and the Science of Man is an anthropological review.

  • The Journal of Australasia [1856-1858], the Australian Monthly Magazine [1865-1867], which contained contributions from Marcus Clarke and was continued as the Colonial Monthly [1867-1869], the Melbourne Review [1876-1885] and the Victorian Review [1879-1886] may also be mentioned.

  • The Imperial Review, apparently the work of one pen, has been published since 1879; the Pastoralists' Review appeals more especially to the agricultural community.

  • An Australian edition of the Review of Reviews is published at Melbourne.

  • The South Australian Twopenny Magazine was published at Plymouth, England, in 1839, and the South Australian Miscellany and New Zealand Review at London in the same year.

  • Tasmania.-The first magazine was Murray's Austral-Asiatic Review, published at Hobart in 1828.

  • Grant, an eccentric genius, the Monthly Review [1888-1890], the New Zealand Illustrated Magazine [1899-1905], chiefly devoted to the light literature of New Zealand subjects, the Maori Record [1905-1907], and the Red Funnel, published since 1905.

  • The Bombay Quarterly Magazine [1851-1853] gave place to the Bombay Quarterly Review, issued in 1855.

  • Of other contemporary magazines the Hindustan Review [Allahabad], the Modern Review [Calcutta], the Indian Review [Madras], the Madras Review, a quarterly first published in 1895, and the Calcutta University Magazine [1894], are important.

  • Of contemporary magazines the Tropical Agriculturist was started in 1881, the Ceylon Literary Register [1886-1896], afterwards the Monthly Literary Register and the Ceylon National Review in 1893.

  • The prospectus promised to give an account of the chief books published throughout Europe, obituary notices, a review of the progress of science, besides legal and ecclesiastical information and other matters of interest to cultivated persons.

  • It has always seemed impossible to carry on successfully in France a review upon the lines of those which have become so numerous and important in England.

  • At the beginning of the 19th century we find the Erlanger Literaturzeitung [1799-1810], which had replaced a Gelehrte Zeitung [1746]; the Leipziger Literaturzeitung [1800-1834]; the Heidelbergische Jahrbucher der Literatur [1808-1872]; and the Wiener Literaturzeitung [1813-1816], followed by the Wiener Jahrbucher der Literatur [1818-1848], both of which received government support and resembled the English Quarterly Review in their conservative politics and high literary tone.

  • The Nuova antologia [1866] soon acquired a well-deserved reputation as a high-class review and magazine; its rival, the Rivista europea, being the special organ of the Florentine men of letters.

  • The Rassegna settimanale was a weekly political and literary review, which after eight years of existence gave place to a daily newspaper, the Rassegna.

  • The Algemeene Kunst en Letterbode [1788] was long the leading review of Holland; in 1860 it was joined to the Nederlandsch Spectator [1855].

  • Of those founded in the 19th century may be mentioned the Recensent [1803], and Nieuwe Recensent; the Nederlandsch Museum [1835]; the Tijdstroom [1857]; the Tijdspiegel, a literary journal of Protestant tendency; the Theologisch Tijdschrift [1867], the organ of the Leiden school of theology; and the Dietsche Warande, a Roman Catholic review devoted to the national antiquities.

  • Among later periodicals we may mention Skandia [1833-1837]; Literaturbladet [1838-1840]; Stallningar och Forhallanden [1838] of Crusenstolpe, a monthly review of Scandinavian history; Tidskrift for Litteratur [1850]; Norsk Tidsskrift [1852], weekly, Forr och Nu; and the Revue suedoise [1858] of Kramer, written in French.

  • Portugal Portugal could long boast of only one review, the Jornal enciclopedico [1779-1806], which had many interruptions; then came the Jornal de Coimbra [1812-1820]; the Panorama [1836-1857], founded by Herculano; the Revista universal lisbonense [1841-1853], established by Castilho; the Instituto [1853] of Coimbra; the Archivo pittoresco [1857] of Lisbon; and the Jornal do sociedade dos amigos das letteras.

  • In 1868 a review called Vox femenina, and conducted by women, was established at Lisbon.

  • After the return of King Otho in 1833 a literary review called 'Ipcs was commenced.

  • Karamsin brought out in 1802 the V'yestnik Evropi, an important review with Liberal tendencies.

  • He also wrote in prison many short pamphlets, chiefly controversial, published a curious work on the famous storm of the 26th of November 1703, and started in February 1704 perhaps the most remarkable of all his projects, The Review.

  • After his release Defoe went to Bury St Edmunds, though he did not interrupt either his Review or his occasional pamphlets.

  • In this year Henry Sacheverell delivered his famous sermons, and Defoe wrote several tracts about them and attacked the preacher in his Review.

  • This was printed in the English Historical Review, and afterwards separately.

  • They illustrate the right of review or recognitio which the Romans retained, at least in capital causes; the charge brought in this case of acting adversus majestatem populi romani; the claim made by Jesus to be a king; and the result that his judge became convinced that the claimant was opposed neither to the public peace nor to the civil supremacy of Rome.

  • He had previously been called on to clear himself from charges of heterodoxy brought against him in the Quarterly Review [1851], and had been acquitted by a committee of inquiry.

  • Two articles in the Westminster Review, one on the Italian question, which procured him the special thanks of Cavour, the other on Essays and Reviews, which had the probably undesigned effect of stimulating the attack on the book, attracted especial notice.

  • Hallam's earliest literary work was undertaken in connexion with the great organ of the Whig party, the Edinburgh Review, where his review of Scott's Dryden attracted much notice.

  • The sensitive impartiality which withheld him from touching perhaps the most interesting period in the history of the constitution did not save him from the charge of partisanship. The Quarterly Review for 1828 contains an article on the Constitutional History, written by Southey, full of railing and reproach.

  • For the first century and a half of his special period he is mainly occupied with a review of classical learning, and he adopts the plan of taking short decennial periods and noticing the most remarkable works which they produced.

  • Lenthall and Manchester, the speaker of the Lords, headed the fugitive members at the review on Hounslow Heath on the 3rd of August, being received by the soldiers "as so many angels sent from heaven for their good."

  • As a result of his favourable review of Bunsen's "Biblical Researches" contributed to Essays and Reviews [1860] he was prosecuted for heterodoxy.

  • On his return he wrote a long article on "Recent Scottish Theology" for the Presbyterian and Reformed Review, for which he read over every theological work of note published in Scotland during the preceding half-century.

  • Irenaeus tells us that on 13 Contemp. Review, February 1897.

  • Among his publications, besides many sermons, were A Brief Review of the Episcopal Church in Virginia [1845]; Wilberforce, Cranmer, Jewett and the Prayer Book on the Incarnation [1850]; Reasons for Loving the Episcopal Church [1852]; and Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia [1857]; a storehouse of material on the ecclesiastical history of the state.

  • The most important works for [a] are the "Review of Aenesidemus," and the Second Introduction to the Wissenschaftslehre; for [b] the great treatises of the Jena period; for [c] the Thatsachen des Bewusstseyns of 1810.

  • Towards the end of his arts course he became a contributor to the Westminster Review [first article "Electrotype and Daguerreotype," September 1840].

  • This post he occupied for three successive sessions, during which he continued writing for the Westminster, and also in 1842 helped Mill with the revision of the MS. of his System of Logic. In 1843 he contributed the first review of the book to the London and Westminster.

  • Davidson of Aberdeen University, who further contributed to Mind [April 1904] a review of Bain's services to philosophy.

  • It is impossible to review here the complicated political history of the opening years of the 16th century.

  • It is impossible to review here the Wars of Religion which distracted France, from the " massacre of Vassy " to the publication of the edict of Nantes, thirty-six years later.

  • Lehmann Nitsche review their work with the conclusion, not unanimously held by them, that man co-existed here with all the other animals whose remains were found during an inter-Glacial period.

  • For a general view of Thirlwall's life and character, see the Edinburgh Review, vol.

  • This review contains studies in preparation for the continuation and remoulding of the Acta Sanctorum, inedited texts, dissertations, and, since 1892, a Bulletin des publications hagiographiques, containing criticisms of recent works on hagiographic questions.

  • In addition to this review, the Bollandists undertook the analysis of the hagiographic MSS.

  • Dr Smith contributed articles on Calvin, Kant, Pantheism, Miracles, Reformed Churches, Schelling and Hegel to the American Cyclopaedia, and contributed to McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia; and was editor of the American Theological Review [1859 sqq.], both in its original form and after it became the American Presbyterian and Theological Review and, later, the Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review.

  • Its jurisdiction is limited, except where judgment is of death, to a review of questions of law.

  • For strictly political history see a series of articles by Carl Becker in the American Historical Review, vols.

  • C. Butler, articles in Downside Review, December 1899, and Journal of Theological Studies, April 1902.

  • In later years he published a few minor volumes of fiction, and a series of severe and also amusing criticisms of Christian Science [pub lished as a book in 1907], and in 1906 he began an autobiography in the North American Review.

  • In order to understand the attitude which the Free State took at this time in relation to the Transvaal, it is necessary to review the history of Mr Reitz from an earlier date.

  • Religious considerations arising out of the attitude of the government towards the " German Catholics," and a new constitution for the Protestant Church, began to mingle with purely political questions, and Prince John, as the supposed head of the Jesuit party, was insulted at a review of the communal guards at Leipzig in 1845.

  • A judicial reference falls like the other by the elapse of a year; and the court cannot review the award on the ground of miscarriage.

  • There are boards of equalization and review for the state, counties and municipalities.

  • On the demand of the college he resigned his fellowship at Oxford, and mainly at least supported himself by writing, contributing largely to Fraser's Magazine and the Westminster Review.

  • Historical scholars ridiculed his mistakes, and Freeman, the most violent of his critics, never let slip a chance of hitting at him in the Saturday Review.

  • The literary quarrel between him and Freeman excited general interest when it blazed out in a series of articles which Freeman wrote in the Contemporary Review [1878-1879] t ort Froude's Short Study of Thomas Becket.

  • In addition to Miss Robinson's book cited above, see Church Quarterly Review, xlvii.

  • He wrote many books, and countless articles for reviews, newspapers and other publications, and was a constant contributor to the Saturday Review until 1878, when he ceased to write for it for political reasons.

  • His Saturday Review articles corrected many errors and raised the level of historical knowledge among the educated classes, but as a reviewer he was apt to forget that a book may have blemishes and yet be praiseworthy.

  • Mill in the 'Westminster Review [reprinted in Dissertations], and from Ferrier in Blackwood [reprinted in Lectures and Remains, ii].

  • Seeley and the Saturday Review, as showing ignorance of the comparative method.

  • Morse, Jr., he edited the International Review.

  • Before he went to India he was one of the original contributors to the Saturda y Review, founded in 1855, and the inventor of its name.

  • His literary standing meantime improved, and he became a regular contributor to The Intellectual Observer, Chambers's Journal and the Popular Science Review.

  • Parker, closed his review of the reforms instituted in Germany and France by adding that in England there had classical been but little change.

  • The following paragraphs review the oceanic islands generally, and are therefore concerned almost entirely with the central and mid-western parts of the ocean.

  • In this review of the inhabitants of the Pacific islands an imaginary ethnological line has been drawn round it so as to include none but the-branches of the two great divisions.

  • P. Brougham [afterwards Lord Brougham], Francis Horner and others; and the scheme resulted in the appearance on the 10th of October 1802 of the first number of the Edinburgh Review.

  • At the outset the Review was not under the charge of any special editor.

  • According to Lord Cockburn the effect of the first number of the Edinburgh Review was "electrical."

  • The Edinburgh Review, on the other hand, enlisted a brilliant and independent staff of contributors, guided by the editor, not the publisher.

  • Further, the review was not limited to literary criticism.

  • Notwithstanding the increasing success of the Review, Jeffrey always continued to look to the bar as the chief field of his ambition.

  • Some of his contributions to the Edinburgh Review appeared in four volumes in 1844 and 1845.

  • In 1873 Dr Murray published a Manual of Mythology, and in the following year contributed to the Contemporary Review two articles - one on the Homeric question - which led to a friendship with Mr Gladstone, the other on Greek painters.

  • In January 1820 he assumed the charge of the North American Review, which now became a quarterly; and he was indefatigable during the four years of his editorship in contributing on a great variety of subjects.

  • The Revista catalana [Catalan Review], published at Barcelona from 1889, contains many valuable papers on local affairs.

  • He first appeared as an author by contributing two articles to the Edinburgh Review [an earlier journal than the present, which was commenced in 1755, but of which only two numbers were published],-one on Johnson's Dictionary and the other a letter to the editors on the state of literature in the different countries of Europe.

  • This sketch may be completed by a short review of the various separate sects and their probable connexion with each other.

  • The Review of Aenesidemus and the tractate On the Notion of Wissenschaftslehre found in his mind most fruitful soil.

  • Its nine chapters, prepared by different writers, give a complete review of the struggle, both military and naval, and each closes with numerous illustrative notes, editorial criticisms and a full list of authorities.

  • Here, besides the viceregal demesne and lodge and the magazine, are a zoological garden, a people's garden, the Wellington monument, two barracks, the Hibernian military school, the "Fifteen Acres," a natural amphitheatre [of much greater extent than its name implies] used as a review ground, and a racecourse.

  • A portion of Pierce's correspondence has been published in the American Historical Review, x.

  • Carroll's Review of Pierce's Administration [Boston, 1856] are hostile anti-administration tracts.

  • In November, the same year, he started Szepirodalmi Tigyelo, a monthly review better known by its later name, Koszeru, which did much for Magyar criticism and literature.

  • He edited The Church and State Review [1862-1865].

  • An interesting autobiographical sketch of his youth, Tableau du premier dge, composed in 1786, was published in 1888 in the review, La Revolution francaise.

  • The American Political Science Review [Baltimore, 1907 sqq.] is especially useful for a comparative study of the state governments.

  • The annual Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada, published by the University of Toronto, gives a critical survey of the works on Canadian topics appearing from year to year.

  • As an example of the organization of a Lamellibranch, we shall review the structure of the common pond-mussel or swan mussel [Anodonta cygnea], comparing it with other Lamellibranchia.

  • Dunning's paper ' ` More Light on Andrew Johnson" [in the American Historical Review, April 1906], in which apparently conclusive evidence is presented to prove that Johnson's first inaugural, a notable state paper, was.

  • From 1880 to 1890 he was an editor of the Presbyterian Review.

  • In it de Gerando, after a rapid review of ancient and modern speculations on the origin of our ideas, singles out the theory of primary ideas, which he endeavours to combat under all its forms. The latter half of the work, devoted to the analysis of the intellectual faculties, is intended to show how all human knowledge is the result of experience; and reflection is assumed as the source of our ideas of substance, of unity and of identity.

  • In 1755 the precursor of the later Edinburgh Review was started, now chiefly remembered because in its pages Adam Smith criticized the dictionary of Dr Johnson, and because the contents of its two numbers were edited by Wedderburn.

  • The time was not ripe for such a scheme, but in 1861 the principle of direct representation was introduced into the committees of review.

  • The sovereign undertook to consult the knights before embarking on a war, all disputes between the knights were to be settled by the order, at each chapter the deeds of each knight were held in review, and punishments and admonitions were dealt out to offenders; to this the sovereign was expressly subject.

  • For an estimate of this work, the interest of which is mainly geographical, see Classical Review [April 1904] and Quarterly Review [April 1905].

  • The inquest system of Henry II., the law of wreck, and the institution of coroners, measures of Richard and his ministers, come under review as well as the Provisions of Oxford and the Statute of Marlborough."

  • He also assisted Mr John [afterwards Lord] Morley, when the latter edited the Fortnightly Review.

  • Thisleton Dyer [Edinburgh Review, 1902, p. 370] thinks that Ray's use of the word may be traced to the last-mentioned authors.

  • This review, which owed much of its success to Waller's energy, defended the intense preoccupation of the new writers with questions of style, and became the depository of the Parnassian tradition in Belgium.

  • Sir James Stephen's interesting paper on Baxter, contributed originally to the Edinburgh Review, is reprinted in the second volume of his Essays.

  • He was called to the bar in 1859, but, although contributing to a, Liberal review, edited by Challemel Lacour, did not make much way until, on the 17th of November 1868, he was selected to defend the journalist Delescluze, prosecuted for having promoted the erection of a monument to the representative Baudin, who was killed in resisting the coup d'etat of 1851.

  • In spite of the exacting and severe routine of the Round Hill school, Bancroft contributed frequently to the North American Review and to Walsh's American Quarterly; he also made a translation of Heeren's work on The Politics of Ancient Greece.

  • The second followed in 1837, and others as the exigencies of public life permitted Supplementary to the first volume was an article published by him in the North American Review for 1835 on "The Documentary History of the Revolution."

  • The king being dead, and the royalist cause appearing to be hopelessly lost, he did not scruple, in closing the work with a general " Review and Conclusion," to raise the question of the subject's right to change allegiance when a former sovereign's power to protect was irrecoverably gone.

  • Her opinion of his writings was more important to him than the voice of the pit of Drury Lane Theatre, or the judgment of the Monthly Review.

  • Few of these papers have much interest; but among them was one of the best things that he ever wrote, a masterpiece both of reasoning and of satirical pleasantry, the review of Jenyns' Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil.

  • Yet this contribution is far more mellow than the article contributed on Johnson twenty-five years before to the Edinburgh Review in correction of Croker.

  • In 1886 he combined with other leading historians to found the English Historical Review, of which he was editor for five years.

  • See Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton, eec., by his wife [2 vols., 1904]; and the article "Creighton and Stubbs" in Church Quarterly Review for Oct.

  • What chiefly wounded him was a cruel review in Blackwood, written in the worst style of unreasoning abuse; but the enthusiasm of private friends, together with their wiser criticism, did much to help him and to foster his talent.

  • Adams's Review of Mr Ames's Works [1809], New England Patriot, being a Candid Comparison of the Principles and Conduct of the Washington and Jefferson Administrations [1810], Appeals to the People on the Causes and Consequences of War with Great Britain [1811] and Mr Madison's War [1812].

  • Bonar was a prolific writer of religious literature, and edited several journals, including the Christian Treasury, the Presbyterian Review and the Quarterly Journal of Prophecy; but his best work was done in hymnology, and he published three series of Hymns of Faith and Hope between 1857 and 1866 [new ed., 1886].

  • Between 1806 and 1818 he wrote for the Anti-Jacobin Review, the British Review and the Electric Review; but there is no means of tracing his contributions.

  • In 1808 he began to write for the Edinburgh Review, to which he contributed steadily till 1813, his first known article being "Money and Exchange."

  • In the Annual Review for 1808 two articles of his are traced - a "Review of Fox's History," and an article on "Bentham's Law Reforms," probably his first published notice of Bentham.

  • From 1824 to 1826 Mill contributed to the Westminster Review, started as the organ of his party, a number of articles in which he attacked the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews and ecclesiastical establishments.

  • For the London Review, founded by Sir William Molesworth in 1834, he wrote a notable article entitled "The Church and its Reform," which was much too sceptical for the time, and injured the Review.

  • In 1887 he removed to Berlin and founded the fortnightly review Deutsche Dichtung.

  • Later he studied painting for a short time at the Royal Dublin Society, but soon turned to literature, contributing poems and articles to the Dublin University Review and other Irish periodicals.

  • The fact that during the period under review Egypt suffered very severely from the general fall in the price of commodities makes the prosperity of the country the more remarkable.

  • Passing in review all the departments of the administration, he laid down the general lines on which the country was to be restored to order and prosperity, and endowed, if possible, with the elements of self-government for future use.

  • On the 25th the khedive entered Cairo, where a review of the British troops was held on the 3oth.

  • He died at Sanssouci on the 17th of August 1786; his death being hastened by exposure to a storm of rain, stoically borne, during a military review.

  • He edited the North British Review from 1850 to 1857, and in 1856, having previously been a Free Church minister, he succeeded Sir William Hamilton as professor of Logic and Metaphysics at Edinburgh University.

  • Apart from the philosophical interest of the Biographia, the work contains valuable pictures of the Land of Lorne and Argyllshire society in the early 19th century, of university life in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and a history of the North British Review.

  • The most important connexion was with Francis, Lord Jeffrey, still editor of the Edinburgh Review.

  • Though Jeffrey had no intellectual sympathy with Carlyle, he accepted some articles for the Review and became warmly attached to Mrs Carlyle.

  • He assisted Sir Wyville Thomson in the examination and classification of the collections of the "Challenger" exploring expedition, and wrote the Review of the Echini [2 vols., 1872-1874] in the reports.

  • In approaching the East from the north of Siberia or from the south of Greece and the Troad, the history of iron in each country eastward is relatively later; while a review of European countries from the north towards the south shows the latter becoming acquainted with the metal earlier than the former.

  • Finally, in 1850, in an article published in the Edinburgh Review in defence of the " Gorham judgment" he asserted two principles which he maintained to the end of his life - first, " that the so-called supremacy of the Crown in religious matters was in reality nothing else than the supremacy of law," and, secondly, "that the Church of England, by the very condition of its being, was not High or Low, but Broad, and had always included and been meant to include, opposite and contradictory opinions on points even more important than those at present under discussion."

  • Among his other publications may be mentioned Religion in Recent Art, and articles in the Contemporary Review, Hibbert Journal, and London Quarterly.

  • He resigned these appointments in 1893 and 1889, and in 1893 became the editor of the newly-established Positivist Review.

  • Professor Beesly stood unsuccessfully as Liberal candidate for Westminster in 1885 and for Marylebone in 1886, and is the author of numerous review articles on social and political topics, treated from the positivist standpoint, especially on the Irish question.

  • In 1900 he withdrew from La Justice to found a weekly review, Le Bloc, which lasted until March 1902.

  • Apart from the Outlines he published only The Imperial Domains and the Colonate [1890], The Roman Frontier System [1895], and articles in periodicals of which the most important was an article in the Quarterly Review on the early Caesars [April, 1905].

  • Day, appeared in the Contemporary Review for June 1903.

  • In 1895 to 1898 he was dramatic critic to the Saturday Review, his articles being collected in 1907 as Dramatic Opinions and Essays.

  • An article by him on the Donatist schism appearing in the Dublin Review in July 1839 made a great impression in Oxford, Newman and others seeing the force of the analogy between Donatists and Anglicans.

  • The review appeared in Fraser's Magazine, May 1859, and is to be found also in the Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works [1872].

  • As we review this teaching it is very remarkable.

  • When we review St Mark's narrative as a whole we are struck, first of all, with its directness and simplicity.

  • The aim of this review was to give a critical account, certified by the names of the contributors, of the literary and philosophical productions of the time, in relation to the general progress of knowledge.

  • She is also the author of the Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia, issued as a White Book by the India Office, Dec. 1920.

  • Oxenham was a regular contributor to the Saturday Review.

  • Sayce [Modern Review, 5884, pp. 158-169], cannot easily be explained.

  • He was one of the founders, in New York, of the short-lived Workingman's party in 1828, and established the Boston Quarterly Review, mainly written by himself, in 1838.

  • This periodical was merged in the U.S. Democratic Review of New York in 5842.

  • His first quarterly was followed, in 1844, by Brownson's Quarterly Review [first published in Boston and after 1855 in New York], in which he expressed his opinions on many themes until its suspension in 1864, and after its revival for a brief period in 1873-1875.

  • Besides pamphlets on the Catholic and slavery questions, as well as several fugitive jeux d'esprit, and a number of unsigned articles in the Analytical Review, Geddes also published a free metrical version of Select Satires of Horace [1779], and a verbal rendering of the First Book of the Iliad of Homer [1792].

  • In 1891 he founded and afterwards edited the Educational Review, an influential educational magazine.

  • That sophistry must be studied in its historical development was clearly seen by Plato, whose dialogue called the Sophist contains a formal review of the changing phases and aspects of sophistical teaching.

  • A review of Indian trade by the director-general of the statistical department in India is annually presented to parliament, and there- Exports.

  • He held this position only till the spring of 1861, but he continued to make the magazine the vehicle of his poetry and of some prose for the rest of his life; his prose, however, was more abundantly presented in the pages of The North American Review during the years 1862-1872, when he was associated with Mr Charles Eliot Norton in its conduct.

  • Thus, any fixed telescope directed towards the mirror of a properly adjusted coelostat in motion will show all the stars in the field of view at rest; or, by rotating the polar axis independently of the clockwork, the observer can pass in review all the stars visible above the horizon whose declinations come within the limits of his original field of view.

  • Among William Jay's other writings, the most important are The Life of John Jay [2 vols., 1833] and a Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War [1849].

  • Of his published works the Review of the Life and Character of Archbishop Secker [London, 1770], and the Summary of the principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation [London, 1800], have passed through numerous editions.

  • He expounded his ideas in a review founded by him at Milan in 1837, called Il Politecnico.

  • In 1826 Grote published in the Westminster Review [April] a criticism of Mitford's History of Greece, which shows that his ideas were already in order.

  • A critical review of some of the chief types of logical theory, with a view to determine development, needs no further justification.

  • The history of the more recent changes is as yet to be found only in the form of unshaped material in the pages of review and Jahresbericht.

  • Meanwhile he had been a regular contributor, first to the Literary Gazette, edited by his friend John Morley, and then to the Saturday Review at its most brilliant epoch.

  • Stevenson, "A contemporary description of the Domesday Survey" in The English Historical Review [the general index to which should be consulted] [1907].

  • See a review in the Journal of Theol.

  • Meadley [1809] and his son Edmund Paley, prefixed to the 1825 edition of his works; Leslie Stephen in Dictionary of National Biography; Quarterly Review, ii.

  • See the article by Dr Verner Soderberg in the National Review, No.

  • The Council sat also as a supreme court to review the county courts.

  • It is only after having traced these one by one that we can properly review the process as a whole.

  • The joy of Menelaus on seeing Paris, Priam's ignorance of the Greek leaders, the speeches of Agamemnon in his review of the ranks [in book iv.], the building of the wall - all these are in place after the Greek landing, but hardly in the ninth year of the siege.

  • Many allusions to his English career will be found in works describing English lawyers of his period, and there are some interesting reminiscences of him by Baron Pollock in the Fortnightly Review for March 1898.

  • It is therefore part of the present inquiry to pass in review some of the claimants to be considered precursors of the Renaissance.

  • To understand his position a brief review of the Christian thought of the time is necessary.

  • The assembly is to have the right to fix its own time of meeting, and its decision in matters ecclesiastical is not to be subject to any review.

  • It was an ably written review, in which the theology of the Haldanes asserted itself in a somewhat dogmatic and confident tone against all unsoundness and Moderatism, clearly proclaiming that the former things had passed away.

  • For the relations between Bacon and Ben Jonson see The Tale of the Shakespeare Epitaphs by Francis Bacon [New York, 1888]; for Bacon's poetical gifts see an article in the Fortnightly Review [March 1905].

  • Few men, it is probable, have been more atrociously calumniated; but, when every specific statement to h s prejudice has been rejected, he still appears on a general review of his actions worldly, crafty and unscrupulous.

  • Another pathway to reputation was suggested by some remarks he saw in the seventh number of the Foreign Review, in an article on Damiron's French Philosophy in the igth Century.

  • His correspondent, Francis Haywood, made a counter-proposal which so disgusted Schopenhauer that he addressed his next letter to the publishers of the review.

  • Amongst them may be reckoned a translation by Mrs Lindner of an article by John Oxenford which appeared in the Westminster Review for April 1853, entitled "Iconoclasm in German Philosophy," being an outline of Schopenhauer's system.

  • In1848-1856he edited The Methodist Quarterly Review [after 1885 The Methodist Review]; from 1857 to 1860 he was pastor of St Paul's [Methodist Episcopal] Church, New York City; and in1860-1864he had charge of the American chapel in Paris, and there and in London did much to turn public opinion in favour of the Northern States.

  • In spite of the somewhat contemptuous notices in Blackwood's Magazine [September 1824] and the Quarterly Review [July 1815], it may be pronounced the best book on the subject in English.

  • This system of annual review and adjustment of the public finances obtains not only in the British colonies, but in British India.

  • The change in the use of particles and the comparative rarity of the definite article form, together with the startling divergence in vocabulary, the chief ground of our perplexity" [Church Quarterly Review, 1903, pp. 428 seq.].

  • In the case of the Canadian prisoners [1839] it was used to obtain the release of persons sentenced in Canada for participating in the rebellion of 1837, who were being conveyed throughout England in custody on their way to imprisonment in another part of the empire, and it is matter of frequent experience for the courts to review the legality of commitments under the Extradition Acts and the Fugitive Offenders Act 1881, of fugitives from the justice of a foreign state or parts of the king's dominions outside the British Islands.

  • During and after the South African War of 1899-1902 many attempts were made by this procedure to challenge or review the sentences of courts martial; see re Fourie [1900], 18 Cape Rep. 8.

  • Winstedt published it in the Classical Review [1899], pp. 201 seq.

  • In this review and in his numerous books he vigorously upheld the orthodox faith against the Dutch "modern theology" movement.

  • He also wrote for Nature and the Saturday Review.

  • Dr Anton Rezek is the author of important historical studies, many of which appeared in the Journal of the Bohemian Museum and in the Cesky Casopis Historicky [Bohemian Historical Review], which he founded in 1895 jointly with Professor Jaroslav Goll.

  • The assessment roll thus prepared is reviewed by a local board of review; an equalization between the assessing districts in a county is made annually by the county board of supervisors, and between the counties in the state every five years [and at such other times as the legislature may direct] by the state board of equalization, which is composed of the lieutenant-governor, auditor-general, secretary of state, treasurer, and commissioner of the land office.

  • A full bibliography of Graetz's works is given in the Jewish Quarterly Review, iv.

  • Having published in 1801 The Crimes of Cabinets, or a Review of the Plans and Aggressions for Annihilating the Liberties of France, and the Dismemberment of her Territories, an attack on the military policy of Pitt, he moved, in 1802, from England to Paris.

  • Talleyrand introduced him to Napoleon, who arranged for him to establish in Paris an English tri-weekly, the Argus, which was to review English affairs from the French point of view.

  • In 1825 he established the quarterly Biblical Repertory, the title of which was changed to Biblical Repertory and Theological Review in 1830 and to Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review in 1837.

  • With it, in 1840, was merged the Literary and Theological Review of New York, and in 1872 the American Presbyterian Review of New York, the title becoming Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review in 1872 and Princeton Review in 1.877.

  • Hart in The Jewish Quarterly Review for July 1907, the gist of which is that Jesus commends the Pharisees for insisting that when a man has vowed a vow to God he should pay it even though his parents should suffer.

  • With Eusebius of Caesarea the apologetic pamphlets of the age of persecutions gave way to a calm review of three centuries of Christian progress.

  • Augustine's explanation of its fall passes in review not only the calamities of Roman history - combined with a pathetic perception of its greatness, - but carries the survey back to the origin of evil at the creation.

  • The files and indices of the English Historical Review, Historische Zeitschrift, Revue historique, or American Historical Review will alone reveal the strength and character of historical research in the later 19th century.

  • In the preceding review of the English hill-systems it may have been observed that eastern England hardly enters into consideration.

  • The geographical distribution of the remaining more important English minerals may be passed in quicker review.

  • In 1865 Riehm was made a member of the commission for the revision of Luther's translation of the Bible, and became one of the editors of the quarterly review, Theologische Studien and Kritiken.

  • His urbanity and perfect ' On this head see the 3rd marquess of Salisbury's Political Essays, reprinted from the Quarterly Review.

  • He founded and edited The Universalist Magazine [1819; later called The Trumpet] and The Universalist Expositor [1831; later The Universalist Quarterly Review]; wrote about io,000 sermons, many hymns, essays and polemic theological works; and is best known for Notes on the Parables [1804], A Treatise on Atonement [1805] and Examination of the Doctrine of a Future Retribution [1834]; in these, especially the second, he showed himself the principal American expositor of Universalism.

  • He was associated with the elder Hosea Ballou in editing The Universalist Quarterly Review; edited an edition of Sismondi's History of the Crusades [1833]; and wrote the Ancient History of Universalism, down to A.D.

  • For Humphrey's correspondence with Piero Candido Decembrio see the English Historical Review, vols.

  • He edited collections of papers for the Camden Society, and from 1891 was editor of the English Historical Review.

  • Otherwise its jurisdiction is exclusively appellate, and every final decision of a district court is subject to review.

  • In 1734 he made himself master of Naples and Sicily by arms. Charles had, however, no military tastes, seldom wore uniform, and could with difficulty be persuaded to witness a review.

  • A remarkable manifestation of this unprecedented reunion was the fact that a committee of the associated churches prepared and published a catechism expressing the positive and fundamental agreement of all the Evangelical Free Churches on the essential doctrines of Christianity [see The Contemporary Review, January 1899].

  • From 1900 to 1905 he was the editor of the Monthly Review.

  • He also wrote a series of articles on the Russo-Turkish War for The North American Review.

  • Nicholas Mavrocordato, the first of the series, was himself the author of a Greek work on duties, and maintained at his court Demeter Prokopios of Moschopolis in Macedonia, who wrote a review of Greek literature during the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries.

  • Turkish rule was, however, definitely restored by the treaty of Kutchuk Kainardji, in 1774; and as from this period onwards Walachian history is closely connected with that of Moldavia, it may be convenient before continuing this review to turn to the earlier history of the sister principality.

  • Of poetry there is scarcely a trace during the whole period under review except some rhymed Psalters and a few rhymed dedications to patrons.

  • He was the founder of the first political and literary review, and he had a genius for discovering talent, and the merit of assisting it.

  • The only review devoted to the study of folklore is the Sazatoare, founded in 1892.

  • At the same time it is quite obvious, from a review of Mr Schreiner's conduct through the latter half of 1899, that he took an entirely mistaken view of the Transvaal situation.

  • There is a review of it by Carlyle [Miscellanies], the first two parts of whose own history of the French Revolution are mainly drawn from it.

  • The university publishes Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, the Journal of Physical Chemistry, the Physical Review, Publications of Cornell University Medical College, various publications of the college of agriculture, and Studies in History and Political Science [of " The President White School of History and Political Science "].

  • His writings include a number of essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review from 1804 onwards, various papers in the Phil.

  • A review of this book in German with copious quotations by von HammerPurgstall is published in Jahrbiicher der Literatur [Vienna, 1826], Bd.

  • In i 8 i r appeared his last philosophic work, directed against Schelling specially [Von den gottlichen Dingen and ihrer Offenbarung], the first part of which, a review of the Wandsbecker Bote, had been written in 1798.

  • Hamilton in the Edinburgh Review of 1829, and it was animadverted upon about the same time by Schelling.

  • Newman's retirement from the editorship; and in 1862 he merged this periodical in the Home and Foreign Review.

  • As early as August 1862, Cardinal Wiseman publicly censured the Review; and when in 1864, after D0111nger's appeal at the Munich Congress for a less hostile attitude towards historical criticism, the pope issued a declaration that the opinions of Catholic writers were subject to the authority of the Roman congregations, Acton felt that there was only one way of reconciling his literary conscience with his ecclesiastical loyalty, and he stopped the publication of his monthly periodical.

  • He continued, however, to contribute articles to the North British Review, which, previously a Scottish Free Church organ, had been acquired by friends in sympathy with him, and which for some years [until 1872, when it ceased to appear] actively promoted the interests of a high-class Liberalism in both temporal and ecclesiastical matters; he also did a good deal of lecturing on historical subjects.

  • The works of this school are little read, but in time its results penetrate the teaching in schools and universities, and then the pages of literary historians; it is represented in England by a fairly good organization, the Royal Historical Society [with which the Camden Society has been amalgamated], and by an excellent periodical, The English Historical Review [founded in 1884], while some sort of propaganda is attempted by the Historical Association [started in I 906].

  • But De Morgan's influence on mathematical science in England can only be estimated by a review of his long series of publications, which commence, in 1828, with a translation of part of Bourdon's Elements of Algebra, prepared for his students.

  • He made numerous anonymous contributions through a long series of years to the Athenaeum, and to Notes and Queries, and occasionally to The North British Review, Macmillan's Magazine, &c.

  • In the meantime, besides contributing regularly, first to the Saturday Review and then to the Spectator, and editing the National Review, he wrote the first volume of The Early and Middle Ages of England [1861].

  • Park, and the Andover Review [1884-1893], have been the organs of the seminary.

  • English Unitarian periodical literature begins with Priestley's Theological Repository [1769-1788], and includes the Monthly Repository [1806-1838], The Christian Reformer [1834-1863], the Prospective Review [1845-1854], the National Review [1855-1864], the Theological Review [1864-1879], and now the Hibbert Journal, one of the enterprises of the Ilibbert Trust, founded by Robert Hibbert [1770-1849] and originally designated the Anti-Trinitarian Fund.

  • Kraus in Classical Review, February 1908, that Aphaea, the cult-name of Artemis at Aegina, is of Semitic origin and means "beautiful."

  • We shall now pass the groups of the Arthropoda in review, attempting to characterize them in such a way as will indicate their probable affinities and genetic history.

  • No other legislature has ever destroyed so much in the Review of same time.

  • All that has been accomplished during the period under review may be attributed to improvements in implements for preparing the soil and planting the seed.

  • Price's Review of the Chief Questions and Difficulties of Morals was published in 1757, two years before Adam Smith's treatise.

  • Other distinguished philologists are his successor as head of the Latin school, Bjorn Magnusson Olsen [Researches on Sturlunga, Ari the Wise, The Runes in the Old Icelandic Literature - the last two works in Danish]; Finnur Jonsson, professor at the University of Copenhagen [History of the Old Norwegian and Icelandic Literature, in Danish, and excellent editions of many old Icelandic classical works]; and Valtyr Guc?mundsson, lecturer at the University of Copenhagen [several works on the old architecture of Scandinavia] and editor of the influential Icelandic literary and political review, Eimre151n [" The Locomotive "].

  • The students of the university he taught in daily lectures, passing in review the weightiest and lightest authors of antiquity, and pouring forth a flood of miscellaneous erudition.

  • The New England Homestead [weekly; published by the Orange Judd Company], Farm and Home, a semi-monthly, and Good Housekeeping, a monthly [published by the Phelps Publishing Company], and the Kindergarten Review [monthly, published by the MiltonBradley Company, who publish other educational matter] are important periodicals.

  • He adjusted his theories to the work under review, and condemned nothing so long as it was good work according to the writer's own standard.

  • The second book, which contains the review of Aristotle's dialectic or logic, is throughout Ramist in tone and method.

  • He contributed largely to The Gentleman's Magazine, The Monthly Review and The Library; and he had a good deal to do with the establishment and conduct of The New Annual Register.

  • Nearly one-half of the area under oats is to be found in Ulster; Leinster and Munster are fairly equal; and Connaught has something over ioo,000 acres under this crop. The area under barley and rye has also declined during the period under review by about one-half - from 345,070 acres in 1847 to 164,800 in 1905.

  • During the period under review the area under meadow and clover has increased by more than 50%, rising from 1,138,946 acres in 1847 to 2,294,506 in 1905.

  • There is a curious Chinese account of Ricci published by Dr Breitschneider in the China Review, iv.

  • At the ensuing review at Godollo, Kossuth expressed the sentiments of the whole nation when he doffed his hat as Damjanich's battalions passed by.

  • Washington came here in 1794 to review the army sent to quell the Whisky Insurrection, and the Espy house, which he then occupied, is still standing.

  • In 1849 the Mercersburg Review was founded as the organ of Nevin and the "Mercersburg Theology"; and to it he contributed from 1849 to 1883.

  • But the greatest Greek writer on the conic sections was Apollonius of Perga, and it is to his Conic Sections that we are indebted for a review of the early history of this subject.

  • Harrison [in Classical Review, January 1895] endeavours to show that Cecrops is the husband of Athene, identical with the snakelike Zeus Soter or Sosipolis, and the father of ErechtheusErichthonius.

  • His influence in Oxford was supreme about the year 1839, when, however, his study of the monophysite heresy first raised in his mind a doubt as to whether the Anglican position was really tenable on those principles of ecclesiastical authority which he had accepted; and this doubt returned when he read, in Wiseman's article in the Dublin Review on "The Anglican Claim," the words of St Augustine against the Donatists, "secures judicat orbis terrarum," words which suggested a simpler authoritative rule than that of the teaching of antiquity.

  • As shown by Burmeister in his historical review [1834], these animals, comprised by Linnaeus in the genus Lepas, first received a more comprehensive title from Cuvier, who called them Cirrhopoda, a word strictly meaning tawnyfooted.

  • It is impossible to consider in detail this long period in the history of plant-evolution, but we may briefly pass in review the most striking features of the vegetation as exhibited in the dominant types of the various classes of plants.

  • As a definite instance a short review may be given of the evidence of palaeobotanical records as regards their bearing on plant-evolution.

  • C. Butler may be found in the Downside Review [1893].

  • In a resume' it is manifestly impossible to pass in review every pharmacological substance, and we shall therefore confine ourselves to those groups which are of practical importance.

  • Of these, among the most remarkable was his review of Herder's Philosophy of History, which greatly exasperated that author, and led to a violent act of retaliation some years after in his Metakritik of Pure Reason.

  • With this may be coupled the review of Herder in 1785.

  • Since 1896 an indispensable guide is the periodical review Kantstudien [Hamburg and Berlin, thrice yearly], edited by Hans Vaihinger and Bruno Bauch, which contains admirable original articles and notices of all important books on Kant and Kantianism.

  • This book was undoubtedly written originally by a Jew but was subsequently revised by a Christian, as has been shown by Kohler in the Jewish Quarterly Review [1893], pp. 407-409.

  • Certain symbols pulled up certain features of the ships or angles of battle, similar to how picture-symbols in her video games on earth brought up different functions, allowing her to maneuver characters in the game or review the armament and skills of her opponents.

  • I like the brevity of this review.

  • I am interested in hearing from publications who want me to review their books.

  • Specific interventions were included in the review which measured and reported the success or failure of each.

  • Risk review management responsibilities are paramount to the boards of financial institutions.

  • It will review the way evidence is treated from a variety of theoretical perspectives.

  • The potential solutions were reiterated in the final document of the Review Conference.

  • I decided to review a deceptively subtle episode which seems slight on the surface, but actually contains many key themes and moments.

  • The student will develop an ability to critically review the literature.

  • This independent review also recommended the abolition of up front tuition fees.

  • We need a review of the process, which seems absurd.

  • Scholarly review of the many uses for fossils, up to the present day, including adornment, magic and medicine.

  • Professor Macrory said he would explore the possible relevance of the Law Commission's current review of the law on injurious affection.

  • Any person aggrieved by the SCI may apply to the High Court for a judicial review of the decision to adopt the SCI.

  • Radio JXL review He calls himself a " master alchemist, electronic daredevil and breaker of sound barriers " .

  • Members were asked whether any further information on other aldehydes was required, and their comments on the DH Toxicology Unit review welcomed.

  • This review incorporates new data on morphological diversity in galls from several large assemblages of Cretaceous and early Tertiary angiosperm leaves.

  • A recent review has indicated that sulfate salts tend to have lower penetration rates than other common anions.

  • We also review the amount of your income payments each year at the anniversary of the date your with-profits annuity policy started.

  • An updated systematic review has been included on prophylactic anticonvulsants.

  • Systematic review The review used an extensive search strategy for randomized double blind studies comparing antidepressants with placebo, or with other drug treatments.

  • In 1878 he was given the Dublin Review, which remained in the possession of successive archbishops of Westminster for nearly a century.

  • I will review the myGrid service-oriented architecture, and explain the kind of provenance support it provides to the scientist.

  • Planning and design skills, making skills creating wire armature, review, evaluation and modification of work.

  • Shooting modes include automatic, easy, movie mode, photo review, economy mode and scene mode.

  • Litigation through judicial review is a relatively blunt instrument.

  • The review is taking place as a result of a co-ordinated request from a number of organizations representing boaters, including IWA.

  • All authors included in the book boho review of contemporary poetry will be offered the chance to purchase copies at a reduced price.

  • A review of the best online spread betting bookmakers.

  • Like the review says - if it ai n't broken don't fix it - well, I'd say this is the problem.

  • This will result in a review that may prove more burdensome to the subject providers.

  • We review caravans, motorhomes, trailer tents, folding campers, tents and accessories, visiting dealers in all parts of the country.

  • This review should include the funding of education support teachers, school capitation grants, transport provision and school uniforms.

  • Our findings, together with review of the publications, provided clinical data for developing the current UICC staging system for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

  • Of cruises fell shack the shell review post-election Caribbean an early start.

  • We will review enzyme catalysis using the catalytic triad of proteases.

  • Mr A Marquis, former chairman of the Uniform Review Group spoke against the motion on behalf of the Brigade Executive.

  • Conclusion The preceding chapter has been a brief review of professional communities operating on computer networks.

  • A copy of the review report had been previously circulated for Members ' information.

  • Consider excess dietary vitamin A intake as a possible cause for congenital cleft palate when it occurs and review the mothers nutritional history.

  • We cannot have pharmacists who act like this. ' ' Top of page DoH hoping for judicial review to settle clothier?

  • The ECGD review has clearly failed to ensure the coherence of British government policy.

  • A second colloquium, to review papers prepared for the project, took place in Toronto in April 2001.

  • The review team was able to arrange for five new commodes to be purchased for use in the palliative care ward.

  • Adams castigated my biography of Thomas More in a review in the New Republic because I said the island commonwealth had no king.

  • Scope out the funding for an external person to review the concordat.

  • The UK Spending Review 2004 announcements rightly drew condemnation from the civil service unions.

  • One of the aims of the annual review of the assessment regulations is to improve the consistency of treatment of students.

  • Under Netherlands constitutional law, courts may not review the constitutionality of statutes.

  • The presentation will review the 5 papers covering the very recent issues on waste containment.

  • I welcome the contribution this review makes to the debate.

  • Issue 4 New Releases In this issue we review new releases, tres petit coronas and American cigars.

  • This article will review a few pointers that will help you safely buy a baby crib online.

  • There is an urgent need for a review of the legislation and an honest debate about the realities of youth crime.

  • The review shows how these fundamental ideas have remained in modern work, reflecting a science that has a truly cumulative element.

  • Review Four computerized databases were searched for English-language papers.

  • A review of research in this are has highlighted the dearth of information available to council safety and highway officers.

  • The review shows the dearth of evaluations of health promotion.

  • In November 2001 a judicial review ruled that creating cloned human embryos lay outwith the strict definition of embryos in the Act.

  • During the review conferences, at least two Main Committees often meet concurrently, which stretches the smaller, usually non-aligned delegations.

  • This guidance has been developed from a review of local landscape designations initiated in 2003.

  • Author's objective The objective was to review research on screening for gestational diabetes mellitus [GDM ].

  • The Consultation document provides a comprehensive review of the main issues raised by the practice of preimplantation diagnosis.

  • I can't even dignify this flaming turd of an album with a proper review.

  • The battalion disbanded in April, 1999, after a Government defense review.

  • We have not been asked to review critically the quantum of the orders or the exercise of the judicial discretion.

  • Year 2001 guest review Bar Moosh, Hills Road/Station Road I was totally and utterly disgusted with the whole experience that is Bar Moosh.

  • We review here several policies for the selection of patients for retroperitoneal lymph node dissection.

  • First, a general review of the literature pertaining to driver distraction.

  • However, a systematic review of gel dosimeters provided surprisingly little evidence for this claim.

  • In 1998, his legal team presented a dossier of evidence to the Criminal Cases Review Commission.

  • Social housing was a winner in the Comprehensive Spending Review of July 2000 expenditure will nearly double up to 2003/04.

  • Public Review draft, December 1993 The following changes have been made in preparing the public review draft for Version 2.0.

  • Finally, the journal contains a book review section edited by a one-time edited by a one-time editor of the journal, Lucy Newton.

  • Results of the review three clinical end points used to compare treatment efficacy.

  • The public are also embittered by some of the proposals coming from the Acute Services review.

  • The position of TDO remained empty for the entire period under review.

  • ExtremeTech has an overview of eSATA technology and a review of a LaCie eSATA enclosure.

  • The role of the lead ethics reviewer is to decide the ethics reviewer is to decide the ethics review outcome, having considered the comments of the different ethics reviewers.

  • This book is an eclectic review from a team of leading ethicists covering the main methods for analyzing ethical problems in modern medicine.

  • Data issues to be included in this Policy Review to include ethnicity of applicant.

  • The interim review You must submit evidence of work at the halfway stage of your project.

  • The other fair dealing exception covers use of a copyright work for criticism, review or news reporting.

  • The action agreed on the UK approach to data exclusivity in the 2001 Review was completed.

  • As the new year starts we learn of a further review of the ecclesiastical exemption in planning.

  • But surely this is just another ' review ' based fanzine?

  • Leading playing card a seamless community review wpte's filings.

  • Their detailed filmography provides an excellent A-Z guide, and they even provide a critical review of other vampire film books.

  • Please read the Guidance Notes and review the application process flowchart carefully.

  • It will consider fluorine when the findings of a review of fluorine by the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals are available.

  • The review included RCTs with at least 6 months follow-up in which clinical event outcomes were measured.

  • Spending Review 2000 SDA targets 8. The SFO seeks to deter fraud.

  • First Judicial Review Attempt " We have lost a battle, but the war against electoral fraud continues " - John Hemming.

  • Review On first impressions, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly outstanding about Paul Tonkinson ­just your average funnyman.

  • By detecting the gamma rays produced, it is possible to measure the electron velocities in the sample under review.

  • This book provides the equine expert and general veterinary practitioner with a complete review of the latest information on all aspects of equine gastroenterology.

  • The BBC director general, Mark Thompson, is also talking to staff today about the wider implications of the Creative Future review.

  • Review 2 12 June 1997 Mathew Parker Benefit There have been some rum goings on in the Leopard recently.

  • Ovulation induction with urinary follicle stimulating hormone versus human menopausal gonadotropin for clomiphene-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome [Cochrane Review ].

  • Jack Womack going Going gone - a review by John Grant.

  • The review rightly identifies indefinite suspension as an excessively harsh penalty for a doctor who is sick.

  • Review The review focused on observational studies in which hysteroscopy was compared with results of the reference standard of endometrial histology.

  • The review aims to include historiography, erudition, philosophies of history, methodologies of historical research and didactics of history.

  • A review of vitamin E toxicity studies concluded that humans show few side effects following supplemental doses less.. .

  • Add your review Karen - " hysterical " I thought this comedy was absolutely hysterical!

  • Within the space of a book review, to detail all the fictions piled into " Secret World " is utterly impractical.

  • In this issue the European Review takes a look at one of the recently inaugurated sites.

  • So is the necessarily incomplete form of the procedure before later Review Conferences filled in the gaps in politically easier times.

  • The Critical Review and the Quarterly feared that the extensive use of Scots would prove incomprehensible to an English audience.

  • A new modified Chartered Professional Review for those who are already incorporated tests only the additional attributes required of a Chartered Engineer.

  • In addition to the monthly Review, subscribers also receive in-depth Research Files plus access to our online Salary Surveys Directory.

  • Review teams are not infallible, they don't always spot all of the problems.

  • He allowed for the creation of a three man Ad Hoc Committee to review the cases of those who claimed innocence.

  • In addition, subject areas are reviewed every three years through a subject and program quality review scheme that includes external input.

  • The review was carried out by Jim Rose, a former director of inspections at England's schools ' inspectorate, Ofsted.

  • Over time the magazine had various subtitles, including " monthly intelligencer " and " historical review " .

  • A follow-up review of the Rules on registering and declaring interests is now underway.

  • SpeechPhone SoIP & VoIP Review. project interim managers Dialing is about to become a thing of the past.

  • They are mainly investigative in nature and they cannot review legislative proposals.

  • I also applaud review wpte's filings season IV 's champions around the wpt.

  • Doing a systematic review is rather like gathering together all of the pieces you need to complete a jigsaw puzzle.

  • A positive change economic review hennessy k the health insurer.

  • Would some literary whizz kid in the club care to write a review or two?

  • I just wonder whether the OFT Review Team will look at this potentially serious lacuna in the regulations.

  • The Company has also stated that it will review the cost of providing these external laterals.

  • Linseed seeds act as a gentle bulk laxative and their use has been demonstrated through use of case examples and a literature review.

  • The primary outcome in the review was the overall anastomotic leakage.

  • In examining any trial or review, the watchwords are caveat lector!

  • Some potentially malignant lesions can be managed by regular review, with or without medical treatment.

  • The review should have slammed the coffin lid on nuclear power once for all.

  • If you wish to place an order for the website review lite, we'll schedule the work in and get started.

  • Topics will include a review of multiple linear regression and will then focus on logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression.

  • There's an art to turning your web lookers into bookers Introduction to web usability and a site review of ' Jenners ' .

  • This review examines the roles of the major fibrinolytic factors involved in clot lysis.

  • The Review rejects a lay magistracy, claiming that lay people could not handle being involved in " high profile " cases.

  • In the COM review purified malathion referred to 96% pure material.

  • The car was awaiting review by a GM rep to see what caused the malfunction.

  • There were no health and safety objectives for managers and no performance review to assist managers to assess and improve their performance.

  • Review how much your investment manager is charging you to manage your savings and decide whether this represents value for money.

  • They should therefore establish the mechanism for a thorough future review now.

  • We propose to hold a meeting in early March to review the first steps of the process.

  • Following the recent boundary review, the Council comprises 44 elected members representing 17 wards.

  • There are just two clear messages for people to take away from this review.

  • Review concluding that these drugs should be reserved for patients unresponsive to at least two other disease modifying drugs, including methotrexate.

  • Set up a schedule of meetings to review progress at key milestones in the project.

  • Our review of treatments for opiate misusers in a primary care setting was constrained by resources [time, staff ].

  • Such an action plan would need regular review since events arising over time would necessitate pragmatic modifications of intents and strategies.

  • The project will then review the scenario template used in THEA in the light of this more recent work and suggest modifications.

  • For an excellent review of genetic modifiers of atherosclerosis in mouse models, see Ref.

  • To support a of premiums pauly review europe holiday insurance spring Murray.

  • A review of patients receiving nifedipine or amlodipine at two GP practices was carried out in line with British Hypertension Society guidelines.

  • In Tameside the review and assessment identified nitrogen dioxide and particulates as the two pollutants unlikely to meet the air quality objectives.

  • Review by John Davies Amazingly prolific nonagenarian Oliveira is the least known of cinema's few remaining grand masters.

  • Pataky's laudatory review of The Sound Of Music had a non sequitur at the end.

  • The global non-proliferation norm has been firmly established - and it has been reaffirmed in your last two review conferences.

  • A wonderful collection of linked novellas King of the City The Edge's review of maybe the best Moorcock book of all.

  • I Hope amazon will publish this review although its unfavorable A little too self obsessed... .

  • As part of the review, studies that have used omega 3 and 6 fish oil supplements in schools will also be looked at.

  • Although participants had to register and receive human approval, there was apparently no further review of the submissions before they appeared on-air.

  • The results we review give grounds for cautious optimism.

  • Herbal therapy for treating osteoarthritis [Cochrane Review ].

  • They have also welcomed the positive outcome of the 2000 NPT Review Conference.

  • Martin Rowson We are the true outsiders of journalism British Journalism Review Vol.

  • Newer technologies such as vacuum packing and mass deacidification are under review to determine their potential for future use.

  • The review should not copy or closely paraphrase other work, whether published or unpublished, without due acknowledgment, as this constitutes plagiarism.

  • Such guidance does not form part of the Local Plan Review.

  • But we will need to make sure the review committee fully understands the needs of adults and other part-timers.

  • This review revealed a paucity of references relating to the use of PBL in Sociology.

  • The review did not discuss specific interventions, as its main purpose was to highlight the paucity of evidence.

  • In our original response to the DCMS Charter Review we expressed our support for the BBC opening their archives to license fee payers.

  • All additives under a toxicological cloud to be withdrawn immediately pending a complete review of their safety.

  • The application has been withdrawn because of the local opposition it encountered, but also pending the current review of licensing policy.

  • There are no provisions in the regulations to review an ill-health pension in payment in the light of later medical evidence.

  • It was concluded that the specialist oncology pharmacist was an appropriate person to take over the review of these patients in a follow-up clinic.

  • An editorial in the Lancet, linked to a review of asthma phenotypes, calls for the abolition of the term asthma.

  • Members recommended that the report should also include background information from the ACP review of hydrogen phosphide.

  • The Clerk reported that a village pothole and pavement review had been completed and the respective pothole repairs completed in May.

  • However, an exhaustive review of systems is neither practicable nor would remain exhaustive for very long.

  • In my previous review I hinted at his sexual preference, which still does well here to convince me of the fact.

  • The conference will review the evidence, past and present, for round houses in Scotland during later prehistory.

  • Include a 300 word review of a TV presenter who's made an impact on you over time.

  • Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg aims to complete the review of the pact during his country's presidency of the European Union.

  • Prime Creates a plot that can help you rapidly review the primer binding sites for the primers selected by the program.

  • Owners, managers or even auditors can also be assigned review privileges.

  • Judicial Review If the above fails, a newspaper or broadcaster can initiate proceedings to challenge a court decision.

  • The court proceedings arise out of his review by the Parole Board.

  • Hewitt also launched a review into the regulation of the accountancy and auditing professions.

  • Last year I had been present during the annual review of associate professors for tenure.

  • Like the review below says, this is an amazing TV prog.

  • Review on the impact of genome-wide approaches in developing new prognostic and therapeutic strategies.

  • The facility audit is intended to promote a review of policies and procedures for continence promotion in the ward, practice or residential/nursing home.

  • We have recently won a landmark Judicial Review challenging the crown prosecution services decision not to prosecute his employers for corporate manslaughter.

  • A review of your pension provision may show that this is not the case.

  • He began his career in the entertainment industry as a film publicist before becoming a journalist with ' Film Review ' .

  • The Review was set up against a background of negative publicity against social work staff following several high profile abuse cases.

  • Send a review · Please help us to help our visitors by sharing your views on the Hauck infinity pushchair - Rockstar Baby.

  • The quinquennial review process carried out by the Membership Committee is supported by the quinquennial review process carried out by the Membership Committee is supported by the quinquennial review procedures carried out by the Modality Sections.

  • Read review August 1999 Torrential Rain hits Windsor Around lunchtime on Sunday 8th August, Windsor was hit by a freak rainstorm.

  • I've been trying to sort out your review rating system, and I'm not doing too well.

  • This is purely an announcement list to inform readers where to find new reviews posted on the NHI Review website.

  • Also, during these meetings, the advisor suggested readings for literature review.

  • In this context, we seek concrete realization of our commitments at the fifth Review Conference of the BWC.

  • He also rebutted the notion that existing policies relating to terror alerts ought to come under review.

  • We review the Jesus Myth web sites as well as those who have taken the trouble to provide a rebuttal.

  • The retention of a book [even a costly book] is hardly adequate recompense for the time spent on composing a proper review.

  • How can I put review in a sentence?

    I read the book reviews in the newspaper. The educational software was sent to teachers for review. Verb Scientists are reviewing the results of the study. I need time to review the situation.

    What is the meaning of is being reviewed?

    to think or talk about something again, in order to make changes to it or to make a decision about it: The committee is reviewing the current arrangement/situation.

    How do you use revue in a sentence?

    The reclusive legend tours a soul revue. He hosted a weekly broadcast for armed forces radio and put on a satirical revue about army life. She was a popular revue performer since the 1920s, and made her breakthrough in film in 1937.

    What do you mean by review?

    A review is judgement or discussion of the quality of something. Review also means to go over a subject again as part of study or to look at something another time. Review has many other senses as both a noun and a verb. A review is a critique of something—a look at something's good and bad points.

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